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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  November 15, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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pheasants is shot and killed. the person who he was hunting with makes this story heartbreaking. well good morning to you. welcome to monday november 15th i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. let's start with steve paulson. will it be warm again today? >> it will be. we have a blustery condition continuing out of the north. 70s to near 80s again. there are big changes in the five-day. we will get to that shortly. traffic on 24 westbound looks pretty good. no major problems there. also this morning's commute looks good on interstate 880 let's go back to the desk. we begin with breaking news from marin county. police are looking for someone. ktvu channel 2 reporter jade
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hernandez is live in tiberon. >> reporter: that is right. we are waiting for details. we are live in tiberon. this is where police are still looking for a suspect involved in a car chasing crash. tiburon have a lead investigator in this chase. it started at 2:00 a.m. when they tried to pull over a driver of a stolen two-door accra. this same suspect was sought last week in a similar situation. the car was registered in san leandro. it happened -- it lasted approximately ten minutes. the us sect ran from the accident and authorities have been searching for the suspect. the tiburon police was not hurt. the suspect may have been wanting for carjacking and as i
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mentioned earlier he also may have been involved in a similar situation last week. tiburon police are out here. as soon as we get information we'll pass that along to you. reporting live in tiburon jade hernandez. we are also following overnight news from richmond. homicide investigators are looking into a grim discovery earlier this morning. kraig debro joins us now from richmond. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, pam. i've just spoken to richmond police. they confirm this is a homicide. take a look behind me. we have a little bit of a scene here. police were searching the field near the richmond marina. when i spoke to police sergeant a few moments ago she told me this was a homicide. they were working a homicide out here and a domestic dispute. there were two people fighting. a third person tried to
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intervene to stop the fight. the person was chased by the suspect in custody and that person because they were chased down and stabbed or excuse me i'm not sure the method of the homicide. that person was chased down and killed by the person involved in the dispute. they chased the suspect. they have suspect downtown with the witness in this case which is the female. moments ago people were searching a field right next to marina way using flashlights. they had a line of police going across the field. they didn't miss anything. possiblely looking for a weapon that might have been used in this homicide. it's unclear what they were looking for but the search was very constituency at that time. coming up i will try to get ahold of richmond police and see what they were doing down here at that late hour. reporting live in richmond
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kraig debro. 5:03 this morning. the traffic shooting death of a hunter is under investigation. even they are stunned to hear who is believed to have shot him. his 11-year-old son. deputies rushed to an area near 37 and 121 just after 4:00 yesterday afternoon. when they arrived they found 44- year-old daniel downs of napa fatally shot. downs had been pheasant hunting with his 11-year-old son and two other friends. at this point we don't have any information about exactly what happened. detectives are calling it an accidental shooting. san francisco police are investigating the stabbing of a cable car con conductor -- conductor who was attacked on the job. he is in the hospital with life threatening injuries. it happened at 4:20 yesterday afternoon in chinatown. the cable car was in the in service at the time.
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minutes after the attack officers arrested the suspect 32-year-old george long. >> witnesses that saw this they called the police. >> police say they arrested three other people at the home for resisting and delaying charges. there is no indication the suspect new the conductor and they do not know the motive. thousands of jelly fish have washed ashore and today marine biologist will be out there to try to figure out why. weekend beach visitors couldn't believe what they saw. nearly 10,000 jelly fish covered a three mile stretch. high tide has washed most of them out to sea but hundreds are still out thereon beach. park rangers say this is an incredible sight to see. >> they are not a hazard.
