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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  November 15, 2010 6:00am-7:00am PST

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. >> major man hunt is under way in tiburon. what caught the attention of police. getting busier now on bay area roads. had record highs on sunday. will it be breezy and warm with more record highs today? and a local man hunting pheasants was shot and killed. who he was hunting with makes this story heartbreaking. good morning to you. welcome to monday. it's november sat i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. it was a beautiful day yesterday. >> it's going to be the same today. 71-degrees in san francisco and
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oakland and berkeley. for some in the 40s but for others it's in the 70s with that offshore wind. 70s and 80s. most of the records on this date was set not too long ago. including 2008. here is sal. right now traffic is moving well. golden gate bridge. you can see it's moving along nicely with no major problems here. this mornings commute will be okay with san francisco along northbound 101. let's go back to the desk. we are following overnight news from marin county. police are conducting a massive search in the town of tiburon. officers are going yard to yard looking for the driver involved in a high speed chase and crash. it happened at about 2:00 a.m.. a tiburon patrol car was involved in that crash. the police officers were not hurt. ktvu jade hernandez is out there this morning giving new
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information from tiburon police chief right now. 6:01 overnight richmond police found a body at a homeless camp. they are calling this a suspicious camp. it appears the victim was between 45 and 50 years old. we don't know his name or how he died. a person of interest was taken into the custody. homicide investigators have now taken over this case. this morning sonoma county sheriffs detectives are investigating the death of a man that was killed when he was hunting. they were called just after will 37:00 when they arrived they found 44-year-old daniel downs of napa fatally shot. he had been hunting pheasant
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with his 11-year-old son and two other friends. at this point they do not have any information about exactly what happened. detectives describe it as an accidental shooting. 6:02. san francisco police are investigating the stabbing of a cable car conductor who was attacked on the job. he's in the hospital this morning with life threatening injuries. this attack happened at 4:20 yesterday afternoon in chinatown. the cable car was not in service at the time. now police say minutes after the attack police arrested the suspect 32-year-old george wong at a home. >> witnesses that saw this. someone called the police. police responded right away. >> police say they arrested three other people at that home for resisting and delaying charges. they say there is no indication the suspect knew the cable car conductor and they don't yet know a motive. it was an unusual sight for
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people visiting ocean beach in san francisco. thousands of jelly fish wash ashore over the weekend. we understand most of them went back out to sea. is there a number of them out there. >> reporter: we can't find any. we have been searching with our flashlight for an hour now. we are hard pressed to find any. it appears that the tide has carried most of these guys back out to the sea. if you happen to take a walk along the beach this weekend you got a lesson in nature. more than 10,000 jelly fish drifted ashore. by dozens of curious people came to catch a glimpse of the jellies. it's nothing to be alarmed about. tides, wind, swells and currents combine to send them ashore.
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>> we don't know what their mortality rate can be. >> you just let them sit here? >> we just let them sit here. it's a natural event. >> the last time something like this happened was six years ago when thousands of jelly fish. this is host to 20 different species of jelly fish. these particular jelly fish are called moon jelly fish. they do have a sting. it's very mild. but you don't want to go barefoot on the beach. sinetists and marine biologist -- scientists and marine biologists are supposed to come out here this morning. live in san francisco tara
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moriarty. thank you. tara can't find the jelly fish but sal can find a problem through anything in your commute. yeah we don't have a lot going on which is good. i think people are trying to ease back into it. i hope they are let's go outside. this is a map system here. you can strophic is moving along -- you can see traffic is moving along okay. mostly green. not a lot of color on the map which is what we like. out to san francisco northbound 101 traffic looks good. and this morning's commute in san jose looks all right on northbound 280. at 6:06 let's go to steve. thank you. a very happy monday morning. a breezy warm setting weekend. kentfield 81. shattered the old i shouldn't say shattered but beat it the old mark.
