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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 25, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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a violent night in oakland as police investigate three separate shootings. an overnight fire in san francisco sends three people to the hospital. 25 people out of their homes. what investigators are saying this morning about the cause. and gas prices keep moving hier. how much more it will cost to fill up your tank this morning. those stories enamor right here on ktvu morning news.
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good morning, thank you for joining us on this monday morning april 25th i'm pam cook. it turned out to be a pretty nice easter weekend. what will it be like today? look at who is back. steve paulson. we missed you. >> thank you pamela. i appreciate that. our cool pattern continues. look for temperatures starting off in the 50s. we will end up with 60s. very light showers. we'll have more coming up soon. now i do believe we are heading over to sal. steve, welcome back. westbound traffic moving pretty well. also this mornings commute looks good on northbound 101 approaching the 80 split. let's go back to pam. topping our news the worst outbreak of violence in months. oakland police are investigating three separate overnight shootings. ktvu allie rasmus tells us two of the shootings took place outside of popular nightclubs.
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good morning, ali. >> reporter: good morning, pam. homicide investigators are still inside one of those buildings. this building behind me is a bar. this is where one of the most violent overnight shootings happened. this is on fourth street and broadway just a block away from jack london square. two people were killed here. four others men and women were injured. two of them critically. i talked to the sergeant out here who explained what they think may have happened. just before 1:00 a man tried to enter but was not allowed in. he tried to push his way into the bar. when that didn't work he pulled out a gun and started shooting. between 10-15 people were inside the bar when this happened. and when i talked to the sergeant, he was just about to leave here and go to the police station to interview several of the witnesses. the sergeant says he doesn't know if this shooting was
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related to another shooting that happened around the same time early this morning. a man was found shot in the leg near kimables nightclub. there is yet another shooting this morning on the 7,200th block on favor street. that is not near jack london square. we do not know the circumstancing of that shooting. as for the shooting here at sweet jimmy's place police are in the process of interviewing several witnesses. an overnight fire in san francisco sent three people to the hospital and investigators say it could be arson. it happened at about 12:40 this morning on powell street. firefighters put out the fire and just about 15 minutes. we don't know the injuries of the three people taken to the hospital but about 25 people are still not allowed to return to their homes. the red cross helps them find
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temporary housing. the fire is being investigated as a possible arson. ktvu tara moriarty is on the scene. she will have more on what investigators are saying this morning coming up at 5:00. once again a problem with oakland police radios lead to a critical communication break down. the latest trouble came yesterday during a high-speed chase and man hunt along martin luther king way. police cornered a man that crashed a stolen car but their radios were cutting in and out. frustrated officers were forced to use cell phones. that lead to confusion just as officers were moving in. >> we were able to transmit intermutantly so i'm not going to say politely failed. >> officers finally gave upen on the search after to hours. the suspect still on the run this morning. police later discovered that one radio was stuck open which garbled transmissions. it was the latest fluke in a
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frustrating system. san carlos could vote tonight to out source its fire assistance. they are asking anyone that opposes the plan to join them at tonight's meeting. it calls for hiring a private company to take over fire services. if that happens the san carlos fire department would be disbanded and 47 firefighters could be out of a job. city leaders say an estimated $1 million would be saved. a suspected sniper is in the los angeles county jail after a frightening incident involving a police helicopter. this is the scene near the airport yesterday. police scrambled to stop a sniper who fired at a police helicopter. bullets hit the fuel tank forcing the chopper to make an emergency landing. no one was hurt and a family member eventually stopped the 18-year-old suspect. police are not sure what lead up to the attack.
