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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  November 2, 2010 7:14am-8:00am PST

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breaking news from washington, d.c. shots have been fired at a coast guard recruiting station. this one here, this is a shopping mall in northern virginia. you can see the police officers. we can tell you like the other shootings at military buildings, no one was hurt. the fbi has tied the shootings to the same gun. after the discovery in dubai and britain of two explosive devices, the head of the international airport transportation is urging
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developing screening equipment for cargo packages. he says the technology exists but it's taking too long to protect it. the bombmaker is believed to be this man here, imal-asiri -- ibrahim al-asiri. and experts say the material contained four times the amount than contained in the christmas bombing attempt. republicans appear to be on the brink of turning the political side in their favor. alison burns is in our washington, d.c. newsroom with what the gop needs to do to take control and what this will
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mean for our country's future. >> reporter: this is ohio congressman house republican leader john boehner casting his ballot in west chess ter, ohio, just -- ohio. he had likely take in any nancy pelosi in's job. the gop needs 39 streets to take control of the house. pollsters predict they will had get at least 50. the gop needs ten seats to take control of the senate. whether that will happen is still up in the air. analysts say either way big change is coming. >> the republicans in the house are going to defund key elements of president obama's agenda. that leads to the shutdown. president obama will weigh in on the results tomorrow. he will be holding a news conference from the white house
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tomorrow afternoon. nancy pelosi is here in washington, d.c. she will be speaking at an event. and we've put in a request to interview her. iran has postponed the trial for three uc berkeley graduates who are charged with spying. iran's judiciary spokesman says sarah shourd needs to be summoned to return to trial. josh fattal and shane bauer remain in prison. trial was expected to begin on saturday. some more families are suing pg&e after that san bruno pipeline explosion. eighteen families just filed lawsuits in san mateo's superior court. they are claiming the utility did not properly respond to earlier gas leaks. they want unspecified damages. eight people died, 37 homes were destroyed after that september 9th blast. pg&e says it's committed to
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helping that community rebuild. investigators in san jose are trying to figure out whether a suspicious fire that happened earlier yesterday is connected to other fires reported in the same area. this fire you are looking at destroyed a barb and a recycling center on 10th and commercial streets. investigators say they think it's suspicious because there have been about a dozen other fires in the area within the past week, including that one in the same location. officials say the flames started somewhere outside the buildings. but the exact cause, that's still under investigation. we have an update on a shooting of a 3-year-old girl in san francisco's potrero hill district. police say the girl is expected to survive. her grandfather who was wounded while shielding her with his body is also expected to survive. police say sunday night's attack appears to be gang- related. and that the intended target was a 20-year-old man who suffered non-life-threatening
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injuries. police are still looking for the man who robbed a chili's on friday night on concord avenue. police say the man pointed a gun at the front-counter employee. no one was hurt. the suspect got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. some bay area voters won't have to worry about getting a ride to the voting booth. there is a he free offer to help get out the vote. the american dream on hold. the latest report on who owns interest home and who doesn't.
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oakland voters can get free rides between now and 9:00 this morning and then between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. you can call friendly cab and ask for an election day voter taxi. we have a link at our website
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under "web links." most people think private colleges and universities are more expensive than public. however, uc berkeley is bucking that trend. cal is now the most expensive public scoot in the -- public school in the country. $50,000 a year covers the first year, dorm, dorm fees and meals. the costs at stanford are about $100,000 less. cal students, they pay less than $28,000 a year. the nation's homeownership remains at its lowest level in more than a decade. the percentage of households that own their home during the last quarter was 66.9%. that's the same as the previous quarter. the last time the rate was lower was in 1999.
