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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 15, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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a woman is injured and her dog killed when two dogs attack them. we'll tell you why animal control is asking for the neighbors help. and let's give you am live look outside. that is the bay bridge project. crews are preparing to start another phase today. what they are planning to do. plus why that deadly san
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bruno explosion is causing an increase in your bills. and good morning, i'm claudine wong. pam cook has the morning off. it's friday, april 15th let's start with the check of your weather and traffic. rosemary in for steve. >> good morning,. tgif to you. it's mild out there. we do have high clouds over head. we will remain with the hides clouds as we move through the afternoon and some of us with a slight possibility of a few scattered showers to be partly cloudy and mild once again as we head into the evening. we have a nice warm enough in store for the weekend. we will talk about the possibility of rain coming up. westbound 24 looking pretty good. we are off to a nice start this morning. if you are driving in contra costa or alameda county, traffic is moving well.
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let's go back to claudine. topping our news this morning the search for two pit bulls that attacked its owner. allie rasmus is live now with what animal control officers are doing this morning to track these dangerous dogs down. >> reporter: it happened early thursday morning here in the park where we are standing right now. this 39-acre park runs right through a residential neighborhood. in fact, if we pan over even though it's not very light out still you can see some of the houses right across the street. san jose animal control workers are asking for the neighborhoods help. they want to see if anyone recognizes the two animals responsible for this latest attack. one of the dogs involved is described as a large tan colored pit bull. the other is a black mixed breed pit bull. a san jose woman said she was walking her dog a 100 pounds husky mix when the two pit bulls came from out of nowhere and attacked her dog. the woman's dog died and the
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woman went to the hospital after the pit bull bit her. this is the third pit bull attack in which someone was injured in san jose in the past four months. back in december a 41-year-old woman was mulled by a pit bull in south east san jose. they don't know if the pit bulls involved in this latest attack are someones pets or strays. that's why they are asking people in the neighborhood to give them a call if they recognize these animals. reporting live in san jose allie rasmus. there is an effort under way this morning to protect pets. coming up at 4:50 we will tell you about a first of its kind proposal designed to keep animals away from abusive owners. silent patrol tests will take place across the bay area. it's part of the national day of silence. students will take a moment of silence. they reason couraging parents
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to keep their children home to protest that event. san francisco ljbt community is organizing a rally tonight. the 20-year-old transgender woman was attacked near the bart plaza. the victim asked us to conceal her identity and call her mia. she tells us someone verbal harassed her and beat her. >> i hate men dress up as women. he said something to that effect. >> i'm from a small town. >> mia was treated at a hospital for cuts and abuses. a witness that followed the two suspects helped officers arrest them quickly. in a few weeks you can see a slight increase in your pg&e. they have given the utility company the green light to raise gas rates. they will see their monthly gas bill increase by 40 cents and small businesses will pay $3
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more. the increase in taxes takes effect on may 1st. it's part of a settlement made between pg&e and the public utility commission. according to that settlement twice a year over the next four years pg&e will also have to file a pipeline safety report. among other things pg&e will need to document which lines are being replaced. it will also need to detail which pipelines are considered high risk. later this morning a local native american group will hold a spiritual ceremony at vallejo park. they want to add a parking lot to the glen cove waterfront park. some local activists are opposed to that plan. they say that spark resting place of many native americans. some graves date back 3500 years. there is a possibility of a sit lying ordnance in berkeley. apparently people are talking the berkeley chamber of commerce have held a discussion about it. according to a report some
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business ordinary reasons say that type of ordnance would help bring in customers. however homeless advocates say it will unfairly target the city's homeless population. >> doctors in los angeles are keeping a close eye on bryan stow. it has been two weeks since he suffered a brutal attack. they have brought him out of his medically induced coma. pitching star tim lincecum is doing his part to help the giants fan. he is donating $25,000 of his own money. lincecum calls the attack a senseless act of violence. the mccarthur maze is back open after being closed for several hours because of a fatal crash. one person was killed and another hurt when a car hit a pickup truck. the chp says one person was pinned under the truck and another one was trapped inside. the driver of the truck was
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pronounced dead under the scene. the driver of the car was arrested for driving under the influence. we will give you a live look outside. that is the project. you can see it's already it will this morning -- there is not much activity going on but that will change. after this action there is only one piece left to add to the complete tower. today's work begins at 10:00 a.m.. time now is 4:36. we want to head over top sal castaneda for a look at your roads. >> we have been out there for that bay bridge project. it's cool to see it going up. >> it's fascinating. amazing engineering work. >> that is right. we will be watching it here on ktvu channel 2 and we'll be watching the traffic right here. northbound 101 approaching the 80 split that traffic looks good on to the lower deck of the bay bridge.