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>> park rangers say a strong swell may have carried the jelly fish to shore. a similar incident happened seven years ago. you can see a slide show of thousands of jelly fish on our channel 2 website just go there and click the on the bay area news. a man hunt is under way for a man connected with a double murder in fairfield. he's accused of killing his exgirlfriend and boyfriend deleon may be driving a white van. it happened outside the apartment complex of deleon's exgirlfriend's apartment. police were called but deleon left before they arrived. investigators believe he came back at 1:00 in the morning and waited for the victims to come
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home. >> i was laying on the couch in the living room and a heard a bang and a scream. and i woke james up said there is gunfire. he said get i way from the window. >> police believe deleon may been heading for mexico or new mexico. 5:06 let's go back to sal. it's early on a monday morning. i know you are watching things in tiburon and all over the bay area. >> yeah in tiburon there is not a huge backup right now. it's pretty early. when it comes to the bay area roads wiz are in good shape. let's take a look at 880 westbound. it looks pretty good. no major issues on the way to the toll plaza. if you're starting off this monday you should be in pretty good shape. especially crossing the bay bridge. also this morning we're looking a the the south bay.
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we're starting off well. 507 let's go to steve. thank you. unbelievablely warm weather for november and offshore wind will do it every time. even though the days are short it doesn't take much. another sunny side up and warm day on tap again today. you know this can't last. but before we go that if you want to enjoy the sunshine or head over to the beach you can see how everything is going offshore. sunny and breezy and very warm. 70s to near 80 degrees. 70-degrees in san francisco. 70 degrees. i went 80 today. the lows are already sitting at 70. san rafael 68. oakland-berkeley 67. i split the difference concord and livermore. so just depends on whether you have that wind or not.
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al low a -- palo alto low 60s. that is a big ridge of high pressure. it's not going anywhere for a couple of days. we get the sunny and warm but breezy conditions today. that high is moving out and a very strong low will dig in from the pacific northwest. that will be a very cold system which arrives by friday. we will go from the 80s to upper 50s. today all sunshine. 70s and 80s. a little breezy to windy at times. breezy and warm. increasing clouds thursday. look at the highs from 80 to 58. all right. 5:09 is the time right now. bay area workers could make it hard to get around san francisco. and u.s. postal service is running out of money the plan executive have that could effect your mail. and i'm scott live in a
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foggy washington, d.c.. congress coming back into town including don't ask don't tell and the future of your income task. coming up in a live report. good morning on the east shore freeway we're off to a great start. i will tell you about the monday commute straight ahead.
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welcome back to the morning news. congress gets back to work on capitol hill this morning.
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now many of those returning were voted out and handling their final business before leaving office. as scott mcfarland reports huge decisions remain. good morning, scott. >> reporter: good morning to you. it's a foggy morning here in washington. things will move quickly and clearly. first of all congress is to prevent a government shutdown and what to do with income tax cuts for tens of millions of americans. big stuff. and about 100 new members of congress arriving on capitol hill. they are not voting yet. it's the old congress making the big decision. they want to pass an emergency spending bill. you need to pay for the military and wars overseas. also what to do about the long ago past tax cut set to expire at the end of the year. >> i think when you have the worst unemployment since the
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great depression, that raising taxes on anybody is disstrucktive. i think our number one goal has to be to put people back to work. they hope they will extend the current tax level for everybody. >> reporter: the white house prefer to extend tax cuts to those earning no more than a quarter mall dollars a year. the president set the tone saying over the weekend he thinks he can find common ground with the republicans. threats against judges are on the rise. a subcommittee will investigate threats to judges that deal with social security disability cases. over the past year at least 80 judges or the courtroom staff have been threatened with death or bodily harm. that's an 18% increase over the year before. the threats are coming for
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people angry over denials. but also others are frustrated at the long delays and processing their claims. 2million people are waiting for information on their disability claims. some have to wait two years to find out if they qualify. postal service could run out of money next year. according to the pose physical service ate handle -- according to the postal service it handled 6 billion less pieces of mail. that resulted in a loss of $8.5 billion. postal service executives say they need to drop sat service and stop bying for health benefits for future retirees. a nursing student from san francisco city college will not be deported today as scheduled. the u.s. immigration and customs plans to deport steve
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li. now the move follows efforts by li's families and friends. li and his parents came to the united states in 2002 for a tourist vie sap if it may be tough getting around san francisco this morning. local truck drivers plan to surround the terminal. they are being shut out of jobs by workers being brought in from asia. now the protest is scheduled to start shortly at 7:00 this morning. >> that certainly could be a very big traffic issue. we will continue to follow that. sal will keep his eye on that. >> i will. and we will look at all the