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sacramento 81. that break the old mark. most of the records today are set from 2008. do you remember that? most people probably say no. same set up though offshore wind. you can see how everything goes up and over and right from the north to the northeast. there are a few areas in the low 50s or 40s. temperatures today they will start off very warm for some. 84 yesterday in santa rosa. san francisco at 78. they are sitting at 71 right now. i'm going 80. walnut creek cooled you off a little bit. if the wind dies down your temperature will drop. oakland 81. san jose didn't change anything. but sunny for everybody. 71 san francisco. 70 in oakland-berkeley. 63 livermore. conc that is a big spread there.
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san jose at 50. santa rosa is 54. we have some that are cool. tahoe is 28. 36 in reno. that is a big ridge of high pressure. it's here today and tomorrow. it starts to ease off. the wind will back up by tonight and see that high get kicked out of here. by the end of the week a very cold system drops down from the gulf of alaska. that will give us a cold rain as we go into friday. today is sunshine. breezy and warm. 15 degrees above average. temperatures 70s to near 80s. about the same tuesday. increasing clouds thursday. and a cold rain on friday. a bay area woman and her boyfriend shot dead. the connection the suspect has to the victims and where police believe he may be headed. i'm scott mcfarland live in washington. congress returns this morning with huge items on its plate including don't ask don't tell.
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good morning. there could be a big traffic problems today. right in the middle of san francisco. that is because of some sort of labor dispute. let's go to kraig debro to explain. >> reporter: good morning, sal. it's all about truckers that are mad because they are not
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getting jobs associated with a terminal. we have a lot of stuff going on down here. this protest is about truck everies. you know what we should do, we should come back to you when owe straightened -- come back to you when we get this straightened out. all right. thank you. we'll check back in with you in a little bit. a man hunt is under way. 50-year-old ricardo deleon is accused of killing his exgirlfriend and new boyfriend. according to police deleon may be driving a 1999 white dodge van with a big blue stripe on the side. the shooting happened early saturday morning on crowly lane. but police say the incident
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started hours earlier. police were called but deleon left before they arrived. investigators believe he came back at 1:00 in the morning and waited for the victims to come home. i was laying on the couch in the living room and i heard a bang and a scream. the lady screaming. i woke james up. i said there is gunfire. he said get away from the window. >> police believe deleon may been heading for mexico or new mexico. officers say that she had a restraining order against deleon but had not been served. congress returns to washington this morning with big decisions to make. this is a lame duck congress. including dozens of members voted out. as scott mcfarland reports they are going to make major changes to our taxes and the u.s. military. good morning, scott.
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>> reporter: good morning. first things first the future of don't ask don't tell the outgoing congress will be asked to lift that policy and allow them to serve openly in the military. the u.s. house has already done so and the senate could by the end of the week. they will also pass a spending bill to fund the military. also this morning. 100 new members of congress arriving on capitol hill. here they are. just a a few -- just a few moments ago. there are training sessions under way. these new members already being lobbied by other republicans. >> my advice would be focus on job creations and paychecks. focus on extending no tax increase on anybody.
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focus on finding way to have a hearing on the obama health plan. >> you heard mr. gingrich mention that tax cut issue. asking to extend tax cuts for anybody that earns $250,000. this will all play out in a very busy week in congress and here in washington. live in washington scott mcfarland. threats against judges are on the rise. today a senate subcommittee. over 80 judges have been threatened with death or bodily harm. that is an 18% increase over the year before. threats come from people angry over denials but others are also frustrated in long delays.
