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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  November 25, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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shoppers line up braving the cold as the unofficial start to the holiday season starting. good evening i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and i'm frank somerville. thanksgiving is not even over but it's already looking like a black friday. amber lee is live at emeryville at a store that's scheduled to
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open right now. >> there's thousands of customers in line waiting to get inside the store. it is scheduled to open at any home now. if we move the cameras over there, we can see two officers on stand monitor the crowd. this retailer is one of many turning thanksgiving thursday into black friday. at near by bay street shopping center, old emery opened it's doored doors for customers on thursday. and will reopen the the doors in a few hours. >> it let courthouse walk off -- it lets you walk off the calories and lets you see what will be in stores tomorrow. >> thanks for coming into sears today. >> reporter: sears and k mart also opened its doors open to
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shoppers who wanted to avoid friday. folks came in not necessarily in large numbers but with intentions to spends. >> i it's a great thing that way the lines are not humongous and there's a lot of rude people out there. you know and it's not a nice thing the day after thanksgiving. >> reporter: at the best buy store in emeryville tonight, shoppers are camped out outside waiting for the doors to open at 5:00 in the morning. >> for black friday, if you're going to go go early. >> reporter: kit yarel says stores have very limited supplies of items advertised for very low prices. so only a few customers at the beginning of the line will be able to get those deals. and yarel says many items that have been offered at lower
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prices have not been slashed but manufactured to sell for less. with all the sales advertised, experts are urging shoppers to go to the store with a strategy in mind. you can see people out here at toys r' us. reporting live here, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. we checked when major stores will be open for friday. old navy is set to open at midnight. wal-mart will also be opening then. at 4:00 a.m. target and sears stores are scheduled to open. best buy and k mart will open an hour later at 5:00. and for folks who want to get a little sleep, there's cosco who opens at 10:00 a.m. relatives tell us the pept gone says lance corporate arden joseph was killed tuesday during a combat operation in
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afghanistan. he posted this photo on his facebook page where he said he attended piedmont hill. he was based at camp pendelton. a small plane crashed in hollister. the single engine plane went down in a field. he had just taken off from hollister airport and there were no immediate indications of problems. the airport says he was in route to australia via hawaii. a highway patrol helicopter was called in this morning to rescue a hiker who took a 25- foot fall in the peak at the diablo hills. the injured hiker was taken to john mere medical center. crews on the scene said the hiker hurt his back and his ankle. freeze warnings are posted again tonight as freeze watches are posted again for a third night in the bay area.
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mark tamayo is tracking the cold. >> temperatures continue to fall off quite rapidly. here is a look at the latest numbers just posted. 36degrees, fairfield a couple of hours ago in the lower 30s. right around 30 degrees in san francisco, downtown in the upper 40s. another panel to show you oakland, hayward, concord. san jose right around 40- degree. freeze warnings kick in tomorrow morning. this targeting the north bay and the inland valleys. overnight lows 35 to 30- degree. we have a freeze advisory again. coming up we'll take a look at the specific overnight lows in the neighborhood. i'll show you the neighborhoods that will easy drop down. air quality officials say they will not call a spare the
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air alert for tomorrow. officials thought their alerts may have been necessary. it means people are prohibited from using wood burning fireplaces and stoves. on thanksgiving people are thankful for different things. tonight we talk to some who are just thankful for having a warm place to sleep tonight. lloyd lacuesta live with more on this. >> reporter: the national guard armory is tonight a cold weather shelter. the current freezing cold, prompted officials to start the program now and maybe save some lives. >> i've been sleeping under a tree actually, unfortunately. >> reporter: charles gibson was one of the many sleeping in the
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warmth of the armory tonight. >> earlier is a blessing because this year it's gotten colder earlier. >> reporter: the shelters opening was announced today. >> if anyone needs a place to stay, you can definitely go over to the armory after dinner tonight. >> reporter: 300 people showed up for dinner tonight and despite their various situations, they said they were thankful. >> thankful for that again, the opportunity to come for a delicious meal and be amongst friends. >> reporter: for many in this room, tonight was a brief rest, but for their daily troubles and to enjoy a holiday that many of us may just take for granted. >> i'm thankful i'm still alive. my mother just passed not too many years past.
