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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 5, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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>> reporter: i'm tara moriarty live in san francisco for the barry bonds perjury trial where we had a couple of shockers yesterday. we'll tell you what happened and what didn't happen coming up. a gunman opens fire in an antioch neighborhood and some of the bullets came dangerously close to a little boy. plus just how safe are jet airliners? the emergency order being issued this morning coming up in a live report. that's all ahead here on the ktvu morning news.
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good morning. thank you for waking up with us. it's tuesday april 5th. i'm pam cook. let's start with the weather forecast this morning with steve paulson. good morningings steve. hello, pam. we have mostly clear skies. little high cloud deck starting to move into the far north and a patch or two of some fog and a sign of a cooler day today. sfo has a west wind at 13. and fairfield southwest at 7. that was not the case yesterday. it will still be a nice day. cooler and breezy. low 60s to mid-70s. i think you'll notice it will not be as warm as monday. here's sal. steve, right now traffic looks good on highway 24. if you're on westbound 24 any time soon it should be a nice drive to oakland. also san francisco northbound 101 traffic easy approaching the 80 split. 4:00 p1. back to the desk. in just a few hours testimony will resume in the barry bonds perjury trial. tara moriarty tells us the focus has shifted to a secretly
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recorded audiotape. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning, pam. yes, yesterday was full of surprises. first we had a juror call in sick because of kidney stones. we're not sure if he's going to be returning or not. if not we'll have an alternate step in. the other big revelation was this secret audiotape. now prosecutors announced this unexpected piece of evidence yesterday. if admitted it could be a big curve ball for bonds' defense team. bonds' former business manager discovered the audiotape sunday. it's a secretly recorded conversation he had with bonds' orthopedic surgeon. ting testified last week he never talked with him about bonds using steroids. depending what's on the tape could prove otherwise. the timing of this is particularly interesting because he testified he and ting had talked just days after the raid in september 2003. >> if the government is anxious to play it, the implication is that it will be good for
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government, the prosecution, because it will support his story. >> reporter: the judge has said that much of the preliminary transcript of the 15 minute conversation leads her to believe that it's inadmissible or irrelevant as evidence. but we won't know what will happen until she arrives here at court today around 8:30. live in san francisco, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. another high profile bay area trial continues today. coming up at 4:45 we'll tell you why a juror was dismissed in the chauncey bailey murder trial. now to a developing story from antioch. this morning police are looking for suspects in a terrifying shooting that put a child in danger. it happened last night on shy coo moor drive. police say the gunman opened fire on his intended target outside a home. at least three stray bullets came crashing through the walls of a little boy's bedroom next door. the child's mother did not want to show her face, but describes
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her ordeal. >> i was in my room. my son was in the living room. he was having dinner and asking mommy do you hear that. and i'm like yeah, they're just fireworks because that's what we thought. >> no one inside the home was hurt but her next door neighbor was critically injured in the gunfire. we're going to have an update from that neighborhood in antioch in our next half hour. san francisco police are expected to release more information today about the 18- year-old arrested for sexually assaulting a jogger at a city park. last night on the 10:00 news police told us that 18-year-old xavier neil grabbed a woman from behind at crocker amazon park friday afternoon. the woman was jogging near a basketball court above the sockers fields when police say neil forced her into a grassy area and sexually assaulted her. he's being charged with kidnapping and sexual assault. two baseball rivals are coming together in support of the south bay paramedic who
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remains in a medically induced coma. the giants and dodgers are now offering a joint reward for information leading to the arrest of the two men who beat 42-year-old bryan stowe last week outside dodgers stadium. the total is now up to $50,000. now several others are also coming forward to help raise money for stowe's recovery. san jose sharks donated caps and pucks for a fundraiser tomorrow at stowe's office. >> we're doing everything that we can to pull whatever we can together for bryan and for his family. it's impossible to not love the guy. everybody that runs with him, everybody that knows him has only good things to say about him. >> the pizza my heart restaurant is also pledging its support saying eight south bay locations will donate 30% of their proceeds today. a public meeting on pipeline safety will be held in san bruno tonight less than two miles from that deadly
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september explosion. california public utilities commission is taking comments from the community as they look into what new rules should be created to increase pipeline safety. a large crowd is expected at tonight's hearing. it will be held at 5:00 at the san bruno senior center on crystal springs road near connor avenue. this morning the federal aviation administration is set to issue an emergency order for additional inspections on older boeing 737s. nicole collins is live in our washington d.c. newsroom with more on how all of this is effecting passengers. what's the very latest this morning, nicole? >> reporter: pam, we expect to hear the safety directive from the f.a.a. some time today basically mandating operators of about 175 older 737s inspect those aircraft for wear and tear and with very good reason. these planes, these 175 737s have taken off and landed roughly 30,000 times. and this directive comes after
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the lodge of a southwest plane tore mid flight last week exposing a five foot long hole that was one foot wide. that plane did not have outstanding safety issues. it was inspected back in march of 2010. so there's a problem here with the inspections. when these inspections are done they're done visually on this particular area of the fuel sill lodge. what the f.a.a. is calling for is that the national transportation safety board conduct high-tech electromagnetic inspections that will reveal cracks that lead to these kinds of tears. experts say they believe the f.a.a. will make this a standard practice on some of these older planes. and southwest grounded 79 planes after the incident. the airline now says 64 are being returned to service. but three are not because they did find cracks. those three will stay out of service until boeing, the plane's maker, recommends a fix. live in washington, nicole collins, pam, back to you.
