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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  December 13, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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worse. >> reporter: governor brown said california's problem is simple, too little revenue means cuts are unavoidable. >> these cuts to the university, supportive services, to schools, to prosecution, they are not good. isn't that the -- this is not the way we would like to run california. >> reporter: some districts may not run at all with the elimination of funding. >> it's devastating it's going to hurt low income and rural kids who really have no other means to get to school than that yellow school bus. >> reporter: k-12 education in general will lose $75 million. in university of california system, csu and community colleges will be cut by $100 million each. these are the so called trigger cuts passed by the legislature over the summer that would kick in only if revenues fell short and they did by more than $2 billion. >> well, the democrats put those triggers in. it's the one responsible thing
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in the budget that they did. >> reporter: republicans called revenue estimates over the summer rosy and the budget a gimmick. but governor brown said california's improving economy softened the blow. i think we're very lucky we got the revenue increase. >> reporter: cuts from k-12 education could have been worse. could have been more than a billion dollars. these cuts will take effect january 1st. some school districts may end their bus service on that day. others may found money to keep the program going. and in just a few weeks the governor will have a new budget release which he says will contain many more billions of the dollars in cuts. at the capital, ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. contra costa county and workers from five unions have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract. we first brought you this story
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about a week ago when sparks blew inside a hearing on the issue. hundreds of county workers convinced leaders to hold off on an immediate 3.2% pay cut. under this new tentative agreement reached last night it would be 2.75% instead effective in july. pacific gas and electric admitted responsibility today for the explosion in san bruno. it will take financial responsibility for all victims of the september 2011 blast. the explosion killed eight people, injured 58 others and destroyed dozens of homes. pg & e says it is quote hopeful tonight's announcement will allow families to receive compensation sooner without unnecessary legal proceedings.
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-- he says what the company didn't say is whether pg & e admits sole responsibility. >> reporter: under california law there could be an apportionment of fault and if you're not 100% responsible you could say that others were responsible. and that they should share in having to pay the damages. >> now all of this comes ahead of a court hearing on friday to discuss various issues in the case against pg & e. volunteers began collecting signatures today in a recall campaign against oakland mayor jean quan. the group needs to gather 30,000 signatures before may. an election for a new mayor would be held at the same time. mayor quan's office did not speak to us on the subject but did call the recall devisive. things are returning to normal at the port of oakland tonight. that's what it looked like last night as more than a dozen protesters marched on the port. at some point some jumped on
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top of a big rig truck and hung banners. it wasn't until 4:00 a.m. that demonstrators decided to leave. protesters say they consider the blockade a victory. the scene is very different right now at the port. this video from news chopper 12 two shows a line of trucks waiting to enter the port. yesterday's shut down has caused a heavy backlog and the port says it's hurting workers. some drivers who spent the day stuck in line yesterday also can't work today because of d.o.t. regulations. some protesters were forced to leave the line today. >> they're facing violation of city ordnance with them being in a tree. >> reporter: public works crews
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dismantled the wooden platforms. zachary running wolf was not there when crews took down the structure. he was one of three people who had been living in the tree since last month. you can watch more on just click on the occupy protest on the top of the home page. parking in oakland got a little easier. new at 6:00, ktvu's sal castaneda live in oakland where city leaders and business owners both hope that the idea is an incentive. >> it's these meters, the ones where you put the money in and take the receipt and put it on your dash. those are the ones that are going to be getting a break. >> reporter: the plan was proposed by city councilwoman
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jane bruner. >> we want people to shop locally. we don't want people to get cited. we didn't want people running to pay that ticket, or getting to that car and getting a big ticket. >> reporter: parking officers will be able to void tickets for people who happen to arrive when the ticket is being written. >> it's a great idea. i think the parking practices have been some what predatory. i mean i've gotten a ticket less than a minute after i parked. >> reporter: pamela drake likes the idea. she represents business owners in the lake shore district and says the fear of tickets has been bad for business. >> it makes it likely for people to run and pick up their dry cleaning but it doesn't make them likely to stay and have lunch. it's not the $2, it's the $58 ticket that scares them. >> reporter: this woman wants it in her city.
