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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  December 28, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST

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and good morning, everyone. welcome to "mornings on 2."
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i'm mike mibach. >> i'm maureen naylor. it's wednesday, december 28th. we begin with developing news out -- out of sacramento. a southwest jet is back at the airport after it struck a bird on take-off. it was headed from sacramento to southern california when it had to circle back. there did not appear to be any damage. this all happened within the past hour. so far there are no reports of injuries. the runway was shut down as a precaution. coincidently, another plane was at the same runway and that plane blew a tire. there were no injuries. that plane is now grounded. it was headed from sacramento to seattle last night. and we're following another story about a plane right here in the bay area this morning. federal investigators will arrive on the scene of a small plane crash in concord. it happened yesterday afternoon
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at buchanan field airport, not far from highway 4. lorraine blanco joins us with new information about the crash and the pilot. lorraine? >> reporter: good morning. i just got off the phone with buchanan. the ntsb will be out here this morning. newschopper2 shot this video right after the crash. it happened just after takeoff on tuesday afternoon. the pilot and his passenger suffered minor to moderate injuries. we took a look at the records for the small aircraft. it's registered to chester robins of pleasant hill e got his -- hill. he got his private pilot's license in 2008.
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in the meantime, the runway remains closed as investigators from the ntsb try to figure out what went wrong. reporting live from concon-- from concord, lorraine blanco. alameda deputies are done ducting a sweep. they are -- conducting a sweep this morning. a sheriff's office tell us there are more than 400 warrants they are attempting to serve today. about 30 minutes ago, police officer began serving the warrants. ktvu has a crew with them. there is a $2500 reward in connection with the attempted kidnapping of a boy in oakland. he was playing outside of had his -- outside -- outside of
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his home on arrowhead. the man tried to lure him with candy. the man is african-american, he was a mustache and was wearing a green shirt as well as dire -- dirty shoes. there's now a new camp in oakland. paul chambers has more. >> reporter: good morning, maureen. they said they've been here for four days. he you see that fencing? that's where they are on this enclosed vacant lot. we can take a look at video here. here is a bird's-eye view of the encampment which has about 14 tents inside. the groups say they are in for the long haul. occupiers say they want a positive view to come off this.
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they plan to establish a base into a more secure and stable place. >> this is how we're gonna do this, we're gonna find a benign place where we can establish ourselves and then grow in a healthy way. >> reporter: this is the second occupy encampment here in west oakland, the first one was on 1th at a home in default. occupiers claimed they had permission to stay there but the owner ordered them off the land. we'll stay on top of this and bring you the latest as this one develops in west oakland. they say they plan to have more people come in. we spoke to the san francisco police department just a short time ago.
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officers are still sitching for suspects in an overnight shooting -- searching for suspects in an overnight shooting. a woman was shot and wounded. she's expected to survive. it's not clear what led up to the gunfire. dozens of people are without water because of a water main break on leonard drive and williams street, not far from interstate 880. at some point, water up to 2 feet was gushing from the pipe. right now some streets are flooded. about 40 to 50 households are without power. crews are still working to shut the water off. once that is didn't they will be -- once that is done, they can start repairing the pipes. governor brown is weighing in on california's future. he touched on a variety of issues. we'll have that at 7:15.
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7:07. sal is off this morning. tara is in for him. there's some roadwork going on? >> that's right. it will last for about an hour. caltrans is out replacing trash barrels, sand barrels. you can see how it's very slow going. the barrels are what protect you from the concrete barrier on the offramps. so be aware. you can see the brake lights it's been stop and go for the past half-hour it will continue until 8:00. in the south bay, 280. traffic is looking great. but up in san francisco 101 northbound right where it switches to 80 before the bridge. this just sort of came on our screen here. this is causing some back up as you make your way to the bridge. as we pull out, you can see just how this has caused congestion as you try to make your way downtown or if you are trying to get to the bridge.
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so be aware of that. let's go to steve. >> thank you, tara. we have high clouds. that will probably be the end result. temperatures, 30, 40s. the pattern's changed a little bit. the pacific northwest will be get some rain. but a set of lows diving into same. it will give us some clouds and that's about it. but it's still a dry forecast. so high clouds, warmer lows but mild afternoons under partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. you can see some the of those clouds driferpting over us. there has been rain drifting on the north coast. picking up a little bit of rain for us. if anything calls it will be light. it takes a bigger system than that. 36 napa, some 40s around. some upper 30, low 40s. there's just not a lot left of this system. so maybe mendocino county. and at least the pacific northwest is getting rain. they need it. there will be heavy-duty totals
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up there. if you have travel plans, prepare for rain. i've seen projections of 4 to 8 inches. partly cloudy, 60s on the temperatures for most. the excompended -- the extended outlook, one system gives us hope. after that it's done. i thible this is going to go down as the second driest december in san francisco. an elaborate sendoff for a controversial leader. ♪ >> how north korea today said goodbye to kim jong-il and the big crowds turning -- turning out. a new kind of swine flu is happening in some states. howdy folks! jack box here, with my new outlaw burger.
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other places have bbq burgers, but not with the kick this one has- outlaw means it's loaded with hickory-smoked bacon, onion rings and topped with my bourbon barbecue sauce. and i'll tell you somethin' else they don't have- -my outlaw spicy chicken sandwich. yehaw! whoa! whoa whoa whoa whoa.. ride that spicy chicken!
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good morning. a cool shot. you can see some of the higher clouds. it will be partly cloudy today. one more hope of rain this month and that will be on friday. tens of thousands of mourners turn out -- turned out in north korea for the country's late leader, kim jung ill. his youngest son, kim jung-un, walked along the hears. many people sobbed as the cass pet went by. there were gunshots in the air. he died of a heart attack. tomorrow a national memorial service will be held. 7:13. today the syrian government says it has released 755
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prisoners who were involved in anti-regem protest es. the prissners were arrested over the last -- protests. the prisoners were arrested over the last nine months. syrian authorities say more than 4300 prisoners have been released since november -- since november. egypt's ex-leader, hosni mubarak, is back. he's been resting at a hospital since april. he's charged with the deaths of 40 people. if convicted, he faces the death penalty. as republican candidates continue their push in, texas governor is making headlines by shift his views on -- shifting his view ons -- his views on abortion. >> reporter: we are bringing in
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feeds of the candidate's speech. here's texas's governor rick perry in irwindale. he's trying to appeal to voters, that he opposes abortion. inle now, perry said he supported abortion in certain cases but said he saved his -- changed his mind about seeing a document mentry about a week '. he's also talking about his record on the campaign trail. >> and finally, the unborn children, including signing -- [ applause ] >> while the race is getting nastier, mitt romney is carrying newt gingrich's campaign to lucille ball and the chocolate factory. and why romney seeps to be getting a -- seems to be getting a boost in iowa.
