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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  November 2, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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will be our next governor. why choice will make history either way. it's on the way. good morning. thank you for waking up with us i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. let's check our weather and traffic. thank you very much. we have a little bit of fog. there could be patchy inland. just like yesterday it won't stick around very long. temperatures they are heading out. moving out. 60s and low mid upper 70s. now here is the happy man. >> good morning. westbound bay bridge looking pretty good. westbound traffic looks good all the way into the city. we are looking at traffic on interstate 880 moving well. we will have word on a water
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main break in contra casita county. topping our news the torture is over for giants fans. they are celebrating san francisco's first ever world series championship. >> here it is. struck him out. >> sweet. this is a scene long time giants fans would thought they would never see. lincecum pitched another post season masterpiece in game five of the series. the giants won 3-1 to become the new champions of major league baseball. >> world series champions. how does it sound? >> it sounds ridiculous. i love every minute of it. >> how are you feeling right now? >> pretty excited. other than dealing with you guys. extremely happy. >> tim lincecum only allowed three hits during eight
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innings. brian wilson finished the game for his first world series save. and edgar renteria hit a three run homer. and he was named world series most valuable player. >> we have team coverage of the giants victory. jade hernandez is surveying the damage along the streets of san francisco and looking at the cleanup efforts. first ktvu claudine wong is live outside at & t park where we understand the giants returned home just about 45 minutes ago. >> that's right. they got back home. they are in their cars headed to get a little bit of rest. when they pulled in here hundreds of fans are waiting and they went crazy. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: you want to see some die hard fans you should meet the 200 plus people that
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waited for hours overnight for the giants to return home. when they got home a handful of players did come out and shake hands and signed autographs and meet the fans that stood behind them. the players we talked to say this win as amazing as it was is still sinking in. >> this is what we play for. this is why we are here. it's 4:00 in the morning. these people are out here. this is awesome. >> i can't believe we made it. nobody can believe we made it. we have to enjoy this. >> the last couple of days we have been running all the adrenaline we still are. to win this thing and come back have these fans here this time of the night. you see the players this is the feeling you can't describe. we're all living the dream
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right now. >> reporter: back live out here. most of the fans have taken off. we have a few still here. three left. you guys stayed out here all night. was it worth it to see them out here? >> it was worth it. >> reporter: i know you wanted to shake the hands of more players. really, what did you want them to know after they pulled around that corner? >> i wanted to say thank you for such a tremendous team effort. this is an awesome team. i truly felt like there was no real super star. each game a different player shined. >> reporter: how long will you remember this morning? >> forever. [ laughter ] >> reporter: definitely worth it. thanks guys. just three of the hundreds that were out here overnight waiting. of course the parade is being planned and the celebrations certainly a wonderful feeling to see the giants come home to
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this. live in san francisco claudine wong. >> thank you. amidst the cheering and happiness there were troublemakers that spoiled the world series fun overnight. jade hernandez is joining us. she's in san francisco mission district with that part of the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. such a different scene. the mayhem has calmed. what transpired overnight had the police chief reigning in revelers. every available police officer was out on the street and the department focused in on several neighborhoods. and of course near at & t park where crowd got a little out of hand and broke a window at the giants dugout store. the former borders bookstore. we saw party goers sparking bomb fires and some people started throwing bottles at officers and our cam ares. officers finally had to move in
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on the crowd. >> the bomb fire. setting off fires and trashing stuff. it's not causing any damage. as long as they are celebrating we're going to leave them alone. we're here if we see they republic getting out -- if we see they are getting out of hand we will hepat. >> he did have a plan b if there were problems. we had officers in riot gear. the department braced themselves for that other round when players would arrive back in san francisco. hundreds more gathered to catch a glimpse of the world champions. that's where claudine wong was a few moments ago. hundreds of people. very quiet here at the mission. of course we will monitor the streets of san francisco. reporting live in san francisco jade hernandez.
