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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  October 12, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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[ chanting ] hundreds of protesters took over san francisco's financial district and this latest move by "occupy sf" led to arrests and a traffic mess. i'm claudine wong in for tori campbell. this protest started right at rush hour as hundreds marched through the streets. kraig debro has been through the middle of it all since dawn
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and joins us on how protesters raised the stakes today. >> reporter: we're on the montgomery street right at the wells fargo, at montgomery and california. you can tell there are people still blocking the door. they could soon be joining the more than a dozen people arrested earlier down at the hall of justice. the occupied movement marched from market to montgomery street. a coalition group marched on wells fargo. >> wells fargo, bank of america, they are not hurting at all while everyday cities are being forced out of their home and city at an alarming rate. >> reporter: this time, protesters blocked the doors at the wells fargo headquarters. >> i'm not security. >> reporter: an employee did not want to give his name but did give his opinion. >> most people did -- if you
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look at it, wells fargo did a good job. >> reporter: one woman said she missed work so she could be here. getting into the building still was not obstacle-free. >> i'm julie ann. >> reporter: some protesters had a drum circle. this group had a baby circle. they brought their kids and complaints. one parent seemed to touch on why mainstream americans are protesting, too. >> we're all living the train wreck. we can't afford to be with our children and to be with our families and to afford a normal, middle-class life. >> reporter: all right. right now, people are banging on the front glass window here on montgomery street. they just got an order to move somewhere else.
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we're gonna stay with them. and if anything develops before the end of the newscast, we'll bring that to you. protesters plan to gather at main street and mount diablo boulevard at 4:00 p.m. today. we do have some breaking news for you at this hour. an adult school in concord, it's under lockdown while police search for a stabbing suspect. you are take looking at newschopper2 over the scene. this manhunt is happening at the loma vista adult center. it's part of the mount diablo school district. there are reports that a person there was stabbed on the -- in the head and chest about 90 minutes ago. you can see the multiple police cars that are on the scene. we're told the victim -- the victim's injuries are non-life-
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threatening. the suspect is on the loose. hundreds are attending funerals for two of the three people killed last week at a quarry in cupertino. the gunman died from a self- inflicted gun wound. authorities say he killed himself during a gun battle while sheriff deputies were trying to arrest him. the search is on for a new police chief in oakland. a frustrated chief anthony batts is stepping down. it's still unclear who is going to replace him. paul chambers has reaction from oakland residents as the search for the next top cop -- top cop continues. >> reporter: less than 24 hours, after an thoughny batts put in his resignation, it -- anthony batts put in his
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resignation it sunk in. in a press conference yesterday, the chief said he didn't have the control needed to run the department. >> no chief wants to be in a position where he or she has been held accountable but does not have the power to make the impact. >> wewe have a person that wanted to do the job and couldn't do it. >> i didn't ask him to leave. but if he was going to leave, this was a good time for somebody else to move in. >> reporter: so who is that candidate? howard jordan and chief jeff godown. some people we talked to say it's a shame that that has to go. >> i think it's sad and i work for the government as well. i work for alameda county and i see the parallel issue where
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they are in -- where they are in a position of authority. >> reporter: chief batts' reign. of top cops is -- reign of top cop is scheduled to end soon. back to you. lawmakers in vallejo be aware. the city is going to buy cameras and mount them in busy areas, such as in downtown and sonoma boulevard. vallejo's working on a sophisticated security system that can be linked to bank systems and to the 9/11 -- 911 system. blackberry users began reporting problems on monday in europe, africa and the middle east. this morning, asia and north
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america. earlier in the week, the canadian company that makes the device blames a switch that connects its service to the internet. today they are working on the problem, they say. eight people lost their lives and dozens of others lost their homes, and the barricades up there, finally came down. tara moriarty has more. >> reporter: less than an hour ago, they removed the barricades. it's been freshly painted. over in the distance, that's where the hole used to be. one woman said when they covered the pipeline, they were burying the past. today now that a road has been paved over it, she said it's a way for everyone to move forward. >> i'm gonna ask some of the neighbors to help us open these barricades and enjoy the street again. >> reporter: san bruno mayor gave a few short words and
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others came out with their neighbors and to walk their dogs. one person remarked, how it was just like a day today, sunny when the blast happened. >> it's an amazing milestone. it's also bittersweet, too, because so many of our friends and neighbors couldn't be here today to see what happened here. >> reporter: this couple ran through the streets like kids, thrilled to the -- that the barriers were down. >> we don't need no fences, nothing. no borders between streets and san bruno. very excited. >> how is it going? >> hey! >> reporter: one year later, there are, of course, more signs that this neighbor is improving. you can hear hammering and saws. but many residents are still
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liking the problems with their insurance company and then there's the problems with pg&e. and they keep pushing for more legislation to ensure that this kine of disaster does not happen anywhere else. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. a school bus and a tractor collide, sending several people to the hospital in solano county. let's take you outside. the sun is out. it's warming up. meteorologist, steve paulson, will let us know if this whether last through the week. and what does this 30-flood inflatable have to do with the -- 30-foot inflatable turtle have to do with anything? state farm. this is jessica.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. text save to 7-8836.