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the search will resume today for an 11-year-old boy feared dead in the kings canyon national park. the new jersey boy disappeared on friday after hiking with his family. search crews have been concentrating their search near a creek in the park. it's believed the boy fell into the water when his parents were not looking. on saturday search crews recovered some of the boys clothing downstream crews also spent the day yesterday trying to find more clues. >> we're on a mission we don't recognize any specific holidays or times of day. it's all important to the overall mission. >> search crews say it's extremely unlikely the boy could survive in the water that is because the large snow base this past winter is making creeks in the park colder and faster than normal. flights out of lambert st. louis airport are expected to return to normal by the middle of the week following a tornado. the main terminal was damaged friday night. part of the roof is gone and
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windows are shattered. security video shows the tornado blowing threw. take a look at that. people running for cover. american airlines plans to resume flights today. southwest airlines the biggest carrier resumed flights yesterday. friday's tornado damaged more than 700 homes as well. blue tarps are replacing rooftops that were torn off by winds that reached 170 miles an hour. at easter church services yesterday, people said they are thankful that no one was killed or seriously hurt. >> the building can be rebuilt. we are thankful no lives were lost because those lives cannot be replaced. >> the most powerful tornado to hit the st. louis area in more than 40 years. well you probably noticed gas prices are up again this morning. they went up about a penny a gallon overnight. this morning drivers will pay an average of $4.28 per gallon
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in san francisco. it's a nickel less in oakland and san jose. nearly everyone we talked to has a theory of why they continue to increase and gas companies are at the top of the list. >> i know how things work. they have the highest profits ever. >> people try to make money on the gas. they buy oil not to use. >> the president agrees specklators are helping drive up the price of gas. the last time that happened was in 2008. it's 4:38. let's get a complete look at the traffic so far. it's early. good morning, sal. >> good morning, pam. things are look good out there so far as we are looking at the east shore freeway traffic moves well. it's a nice looking drive heading out west to the mccarthur maze. also the morning commute looks good at the bay bridge toll
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plaza westbound. and the morning drive is going to continue to look good on northbound 280 getting up to highway 880 there and right through downtown san jose that commute is looking good. back from a little vacation it's steve. >> thank you, sir. we have cloudy skies. very, very light rain. this pattern keeps continuing where we see little systems race eight cross the pacific and coming in. you can see the north bay santa rosa had light rain. nothing too heavy here. temperatures are in the 50s. it's rather mild. rather muggy. and mid 50s for some. one more system here. and maybe a little break here tuesday, wednesday. but then it looks like another system before the weekend everything is starting to look good. today we deal with with a lot of clouds. partly sunny and mostly cloudy. mostly cloudy with light rain. highs upper 50s to low 60s. mid 60s out toward antioch, morgan hill, fairfield 64.
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then we get a break tuesday, wednesday. another system clips us thursday into friday. it does appear we will see more sunshine and warmer weather. the future of medicare is a hot topic on capitol hill. >> now when obama does it it's seen as a great wonderful thing for folks. when ryan does it for medicare we are cruel and horrible. >> controversial plan is hitting a possible presidential candidate. and rocking out for a good cause. the bay area teenager who is using music to help stop a common problem. san mateo bridge traffic looking good.
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good morning, we have cloudy skies. very light rain moving over. nothing too heavy. it's the pattern that hasn't changed much. we will see temperatures in the upper 50s. low to mid 60s with occasional showers. this morning a nato air strike in libya again targeted the compound of moammar gadhafi in tripoli. this was video shown on libyan state tv. 45 people were injured in what the government calls an attempt on gadhafi's life. last month the nato cruise
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missile targeted in that compound. >> a massive search is under way for the 12,000 bodies of the missing people in japan. 25,000 japanese troops are on a land and sea mission. boats and drivers are also searching the waters. former president jimmy carter is in china today with a group of former world leaders known as the elders. they are on a six-day trip that will also include stops in south korea and north korea. he is traveling with the former presidents of ireland and finland and norway their goal is try top ease tensions between north and south korea. back here at home a presidential candidate is attacking president obama saying republicans want to end medicare. >> obama care is avoucher system for those that do not have care. when ryan does it for medicare
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we are cruel and horrible to seniors. you can't have it both ways. >> former pennsylvania senator made the comments yesterday. he was talking about congressman paul ryan's plan to turn medicare into avoucher system. ryan says his plan would help drive down costs because seniors would be able to shop around. the president and other democrats are against the plan saying it would be the death of medicare and leave seniors to fend for themselves. easter celebrations will continue at the white house with the annual egg roll. i want to show you pictures of last years event. this year nine-year-old robinson from firefield will be taking part. robinson won an online lottery to attend the event. her mother, grandmother, brother are also in the nation's capitol today to take part in all of the fun. yesterday the first family attended easter church services
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in washington, d.c.. take a look there is a picture that captures the president and first lady. the rare church visit turned the service into a bit of a spect call. many people who couldn't get inside stood outside to try to get a glimpse of the first family. that's why president obama has said in the past he doesn't attend church services very often because he does not want to inconvenience the congregation. secretary of homeland security is scheduled to be here at uc berkeley later today. she is expected to hold a round table discussion with students. the discussion will focus on how the science and engineering communitying can help maintain national security she will start speaking at 2:00 this afternoon. recovering arizona congresswoman is expected to make a trip to florida to see her husband blast off into
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space. doctors have given giffords permission to attend the launch. giffords continues to make progress in her recovery. she is now able to walk. she says -- they now say she can use the left side of her body. a boy in palo alto has raised $12,000 to prevent gay teens from committing suicide. last night bands from around the country came to support the event in san francisco. the eighth grader said he got the idea last summer after hearing stories about gay teens being bullied and committing suicide. >> they are being bullied for something they can't help and it's not something that is wrong with them it's just who they are. noah says he's not gay but has friends that are. money raised from tickets will go to the trevor project.