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>> fans that are fortunate enough to attend the big post season games have a new way to show everyone they witnessed history first chance. high resolution photos of the crowd are now posted on major league baseball website. fans may find themselves cheering, drinking, chatting. fans are also to tag the photo to their facebook page. we posted the link on our website just go to the final preparations under way for the big world series championship parade. the ticker tape parade gets under way tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.. it will start at montgomery and proceed up market and return to civic center. it's the same parade root they took when they first moved to san francisco back in 1958. if you can't make it there in person, you can watch it all right here on ktvu channel 2. we mosted more details on the parade on our channel 2 website
5:08 am you will also find video, your photos, and a whole section dedicated to giants. a deadly shooting marred the celebrations in san francisco marina district. officers were called in and found 22-year-old male victim with multiple gunshot wounds. he was quickly transported to san francisco general hospital where he died a short time later. nobody has been arrested yet. police hope to review possible surveillance tapes. today is also election day. the polls open here in san francisco two hours from now at 7:00. after all the campaigning and political ads sometime tonight we should know who will be the next governor of california. they will elect its first female governor or oldest
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governor. you can keep up with all the election results by following ktvu on twitter and facebook. you can post your comments on the election as well. 5:08 is the time. i think one of our favorite definitely biggest giant fans. did you lose your voice? >> a little bit. a little bit. >> pretty exciting. >> my wife is so scared when they won. they yelled so loud. >> you and i can talk freely. we wouldn't talk about the giants. >> good morning. we are watching the traffic of course. we will be telling all about the giants celebration. it does start on wednesday at 11:00. we'll be hearing more about that. right now traffic is doing well in san francisco along northbound 101. people were up late celebrating in case you couldn't sleep. now as i drove through the city here things are quiet along the
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city. northbound 101 looks good. moving to the toll plaza traffic is light. and the south bay it's quiet there on northbound 280 getting up to highway 17. northbound 17 traffic is moving along pretty well. at 5:09 here is steve. surprised you're here. >> i am tired but i'm here. >> it's worth it. high pressure will be our fair weather friend. we will continue to do that. there is a little bit of fog. but the keyword there is going down the coast. any fog inland doesn't stand much of a chance. it will burn off high pressures here next couple of days. patchy fog, sunny and warmer. mid land. sunny to upper 70s. 57 in san francisco the warmest. a lot of 40s near livermore and concord. temperatures running warmer today than we were 24 hours
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ago. 30s and 40s near tahoe. 50s and 60s down near california. you can see a lot going on out on the pacific. it's west of us. as that deepens it brings the ridge of high pressure up over us and building northward. most of that fog is near the coast. 60s and 70s to upper 70s for a few today and tomorrow no problems. looks like beautiful weather for the parade. low to mid 70s. and warm weather will carp reus into wednesday, thursday. there will be patchy fog. i think sunday a possibility of rain. >> all right. thank you, steve. 5:11 is the time. a decision in the don't ask don't tell policy. we'll have more on that. plus more mystery surrounding the latest terror warning this morning.
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still across the country the polls are opening on this election day. after tonight there could be a dramatic power shift in washington. ktvu alison burns joins us now from our washington, d.c. newsroom with the latest predictions. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, pam. the most reliable political analyst that i talked to over the last couple of days are expecting a larger than expected gains for republicans with republicans taking control
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of the u.s. house of representatives. now let's take a closer look here at what is at stake. the gop needs 39 seats to take control of the house. pollsters are predicting they almost take closer to 50 seats. a wave similar to the one they road to power in 1994. in the u.s. senate republicans need to pick up ten seats to take control. whether that will happen seems to be anybody's guest with extremely tight races in states like washington, west virginia, and california. it's been a flurry of campaigning for both sides leading up today. >> we cut government. we can create jobs in america. we can repeal obama care and fix the united states congress. >> i know for a lot of folks change has not come fast enough. but believe me it hasn't come fast enough for barack either. >> reporter: democrats might still have surprises coming. during my next update, i will show you why some democrats have a much better get out the
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vote operation. for now we are live in washington d.c., alison burns. the united states and its allies are tightening security around any shipments coming from yemen. this is after last weeks discovery from two printers. the bomb maker appears to be ibrahim alley cirri. it contained five times the amount. we don't know if the detonators would be triggered by phone calls or internal alarm. th trial has been postponed for three uc berkeley graduates charged with spying iran. sarah needs to be returned to
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iran. she is in the united states right now. josh fattal and shane bower remains in afghanistan. a three judge panel ruled on the don't ask don't fell policy will remain in effect as it works its way through the court. the court of appeals granted the while it challenges a trial court ruling while the ban is unconstitutional. president obama has said he wants congress not the courts to appeal the policy. the house passed legislation to lift the ban but it was blocked in the senate. the city of san carlos said goodbye to its police force. the 43 member has been swan in as new members of the san mateo county sheriff department. they say you won't see much difference. the patrol cars look pretty much the same. supporters of the idea to
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outsources police department are hoping the city almost save $2 million a year. 5:17 is the time. traffic could be light in the city. hundreds of people stayed up all night. maybe they are sleeping. >> i was shocked. i went out a little bit last night just for a little bit. when i went to bed they showed no signs of stopping. >> people out there 4:00 this morning greeting them back home. >> i think some people will be calling in sick. >> i think so. >> goo morning everybody. we're watching the traffic to see if the traffic is going to be the same. right now it is light. let's take a look at highway 4 westbound. it looks pretty good. now we're expected to see more people perhaps out in the west bay over in san francisco and the peninsula. but here in the east bay which a lot of people say is ace country we'll see what happens. let's look at eastbound 92 that traffic is looking okay.
