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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  December 19, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PST

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out of iraq. all ahead on ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning, to you. welcome to a brand new day. it's monday, december 19th i'm dave clark. >> and i'm maureen naylor. pam cook is off today. let's get a look at traffic and weather. we turn to steve. >> we have a lot of high and mid level clouds. temperatures will be in the 50s. mid 50s. we'll see temperatures kind of holding here for a couple of days. sal. >> steve, we are looking at new video of a fatal crash that happened in woodside. southbound on 280 at the farm hill road off ramp. sees the car here in this picture came off the off ramp a little too fast and crashed into a tree. the driver was ejected and died on the scene. police say that this accident which happened about 1:00 in the morning may have involved
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alcohol though they are still doing an investigation. moments ago that ramp was cleared. also this morning we are looking at westbound bay bridge. that traffic is looking pretty good. no major problems coming into san francisco. now it's time to go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. time is 5:00. new information on the death of north korean leader kim jong il. also today the north korean government is urging the 23 million residence to rally behind kim jong un. the son of kim jong il. >> kim jong un is very young. he is inexperienced there is not much known about him. there is questions what will he be able to do. >> a funeral is planned for december 28th and 11 days of national mourning are in effect until december 29th.
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kim jong il died of heart failure. that is according to the south korea news agency. not clear if today's missile test is in response to the death of kim jong il. but the military is on high alert while the situation in north korea remains uncertain. the white house says president obama is monitoring the situation in north korea following the death of kim jong il. coming up we'll have a live report from our our washington, d.c. newsroom with analysis whether the north korean leader's death will lead to better or worse relations between the u.s. and north korea. 5:02. now an update on the final pull out in iraq of american soldiers that hope to come home for christmas. cameras on a surveillance drone plane took this video of the last troops leaving iraq yesterday. the 110 vehicle convoy made the 5-mile trip to cross over.
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the troops are being processed now. some of them may fly back here in the next few days. >> you guys are the last ones. wow. last ones. can't explain it. >> now although the iraq war may be over, the united states will still maintain a heavy presence in there. the largest embassy in the world is in baghdad. stacked by 16,000 people. most of whom are u.s. contractors. home comes have already started in the bay area just in time for christmas. >> present arms. >> ktvu cameras were at the san jose spore national airport as the largest group of soldiers came home. members of the 185 national guard unit were greeted by family members and friends. thrilled to have them home. >> it's hard you know like you don't hear from them for long
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periods of time. you just have to wait and be patient. and this deployment teaches you to be really understanding and sometimes i mean you cry because you miss their presence. >> and members of the freedom riders motorcycle group was there creating a flag line runway for the returning soldiers. these soldiers have been in afghanistan since last christmas. now for more on the u.s. military pull out from iraq go to click on the out of iraq special section. it's right under the hot topics tab. your time is 5:04. east bay homeowners simply can't seem to catch a break. first a water main flooded houses. now there is a new concern. allie rasmus is live in san pablo to tell us about the surprise that is hidden under ground. >> reporter: when this water main break happened over the weekend the crews that came out to repair discovered there is a six inch gasoline pipeline running through this area. that took a lot of residence
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here by surprise. this is san pablo. this water main break happened over the weekend. repairs are still continuing. the stretch of road has been completely blocked off to traffic. there is a lot of work they are doing out here. a little while ago when we first got here, there were about a dozen or so people with conocophillips that were doing the repairs. this is video you are looking at from saturday when the water main break first happened. it caused flooding. some homes in this area were damaged. conocophillips owns the gas line that runs right next to that water line. it was a 60-inch water distribution line that broke. conocophillips is working closely with east bay mud to facilitate the repairs out here. it did cause flooding in some homes in this neighborhood. they were surprised to find out there was a gas line going through this area. east bay mud crews are supposed to be here later this morning. the equipment out here is for
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conocophillips. they have a lot of everything it will up and the equipment on stand by. but we are waiting for east bay mud crews to be out here to get an update on how long the repairs will take. this street has been shut down to traffic for this water main repair since saturday. live in san pablo allie rasmus ktvu channel 2 news. time is 5:05. new numbers for you this morning on how much the occupy patrol test is costing -- protest is costing the city of san francisco. the cost of police overtime is more than $1.5 million. meantime the public works department spent $47,000 cleaning up justin herman plaza. the parks department spent $50,000 to repair the damage left behind. san francisco police shut down the encampment about two weeks ago during an early morning raid. in san jose occupy protestors say they are trying to keep an elderly couple from
