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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  November 7, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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i'm priya davis, a power outage has left dozens of homes and business without power. there was some immediate outrage and anger over the prison sentence handed down to
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former bart police officer mehserle. and why hundreds of people showed up to protest high speed rail in california. good evening i'm ken wayne. >> hello again everyone i'm heather holmes. a storm rolled through the area bringing plenty of wind and rain. we have team coverage on this wet and windy weather system, priya davis clemons is live with a report. but first we go to mark tamayo. >> this persistent heavy rainfall will continue the fall. you get an idea with the progression moving to the south and east. in the south bay we have the
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coverage from the santa cruz mountains to san jose. even right around milpedas. this will continue to be a factor with this activity gradually moving in this direction to the south and to the east. also want to show you some action right around the peninsula here as we take a look at widen out the view here. looks like touching the san mateo county coastline touching pacifica into half-moon bay. rainfall totals, santa rosa .93. look at san francisco over an inch of rain at 1.18. and the bulk of this activity happened earlier this morning with the passage of the frontal system. also want to show you another panel. not as impressive but the santa rosa, at least about an hour ago reporting .8 of an inch. redwood city about .3.
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the showers still a part of our forecast. we'll keep that in the forecast for this evening. sunset comes up in just a few minutes. temperatures from 55 to 58 degrees. we will have a chance to dry out for tomorrow. but i do have another rain cloud for the workweek forecast. the weather caused difficult for people out in the elements, but people had trouble without even leaving their homes and businesses. the áf priya david clemens has the details. >> reporter: if you take a look you will see business here behind me are dark. that's because most el of these are closed right now but earlier every store on this street was closed because of power outages. if you look across the street, you will see the back on and back to business. when the street lost power, the
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first thought was about all the refrigerated items. >> i was worried about the refrigerator stuff. but in just about 20 minutes, it was back. >> just powered down, we were getting ready to go any where. i took a shower in the dark, it was spooky but that's okay. >> reporter: 21,600 customers were affected in oakland and piedmont. it's unclear whether the outage was caused by the rain. there was no question about the havoc the rain was wreaking in other parts of the bay area. if chp issued high wind advisories in the san mateo and bay bridges. >> the cars had been sitting standing water and hydro planing. >> reporter: a driver had spun out of control and hit the center divider on 280 south in
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daily city. >> are you okay? all right. >> reporter: the driver was fine but needed a tow. officer gunther reiterated that drivers need to slow down and turn on their lights. >> there's a large number of people that are just not familiar with that law. but yes you are supposed to have your lights on in the rain, in rain conditions. >> reporter: the rain kept away the crowds and brought out the bargain hunters at the flea market in san francisco. >> i guess it's easy to get a deal if there's no customers haggling with the sellers. so slim pickings for them. >> if i like it, it appeals to me and i think i can make a buck out of it, i will buy it. >> reporter: because there are fewer vendors out in the rain he's had very little
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competition for their goods. how's the weather affecting business? >> remarkably it's been a good day for me. >> reporter: live in the oakland hills, priya davis clemens. one person was injured and four families are without a home tonight following a fast moving apartment fire in antioch. the injured victim suffered burns on lone tree way. when they arrived just before 3:00 this morning. several apartments were fully engulfed. they said flames had also reached the second floor and roof. four units were heavily damaged. the cause of that fire is under investigation. several groups who participated in friday night's demonstrations following the sentencing of former bart police officer mehserle are complaining about the police response. the coalition for justice for oscar grant is one of the
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groups claiming to militarize downtown oakland. police arrested 152 protesters, most are charged with unlawful assembly. there was a wide range of immediate reactions to the two year sentence recently handed to mehserle. but what about the long term impact of the case. ktvu's john sasaki join us with that part of the story. >> reporter: two days after two rounds of protests, the city of oakland is subsiding. sunday morning at gospel church in east oakland brings people out to two different services for workship and fellowship. this morning we sat down with bishop bob jackson who has led the fight against violence for decades. >> we know black people have not had real justice in the
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court system, period. >> reporter: the oscar grant killing, the subsequent trial of mehserle and rioting has been concern for bishop jackson. >> he at least should have had 12 years. 15 would have been great. but two years, it's like a slap on the wrist. >> reporter: that is without a doubt the consensus here. >> i know it was involuntary manslaughter. but still it was senseless, it's a difference between a taser and a gun, the guy was already pinned down. >> reporter: in this religious cloud it was not hard to find sympathy for the family of oscar grant and johanes
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mehserle. >> in time, it'll heal. as of now, the wound is wide open. you can't put a band -aid on the situation. we can only heal together. i'm here at church today to pray about that. >> reporter: the congregation will continue to pray for justice and for the victims to turn it to a positive change. >> we will do it in the honor of oscar grant. what a tremendous legacy oscar grant would leave for the city of oakland. >> reporter: reporting live, i'm john sasaki, ktvu. for a comprehensive look at the mehserle case and the protest, log on to our website and click on the mehserle tab there on the front page. an elderly victim of a hit and run friday has died from his injuries. police are asking for the public's help in identifies the suspect's car which is similar to the car on this picture.
