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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  October 31, 2010 9:00pm-9:45pm PST

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the 10:00 news on ktvu, channel 2 news. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is the 10:00 news on ktvu, channel 2 news. another giant step towards a world championship as the orange and black are red-hot tonight in texas. good evening, everyone, i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm ken wayne. the giants are on the verge of making history by winning their first world series title since the franchise moved here to fridays. they of course defeated the texas rangers and now just need one more win to become world champions. our joe fonzi is here now with am so of the highlights from tonight's big game. >> this truly is uncharted history. never in the history of the san francisco giants have they led a world series 3-1. that means
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they have three more chances to win once and bring san francisco its first baseball world championship. bruce boche tweaked the lineup against tommy hunter. and it worked. aubrey huff the designated hitter tonight put the first runs on the board with a towering two run shot into the texas night in the third inning. in the 7th boche set things in motion. edgar rentaria with the pitch. andre torres finds the gap in right center. rentaria scores easily and it is 3-0 game. then in the 8th off darren oday posey sends it into the center. he was so impressive all summer with the bat. the other half was 21-year-old madison baumgartner. he gets mitch although looking to hit in the 8th. the giants win 4-0 and take a strangle hold on the series
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leading now 3-1. fred inglis has been following the giants this entire post season. live from texas. fred, still one more to go but i'm sure the giants are feeling it, aren't they? >> oh, they have to. even cody ross admitted out loud, yes, they are thinking about it. they can feel it. they can taste it. they it can smell it. but they would not be able to do that without this 21-year- old hickory north carolina native madison baumgartner. he was simply too cool. he was playing like it was a natural, a natural game for him. it was just game 52 or something. he walked the first batter on four pitches. but after that he was just absolutely dominant. the bottom of the third after having a 2-0 lead, he goes on eight pitches to shut down the rangers. the 5th inning shooting down the rangers with eight pitches. strikes down and made guerrero look just sick on a couple of
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changeups. madison baumgartner gets this win and you have to say he is no longer a diamond in the rough. >> it feels good for sure. i don't think it will sink in until we get another win. but right now i am just looking for tomorrow. >> a great kid. i can't say what he did tonight. a 21-year-old kid on that stage pitching like that. he had it all working. but he did his job. and we also had a good 9th inning. but there is no question that willy was coming in the game. >> a good spot to be in, no doubt. but we had a 3-1 lead against the phillies and they came back and beat us. a tough game in our place. and we had to go back and really grind out a game six. didn't really want to go to game seven. so it's great. but you know, this is the playoffs. you know, games are certainly capable of winning three straight. we have got to go out there tomorrow and get back to work.
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we are acting like we are down 1-3. >> aubrey huff put in as the dh. dh not a real successful thing for the giants in the past. he came off the first pitch. he took it out and got the two run homerun. he is a dallas native. his favorite team when he grew up was the texas rangers. so he did it against his old team. and aubrey huff and company will now go and try to do the impossible, beat cliff lee. the rangers ace not once, but for the second time in this world series. and, joe, it's not easy. but you know what, they have overcome so many things anymore i am just down to why not? >> yes, it's not so surprising anymore. hear more from fred coming up in sports wrap. but here is the simple math. tim lincecum. matt cain and they need one win to win the world series. >> and a shut out to my high school companion there aubrey huff. >> didn't know that. absolutely. >> way to go. >> after four very exciting
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games giant fans watching the game in san francisco probably getting a little hoarse. [ applause ] >> in the marina district, well, this was the scene as the fans were on the edge of their seats hoping the team would come up with another big win. and as we all know, they got their wish. most of them said they will be back again tomorrow afternoon sporting black. brian wilson beards and lincecum wigs. and of course those orange and black jerseys. well, it was hard to find a bar in san francisco that wasn't pack. whether you are a new giants fan or been a believer since the team moved here in 1958, the race for the world series title just got a lot more exciting. ktvu's patty lee is live now in the city with more fan reaction. hey, patty. >> hey, heather. i'm live along the embarcadero embarcadero where this is filled with giants fans. and where you watch often dictates what you celebrate.