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that will come in my next hour. back to you. the republican candidates have set a record in campaign spending so so -- spending so far. nebraska senator ben nelson will not one for reelection next year. he won his first term back in bow. he was -- back in two. he was facing a tough campaign. his retirlt will make it -- retirement will make it more difficult for the democrats to maintain the majority in the senate. in an informal setting outside his office, governor brown sat down with the press
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for an end-of--the-year review. he gave himself a passing grade, calling his first year back as governor as a success. >> we cut the budget, $26 million in half in one year, and this come year that will dominate the first six months. >> governor brown is expected to outline his new budget and unveil a tax initiative next month. he said schools will be in pretty good straits while the state itself will be in mitch better shape at the end of his term than when he started. a long-time fixture hat oakland -- at oakland city council meetings has died. sanviy handa was found dead in his home yesterday. his family said he was feeling ill earlier this week but his cause of death is unknown.
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handa was 55 years old. sentencing is scheduled for two hours from now of a convicted gang member killing this man. he was riding his bicycle and was shot in the east bay. prosecutors say the gunman, michael hartsman, belonged to a rival gangs. jurors took less than two hours to find him guilty of murder. he faces 50 years to life. the swine thru seems to be making a comeback. since august, 12 people in 12 states have come back with some type of the virus. 11 of them are children. health officials say the new strain does not appear to be as dangerous as the 2009 swine flu virus. so far there have been no races -- cases reported in california. president obama and secretary of state hillary clinton are wrapping up 2011 with a little admiration.
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both of them have stopped the -- topped the list of the most add hired woman in the world. that's according to a usa gallup poll. president obama is joined by joenkts w. bush, reverend graham, oprah winfrey, michelle obama and condoleezza rice. this is the 16th time hillary clinton has topped the list of most -- of most admired people. it's been a chilly holiday week. steve paulson will be up next to tell us what to expect during the final days of 2011. and the bad news for bay area commers that could send the wrong message. 0 -- 880 near the coliseum, and some accidents up in contra costa.
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welcome back. 7:21. citrus growers in the san joaquin valley have waged an expensive battle with the cold. they have spent about $87 million on can crops. the weather was cold enough to damage fruit this week. the south bay moms group, they were the victim of the lucky card skimming. the money was going to be used for beef jerkcy, tuna and energy bars to be sent to troops in afghanistan. this story has generated $11,000 in donations. a free holiday event is peaking held in berkeley today for a special group of children. it's taking place at the chin's
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museum. the event -- at the children's museum. the event is for special needs and their families. there will be hands john dpits and an -- hands-on exhibits. a few -- there's fewer drivers out there. we want to get to tara. there are some issues in contra costa county that you are following. >> that's right. we have a traffic hazard in martinez. it looks like we have a stalled
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vehicle in the center divider. let's take a look at our maps and we can show you. it's right here. highway 4 westbound at mckuhn road and we also have a traffic accident at deer creek drive. that's in the process of being removed. there is a tow truck out there on the scene. it looks like a noninjury accident. and then a pedestrian in the road at danville. 880 near the oakland coliseum. we've been seeing some construction at the high speed offramp. that's causing delays. it should be wrapped up in about a half an hour. at the golden gate bridge, traffic is flowing very nicely into san francisco. not seeing any of that fog that we were seeing yesterday. here's steve. we do have a little bit of a pattern change. some higher clouds streaming by. they don't have much support so i don't think anything can
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happen here. a few little returns on radar. had to wake up to the stormtracker. i doubt any of that is reaching the ground. this system has produced okay rain on the north coast. i think it will fall apart as it moves south. 30s and 40s. concord, oakland, some upper 30s around. if it weren't for the cloud cover, we would be cooler. there is a component of high pressure there. the pattern has changed. instead of diving into the four corners, southern california is taking the aim. they will get some pretty good rain there for the next fee or five days. lows in the 30s, 40s. partly sunny, partly cloudy. high clouds and hazy skies. very mild towards the share valley. more clouds to the north. a little bit more raise and sunshine to the south. extended outlook has an
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increase for clouds. and then high and dry for the weekend. it's a story we've been following for the past hour, another emergency at the sacramento area. just about 70 minutes ago, why a southwest airplane is forced to an emergency landing. >> reporter: federal investigators will be out here at buchanan airport in condition cord to -- concord to investigate a small plane crash. we'll tell you what's open and what's closed.