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no major problems. on the peninsula highway 101 and 280 looking pretty good. 101 looks pretty good to the airport. here is steve. thanks. good morning. a quiet pattern. yesterday was only one forecast model. today the next one came in. until then not much going on. we'll cool down into the week. until then there is not much there. expect a patchy fog going down the coast. upper 60s and 70s. it was 80 in watsonville yesterday. mid 70s to a few upper 70s inland. temperatures 40s and 50s. just though within aonian know -- nano second. 50s and 70s. 72-degreest in palms springs. look at how everything is going north. key being that this system in
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the gulf of alaska digs like this. teeter to ther effect. the some patchy fog. sunshine and warmer. you, me, pam, everybody. fog neath coast. 60s, 70s a few to mid upper to 70s. overnight lows running three to five degrees warmer. yes, there will be patchy fog. it's sunny. let's not kid ourselves. by friday a weak system comes in here. increase in low clouds and high clouds. saturday more clouds. if i have sunday to go out on a six day i will put rain in there. european markets are starting the trading day with modest gains. overnight some markets in asia posted gains. some finished the day with a loss. many are staying on the sidelines until results are in.
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checking in on wall street. pretty well. it starts today 11, 124 it could be quiet on the opening. today federal reserve chairman ben bernanke and his colleagues opened a two day meeting. when the meeting wraps up tomorrow the fed is expected to announce it will buy more treasurely bonds to pump cash into the economy. its controversial plan but intended to stimulate the economy. it happened just an hour ago. we're talking about both bay area voters. things will be different in local cities. the new way voters will have to mark their ballots. and the giants are back home. they were there after they got off the bus at 4:00 this morning. new champions came home to san francisco. we'll continue our live team coverage. right now traffic is quiet along the bay area as we watch the freeways and highways. we'll give you more coming up.
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they welcome back home from texas. looks like many people just stayed up through the night. giants players included. i think they are just riding on the incredible high. but again look at that.
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hundreds. claudine wong is out there this morning. she guesses 400 people were out there this morning to welcome them home. we're going to talk more about that. more families are suing pg&e. 18 families just filed suit alleging that the utility did not properly respond to earlier gas leaks. they are seeking unspecified damages. eight people died 37 homes were destroyed after that september 9th blast. pg&e says it's committed to helping rebuild the community. we have an update on that shooting that injured a three- year-old girl. police say the girl is now expected to survive. her grandfather who was injured while shielding her with his own body sals expected to recover. police say sunday nights attack appears to be gang related and
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the intended target was a 20- year-old man. people in san jose will get an opportunity to experience the opera for free today. opera san jose is celebrating national opera week by giving a performance of it's coo -- tuska. it will be held at the martin luther king library. people that wore their i voted sticker will receive a 20% discount at any opera. some voters will use ranked choice voting for the first time. the voters in oakland, berkeley will be asked to rank their first, second, and third choice candidates in mayor and city council election. the goal is to eliminate the need for expensive runoff election. if no candidate gets the majority of first chance vote. first the candidate with the
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fewest first choice voice is eliminated. then voters that choose an eliminated candidate will be transferred. if the additional second chance vote gives either a majority that candidate wins. the process of eliminating candidates and redistributing votes will continue. we'll get more details including how it will delay election results as we talk live. that is coming up during mornings on 2. an armed man robs a crowded east bay restaurant leaving many customers and witnesses behind. and it is the calm before the storm. the merchandise is here, it's on the racks, millions of dollars are at stake. i'm consumer editor tom baycar.
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there were troublemakers along with the happy fans. more on what happened overnight. right now westbound getting into san francisco looks pretty good here. we'll tell you about the morning commute straight ahead.
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well good morning. you. welcome back. this is the ktvu morning news. tuesday november 2nd i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook.