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>> anything but appetizers and entrees used to be banned. a t.v. at the bar was unheard of. but that was bws or before the world series. >> we are about a good dining experience and about food. but the giants being in the world series kind of transcends all of that. >> a small television now hangs near the kitchen. for patrons and especially the staff can get their giants fix without resorting to desperate measures which involves whispers. >> you can see the free runners were running around. sometimes i will call them over and let them tell me what the score is. >> near the ball club a difference experience here. here self described salty sailors refusalled watching the giants play on the big screen and in making noise. [ applause ] >> this is the waterfront. and to have all of these guys come down here and watch their team. and, mind you, the park is just a couple hundred dollars yards
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up the road. sometimes we turn down the sound and we open the windows and we hear the roar of the crowd come in here. we're proud. we are really happy to be here. >> back at the mission the t.v. may have been on, but the sound was off. and a nod to the way things used to be without compromising the moment. >> we will do this first. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and we're live outside of gordon beers where you can see the fans are starting to spill out of the restaurant. it closed at 10:00. a lot of these guys have been here since 5:00 this evening. they say it is a school night so do have to go home early to work. their focus will be on game five tomorrow. reporting live in san francisco, patty lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. some diehard giants fans made the trip to texas. and tonight they were not disappointed. despite yesterday's defeat, the giants fans were optimistic today it was a sea of red and blue ranger fans. a fair amount of orange and black giants fans today. rangers stadium at arlington. after the game the excitement
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from bay area fans was bubbling over. >> that was probably one of the best games i have ever seen in all of my life. to be in texas and watch the giants win a world series game. one of the most amazing things i've ever seen. >> some fans told ktvu with today's win they were going to try to stay in texas for tomorrow night's game. they said while they want the series to come back to san francisco, they are confident the giants will clinch it in texas tomorrow. on this halloween night, fans helped each other keep tabs on the game while out trick or treating. in piedmont one of our news crews found this house on greenback avenue that showed the game on the front porch. parents and kids said they enjoyed being able to check on the score as they were out and about. usually a scary movie would be on display. game five is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. it will be the final game of the series to be played in texas. should the rangers win the series will shift back to san francisco. ktvu's coverage tomorrow begins at 4:30 p.m. well, chances are if you weren't glued to the t.v.
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tonight watching the big game, you were out celebrating halloween. and some people, well, they were trying to do beth. ktvu's maureen naylor joins us now live in san francisco with a look at halloween, but this time with a side of world series. hey, maureen. >> reporter: hey, heather. this truly was an origin of black halloween. at the corner of castro and market. the crowd behind me in the past hour has just about doubled, especially since the game got out. we have talked to the san francisco police about ten minutes ago. they say of course they are seeing both giants fans spilling out along with the halloween revelers. as big as this crowd is it is only half the size of the crowd last night. 4,000 partyers for halloween here last night. they said tonight the halloween partyers are actually smaller than in years passed. >> no paparazzi but it's okay. >> reporter: from is he quinns to skin halloween in the castro brought new creative costumes for 2010. >> i'm danny rohas and a trapped miner. >> how long did it take you to put together? >> two hours. >> you will see things you will
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never see in denver is what i was told. that sounds like fun to me. >> yes. we walked about 20 yards and have already seen naked people. [ applause ] record halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for this bar which was packed but with one noticeable change. >> it is a little more mellow because people are focusing on the game and not really into the costumes yet. and as soon as the game is over and the costumes come out, the energy is going to change completely and it will be party, party, party, halloween, halloween, halloween. >> reporter: merchants originally estimated 3,000 to 5,000 will fill the sidewalks tonight. but many think those numbers are less. >> because it fell on a sunday, you know, there is school tomorrow. people have to work tomorrow. you won't see as many people i think on the street. plus we had a big celebration here last night. >> reporter: the city thinks the party will remain shut down and the police are stepped up because of the nine shootings in the castro years ago. >> we have bikes and cars and on foot. we are all over the city.
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if there is a problem somewhere else i would switch my staffing over there. >> reporter: earlier in the evening a more pg halloween celebration took place in the valley. hundreds of heroes and farm animals packed the sidewalk not sure what to do with the free candy they were handing out. a first halloween for some and giants fans were everywhere. >> there is no end. who is going to win? >> giants. >> i was going to be a panda but he got benched. >> they said did somebody ever tell you that you look like tim lincecum? >> and you say? >> yeah. >> is that your real hair? >> yeah. >> is that your real hair? >> yeah. >> but you don't have to get a wig or anything. >> yeah. >> easy costume. back here live here is another look at the crowds at the castro district. there is really an electric feeling here tonight. mainly because of the giants win it just came alive. hard to believe the giants win over shadowed the revelry of the castro district.
