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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 13, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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tough driving once again as we're starting off the broadcast it's been raining steadily. the roads are wet. it's going to be a tough drive use drive on the east shore freeway. give yourself plenty of time. this is actually 880. this is a look at the east shore freeway. that traffic is moving well. we have a couple of incidents out there. heyward, there's a crash on 288 near 580. watch for the crash there. this is 238 north and then across the bay, there's a mud slide driving through the devil's slide area. one lane is blocked. we have a lot of slow traffic where the weather is pretty severe. people are driving really slow. give yourself time this morning. let's go back to the desk. the storm caused problems at bay area airports. lightning hit a united aircraft. the plane returned to the
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airport and no one was hurt. the airplane says 238 passengers were on the boeing and on route to london. maintenance workers are expecting the aircraft. the lightning created quite a display around 9:00 last night. this is what it looked like from our studios. several bolts of lightning hit the tops of cranes at the port of oakland. about 50 minutes minutes ago, a pg&e representative said customers are without power. it's supposed to be restored from 5:00 and 7:00 this morning. san francisco power has been restored after downed power lines cut power to 2,000 last night. there's also concern that heavy
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rainfall could cause a sewage overflow. overwhelmed storm drains forced sewage into homes and business there is. it's a setback for the stable cafe. they're going to have to close and clean and disinfect. the city worked on the system but that did little to prevent the he is. >> this area is prone to flooding. it's a natural drainage basin. the water runs down the hills and ends up here. >> sandbags are piled high outside the store fronts. right now business owners are waiting to see if they will be in another day of cleanup. >> rain on a store's roof to collapse. we're going to have continuing storm coverage throughout this morning. you can take a live look at
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your storm radar on we're following the shooting of a deputy in modesto. huge flames shot in a sky from an parent house. at the time, swat teams believe the suspect was held up inside that apartment house. at this hour, it is still not known if the suspect was inside or if he was hurt or killed in the fire. just hours ago, the county sheriff acknowledged the flash bang devices and tear gas likely set off the fire. >> they launched gases into the apartment in an effort to get the suspect to surrender. >> the stand up and fire followed a fatal shooting. deputy robert paris was killed. he was a 16--year veteran. the other victim worked as a locksmith in modesto. a scare for people living
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near the conoco phillips refinery. there was concern about a possible hydrogen release. as the crews put out the fire, crews checked the air and they did not find any chemicals. it's been given the all clear. nadia locklear is denying she sent out an e-mail. it was an apparent call for help. the message stated she could no longer stand the torture and harassment of a lover who beat her in a hotel room. the same one blames her husband for getting her hooked on drugs. >> she claims she's fine and a hacker likely sent out that e- mail. >> new charges of racial
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profiling. officers may be forcing blacks, latinos and other minorities to sit on street curbs more than others after minor traffic stops. >> everyone ordered to curb sit and record the specific reason for the traffic stop. they also want officers to wear small cameras on their uniforms to record everything that happens during those stops. several walnut creek bar and restaurants are threatening to sue the city over new restrictions. last night, the planning commission voted to move forward on new rules they believe will make it easier to crack down on problem businesses. those include making businesses operate under a permit that could limit the hours they can serve alcohol. >> it's a more effective tool we can use to deal with the rare situation where we have repeated problems occurring with a particular establishment. >> some business owners say
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they're not part of the problem and are being unfairly punished. they've formed their own group and have hired 18 lawyers. >> well, barring cancellation because of rain and, again, steve thinks this is going to go forward, the giants will play their home opener. matt cain is scheduled to take the mound. the giants have started the season with 2-1 record. getting their second win yesterday in colorado. before the season started, the giants set a record. they sold the most season tickets since the team started playing at at&t park. there are 29,255 season ticket holders this season. that eclipsed the previous high set back in 2001. that ballpark seats 72,000. that means seats are taken for every game. the giants say ticket sales are strong with 2.7 million tickets already sold for this season. well, time now 4:37. we always hope for friday