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nearly 2 million people are waiting for decisions on their disability claims. the u.s. postal service could run out of money next year if congress doesn't approve cost cutting measures. according to the postal service it handled six billion pieces of mail. that resulted in a loss of $8.5 billion despite cutting $100 no, jobs. postal service executives say they need to drop saturday service. i want to return to san francisco where kraig debro has new information about a large strike that is planned for today. it could cause very serious commuter headaches. let's check in with craig. >> reporter: good morning. people are worried about that. truckers at the bay area truckers association are promising to come down here to
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the terminal that is being built. they will surround the transbay terminal to protest being locked out of trucking jobs related to stimulus money. that includes jobs at the terminal that is being rebuilt by the stimulus money. they will begin rallying at 7:00 a.m. this morning. and they will caravan later to city hall. their goal is to gain jobs for unemployed workers. truckers also protesting city practice of what they call under cutting the prevailing wage agreement. it's not just protesting being shut out of stimulus money jobs. they say they are also protesting how the city goes about its prevailing wage agreement. it's 6:10-6:15 right now. i don't see any truckers down here right n the way it's supposed to, it could be a
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big traffic problem and big problem for city hall as well. thank you. 6:17 let's go to sal. can you imagine what that might be like in downtown san francisco if it happens this morning? >> it will effect some of the busiest bus lines in san francisco if that does happen. the 14 mission comes to find. also some of the other lines. let's go there. we all meet up which is on main street. we'll see. it could mean a big traffic problem. let's take a look at westbound bay bridge. it's backed up to the middle part. also this morning we're looking at san francisco itself on the freeways. the main freeway. northbound 101 still looking pretty nice. if you're driving to the south bay, still looking good.
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the south bay commute has been light. people tend to get on road a little later there. thank you. we have record highs yesterday. some are likely again today. including downtown san francisco. we're going 82. that was set in 2008. not that long ago. san francisco downtown actually is 71 degrees. 71 in the city. so it's really balmy for some. upper 60s sunny and warm. breezy to windy. windy conditions in the higher elevations. you can see why everything is offshore. it will last for one more day. we'll see a westerly breeze kick in. today sunny and breezy. we'll go for a high of 78 degrees. there is the 71 in san francisco. oakland and berkeley 70. 59 palo alto. some locations in the 40s and 50s. your temperatures dropped off any breeds -- breeze.
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a cold low drop in on friday and into the second. today 70s and 80s. possible records and we will see sunny conditions on tuesday. a little cooler on wednesday. the wind will die down tuesday. increasing clouds thursday. and there is your cold rain with highs in the 50s. today facebook plans to launch a new e-mail system. the idea is to better compete with g-mail and yahoo mail. our time is now 6:20. a beloved toy story will stay open through the holidays. making a lot of children and parents happy. it's called mr. mops. it's been the place to go to buy a wide variety of traditional toys. but it was in danger of shutting down when the owner
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couldn't find anyone to take over the business. new owners have been found and they say they have a long history with this store. group there is a lot of emotional attachment to me and the community surrounding this place. >> it's really awesome to be able to support small businesses like this. >> mr. mops toy store will briefly close after the holidays but only allow the store to be remodeled. fishermen hope fish willing be plentiful. hikers got themselves into a scary situation all because of a furry friend. if you're driving on 680 heading to the south bay it looks pretty good. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight aheed.
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♪ one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. mm! america runs on dunkin'.
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traffic is moving well on the bay bridge until you get to the middle of that parking lot. westbound san mateo bridge looks good. 6:24 let's go back to the desk. two hikers have quite a story to tell when they go back
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to work today. the two men became stranded on a clon saturday. the national park service used special harnesses to rescue both men. they became trapped in an area that was closed to public. but they may have gone in because of their dog. alameda county board supervisors is setting campaign spending limits. limit how much a candidate can receive from a person or political committee to $20,000 per election. it follows the successful campaign of nadya for figueroa. lockyer reported $1.5 billion with preponderate 2 2 -- with
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$.2 million coming from her husband. the chronicle reviewed puc records from 2003 to 2009. they show the state only had nine inspectors to check california's roughly 110,000 miles of gas pipelines. the state acknowledges it has been short staffed in the past but since added inspectors following the recent disaster in san bruno. this years commercial crab season is getting off to another slow start. the season was supposed to start yesterday but delayed over crews the crabs may not be able to harvest. they have been optimist can about a season. many of the crabs caught bay sports fishermen are not media enough to sell. >> we found crabs that are
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reasonably big but very little beat. >> today fishermen plan to test 100 crab to check the average amount of meat they can recover. if they gather less than 25% meat per crab they will continue to delay set out their crabs for several more days. children got caught in the middle of a terrifying situation in a bay area pizza parlor. those responsible are still on the loose. there is trouble in tiburon. a man hunt is under way. and the opening well is about to ring on wall street. a new report this morning is shutting optimism.