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seeing some of the traffic on market. police say right now the biggest concern is getting people home safely. seen a lot of these fans starting to trickle home. really concerned about getting everyone home safety as the parties are coming out. reporting live in san francisco, maureen naylor, ktvu, channel 2 news. well, while the giants were spooky good in texas, bay area kids were scaring out their own halloween fun. >> from spider man to bunnies to doctors, kids dressed newspaper all sorts of costumes. in their an mall door-to-door campaign for, of course, candy. >> right. >> carrying bags full of good ies the kids we spoke to in oakland said it was a successful halloween. more people are out at night. but aaa is suggesting people slow down by 5 miles per hour in the residential neighborhoods. [ music ] billed as fright fest, see how a huge halloween party in the east bay came to a frightening end for hundreds of party goers. >> also a teenager begunked
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down. where the police think he was moments before his death. and find out what shut down some bart stations in the east bay this morning. the 10:00 news continues in 90 seconds. . monday on the 10:00 news, our cameras followed the hunt for drunk drivers. but with a twist. >> i am just going to make sure that you are doing good on your probation. >> bay area officers searching the homes for the one thing that could put repeat offenders back behind bars. >> this isn't funny. >> but is it intrusive? >> i think it's always intrusive to go to someone's house. >> on monday on the 10:00 news, complete bay area coverage.
10:14 pm, complete bay area news coverage. police in oakland tonight are looking for the person who opened fire in a crowded ballroom this weekend wounding nine people. at a halloween dance. the victims remain
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hospitalized. all, though, are said to be in stable condition. ktvu's diane garaty ee reports. >> reporter: a woman's shoe was strewn near the nightclub where 600 people fled for their lives during a halloween party early this morning. at least one gunman opened fire just after midnight hitting nine people. the largest number of shooting victims at one time in oakland in recent memory. >> we are still trying to investigate how this started, who is all involved. >> reporter: police say they believe most of the people who were hit were not the intended targets. they were shot in their arms and legs. but the gunman may have aimed at one who was struck in the back. >> it was mayhem after the shots were fired. even though we had ample amounts of security upstairs, when the shots were fired everybody scattered and we could not -- there was -- no one found the shooter. >> reporter: mark campalla works security and he was
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upstairs when the shooting erupted in the main floor ballroom. one victim was inside and two were at a bart station across the street. the victims range in age from 18-29. most of them are women from san francisco. the party was billed as the fright fest. and advertised as the biggest college party in the bay area. campalla said 16 security guards were working the dance floor and another 7 or 8 were outside with him. >> on behalf of everybody involved in last night's event, i want to extend our sinceres condolences to both the families and the victims of this senseless tragic act of violence. >> reporter: the party had a $15 ticket price and was promoted on the web. we were unable to reach the events promoter today. police and crime stoppers of oakland are offering an award of up to $45,000 for information leading to the arrest of the gunman. in oakland, diane garatzie,
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ktvu, channel 2 news. family and loved ones gathered today on an east oakland street where a 16-year- old boy was gunned down last night. chapman was riding a bicycle in the 2400 block of ritchey street at 10:45 p.m. when he was confronted by someone who shot him several times. he was declared dead at highlands hospital. police believe he may have left a party in the area. his family is left with few answers. >> may name is fay rogers. my grandson's name is chapman and i loved my grandson very much. >> anyone who saw the shooting is asked to contact the police. no suspects have been arrested. the red cross tonight is helping three residents of an oakland apartment complex after a fire gutted their home. no one was home when the fire broke out on 28th street at 3:00 this afternoon. a neighbor, though, tried to put out the flames but was driven out by the thick smoke. the oakland fire department tells ktvu news the fire started on a kitchen stove and