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losing their house to foreclosures. these demonstrators went back to city hall and set up debit -- tents. they are trying to raise awareness for a couple that signed a variable interest loan. the tents were taken down to avoid a confrontation with police. a fundraiser will take place tonight for the family of ava lay hoe police officer killed in the line of duty. officer jim capoot was shot and killed last week while chasing a bank robber. tonight the contra costa peace officer alliance will hold a fundraiser for capoot's family in walnut creek. the fundraiser will take place at skipolini's pizza. some bay area drivers didn't pay attention and did not refrain from drinking and driving during the holidays. dui crack down this one in
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sonoma county netted 49 people over the weekend. more than half were arrested at a check point like this one. or during roving patrols. time is 5:07. let's get to sal. you think it might be lighter. we have the holiday week ahead. some people have it off. >> i know some of the schools are off. we'll see what happens there. let's see what we have with the morning commute on 80 westbound. no join problems if you are driving out to the maize continues to look good to the bay bridge toll splay when you get to the toll plaza it is light. road work has not caused any major delays. the morning commute looks good on 280 northbound getting up to downtown san jose. let's go to steve. thank you very much. we do have temperatures a couple areas in the 30s here. fairfield 33. concord 37. temperatures mainly in the 40s
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as i reload this. there we go. also a few sprinkles going through. a little tail end of a system right there for very light showers. new sprinkles only last an hour or two and then they will be out of here. but it's there. so if you get a few sprinkles i know robbie said very light rain. low clouds. mostly sunny aphonies morning cloudiness goes through. no rain by that i mean wide spread rain or measurable. and that moves south. good travel this week. holiday travel looks good expect for occasionally wind out of the north, northeast or areas of fog. we're not expecting any big systems in terms of rain or snow. we might lean on record highs. there is that 33 again in fairfield and concord at 37 degrees. lots of 40s around. 42 in napa they are reporting fog and santa rosa is reporting fog. another one goes down the coast and starts to intensify in southern california. that will pick up our breeze
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tonight. live storm tracker two shows a couple blips there. it's really, really light. after that we will see the skies start to go. partly sunny to mostly sunny today. highs might come up a wee bit today. clouds, sun, cool. a lot of 50s and then tomorrow we start to warm it up. get a north, north easterly breeze. that will take us into wednesday as well. a cool down thursday into friday. all systems go for what looks to be sunny and warmer weather. >> and dry pattern. no storms to clear out the air. experiments say haze around the bay area will hold in fine particular matter. using fireplaces, wood stoves, pellet stoves is banned. this is the sixth spare the air day this season. winter doesn't officially start until thursday. time now 5:10. help for homeless families in san francisco. the questions raised though about the money being used to put a roof over their heads.
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iranian television showing this video of an american man. the confession iran says the man has made. the traffic in san francisco looks good. we'll tell you more about the morning commute and the bay weather. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room!
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[ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. welcome back. 5:13. iranian state television broadcasting video of a man claims is a captured american
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spy. look at this he's identified as an iranian american from arizona. he joined the u.s. army after graduating from high school. served in iraq and received training in languages and espionage. he says he was sent to iran by the cia. so far the cia has made no comment on that report. the news agency is reporting the united states is on the verge of transferring taliban prisoners held in guantanamo bay to afghan government custody. senior u.s. officials have been in secret talks with afghan taliban insurgents for the past ten month. and now reportedly the u.s. is offering to transfer taliban prisoners from guantanamo in exchange for actions by the taliban leadership. that reportedly includes denouncing international terrorism and a willingness to enter into former political talks with the afghan government. this morning there are new concerns about the stability of the korean peninsula.
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after the death of north korean president of kim jong il. carroll han is in our washington, d.c. newsroom now. for carol. >> reporter: the white house is closely monitoring the situation on the korean peninsula especially after reports that north korea has test fired a short range missile on the same day the country announced the death of leader kim jong il. they cannot confirm the report right now but that country is on high alert this morning. around midnight eastern time president obama spoke over the phone with south korean president and both agreed to monitor all the developments. part of their concern there is very little known about this son. that is fizz mid 20s. he will try to aggressively assert to his claim to power. >> he is very young. he is quite inexperienced.