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and no troubles on the bay bridge now coming into san francisco either. the toll plaza area is nice and again of course we just mentioned that construction. we want you to be careful. keep your eyes on the road if you actually do want to watch this going on you can go over to treasure island in one of the parking lots there where it's safe to do so and you can watch from there. don't try to watch as you are driving. this may sound obvious. some people may try to do it. let's take a look at interstate 280 northbound that traffic is moving along very well getting up to highway 17. look who is back. it's rosemary. >> good morning, to you. and we are off to a quiet start this morning. giving you a lock -- giving you a look at the satellite radar view. partly cloudy skies through san francisco. our winds right around the region. san jose south westerly just 3 miles an hour. 6 miles an hour in oakland.
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if we head a little bit north calm santa rosa and down into napa. we are warmer by several degrees. santa rosa almost 9 degrees warmer. your regional wide-spread view. these clouds will stick around bringing us rain over the north bay. we will again just have that very slight chance. we have a ridge in place for today. a little bit of moisture continuing to stroll through the area. whatever we get it will not be a big deal. in areas of south of san francisco pretty mild. right now 49 in fairfield. low 50s for concord. 47 heading out the door in redwood city. your afternoon highs for today a nice one. 68 expected for napa. 67 in berkeley. 67 for hayward. even if we are mostly cloudy chances are they are the high
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thin clouds. 30 degrees expected this afternoon in san jose. partly cloudy skies looking at low 70s in store for saturday and sunday. models now indicating a slight chance for a little bit of rain. most of us sunday night into monday. we rebound pretty quick on tuesday. all and all a good looking forward. emergency officials are just starting to survey the damage left behind by a deadly tornado that ripped through southeast oklahoma. they had to wait until this morning because the storm touched down in the dark late yesterday. two people were killed and two dozen others hurt. the powerful storm downed trees and power poles. if you haven't filed your taxes yet, no need to worry. you have a few extra days. tax day is usually today april 15th but because of a holiday in washington, d.c. this years tax deadline has been pushed back until monday april 18th.
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members of tea party rally will be held today. they today president obama will sign a spending bill to keep the government up and running through the end of september. the house and senate passed that bill yesterday when the measure prevented a government shut down. now the spending debate moves to the 2012 budget. today the house will vote on a republican plan to cut $6 billion from the budget president obama proposed in february. time now 4:41. a suspected serial killer remains behind bars. how joseph naso is opening up cold gasfields across the country. if you are driving any time soon on interstate 80 traffic is moving along nicely.
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so far on the way to the bay bridge we will tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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good morning, to you. welcome to friday folks. outside your door partly cloudy skies holding on to the upper 40s to low 50s. 50 degrees in san francisco. in japan the government has ordered the operator of that damaged nuclear plant to start paying people who had to evacuate that area.
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the government ordered tepco to pay $12,000 each to each household. approximately 48,000 households would be eligible for the payments. the first payments go out now. more compensation is expected later. the daughter of libyan leader moammar gadhafi is asking for her father to step down. there is where u.s. war planes struck 24 years today. she says libya isn't defeated. it wasn't defeated then and it won't be defeated now. authorities are trying to figure out if 77-year-old joseph ma sew could be -- naso could be tied to several other deaths. the crimes date back to the 1970s. the victims first and last
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names all began with the same initial. >> they found some stuff and knot just these four matters but also other cases that where they think there is some viable evidence that connects them to other cases. other cold cases throughout the country. >> yesterday ktvu news spoke with naso's ex-wife on the phone but she did not want to comment on his case. lawyers of barry bonds' say they do want to file a motion for next week. they will ask the judge to throw out the home run king of the loan conviction. there is no end in site. >> the ninth circuit is the slowest circuit in the country statistically for finishing up an appeal. >> defense lawyers argue there is no evidence to support the obstruction of justice commitment. right now they are also deciding whether it's worth the time and expense to try bonds for a second time on the
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deadlock perjury cases. sergeant longmeyer testified at the trial of yusuf bey iv. he's accused of ordering the killings of bailey and two other men in the summer of 2007. longmeyer told jurors he spent years visiting the bakery to build strong relationships in the community. >> there is nothing particularly unusual about that relationship. i don't think it was a close one. >> longmeyer was put on a six month leave but returned in october of 2009. he is suing the oakland police department in federal court for tarnishing his reputation. a temporary replacement has been named to replace the outgoing general manager of bart. gm had resigned.