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which is a toyota avalon. the accident happened at 6:30 friday morning. invest investigators say 83-year-old saline was walking in the crosswalk when he was hit. anyone with information is asked to call police. a man remains in serious condition tonight after a plane crash shortly after take off from the sonoma sky park airport. the victim remains in the hospital. the pilot 66-year-old paul lansport was injured but is out of the hospital. federal investigators are looking into the cause. california is sinking further and further into debt. hear how much the state owes the federal government and what is draining the --
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and the republican party is in control, but how long will it be before they start taking control. 0!ockñ?çóxo?ñ=çñññçvxqx?ñññ?óioy
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on top of all its budget problems, california is sinking farther into debt to pay its unemployment checks. so far the debt adds up to $8.6 billion with first payments due to washington next september. continuing borrowing means payroll costs will go up $21 per worker per year. the unemployment claims more doubled since 2007. with the shift of power, there is now hope on the rise of instituting conservative policies including repealing health care reform. but at least one republican says it may take a while before that happens. reporting julie curts has a
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look now at the gop agenda. >> reporter: the new republican how majority is expected to issue a quick vote on repealing the health care bill. repealing the health care law may have to wait until after the next presidential election say experts. >> you can't repeal this law until you have a new president and a better senate and that's probably in 2013 but that's before the law fully kicks in in 2014. >> reporter: will the gop negotiation with the president on tax cuts. boehner did not say whether he would back temporary extension of the cuts. >> he did not say we're going to send a signal to put capital
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to work. that's exactly what we don't need right now. >> reporter: in coming tea party favorite ron paul says republicans must be open to serious cuts even in military spending. >> republicans never said don't cut anything out of military, what i say is national defense is the most important thing we do in washington but there's still waste in the military budget. you have to make it small. >> reporter: by will establishment will to tea party favorites like ron paul, south carolina senator jim dementez. he used the sunday talk shows to take the tea party seriously. dementez gives the party a lot of credibility. alameda county elections officials say the final tally of votes for the oakland mayoral race is expected to be released tomorrow. the latest numbers puts jean quan in the lead.
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former state senator john perata came in second place. >> reporter: long after most kids are home, these sixth graders in oakland are reading, writing and more until 5:00 or 6:00. their economic workday part of an innovative program run by citizen schools. a nonprofit that targets at risk middle schoolers in some of the nation's toughest neighborhoods. the ideas is that by staying later and working longer they'll do better. >> kids who have been in citizen schools not only in high track high school, they do better in school, they go on
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to college and graduate. >> reporter: most parents say they appreciate the after school child care and kids say they don't mind staying. >> reporter: these kids are using the extra time to apprentice with local community volunteers and see firsthand what a solid education can mean down the road. >> for our objectives today at the end of the day, you guys are going to be able to explain the purpose of a blog. >> reporter: on this day, some kids visited san francisco's google headquarters to learn about internet technology. >> so you know what we're making today? >> reporter: while another group got a hands on cooking lesson. >> reporter: the program is dedicated to finding professionals that are willing to volunteer. >> how do what i do now put me on the path toward those goals.