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a dui warrant sweep is happening in alameda county. deputies met up in livermore to begin handing out warrants. they are attempting to serve more than 500 warrants today. so far, no arrests have been made. we have a crew riding along with officers and deputies and we'll continue to update the situation as more warrants are served. >> this morning more federal investigators will arrive on the scene of concord at a plane crash site. lorraine blanco has more. >> reporter: good morning. the small plane is sitting
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here. this is as close as we can get. now that the sun is up you, can see a few sheriff cars behind it. they are waiting for the national transportation and safety board to get here. this accident hanked around 3:30 -- happened around 3:30 tuesday afternoon. the single engine plane nose- dived down and we did some research on the small plane. it's registered to chester robins. he got his pilot's license in 2008. according to operations here, the rest of the airport, including three runways still remain open and are ready to use. reporting live in concord, lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. >> in the past 12 hours there have been problems with two
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separate southwest airline flights out of sacramento. in the past hour and a half, a southwest jet hit a bird during takeoff. the pilots issued an in-flight emergency and had to return to the airport. the other plane was headed to ontario in southern california. these are pictures of -- these are pictures of the plane after it landed safely. there are no reported injuries. southwest crews were seen checking the plane a few means ago -- moments ago. coincidently the plane landed on the same runway where another southwest jet had trouble last night. that plane was taking off about 6:00 yesterday evening. when it -- when it blew a tire. 130 people were on board and passengers say it was a frightening experience. >> got half bay down the --
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halfway dunn the -- got halfway down the runway and there was a popping sound. >> passengers used a portable stairway to get off that plane. no one was injured. that flight was on its way to seat small a skydiver is dead after an accident in southern california. it happened in the perris valley sky diving field. witnesses say the man's parachute opened but he hand -- but he landed at a bad angle. authorities say he was an experienced skydiver. more than 150,000 jumps occur at that facility every year. police are offering a $2500 reward for information leading to an arrest for a man who sexually assaulted a woman. the man is described as an
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after am man, 5'6", weighing between 140 and 150. walnut creek police plan to file charges against john aster at his home. police say the alleged victim is a boy who was shot a student at any of the schools where after the -- where astor works. on friday at the national shrine, the church staff noticed smoke coming from one of the wooden collection boxes. they managed to put the fire out before it spread.
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george gascon will release details about margarita mokia who was returned -- crushed by a machine. prosecutors piled criminal charges against the deposit. or be -- against the company. a judge ruled yesterday that he could be criminally responsible. there are already more than a dozen stents at what he is being called the cypress triangle. this is oakland's first occupy encampment for the last five weeks. paul chambers will have more at 8:00 a.m. and the governor is weighing in on the ports.
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he says everybody must do what they can to keep the port open. that would mean calling in as many law enforcement agencies as is mess. occupy has shut dune the port two times in the last six months. mayor quan says the city may be able to -- may be unable to keep the area open. occupy protesters are planning a mass demonstration. they had been negotiating with occupy -- occupiers the last few weeks. stay tuned. it's gonna be pretty incredible. the people's precession, we the people march. the people's pa said a counterpoint to the corporate parade that much -- -- that day
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-- that day. no spare-the-air alert has been issued for today. but that could change this weekend. bay area air quality officials are did -- are considering another burn banning area. authorities say soot from holiday firefighters is part of the problem. regulators say they received more than 400 tips of people lighting wood fires on christmas. it has been a dry winter and some drought concerns are starting to surface. this time last year, rain was coming down in buckets.
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and the sierra was buried under a -- under that storm. >> i would say we're playing a wait-and-see game for now. i will say conservation is always a good thing for our customers to be aware of. >> east bay m.u.d. says it's always a food idea to practice good -- good idea to practice good habits. you novemberer know what it can -- you never know what this can bring. dry this morning, calm on the roads locally unless you are looking at the area in oakland. that's right, you have repairs causing congestion. you did see track is very slow going. caltrans is replacing traffic barrels and sand birms at the high speed offramp.
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and this is expected to continue for the -- for about the next 20 minutes if you need to use this freeway. up next we have a look at some hiccups here along the -- there's the maps. there's three cars that had a little bender bender -- fender- bender and they are approaching the metering likes. we have a disabled vehicle westbound and then another in the flat section of the bridge, another person with some mechanical problems it looks like some people need some new cars for the new year. and -- and 101 -- and 101, nothing experienced there.
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here's steve. thank you. sunshine now, just a looking if we don't get rain late friday, saturday. that will be our last hint for this month will go down to the second. patterns are changing. instead of the lows diving down towards southern california in the four corners they are now taking aim in california and they need the rain, too. >> if you have trouble plans up there, they've gone from relatively dry and are gonna go really wet here. 5 to 8 inches. up there, not there. dry december. i don't think we're getting anything from the system. we do have some -- we'll see
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what happens. you can see the cloud cover kind of breaking through right here. there's not a lot left. there's been rain up to arcade yu, pleasant city, there's a little rain. i doubt any of that is hitting the ground. i doubt. at least something on the temperatures. temperatures are still cold, but you cloud cover is holding it for a minute. not for us this may drag across us late friday and saturday. morgan hill, mountain view, sunnyvale, but temperature the kind kf cooling down a little bit thursday/friday. there's that hint. mostly cloudy to cloudy into early saturday morning and then we clear it ut ut -- clear it
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out and sunday looks -- clear it out. and sunday looks better. the as move to the south bay may have been thrown a curve. the giants will fight to keep their territorial rights. he says he still owns the land. a trend has emerged from this year's holiday shopping. it just may sur prifern you -- survive you. you-- that may surprise you. and a little less magic at disneyland. why the fireworks display has been sus spnded. spnded-- suspended.
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7:43. a little more than an hour of trading. want to give you the latest numbers on wall street. the dow has been dropping today. s&p has fall p below at 200 -- fallen below at 200. another low-volume day for investors as we begin to 2012 to begin. the dow is currently down 77 points. s&p is down 10. the nasdaq is down 25. this year online shoppers say price was not their number one concern. it's the first time since the 2008 financial meltdown costs were not the top priority. shoppers say they were more concerned with finding more information about possible gifts and the best quality of
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presents. was rated the best for holiday sales, period. last year cyber shoppers spent $30 million between december 1st and december 26th. ford says it could sell 40,000 versions of the ford fusion. that could be a record and up from last year when the fulths was introduced -- fusion was introduced. the nfl's only publicly- owned team says it only has 30,000 shares of stock left to sell. the green bay packers have sold nearly a quarter million -- 250,000 shares. proceeds will help leno -- reno
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late lamb beau field. the -- lambeau field. the wisconsin badgers and oregon ducks will be fighting it out but they were all smiles when they saw each other a couple of hours ago. the two teams met up at disneyland for a day of fun. they were greeted by mickey mouse. this is a tradition started by walt disney back in 1959. the donald duck logo used by oregon was a gift from walt disney to oregon athletic department. all of the floats for the parade are being worked on and getting ready. gigi grasette is live with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, maureen. good morning, everybody. this is where the manic is
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being made. just outside of pasadena in irwindale. take a look at the -- this is parsley. if it's not green, it's a flower. we have rice, lentils, all of these folks they actually started to work on the floats last year. that's when the designs went in and the planning started. they are already planning for 20 -- for 2013. we have girl scout troops. local volunteers local hospitals. every float dash ka a lot of people don't know this -- every float has a message. this is the a.i.d.s. foundation, honoring elizabeth taylor. they have done a wonderful thing. this is salvador ginn with the
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found days. if you want to honor a loved one, you can do that. what do you have to to do? >> text the word "flower" to 20222. and we'll handwrite the person's name whom you have lost and place it on the float. we have about 10,000 already that people have texted. we have about 60,000 that will be circlaying the ribbon that will be on the float -- circulating the ribbon that will be on the float. they have room for 50,000 names. and this is good for anywhere in the world that you can text. text 20222 to the word "flower." and they will write those on one of the 50,000 roses and your loved one will be honored during the parade. thank you so much. that's the latest. we're live in irwindale where
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the magic is being made for the rose parade. back to you. also in southern california, disneyland is working to sphiks some technical -- fix some technical issues that have caused their nightly fireworks show to be canceled. last thursday, a disney employee was taken to the hospital for a noise-related injury due to the fireworks. that employee was treated and released. the countdown to 2012 is on and preparations are underway. yesterday we are at the -- we were at the w hotel in san francisco. 600 guests are expected to party. the manager said tickets there are selling faster than in previous years. the increase, he says, is good for business. >> i think people are just ready to spend again. maybe they've been saving up for this special occasion.