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welcome back to the morning news. they are just getting ready to ring that opening bell in new
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york this morning. could be a pretty good day. we got retail sales reports this morning. in some respects a little bit better. car sales if you factor those in pretty strong in october. so it looks like again we could see some gains. markets in europe are up this morning. we'll keep watching those numbers. >> he brought the kids another to clap too. >> tech america on the nasdaq exchange. and there is the opening bell live. looks like a good. >> yeah. thank you for joining us i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. we are following developing news in tiburon. an overnight high speed chase and crash lead to a major policeman hunt. moments ago police scaled down that search. i want to check in with jade hernandez who is live. >> reporter: good morning that yard search is over.
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we are live in the parking lot where officers heard the first crash which started this entire chase earlier this morning. as i mentioned earlier the yard search is over. they are still looking for this suspect but they scaled down the search. they created a looser perimeter and law enforcement agencies out here are not giving up they will find their suspect this morning. the tiburon police chief believes the suspect was driving this smashed stolen accra this morning. it's part of a bigger automat ring. now the situation earlier this morning began after officers at black field and tiburon boulevard heard a crash and that accra had taken out a traffic signal light. the driver lead officers on a high speed chase. the chaser to through downtown tiburon and both ended up
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crashing near black burn and tiburon. agencies searched yards. tiburon's police chief explains why authorities are not giving up on finding this mornings car thief. >> we had a very similar incident last monday morning at about 5:00 a.m.. a resident saw two men going through vehicles. he confronted them and asked what he was doing. got in a car and immediately left. short time later they located him. chased him up the drive. the stolen accra involved in the accident overnight was registered in san leandro. no arrest have been made. despite a smaller scale there no longer a command post set
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up. i was told they are still looking for their man. >> before you go if they are still looking for the suspect did they tell you why they scaled back the search for him? >> well, they went yard to yard and they searched that perimeter they earlier sell up. they finished that aspect of it and was going to loosen the perimeter and start searching again. 6:33 police in the east bay are searching for three arm the men blamed for a frightening restaurant robbery. it happened saturday night at the chucky cheese restaurant. police say three men burst into the restaurant and immediately forced 40 employees and customers to go into a storeroom. the gunman cleaned out the cash registers and left. san jose police are waiting
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for autopsy results of a body of a woman. police got the call around 6:00 saturday night about a body found in the water on highway 87. the unsatisfied woman is a transient and appears -- is a transient. vacaville police are looking for a hit and run driver that killed a 14-year- old boy. he was hit by two cars. one after the other friday evening. the driver of the first car stopped to help the boy. but the second one kept going. the hit and run car may have been a chef row lay pickup truck. that's after strong winds brought dawn fiorins.
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no structures were damaged. san francisco police are investigating the discovery of a severed arm found inside golden gate park. someone flagged down a police officer after spotting that severed arm. right now the police are not releasing any other details. police are also searching for a driver killed a man. highway patrol officers say a driver in a gold honda civic tried to pass a group of motorcyclists and forced a dodge avenger to slam into their cyclists were killed. seven suspects involved in
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the richmond gang rape case is due in court this morning. it's a case that made headlines and stunned the community. investigators say several onlookers did nothing as they watched the men attack the girl outside of her home coming dance. richmond high has increased campus security since that crime. >> you feel the difference in the campus. you don't see people loitering or using profanity. this parking lot is full but they are engaged in constructive activity. >> the seven defendants are facing several felony charges including forcible rape and robbery. that preliminary hearing is expected to last several days. the man arrested in last nights bay bridge.