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>> reporter: that path often runs through street gangs and violence. but here it's protected and officials say when students feel safer they are more likely to embrace new learning opportunities and succeed. in oakland, claudia cowen, fox news. members of a marin county collective will be able to receive home delivery of medical pot. the marin alliance for medical marijuana in fairfax says it's worked out details and resolved concerns with its insurance coverage. the plan insures the marijuana itself in case of damage, disaster or theft. ahead, protesting the pope. the reason behind the demonstrates during the pontiff's visit to spain. and president obama poses
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young questions from people in india today. and an iphone glitch may have people showing up to work late tomorrow, how apple plans to remedy this.
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u.s. defense secretary of state gates said the current congress should take up the issue before new members take up their seat in january. however he wasn't hopeful that
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lawmakers would use a brief postelection section to strike down the controversial law. in news of the world tonight, in spain pope benedict xvi was in barcelona for a special service. the pontiff was greeted by thousands of worshipers but his visit did draw protests if the gay community. hundreds of same-sex couples kissed while the pontiff's vehicle passed by. -- it was discovered yesterday when crews opened the tourist attraction for the day. the collapse is being called a disgrace and has led to
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criticism regarding maintenance of the site. measures will be taken to halt other buildings from collapsing. muslims staged rallies across the country to protest president obama's planned visit this week. protesters chanted president obama comes, we crush. they say president obama does not do enough to reach out to muslims. the president is scheduled to arrive on tuesday as part of a 10 day visit to india, indonesia, south korea and japan. president obama today met with young peoples of mumbai. he was met with tough questions about religion. >> reporter: president obama starts his second day in india
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on a light note. later at a town hall meeting in a college campus things got more serious. the president defending his push for balanced trade between the u.s. and india. >> cooperation to create jobs and opportunity through increased trade and investment. unleashing the potential of individuals in both our countries. >> reporter: the bush for broader trade is a delicate balancing act. >> i don't think obama wants to go the protectionism angle. >> reporter: another student asked the president why the president does not declare pakistan a terrorism state. >> i will tell you that the pakistani government understand the threat that exists in their
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borders. there's more pakistanis that have been killed by terrorists in pakistan than probably any where else. >> reporter: a student asking how now will he deliver on his promise of change. >> hopefully there's going to be some areas where we agree. >> reporter: on monday the president will hold talks with this country's prime minister. apple iphone users counting on the phones alarm to wake them up a problem tomorrow morning due to a glitch related to daylight saving time. the cupertino based company says repeating alarms in some versions of the i pod touch may not recognize repeating alarms. apple plans to release software later this month to fix the glitch. queen elizabeth is now on
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facebook but she's not accepting friend requests. she will be featured in videos, articles and news items. beginning tomorrow, facebook users will be able to leave messages and comments to buckingham palace. white house officials are now asking for the public's help. take a look at this as they work to save beavers attacking this beer can.
