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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 21, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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it is going to take more than a couple years. it is going to take more than one term for us to finish everything we need to do. >> the message the president delivered to his supporters during the late night campaign stop and his agenda for the rest of his visit today. pg&e starts to send out letters to customers in the wake of the san bruno pipeline disaster. what these letters say and who is receiving them. and new tool available for drivers this morning that could help you find parking in san
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francisco. it's all ahead here on the ktvu morning news. good morning. thank you for joining us. it's thursday april 21st. i'm pam cook. will we see rain today? mark is in for steve with the answer. good morning, mark. hi, pam. good morning to you. we have a few lingering showers right now across parts of the bay area. as we head into the mid-morning and afternoon hours we'll gradually phase out on the shower activity as the system heads to the south. but you can count on the fog and drizzle this morning. sun-cloud mix into the afternoon. and temperatures later on today the range from upper 50s to low to mid-60s. we'll show you where showers are falling right now and more showers in our five-day forecast. sal is standing by with an update on traffic. good morning. traffic on 880 is looking good here in front of the coliseum with no major problems. morning drive on northbound 101 approaching the 80 split that looks pretty good.
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4:31. back to the desk. thank you, sal. this morning president obama is waking up in san francisco. he has one more bay area appearance before heading out. the president will appear at a breakfast fundraiser this morning at st. rejoice hotel. that's after two fundraisers in san francisco last night. in an appearance at the masonic center the president acknowledged that some of his supporters are frustrated at the slow pace of change in washington. >> i know there are times where some of you have felt frustrated because we haven't gotten everything done as fast as we wanted. we didn't get everything exactly the way we had planned. >> the president says he gets frustrated too. but he reminded the crowd that back when he was first elected in 2008 he said it would take more than one term to do everything they want. now the friendly audience seemed to like what they heard. >> it was awesome. i love obama. and i had a great time. >> i think it was great
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although the attention to the inequality that still exists in this country especially for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people in this country really was not addressed. >> now earlier in the day president obama held an online town hall at facebook's headquarters in palo alto. ceo moderated. the president took question from the audience and from users watching the town hall streamed on facebook. now some people are critical about president obama's message. coming up at 4:45 we're going to hear from a top bay area republican about his reaction. now to review the president's schedule today, this morning he's scheduled to appear at a breakfast fundraiser at san francisco's st. regis hotel. following that he's scheduled to leave at 10:35 for reno and then head to los angeles for two more fundraisers. we're going to continue to follow the president's visit throughout the morning. you can also get updates throughout the day on our
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website at pg&e is taking new action in response to the pipeline disaster in san bruno. ktvu's tara moriarty joins us now from livermore to tell us what's going out to millions of homes and businesses. good morning, tara. >> reporter: well, pg&e is starting to send out letters to folks who live near high risk gas lines. and a portion of livermore ranks number two on the list. now we're in the downtown area, but about a mile from here on a southern outskirts of town is a pipeline in question. and anyone who lives within 2,000 feet of that area will be receiving something in the mailbox soon. now pg&e came under intense fire after the san bruno pipeline disaster last september. and after intense pressure from customers and legislators, it released its top 100 list of sections that needed inspected, repaired or replaced. the mailers which are being sent out over the next couple of weeks will offer advice on what to do if a person wants to learn a location of the pipelines or detect the rotten egg smell of a gas leak and
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hears hissing, whistling or roaring sounds coming from underground. the four criteria for getting on the list, the potential for  third party damage. like digins from construction. they're also looking at erosion, ground movement and the physical design and characteristics of the pipe segment. now if you're wondering what pipeline was number one on the list, it's not in the immediate bay area. it's east of so lianas. but we have other hot spots to tell you about. or if you do not receive a letter, we'll tell you how to access that information. live in livermore, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. overnight police arrested a man in connection with alameda's first homicide of the year. the body of the victim was found inside an apartment building on bun vista avenue just before noon yesterday. police received several calls from people living nearby. investigators say the man was shot to death. his relationship to the suspect is still unclear. oakland police are questioning a possible suspect in the series of sexual