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>> they can't do that in san francisco? >> reporter: the plan will be implemented immediately but the full board does have to vote on it. the city council will vote on this in january. live in oakland, sal castaneda, ktvu news. today san francisco announced millions of the dollars worth of city improvements to be funded from bond sales. the construction projects total $325 million. they include improvements to seven city parks, also seismic retrofitting of 18 neighborhood fire stations. the bulk of the money $248 million though will go to paving and repairing streets. >> this is really our way of creating jobs for our city and making sure that we are continuing economicically strong. >> reporter: the mayor's office says the projects will create more than 2,000 jobs within the next year. san francisco supervisors approved a resolution today to encourage the county to limit the use of local money to enforce federal immigration
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policies. under the u.s. secure communities program, immigration officials asked local jails to fingerprint and hold individuals for possible deportation. the goal is to identify illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes. but opponents including former sheriff michael hennessey says the program results in undocumented immigrants who are not accused of serious crimes being deported. contra costa county says it has made an arrest in a shooting last night. deputies responded to san miguel drive about seven -- 7:15 last night. there they found jeffrey patterson dead. police arrested shannon mitchell alexander sr. at the scene. the two men knew each other says the sheriff's department. a teacher at diablo view middle school was charged today with 20 sex crimes for allegedly having sex with an underaged girl. andrew catrell's bail was
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increased from $175,000 to $1.1 million. walnut creek police arrested the teacher on campus last friday and he confessed to accusations involving a former student. a man says his one man sperm bank has helped many people conceive. but the fda is now telling him to stop. john sasaki has the story on that man's fight against the fda. >> reporter: pacific reproductive facility in san francisco is a place where men donate sperm. but 36-year-old trent arseno has different ideas. >> it's sort of like my way of helping the 99%. >> reporter: since 2006 the fremont resident has been running a sperm donation service out of his home for free.
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>> helping those couples with their childless couples wanting to have a baby, helping them have a baby and there's no money or financial motive behind it. >> reporter: his website has a biography including results of his std tests and photos of some of the children he helped produce. arseno says he's donated to at least 53 couples. >> the sperm that i donate is immediately given to the recipient, immediately transferred. it's fresh sperm so it's not frozen. >> fresh sperm making a lot of sense -- makes a lot of sense for a lot of persons. we just made arrangements to meet with him when i was on my cycle and ovulating and to pick up the donation and do the insemination at home. >> reporter: but the fda wants him to stop. >> these people have no idea what went on his family history, people don't know what
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questions to ask. >> reporter: he has arden supporters. >> this is an issue of privacy. >> reporter: aresno is still making his services available to anyone who needs the help while he waits for his hearing. why this patient at the hospital will be the last in a ground breaking change. and we have some rain drops in your bay area forecast. i'll see you then. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ the cannon ball stunt that went terribly wrong in dublin last week will be the focus of a community meeting on saturday. the incident happened when myth
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busters was conducting an experiment last tuesday night. the 30-pound cast iron cannon ball misfired and careened into a near by neighborhood damaging two homes and a parked car. no one was hurt. facebook says it is launching a program to get help for users who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide. facebook says it won't look through the site for people posting suicidal thoughts. but if a user reads a friend's postthat appears to threaten suicide that user can report it to facebook. facebook will then send an e- mail to the person who wrote the comment encouraging them to call the suicide prevention hot line or to chat instantly with a counselor. there is new hope tonight for a pleasanton woman who is one of only five people in the nation to undergo a unique stem cell treatment. ktvu's maureen naylor is live now in san jose with a research that could give her a chance to walk again, maureen. >> reporter: the young east bay woman is a patient here at valley medical center. she hopes the ground breaking study she's a part of will help
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her beat the odds. >> i have never broken a bone or anything. >> i cracked my head open, i obviously landed on my back. i fractured some of my rib cage. >> reporter: and injured her spinal cord. today the 23-year-old can't feel anything below her chest. and was told with her type of injury there's an 80% chance she won't improve. so last month, sharifi underwent a life changing operation. she had millions of the stem cells in injected into her spine. but it's halting further studies for research on cancer.