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commutes. you see under my name there, there is a twitter address in case you have any tips or want to pass anything on to men let's go ahead and take a look at westbound highway 4. traffic is moving along pretty well. no major problems here. highway 24 the same thing as you drive up to the tunnel. this morning we're looking at the toll plaza. it probably won't stay this way. if you like it nice and white now there is no problems to get into the city. now to steve. it's 70 degrees in san francisco. >> i know. it feels like a summer day. >> if it was summer it would be 58 and foggy. incredible for this time of year. nothing surprises me. coolest record in an a a
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decade. there you go. thank goodness it's not august or september we would be 110. as it is it's very warm for november. breezy and warm. forecast the fog is trying to get back. it's a long way from getting there. opens 70s to near 80s. our observer michael says he has a fan going. i can't say i blame him. san rafael 56. some locations in the 40s. ukiah is 45 degrees. sacramento 54. 28 up in tahoe. yet we have 70s here. you can see why everything just goes offshore. this will start to ease up a little bit. the next 24 hours. there is still blustery conditions. it's all an offshore breeze. by the time we get to friday it will be a told wet day.
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today sunny and very warm. 70s and 80s. i want 80s in the cities. breezy and warm and mostly sunny on tuesday but still not as warm. cooler wednesday. increase those clouds thursday. cold rain on friday. right now european markets are mostly higher. overnight in asia the major markets were mixed. hong kong lost nearly 1%. but japan's shanghai index posted gains. crude oil $85 a barrel. investigators are waiting to hear what steps china will wait. the biggest worry china will raise interest rates that will cool their economy. checking in on the u.s. what could effect markets
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today. retail sells numbers come out in ten minute. we'll talk about that as they come out. 5:19 a beloved toy store will stay open through the holidays. that will make children and parents happy. it's called mr. mops. it's been the place to go for a wide variety of traditional toys but it was in danger of shutting down when the owner couldn't find anyone to take over the business. now new owners have been found and they have a long history with this store. >> i group coming here. there is a lot of emotional attachment to me and the community. >> it's really awesome to be able to support small businesses like this. >> they will briefly close after the holidays. just for a few weeks.
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the crabs are plentiful. but with the season getting into full swing overnight the word is the season is off to a slow start. two hikers got themselves into a very scary situation. it's all because of a furry friend. westbound 287 traffic moving along pretty well. crossing 880. we'll tell you more about the morning commute and bay area straight ahead.
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good morning. we have clear skies and very mild to warm. temperatures in the 70s already. san francisco. we'll have sunshine and breezy conditions. temperatures 70s to near 80s. 5:23. two hikers have an incredible story to tell as they go back to work today. they got stranded on this cliff. this is year san francisco's land zen. this happened saturday. they used special harnesses to rescue both of the men. they became trapped in an area that is normally closed to the public but they may have gone in after their dog. the dog as you see there was also rescued and no one was hurt. here's a new report out that is racing new concerns about the safety of california's gas pipelines. the chronicle reviewed puc
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records from 2003 to 2009. those reports show the state only had nine inspectors to check california's roughly 110,000 miles of gas pipelines. the state acknowledges it has been short staffed in the past but since added inspectors after the repeat disaster. this years commercial crab season getting off to another slow start. the season was supposed to start yesterday but has been delayed over concerns the crabs may not be ready to harvest. the fisherman we talked to had been optimistic about the season. but the crabs caught by sports fishermen are not meaty enough to sell. >> we found crabs that are reasonably hard. we're trying to make sure when you go top market will be happy with what you purchase. >> they plan to test 100 crabs
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to check the average amount of meat they can recover. if they gather less than 25% they will delay their ever ever ever ever ever ever ever plans. thousands of jelly fish washed ashore over the weekend. we'll tell you what scientists are planning to do about it this morning. . >> and there is trouble in tiburon. a man hunt is under way after an overnight crash involving a police car. northbound 280 traffic still looking pretty good. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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welcome back. this is the ktvu channel 2 morning news. i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. time now is almost 5:30. let's check in with steve. it looks like a beautiful day. that is for sure. especially for november. we're looking at a day of possible record highs. yesterday we had 70s and low 80s. we'll continue today with 70s and low 80s. you're saying this can't last much longer. when you see our five-day you will see it can't. here is sal. traffic is moving along okay on 24 westbound as you drive up to the tunnel. there are no major problems for your drive there.
