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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 1, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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traffic lights and streetlights are dark as thousands of pg&e customers are without power this morning. it's april fools day today. but this is no joke. we are watching a traffic problem on a major bay area roadway caused by a fire.
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and good morning, i'm claudine wong in for pam cook this morning. let's start off with a quick look at your weather and traffic. hi steve i like this warm weather tell me it's going to last. >> no, it's not going to last. it will be all right today but temperatures will start to inch down. we have higher clouds that will drift over but not as sunny. i have to believe later on today there will be a little bit of a component of a westerly breeze. one more warm day. we'll have your weekend forecast soon. here is sal. this morning we are looking at highway 101 in san francisco that just cleared up after a garbage truck fire. they were forced to shut down lanes on southbound 101 after this garbage truck caught fire. it happened after 2:00 this morning near caesar chavez. just moments ago they were rolling this wreck of a truck
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down highway 101. they had to do several traffic brakes to slow the traffic down past the scene. moments ago they got this truck we are talking about two minutes ago. this thing is still rolling down. this has been there for a couple of hours. now traffic is better. this is a look at interstate 880. i see a police officer there. we'll see if that is anything big. 4:31 let's go back to claudine. we start this morning with an overnight power outage leaving thousands of pg&e customers in the dark. allie rasmus is live. >> reporter: the last estimate was about 6600 customers without power in san francisco. this outage is effecting the city's laurel heights, and the haze valley neighborhood. at this corner there is a pg&e
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truck. a short time ago we saw the employee out here opening up a manhole cover and looking inside. pg&e thinks this problem may have been caused by some under ground equipment failures. but the power outage was first reported around 12:30 this morning. when we drove around we saw traffic lights and streetlights completely dark. pg&e doesn't know why this happened. they think it may have something to do with under ground equipment failures. right now they have no estimate as to when the power will be restored. we are expecting to get a little more information from pg&e this morning. in the last 15 minutes we did see some lights turn back on. this apartment building i don't know if we can zoom off to it. this was completely dark when we arrived. now the lights in the hallways are back on again. there may be some signs that power is slowly getting back to normal.
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in the meantime people driving in this area should use caution. the traffic lights and streetlights are out. a san francisco man is recovering this morning after firefighters rescued him from his burning home. we first showed you this fire live on the 10:00 news. it started just before 10:15 last night in the visitation valley neighborhood. firefighters told us neighbors saw the flames and called 911. only one man lived in that home and was asleep when the fire broke out. he was rescued. >> it was very fortunate it didn't happen later at night when people were asleep. fire gets bigger really fast. he was very fortunate. >> it took firefighters less than 30 minutes to get the fire under control. they say it began in the kitchen. a suspected dui driver
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caused quite a scene. take a look at the damage that was left behind. we're told the driver was taken to the hospital and two other people were taken there. their extent of their injuries are unknown. car owner les in san francisco are being told to be on the lookout. car thefts and burglaries are on the rise in the city. a police report shows city wide 905 cars have been stolen in the city this year. car burglaries are also up 22% with more than 2500 break ins. the search continues for a truck driver that hit phone lines on highway 101 and caused a huge traffic jam. we first showed you this at 5:00. it happened at the broadway exit on millbrae. they saw a flat bed truck tear the lines down. >> we don't know what the
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reason is he hit the lines. we could have avoided a lot of the backup if motorists would have taken alternate routes. >> the highway patrol says it's possible the truck driver might not realize he hit those lines. here is the license plate number. 4r23454. time now is 4:35. let's go to sal. >> we had a garbage truck on fire. moments ago they rolled it off the freeway. they may be now making it to the candle stick exit and southbound 101 was much better. they were running a series of traffic brakes. it was a problem for about two how weres -- for about two
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hours. and also this morning if you are seeing san jose traffic so far so good on 280. now my good friend steve. thank you, sir. happy friday everybody. let's see there were seven record highs yesterday. two tied san francisco being one. 81 kentfield. if you thought it was warm it was. the temperatures today will be mild to warm. there will be a little change. it won't be wall to wall sunshine. we'll have a few high clouds. there is a system to the top left of your screen approaching. fairfield 49. livermore 49. downtown san francisco a balmy 62. it's cooler inland and very warm closer to the coast. no breeze that i can find yet. there is a south easterly