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and i'm thankful i'm still here, you know. but then you know, just to see another year, another day. >> the armory will be open every day from 6:00 in the evening until 6:00 in the morning. and the cold weather shelter program will run through the spring. there are an estimated 7,000 homeless in the south bay. live in sunnyvale, lloyd lacuesta. and hundreds of people ate dinner today at st. anthony's. those who offered up meals to the 5,000 people who dined at glide say they want to do more to feed the hungry. >> that's why thanksgiving is so important. people can be thankful, people can rejoice, people can have
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joy and we try to bring joy. >> reporter: st. anthony's fed 5,000 people today. both organizations say they've seen a steep increase of as many as 10,000 people but at the same time donations are down. they are asking for help not only in the holiday season but also throughout the rest of the year. a way of saying thanks, but there are other images, other ways of saying thanks. with even expressing gratitude. >> reporter: thanksgiving day, 2,000 feet up. >> it is all new to me, it's beautiful. >> reporter: a father with his children, a boyfriend who flew in his girlfriend. >> it's my first time out here, i didn't think it would be this pretty. but it's definitely breathtaking. >> reporter: and a son who welcomed his mother. >> it's one of those beautiful places in the world. we're so lucky to live out
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here. >> reporter: sit in on the east peak of mount tam. not bad. when you look down below, it drives home how many people are down there, how many people are doing different things on this thanksgiving day and just how thankful they are. >> this is my first child. i know he's a little unexpected. >> reporter: her name is ivy and michael martinez is her father. >> she threw me for a loop. but the moment i saw her, that was it. that's all it took. >> magical. >> magical, and now she's mine for life. >> reporter: we met the two at the oakland b.a.r.t. station. folks grateful for this day, grateful just to be alive. >> i'm thankful for, i guess just to be here. >> i'm grateful for being in this country and having my daughter over here. having her here. because it's the land of opportunity. >> reporter: one filled with history including the tunnel, this venue is now to high
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school football. >> i'm thankful that my nephew made it here to the turkey bowl. >> reporter: balboa went head to head on this thanksgiving day. >> and i see a lot of people who are without jobs, a lot of talented, educated caring giving people. >> reporter: thanksgiving 2010 touching lives across the bay area. >> it's a day to say, you know to seize the day. >> reporter: it is one day we'll always be grateful for. mike mibach. we're live in the east bay in the wake of a gun debate. and men storm an east bay restaurant. why police believe this storm the tied to others despite key
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differences. and these pictures just in to our channel 2 newsroom. we'll have details after the break.
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we have a developing story out of san francisco about a woman shot and killed. this happened shortly before 9:00 tonight. just in the last few minutes, police tell us they have little victims at this point, just that she was female and she was shot. the woman's body was found
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outside an apartment building at gary boulevard across from the peace plaza. a scrimmage is brewing between proand anti gun rights. people who believe in open carry often wear their guns in public, when they do so at their next meeting, opponents plan to picket. debra villalon has the story. >> reporter: that meeting is planned here at this restaurant. when the hamburgers and handguns come together, not everyone will be happy. >> this is a .45 caliber handgun. >> reporter: california law allows an unloaded gun to be carried if it's holstered and away from schools or government buildings. >> you can never you know never predict when a violent criminal is going to come and rob you or assault you. in a few seconds you can load your weapon and have it ready and available. >> reporter: open carry
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advocates make a point of meeting in high profile places like starbucks. but over time, and under pressure some business have banned firearms. when a contra costa club gathers at this burger joint saturday, gun critics will ask the nation to do the same. >> we don't need to buy into their paranoid fantasies. these people don't need to have any training or any screening so we think it's a bad idea. >> reporter: griffin dix lost his son in a shooting accident. >> you never know how you're going to react when the situation arises. >> reporter: we asked nation's customers tonight about people packing guns for personal protection. >> i could understand that. i could totally understand that. the way people are being just blown away. >> this is not the ok corral. this is the 21st century. >> now that saturday's meet up and protest are all over the