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7:49. the calendar may lead to more patients this new year's eve and day. there was a 50 crs increase in patient -- 50% increase in patients last year from the year before. california pacific medical setter expects saturday will be the big -- busiest night afrt bars close around 2:00 -- after the bars close around 2:00 a.m. >> we've doubled our coverages at all definite campus -- at all of the campuses. typical injuries are alcohol poisonings, car accidents and
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fights. a holiday nightmare. the major crash that brought traffic to a screeching halt on one of california's busiest freeways. the famous movies that are officially listed as classic.
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a big rig accident in manteca caused traffic to completely stop on highway 99. cars in bolt directions were stuck -- both directions were stuck on the highway for more than four hours. the highway patrol says a big rig side swiped a car, slammed into the overpass and burst into flames. the driver was taken to the hospital. caltrans is checking to see if there's structural damage to the overpass. thousands of water heaters are being recalled. the tankless heaters have an unstable connection that creates the risk of carbon monoxide. all of the water treaters are white the they were sold across the country between february of 2008 and march of 2009. consumers should stop using the
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water heaters immediately. your time is 7:53. war of the worlds bambi and silence of the lambs are the films to be added to the national registry. forest gump is the newest to be included of films, tv, sound and recording the. this year's films have release dates from 19122004. hollywood is mourning -- 1912 to 2004. hollywood is mourning the death of cheetah the chimpanzee of "tarzan" passed away after suffering kidney failure. cheetah appeared in films in the 1930s and the chimp was roughly 0 years -- 80 years old. let's check in with tara. she has information about
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repair work gog on -- work going on. >> reporter: yes, it's wrapping up early. this is a live look from the ground here where they've opened up 8 0 back up -- 880 back up. it does look a little slow. it might be a little while before things are comrootly back to normal. we can show you in hayward we have a three-car crash minor. it's been blocking the lanes and it's been moved to the shoelt der. a stalled car on -- shot shoulder. a stalled car on west tennyson road. in san francisco, traffic flowing dwell on 101 on the right-hand side in san francisco and downtown to the bay bridge. let's check in with steve. thank you, tara. i had a nice tweet from june. her lowest was 41. the overnight lows have come up due to the cloud cover. it's a very weak system.
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it's not gone do a lot. there has been about an inch in crescent -- crescent city. 30s, 40s on your temperatures, it's still 30s for some but not the upper 20s or low 20s due to the cloud cover. what's left of the -- what's left of the system will give us high level clouds. late friday, early saturday is our last hope for rain. doesn't look like much. if we don't get any rain between now and the end of the month, the the second driest december ever in san francisco. kind of hazy, partly sunny, partly sunny. sunday looks warmer. 7:56. developing news from the sacramento airport. another runway emergency after a big problem last night. this one happened a short time
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ago just as the runway was reopening. >> reporter: occupy protesters have taken over a new area in the bay. and a major police operation now underway in the east bay. this new video that came into our newsroom.
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good wednesday morning to you. welcome back. i'm maureen naylor. >> i'm mike mibach. happening right now, a dui warrant sweep is being conducted in alameda county. this is new video into the ktvu newsroom from livermore where police just arrested one woman while she was working at a safeway. she's now being taken to santa rita jail in dublin. the sheriff's office says there's more than 500 warrants they are attempting to serve today. the sweep began at about 7:00 a.m. this morning. new this morning, more information about the emergency landing of a southwest airlines jet in sacramento a short time ago. the plane took off a little bit after 6:00 this morning. but moments later, it hit a bird. the flight was headed to ontario in san bernardino
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county. after the boeing 747 struck the bird, the pilot called for an in-flight emergency and immediately circled back. emergency vehicles surrounded the plane and it safe landed. southwest crews are inspecting the plane. there are no ports of injury. shsh -- there are no reports of injury. another plane was on that same exact area with blown tires. that plane was headed from sacramento to seattle last night. this morning federal investigators will arrive on the scene of a smeal plane crash in concord. it happened yesterday afternoon at buchanan field airport, not far from highway 4. the pilot and passenger were hurt when the sing of-engine plane crashed over -- crashed after take-off. the plane then went down on a grassy field right near the
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runway. the pilot and passenger are listed in good condition at john muir medical center. they are expected to be released later today. records show the aircraft is registered to chester robins of pleasant hill. he's a member of the mount diablo pilots' association. his picture is posted on the organize's website. it shows robins with the small plane that's now badly damaged. we'll have a live report from the scene at 8:30. the time is:00. there's a new -- is 8:00. there is a new occupy encampment and tents are being set up. paul chambers has more. >> reporter: the protesters have been here for four days, it's hard to see them but they are located behind this green fencing here in the vacant lot. here is a bird's-eye view of the encampment which has about