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we have world series chance, election day. very busy day. first let's give to steve paulson with the weather. >> temperatures in the 40s and 50s. there is not much stopping us from being sunny and warm today. the first week of november is looking very mild to warm. now here is sal. good morning. traffic is moving along well in san francisco. looks like it's all quiet after a night of celebrating. westbound 101 traffic looks good and so does northbound 280. we'll look at the westbound bay bridge approaching san francisco. all is good. let's go back to the desk. many long-time giants fans may be waking up thinking it's a dream. it's a dream come true. the giants are the world series champs. >> here it is. struck him out. >> this is a scene many long- time giants fans thought they would never see the giants are world series champions for the
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first time since moving to san francisco. last night tim lincecum pitched another post season masterpiece in game five. the giants won 3-1 to become the world champions of big league baseball. >> i couldn't be prouder of a group of guys. we got contribution from everybody. the pitching we got, bumgarners job yesterday, and wilson. here edgar gets a chance to play renteria he gets mvp. >> the giants celebrated their world series victory with a wild champagne party as you can see in the locker room in texas before boarding the plane back home to san francisco. we do have team coverage of the giants mystery making world series victory. tom vacar is standing by live in the city while they are
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clambering to get their hands on merchandise while jade hernandez is here to tell us about the ugly side. >> reporter: we checked in with the san francisco police this month. we don't know how many official arrests were made overnight. we did witness a few. we're live at mission and vileness yeah. what transpired overnight left the san francisco police chief reigning a few revelers in. every police department was on the streets. and they focused on several neighborhoods. crowds grew, some of them got a little out of hand. one window was broken at the giants dugout store. that's the former borders bookstore. we saw fans and party goers sparking -- people were throwing bottles at officers
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and our cameras. officers finally moved in on the crowd. >> people are being peaceful here. we do have a lot of folks here. there is a lot of drinking going on. we're letting them run out of steam. they're not breaking anything. they're celebrating. as long as that's all they're doing we will allow them to continue. >> reporter: you're looking at news chopper 2 video that shows people here. revelers -- chief also had the department brace themselves for another round this morning when players would arrive back here in san francisco. hundreds more gathered to catch a glimpse of their world champions. we're live. very quiet. a very different scene right here. of course at at & t park hundreds of people still enjoying themselves. reporting live jade hernandez. >> and it will be crowded again tomorrow because final
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preparations are now under way for the big championship parade in san francisco. that will get under way at 11:00 tomorrow. meantime, giants merchandise remains a red hot item. ktvu tom vacar joins us with that part of the story. good morning. >> reporter: i'm the well- dressed bruce bochy wan that be. we're at the sports authority they are putting together all kind of merchandise. the stuff is still coming in. all of this stuff will command the kind of prices this kind of work has to be done almost instantaneously. the world series has to have two economic impacts. the first is -- two long-term tourism. the merchandise much of it made in the last ten hours is pouring into sports stores, specialty shops all over the bay area and far, far beyond. it all means a windfall for storms who's customers want to
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proclaim their joy. an official team jersey will set you back 80 to $100. yet the whacks are full. for many even in the nagging recession money will be no object. these will be lasting memories of a long awaited victory. >> how long do you think this will last? >> i hope it la last all the way through the season. and money probably won't be an object. >> and so what you have is a lot of merchandise all available for sale. sports authority opens at 7:00. as to that tourism issue remember the wonderful vistas we saw of the bay area on tv? that sends a very special message to people this is a good place to visitten. always has been. yet another reason. we're likely to see some
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benefits of that. hopefully if we get the americas cup it will last for years. reporting live i'm tom vacar ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. we have posted details about tomorrow's victory parade on our website you will also find video, photos and a whole section dedicated to the giants. other news to tell you about. an east contra cost that county five women were arrested following a day long under cover sting at massage trail trailers. there were under cover officers to form massage parlors. police say they targeted the massage parlors after getting several compliants. police search continues now for suspects in the deadly drive-by shooting in richmond. this happened on south 21st street shortly before 4:00 yesterday afternoon. police say a man in his early
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20s were shot while riding a bicycle. we don't yet know his name. witnesses say they saw a white from that shooting scene. if you have any information about this call the richmond police. a man armed with a semiautomatic handgun armed a restaurant in concord. it happened at 10:00 friday night. police say the man pointed a gun at a front counter employee and demanded money. no shots were fired. the restaurant were full of customers at the time. the suspect that got away is on the louis. we're learning a san francisco man accused of beating a roman catholic police -- he claims a priest sexually molested him and his brother when they were children. lynch filedth negligence suit.