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carlos faces several charges for attempting to blow up the bridge. the frightening incident brought traffic on the upper deck for a standstill for two house. the 51-year-old antioch man was distraught after financial and marital problems. very angry truck drivers may make this a rough ride to work for many drivers in san francisco. kraig debro is joining us live to tell us about a protest we understand is supposed to start in less than 30 minute. good morning. >> reporter: yeah good morning. the truck drivers will be very upset is what they call lack of attention paid to them. they are not getting the jobs that are connected to the federal stimulus dollars they say they deserve and need. this protest starts at 7:00. truckers are supposed toison
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the transbay terminal. according to the truckers they will be coming out here at 7:00 a.m.. they will caravan when they meet here between mission street and first and second street. they will caravan to city hall. think goal is to gain -- would be hired for these jobs but they have been contracted out to foreign workers that will work for less than minimum wage. they are supposed to go to city hall after this protest here to protest the cities what they are calling the cities practice of under cutting the prevailing wage agreement that they have with truckers. if you take a look here at the transbay terminal you can see construction workers behind that green wind stream. i tried to contact the bay year
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situation. it's not that far away from the protest. about 20 minutes. no sign of the truckers yet. we'll keep an eye on that for you. reporting live in san francisco ktvu channel few new. right now we are also going to be watching. but there is other streets that could be effected if this protest does indeed go down. some of the side streets howard maybe even market. we'll see if people do if there is a traffic jam. let's take a look at other commutes. highway 101 looks pretty good. if you're driving from nevada to san rafael looks pretty good. westbound bay bridge there is a small accident at one of the side pulled over to the side. people are looking at it. westbound traffic only backed up for ten minute wait right now. and no major problems coming
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out of livermore this morning. driving over to caster valley. 6:39 let's go to steve. thank you, sal. happy monday morning. breezy, windy, and warm. we had high clouds. but we still broke records. we'll go from warm to cold. in fact it will be warm to start off this week and very cold by the end of the week. now for starting right now we are looking for very mild lows. prezwe'll go from the 80nd to upper 50s. yesterday concord 81. sacramento 81. kentfield is 81. broke the old record set back
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in 1923. everything is offshore. temperatures starting off for some near 70 degrees already. santa rosa 84 yesterday. san francisco 78. we'll go 82 which is a new record. walnut creek 81 yesterday. we'll drop you a couple. oakland 81. the record is 85. san francisco in san francisco. most in the 60s and 70s. 46 ukiah. 56 sacramento. 47 fresno. it just depends. no wind at all. it's very mild. that is a big dominant ridge of high pressure. you throw in the offshore breeze that is double the whammy there. that moves off by tonight. the high gets kicked off. we are expecting a dramatic
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change. 70s and 80s. temperatures above average. good 15 degrees for some. it will still be sunny but not as windy on tuesday. increasing clouds thursday. and clouding up and get egg cold. >> surprising san francisco here in northern california. how a bay, his bike and the american flog is attracting attention. we'll tell you why scientists believe they are here. good morning. westbound 24 traffic looking good as you drive up to the tunnel. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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welcome back. here's a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you. a 44-year-old man who was out hunting with his 11-year-old son and two friends was shot and killed yesterday. sheriffs detectives are investigating how it happened. a san francisco cable car conductor is fighting for his life this morning after being stabbed on the job. it happened yesterday afternoon on mason street. police arrested 42-year-old
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george wong on murder. . >> may be driving a 1999 white dodge van. it was an unusual site for people visiting ocean beach in san francisco. thousands of jelly fish washed ashore over the weekend. tara moriarty is live on the beach this morning. tara. the tide has come and washed most of these jelly fish back to shore. marine biologist are supposed to be getting here within the next couple of hours to investigate this mysterious phenomenon. they may have a hard time finding one. 10,000 jelly fish mysterious washed ashore. they are so-called moon jelly fish that pack a very mild sting. it's about a size of a dinner plate.
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dozens of surfers dog walkers sidestepped around. >> i don't know whether to be concerned or not. >> i came out here in the morning to surf. they were all over the place. so i haven't seen it before. >> i think it's crazy. i haven't seen anything like this. is thering thering in-- is there something in the water? >> reporter: they say it's caused by winds, tides, swells and currents that combine to send the jelly fish ashore. there are about 20 species of jelly fish off the coast of california. now back here live if we take a look we are at noraga street. down where that light is. between there and all the way north where most of them were concentrated. if you take a look over here.