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five students suffered minor injuries after their school bus overturned in solano county this morning. the bus driver was trying to pass a tractor-trailer. the bus ended up on the left side after clipping it. all children were wearing seat belts which prevented more serious injuries. the bus driver suffered moderate injuries as the front of the bus was demolished. video posted on a hip-hop website is now the focus of a police investigation. it shows a woman hit multiple times outside a doughnut shop.
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the video shows this man hitting the woman in the face with an open hand while the person holding the camera can be heard laughing. the woman starts to chase the man. and then a second later, a second person appears and then, as you can see here, she's hit again, in the face and falls to the ground. sacramento police say they responded to this when it happened but the victim refused to cooperate. >> you think it's funny, you think it's a joke to attack an innocent bystander? we're going to make sure we follow up with these people, and what they are doing, and where they are and maybe there's some type of crime that we haven't found out about. the trial of michael jackson's doctor took a major turn today as conrad murray's lawyer dropped a key defense
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claim. the attorney told the judge he's not going to argue that the popstar deliberately swallowed a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol. jurors were not in the courtroom. when he made that statement. murray had said that jackson took the drug that killed him on his own.
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the goal was to set a record for jumping jacks during a 24-hour period. critics at the proposed transbay tower and the sunlight. planning officials say they did look at the report and say the report looked at the worst-case scenario and the shadows will miss most of the park.
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the one tower will go up at the site of the transbay center. protesters at the occupied movement are still on the move in san francisco. we want to go back to kraig debro who is there and joins us with this update. kraig? >> reporter: as they pulled away from the montgomery street, they went around the block. >> they are getting ready to open this branch. they've been notified the wells fargo wanted to open the branch. the protesters are holding a mini rally here. we did get a statement from wells fargo and they said they paid back the bailout and the t.a.r.p. money, as far as foreclosures, less than 1.5% foreclosures have proceeded to actual foreclosure sales. that's a statement from wells fargo. these people started out at 7:00 in the moving.
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hundreds marched up and have been out here most of the morning. 11 people have been arrested for trespassing. we don't believe they are trying to get more people arrested. they were threatening arrests a few months ago. that's the latest from the latest occupied san francisco protest, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> okay. thank you, kraig. well, still ahead -- a closer look at the stocks and why there's some concern for people with sony playstations.
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i am a nose coach. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant.
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and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies.
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all right. there is a look at your big board at this hour. the dow is up 146 points. now, it lost a little bit of its gains. but it's doing well on signs that europe is gonna take bold steps to curb its financial crisis. the euro soaring above the yen. sony has temporary locked 93,000 of its accounts. the company says the move comes after it detected a large number of attempts to get into the accounts. sony says credit card numbers linked to the accounts have not been compromised. sony says they've sent e-mail notices and password change
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procedures. there are 327 million wireless subscriber connections in the u.s. that's more than our country apopulation. this includes, mobile phone, laptop computers and the same survey found that wireless data traffic is up 111% compared to a year ago. a major restoration effort is underway for a creek in san francisco's presidio. dragon fly is in the fort scott section of the former military base. now, that waterway has been covered by dirt for nearly a century. but "the examiner" reports that crews are unearthing the creek to build doyle drive. the creek could open next summer. the rangers and tigers will play right here today. the tigers won last night. texas leads the series. the game begins at 1:00.
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the ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 follows that game. tonight at 5:00, remembering steve jobs, one week after his death, the morning has not stopped. what's going on at the mother ship store in palo alto and how neighbors feel about it all. our next newscast is at 5:00. what do you think of this one?
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