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web. both sides are expecting bigger turn out and the gun advocates say they will collect toys and donate blood on that day too. now their critics call that an afterthought to gardener good pr. and nations is being peppered with letters pro and con about having the meeting here. debra villalon. pg & e spent the day working to restore power to hundreds of residents in oakland. power was lost when a car slammed into a power pole. the top part of the pole remained up right. tonight in san jose the red cross is helping two people who's home was destroyed by a fire. the flames broke out just after 9:00 this morning. firefighters were called to the
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hospital but koápt couldn't do enough to save it. >> when we arrived the roof was on fire with 200-foot flames. >> the flames were so intense, crews had to evacuate a near by mobile home park. the fire department tells us, determining what caused that fire is going to take weeks. this is the maximum enforcement weekend. officers are out there tonight looking for drunk drivers. across the state, 289 drivers were arrested, that's up from 281 in the same period a year ago. police in the east bay are working tonight to solve a string of robberies. the most recent was in a diner
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this morning. >> reporter: three black men wearing masks and black clothing struck the black bear restaurant about 1:00 this morning. the description of the robbers clothing is similar to several take downs in central silican valley business. >> one employee went outside to take out garbage, he was attacked by a man. >> reporter: in neighbors pleasant hill, four business have been struck while they were opened by described armed men. the latest is a denny's restaurant. other communities including concord are combining their investigations. >> they've shared some of the information from their robberies and ours and so
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forth. that's helped to develop patterns and description of people and how they act. >> reporter: the robbers are armed and should be considered dangerous. >> and particularly the type of vehicle they flee in. a license number or good description gives us good leads to go on from there. police are warning both potential victims and witnesses not to try to take the suspects down. doug doell was arrested for
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suspicion of animal cruelty. the border colley mix had severe head wounds and ended up dying from its injuries. starting today, one proápblgt -- one project put on hold was the cable cars. another cold morning expected for your friday. here is a look at the projected lows. we are all talking about the mid- to upper 20s. san francisco 40 degrees and oakland 36. most areas in the 20s and 30s. few years in the lower 40s. you see what happens as we do head into the afternoon hours, everybody warms up into the 50s from 52 to 60 degrees.
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and a freeze warning begins at 8:00 tomorrow morning. 12:00 49, by 3:00 temperatures in the mid-50s. there's a storm system developing offshore coming up i'll tell you when rain clouds return to the area. it will impact one part of your weekend. it was cloudy and cold but that didn't stop tens of thousands of people from turning out to the macy's parade in new york city. giants inflated balloons, marching bands and singers paraded downtown. some of the balloons were old favorites and some were new this year. one lady said she dreaded the crowds but it turned out to be more fun than she expected. and north and south korea may be on the verge of war. and the return of four
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marines. why one of them says that the warmth of the home is surreal.
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our points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel. we're like forget florida, we're going on a safari. so we're on the serengeti, and seth finds a really big bone. we're talking huge. they dig it up, put it in the natural history museum and we get to name it. sethasauraus. really. your points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel? means better vacations. that's incredible. believe it...with chase sapphire preferred your points are worth 25% more on travel when booked through ultimate rewards.