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not is known about him. there is lots of questions about what he is going to do. will he be able to consolidate his power? >> analysts at the cia have warned kim jong il's death could destabilize the country and make it more dangerous. the white house released a statement saying it remains commitment on the stability on the korean peninsula. we will be following all of the developments including the ones of the missile test this morning. 5:16. this morning the payroll tax cut extension is not a sure thing. on saturday the senate passed a temporary bill to extend the payroll tax cut for two more months. the republicans in the house of representatives wants it to be for a full year. the house will vote on the senate bill today. if republicans are united in voting against the bill, it will fail. >> it's pretty clear that i and our members oppose the senate bill. it's only for two months. the president said we shouldn't
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go on vacation until we get our work done. and frankly house republicans agree. >> it's not clear what will happen if the house votes against the bill today. time is 5:16. when san francisco mayor ed lee announced last week the city would match a private donation of $1.5 million to house homeless families homeless activist were happy and confused. mayor lee said part of the city money would come from the mayor's fund for the homeless. according to the san francisco chronicle, homeless advocates have never been told of such a fund. the paper says more than $800,000 had been sitting in that fund unused for years. tougher smoking restrictions could be going into effect in marin county. today county supervisors are expected to improve a smoking ban in an apartment and condominium complexes. a public hearing would be held
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next month if it's approved. the measure is modeled on an ordnance after an ordnance in lucks burg. 5:17. let's check in with sal. really feeling like monday morning light huh? >> so far any way. we'll see what happens dave and maureen. good morning, to you. we'll see what happens to the roadways starting off with the east bay here at the toll plaza. looks pretty good if you are driving out to the toll plaza and usually at this time we don't have a big delay any ways. the real test will be an hour from now when we see what kind of traffic we have at the toll plaza. moving along to the san mateo bridge that traffic looks moderate heading out to the high-rise. looking at contra costa county highway 4 looks good even through the construction zone. it's a nice looking drive. and we're also looking at the east bay with hayward union
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city and fremont on interstate 880. traffic in both directions still light. let's go to steve. thank you very much. we do have a little system clipping us. a lot of low clouds around. there are a few areas in the 30s. there is a lot more 40s than anywhere else. higher clouds up there as well. no measurable rain expected expect for light precipitation. temperatures have been on the mild side to cold. the rainfall has been as you know well, well below average. good travel this week. expect for areas pockets of fog. occasionally wind picking up between now and christmas. mostly sunny and much warmer as we head toward the end of the week. storm track stays to the north or southern california. there is a couple 30s. everyone else reporting 40s. hayward at 46 degrees. one system going through right there will give us a few light showers. live storm tracker two barely
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picks up anything. there is a little bit around livermore and down to morgan hill. a little bit around oakland. after that not much high pressure will bill in. another low develops southern california. that will turn to wind north easterly. that will allow us to clear out. mostly cloudy in the morning. partly sunny to mostly sunny later on. 50s on the temps across the board. about 53 to 57 should cover the spread. tomorrow we'll see a breeze kick in. that means less fog. colder lows. warmer day-time highs. that takes us into wednesday. looks like all systems go for sunny and warmer weather as we head into the weekend. all right thank you, steve. time is 5:20. european markets started the trading day mixed despite downgrades. news of the death of the north korean leader caused stocks to
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go down. here at home u.s. stocks future rose monday. even as the news of north korean ruler kim jong il rattled those markets. while those markets fell investors are still hopeful on this front. here's a look at friday's closing numbers. and sherlock holmes faced his worst enemy ever at the box office. declining crowds. a game of shadows debuted in first. ticket sales were down 36% from the first installment two years ago. alvin and the chipmunks ship wreck was a distant second. new years eve and the sitter finished out the top five. >> that is a big deal. people were backing off. 5:21. do you have any old socks laying around the house? particularly socks that don't match.
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why researchers want them to accept -- want you to send them your old socks. we'll tell you more about the south bay commute coming up.