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sharifi doctor is the key of the rehabilitation department. he says there's tremendous potential but few documented cases. >> a lot of things look good in animals and when we try them in humans for some reason in spinal cord injury they haven't been shown as much potential. >> so my reasoning going into it and having the surgery done was to be in that 20%. i just wanted a little bit of improvement. i'm not expecting to get up and walk tomorrow. >> reporter: researchers will still monitor her progress for 15 years. she's said to be discharged tomorrow. reporting live in san jose, maureen naylor, ktvu channel 2 news. a san francisco nonprofit says low income families are having a harder time finding affordable child care even before this next round of state budget cuts. the california child care resource and referral network says the number of licensed facilities for low income families has dropped 7% since
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2008. 4,000 children are on the waiting list for subsidized child care. >> so we have to begin to look at these subsidy dollars as investments in the economy as well as investments in california's children. you can find a break down of the numbers in your county on our website click on web links at the top of the home page. retail sales rose last month in another sign of slow but steady economic growth. the commerce department says sales rose .2% in november. it was the smallest gain since june but the sixth month in a row of increases. u.s. employers posted 3.3 million jobs in october. it was a slight decline though from september. but the second highest number in the past three years. the labor the -- labor department also said sales
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fell. both the nasdaq and dow were in positive gains. this afternoon san francisco supervisors narrowly approved an ordnance that could lead to the closure of the sharp park golf course. it would turn management of the land over to the national park service. but it has said it is not interesting in running a golf course. san francisco mayor ed lee indicated today he may veto this legislation. a wood burning ban will be in effect again tomorrow for the winter season's fifth spare the air day. bay area quality officials issued the alert when pollution levels can achieve healthy standards. bill martin is live now in the weather sister where he's tracking the changes. >> that means if you don't have any other heat other than wood burning you can burn it but if you've got other heat you
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cannot burn wood. so it's a spare the air night. it's going to be cold tonight. overnight lows take a look outside. what we have right now are the daytime hikes for today. we warmed up pretty nicely today. 60 in oakland, but as you go through time, you look at the current conditions in napa. we have 47 degrees and a bit of a westerly wind. you can see the westerly wind, that's going to keep temperatures off the bottom tonight. instead of 29 degrees or 25 degrees like we saw this morning in areas of the north bay, temperatures are going to be mostly in the low 30s. 32, 31, 30. very cold still but a little bit of wind stirs it up a bit. so it's not going to be that devastating cold. it was very cold this morning. we're going to see more patchy fog tomorrow morning. we're going to see temperatures like these. 35 in vallejo, 30 in fairfield. say it over and over. a lot of times you go outside, you have ice on the windshield and frost. you don't need to be freezing like in concord to get frost.
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you don't need to be freezing you can have your ambient air temperature like in antioch but you will get frost on the windshields of your car, on rooftops, just a matter of what kind of surface it is. the car windows let the frost form more readily. that's because the car windows radiate the heat more quickly. it hits freezing. the forecast for tomorrow morning cold, dry and cool with patchy fog. as you head into your thursday, look at this. it's going to sprinkle, it's going to slow down your thursday morning commute but it's basically a nonevent in terms of rainfall. computer model sets it up thursday morning. thursday commute, gone. it's not a big deal. tenthof an -- .1 of an inch at best and then dry. i'll watch that closely for you to see if that drops but right now it doesn't like much like a
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rain producer or snow producer. in the mountains they're starting to sweat a little bit. but you may know this up in the lake tahoe area those ski resorts, this two week period that's when they make their money. if they don't get skiers up there in the next two weeks they don't make money on the year. right now i don't see a significant snowstorm on their future before the new year. >> you can only make so much manmade snow. >> that's the issue. they can't make enough to support what they want. >> they haven't had any snow in a while. >> not enough. in last year they had 20 to 30 feet of snow. coming up on bay area news at 7:00, high tech criminals watch out there's a new team in town. what they're doing differently to try to catch the bad guys. apple computer ever put to paper is sold at what even experts are calling an outstanding sum. join us for these stories and more at 7:00 on tv 36. a warning for parents trying to find that perfect toy
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this christmas. the health hazards that could give you pause at the toy stores.
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there's a sobering report out tonight about some toys
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that you may already have on your christmas list. the list includes 350 items from popular toy maker playmobile. health experts we spoke to say that almost all plastic has bpa which could produce early puberty and cancer in lab animals. to see the list go to and look under web links. 49ers were out handing out toys today. hopefully the good toys. >> nonlead toys. you know the professional teams get out and about. this is a program that former 49er takeo spikes started a while back. the newcomer leading the charge is patrick willis as they hand out toys to the hospitalized
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kids. i don't know what thrilled them more getting the toy or seeing an nfl star. >> there's kids that are inside here right now that are going through hard times and we just want to put a smile on their face and letting them know that there's people outside of here that cares about them. especially the 49er family. you're trying to bring a smile o their face. for the warriors as long as they don't try to sell it like this is some big deal they got a front line center. i guess it's okay,quami brown agrees to a one year deal with the warriors worth 7 million -- kwame brown. he will compete with andres for the starting job. still waiting for that big splash move by the warriors. dallas braden is going to be back with the a's. the pitched a perfect game a
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couple of years ago. signed a three year contract. that's the sporting life at this hour. back to you julie and frank. >> mark, thank you. and thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we are always on or mobile ktvu. >> and follow us on twitter for the breaking news of the day. just look for ktvu on twitter. alright, so we have $10.
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you could get two things for $4 and one for $2. or five things for $2. or one for $6 and two for $2. [ male announcer ] with denny's 2-4-6-8 value menu, we're open to all new ways to save you money. [ imitates explosion ] [ male announcer ] dnyny's.
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