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she had been under investigation for a lack of over sight. they chose former general council wakeman. he will serve as the interim gm until a permanent replacement is found. state lawmakers will need to find a new mode of transportation. they will take away their state purchased vehicles. instead they will get a $300 month transportation allowance. the panel estimates that is going to save more than $2 million in the first five years. students at sacramento state university are waking up -- yesterday they did meet with the university president. they want him to support legislation that would raise money for state colleges by taxing oil companies. but he told them he could not take a stand on public issues. the online dating site
4:49 am is heading to court. a woman said the site did not protect her. after her second dead he followed her home and sexually assaulted her. the lawsuit says the website could have prevented that attack if they checked the man's criminal background. >> patrol sides online tip -- provides online tips to engage in safe dating. i think it's no different than any aspect in society. if you meet somebody and want to spend time with them you should figure out if they are nice person or not. >> says it sympathizes with the woman involved but says it's not tom responsible. the company say there is is a statement on the website warning users it doesn't conduct background checks and says they should use that service at their own risk. consumer advocates are trying to get diet pills off
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the market. the group say there is are reports that both of those drugs can cause kidney stones and acute pac titis. shark fever is gripping the bay area once again. the team is not just scoring big on the ice but bay area businesses are profiting.
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here's the pass down the middle. pavelski scores. >> there it is. joe pavelski giving the san jose sharks a 1-0 lead in their playoff series against the kings. he scored the game winner in overtime to give the sharks a 3- 2 victory. this is their 16th visit to the
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playoffs. they all see a big boost in business during the post season. >> we have to everyone that works here on staff. we order a lot more. we just try to make a great environment for everybody. >> a san jose police officer today ktvu the department increased the number of officers from 11 to 18. game two of the series is tomorrow night at the shark tank. the san francisco animal welfare commission is considering a first of its kind law in california. it's aimed at -- proposing a pet owner registry that was presented to the commission last night. workers say they see a cycle of adoption and then abandonment and they hope a state-wide registry will prevent that. >> the breederrings can see that person had a history and hopefully they realize that person should have another animal. >> a similar statewide registry
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proposed last year didn't go anywhere. before a statewide law could pass strength could are have to pass a low of its own. there needs to be a law. but how it would be implemented would need to be worked out. a pacifica taxidermist is in trouble with the law. the u.s. attorney office says under cover agents contacted 57- year-old james dixon after seeing an ad on the website. he offered -- he is fined. time now 4:54 let's go to sal. >> you know the traffic is doing pretty well right now. i would say we can do it for you now. traffic looks good on plain old
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california state route 24. highway 24. as you drive up to the tunnel it looks pretty good. there are no problems on interstate 680. this is interstate 685 westbound coming across the bridge everything looks good. there will be no construction for you to worry about. as a matter of fact it looks nice. all of the bay area bridges looks good. let's talk about the richmond bridge will traffic is moving very well. no problems in marin county along highway 37 or getting over to highway 101 u.s. highway 101 heading south to san rafael. rosemary. >> good morning. >> i want to ask you what the weekend forecast will be like. just about perfect. we have great weather in store. high clouds over head this morning. we are off to a quiet start. a little cool but not too bad. and then we are going to be
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partly to mostly cloudy for today. we have a system that will bring a very slight chance for rain over areas of the bay. north bay getting the best shot. areas along the south bay santa clara valley likely to see partly sunny skies and dry conditions. in fact your models having a hard time picking up the possibility of rain. stopping in here by 2:00 in the afternoon showers expected near the sierra. but this rain pretty much sticking to the north. i notice we are covered in gray sky. we could see a few light showers out of this. still having a hard time picking up any rain. we are leaving a light chance for a few sprinkles and our chances will be mild. low 50s in the forecast. 50s in store by the coast for your lunch hour and low 60s
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inland. take a look at this. awfully nice out there. 70 mountain view and san jose. the extended forecast zeroing in on the weekend. partly sunny skies. 73 on sunday. now again we are talking about the possibility of a little bit of light rain sunday night into monday. the monday morning commute could be a bit soggy. by tuesday we are dry once again. 72 in the forecast. all right it is 4:56. voters in one bay area community cried foul. why latin and asian voters say the system is bias. a warning this morning for construction workers in oakland. you are taking a live look outside. the new danger on a job site that has nothing to do with their job.
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a spike in armed robberies in oakland. we will tell you who thieves are specifically after. a woman is injured and her dog killed when two dogs attack them in this south bay residential park. new details about what caused that deadly san bruno gas line explosion. what officials now say lead up


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