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assaults in the lake merit area. investigators say his face closely matches the sketch that police have been handing out. they believe he may be responsible for several sexual attacks in the neighborhood over the past few months. the most recent incident was tuesday afternoon when a man ordered a woman to take off her clothes outside her home. today the parents of a san francisco high school student are expected to speak out for the first time about the death of their only son. 16-year-old was found shot to death on april 10th. a 15-year-old boy has been charged with murder in the case. but a lawyer for the boy says the shooting was accidental and that the two were friends. the defendant appeared in court yesterday, but he did not enter a plea. san francisco police officers are now under pressure to give up $14 million in scheduled pay raises. the city faces a projected $306 million shortfall. and departments across the board are being asked to cut
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spending. but the police union's president tells the examiner that officers have already gone three years without raises and that he wouldn't ask members to give them up for a fourth year. san francisco mayor ed lee could soon announce his pick for police chief within a week. ktvu learned that out of the three candidates two are insiders, captain sir and commander ma honeny. the third candidate is an unnamed person from outside the department. cal train will vote later this morning on a plan to keep all of its trains running without service cuts. the agency is looking for other ways to fill a $3.5 billion budget deficit. those could include borrowing money from its capital fund and deferring some maintenance. commuters could also see 25- cent increases in base fares and $1 increase in parking fees starting july 1st. speaking of parking, a parking experiment that charges people based on demand is up
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and running in san francisco this morning. you can now check realtime parking availability and pricing online at sf and a free down load able app of course for the iphone users is available starting today. sensors installed on spaces and garages in the district track parking information then transmitted to signs and smart phone applications. 4:37 is the time. there's an app for that, right, sal? that is right. i'm all set to go. >> i'm having a hard time hearing you, sal. uh-oh. dropped the mic in your coffee? looking for the microphone. >> it fell down. can you hear me now? >> we can hear you. >> all right. good. let's do the traffic. i'll do the traffic holding this in my hand. all right. traffic is moverring along relatively well on 80 westbound as you head out to the macarthur maze. no major problems here. driving out to the maze traffic looks good. and we're off to a nice start.
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also this morning this is a look at 80. i want to thank dave clark for finding the mic on the floor. thank you, dave. he's clapping. no major problems here. [ laughter ] >> this morning on 280 northbound getting up to highway 17 it looks good. you see, mark, he's not only an anchor man but he finds microphones on the floor. >> we have to thank dave clark very much this morning. little microphones seem to want to wander away. you have to keep an eye on them. across the bay area right now we have some clouds out there. even a few light showers. as far as rainfall totals you can see what happened over the past 24 hours. look at santa rosa nearly a quarter inch of rain. put this into motion. the most recent imagery a few spotty showers leftover in the southern portions of the region. but they're going to gradually phase out showers throughout the morning hours. that will set the stage for the most part a nice afternoon. so for today we have the morning fog and drizzle. a sun-cloud mix. and then for tomorrow partly cloudy. we'll be dry. weekend more cloud cover and we have to bring in just a chance of a light shower although it
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looks like the bulk of the activity will remain to the north of the bay area as we head into the weekend. as far as current numbers here we go. readings mainly in the 40s to lower 50s. temperatures i'm just thinking back to yesterday at this time probably about three to six degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. san francisco right now checking in at 49 degrees. here we go with our forecast models. doing a nice job on showing you the current pattern with the clouds and rain showers. look what happens when you scale back on the clouds later on today. for tomorrow we're going to increase high clouds moving into the region especially for tomorrow afternoon. but no rain drops expected for your friday. for today here we go at 8:00 clouds and drizzle, 53 to 58 degrees. scattered clouds at 12:00. and then the eventual temperature range under partly cloudy skies showing you some upper 50s to low to mid-60s for afternoon readings. san jose at 65. and half-moon bay tops out 58 degrees. here is a look ahead. the weekend is approaching. we do bring in just a chance of a light shower favoring the north bay saturday.
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maybe a few sprinkles first thing sunday morning. for the most part a sun-cloud mix and partly cloudy skies into next week. pam. thank you, mark. this morning we are learning more about what killed two photo journalists in libya yesterday. according to the washington post, tim heatherrington died from heavy bleeding after being hit by a rocket propelled grenade. he was nominated for an oscar for co-directing a documentary about u.s. soldiers fighting in afghanistan. another photographer died after suffering a severe brain injury from shrapnel. abandon re-entering the evacuation zone around japan's nuclear plant is now in effect. this effects more than 80,000 people. japanese officials are worried about radiation and are urging people to comply with the restrictions or face a fine or detention. we're also learning that almost 90% of the 11,000 people who died in last month's disaster drowned. two-thirds of the dead are over the age of 60.