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>> you okay? you all right? it's just you in the car? this is one of the accidents that took place today. this is on 280 southbound in daly city. a woman spined out of control and hit the center divider. she was okay but needed a tow. officers say drivers need to slow down and turn on their lights. >> we were getting ready to go any way so i took a shower in the dark. it was kind of spooky but that's okay. >> reporter: pg & e said it's
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unclear what caused the power outage but power was back on in a matter of minutes. with a 10-1 the sonoma transit committee approved a smart commuter line. to pay for a much larger project that included downtown san rafael and the ferry terminal. but transit officials say the poor economy demanded that the plan be scaled down. there is anger over the proposed high speed rail line that will link the bay area and southern california. hundreds of people protested against the planned rout through thpeninsula. diane caratzi is in san jose with details. >> reporter: we're at the
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derdon station. you can see that amtrak and caltrans are both here right now. voters approved what would be an addition to high speed rail. but now some people are changing their mind, they still support the theory of making a quick link between cities such as san jose, but some 300 people turned up in san jose vowing to derail the project and they said the political momentum is in their favor. calling the high speed rail a boondoggle, protesters huddled together under umbrellas, saying this here comes high speed rail, there goes the neighborhood. >> there's discontent everywhere. >> reporter: one of the main
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complaints is blithe. >> no elevated structures. >> 25-foot or more walls across our neighborhoods. it's breaking it into two pieces. >> reporter: opponents fight the estimated costs that have shot up from $33 billion to 43 billion. and the one way ticket price to los angeles that was originally $55 but now is almost doubled. >> where did you get these numbers and how did you come up with them? how is this going to affect our taxes. >> reporter: opponents received two boosts this week. the republican who will head the transportation committee says he wants to re-examine the grant for high speed train service. another ray of sunshine came when the high speed rail authority announced it will begin construction in the valley and not here. >> the fact that somebody told you they're going to spend all their money in the valley, doesn't mean the peninsula is in the cross hairs in a
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boondoggle. >> reporter: high speed rail did not comment but said this, we cannot forget that the voters of california said yes to and continue to support high speed rail travel. >> if you look at how much the state is in debt, how much the federal government is in debt, is this really the best place to put our money? >> reporter: the protesters vow to file lawsuits and lobby newly elected officials to try and block the light rail. in san jose, diane garro to the oti. meantime president obama wants to invest $100 million for high speed rail to mirror a
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high speed bullet train like in other countries. someone has collared at least five birds in the bay area with beer cans. the cans interfere breeding and make it hard for birds to feed. the group says it needs a net launching device to properly capture the birds but it will cost several thousand dollars. for information on how you can donate to that effort, be sure to go to our website stem cell research has been a highly debated issue in washington and all across the country. now one doctor in los angeles is using the technology not to cure illness, but to help patients with their looks. adam housley reports. >> if this indeed does work, this is the fountain of youth. >> reporter: old claims by a
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beverly hills surgeon who is taking this decades most controversy, advance, stem cells and putting it to work freshening the faces of the women of los angeles. >> they are going to be taking cells from my own body and taking the stem cells out of my cells and putting them back into the areas that need a little lifting, a little more youthfulness. >> reporter: first, fat is taken from the patient's own abdomen. then treated to separate out the adult stem cells within. these cells believed to be the building block for every type of cell inside the human body are then activated using a special light mixed back into the remaining fat and injected into the face. >> by injecting this super enriched activated stem cells we'll hopefully try to get a repairtive quality in this and actually turn back, instead of visually giving an appearance of youth, we're actually chemically and scientifically
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trying to reverse the signs of aging. >> reporter: unlike traditiona grafts but only with temporary results, doctors believe these stem cells actually grow into the face becoming tissue with blood vessels and nerves. the catch is, no one yet knows exactly how stem cells work or if doctors can coax them to become what they want. >> in fact, there's really no reliability science at this point behind any of these claims, and none of the studies have been done in humans. so in terms of levels of evidence or are the importance of this work, it's very low. >> reporter: but for those few brave pioneers willing to undergo surgery in search of younger looking skins and a fuller face. the only evidence necessary are the before and after photos. >> they look refreshed, youthful, their skin looks great. you can tell that the stem cells rejuvenate the existing cells under there. it really does make a
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difference. >> reporter: in los angeles, adam housley, fox news. all eyes are on one runner at this year's new york city marathon. see how the chilean miner known as the runner did in the grueling foot race. also, will the wet weather stick around for your workweek? our meteorologist mark tamayo is up next with our complete bay area forecast.
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more than 45,000 runners took part in new york city's marathon today. and among them this man, chilean miner edison pena known as the runner.
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pena finished the course in six hours. kenya's kiselyap won the women's race in about 2.5 hours. all of the rain here in the bay area means snow in the sierra. a winter storm warning about 6,000 feet is in effect until tomorrow morning. caltrans says if you're going to the mountains, change may be necessary along the mountain passes in interstate 80 and 50. let's check in with our meteorologist mark tamayo. i was surprised by how much rain we called but you called it. >> there was a punch today in the sierra and beyond. all that white is corresponding to snow. in fact, we have chain controls right now posted on the interstate 880 right around kingvale. you can see the coverage with the rain showers still a factor in the south bay as you can pick out closer to morgan hill.