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>> before you go, do we know if the order of more inspections will this mean more delays or possibly flight cancellations today? >> reporter: it's really unclear at this point. southwest says they expect to have all of their inspections done by the end of the day today. so it looks like southwest is getting back on track. and i should mention about 80 of the planes that are involved in this safety directive are mostly operated by southwest and they are registered here in the u.s. while 95 of these planes are registered outside of the u.s. so hopefully that won't impact air travel here in this country too bad. >> all right. nicole collins in washington d.c. on latest on this boeing inspection. thank you for that update. passengers on board a san francisco bound flight that made an emergency landing in new orleans say there were signs of trouble from the beginning. the pilot reported smoke in the cockpit and equipment failure shortly after takeoff. passengers tell us here at ktvu
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that the plane made strange noises and that reading lights and the public address system stopped working. now the plane landed back at new orleans airport, but veered off the runway after blowing a tire. >> by the time we got down, which was not a pretty landing, we were just all glad to be on the ground. then we thought it was over and they said no you have to get out of the plane, go down the slide and run. >> no one was hurt. and the passengers did arrive safely at sfo around 5:00 last night. the federal aviation administration is investigating this incident as well. the streets of san francisco are clear this morning. but that's after a day of action brought out more than 1,000 protesters. [ indiscernible ] >> this is how the scene looked last night along market street. take a look at the crowds. they are mostly made up of union workers who came out to rally against the federal reserve and bailouts for big
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banks. the protesters tell us that their demonstration is a show of solidarity with unions across the country. but some in the crowd say a bigger protest may be needed including a national day without workers. >> if workers don't work, then everyone is reminded of the true power that workers have. >> this protest and others across california were held on the anniversary of martin luther king, jr.'s assassination. 4:40 is the time now. let's check in with sal on traffic. good morning, sal. good morning, pam. we're off to a pretty good start. not a lot going on when it comes to the early commute. let's take a look at some of these pictures on the east shore freeway the traffic moves well heading to the macarthur maze. it is a nice drive. wide open for you on 580 coming up to the macarthur maze. also this morning we're looking at the commute if you are driving across the bridge small delay at the toll plaza and no problems on the upper deck of the bay bridge.
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and this morning if you're driving on 280 so far in san jose you can see for yourself it looks nice northbound 280 there on the right. very few cars. it looks great all the way up into the valley. it's 4:40. let's go to steve. sal, thank you. we had as you know a very warm monday. temperatures doesn't take long once you get to april to warm up fast. north-northeast wind developed but that's being replaced rapidly and the leading edge signs of a cooler tuesday already in place with more of a westerly breeze. temperatures really take a tumble here over the next not so much today but on wednesday and also into thursday we'll go from mid-70s to maybe mid-50s for a few here. even though today will be mostly sunny, a little system is coming in. it's going to start sliding south. it will be sunny to mostly sunny. the wind has turned more westerly. in fact sfo has a west at 13. fairfield southwest at 7. that was not the case yesterday. we had more of a northerly breeze. 40s and 50s. 54 mountain view. 48 livermore. 53 concord.