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a secret feature on the iphone. why researchers say it could be tracking your every move. and the two tiny heartbreaking discoveries made during a prostitution sting on the streets of oakland. good morning. westbound 92 traffic looks good. we'll tell you why in driving across bay area bridges could be a little tougher than usual right now.
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good thursday morning. time now 4:44. still a few lingering showers across parts of the bay area especially approaching parts of the east bay and the south bay. as far as the afternoon it will be a different story. more on your forecast coming up in a few minutes. well, in the largely democratic bay area, president obama has faced mostly friendly crowds during his visit here. but the top republican here in the bay area says whether or not the president gets re- elected will depend more on the economy than campaign speeches. >> politicians fight for their jobs. i get that. but he has to show i think in the long run a greater concern for americans jobs. >> california republicans have launched their own series of town hall meetings to talk to voters. tonight they're holding one in riverside in southern california. jurors in the chauncey bailey murder trial saw secretly recorded police video of the former leader of your black muslim bakery for the first time. the prosecution says it shows yusuf bey the 4th imitating
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bailey being shot. >> san ledro police recorded bey and two other bakery members four days after bailey's shooting. the defense suggests bey knew he was being recorded and wasn't being truthful. bey's accused of ordering the killing of two other men in 2007. backing down from a plan to double what it charges customers for sewage service after getting a lot of negative feedback. >> i am really very interested to know why you need so much of our money? >> you have 32 employees which appears to be about three times what any other district has. >> district officials say they need to replace an old and collapsing pipe system. now they promise to look at alternatives and hold another public hearing next month. the east bay municipal
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utility district could raise water rates. east bay mud considering a 12% increase over the next two years. if the district decides to continue with that plan, it promises to hold public hearings in june. the utility has 1.4 million customers in alameda and contra costa counties. the young twins found with their mother during a prostitution bust in oakland are now in protective custody this morning. the 25-year-old stockton woman was arrested yesterday for soliciting a police officer. police say the two babies were found in the backseat of a car parked nearby. >> i would hate to think of the possibilities that could have happened to those two little innocent babies sitting in the backseat had we not intervened. >> the woman was charged with three felonies for prostitution, soliciting and child endangerment. police say she had three other young children. six other women were arrested during yesterday's sting. the sonoma county sheriff's helicopter program is in danger of being grounded. the henry 1 helicopter costs
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$1.8 million a year to maintain and keep at the sonoma county airport. now the sheriff's office is considering ending the program to help cut 25% from its budget. the final decision won't be made until may or june. drivers will be detoured again today in san jose as crews clean up graffiti on a bridge over interstate 280. the freeway exit ramp to bird avenue will be closed between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. the drivers have been detoured the past two days so that crews could scale across a large bridge and paint over a giant graffiti tag. it's a $40,000 clean up project that could take months to coordinate. >> cal trans closing down the lanes and chp helping them and then cal train helping us with buying the paint and actually with the antigraffiti program. >> they hope to clean up graffiti on all the bridges by the end of the year. people in poorer states are
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leading the trend to dumping land lines and only have cell phones. a new government report shows at least 30% of all residents in the poorest states only have wireless phone service. people questioned say they're using just their cell phones as a way to save money. california ranks 41st in cell phone only homes. with slightly less than 20% of all homes not having a land line. well, your iphone might be keeping tabs on you. that's according to two technology researchers who say they've discovered a secret tracking feature in the apple iphone. they say it tracks your location in uncrypted and unsecured files. this technology is also on the 3gi pad. the researchers say they have asked apple to explain but have not received an answer yet. california's insurance commissioner claims suter health has overcharged insurers by hundreds of millions in the last ten years. the commissioner zestier hospitals across northern
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california have charged as much as $5,000 for anesthesia when they should be charging about $250. he says that's driving up the premiums businesses and consumers pay for insurance. sutter health denies and says that the bills are "appropriate." a big scare in colorado. what was found inside a mall on the anniversary of the columbine shootings and why investigators believe it may be linked to the tragic event. and what's going on at a south bay dog park today where a dog died suddenly from what was believed to be poisoning.