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his lawsuit -- he was an employee of the global church. the man accuserd of attacking and killing a nurse at the martinez jail is due back in court. the nurse 55-year-old cynthia pahl ma da was attacked at the jail after an innate faked a seize-- seizure. time now 5:39. investigators in san jose are trying to figure out whether a suspicious fire is connected to other fires reported in the same area. as we first showed you, this fire destroyed a bar and a recycling center on tenth and commercial street. investigators say it's considered suspicious there has been a dozen other fires in that area within the past week including one in the same location. officials tell us the flames started somewhere outside the building but the cause remains
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under investigation. an 80-year-old woman is hoping the two street robbers have a heart and give back her beloved y shire terror. one grabbed her purse and the other snatched this her six- year-old named deuce. the victim says she was a block away from her house at 2:00 in the afternoon. the men were driving a faded blue or green '80s honda or toyota van. it had a gray front quarter panel. this morning crews are working to repair several water main breaks. the pipes also broke at 2:30. two are located in concord, one on clayton road and detroit the other at oak grove and apple. and a fourth about a mile way way in walnut creek. no word if they are related or
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weren't water service is effected. let's go back to sal. it has been quiet. >> it has been. so far we are doing very well along the bay area. let's take a look at what we have on highway 4. looks pretty good here. all the way up to concord and 680 is in good shape. also this morning we're looking at westbound bay bridge a small delay there. for the most part it's a smooth drive into san francisco. and once you are in san francisco looking good. freeways are wide open for you 5:41 let's go back to steve. thank you very much. we have mostly clear skies. a little bit of fog on the coast. patchy clouds inland. high pressure is here it will stick around until thursday. november sunshine first week. temperaturest coming up. cooler by friday. weak system will move into the north. next rain will be on sunday. does it have to be on the weekend? i will see what i can do.
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that's the way it looks to me. you watch how the ridge builds right in. up, up, up. strong system out in the gulf of alaska is deepening as it does that builds a ridge over us. if you are getting ready for the day and kids say what is the forecast? clear and cool. 70s 70s and warm in the afternoon. a little cooler in the morning. 56 san francisco right now. 68 by noon and we'll go by a high of 72 today. patchy clouds zipping by the coast. 44 in napa. cooling off. the nights are getting longer. upper 40s livermore and concord. 30s up in the mountains. 47 ukiah. 50s 60s and 70s down in southern california. high pressure system will build north today and start to drift
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east. not until about thursday night into friday. that system is spinning on its own away from us. patchy fog. some of it inland. mainly along the coast. sunny and warmer weather. high pressure is built in. it won't take much to get us going. 50s and 70s. if you're making plans to go to the victory parade tomorrow, it looks good to me. sunny and warm. it will be sunny. warm weather will take us into thursday. weak system will cool us down. we'll carry that into saturday. and possible rain on sunday. >> thank you. the governor is taking a stand on where and how welfare recipients can spend the states money. find out what is off limits. and a former ma december toe area congressman took the stand in the levy trial. the specific questions he will not answer. southbound 680 traffic looking pretty good. heading down to the south bay. we'll tell you about the
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morning commute straight ahead.
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good morning. skies are mostly clear. a little bit of patchy fog but not much. napa airport says some. sunny and warmer today. mid to upper 70s inland. welcome back. good morning to you. here's a quick look at some of the top stories we're following for you right now. the city of san francisco will hold a victory parade tomorrow celebrating the giants world series victory. the giants beat the texas rangers last night. they won the series 3 games to
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one. we'll continue our live team coverage at the top of the hour. today is election day and among other things california voters head to the polls to choose a new governor today. by tonight we should know whether democrat jerry brown or republican meg whitman will take over for governor arnold schwarzenegger. congressional races could switch the power on capitol hill. many predicting republicans will take over the house of representative. a berkeley high student is fighting for his life after being shot. he was brought to the hospital friday afternoon. he was shot in the head while inside an apartment on alcatraz avenue. police say they have a 17-year- old in custody. ma leaks parents say their son had gone to a friends house but there is a lot of unanswered questions. >> i'm sorry for the parent's son that is going through this.