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north korea tonight is saying that upcoming military drills by the u.s. and south korea are pushing the peninsula to the brink of war. today korea was the scene of clashes with north korea two days ago that left two south koreans dead. amy kellog has the report. >> reporter: another killing, this time a political one. south korea defense minister cay young handing in his resignation amongst harsh criticism. south korean president accepting kim's resignation
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saying that kim kim's replacement will be named friday. meanwhile, north korea amping up it's rhetoric. threatening more attacks if it is quote provoked again while placing blame on the united states. >> we should not thoughtlessly shelter. >> but south korea has more military exercises planned for sunday, this time with the american military at its side. the same time of exercises that sparked the initial attack by the north. >> it will display the strength of the close u.s. and north korea alliance. >> reporter: the strike group as been sent to participate in
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those exercises. those exercises have been planned for a long time. in london, amy kellog, fox news. a federal grand jury has decided there is enough evidence to try a humble county man on charges he sent a threatening letter to president obama. he's accused of writing i will kill the president. that was in a letter mailed in january of last year. hudnall is currently on state custody on different charges. monterey county is asking a judge to throw out a lawsuit filed by two men who say thieves stole their fine arts collection. dr.ralph kanon said the sheriff's office painted them
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as criminal, and liar. during the investigation, the pair admitted not being truthful about the heist then they cooperated fully with authorities. this feat is being done in the name of a young man who recently lost his life. the signs of success at the annual san francisco auto show. --
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a holiday at home is taken for granted by most of us. we can ready enjoy parades and sit together for dinner. but it's a different feeling if you're fresh from afghanistan and newly out of harm's way.
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patti lee has this story. >> reporter: pat and ben august spent the day getting ready to host his son and friends. thomas brooks who returned from afghanistan 21 days ago has the normalcy of this scene, the abundance after food and comfortable places to sit is a little surreal. >> it's a good feeling to have everyone, all the family around and friends. >> reporter: especially in contrast to the life lived for more than six months in afghanistan, a world of regular ambushes, where jake henry was severely wounded. >> i was shot in the leg and then hit by an iud. and hurt my knee. got some shrapnel in my leg. >> reporter: they also lost a good friend. >> we're wearing these bracelets for corporal larry d. harris, he's one of our good friends. we're sad he's gone but we're honoring him by thinking about him every day. >> reporter: for parents, seeing these boys at ease in
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the kitchen brings on a powerful feeling of gratitude. for a reason you might not get. >> they have each other and that bond of brothers, is just like what you see in the movies. it's stronger. >> reporter: the marines, three of whom are from the east bay are home for the holidays but not home for good. they drive home to camp pendelton friday. the military gave the troops a taste of thanksgiving right in the midst of war. troops checked their weapons before entering the dining hall. inside they were treated to traditional thanksgiving meals. this was repeated at bases all across afghanistan. >> you can do to feel like you're making a difference in being a part of something bigger. definitely promote that is family atmosphere when you know you're doing this for your fellow troops. >> reporter: about 100,000 pounds of turkey were served in afghanistan today. many of the men and women said they appreciatedhe thanksgiving dinner but really
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missed being back home with their families. on this thanksgiving, there are probably few people than an oakland mother who's son was saved by an organ donor. ktvu's john sasaki has that report. they are giving back in honor of that donor. >> reporter: it's an annual traditional, the brain child of 13-year-old michael. >> when we feed, that's because of michael. >> reporter: this year with his bright smile and unbending desire to help the less fortunate. he held his event in honor of his friend. >> with him being gone,
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everything is different. >> reporter: malique's teammate, father and team all came to help because malique had planned to be here today. >> everyone though i don't have my child, i am here because he saved five people's lives and he's here with me. >> another family was like, she did it for me because my son is a recipient. >> he said that he wanted to be here so he is here with us in spiritual ways. >> reporter: all told, mike's friends and family had enough food to feed 300 appetites. this is small potatoes to what's happening on january 1st, he is riding in the donor
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float. some volunteers today made sure the less fortunate had a meal. they brought along 30 turkeys and other treats for the homeless. they also offered blood pressure screenings. the students have been doing this for eight years now. every year it gets a little bigger. tomorrow morning we're kicking off our coat drive. it's called one warm coat. san francisco's ferry building, broadway plaza and walnut creek, bay street and santana road will be out there until 6:00 p.m. and certainly hope that you stop by with a warm coat. pure chocolate? no such thing said the european high court today. italy had a practice in using the label pure chocolate for the finest chocolates.
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that bothered over nations that added vegetable fat to their chocolates. so no more pure chocolates in europe. police clash with gangs. there's a storm system out in the pacific, how this will raise the chilly overnight temperatures and when rain chances return to the bay area forecast. a wet start to the rainy season. the impact that's had on a key south bay reservoir. and where calls for reservation stands tonight.