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those yellow hills correspond to heavier downpours. we will show you this up in the north bay and we have coverage still in the increase for richmond and closing in on berkeley is well in fact. not being too extreme but enough to wet the roadways and still watching some action and moving in toward the san mateo county coastline. in fact, we had a heavier cell ready to move into the bay. as far as temperatures tomorrow morning, we're going to be cooling down quite a bit. napa, san francisco 49 degrees and san jose 47 to start out your monday morning: it was a soggy sunday, for a good portion of the bay area. chances for showers tonight, it'll be dry tomorrow. there's a slight chance of an early morning sprinkle. here's our forecast model showing you some of the rain cover for this evening. you will notice, we should have a dry weather pattern with a bulk of the activity heading
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out to the south and east. tomorrow still lingering clouds but not much of rain to report. here's the satellite and radar. that track to the southeast, that will continue at least in the short term. tomorrow the storm moves out. highs tomorrow on the cool side. right around 50 degrees. on tuesday there's another system but it'll be fairly quick but it'll increase our cloud cover. there's a chance of a light shower, primarily up in the north baby late tuesday afternoon and tuesday night. by tomorrow morning, partly to mostly cloudy skies, by lunchtime partly cloudy by the afternoon hours by 3:00 and 4:00. fair skies, a bit of a breeze. pretty much pick your temperature, 58, 60, 61 or 62 and that's about it.
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san ma te san-- mateo, 52. look what happens heather and kim by thursday and friday. we're going to clear out the clouds and temperatures warming up nicely especially by friday. so if you like the rainfall for today, no more strong storms in the forecast. i heard we had w people enjoying the puddles out there. >> yeah. >> those puddles will dry up quickly in the short term. >> some little ones. >> yeah. >> we were all having fun. reporter poppy harlow. >> reporter: this is the fasters train in china. it averages 217-miles-an-hour. and this is the fastest train in america.
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amtrak exela express. it averages just 86-miles-an- hour. >> so it is 5:45 a.m. here in new york. i have a 9:00 meeting in washington, d.c. i'm going to hop on the 6:00 a.m. train, it's going to take me three hours to get to washington. >> reporter: over the next 30 years, amtrak wants to spend more than $100 billion to dramatically speed up that trip hitting 220-miles-per-hour. >> if you're on the express, the first stop you're going to make is philadelphia. that's 38 minutes later. stop there for two or three minutes, and you'll be in washington, d.c. in 96 minutes. >> reporter: and while the accela reads 115-miles-an-hour it rarely does. true high speed rail would require brands new tracks, stations and trains on a brand new route from washington to boston. that's going to be expensive;
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really expensive. >> the cost is significant $117 billion over the next 30 years. >> right, but it's a 25 year minimum construction project. so we're only talking 5 billion a year. but think about the gdp of this region. it's $3 trillion. so if you take 117 billion as a percentage of 3 trillion, the annual gdp, it's about 2.5%. >> reporter: but it would be the most expensive engineers project undertaken in the u.s. since the 47,000-mile interstate highway system. >> it's a project of national significance. in this region, the culture is ready to use train to get to work. these trains are full of people, so the vision, the new high speed rail system which is happening everywhere else in the world will provide an 84 minute trip time between boston and new york. >> reporter: but is it worth taxpayer money? >> yes it's a lot of money, is
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it worth it? hard to say. >> i think it's about time that we be competitive with western europe and their rail service. to big number but if we can bail out the motor industry we can have a rail service of the best competitive source. >> but the question is now with this country facing the massive debt that we are, why do we need high speed rail. >> you can't build it overnight. you have to start planning it now if you want it for 2030 or 2050. >> reporter: the obama administration has pledged $135 billion for high speed rail. finding that money could be the biggest hurdle. poppy harlow washington. coming up next we will have a complete run-down of nfl action. including the face-off of the raiders.