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48 napa and also san raphael with the city at 53. there's the southwest at 7 at fairfield. south at vacaville at 3. west- northwest san jose 13 at sfo. not a lot but more of a sea breeze direction. without the north-northeast wind we're going to lose about five or seven degrees off the high. system will slowly drag south. north bay will probably end up partly sunny, everyone else mostly sunny. things are waiting for that system to come down out of the gulf of alaska. it comes over land so it's not going to hold much moisture but it's going to hold a lot of cold air. for this time of year it will be especially cool thursday night into friday and saturday morning. not much rain out of this. more of a showery pattern. if it went over water might have something more to talk about but it doesn't. today mostly sunny, cooler highs breezy out of the west. 60s low. mid-60s closer to the coast and bay upper 60s and then mid-70s. still 76 in antioch but that will be the warmest probably by a pretty good margin.
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cooler, breezy, much cooler on wednesday. thursday we cloud it up. maybe possibility of showers and thundershowers but highs only in the 50s. lows will be in the 30s. the coldest day will be on saturday morning when temperatures really start off near freezing in wind protected areas. sunday though does look a little warmer. wow. all right. thank you, steve. it was a scary scene at an apple store near san diego. what prompted a deadly shootout between a man and a security guard. a home is destroyed as a possible tornado tears through a kentucky mobile home park. and it is not the first time this park's been in danger. good morning. right now traffic on highway 4 looks good coming up to concord. we'll tell you more about the morning drive to work and bay area weather.
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good morning. we have mostly clear skies. some higher clouds will start to move in. on the mild side 40s and 50s. end up cooler today as we get more of a westerly wind. 60s and some mid-70s. the chauncey bailey murder trial resumes this morning in an oakland courtroom. yesterday jurors heard stunning testimony from the man who admitted gunning down the journalist in 2007. he calmly said he walked up to bailey and without saying a word opened fire. he says he fired three times to be certain bailey was dead. >> just to watch him up there
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is kind of hard and devastating. >> bottom line is i think he was just a pawn. we'll see what happens. >> he claims yusuf bey the fourth ordered him to kill bailey because the journalist was working on a story about the financial collapse of the bakery. late yesterday the judge dismissed one juror after learning he had run into bey's brother while working at a hospital in san leandro. opening statements continue this morning in san francisco's biggest gang trial in years. seven members of one gang are charged with a racketeering conspiracy that includes four murders in 2008. the gang is based at 20th and mission streets. all defendants face life sentences if convicted. phillip garrido is expected to plead guilty this week to kidnapping jaycee dugard and holding her captive for 18 years. that's according to the attorney for garrido esterify, nancy. he also says nancy garrido will
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likely stand trial unless she gets a deal that allows her to avoid a life sentence. the garridos are accused of kidnapping dugard in 1991 from near her south lake tahoe home when she was just 11 years old. husband and wife are each charged with 18 counts. nancy garrido has pleaded not guilty but so far phillip garrido has not entered a plea. a san diego area apple store was the scene of a deadly shooting. a security guard shot a suspect during a smash and grab robbery. now police say that the suspect died from a gunshot to the head while attempting to get away from the town center. two other suspects, a man and woman, are in jail this morning. police captured them after a man hunt that prompted a lockdown at two nearby schools. neighbors say it was a frightening ordeal. >> this is supposed to be like a really upscale comfortable neighborhood.