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then quickly spread to the living-room. cal fire tonight is warning people not to be fooled by a telephone scam in which the caller asks for money to help pay for firefighter training. now, in one case the agency says a santa clara county resident was solicited for an undisclosed amount of money. well, that resident thought the wall was a little suspicious and declined to donate. cal fire says its budget pay for us for firefighter training. >> a bomb found in the trunk of a car led to the closure of three east bay bart stations. the police found the device in the trunk of a car after pulling over a man driving with a stolen license plate. the authorities evacuated a nearby apartment complex near the coliseum bart stations around 8:30 this morning. the bomb squad says the device contained a cell phone and timer and wires but no explosives. the driver was arrested on drug and stolen property charges. bart service was restored by
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10:15 a.m. a disabled man who was hit by a bart train remains in critical condition tonight at a castro valley hospital. bart is investigating how 64- year-old curtis fuller and his wheelchair fell off the hayward station platform yesterday afternoon just seconds before a northbound train arrived. his chair ended up pinned under the platform next to the rails. bart officials say it appears to be an accident. the sonoma county coroner is working tonight to determine what killed a woman whose home caught on fire early this morning. the fire crews pronounced the woman dead outside the converted garage she lived in on 10th street in santa rosa. they say she is in her 60s but have not yet released her name. the fire was first reported at 3 a.m. it may have just been started by materials near the water heater. the coroner's office will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death. in the meantime, in the north bay two men are in jail tonight after firefighters discovered a marijuana grow house in their backyard. just before 5:00 this morning,
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crews responded to a fire on petrified forest road where 400 square foot shed was engulfed in flames. the deputies searching the house say they found the remains of 150 marijuana plants, as well as an assault rifle and other weapons. jose zapata and raul were both arrested on drug and weapons charges. the highway patrol believes dense fog may have led to the death of a driver who got out of his car on highway 101 in petaluma this morning. an 86-year-old san raphael man pulled over near the center divide possibly due to foggy conditions. around 4:45 a.m. he walked out into the northbound traffic and was struck by a woman driving a honda. the highway patrol says she was not driving under the influence. and she may not have been able to see the man due to the fog. destination denied. the drastic measure shipping agencies with taking after that cargo plane plot was discovered. >> this could be a big week for arizona's controversial
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immigration law. what is supposed to happen tomorrow in san francisco. the storm clouds have moved out of the bay area. coming up we will let you know how much temperatures will be warming up for tomorrow. also break down the timing of our next rain chances. [ music ]
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. >> here is a live picture of san francisco's city hall lit tonight in giants orange. we have just learned that game five of the world series tomorrow afternoon will indeed be televised live on a jumbo screen at civic center plaza. mayor gavin newsom is saying that he wants to give fans the opportunity to watch the game. he says "the game that could clinch the series may be in texas, but we're creating an opportunity right in front of city hall for families to gather and cheer on the giants to a world championship." again, that game is televised live at civic center plaza starting at 4:30 tomorrow. >> the u.s. postal service today joined other shipping
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companies from refusing to accept packages from yemeasure. they missed the printer filled with explosives the first time they examined it and had to be told from the officials how to pinpoint those explosives from yemen. while the hunt is on for other bombs they are confident they know who made the devices. katherine harridge reports. >> we won't rest until we find the people responsible for this and to find whatever other devices might be out there. >> reporter: u.s. and yemeni officials tell fox they believe the same bomb maker was behind the underwear bomb found in du about. ai and the u.k. and the explosives that injured the chief in the summer of 2009. >> they are a very strong i think similarities of those three events that suggest to me that they are the work of an individual or individuals who are responsible for all three of those devices. >> reporter: the presumed bomb