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also this mornings commute at the toll plaza coming up good. right now a major policeman hunt is under way in tiburon. that is following an early morning crash that involved a police car. ktvu jade hernandez is out there right now with all the detail. there are new details too. >> reporter: absolutely. the police chief updated us. the man hunt for the suspect involved is still going on right now. we are live in tiburon where the situation happened earlier this morning. we know tiburon police and other law enforcement agencies are going yard by yard looking for the suspect. this is the situation. officers around 2:00 a.m. parked right here in the port at black field drive. heard a crash. that crash involved an accra. the driver refused to pull over and lead officers on a high
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speed chase. eventually both vehicles crashed. tiburon police are look for the suspect that driver in an area along tiburon boulevard. >> it's very dark. there is a lot of foilage here. there is a lot of places to hide. people flee in a circumstance like this, they are pretty pumped up and cover a lot of ground in a hurry. >> reporter: and tiburon police said a similar incident happened like this one last monday morning around 5:00 a.m.. it happened on mar east. they believe a similar suspect may be involved. and similar situations may involve certain people. we'll have more from the tiburon police chief coming up in a short half hour.
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reporting live jade hernandez. police in the east bay are searching for three armed men responsible for a frightening restaurant robbery in newark. that happened saturday night at the chuck -- chucky cheese. three men burst into the restaurant and ordered employees into a storeroom. the gunmen clean cleaned out the cash registers and ran off. san jose police are awaiting awe topty results on a woman's body found floating in the river. police received a car about a body in the water. they say the unsatisfied woman is a transient. 5:32 vacaville police are looking for a hit and run driver that struck and killed a 14-year-old boy. now police say he was hit by
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two cars. one after the other friday evening while he was out riding his bike on alamo drive. police say the hit and run car may have been a chevy pickup truck. power has been restored to customers in sonoma county. the down power lines parked this fire yesterday on todd road. no buildings were damaged by this. more than 1200 customers were effected by the power outage. san francisco police are investigating after a severed arm was found in golden gate park. they flagged down a police officer. right now police are not giving us additional details about what what was found. police are searching for a driver that killed five people.
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it happened saturday east of san diego. a driver in a gold honda civic tried to pass a group of motorcyclists and forced a dodge avenger to slam into the back of the truck. the driver of the dodge was under arrest for suspicion of drinking. the suspects for the richmond gang rape case are in court for a hearing. that will determine if there is -- the case made national head lines and studies the information. richmond high has increased campus security since that crime. >> you just feel the difference in the campus. you don't see people loitering or using profanity. this parking lot is full but
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guess what, they are engaged in constructive activity. >> now the seven defendants face several felony charges increasing forcible rape and robbery. the hearing is expected to take several days. the man that was arrested in last weeks bay bridge standoff is due to be arraigned this morning in a san francisco courtroom. craig carlos valentino is charged of trying to blow up the bay bridge. that frightening incident brought traffic on a standstill for two hours. investigators say the 51-year- old antioch man was upset about financial and marital problems. it was an unusual sight for people visiting ocean beach in
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thousands. tara joins us from san francisco about how it looks today. >> reporter: marine biologists are expected to come out here to investigate this natural phenomenon. we've been out here for quite some time looking around. we have a feeling the tide has washed most of these guys back into the ocean. if you happen to be -- if you happened to be here over the weekend this is what they saw on the beach. pretty much in a straight line. stretching for three miles from float boulevard north to lincoln way. they drifted to the shore friday night atracking hordes of curious on lacquers. lacquer-- curious lookers. >> there is something 2349 water or warm weather. >> reporter: a worker for the
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golden gate national area it's likely a strong overnight swell carried the creaturrers to shore. the last time this happened was years ago. the coast is known to 20 species of the gulf. turtles swim 9,000 miles just to eat them the moon jelly fish are the jelly fish that are here. we have yet to find any. they do have a sting. they have a mild sting. you are advised if you happen to come to ocean beach to not go barefoot. we're live in san francisco tara moriarty. >> thank you. the muni ambassador program is back up and running. muni tried out the program in august and september. it was so successful the city scrambled to piece together