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good morning, we have low clouds around. high clouds and a few light sprinkles. mainly about san jose and santa
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clara valley. we have partly sunny skies high in the 50s. 5:24. postal workers have a big day ahead of them today. nationwide this is a expected to be the busiest day for shipping packages. one post office near los angeles international airport got a jump on the holiday shipping rush. they opened for a couple hours yesterday. they seem to handle the long lines well. >> i'm going to do it priority. they should get it by thursday no later. and i'm done. >> santa delivers gifts all over the world and so do we. >> tomorrow is probably going to be just as busy since it's expected to be the busiest day to send holiday cards and letters. the postal service says business is up more than expected this holiday season. the main post office in menlo park will be moving to palo alto. about 50 mail carriers will relocate to a smaller facility. it's part of a nation-wide cost
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cutting effort by the postal service. spokesperson for the postal service says all of the po boxes and services will stay the same. 5:25. san francisco mayor ed lee will veto a plan that will close sharp park golf course. it's located in pacifica but enowned -- but owned by the stay of san francisco. environmental groups have been fighting to close the course saying it harms the endangered san francisco guarder snake and threatened california red legged frog. there is no home for your single socks that have lost their mate. researches are requesting socks for their study of a rare weasel. socks are the best way to hold and hang weasel bait in trees. you can deliver or mail them to the address on your screen. 40799 elliot drive in
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oakhurste, california. >> all right. time is 5:26. major international news on the international stage. north korean leader kim jong il died over the weekend. so what is next for that communist country and the reaction at home. wry live on the bay bridge where two big changes could effect the way you drive. we'll tell you what they are coming up. and disaster averted at an east bay church after a man crashed through a children's nursery. northbound 101 traffic looks good approaching the 80 split. we'll tell you more about the weather and traffic straight ahead.
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good morning, to you. welcome back. it's monday, december 19th i'm dave clark. >> and i'm maureen naylor. pam cook has the morning off. the time is 5:29. let's get to steve for a look at this big holiday week ahead. >> we do have mostly cloudy skies. a few light sprinkles out there. we will see partly sunny skies. temperatures held in check only mid 50s. here is sal. good morning, right now traffic on interstate 880 in both directions moving along nicely as you pass the oakland coliseum. also the morning commute westbound bay bridge traffic moves welcoming into san francisco. at 5:30 let's go back to the desk. all right, sal. in the news we are following the news about the stunning
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news of the death of king jong il. he died at the age of 69 of heart failure. his son kim jong un is expected to be north korea's next leader. reaction is coming in about the death of kim jong il. we caught up with people last night in oak lands' korea town. >> i don't anticipate major regime change given the fact he put his son in place. i don't think it will change the you know international dynamic between the u.s. and korea. >> now a uc berkeley professor say it's a major concern because north korea is in nuclear power. a plane caught fire on the ground in hayward. it happened just before 11:00 last night at the city's executive airport. source tells us mechanic was
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working on the plane when it caught fire. the flames were quickly extinguished and no one was hurt. there is smoke damage to several nearby helicopters. new video shows a mess left behind at a hercules church. this happened around 10:00 last night. church goers say a special holiday service just ended when the driver of a van accelerated from a nearby parking lot and went right into the nursery. no children were inside at the time of the crash. to word on the drivers condition or the reason behind the crash in the first place. a fatal crash on the peninsula is under investigation this morning. it happened around 1:00 this morning on highway 280 at farm hill boulevard in woodside. police say a car was speeding when it exited the freeway and crashed into a tree. the driver was thrown from the car and died at the scene. police say alcohol may have been a factor in the crash. your time is 5:32.
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a very busy morning ahead on the bay bridge. the chp increasing patrols on the s-curve. in a couple hours crews will begin cable work on that new section. tara moriarty is already out there with the details on today's developments. good morning, tara. >> good morning. we have seen quite a few officers out here this morning. we're on the s-curve the particular stretch behind me where the speed limit is 35 miles an hour on the upper deck, 40 miles an hour on the lower deck. officer want to make sure you go the speed limit. we saw some with radar guns. they are monitoring folks. they are stepping up endorsement. outside funding has allowed them to -- they will be acting as a visual deterrent. you know you slow down when you spot them. they will be going off speeding tickets as necessary. they say it will go a long way in keeping this span safe. this could go on a morning
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where drivers could easily be distracted. they will start the new expansion plan. you are looking at animated video of when what it will look like. it will be the longest in the world and weighing more than 10 million pounds. when it's finished the strands will create a massive cable to support this span. you should not slow down to try to look. if you want to see the progress being made on the work you can go to trash island. i'm tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. time is 5:34. san francisco police chief greg surh will hold a meeting. police say a man shot at police after he ran from a traffic spot. police shot back hitting the man. and he died thursday night.