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14 tents. the groups say they are in it for the long haul. they have food, a table and an established paramedic. they want to -- and this lot is gonna be their ground zero. >> if we can just establish a base and expand from there, orderly, as a staging area, a safe, secure, stable place. >> reporter: this is the second obpie encamp inment in oakland. the first west oakland site was at 1th and lyndon at a home which was in default. occupiers first said they had permission to stay there. the owner wanted them to leave and they left that land without incident. back out here leave, there's only 14 tents out here. but they plan to make this their home base and plant to grow bigger. there's a $2500 reward being offered in connection with the attempted kidnapping
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of a 9-year-old boy in oakland. police say he was playing outside his home on arrowhead drive on monday afternoon when a man walked up to him and tried to lure him with candy. when the boy told him know -- him no, the boy ran away and his his parents what happened. the man is after am -- african- american, 5'6", 160 pounds. he a green shirt on and dirty shoes' -- and dirty shoes as well. police are still looking for suspects in an overnight shooting, where a woman was shot and wounded. she's expected to survive. it's still not clear what led up to the gunfire. sentencing is set for the individual who shot the individual riding his bicycle
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in east oakland last may. prosecutors say the gunman belonged to a rival gang and faces some 50 years to life in prison. dozens of people are without water because of a water main break in san leandro. sat some point water was bushing from the -- gushing from the pipe leeing parts of the street underwater -- leaving parts of the street under water. crews are still working to shut off the water. once that's done, they will have to make repairs on that broken pipe which do take -- which could take several hours. we're six days left before the iowa caucuses. coming up at 8:15, we're gonna have a live report from our washington, d.c. newsroom with the comedy show that mitt says
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behinds him of -- that mitt romney says beminds him of -- reminds him of git's campaign. com-- commuters were able to have their fare exempt. advocates for mass transit say the cuts are sending the wrong message at a time when people are being encouraged to use mass transit instead of driving. :05. i was wondering, tara, how many people are gonna take vacation this week are go to work. it appears a lot of people took the week off. >> reporter: i would say that's a fair assessment. we m a lot of cars with -- we had a lot of cars with mechanical problems and some fender-benders, nothing
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serious. let's head out to the pittsburg area where your traffic looks great. no delays to concord or 680. along the east shore freeway it's been a little bit windy there. the camera's been bouncing around on emeryville. this is probably the most heavily traveled freeway at the moment. also we had some crowding on the 80, the oakland coliseum. it looks like traffic is getting normal. 8:06. here's steve. we do have a -- well, kind of hey die skies. partly sunny, partly cloudy. the farther north you go, there has been some rain in the state. up towards crescent city. observe observer has had an inch of rain. this system won't make it this far south. we have one more time for rain and that will be friday into early, early saturday.
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if san francisco doesn't get rain, and i don't think it will allow to much -- this december will be the driest. we're losing the wind events but the rain moving into the pacific northwest is much needed. it's much needed here, too. we just won't see much. we had one on 15th. one system there. i think that's it. unless we get -- maybe the north bay. but overall, this is not a game changer. pattern has changed a little bit. we'll be in the treeks em -- in the extreme southern end of it. you can see a little bit clipping across lake county. way too dry. we need things to moisten up. that's not happening are with this system. 30s, 40s, due to the cloud cover. a lot of rain forecasted for the seattle/portland area, extreme northern california but not for us.
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very little will -- very little will make it over the hast few day -- last five days. wouldn't surprise me. for these of you here in 1976, very similar. 76. 50s and 60s. we still have time to go now. january, february, march. 50s and 60s. san jose at 65. high clouds tomorrow. then we cloud it up. late friday, saturday is our best bent for a event -- for a rain event. thanks, steve. citrus growers have waged an expensive battle against the cold. they spent about $87 million for this their crops of the temperatures this week -- those cold temperatures are enough to damage the fruit if it is exposed for more than three
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hours. there will be an event from 3 cck to 7:00 -- 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and there will be hands-on exhibits as well as a art studio. this is meant to give kids a fun, educational experience. the south bay moms said they are overwhelmed -- the south bay moms group said they are overwhelmed. there money was taken to be sent to troops serving in afghanistan. now the san jose mercury has resulted in $11,000 in donations. it happened overnight. thousands lined the streets to pay their last respects to a controversial leader. ♪ how north korea said goodbye to kim jong-il.
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the threats from roye that could cut off a world from a very important oil supply. and a new list is out find out who are this year's most admired people.