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welcome back to the morning news. take a look at this. an immigration detention center in sydney, australia, is badly damaged after a night of riots.
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police say set fire to several buildings and threw tiles and sharp objects off of rooftops. rioters say they've been held at the center for two years and they want to know why. no one was killed or injured in the riots. the f.b.i. is launching an investigation into a bomb and propane tank found at a colorado mall. the items were found yesterday after a small fire broke out near the mall's food court. officials think that the mall incident is linked to the 12th anniversary of the columbine high school shooting. police say after the shootings, a pipe bomb and propane tank were found in the school. we spoke to oakland police a short timing a when officers are still looking for suspects in a shooting outside a home on 74th avenue last night. police say two people were injured. both victims were treated at highland hospital and are expected to survive. one victim drove himself to the hospital. still not clear what led up to
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the shooting. well, san jose's butcher dog park is set to reopen this afternoon. it's been closed since the weekend after a dog playing in the park collapsed and died. now poison was suspected. but early tests do not indicate that any apparent signs of poison. the park will be power washed before it reopens. golden gate bridge district will meet this morning to talk about pedestrian and bicycle safety. one idea up for consideration is setting a 10-mile per hour speed limit for bikes. some people say that speed is contributing to accidents. violators could get a $100 fine for speeding. bicyclists say they want the district to increase the amount of time dedicated to the bike only sidewalk on the west side of the bridge. all right. coming up on 5:00. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic this morning. sal. pam, good morning. once again traffic is doing well on bay area bridges. but you might feel just a little bit of wind and also a little wet on some of the spans as you look at the bay bridge
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toll plaza. it looks pretty good. san mateo bridge traffic moving along pretty well. you can see a little shaky. our camera's bouncing a little from the wind that's going through there. and the morning commute is okay if you're driving on the dumbarton bridge. right now traffic continues to look good on the peninsula. 4:54, here's mark. hi, sal. good morning to you. still a few lingering rain showers out there. the bulk of the action right now focused in parts of the south bay and also the east bay as we come in a bit tighter here closer towards fremont and also just outside los gatos as well. showers will continue to drift to the south. as a result it looks like it will set the stage for a fairly nice afternoon later on today. as far as current numbers it is cooler out there this morning compared to yesterday morning. santa rosa currently 45. fairfield 51. and livermore right around 50. this system moves out to the south and as a result the showers this morning will be winding down with a partly cloudy skies into the afternoon hours. as we do put this into motion clouds on the increase for tomorrow all in advance of this
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system. go with a cloud-sun mix. and most of the rain is up to the north of the bay area. but for saturday there is the chance of a very light shower mostly for the morning hours. and then for sunday we're going to hold onto a few clouds out there. here's our forecast model showing you this. lingering clouds will put this into motion. and for the most part not a lot to show you here. just a few extra high clouds as we take this into your friday afternoon. showers move out for today. here's the forecast beginning at 8:00 this morning. clouds and drizzle. just a slight chance of a shower. by 12:00 partly to mostly cloudy and then by 4:00 partly cloudy and mild. there's the eventual temperature range from the upper 50s to upper 60s. so today with the afternoon highs a little warmer than yesterday with the readings. and here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast scattered clouds for your friday. chance of a shower for saturday morning. only a slight chance basically. mostly cloudy skies for easter sunday. and then once again we could be tracking a few more sprinkles in to next week. another forecast check just minutes away. major league baseball has made an extraordinary move
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against the giants long time rival. the league is assuming control of the los angeles dodgers. commissioner says he will appoint a representative to oversee all aspects of the business and the day-to-day operations of the club. that's because the couple that owns the dodgers is involved in a bitter divorce battle and that has led to huge money problems for the typically very successful franchise. president obama wraps up his visit to the bay area. today's agenda for the commander in chief live in a live report coming up next. living in the danger zone. the warning from pg&e that 2.5 million customers will soon find in their mailbox.
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>> reporter: presidential sleepover in san francisco's got streets blocked near downtown. a few lingering rain showers across parts of the bay area right now. coming up i'll let you know when the showers move out and more rain chances in our five- day forecast. pg&e is sending out letters to its customer who is live within high risk gas lines. we'll tell you who's effected coming up. under the gun over outstanding debt. who owes california money and how the government is cracking down. it's all ahead here on


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