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lights, but it doesn't look like that might happen. >> well, on fridays, sometimes people have the option of perhaps not going, at least not going when it's raining. so we'll see what happens. today's driving is just as tough as it was yesterday at this time. let's call todd and take a look at the mud slide we have here on the coast. this is on pacifica. it's a mud slide. a lot of slow traffic. look at all the red. the read indicators mean the highway is slowing down here, especially south of highway 92 and so i would say that 280 is a better bet at this point than highway 1. 101 seems to be better than that. as we move the maps across the east bay, we have a crash at 238 and east 14th. let's take a look at live traffic pictures. bay bridge, not a big delay. it's going to be tough driving, though, getting into san
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francisco. this morning we're looking at northbound 101. our camera here, that looks good. again, heavy rain coming down. 4:38. let's go to steve. >> not as bad as yesterday morning, but still very tricky. there's lots of standing water around. usually the last one in the pattern is generally the strongest. that's the truth here with this one. we'll continue with heavy rain this morning and then the upper low has to combine and when that does this time of year, that's really going to get things going later this afternoon. the possibility of any kind of weather today, hail, thunderstorm possible, but it's mainly for rain and it's a steady rain and it will continue to stack up for a couple of hours. we have a long way to go. the system coming in, it's already doing that and thunderstorms are likely later today and then the cold pool comes down. you get this in february or march, but you get it in mid- april. you get any kind of sun breaks
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and that means an active pattern. showers and thunderstorms are definitely possible today. live storm tracker 2 shows some precipitation. san jose all the way points north. some of it is not being picked up. upper 40s, some very low 50s. temperatures extremely cool as the system slides in. as it does, high pressure is behind there. it won't be in until saturday. keep the rain gear handy. by about 9:00 onward, it will be hit and miss. there could still be a quarter inch to an inch of rain. there could be really heavy rain for a while. so by tonight, the system is on its way out of here and we'll have better conditions tomorrow. cool rain and then afternoon showers and sun and temperatures in the 50s, just a really cool day. thunderstorms colder, really, really tough call today.
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i will stick by what i said. they will play. there's too much rain in the forecast. clear and breezy on saturday. warm and calm conditions go conditions -- going into sunday. this is the last weekend to get those taxes done. the deadline falls on april 15 april 15th, but this year you will have until tuesday, april 17th. that's because the 15th is sunday and monday is emancipation day in washington, dc. under the tax code, the deadlines cannot fall on saturdays, sundays, or holidays. there's a warning to the people headed to the sierra. plus, the emergency meeting scheduled. why north korea still has not said a word about it. and the injuries suffered by the mayor of newark, new jersey as he rushes into a burning building trying to save his neighbors. it's raining and it's going
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to be a little bit of tough driving this morning on some of the freeways.
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well, take a look. these are live pictures of interstate 80 near king vail in the sierra. big rigs headed up the mountains. right now a winter storm warning is in effect for that area. over the past 24 hours, over a foot of new snow has fallen. there are restrictions in place
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for interstate 80 and highway 50. that winter storm warning is expected to end tonight at 8:00. repairs today at a good will store after its roof collapsed under the weight of rain from a recent storm. workers reported hearing a strange noise that kept getting louder and then the building supports gave way and a portion of the roof collapsed. firefighters say the roof drain was plugged and that rain had nowhere to go. >> they found other blocked roof drains. in those areas, they were able to clear the debris to let the roof drain properly. >> no one was injured in the collapse. a lot of store's items were damaged. good will employees are hoping donations will come in to make up for the inventory that was lost. today's search for sierra lamar will be at the reservoir.
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crews took turn diving as deep as 60 feet. santa clara sheriff's department turned up areas of concern in the reservoir. the 15-year-old lamar has been missing for about a month. in new hampshire, a police chief is dead and four other officers are injured after being shot during a drug bust. it happened in greenland thursday night. a man remained held up in a house with a woman and then police went in and found them both dead inside the home. two of the officers are in intensive care. the other were treated and released. the police chief that died was days away from retirement. a deadly shooting at the cracker barrel restaurant in ohio. a woman called police yesterday after saying her husband was upset because she told him she was leaving him. officers say they heard gunshots. when they arrived a woman and young girl were found dead and
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another woman was taken to the hospital. police shot and killed the husband after he refused to surrender. police have not confirmed if it was his wife and daughter who were shot. the man who said he shot trayvon martin, his attorney is trying to get him out of jail. there's a bail hearing next friday. zimmerman appeared before a judge yesterday as prosecutors outlined their case. o'mara said he's learned about the evidence but he's hoping for one thing. >> i truly want to try to bring down the level of anger and animosity, frustrations, emotions that are in the case. >> an affidavit prepared said zimmerman was acting in self- defense.