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enough money to. under the program 12 ambassadors run the line. they report any crimes and provide information to riders in several different languages. >> that is good news. 5:37 let's see what sal is talking about. he will get you where you need to duo. >> that is right. dave and pam traffic is moving along pretty well along the bay area. as we go to the live pictures you can see highway 280 is pretty good. also this morning's commute looks pretty good. that is northbound 101 on the left. as 5:38 let's go to steve. thank you. if you were out and about yesterday you must have thought
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it was record highs. it was. kentfield takes the cake here. 81. the old one was made in 1923. so taps way a good average. everything goes north to northeast. sunny and breeze for this time of year. so sunny and breezy and warm with 70s. upper 70s and 80s. there may be 80s near the coast. it is 71-degrees in san francisco. 70 in oakland-berkeley. 61 palo alto. closer to the coast around the bay temperaturest are very mild. 45 ukiah. cold air.
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come fairs to other reeditions. so we're going to have sunshine and very breezy to warm conditions today. good 10-15 degrees for this time of year. but a big change and i mean big will happy friday and saturday as we go into a cold rain. 70s and 80s for your highs today. some of the warmest temperatures will be right along the coast. breezy and warm. still sunny on sunday avenue tuesday but not as warm. causer wednesday. for years many have been trying to get permission to build a casino near the bay. the new idea that could send that casino idea up in smoke. a surprising controversy here in northern california. how a boy and the american flag
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is getting attention this morning.
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good morning. temperatures are really mild. there are some that are in the 60s and low 70s including san francisco. another sunny, breezy and warm day. thank you. 5:43 here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you. a 44-year-old man out hunting with his 11-year-old son and two friends was accidentally shot and killed yesterday. sheriffs detectives are investigating how that accident happened. a san francisco cable car conductor is in the hospital fighting for his life this morning after being stabbed on the job.
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police have arrested 32-year- old george wong. and a man hunt is under way for killing his exgirlfriend and her new boyfriend. the suspect 50-year-old ricardo deleon may be driving a white dodge van with a blue stripe on the side. australian airline is dealing with a fallout of another midair inspect. returned to sydney because of smoke in the cockpit. there were 141 people on board. no one was injured. it was an electrical problem. this is the fourth incident since an engine on a plane exploded 11 days ago. police are hoping a missing teenager -- they arrested matthew hoffman in connection with the kidnapping of 14-year-
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old sarah manured. they found her bound and gagged. investigators say she was held captive for several days. . >> a man that is sought to with dead is arrested on kidnapping charges. he is wanted for kidnapping a 20-year-old las vegas girl. her mother is still missing. investigators say both were last seen with sanders. he was declared legally dead 16 years ago after he disappeared. 5:45 this morning a bo will be riding to school with an american flag attached to his bike. there have been complaints that flag might raise attentions between the white and latino students at the school. the school received complaints about thisthe
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country. the young man said the flag is simply his way of supporting american veterans. a medical marijuana facility is -- 28 ideas were submitted and ranged from an industrial office park to park trails. one plan is suggesting growing, packaging, and storing marijuana. a public hearing will be held thursday. san francisco faces a tough deadline to come up with funding for a new $1.5 billion subway. the new subway would run from union square to china town. federal officials completed $542 million to the project. muni must come up with $245
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million. let's see what is happening around the bridges. how are they look something >> they are look pretty good. we don't have any big lays. let's go outside. speaking of the bridges we watch the bay bridge almost watch it the most. we watch all the bridges. we watch this one the most. when this one goes bad some pressure builds on other bridges. last week when the bridge was closed. we started seeing pressure on the richmond bridge and san pate owe bridge. let's go back to steve. that's it? >> that's it. >> record highs from sunday. concord 81. kentfield 81. that was the most impressive one. their latest mark was 80 in 1973.