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66.7%. the survey showed about 19 million homes were vacant or about 14% of all houses and apartments. let's check our traffic. sal, how are we looking out there? >> we're doing okay. and beatrice tweeted me and wants to know what's going on with 880 north and why is it so slow? there was an earlier crash at 880 marina. it's gone now but the traffic is a mess. the traffic is slow at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's a small delay at the toll plaza. let's go to steve. thank you, sir. fog is -- hold on a saying. my tie is crooked. there is a little fog off the san mateo/santa cruz coast. move of it is going down the
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coast. there is some fog. you will have to deal with fog, maybe right by the coast which is why there's some 60s there. and that little icon for some clouds. otherwise, sunny. temperatures continue to go up. just a little bit. 74 yesterday and napa we'll go 77 today. 72 in san francisco. they are sitting at 56. currently -- >> 42 in santa rosa. 40s and 50s on your temperatures. oakland/berkeley, 53. 49 sacramento. plenty going on out in the gulf of alaska and the hawaiian islands. 60s and 70s in the meantime. if you are planning to go to the parade tomorrow, it will be
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sunny and warm. not 75 at 11:00 a.m. but maybe by the time you hit 1:00. warm to mild. cooler much cooler. we fall back on those clocks saturday night/sunday moving and then sunday looks like train to me. good morning. i'm jade hernandez the san francisco police chief had had to rein in revelers. we'll have more from san francisco straight ahead. the campaign, essentially over. now the voters take the initiative. i'm tom vacar. the tide to the turnout when "mornings on 2" continues. ah, focus group. so what are we testing here?
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that's our new pastrami grilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it's the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern.
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sweet! the giants are celebrating their first ever championship. a lot of long-time giants fans thought they would never see this. the giants are the world series champions for the first time since moving to san francisco. last night lincecum pitched another master piece. we spoke to the san
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francisco police chief while the celebrations were getting underway. one of the reasons why he wanted to allow celebrations is this -- we're live in front of the giants' dugout. it is an exall airy store. police say there was some rests -- arrests and some unruliness but the department kept a firm hold. >> hold the line! hold the line! get back here! >> reporter: police set up a command post near mccovey cove and they pulled in several law enforcement agencies to assist. the california highway patrol put their chopper in the area for ariel support. and the san francisco sheriff's office assisted in security patrols as crowds grew. every available police officer was out on the street. the police chief told us last night he wasn't going to react to small bonfires and trash cans but he drew the line at vandalism. take a look at this.
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we we've watched a car plow through a celebrating crowd. the crowd then turned on the driver and trashed the car. we conditions -- we witnessed sporadic fistfights. in the end, officers moved if to disburse some of the rudyer gathering. the san francisco police told us this morning they don't have an expect arrest number -- exact arrest number. we should have a better look at overall damage and arrests in a couple of hours. reporting live from san francisco, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> tu, jade. despite all of the excitement over the world series, we need to cover election day. polls are now open here in the bay area. opened at 7:00 this morning
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until 8:00 tonight. the governor's race, the senate race and prop 19, some of the highest profile races. tom vacar is at a polling station in san francisco with more on what's at stake today. good morning, tom it's the culmination of a long, expensive, and some say dirty election cycle. by day's end, we will have chosen a senator, all members of congress, a governor, senate legislatures and state propositions. it will also be one of the longest, most expensive and some say the most sleazy. >> it's been slow and steady. we expect it to pick up when people get off work. that's generally our busiest time. there is a very large balance. >> my feeling is that your vote does count especially when
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there's close elections, likes, for instance the gore versus bush. that's one reason. i also feel like a lot of people at the top, the ruling people they don't care. the less people that vote. >> i think for me it's obligatory. i know it's a choice for most people. that's perfectly fine for me. i like to have my voice heard. >> hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on this effort, including what looks to be a new individual candidate's record, including meg whitman who is opposing jerry brown and other candidatings. i'm tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tom. in -- 234 santa clara county they are predicting a 65% voter turnout. thousands of ballots have already been turn in. for the first time, election officials are using a new insentive to get people to turn out to vote. it's a program called vote and
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vaccs. they are offering flu shots in san jose and palo alto. firefighters are pop -- are mopping up hot spots after an early-morning apartment fire. they put it out about an hour ago at a three-story building. it appears the fire began on the first floor sometime around 6:00 a.m. fire officials just told us there's no word of any injuries. they also say the cause of this fire is still under investigation. crews are still busy preparing two water main breaks in concord. one is on clayton road. there is another one at oak grove and apple in concord. a spokeswoman for contra costa water said there was an irrigation leak and another broken pipe in walnut creek and pleasant hill. service is expected but they kent flow the -- but they don't know the exact number of customers impacted. the man -- man accused of
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attacking and killing a nurse in jail is cue back in court. the nurse of el sobrante was attacked at the jail after an inmate allegedly faked a seizure and struck her on the head with the lamp. she later died. the inmate, 34-year-old aaron nygard has been charged with murder. we're now learning that a san francisco man accused of beating a roman catholic priest has filed a lawsuit against the vatican. william lynch surrendered to authorities last friday. he claims a jesuit priest sexually molested him and his children when they were children -- when they were children. his lawsuit alleges the vatican is liable because he was an employee of the church. the city of oakland is taking legal action against
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sweets ballroom. the city may revoke their license because they didn't have a permit for the event. nonof the victims' injuries are described as loyal. no arrests have been made. but a $45,000 is offered to information on this case. we want to check in with sal castanedo -- with sal castanedo. >> good morning. traffic is pretty normal around the bay area. northbound 101, we have a late commute into san francisco. it's usually not this late. usually people are in the office already, perhaps some of these people were up a little late last night. it's crowded coming up to the 80 split. this morning's commute is slow at the bay bridge toll plaza. we have the late drive into the city. although there are no major problems on the bridge.