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tuesday's meeting is at 4:00 or today's meeting is at 4:00 at the northern police station on fillmore and turk streets. police in menlo park say gunmen opened fire on officers leading to an all day search in one neighborhood. coming up in ten minutes what was found during that search and how some neighbors are reacting. our time is now 5:34. 4,000 nurses are about to go on a one-day strike at eight bay area hospitals on thursday. the striking nurses will be locked out after their demonstrations. the nurses are planning to go on strike at hospitals operated by sutter health. now the chronicle reports replacement nurses will be hired for two days. that means striking nurses will be locked out for one day following the strike on thursday. the california nurses association and sutter health remain locked in pretty tough contract negotiations. >> san jose police want your help this morning after a man suspected of killing a hells
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angel member was spotted in the south bay. 38-year-old steve ruiz was seen in san jose sometime late friday or saturday. they wouldn't give any other detail. ruiz is considered armed and dangerous. he's wanted for the killing of a rival hells angel member during a bikers funeral in september. he has ties to campbell, fremont, and gilroy. bay area fire investigators are look into the man that killed -- look into a fire that killed a man. firefighters say it started in his room upstairs. investigators say there is a possibility a cigarette may have been to blame. your time 5:36. a public memorial service set for wednesday for san francisco philanthropist warren hellman. his family says the sponsor of the annual hardly strictly bluegrass died from
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complications of leukemia. he started the festival 11 years ago. they renamed the park to hellman hollow. mr. hellman was 77 years old. 5:36. let's get a check of traffic as it starts to pick up on this monday morning. good morning, sal. >> good morning, maureen and dave. we are doing pretty well on this monday morning if you are trying to hit the road and get out there early. it's not a bad idea. northbound 101 san francisco that looks good approaching the 80 split. we are also watching the commute on the westbound bay bridge. that traffic is moving along nicely. certainly people are going. it's still light and early. if you are driving this morning in hayward traffic looks good. looks like we have an indicator popped up on the maps here on westbound 92. westbound 92 near the toll plaza of the san mateo bridge. there could be a little minor
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accident or stalled vehicle. 5:37 let's go to steve. >> thank you very much. as you know rather dry, dry december. in fact there is a few light sprinkles going through. reno nevada you know them. so far they have yet to record anything. no rain, no snow. and if they make it through the entire month without any precipitation at all it will be the driest december since 1883. now that is dry. records go back to 1870. it was 1937 they moved the observation to the airport. it's not only dry here it's really dry up in nevada as well. we are getting a few sprinkles this morning. expect for low clouds and occasionally some wind. it's a mostly seasonny forecast. temperatures will continue to struggle today. they were warm saturday. cool down sunday. about the same today. we will start a rebound on the temps. looks like good travel weather expect for areas of fog. mostly sunny and much warmer.