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we have been combing the beaches here. but if you do happen to see one marine biologist says they do have a mild sting. this morning a county boy will be riding to school with an american flag attached to his bike. the boys middle school has reversed the principals decision about the flag. there were complaints the flag might raise tensions between white and latino students so he was asked to remove it. however, the school received complaints from across the country. the boy says the flag is simply his way of supporting americas veterans. 6:48 a big deadline is facing san francisco to come up with the funding for new $1.5 billion downtown subway. it would run between union square and chinatown.
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they committed $942 million for this project. mine nigh has to come up with an extra $225 million to qualify for that funding. and the deadline is february. 6:48 is the time. we want to go to sal to check in on any problems with the commute. >> craig eni have been watching downtown san francisco because of that protest with the truckers that is supposed to start at 7:00. it's supposed to start at 7:00 where the transbay terminal is. there is no sign of the truckers. we'll let you know more. let's take a look at westbound bay bridge. there is a crash just west of the toll plaza on the right hand side. that crash is not major. it's actually not even in the lanes. people might be looking at it and there could be a little bit of a backup there. move eight long and taking a look -- moving along and taking a look at 880 it's moving
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along. 880 southbound slowing a little bit as you approach eighth street. no problems heading down to union city and fremont and here is steve. san francisco unbelievable warm for this time of year. there is a possibility of record highs today. we had some yesterday. there is a big dome of high pressure. now the offshore wind will start to ease up by later ted and tonight. the high will still be with us tomorrow and move out. breezy and warm today. san francisco 82 and if that comes through it would be a record high. the record is 80 in 2008. almost all the records were just two years ago. the one that is not was santa rosa. 83 in 2005. oakland 83. the record 85. mountain view 80. the record is 81. and san jose 79 all of these
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far almost 20 degrees above average. there is 40s on the attempts. 28 in tahoe. 46 ukiah. 47 fresno bakers field. but for others if any offshore wind and it's really mild. 60s and 70s. high though giving us sunny and warm weather today will start to move out. as it does that means a big change as a cold low drops down from the gulf of alaska. that will be here on friday. we are in the 70s and 80s. breezy and warm. cooler wednesday and increasing clouds thursday. there is your cold rain on friday. the maker of budweiser bear is suing major league baseball.
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anheusser bush said it had a signed renewal agreement but baseball demanded what they called higher fees because there has been a change in the market space. executives say it's in announcement let's czech in on the numbers. good sales particularly in the car business. helped boost numbers up. the dow jones up 36 points. time now 6:52. the circumstance of birkly -- the city of berkeley will no longer impound cars. and a daredevil at heart. he will attempt to set a new record today. ocooer feoel cort eeit t totr r
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let's go to tori to find out what is coming up. >> reporter: scheduled to happen in a few moments. we'll be live in explain why and how this could make it a rough commute this morning. more torture for giants
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fans. what could be on the line today for rookie catcher buster posey. and we've learned who was the biggest spender for recent state propositions. it wasn't oil companies or unions but one person that is not a household name. those stories and more coming up. >> thank you. we'll see you then. the city of berkeley will no longer automatically impound cars for 30 days for anyone caught drives without a license. the berkeley city manager says the change in policy will help people not get a license because of their immigration status. anyone caught will still get a ticket and have their car towed. they will not lose their transportation for a month and have to pay a tow yard. speaking of cars let's see
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what sal is seeing on the roads. >> right now traffic is busy in many areas. we're looking at highway 4. looks like it's slowing way down coming up to the willow pass grade. and also 880 slow traffic here coming top the coliseum. let's go to steve. thank you. skies are clear to mostly clear. another breeze breezy win day at time. warm day possible record highs. san francisco would be one. 82 degrees. the old mark is 80 in 2008. 70s and 80s. big. i mean big changes on the five- day we'll get to that coming up. thanks. 6:57 it's now the fastest climb to the top of ole captain. they will make another attempt to beating their own record in a yosemite elle captain. that is potter there. they already set a new speed record november 6th which is 20
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seconds faster than the old record. potter and leery hope to make it tougher to win that title back. the investigation is under way into the tragic shooting death of a father that was out on a hunting trip with his 11- year-old son. a police chase leads to a massive man hunt. new developments. stay with us.
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