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o'mara said zimmerman will plead not guilty. an emergency meeting today regarding north korea's failed rocket launch. it broke into pieces in minutes, and the satellite it was carrying failed to reach or orbit. the white house said is launch is still considered a provocative action that threatens security and sigh violates international law. >> it's a failure. there's obviously a gap in the technology. the ballistic technology of north korea. >> the launch -- the failed launch is considered an embarrassment to north korea. the government had invited journalists from around the world and so far the journalist said no one from the government has said anything to them about the failed launch. protesters took to the streets in a u.n. brokered cease fire. security was tightened and
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outside mosque in advance of protests. we're told security forces fired into the air and beat a protester. it was said a team of united nations observers is prepared to enter into the country if it's approved later today. in election 2012 coverage, rick santorum says he left the money because the money dried up. the news media questions about when he would drop out made it tough to raise money. santorum has not said whether or not he's going to endorse front runner mitt romney. the next primaries are april 24 april 24th, new york, rhode island, pennsylvania, and delaware. well, president obama heads to latin america today. it is a three-day trip and the president is going to kickoff a trip with a visit to tampa bay
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florida. a controversial commit about mitt romney's wife even have president obama weighing in. it all started when hilary rosen criticized mitt romney when he said he relies on his wife for economic concerns regarding women in america. >> rosen said she doesn't recognize that because she, quote, has never worked a day in her life. >> there's no tougher job than being a mom. i don't have patience for commentary of spouses of political candidates. those of us in public life, we're fair game. our families are civilians. >> hilary rosen has apologized for her comment saying she chose her words poorly. >> the mayor of newark, new jersey is recovering from burns
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and smoke inhalation after rescuing his neighbors from a fire. booker and his two security detail officer went inside. booker said he heard cries from help coming from up stair, but he could not find anyone. he thought he was going to have to jump out a window, but then heard the woman's voice again and was able to find her. she's recovering at the hospital in stable condition. your time now, 4:50. the sharks are getting ready for game two of the stanley cup playoffs. we'll show you fan reaction and what player helped save the team from defeat. plus, she got the least vote for fans, but she's not done yet. what the judges did to keep the contestant from leaving the show.
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well, the sharks sharks are off to a good start in playoffs.
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they score. >> there it is, they defeated the blues in double overtime in st. louis. the game-winning goal game from martin -- that was the reaction at the old wagon saloon and grill. niemi made 40 saves to keep san jose in the game and keep fans hopeful that the seven seeded sharks will win the series. before last night, the sharks had not beaten st. louis all season. the sharks return to san jose for game three on monday. it's 4:54. we have problems on the road. trying to get you to work this week, staal -- sal. it's tough out there.
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the san mateo bridge, going to see a bunch of slow traffic. actually, not slow traffic -- well, i will say slow. people are driving slow, but it's not crowded. so give yourself flynn of time. this morning the guy who's driving slow is doing the right thing when it's raining heavily. let's take a look at interstate 880. that traffic is moving along nicely. the you're driving at the bay bridge toll plaza, so far not a big delay, but gusty on the bridge. >> let's go, steve. >> where was this rain in january and december? and february? during the winter. it was supposed to be here. now it's here. this is the strongest part of the system. it's also the current one in the pattern. the pattern will change and this is a whopper of a system. especially in april. rain moving through. moderate to heavy. just an incredible light show last night. mother nature, it was from about san francisco down to
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santa cruz mountains. now today we could get another widespread of weather. thunderstorms likely later on today. it's a cold pool that settles in. today will be the coldest day, upper 50s for highs. could be a few sun breaks. there will be showers and thundershowers. right now it's paving the north. the heavier rain from the peninsula and right over the east bay and you can see where the heaviest line is. fairfield, that looks to be the heaviest right now. it's cool out there and it's going to be a cool day. it's 48 at the oakland airport. temperatures today will not travel very. the whole system is sliding right on. snow has made it down to 1500 feet. i think parts of -- if you don't have to travel in the mountains, i wouldn't today. morning rain, moderate to heavy. there could be burst of it. then turning very, very showery
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and severe weather. if today is the day, if we're ever going to get severe weather, things line up pretty well here. i hope they play. really do. i don't think they will play at 1:35, but i think they will play. there's going to be off and on rain in the area. clear and breezy in the area. next rain would be next wednesday, but it looks like it's favoring areas to the north. time now, 4:56, and the judges save for american idol is now gone. last night, 16-year-old jessica sanchez got the least amount of votes, but the judges spared her from elimination. that means next week two people are going to be cut from the competition. well, we're continuing to stay on storm watch this morning. we'll have more live team coverage coming up. plus, a live stanoff in modesto
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is still going how it started and the latest on the suspect accused of killing a sheriff deputy.
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good morning. lightning lit up bay area skies. look at the pictures causin


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