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breeze starting. once it turns southerly it takes temperatures down. the combination of the two will start to work its way toward us. they are running into a lot of resistance. when i put these temperatures together the projections ten degrees spread. i'm splitting the difference today. they will still be warm but not as warm as yesterday. that is a very weak front that is coming in. it will orbier in a cooler air mass. there will be sun and higher clouds. i do believe that sea breeze will show itself later. a little cooler by the coast. still low top mid 80s. we are starting off for some very, very warm. cooler an saturday. breezy. the recent stormy weather has set saw a stormy debate in mountain view. it's unclear who will pay for
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homes. the district says the creek is on private property despite the debate everyone agrees the mobile home park is not safe and many people could be out of their homes for months. >> they say by june or july. they have to shore it all up, bump in a retaining wall, and pour in cement. >> this battle between the mobile home park and water district brings in a big price tag. starting today shoppers in some bay area cities will pay a little more for almost everything. more than they did yesterday. that is after voter approved sales tax hike in six bay area cities. the difference may only be a few cents on some things. but on big ticket items it starts to add up. some shoppers were happy to wrap up their deals before they increase. >> i don't want to pay more money than i have to pay. i saved $25 that is a good. >> some shoppers told us they will go to neighboring cities
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or shop online to save a few cents. where sales tax is going up they are on the screen. you can see that goes up to over 10% in in san leandro it's at 10%. concord jumps to 9.75. and santa rosa you will pay 9.5% sales tax. economists expect 185,000 jobs were added in march. analysts say it will keep the rate at 8.9%. if the march forecast holds true the february and march numbers will be the best two month stretch for the private sector since the recession began. a neighborhood is fighting back against prosecution. what they are saying about the growing problem and the police response. why more cuts could be on
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the way for oakland police. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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good morning, we have mild temps. cool for some. livermore is 49 degrees temperature we will end up with high clouds but mild to warm again with temperatures 67 and still to low to mid 80s. hundreds of people in oakland are asking for the
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cities help to rid their neighborhood of prostitution. they say prostitution has gotten worse in the last five years. some of the prostitutes are as young as 12 years old. some neighbors say pimps have threatened them with violence if they get involved and in a rally yesterday oakland police say officers have a daily presence in that neighborhood and have made more than 90 arrests in the last month. >> the patrol officers are walking out here on a daily basis. the problem solving officers are walking out here on a daily basis. i was walking out here yesterday. so we are not going away but we need your help. >> community leaders say they want the city to provide help for at risk youth and shut down hotels such as the national lodge where they conduct their business. the family that runs that hotel say they are being unfairly targeted. oakland is facing a $46
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million deficit and that could mean deep cuts across the city. and those include closing a branch library, laying off firefighters and police officers. a budget meeting is set for april 11th at the community center. sacramento governor jerry brown has released public pension. among those prohibiting rapid increasing. spiking an employees salary the last year they work and staking away pensions for state employees that are convicted of felonies. these proposals come after brown announced the end of budget talks. the perjury trial for barry bonds will continue. he's considered a critical witness in the case.
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>> with dr. cat joplin they are trying to finish off their chain of custody. >> prosecutors scored one defeat and one victory in court yesterday. bonds' personal assistant say he saw bonds' personal trainer inject him with steroids. a realtive of yusuf bey was the fourth will -- he was the confidential source for the slain journalist report. prosecutors say baileys research was the purpose for his murder. testimony is scheduled to resume on monday.
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san francisco police chief is firing back at the city's public defender. >> these allegations and this misconduct has been going rampant around the city. bring it to our attention and we will deal with it. we cannot continue to scream that the sky is falling and it's not. >> he rejected a video tape that it showed the under cover officers had lied about his search. godown says his is -- most of those involving drugs. california navy petty officer that was investigated for violating the militaries ban on openingly gay troops will not be discharged. a board voted yesterday to allow him to serve out his three years of enlistment. he has been under investigation since 2009 when someone reportedly saw a picture of him kissing another man. the policy remains in effect until military leaders come up
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with a plan to integrate openingly gay troops. within the last 15 minutes rebel forces would be willing to accept a cease fire. the rebel would abide by a cease fire if moammar gadhafi pulled his forces from all cities and allowed peaceful protests. the opposition leader spoke following a meeting with the u.n. on say. 30 journalists that were held captive in libya are talking about their terrifying ordeal. >> i remember almost looking up and him being a tall soldier and saying shoot them. it felt like a lot of time elapsed. it was probably just pa matter of seconds. another soldier said you can't they are americans. >> the journalists say they were tied up and beat. one woman said she was groped by the soldiers.