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richmond police surrounded the triangle court after a shooting. a 40-year-old man had been shot in the neck and air lifted to
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walnut creek in critical condition. richmond police tell ktvu they are looking for a man named larry smith who's in his late 60s in connection with this shooting. for a while, police thought he may still be in the house but apparently he had left. and students held protests all throughout the country. in rome police kept the students away from the parliament building. forcing schools with budget deficits to close. brazil, heavily armed police are cracking down on gangs. at least eight people have been killed. rio is trying to get rid of the gangs that have controlled parts of the vast slums now for decades ahead of the 2014 world cup. in haiti, hundreds of people lined up today to get national identification cards so that they can rote in
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presidential elections this coming thursday. it's estimate had the 4.5 million people have registeredded to vote so far. there were some calls for the elections to be postponed because of the cholera epidemic. but others say elections cannot wait. the annual auto show has become a thanksgiving day tradition. and today there's a new focus and you're able to do something you didn't do in the past. >> reporter: range rovers roamed on the artificial made hillsides. it's the first time consumers were able to drive the vehicles. it's a sign of a better economy. the show features dozens of 2011 models. this corvette sting way is one
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of the only concept cars on display. serious car buffs got to drive the nissan leaf inside a ballroom. >> that's different. you can't go real fast and you can't go around the turns real quickly. >> reporter: this year's event marks a bit of a come back for auto makers who have struggled during the economic downturn. chrysler has partnered with fiat to sell this sub compact statewide. >> i think it'll catch on. i think there's enough people who are in the small cars and different styles. i like it. it's a good city car. >> reporter: the different vintage cars on display offered a glimpse at what's missing in today's design. >> i think there's a lot to be said about classic styling. i would like to see auto manufacturers bring some of this back. >> reporter: show organizers expect friday to be the busiest day.
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david stevenson, ktvu news. has details on the hours and ticket prices for the auto show. just look for the holiday weekend tab on our home page. it's been a bay area name for 130 years. the big buy out confirmed today of a bay area based company. and is there a warm up in the works? our meteorologist mark tamayo is back with our holiday weekend forecast.
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we are following developing news for the korean peninsula. there are reports from south korea that the sounds of artillery are being heard on the island attacked earlier this week. there is no clear word on where the artillery was coming tonight. for so called mandatory conservation off the table, people from the south bay don't have to worry about as these
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days using water. but many we talked to say we have to conserve water. though the reservoirs are the fullest they've been in a long time. robert handa reports. >> reporter: it's been a few thanksgiving since the south bay's largest reservoir anderson lake has looked like the largers reservoir. at this time last year the south bay was in its third year of drought conditions. today many people told us they had grown tired of holidays with mandatory conservation and restricted activity. >> i think it was devastating seeing that. because when you need water it's not there. >> we want to make sure water was in the lake. >> you took everything you have to do and looking at every picture and faucet in the building that say, is everything up to snuff. are we dripping water, wasting
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water. last thanksgiving, reservoirs were below -- and even anderson is low. the big plus is the heavy snowfall in the sierra. >> that's a huge part of our sierra. >> reporter: the public is maintaining good habits. >> we won't ask for water. we will say no water. because if the other people don't order water and they don't drink it. >> if i'm washing my face. i will turn the water off. doing dishes, turn the water off. >> reporter: the water district says it might be a good idea to continue conserving. san francisco based del monte food has agreed to sell
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for $3 million. under a shop around option, del monte has until january 8th to find a better offer. if no better deal materializes, the deal is expected to close in march. apple has bought 98 acres from giant hewellet packered on prune ridge avenue. neither company disclosed the sale price. apple has really been on a roll lately with it's iphones and i pads. it's been hiring as well. in case you are wondering, it's 11 miles from the bottom