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we are sitting at very warm temperatures. it's a north, northeast wind. that could be a very warm direction for us. thankfully it's not august or september. we are good 10-15-degrees above average. todays are starting off in the 60s and 70s for many but not everybody. san francisco is 71 degrees. 71. oakland berkeley 70. pal low alto 62. concord it depends. i've seen some areas that are 52-67. san jose is the coolest at 59. 28 up in tahoe. 45-degrees in ukiah. 40s, 50s and 60s. that is a big ridge of high pressure coming in. it will hang around for another day and a half and it will get
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booted out of here. a huge change in our -- i mean dramatic. we go from 70s to 80s. 50s on the upcoming weekend. temperatures will be far above average. a little cooler wednesday opinion increasing clouds thursday. there's your cold rain on friday. just a few minutes ago the commerce department released the retail sales numbers for october. sales jumped 1.2% last month. that's the biggest jump. now much of the gain can be credited to car sales. retail sales not including cars and trucks were up slightly in exactly what the market expected. new research shows women in high stressed jobs -- 17,000 working women. it shows women with little control over their demanding
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jobs were twice as likely to have a heart attack. participates who worried about losing their jobs no matter how stressful had high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and higher body weight. for the second time this month google pay hikes are making news. a few top executives at the mountain view company will get 30% pay hikes next year. some executives will be eligible for bonuses up to 250% of their base pay. last week google told all workers they were getting a 10% pay hike in january. it's official. they are now ranked number one on the new california list. why this education department list contains a new first in california. and what it all mean. plus new details about how  a british couple captured got free and are more hostages left behind?
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welcome back to the morning news. alameda county board of supervisors have campaign spending limits. the supervisors have given approval to a new ordnance will limit how much a candidate can receive from a person or political committee to $20,000
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per election. it follows the successful campaign of nadya over fig or a. lockeyer reported 1.2 million come from the campaign fund. a tough new crackdown on cell phones at a high school has upset parents and students. students caught using their phones in class more than three times could have their phone confiscated until the end of the year. teachers and administrators say cell phones cause distractions in the classroom. a british couple is enjoying freedom. paul and rachel met with
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somalia's president. the chandlers were sailing in a 38-foot yacht last year when they were captured by the pirates. a $400,000 ransom was paid to the pirate in june. >> i'm happy to be alive. i'm happy to be here. and desperate to see our family and friends. i'm so happy to see every day people. >> the chandlers were flown to kenya. sow -- sow mollly pirates are still holding people captive. one of the men says hot butter got into his eye causing
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temporary vision impairment. the case is expected to be taken up in small claims court next month. rock climbers dean and sean will make another attempt at beating their own record. they already set a new speed record on november 6th which is 20 seconds faster than the previous record. potter annealer reare hoping to make it harder for their competitors to win that title back. new numbers on the department of education shows latinos make up the joint of public school students. it's the first time in california history. of the 6.2 million students in public school thisseer almost 50.4% say they are la latino. 7% african american. and students that identified
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themselves as l.a. pee know made up 7%. the city of berkeley will no longer automatically impound cars for 30 days for anyone caught driving without a license. the berkeley city manager will prevent people to not get a driver's license due to their immigration status. anyone caught driving without a license will still get a ticket and have their car towed. they will not lose their transportation for a month and have to pay a tow yard of $2500. 5:57 let's see what happening on the roads now. still early. >> it still looks pretty good. we're going to show you quick pictures here. you can see northbound 280 traffic looks good throughout the valley so far. no major problems on 580 either by the way. and still light on the bay
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bridge toll plaza. thank you, sal. some unhappy truck drivers could make it a rough ride in san francisco. it's an area where police chases are not common but it did happen overnight. what happened in tiburon just hours ago and why a police investigate continues right now.
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