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it will -- it will be about a 15 to 20-minute -- 20-minute delay. there was an injury accident at 880 marina. traffic is very slow. 8:37. and some patchy fog. there's also some off the moo rin cote. it burned off. some of that toly fog. i'm not surprised we're seeing the fog there. warmer, but a lot of november sunshine for the first few days of november. november. all systems go for sunshine and weather except for the patchy fog. there is a lot going on out in the gulf of alaska. patchy fog, sunny, warmer.
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60s, some fog again. more on the marin coast. it's going north to south. inland it doesn't matter. temperatures warming up. had 07 in san francisco yesterday. we'll go 72 yesterday -- 7 today. >> 42, though -- chill there napa/santa rosa. 40s and 50s elsewhere. oakland/berkeley 53. 20s, 30s in the mountains. 50, 60s and 73 nice degrees in palm springs. pretty strong system. gulf of mexico another system developing its right now it's riding north and will continue to do so. 60s and 70s and we're getting closer to upper 70s. tomorrow for the parade looks great. sunshine warmer weather and low to mid-70s by the end of the parade. warm weather wednesday into thursday. we'll carry that into saturday. we fall back on the clocks saturday night, sunday morning.
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sunday looks like rain. the winter time spare the air season is starting now. that means a ban on burning wood and fireplaces or fire pits when an alert was issued. the start was announced late last night. this is gonna run flew february. the experts say wood smoke is an issue. tomorrow, the city of san francisco holds the victory parade for the giants. we'll get all of the details when we talk live with mayor newsom next. and a heartbreaking time that involved this little dog.
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the dow is up 60. nasdaq is up 18. s&p 500 is up 7 1/2. the company responsible for the worst oil spill in u.s. history is back in the black. this morning bp reported a third quarter profit of $1.8 billion. that's after reporting a loss of $17 billion last quarter. bp says the oil spill has cost $40 billion so far. there's still no estimate how much more it will cost in the future. 8:44. governor schwarzenegger says welfare recipients can no longer use state-issued debit cards at medical marijuana shops, to see psychics or other businesss that are deemed "inconsistent." all of this follows the governor's previous ban.
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in east contra costa county, five women were arrested on prostitution charges following a day-lodge undercover sting at massage parlors. undercover officers were sent to four massage parlors in brentwood. they arrested the five women after the officers were solicited for prostitution. police say they targeted the massage parlors after getting numerous complaints. an 83-year-old alameda woman is hoping thieves will have a change of heart and give her back her little dog, her yorkshire terrier, duke, and another man stole her purse. she says it happened in the early afternoon. she was less than a block from her home when the robbery happened. police say the men were driving a faded blue or green '80s honda or toyota sedan with a gray front-quarter panel. anyone with information is asked to call police. the giants ended their 56-
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year title drought by proving the oldest adage in the -- old evidence adage in the game -- good pitching stops good hitting. tim lincecum pitched a masterpiece. the texas rangers averaged 25 hits in the five games. edgar renteria is the mvp. the fans were willing to pay a lot of money for those tickets. there was one giants' fan who paid more than $8300 for a seat in the dugout club section for game 6. since there won't be a game 6 that fan will get a refund. the highest priced paid seat
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for any texas game was $5,000. these high resolution panoramic photos of the crowd are now posted on major league baseball's websites. fans, like our very own sal castanedo, can find themselves out there enjoy iting, cheer, drinking or just watching the game. fans were also able to tag that photo to the facebook page. we posted a link on our website. you can go to well, the giants' fans celebrated their victory last night, barry bonds had had trouble with the law. find out why police pulled him over.