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of the mount diablo to the top. the hayward held it's ninth annual swimathon today. karen tkpwor gordon was killed by a man in a stolen car. she was an intern here at ktvu news. temperatures cooling off rapidly but tonight will be the last night we're talking about freeze warnings and frost advisories. at least for this week. right now on the maps we zoom in to the north bay. you see some of the temperatures already down to the upper 30s. tonight is a little warmer compared to last night. we still have a northerly wind in place. the winds will be at decrease, as a result temperatures will
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be dropping off quite rapidly after midnight. weather story, plenty of sunshine, clear skies for your thanksgiving. we have a freeze warning in place for the bay area exterior. few high clouds by mid- to late afternoon. high clouds eventually producing rain showers. it looks pretty impressive on the satellite. but the main energy will split. for tomorrow high pressure sticks around, another chilly start with temperatures in the 20s and 30s. it will be dry with partly to mostly sunny skies. you will see what happens, cold front approaches. that actually helped raise the overnight lows, saturday morning, we're not talking about 20s or 30s. we're just talking about 40s out there. rainfall expectations, about .1 of an inch. primarily near the north bay
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coastline. lake tahoe, truckee right now reporting a high of three. snow levels coming down to around 4,000 feet. here's a look at the forecast models showing you some of the rainfall. saturday morning, scattered showers likely beginning saturday morning. as we head into the afternoon, we gradually scale back on the coverage. starting down the chilly side. by 12:00, partly to mostly sunny and high clouds on the increase by 3:00 in the afternoon. here's a look at the numbers for the afternoon highs. really not a big change from the afternoon readings. look ahead, your five day forecast. we're going to clear out that
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storm clouds for sunday. wind speeds pick up and looks like a fairly quiet pattern for monday and tuesday. it's going to feel like a heat wave. if you're getting tired of the chill there's some relief. how about the cal game at 12:30 on saturday. >> there could be on and off showers. still spring the jackets. >> thanks, mark. the two star market liquor store on mcarthur boulevard first began serving thanksgiving meals nine years ago to improve relations between the community and the store's muslim american owners. now the meal has become a celebration bringing together people of different races, religions and cultures. stanford basketball, onal won, one team lost. sports is next.
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new information coming in, there are now reports of south korea that there have been three blasts. south korean military officials
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speaking under condition of anonimity saying that it is not clear if the sounds were coming from north korea or the island. but a very tense time there in the korean peninsula. >> and down in lake buena vista florida, something called the old spice class i think. cal bears come out smelling fresh and clean as they put a little hurt on the 20th ranked team in the country. that would be temp. cal off to a good starlet, the defending pac ten champs less we forget. harper camp there with some soft work inside. he had 13, late going before a sparse crowd down there. it's jorge gutierrez for three to put him up for good.
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57-0. the final noter dame next. it was the 76th classic they were participanting in. dwight powell looking pretty good. murray state outruns the cardinals in the end. and 55-52 the final at stanford's new loss. and morning, noon and night the nfl kind of dominating the air waves earlier this evening, jets coax rex ryan flashing his credit signal, run, run. and that they did. on the special teams like brad smith taking his coaches advice on the kick off. breaking it lose. in fact, no one will catch him. beautiful moves, 89 yards worth 26-10 over the ben gals.
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bengals. super bowl champs literally taking one away from the so called resurgent cowboys. malcolm jenkins just strips the ball as you see the replay. the saints will recover the fumble and enbark on a 98-yard mission of their own. that took only nine second. drew brees led it. saints by the skin of their teeth 30 to 27 against dallas. an hard to believe tom brady was listed questionable yesterday, because he was unquestionably fantastic. 31yards passing, four touchdown, that one to dion branch. 25-34 over detroit. great throw back uniforms in
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that as well. after the high of october and november. little something to nibble on, the left over turkey sandwich probably has a little more substance: reports surfaces the giants may have interest in signing miguel tejada. familiar name to bay area fans. the giants in need of a shortstop. could certain adds a notice to juan uribe that the team is not willing to pay him the big rise he is seeking. and it's thought that the cardinals and padres are also after his services. and in need of any news, remotely uplifting the warriors do get a little tonight, david lee who had that weird elbow
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infection that became alarmingly serious cleared to resume work. and we'll have the latest on the situation in south korea as well as all the local overnight news. >> have a good evening everyone. and happy thanksgiving.
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