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for stuff like this to happen is just scary. it's not good. >> police say the two men smashed out the window and ransacked the store while the woman waited in the car. investigators say the three may be linked to other apple store burglaries. the remains of a pleasanton soldier killed in afghanistan are returning home this morning. flags in the city will be flown at half staff for three days out of respect for army specialist. he was killed last week when his unit came under attack. the 23-year-old was serving as a medic. a u.s. marine from santa clara has also died in afghanistan. lance corporal was killed on sunday during an operation. he had just celebrated his 21st birthday last thursday. he graduated from santa clara high school. people there described him as a talented and well-liked boy. >> every time you saw him, he
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had a big smile on his face and a lot of energy. >> the department of defense says his death is under investigation. in japan, the operator of that damaged nuclear plant now says radiation measuring several million times the legal limit has leaked into the pacific ocean over the past few days. tokyo electric power says samples taken from sea water near one of the reactors contained 7.5 million times the legal limit on saturday. experts say radiation dissipates quickly in the ocean, but that it's still unclear what effects that large amounts of contamination will have. the families of 29 coalminers who died in west virginia one year ago will gather together today for a memorial service. the explosion at the coal mine was the worst mining disaster in the u.s. since 1972. the owner of the mine will also
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stop work for a time today as dozens of its mines across three states to honor the 29 miners. a kentucky mobile home park has been destroyed by severe weather for the second time in three years. possible tornado touched down in greenville yesterday morning. one home was completely destroyed. another trailer was blown off its foundation. two people were hurt. now in february of 2008 three people died when a tornado touched down in that same mobile home park. well, it is a first for the north bay. a new vehicle that's coming to sonoma county as it tries to become more environmentally sustainable. and check out what's happening on some florida beaches. why the water looks like that.
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welcome back to the morning news. take a look at this. this is the scene at a florida beach. and that is a swarm of thousands of worms. oh. police in st. augustine started finding them early yesterday morning. marine biologists are calling this a mating frenzy. they say this is actually typical for this time of year as the water gets warmer. not a great place to swim i think, sal. all those worms in the water. maybe not. maybe just put it off. maybe just watch from behind or at the beach. good morning everyone. go out and take a look at what we have. it is a nice drive so far around the bay area with san mateo bridge checking in okay getting to the high-rise and no problems there. highway 101 also looks good if you're driving on the commute. this is a look at interstate 880 near the oakland coliseum. we're off to a nice start. now a little farther down on 880 in hayward, union city,
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fremont that traffic moves well in both directions. and then down to the south bay we go the traffic is still very nice on 101. and stays that way on 101 up the peninsula. at 4:54 let's go to steve. thank you, sal. hope you enjoyed monday. warmed up rapidly. we had a north-northeast winds. just like last week we'll continue that right? no. it's going to be just the opposite. yesterday was the warmest day of the week. today won't be bad but it will be cooler as we get more of a westerly breeze and temperatures just really take a plunge on wednesday and thursday as a very cold system comes down from the gulf of alaska especially for this time of year. today we'll start off mostly sunny. you can see some clouds beginning to form. really this weak little system will just move south. it's going to pick up the breeze more than anything. but it's also going to nudge the high out of here and take the edge off some of the highs today even though there will still be some in the 70s but also closer to the coast in the 70s. 40s and 50s. low 50s for many.
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upper 40s. everyone's rather close. the west wind at sfo at 13. southwest fairfield south at vacaville so far santa rosa says calm west-northwest at san jose. nothing too strong. but instead of a north- northeast wind it's more of an on shore wind. light rain in crescent city. this system enhancing. as it slides south it's also going to give a slight cooling trend. may not arrive for a while. the big news is the big low coming out of the gulf of alaska. it's going over land. more of a cold system than a rainy system. on thursday cold low comes in that will be the main message will be the temperature that is go into the mid and upper 50s. if there's any available moisture, yes, the snow level could make it down to around 2500 feet by thursday night and friday morning. any rainfall will be very light and more showery in nature. today mostly sunny. mostly sunny. cooler highs. it will be a little breezy. that's out of the west today. so 60s low to mid or upper and then some low 70s. some mid-70s as you work your
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way inland. temperatures on their way down they'll continue that theme on wednesday as the wind ramps up. thursday cloudy mostly cloudy colder day with showers. breezy and cool with lingering showers on friday. saturday looks good but cold saturday morning. and sunny and warmer on sunday. hard to believe, steve, after all this warm weather. today sonoma county supervisors will add the first all electric vehicle to the county's fleet of cars. board members will formally welcome the new nissan with a special ceremony at the county administration center at 11:00. sonoma county has used hybrid vehicles since 2002. and they have racked up more than six million miles of use. now the county hopes some day that all of its vehicles will be all electric. a late night shooting in antioch send one man to the hospital. how close the bullets came to a little boy. and disturbing video on board muni. the punishment handed down for an open door.
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>> reporter: life threatening injuries after an overnight shooting in antioch. how this shooting almost put a second person in the hospital. >> reporter: i'm tara moriarty live in san francisco where barry bonds' defense team finds out this morning if it


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