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i pray that it was an accident. >> for now he remains in a coma following surgery. in the meantime berkeley police plan to speak with district attorney today about the teenager in custody. the city of oakland is per suing legal action against sweeps ballroom after nine people were shot. city officials say they may pull the clubs license it did not have a special event permit for fright fest. police say if they had issued a permit they might have required extra security. none of the victims injuries are life threatening. no arrests have been made a $45,000 reward is being offered for information in the case. former modesto area congressman testified in the murder trial of of accused of killing chandra levy. the case made national
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headlines when news reports connected levy to former congressman condit. that scandal cost gary his scandal. when the defense attorney asked gary if he had an intimate relationship with levy he said i will not comment to those questions. santa clara county smudges on the palates are causing problems with the electronic counters. the count vote by mail ballots. the counters are rejecting the ballots. so now county workers have been trying to remove the smudges by using rubber erasers. governor says welfare people cannot use welfare cards at medical marijuana shops. that ban followed a los angeles
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times report that said the cards were use at half of the casinos in the state. they also include bail bondsmen, bingo halls, and tattoo parlors. want to go back over to sal to check in on the commute. it has been pretty quiet. >> it has been. we're getting a couple of things showing up on the traffic radar. let's go outside and show you we somewhere traffic moving along pretty well on 280 northbound. no major problems there. also this morning we're looking at the commute here at the bay bridge. it is light so far. we have a problem in union city. that would be northbound 880. it's an accident with a couple of vehicles up against the divide and another car on the right shoulder. if you're driving northbound from fremont to hayward. let's go to steve. thank you. a very hoe hum weather day. this week is pretty easy. high pressure builds in.
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it will give us sunny and warmer weather. a little bit of fog down the coast. it looks like it's parallel. might be in touch of the coast. it's more north to south than west to east. and high pressure coming in big time. school forecast same as yesterday. cooler in the morning. napa airport say a little bit of fog. i'm guessing very little. i don't see much. 70s and warm by noon. warmer weather is on tap here. cool mornings, warm days. temperatures in the upper 60s. our half-moon bay forecast 50 to start off. 64 at noon. and 68 for the high. 72 in san francisco. 44 napa santa rosa a little cool there. livermore and concord 48 there. 50s and 60s and 70s on the
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desert. big area of high pressure there. that won't impact us until friday. with a cooling trend until there patchy fog mainly near the coast sunshine sunny side up looks good. 50s and 70s. mid 70s. if you're making plans to head to the victory parade. sunny and warm. warm weather will carry us into thursday. cool down friday. weak system to the north. more cloud saturday. looks like rain sunday into monday. general motors expects to raise $10 billion when it returns to the stock market. common stock is expect to sale between $26 and $29 a share. that will value the company of $46 billion which is what ford is worth. most will go to repay bailout funds. san francisco base sales plans to build a new head quarters.
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company paid $280 million for 14-acre os you have land and parking rights. it's not announced when it will begin construction. it has 2,000 workers in san francisco. if you're looking for a deal on a new car, you could be in luck this month and next. industry analyst says car makers are more than likely to -- this year as they try to clear out their older models. they say lexus and mercedes is battling for the top luxury cars. disney star is saying she needs some help. we'll tell you why this 18-year- old star is no longer on an international tour and why the troubling rumors about her.
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welcome back. the giants incredible season on the field is over now. it's worth one more look at the highs and lows about the 2010 world series. >> it's the 106th world series. the san francisco giants don't
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proclaim to miss it. >> back in the air to left center field. the giants get their first lead of the night. another hit. >> there is the 0-1 pitch. renteria launches one into left. edgar is going deep. >> a fly ball into right center field. well hit schierholtz on the right. aubrey huff. hits one a ton into right. down the line. this ball gone for a two-run home run. madison bumgarner in the line for the win. 4-1 san francisco they run three games to one. it's hit high in the left center field. back is murphy on the run. three-run home run renteria.
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and a 3-0 san francisco lead in the seventh. molina strikes out. back to back strikeouts for lincecum. here it is. struck him out. and for the first time since 1954 the giants are world champions. >> quite a ride and exciting finish. in other news this morning one of disney biggest teenage stars des moinesmy has checked herself into a treatment center. she starred in camp rock movies. she left the tour over the weekend to deal with unspecified emotional and physical issues. now the associated press reports that she had problems including eating disorder and cutting herself claiming she's celt with thosish -- she's
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dealt with those issues in the past. the giants are the champions of baseball. that is right. san francisco is planning a big welcome home and a victory parade the giants win the world series in texas. plus bay area voting polls open in one hour as important and controversial election day begins.