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maker is a sawed are you citizens on the most wanted list. his operational planner is the american alaqui is from 1997 when the so-called holy man was arrested in san diego for soliciting prostitutes. in the yemen capital demonstrations were held outside the home for the women who was thought to release these. the shipping agent said she was not the person who signed the shipping documents. sources tell fox one device appeared to include a cell phone detonator and the other appeared to contain a timing device. the explosive petn was present. the same powerful explosive that was used in the christmas day device worn by the 23-year- old nigerian. >> the quality and the power of the explosive that was found in england is more powerful, far more powerful than the one that
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abdull atari had on christmas day. >> reporter: all eyes are focused on the bomb maker. they are trying to track down the bomb's components, including where the printers were bought. senior white house officials publicly praised the yemeni government nor its help in the investigation. in washington, fox news. >> an iran gunman burst into a public church service in baghdad taking more than 100 iraqi christians hostage. four hours later iraqi security forces stormed the building. a u.s. army spokesman said at least 19 people were killed, including seven hostages and seven iraqi troops. at least 30 more people were wounded. the gunman reportedly wanted to trade the hostages for al qaeda prisoners. in turkey, a suicide bomb attack near major hotels and bus terminals in istanbul wounded 32 people, including 15 police officers. the police chief said the bomber first tried to climb into a police van parked in
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busy square. when he couldn't get inside he then blew himself up. the attack came as istanbul was celebrating the founding of the republic of turkey in 1933. >> and in calm bode yeah hillary clinton became the first u.s. secretary of state to visit the ruins. she spoke to former child prostitutes at a rehabilitation center promising continued american support to improve their lives. she will visit malaysia, new zealand and australia. not expected back in washington until a week after the election day. arizona's democratic candidate today blasted governor jan but for her scheduled court appearance tomorrow in san francisco. the 9th u.s. circuit court of appeals is set to consider brewer's appeal that puts part of the immigration law in arizona on hold. brewer, a republican is running for reelection. her opponents, arizona's attorney general terry godard
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accused brewer of trying to get hide lines. he says she has no role in the court proceedings. the united states supreme court is said to hear a case that could overturn a california law aimed at keeping children from buying violent video games. assembly bill 11-79 was authored by yee and signed by arnold schwarzenegger in 2005. it calls for $1,000 fine of anyone who sells mature related games to children without parental consent. the video game industry rates its games, but there is no penalty for retailers who sell mature games to underaged buyers. a lawsuit brought by the video game makers blocked the law from taking effect. [ music ] >> what if proposition 19 passes. how the legalization of marijuana could open the door for a whole new line of businesses. and he was a legendary speech write. the career of ted sorenson and his role with one of the more popular presidents in american history.
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. closed captioning for the 10:00 news is brought to you by mancini's sleepworld best mattress sale. visit
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. >> with two days to go until the election the labor groups in the east bay worked to get out the voted to. >> volunteers knocked on doors and left flyers this afternoon but not many were home on this sunny sunday. others made phone calls at the alameda labor council in oakland. volunteers reminded voters that ballots can be dropped off at polling places by 8 p.m. on tuesday. >> if californians pass proposition 19 recreational marijuana use will be legal understate law. new marijuana-themed businesses are bound to sprout up all over the place including a hemp hotel at lake tahoe. ken pritcard has tonight's special report. >> reporter: the weather signs
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that would welcome customers is blank. this old hotel in south lake tahoe has been out of business for years. >> this used to be the sunshine inn which was a hotel built in 1953. >> reporter: curt has big plans for this rundown property. he has plans to call it the hempin inn. >> reporter: why is this different than a normal hotel? >> well, this is where patients can come from out of town and visit and have a place to stay and obtain their medicine. >> reporter: that medicine is marijuana. he wants to create a cannabis- themed resort and hopes to profit if californians vote on november 2nd to legalize recreational pot use. >> i would say it would be an experience, let's say, like a napa experience. >> reporter: the nevada casinos budded up to the state line draw in gamblers from california. and those interested in a marijuana tourism industry in tahoe would like to do the same thing. draw in out of state visitors to california to buy legal pot.