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[ crunching [ male announcer the closer the wheels are to the front and back of the vehicle, the bigger and steeper the obstacle it can go over. [ crunching guess where we put the wheels on the jeep grand cherokee. ♪
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good evening everyone, welcome to this early sunday night's sports wrap. the raiders are doing what they can to bring football back to the bay area in a day that was a coming out for reed. matt cassell throws to the back of the end zone to tucker. tucker hauls in the ball. chiefs led 2-0 at the half. but the raiders got a big spark from ford to start the second half. ford once he gets past the first wave he is gone.
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that's a 94-yard return just like that. oakland makes it a close game 3- 7. jason campbell threw to barnes on a tackle eligible. the big guy hangs on. the raiders have their first lead at 14-16. they will go and punt 17-13. cassell drilled a touchdown. the raiders made it dramatic right to the end. they are facing a first and 20 with time running down, but campbell finds ford over the middle to 22. and ford takes the ball away, that resulted in a 41-yard field goal with just three seconds left. chiefs got the ball first, but then it was campbell to ford again. this was gone for 47 yards to the chiefs 13. campbell has found the
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receiver. that set up jenekowski to win it. a game turns into a big overtime win. 23-20 the final at 5-4 the raiders are just a half game now behind the division leading chiefs. the 2-6 49ers had the weekend off and things could not have worked better for them as they did today in the nfc west. in minneapolis they are calling for the head of coach childress who some say was going to be fired by the owner no matter what happened today. what did happen was favre pulled one out. that tied the game at 24, then in overtime -- the jets needed overtime to edge the lions. cleveland browns are getting
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the attention of some of the league's best teams. hill rushed for 100 yards. cleveland sports a record of 3- 5. baltimore is 6-2 after holding the dolphins to just 10 points. now a good match up for the texans today. phillip rivers is the league's leading passer. rivers was just getting warmed up, same combination for six here in the fourth quarter to erase a 23-21 houston lead. rivers throws four touchdown passes in all. san diego wins. the winless bills took their act to toronto but the results didn't change. the bears 22-19 winners as buffalo falls to 4-8. jackson back to the eagles after missing two weeks with a concussion. jackson got right back into the scoring agent.
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eagles build a lead over the colts. but it was the colts who then had to suffer from a scary collision. austin collie is sandwiched between michael and samuel. collie was knocked unconscious. she was taken off the field on a flat board. a penalty was applied, suspensions and fines are forth coming. in seattle, the rams drove up 44 points against the seahawks. and atlanta edged the bucks 27- 21. golf, senior tour wraps up the season in san francisco, we'll show you how that goes. we'll show you why some of the most mild mannered race car
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drivers in nascar was throwing punches, coming up.
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-- took on the pistons in detroit this evening. warriors looking for just the second look in detroit in 15 years. nice drive and spin move down the lane for 26 points. six rebounds. warriors trail by one. the pistons were led by richard hamilton. hamilton hits the baseline jumper. came down to this, less than 15 seconds left, the warriors down three. curry three, lifts the rim. the warriors lose. san mateo product allen had the round of the tournament but in the end it was the defending champion who won the round t oday. on the tenth hole today, alan rolled in an unlikely birdie cup. but alan could just manage just a 70 today. on that same hole, alan's player partner cook had a
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birdie of his own. that vaulted cook back into the lead. the overall series championship went to burnhart longer. earned $1 million for taking the seasons point. and there are two races left for the chase for the cup. the numbers are the thighest they've ever been between two racers. as the drivers slowed down, burton get into the back of jeff gordon. the two had to ride together in an ambulance after this. the race was won by denny hamlin, previous points leader jimmy johnson was ninth. hamlin leads over all by 33 points over johnson and by 69 over kevin harvick. two races to go. and that's it for this early sunday night edition of sports
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wrap. see you again tonight at 10:00 and hear from the raiders. happy, victorious raiders who have won three in a row. >> thanks, joe. tonight on the 10:00 news, it's been five days and we still don't know if outcome of several key races from tuesday's election. but we may be close to knowing who may be the next mayor of oakland. that story tonight on the 10:00 news. that's our report, i'm ken wayne. >> and i'm heather holmes. thanks so much for joining us tonight. our next newscast is our 10:00 news, hope to see you then. have a good night.
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