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in japan the operator of that damaged nuclear power plant says radiation has now been discovered in ground water near the plant. tests indate the level of radiation in the ground water is 10,000 times the normal level. there is concern the contaminated water may spread to the water supply. toyota is increasing the suggested retail price on many of the 2011 models sold in north north america. toyota says the spike has nothing to do with the earthquake and tsunami and says it points to the rising costs to ship those vehicles. an important deadline. what you need to do this weekend if you are a frequent user of muni past passes. we are learning what killed the sheep earlier this week.
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investigators say their pair shoots became tangle 300 to 400 feet in the air. one was an instructor for 20 years. the other was preparing to train parachute instructors for the canadian army. traffic deaths in the u.s. are at the rosest levels in 60 years. 32,788 people were killed on the road in 2010. the national highway traffic administration says that is a decrease from 2009 and the lowest number since 1949. they attribute the decreases to more people using seat belts,
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safer vehicles, and efforts against drunk driving. this will be the -- the paper passes officially expired yesterday. muni is allowing them to be used through a grace period on sunday. they announced the efforts last week. time now is 4:52. let's head right back out to sal who is trying to give us friday light this morning. >> i am trying. and we do have something that may have made it harder. we had a truck on fire. it was a garbage truck on southbound 101. these are pictures that just came in. it happened just after 2:00 2:00mt-- in the morning. police were holding traffic back. they were doing traffic brakes. exports traffic by. just moments ago they rolled
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the truck off the freeway and all the lanes are open. let's go to highway 101 and take a live picture. 101 looks like nothing ever happened. it looks pretty good heading south down toward caesar chavez. and this morning if you are driving on 280 near the 880 interchange that traffic is moving well. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. we do have a mild pattern over us right now. if you thought it was warm yesterday it was. we had a number of records. santa rosa, san francisco, mountain view just to name a few. kentfield set a record of 81 degrees. santa rosa was a record. san francisco tied 82 going back. almost all the records were 2000 or 1966. mountain view beat the record there. we still have a very mild pattern over us.
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higher clouds are inching closer. the wind is turning more southerly. not just north, northeast or easterly. that is the sign that temperatures are going to change. pretty big spread here. livermore, 49. oakland 57. san francisco at 62 degrees. no sea breeze yet. 55 san jose. the combination of the higher clouds and as this system gets closer. it will fall apart rapidly but it will give it an on shore push. it will be another mild to warm day. when you're already in the 50s and 60s it won't take long. the morning is cool to warm. upper 40s to very balmy conditions closer to the coast. but by saturday that system starts to spread in. i don't think it will give us any rain. it will give us cool to breezy conditions. today fair and one more warm day. cooler by the coast as the westerly wind starts to show itself. not before we have upper 60s, 70s to low to mid 80s.
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still one more time. temperatures good 15 degrees above average this time of year. tomorrow though we really cool it down back into the 60s. monday looks warmer and tuesday looks like another cooling trend starts. next week uc berkeley students will vote on whether to ban the sale of bottled water on campus. student supporters say it's a way top cut back on waste. cal has set a goal of reducing trash by 75% next year. bottle water sales raise money for the schools including student government programs. this vote is only advisory school officials don't have to take any action based on the result. several sheep were not shot to death after all. they were killed by mountain lions. in all six sheep were found dead or missing last week. sheriffs investigators first thought wounds on the sheep were bullet holes. but a federal trapper looked at
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the wounds and say it came from mountain lions. 16-year-old cia was one of two sent home last night. two people were eliminated this week because the judges overturned votes to save casey. coming up we will talk with them this morning. thousands of bay area residents are in the dark this morning. what caused the lights to go out. police in richmond are on high alert. why recent violence could reignite gang conflict.
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traffic lights and streetlights are dark as thousands of pg&e customers are without power this morning. also a rampage on the road. look at this. the damage left behind by the driver of a stolen car in oakland. good morning, to you. welcome


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