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in fact, maybe record setting highs by the weekend. 33 fairfield. 40s for almost everybody. from there is a little system going by giving us a few light showers or sprinkles. mainly santa clara valley. i've seen a few from walnut creek and livermore. there is not a lot there. maybe along the san mateo coast as well. it's nothing. not going to do much. it's not going to last long. another low drops into southern california. we have morning clouds. a few sprinkles. highs in the 50s today. 55, 56, 57 should cover it. the breeze kicks in tonight. that should allow this cloud cover to clear out. the lows will be cold earn. same on wednesday. everything says sunny and warmer by the weekend. all right time now 5:39. remember the group anonymous? they struck again. the new threat that has
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republican elected officials making back up plans. a controversial holiday display that had some people at travis air force base threatening to sue. san mateo bridge looks good. we'll tell you more about the morning commute coming up. [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank
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is as easy as... making breakfast. omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. really? [ male announcer ] kate uses her citibank debit card because kate knows there are some things you shouldn't be charged for. refill? i'm ok. [ male announcer ] so does that guy. the citibank debit card with no monthly fee. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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good morning. we have mostly cloudy skies. light sprinkles around. mainly around santa cruz mountain and san jose. they will clear out pretty fast. we'll have partly sunny skies and highs in the 50s. welcome back. good morning, to you. here's a quick look at the top stories we are following for you right now. the world watching north korea after the death of long-time leader kim jong il over the
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weekend. he died at the age of 69. this morning north korea which is a nuclear power reportedly conducted a short range missile test. back here at home a water main break in san pablo has exposed a new concern in one neighborhood. a 60-inch water main i runed over -- erupted over the weekend. while repairing the damaged lines crews are trying to avoid a fuel pipeline that is running through the same area. later on this morning crews will be out there on the new bay bridge starting work on cables. this comes as outside funding is paving the way for increased police patrols on the s-curve. 5:43. republican party officials in iowa are taking steps to secure their vote counting systems after a threat reportedly from the group anonymous to disrupt next months caucuses. >> we are calling for you to occupy the campaign offices of presidential head quarters in
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des moines, iowa on december 27th and peacefully shut the first in the nation iowa caucuses on january 3rd. >> they have instructed presection caucuses so use paper ballots. and they have also taken steps to protect the ballots. a man that killed an elderly woman by setting her on fire did it because the woman owe her money. isaac turned himself into police yesterday. he sprayed 73-year-old deloris gillespie with a flammable liquid. surveillance cameras show isaac lighting a molotov cocktail and throwing it inside the elevator. gillespie owed him $2,000 for work he had done. one person still in the hospital this morning after three people were killed in a workplace shooting in southern california. now yesterday office workers
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from southern california held this vigil for coworkers that were killed at work. they say he shot four people killed two then turned the gun on himself. one person as we said remains in the hospital in critical condition. back here at home police reason the peninsula questioning several men now in connection with a shootout in a menlo park neighborhood. police say several men opened fire on police early yesterday morning in the bell haven area and one officer fired back. no one was hit by the gunfire. the police were responding to a call about a group of men with guns that gathered outside of a house. police say they when they arrived that is when the men fired shots at them and ran. >> it was like the tactical team outside and asked if they could search our backyards. >> police searched that area for hours looking for the
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suspects. six suspects were eventually rounded up. three of them were arrested on parole violations. they also recovered several handguns and rifles. your time is 5:45. controversial holiday display at travis air force base if fairfield can stay. the mill stair decided a nativity scene do not violate the constitution. a group called the military freedom foundation petitioned for the tree to be taken down. they say it's unconstitutional and should be moved to a chapel ill on the base. >> this is usa. mill stair stands for usa and they fight for usa. >> the military religious freedom foundation says it represents 120 people who are against the displays. attorneys for the foundation have threatened to sue in florida court.
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facebook could -- the products their friends like. asked to have a san jose federal judge. now it claims it violates california law allowing people to control how their names and photos are used for commercial endorsements. the judge refused. there is no way to opt out of the so-called sponsored stories or even know when they are being used in an ad. time is 5:47. now let's get over to sal. it hasn't been that bad on this monday morning is that still the case? >> i think it is. we'll have a lighter than usual week. i'm thinking based on all the other christmases we have watched here the traffic is looking good. let's go out to the pictures. it is certainly people are going somewhere. it's not completely empty. a few people will have this week off. some of the schools are out for their winter holiday christmas break. whatever you want to call it. traffic will be a little bit lighter for it. this is a welcome at the bay
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bridge toll plaza. westbound driving into san francisco looks pretty good. and this morning across the san mateo or dumbarton bridges we have not found anything that is worth slowing down for. there is a little bit of slowing on highway 4 westbound through antioch but it gets much better by pittsburgh and bay point. 5:48 let's go to steve. thank you i sir. well just a few sprinkles going through this morningen it won't do much for us. this morning looks good to what we have had. the rain on 11th and 12th wasn't much. last thursday might be it for the month. this looks for a very, very quiet week. fog, clouds, a few sprinkles here this morning. after that clearing skies and no rain forecast. things can change fast. none of the long range models show anything of significance before if anything it continues the pattern that has been stuck
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for awhile. little system right there southern california is doing a lot better than we are. 30s for some. a lot of 40s here due to the cloud cover. low and higher clouds. the higher clouds will clear out pretty fast. that is producing a very few very, very light showers. again snies will give us -- this won't give us much more than a trace. system blows out. another system develops in southern california. this system moving to the four corners. it will be a whopper of a system. looks like snow for new mexico, arizona, and the panhandle for us. so clouds in the morning. a few sprinkles or light showers. partly sunny. highs in the 50s. it does look like the breeze will take care of most of the low clouds. we'll have colder lows but warmer afternoon highs tuesday and wednesday. back tonight and morning fog thursday and friday. all signs say sunny and warmer
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weather. there is a new report at & t buyout plan is less and less likely. the wall street journal reports the two companies are looking at alternatives to a full merger. that could include at & t taking a stake in the smaller carrier. another idea is to have the two venture and share network technology. they both opposed the original merger plan. online consumer spending is up 15% from last year. the company says shoppers have already spent $31 billion during the current holiday season. sales topped $1 billion on four separate days last week. including friday. com score says the online buying three -- the number of holiday cards mailed this year will be down.