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on this election day, some voters in alameda county will use ranked-choice voting for the first time. voters in oakland, berkeley and san lee andree will be asked to rank their third, second and third-choice candidates in --
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in mayoral elections. if no candidate get as majority of first choice votes then the process of redistributing votes happens. first the candidate with the fewest first choice votes is eliminated in this case. in this case, candidate d then chose to eliminate the candidate will have second-choice voting. we have an update op that oakland apartment fire. we have an been telling you about this all morning. we just found out. the two children and one adate were taken to the hospital. they had minor injuries. they were also treated for smoke inhalation. firefighters think the firefighter started in the basement but the cause is not
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known yet. damage is estimated at about $250,000. also, we found out this morning while most giants' fans were out celebrating the big world series victory last night. barry bonds was busy with the police. tmz reports the former giant slugger was pulled over in west hollywood about 10:00 last night for talking on his cell phone while he was driving. that will probably cause barry about $125. barry bonds was -- totally cool with the police. he left without further incident. the san francisco giants are now home after their victory in texas, the city is still buzzing.
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san francisco. >> how did you celebrate? >> i went through the civic center -- i'm getting old. look. it's a spirited wonderful life. you really get those. we haven't seen it since 1954. out here in the west coast. we never saw it. the new york giants did. but it's exciting and extraordinary. tomorrow will be the parade to end all parades. 11:00 down on montgomery street down the beautiful -- yes, the beautiful market street and then the civic center. it will be fun. >> since we're talking about the parade. we're gonna show this on channel 2 and the website, starting tomorrow at 11:00. what about security? hopefully, we won't see any craziness like last night. >> late last night, there were about six arrests.
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we had a few incidents. i want to congratulate my police department for an outstanding job. we'll make sure that this is a family-friendly event and people from all over northern california, for that matter all over the state, and anywhere across the nation who want to come out here can feel safe, confident about the parade. >> not bad, six arrests. >> we're looking at the busesle routine informationing in. claudine was out there with hundreds of fans. the president usually calls the team. what about the mayor? >> i called. i left messages. they weren't all frequenting out. we have to get president obama to make the call. this is speaker pelosi san francisco giants. she was at all of the home games. she was a big part of the support of getting the team to stay in san francisco. my hat's off to the
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organization. i couldn't be more proud to be a guy who literally fell asleep listening to giants' games and going -- dreaming i would be out in the field. it's a pretty extraordinary thing. i think i share that same sentiment with hundreds of thousands of fans throughout san francisco. >> it's been very exciting, very exciting. we'll -- we'll see you out at the parade tomorrow. thank you, mayor newsom. let's go back to tori and dave. >> gorgeous. >> i believe the mayor actually was a pretty good baseball player. >> one more time let's check in with sal castanedo, see what traffic is going to do now. >> what are you wearing? >> nye 1982 giants' -- my 1982 giants' -- >> okay. >> southbound slow, northbound 10 circumstances late comers
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getting into the crowd. the bay bridge has cleared out. let's go to steve. go ahead. >> okay. steve, here we go. >> thank you. a little bit of fog on the coast. it will be sunny and warm and take that right in to tomorrow. so enjoy. you know it will change. it's november. >> you are clearing the weather for the parade tomorrow. >> oh, the weather whether be beautiful. >> fall back saturday night, sunday morning. >> that's right. we have to make those clock thanks. >> it's certainly been very exciting. >> the giants' season has been exciting. we want to give you one more look of them on the field. >> the san francisco giants self-proclaimed misfit. >> back to -- back to center
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field! [ cheers ] >> another hit. >> here's the 0-1 pitch. renteria. >> edgar renteria. >> right center field. two outs! [ cheers ] >> aubrey huff. into right, down the line and this ball is gone! for a two-run home run. >> madison bumgarner in line for the wind. 4-0 san francisco and they are up 3-1. it's high in the air to west center field. 3-1 home run renteria! >> a 3-0 san francisco lead. [ cheers ]
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>> molina strikeoutings. back-to-back strikeouts for lincecum. >> here it . struck him out! for the first time since 1954, the giants are world champions! ♪
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