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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 12, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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. well, it certainly is not a common occurrence but a touchdown did touchdown outside
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of stockton. it was caught hovering yesterday afternoon. the national weather service confirms an "f" one tornado touched down, nobody was hurt but the twister destroyed one man's shed. it was left covered by. >> loom number debris but his house was spared. >> i heard a loud, loud noise and i ran out to look out the back window and i saw a big old cloud. when i came into the window, my shop was in the air and i got hit by all the wind and my chap fell to pieces. >> they were estimate observed it around 90-mile-per-hour. well the wild weather also caused hail stones. they were covered the size of march bells. highway patrol officers had to shut down part of highway 9 but it is back to normal.
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they tell the fresno bee the ail may have damaged the crops. they are looking for suspects. it handed out side of a bar. we have the latest on this investigation, alex? >> reporter: well police say this deadly shooting stemmed from 'argument between two groups -- an argument between two groups and they opened fire and this all happened just before 9:00, two men shot in the head. the second victim transported and the other man is now listed in stable condition. they reviewed stable video from the nearby bar. at this point they don't have a goodies description on the shooter but this a all happened
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in front of travis air force base. police do not tell me how long they were there. alex savage news news. in west oakland, two men were wounded at 10:00 last night. the gunfire appears to be tied to another shooting a few blocks away. police are still searching for suspects. the neighborhood watch volunteer is expected to make his first court appearance today. last night george zimmerman arrived to turn himself in. you can see him there, he covered his head and now there is a second murder degree charged on trayvon martin who
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was unarmed. trayvon martin's family talked about the prosecutor's decision. >> we wanted an arrest, nothing more, nothing less we just wanted an arrest and i got it. >> the open silverling in this is my brother is safe. he most likely can't be hurt or killed in the way he has been on the run and underground in the streets for some time now. >> he says his client plans to plead not guilty. several deaths are now being blamed on the inn dough nearbyian quakes -- inn nearbyian quakes. there is a new website dedicated to the missing teen sierra lemar. it has details about the ongoing search efforts for the
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teen. she disappeared as she was heading to school and they are now examining under water sent nor images from two south bay divers they will let us know if anything suspicious is detected. it happened as a boy was crossing the street. a woman willing out of the complex went into him. the boy had some minor leg pain what and was taken to the hospital as a precaution. a father and daughter were killed last week while riding their bikes and was laid to rest. the two were hit and killed on saturday when an suv jumped the cup of and ran into them. many say the two were up
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acceptable. >> she never went anywhere without her dad. she was daddy's little girl. >> the 17-year-old driver of the suv has been released from custody but he could be reorested and charged if they determine detracted driving was the cause. 28-year-old won garcia was hit and kid wild riding his bike. it happened at the intersection of bear avenue and 33rd street. since there were no witnesses they do need the public's help to find the driver. they are parting ways with the sports bay television station. he has been let go after spending 25 years behind the mike. he will now host the show himself. he said he will have more to say in the coming days but he did say this was an am mixible
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parting. your time now 4:38 and we want to go to ken salazar and we expect this to be a very busy day with all the rain that is coming done. >> it is going to becoming down put it is tough driving. if the rain were to succeed, instead of anything else, traffic will be slowing down and when you get hit with really heavy rain you naturally slow down and that will slow your trip and there is a lot of standing water when you move through. no major problems issued by chp for area drivers so just be careful whether there is a
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caution or not for spanned drivers. >> how long would you wait? >> i would wait an hour. just hunker down but this is a really intense band that is going through. here comes the ban right there, when you see yellow and red, that is really intense. i saw people slow down to 35 miles per hour. this is like the mid west where you pull avenue on the side stream. we have not had it slow down but maybe another hour of this thing and we will be out of the 40s. it looks to be a fool cool plus
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are you day. but up with system is moving through and what we call it will cold trough but once it gets going it will help to destable lice the atmosphere and it will start to turn rainy, it does not look as ominous as it is and then we'll see a colder rainy day. we will have cooler brief heavy rain and it is not an all day rain event. upper 50s or very low 60s and if you can wait i would, it will be about an hour it is a goes through. now 441, details emerge overnight about a plan that could bring thousands back home from afghanistan . and a search
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for a woman who attacked a restaurant manager. why they are saying her shoe can be considered a deadly weapon. we already have a new crash that sounds serious on open freeways coming up.