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as more people send e-mail or video. they are expected to sign $180 billion cards. cards with family photos are growing in popularity. companies that send paper cards may stab out to the crowd. time now 5:50. if you like -- the brewery founder and owner tony mcgee announced plans for a $14 million expansion. barrel production will increase from 160,000 to 600,000. petaluma's development approval process makes it easier for businesses to expand. 5:51. the national folly be shining on the bay area today. why football and the 49ers will showcase the san francisco area tonight. ramping up the call to give but only a couple days left until christmas. [ female announcer ] help i need a holiday party idea.
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mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy.
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welcome back. time is 5:54. soccer fans in columbia turned violent after their team lost. at least a dozen people were hurt and more than 160 cars damaged. after fans there ran out on the streets yesterday. there are reports that fans even tried to break into the
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team's locker room and attacked the players. they were unsuccessful. the 49ers gearing up for monday night football opinion they host the pittsburgh steelers. it's the final home game. if you are planning to be there tonight, plan your trip carefully. the game traffic was going to coincide with rush hour traffic on highway 101. just a heads up. you may want to car pool or take public transportation. awe the raiders. their record now fell to 7-7. they blew a 14-point lead in the fourth quarter yesterday. the detroit lions pulled within six. less than a minute to go in the fourth quarter and ended uptaking a 28-27 lead after that touchdown. then in the final seconds sebastian tried a 65-yard field goal but it was blocked. the raiders picked up their third straight loss. the raiders are chipping in though to helps toys for to
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thes program. cornerback carson palmer, running back michael bush, marcel reese, and moore will be signing autographs today in exchange for a toy. all you have to do is bring a new unwrapped toy valued at $20 or more. the players will be at the raider image store at the south land mall in hayward between 6:00 and 8:00 tonight. >> ha is one of the bay area charities trying to make the holidays brighter. children in antioch received toys from the chp yesterday and the raiders game had a donation station for the marines toys for tots. >> somebody brought in three bags of brand new jackets she bought at macy's. she was cute little ones for the little ones. i think that is great people are thinking of people in need.
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>> other groups say even when they think they won't have enough food or clothes, someone always steams to step forward in the final days and provide exactly what is needed. most charities say they accept donations all year but people only think of helping out after finishing their holiday shopping. >> they want us to help out. >> people come forward. sal is taking care of the commute even though it's relatively light. >> it is relatively light. on a regular commute day we don't see the crowds until after 6:00. we'll see what we see now. this is a look at 280 getting up to highway 17. we're off to a nice start here. also the morning commute is looking pretty good if you are driving on northbound 17 driving down to the bottom of the hill. 680 southbound also looks very nice on the way into free monday. let's go back to the desk. all right sal. time now 5:57. major international news this morning. long-time leader of north korea has died. world leaders are responding to
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news that kim jong il has died. how the tension is rising. major milestone for the newest section of the bay bridge bridge. >> we have some low clouds around. just a hint of light rain. anything coming down the pike we'll take a look at it coming up.
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