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and it gets better. a you tube channel that supports gay teens. many bay area students have new determination to do well in school after two week college tour. the students returned home yesterday from a tour of 17 historically black colleges. the trip covered 6,000 miles and 11 states. students and parents have different reasons saying the trip was worth the $2,000 it cost. >> mostly i learned more about myself and the colleges and the black history. >> this gives her the opportunity to see so many colleges and universities that we wouldn't have been able to have the opportunity to afford to take her or the time to take her. >> this years tour was especially successful after meeting with college administrators and admission officers every senior in the group was offered at least a partial scholarship by more
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than one college or university. the san jose sharks are hoping for an on the road victory tonight in los angeles at the staple center. sharks are one win away from moving into the next win of nhl playoffs. that's because on saturday the kings beat the sharks. san jose still leads the kings three games to two. game six starts at 7:00 tonight. bart is looking for a little bit of help. how you can give your input for a major change to tran sit agent is considering. rumors continue to surround the evening news anchor katie couric.
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welcome back to the morning news. one of san francisco's popular
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cable car lines will be shut down today. half of the howell hide line will be shut down. cable cars will run from market street up powell but they will now stop at jackson for the week. buses will go the rest of the way. the good news is your commute will cost less. cable car fairs will drop from $5-$2 this week. bart wants your opinion on styles for its new seats. starting today bart passengers can test out seats and styles. a seat lab will make about nine stops around the bay area. riders will be able to try out different options and fill out a survey to give their opinion. that is pretty nice. 4:52 is the time. sal, are you going to try out the seat lab perhaps? >> if i can get over these allergies. they are back. i can deal. so can you with the traffic.
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the traffic is doing pretty well as you drive on highway 24 heading up to oakland. looks pretty good right now. no major problem there is. also the morning commute looks good westbound bay bridge small delay at the toll plaza. until problems getting into san francisco. and as we see here san francisco northbound 101 traffic is okay. a little wet from some scattered showers. at 4:52 here is steve. >> thank you. that is correct. one more system here in the old weather pipeline. a lot of clouds and very little rain. it is scooting through here this morning. there is not a lot to these systems. after we get through today and tuesday and wednesday it does look warmer. a little cool down as we get to thursday. there is the system. you're looking at it. yeah that is it. and occasionally light rain. live storm tracker two picks up on that. as sal touched on you get a few light showers. it's on the mild side.
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50. 56 hayward. 55 mountain view. santa rosa one of the coolest at 52. you can see how the moisture source keeps aiming at us. it's not a lot here but enough to give us cloudy skies. there are signs maybe the pattern will change. we head to the weekend. mostly cloudy and mild mid 60s and any sun. we will ease into that for tuesday and wednesday we will get low 70s. a little cool down on thursday and start to clear it out friday transition day. all signs point to warmer with mid 70s. >> sounds good. thank you steve. a top children's right group is calling for a major overhaul of a 35-year-old federal law dealing with toxic chemicals. the american academy of pediatrics says the government needs to protect kids and expected mothers from the chemicals. more than 80,000 chemicals are being used across the country for cleaning products and other
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uses. but they also say only 200 of those chemicals have actually been tested for their safety. a new study out this morning shows obese teenagers are taking part in risky behavior just as much as other teens at a normal weight. that includes unsafe sex, drugs, smoking, alcohol, and spots of suicide. researchers say parents shouldn't assume teens that are overweight aren't taking part in those activities. katie couric is expected to make it official this week that she is leaving the evening news. she will make it before she leaves to london. the announcement of her replacement isn't expected to be made until the first week of may. that person is 60 minutes correspondent scott pally.
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you two are coming with me. >> the animated adventure rio kept families going to the movies. they held off the latest water for elephants. hop and scream four round out the top five. battling a watsonville wild fire. why some say the fire is responsible for the deaths of- ups of fish. pg&e is changing its mind. why they are in favor of a plan to raise pressure in its gas pipelines.
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a violent night in oakland as police investigate two shootings in oakland. an early morning fire in san francisco. a woman is being hailed a hero. we'll tell you what she has to say coming up. lots of clouds and a little bit of rain. san jose police say claims of excessive force and racial profiling. what the department says in
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response. it's all ahead. well good morning, to you. welcome to a brand new day monday, april 25th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. let's start with weather and traffic. steve paulson is back. what is the weather like? >> we do have cloudy skies and very light rain. it's been this way for awhile. it looks like it will continue for another day. there is not a lot out there. the clouds continue to roll in. it's very mild. we will end up with mostly cloudy and partly cloudy skies. here is sal. traffic looks good if you are driving on northbound 101 approaching the 80 split. it looks like it's a little wet there. the morning commute is moving along nicely. westbound bay bridge approaching the toll plaza. coming up on 5:00 let's go back to the desk. topping our news at 5:00 oakland police are searching for suspects in


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