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but he currently acquires marijuana from growers to provide to patients has run into a legal brick wall. the south lake tahoe city council has denied him a permit to local a marijuana dispensary at his inn. even though it has approved three other dispensaries. >> it's been moratoriums, emergency moratoriums and bans. >> reporter: and he says if proposition 19 passes, he is unclear what his next step would be. >> as far as distribution is concerned, it could look different from one city to the next. >> reporter: john is author of can in a business biz which chronicle the sighs signs of the marijuana industry. it will depend on where it is sold. >> in one town you could be purchasing marijuana in a liquor store. in the next town you could be buying it in a pot cafe. the next town in a vending
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machine. and the next town it would be banned completely. >> reporter: the text not only says cities and counties can control how much cannabis would be bought and sold but also allow the legislature to pass statewide rules and regulations. he says there is a budding commercial cannabis industry ready to go. >> it's been an industry that is going at a lightning speed at the crawl or at the pace of politics. >> you mix this. >> reporter: which has made it difficult for entrepreneurs such as him to plan for a very different future if california voters legalize marijuana on tuesday. >> nothing will really change right off the bat. we still need to have an ordinance. the counties and towns still need to establish ordinances, legal or not. >> our future plan here. >> reporter: if or until that happens, his dream of a marijuana getaway is on hold. in south lake tahoe, ken pritcard, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> california candidates are
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seizing their last chance to convince voters to choose them. republican senate candidate carly fior ina rallied in california and said she would cut spending and provide tax cuts for small business and provide spending. >> we have to get government spending under control because we are bankrupting our nation and we are stealing our future, the future of our children and grandchildren out from under them. >> she is trailing democrat barbara boxer by eight points in the latest field poll. senator boxer urged african men and latino voters to show up on tuesday. she campaigned in la county, attending church services and encouraging voters or volunteers, that is, to pick up or to make phone calls at the phone bank. boxer described her gop rival as out of step with the majority of california voters, say she is "in the far right lane." complete coverage of tuesday's election and the latest
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headlines from the campaign trail on our website click on the election 2010 tab. author and presidential speech writer three the record sorenson has died. he was an advisor and confidant to jfk and the brother robert. historians have wondered for years if the famous line "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do to your country" was his or jfks. he maintained he didn't remember. his wife said her 82-year-old husband died today in a new york city hospital nine days after suffering a stroke. [ music ] well, the warmup is on the way. find out where the warm spots will be. will they be in san francisco? meteorologist mark tamayo will let us know when he comes ck with your complete bay area forecast. ktvu reveals inspection results from bay area restaurants aren't offering up so easily. wednesday on the 10:00 news, complete bay area news
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. well, we have been busy tracking multiple storms over the last few days. the weather pattern is continuing to change. you will see the big warmup that really started today kicks in for monday and tuesday. right now on the maps looking for the rain. the rain up in the bay area way up to the north towards oregon today. a few more clouds right around the week through crescent city. a closer inspection of the sat lit. you can see we still have mostly clear skies. at least here in the bay area. we could have some patchy fog reform again late tonight in am so of the inland valleys. as far as temperatures they warmed up a good 5-10 degrees from yesterday's highs. more 70s for concord, fremont and even san jose is 74 degrees. the weather story is this, patchy fog developing over the next few hours.
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warmer for monday. the extended forecast will be able to cool things off. the pot forecast for san francisco tomorrow morning at 8:00 is 55 degrees. by 12:00 68. and an afternoon high approaching the 70 degrees mark by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. here once again is the sat lit and the storm track, of course, over the past few days, the storm visiting the bay area. but not the case as you can't see the storm track heading way up to our north. the warm air is developing actually settling in behind to the south of this fridge. and as a result the temperatures will be warming up. so a dry weather pattern, mostly sunny skies. talking about 60s, 70s. and the warmest locations by wednesday could be approaching the lower 80s. in fact, right around 80 to 82 degrees for the warmest locations inland. first thing tomorrow morning call it partly cloudy. 47 to 52 degrees. then into the afternoon hours the colors begin to brighten up, reflecting the warmup. mostly sunny skies. mid-60s all the way to mid-70s. here is a look at the numbers. fairfield is right around 71.
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oakland tops out at 71. livermore in the lower 70s at 73. san jose is at 73. morgan hill right around 74. and san francisco you can see the temperatures back up into the upper 60s. here is a lack ahead at your five day forecast. tuesday more sunshine out there. once again some patchy morning fog to start out the day. no problems for voting. you will not need the umbrella. you can see the temperatures continue to warm. heather and ken that is not a typo. wednesday we could be talking about a few low 80s. even the beaches lower 70s. finally cool things off by friday and the weekend. maybe a few shower chances by saturday and into sunday. but nothing too major. >> sounds nice. >> yes, it does. >> beautiful over the next few days. >> thank you, mark. >> sure. >> coming up we go around the nfl, including the raiders and then the 49ers who had big sundays. >> also go back live to texas as we hear more from the giants after their victory tonight. joe fonzi is coming back with sports wrap up next. [ music ]
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[ music ] >> good evening, everyone. welcome to this late sunday night edition of sports wrap. in their san francisco history the giants have won three world series game in 1962 and 2002 but lost both of those series in seven games. never has san francisco led a series 3-1 which is where the giants are right now after winning tonight in texas. halloween in texas, one young man wanted to dress up like ron washington. defense the team for the giants in game four after walking the lead-off hitter madison baumgartner hit off the first inning forcing josh