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. good morning, we have an incredibly intense band coming through, highs today, 50s and 60s and some off and on rain. a los angeles freeway is back open after a police chase ended in gunfire. just before 10:00 police were chasing this car. when the car finally stopped, the 19-year-old jumped outside the passenger side door and ran away. the driver was pronounced dead at the scene. the pentagon is proposing a strategy that would replace thousands of troops paired with afghan forces. the idea is to help them
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withstand a taliban onslaught. most have to be out. they reported several large earthquakes around the world. a magnitude 4.4 radelled the area and the area is still reeling from 8.2 quakes. at least five people were killed and the causes of death ranged from heart attacks to shock. about three dozen fell and they had hit that region in the past day. a 4.4 tremor shook the area and that's where a 6.9 and 6.2 hit. people working in mexico city ran onto the streets. the epicenter was in the remote mountains of western mexico and so far there are no signs of any damage.
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and the oregon coast is not related to the trimmers. they hit -- tremors. it did not significant any tsunami warnings. san francisco police are looking for a woman who attacked a restaurant owner with a high heel shoot. the attack happened last weekend. the woman got into some sort of altercation and he tried to inn veer convenient and that's when she hit him in the head. >> that is when he had a very serious up your are you. the alleged victim is also offering a $500 reward in connection with the case. a proposed law would crackdown on restaurants and bars goes before a city commission today.
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it would force businesses to comply with standard set by the city. it has been put to several reason ones in the city and it could read that increased prices and loss of revenue. there is a long awaited wrong for the infamous pepper spraying on sitting protesters they point the finger of blame on uc police for a communications break down during that demonstration. it also claims he said his officers felt threatened and we offed it on our website. if you want to look at it go to the 58-year-old edwards is
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accused of conspiring with finance laws and accepting illegal contributions. it centers on two campaign donors to help hide his pregnant mistress during the campaign. he denies knowing about it and if convicted he faces a cover up. they voted 86 to 62 in favor to end capital punishment. it will replace a maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole but it will not affect the innate currently -- inmates currently on death row. they are expected to sign it into law in the next few days.
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it look a little different. >> this is the first election using the first open primary system. for the first time, regardless of party for the first time everything appears on the november ballot even if they are from the same party. >> it could be two one cans, two democrats, we don't know we will find out. >> it has led to a more crowded ballot in some case. all parties are all listed tag in one place. the men and women both were 23
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were suddenning when they were shot. a man was seen running from the scene after that shooting but no description of the man has been released as of yet. what the attorney general said they did and how some customers maybin fit from that lawsuit. and with the san leandro crash, there was a wrong turn that led to tragedy, we will have more coming up. stay tuned.
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. a freight train slammed killing an elderly woman. the driver was going down williams street when she accidentally turned onto the tracks and got stuck. they tried to get her 78-year-
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old mother out of the car but ran out of time. >> unfortunately that happened in nighttime. we are always want to help two people, so we are so sad. >> the driver was not hurt in the crash and union city police are investigating. >> they a lently finished the objection book. it says they adopted a policy that raised the price of e.books by two or three dollars. that led to customers paying more than they needed to for popular titles. three of the two have agreed to settlement amazon has slashed prices some less than $10.
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hello sal. traffic is doing well despite the bad weather however there are some problemmed spots. we do have an overturned vehicle blocking two lanes but it is early and driving conditions are not good. westbound 580, to lanes are blocked, the for marshal is on the scene, -- fire marshall is on the scene. we are getting an update here which says, nobody was serially injured. the traffic here looks good as you drive passed the coliseum and it looks like it may not be raining as hard as it was just a few minutes ago. we do have some slowed traffic here in parts coming down from
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richmond and in legally are -- berkeley it will be an extremely tough drive. the good news is it is moving through fast and i would give you another hour because it is just incredibly heavy rain falling. there is a lot of water on the roads, you can include roadway flooding, brief heavy rain had system will be pushing through the south bay as well. it will not be completely dry 0 the rain will turn more showery and then colder air comes in and we will have more into tonight and tomorrow. here comes the next system so
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we have a long way to go, at least 48 hours. 40s to 50s on the temperatures and it is very intense and the next one, for off and on rain, have your freeze to say, there would not be a bigger surprise, cooler breezy and turning colder with occasional rain and wind. we will have a breezy at times pattern and there will be some sun. it does look like things will clear out on saturday an i will have to get rid of that. it looks warm are next week. all right, your time to sum
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you up this morning's commute we do have troubled spots across the bay area. we just spoke with police, what they are saying about an investigation going on, stay tuned for more.
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