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good morning. welcome back. the time is 8:12. tens of thousands of mourners turned out in north korea for a funeral precession for the country's late leader, kim jung ill. his youngest son, kim jong-un,
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walked along the hearse. many people sobbed as the funeral precession passed by. soldiers fired their rifles 21 times. and a huge portrait of the smiling leader was positioned on tonight of the limousine that led the precision. he died of a attack and he was 69 years old. tomorrow, a national memorial service will be held. republican candidates are turning up the heat in iowa this week as ktvu's alison burns reports, some of the toughest it is between front- runners mitt romney and newt gingrich. alison? >> reporter: almost all of the candidates are in iowa again today, and they are stepping up the attacks against each other ahead of next week's iowa caucuses. newt gingrich who said he would not go negative is blasting mitt romney for raising taxes as governor. he's also firing back at anti- gingrich ads run by romney
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supporters. >> i would say mit is, if you want to run a any tive campaign and attack people, at least be man enough to own it. that's your staff and that's your organization. those are your millionaire friends paying for it. >> reporter: mitt romney is taking digs of his own about gingrich not getting enough signatures to make it on the ballot in virginia. >> i think you compare that to -- hearl harbor -- pearl hare -- hare bore -- like looseil -- lucille ball at the chocolate factory. you gotta get things organized. alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. the republican candidates have already set a record in campaign spending. together, the presidential hopefuls and the political action committees that support them have spent more than $10 million and radio and tv advertisements in iowa this
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month alone -- in radio and tv advertisements in iowa this month alone. nebraska senator ben nelson has announced he will not run for reelection next year. he won his first term as a democratic senator back in 2000. he was facing a tough campaign against several republican challengers. his retirement will make it more difficult to government ha released 755 prisoners vo -- 755 prisoners. the release is part of an arab league initial tib to end months of unrest in the country. syrian authorities say more than 300 prisoners have been released since november. we have more video of hosni mubarak taken to court today the was taken to a cairo
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courtroom by ambulance. his face hidden by security guards. he's been under arrest -- in unarrest since april. 8:15. despite predicting massive budget cuts next year, governor brown see as brighter future for california. he sat down with reporters yesterday for an end-of- -the-year review. he gave himself a passing grade, calling his first year back as governor a success. >> we cut the budget from $26 billion in half inian year and that thumb congress -- half in one year and that will dominate the first six months of next years -- next year. he says schools will be in pretty good straits in two or
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three years. while he says the state itself will be in much better shape at the enof his term than when he started it. the swine flu seems to be making a bit of a comeback. angst august, 12 people in -- since august 12 people have come down with a subtype of the virus. 11 of them have been children. they say the new strain does not appear to be as dangerous as the 2009 swine flu virus. so far, no cases reported here in california. 8:17. a new list is out of the most add mired people and two former rivals are taking the top spots. president obama and secretary of state hillary clinton topped the list of the most admired
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man and woman in the world according to a "usa today" gallup poll. president obama is joined by president bush, bill clinton, billy graham, oprah winfrey, michelle obama, sarah palin and condoleezza rice wound rounded out the top five for women -- rice wounded out the top five for women. a water main pipe burst burst yeks to the broadway plaza center. several businesses reported flooding, including crate and barrel. crews finished the work at 9:00 last nicht. and a design flaw is being blamed for a water main break that sent water shooting 60 feet in the air in south san francisco over thanksgiving weekend. san francisco says an engineer
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failed to include a crucial joint that holds connecting pipe lines in place. more than a million gallons ut wearer -- of water went out. there are no estimated totals on damages. up close and personal with president obama, the one-of-a- kind photo opportunitand the 8-month-old baby at the center of it. and it's been a dry and chilly holiday week. meteorologist steve paulson, will tell us what we can expect during these final days of 2011. 280 in san jose looking good at this hour. we're gonna take a look at your bay bridge bridges -- coming up next in traffic.
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dramatic video of a police car crashing right into a restaurant in new mexico. yesterday customers say they had just sat down to dinner when the vehicle crashed in the patio. everybody ran out outside to see what happened. and one man realized the dammer may not -- dakeer may not be over -- danger may not be over. >> i smelled gas. >> workers say leaking gas to the fire was getting too close to a nearby propane tank. police say the officer was on his way to a call, running slights -- running lights and sirens when he was hit by another car. a handful of cars were damaged in the crash. but nobody was hurt.
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time is now 8:22. apple is not commenting this morning on a 12.2 million fine imposed by the italian government. anti-trust regulators say apple's italian force did not provide enough information to customers. they specifically said that it was to encourage their product assistance program. but they weren't told that italian law requires three years' assistance. an 8-month-old baby is making memories with president obama. while posing for a captain in -- a while posing for a hawaii in -- while posing for a picture in hawaii, the parents of the-month-old were shocked -- of 8-month-old were shocked. >> we're getting them framed.
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we have the newspaper printing the articles for us -- article for us. as for president obama, he is laughing the whom thing out. he said -- the whole thing out. he said he thought the baby might be attracted to his big nose. let's toss it to tara in for sal. if you are working, it's nice because traffic is lighter. >> reporter: definitely. if you didn't get the time off for work, a food time to go into -- a good time to go into the office. cars just streaming into san francisco. we had a lot of fog there yesterday. san mateo bridge, we've had a couple of hiccups with stalled vehicles and that sort of thing. it looks pretty good. and finally the golden gate bridge. a beautiful shot.
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great as you come into san francisco this morning. let's head over to steve. a very good morning. high clouds around. that's about it. there won't be much in the way of rain. there has been some. cnt city has had about an inch. gasky's had some rain. so at least somebody in the state is getting some. 30s for some, 40s. now the cloud cover kind of helped a little bit. it's still cold but not as cold as the upper 20s and 30s we had. system is losing all of its support. there's just not enough left. there's plenty up to the north. if it does not rain in san francisco, then it will be the second driest december ever. today, partly sunny, partly cloudy. higher clouds out there but that will be about it. lows, 30s and 40s. a few high clouds, very hazy
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skies. part of the peninsula in the east bay, low to mid-60s. we'll see a cooldown the next couple of days. the extended forecast has your weekend in view. there's the clod you -- there's the clodding up. after that it keys out and the first, it looks -- after that, it clears out and the first and second look dry. mike? >> thank you. >> reporter: federal investigators are due out here at buchanan airport in concord this morning. we'll tell you what we know about the plane in a plane crash and the victim. it's another sign the 49ers are now one of the top teams in football. what eight players will do a week before the super bowl, that is, if they are not playing in the super bowl. [ child ] it's so cool!
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you can put a force field on him and be invisible! [ child 2 ] i call first player. no. i already called it. [ dad ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ louder ] hello? but we still need your signature. right now during sign then drive, it's never been easier to get the all-new passat, the 2012 motor trend car of the year, for practically just your signature. that's the power of german engineering. visit
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at least one woman has been arrested during a dui warrant sweep in alameda county. want to give you a live look outside dublin's santa rita jail. the woman was taken here for processing after being picked up by police. she was arrested just 30 minutes ago while working at a livermore safeway. sheriff's office tells us there are more than 500 warrants they are attempting to serve today. the sweep began at about 7:00 a.m. several agencies are participating. federal investigators will arrive on the scene of a plane crash in concord, at buchanan airport. lorraine blanco is joining us live this morning with new
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information. loo rain? >> reporter: good morning. the pilot reported problems just after takeoff. you can see the plane sitting where it crash-landed. if you look closer you can see where the nose broke off. the pilot and passenger suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. buchanan airport veaf also expecting thement in the today -- buchanan airport investigators are expecting the national transportation and safety board here today. the aircraft nose-dived into gravel and gas just north of the runway. the pilot and passenger suffered minor to moderate injuries. they were taken away by ambulance to john muir. the plane is a four-seat single- engine. faa records show it's registered to chester robins of pleasant hill. he was issued his pilot's
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license in 2008. meanwhile, the field remains closed out here for the investigation. according to operations, the rest of the airport including three other runways are open and ready to use. lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:30. we have new information regarding the latest southwest airlines problem in sacramento. flight 1166 took off a little after 6:00 headed to spwck county -- headed to san bernardino county. the pilot hit a bird while taking off. he returned to the airport. there were no injuries. we have learned that the plane did suffer some minor damage. the flight has been canceled and southwest were booked on other flights. coincidently, the runway had just reopened. it was the same runway where another southwest jet encountered problems last ninth. that plane was taking off at about 6:00 in the evening when
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it blew a tire. fire crews raced to the scene fearing the jet may catch on fire. 133 people were on board. while there were no injuries, passengers were rattled. >> you heard a loud pop. the plane started to shake. >> we were going pretty fast and there was a popping sound. >> prks used the portable fairway to get off the plane which was bound for seattle. while southwest reported to thement in the, the airplane -- reported to the national transportation and safety board, there will be an internal investigation by southwest airlines itself. there is a new yock pie protest enrampment --opie protest -- occupy protest enrampment. paul chambers has more. >> reporter: good morning.
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here is a bird's-eye view of the camp that has 14 tents. the group says they are in it for the long haul. they have a food table established and they plan to establish a base here and expand it into a more secure a -- secure and stable place. >> this is how we're gonna do this, we're gonna find a benign place where we can establish ourselves and then let it grow in a healthy way. >> reporter: this is the second occupy encampment in west oakland. the first one was at 1th and logan. occupiers first claim they had per miss to stay there. -- permission to stay there but the owner alerted that they wanted them off the land. they have 14 tents on here. they plan to grow here and have more. i know -- i notice there are dogs out here. the interesting thing will be how long they can stay out
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here. we'll stay on top of this and let you know how things develop. paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. governor jerry brown is weighing in on at the occupy protests. he says the state and city must do everything possible to keep the busyport open -- busy port open. occupy protests have shut down the port two times. mayor jean quan said the city may be unable to deep the -- to keep the port open during protests. no spare the air alert has been issued for today. but that could change this weekend. bay area air quality officials are considering another wood burning ban this weekend due to unhealthy air. authorities say soot from holiday fires is still part of the problems. some still lit a fire on christmas despite the ban. residents -- residents had up to 400 tips of people lighting
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fires. this time last year, rain was coming down and the sierra was buried in the massive snowpack. east bay m.u.d. said rosier voyeurs were spilling over. but -- reservoirs were spilling over. . >> usually january, february, march are usually our biggest rain months. we still have hope that we can get close to an average year. >> east bay m.u.d. says they are playing the wait- and-see game adding it's all a good idea to practice good water habits. a former giants executive calls the as move to the south bay wishful thinking. peter mcgown used to be the giant's managing partner and -- the giants' managing marter -- partner and he still owns a stake and is tubed into the issue and epstates he -- tuned into the issue and he state he
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would be amazed if the as are able to relocate. 8:35. we want to turn it over to tara right now to see about some traffic issues in the east bay. that's right. a looks like a little hit-and- run accident, no injuries. if we take a look at your maps, we can show you where. 80 westbound on east cutting boulevard. be aware of that. we also have an accident 242 northbound at 4. highway 4, that is. we also have some sheet metal on the roadway on westbound 4 on the northbound a street offramp and westbound 0 east of willow avenue, an unknown, very -- westbound east of willow avenue, an unknown object.
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finally, 101 -- 101, as you drive to the airport, a very nice commute for you. 8:36. here's steve. all right, tara. thank you. we do have high clouds over us. that's about it. the system is falling apart. it won't give us any wayne today. maybe friday is our last hope if it doesn't rain in san francisco it will be the second december ever, 199, 1906. 1989, 1906, no rain fell. >> the system on friday just falls apart in the north bay. this has been a very, very dry month. today, warmer lows. partly sunny, partly cloudy. very hazy skies. the system is literally just falling apart here and i will show you -- i think i put it in on live stormtracker2.
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it hit shelter coved a fell apar -- fell apa. 40s's 30s -- 40s and 30s. the long-range outlook, 7, 10, 15 days. it does not look good for us as well. cool mornings, partly sunny, partly cloudy. very hazy skies. 60s for some. mid-60s san jose, mountain view, livermore in there. upper 50s, 60s. it will be close but warmer farther south with more sunshine. higher clouds on thursday. we can bring clouds in on friday. there can be some local drizzle. sunday looks warm. >> thank you, steve. the 9ers have become one of the best teams in the nfl. eight players are going to the pro bowl, more than any other team in the n.f.c.
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justin smith, patrick willis and carlos rogers and deshaun. the other 9ers heading are frank gore, joe staley, andy lee and david akers. three raiders earned pro bowl oners, they are richard seymour, sespwation janikowski and shane lechler. the pro bowl will be played one week in -- will be played in honolulu one back before the -- one week before the super bowl. sweetheart. we need to talk.
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing.
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carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t.
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welcome back. we want to give you the latest check on wall street. stocks opened lower and theach been continuing that trend this -- have -- and they have been continuing that trend. currently, you see the dow is down 12 points. nasdaq is down 30. s&p is down 14. let's get you updated on some of the top stories we're
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following right now -- today, tens of thousands of north koreans turned out for the funeral precession of kim jung ill's funeral. kim jung unwalked along the hernandez. regulators say they received more than 400 tips of people burning wood in their homes on comas -- christmas. despite a there was a band -- despite a ban that day. and there's a warrant sweep going on. it -- it began at 7:00 this morning. one woman's been arrested. police say they have 500 warrants to serve. police are offering a $2500 reward leading to an arrest. a woman told investigators she was robbed and at this point, police only have a vague
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description of the attacker. john astor was arrested yesterday at his home. and he worked at cambridge in conrecord and another school in walnut creek. police say the alleged victim was not a student at any of the schools where astor works. he's being held on $1.5 million bail. on friday, at the national shrine of st. francis, the church staff noticed smoke coming from one of the boxes. luckily, they were able to put out the fire before it spread. gilroy police hope this surveillance photo will help them find a man who rooked a walmart -- who robbed a mall wart -- walmart. it happened on a store on ka me yoarroyo. the her -- on camino arroyo.
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8:44. organizers of the rose parade worry the new year's tradition will provide more excitement than normal. occupy protesters are planning a mass demonstration. police and parade organizers have been negotiating with occupiers for the past several weeks. protesters will be allowed to march on the parade route after all of the official floats have passed. stay tuned. it's gonna be pretty incredible. the people's precession, we, the people march, the people's parade is a counter point to the corporate parade that much of the rose parade has come to em boy dd -- embody. they plan to unveil a bag that goes along for 40 feet.
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the wits wise bammers and the -- the wisconsin badgers and the oregon team met at disneyland. they were greeted by mickey mouse. giving the players a day at the amusement park is a tradition. the nfl's evenly publicly -- only publicly owned team has only 30 shares of stock to -- 30,000 shares of stock. shares are $250 each with a $25 handling fee. that means the team has raised about $2 million. the proceeds will help renovate lambbow field -- lamb --
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lamobfield -- lambo field. ford says they could sell 20,000 of the ford fusion. that would be a record. and that's up from when the fusion was introduced. the number may be somewhat misleading because of the japanese cars after the tsunami in japan. shoppers say they were more concerned this year with finding more information about possible gifts and the best quality presents. amazon was rated the best in customer satisfaction during the holiday sales, period. online holiday spending topped $35 million this year. according to last year, cyber shoppers spent $30 billion. that's a difference of 15%. well, disneyland is working to fix technical issues that have caused its nightly holiday
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fireworks show to be canceled. the light show has been scrapped five times in the past week because of the technical problems. last thursday a disney employee was taken to the hospital for a noise-related injury due to the fireworks. that employee was treated and later released. :47. the countdown -- 8:47. the countdown is on and some people are already spending big to ring in 2012. we were at the w hotel yesterday, where 600 people at least are expected to attend a party. tickets cost $150 per person. the manager says the pictures are selling faster than they have in the past few years. we've only got a couple of tables lefted a the rest are sold out. for the tickets, we have a few hundred left, i would say, a couple of hundred. >> the highiant regency is planning a rooftop party. some low cases will offering
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hangover kits. bay area hospitals are preparing for a crush of news year -- new year's eve revelers. san francisco general hospital experienced a 50% increase in patients from the year before. the hospital expects big numbers this weekend as well. since new year's eve -- since new year's eve falls on a saturday. with the flood of patients coming in after the bars close at 2:00 a.m. >> we are almost certain we'll see double the sol vum that we would -- volume that we could see on a saturday night. >> some hospitals expect to see close to 25 ambulances at one time. typical injuries include alcohol poisoning, car accidents and fights. well, the u.s. travel association is encouraging congress to make it easier for foreigners to visit the united
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states. in 2010, 6.5 million tourist visas were issued. that compares to 7.6 million in 2001. the travel industry says that's costing american businesses $850 billion in untapped revenue. the federal government strengthened travel require mirnts follow the 9/11 attacks --ment -- requirements following the 911 attacks. forest gulf of mexico p is the newest of the movies -- forest gump is the newest of the movies to be put in the film rental industry classics. some films, hollywood classics and documentaries and anmagses -- anmations. was 2011 a bad year for you? some people are saying goodbye
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to the things that made them blue this year.
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new this morning, be careful if you live or are headed to the city's richmond district. a bit wet out there. this -- this is new video taken about a half-hour ago. a wart main -- a water main rupture. the water department says it will take hours before crews can fix that president bush blel and clean up the mess.
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:53. happening right know -- minute exwork is underwaw -- maintenance work is underway in berkeley's people's park. this park is owned by uc berkeley, as you may know, workers here are gonna be trimming hems and trees and -- hedges and trees and they brought in big equipment today. uc berkeley says the work will be done to provide students and the community with safer, more sanitary conditions. crews did just start their work this morning. they are expected to finish everything by the end of the day. a spokeswoman for the uc navy is warning iran that any disruption of traffic in the persian gulf will not be tolerated. iran's navegy began ten days of drills in the strait of hurzum.
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george gascon will release new details about a case involving a workplace accident that killed a pregnant accident when she -- that killed a pregnant woman when she was pregnant be -- by being crushed by a machine. yesterday a judge ruled the company could be held criminally responsible. we now know the identity of the motorcyclist killed at devil's slide. we want to show you a scene of newschopper2. this is yesterday afternoon. the highway says nicholas was traveling more than 100 miles an hour when he was traveling and hit a pickup headon. he tried at the -- he died at the scene. the pickup truck driver was not injured.
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the chp says motorists spotted the driver. devil's slide is a dangerous commute. a skydiver died after a tragic accident? southern california. witnesses say the man's parachute opened at a bad angle. he was an experienced dive -- diver. tiger woods' former mistress rachel kukatel is pregnant. she and her husband are expecting a baby by the end of april. the couple tweeted that big things are expected in 2012. did you go through a bad breakup this year or maybe the shaky economy get you down? it's time to say good boy to
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2011. the fifth annual good riddance day will occur today in new york in times square. people can shred their 401(k) states or toss away photographs of embarrassingments and bad relationships. the person with the most creative entry will win an ipad 2. happy new year! >> happy new year! there you go. let's get to tara moriry ar- - tara moriarty. >> we have a tree in the number three lane in milpitas. this is 880 southbound at 237 east and also on 237 westbound at great american parkway, there is a big roll of carpet in the roadway. so be aware of that. let's head to the bay bridge. this is the incline where traffic was extremely light this morning. only got trafficky around 6:00. metering lights never went on. so that's the good news. and a nice drive into san francisco as well across the
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golden gate bridge. here's steve. thank you, tara. mostly sunny, maybe partly cloudy. hazy sunshine. temperatures, low to mid-60s. slowly increasing clouds on thursday. one more shot of rain for us on friday. if it doesn't make us, the second driest september ev-- second -- if it doesn't make us, the second driest december on record. >> thank you, steve. >> thank you, steve. that's our report for this morning. thank you for trusting ktvu news. we will see ut next time the news -- we'll see you the next time the news breaks. have a great morning.
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