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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  September 3, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning. i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. it's friday, september 3rd. breaking news from salinas. a helicopter went down on highway 101 near the salinas airport.
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this happened about 15 minutes ago. the person inside the chopper suffered only minor injuries. but southbound 101 is closed near airport boulevard because the chopper flipped over on the freeway. sal joins us more with how its impact -- how it is impacting traffic. >> the chopper went down south. south of airport remains closed. the chopper crash caused a spill in the lanes. seven people are stranded right now on a boat north of concord. the coast guard says there's 17 - -- the 17-foot motorboats somewhat became stranded last
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night near ryer island. you can see the boat right there. this was just a short time ago. the coast guard can't rescue the four adults and three children on their yet because the boat is in very shallow waters. the rescue is expected later this morning during high tide. we'll keep an eye on it and give you an update later. 7:01. this morning, law enforcement teams investigating a killing rampage will focus their search on clues on a pittsburg landfall. kraig debro is there now and joins you with an update on this investigation. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: good morning, tori. we're at the keller landfill in pittsburg. it's a little ways away from the pittsburg b.a.r.t. station. let's go to newschopper2 to get an overview of the dump. police are gonna search law enforcement teams and they will be out here this morning and
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their job is gonna be difficult. even if they don't find the body of frederick sales, they will be picking through garbage for hours. it's not sure if police suspect the body is here or not. police found their father, ricardo sales, bludgeoned to death that day. the body was inside a bedroom that he refnlted --ive side a bedroom of a home that he rented from cindy tran. police believe the fight that started as a result of the men and jealousy with cindy tran.
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the suspect filed a police report after receiving several facial injuries. we got a picture of the police report that the suspect filed against the two saleses. he said ricardo threw the first bunch. frederick stepped in to help his dad. police believe the fight provides a motive for ricardo sales's homicide and is the reason for frederick's disappearance. the suspect's car had cindy tran in his car, strangled to death, police say during the
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high speed chase. newschopper2 is over the dump here in pittsburg. law enforcement agencies are supposed to be looking here this morning and they are hoping to find frederick sales, the 35-year-old who has been missing since saturday. reporting live in pittsburg, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:04. well, today investigators will try to recover the bodies of tw of the three victims -- two of the three victims killed in a plane crash in redwood city. the plane plungeed after staking off from the -- taking off from the airport around noon yesterday. the bodies of the pilot and the plane's owner, the founder of borman steel, they are still inside that submerged wreckage. the body of a female was found.
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we were able to reach the son of the pilot he said his son was on his way to south san joaquin to visit him. the plane will be staying in the water until the ntsb investigators complete their investigation. blood for the first time in four month, the national unemployment rate has gone up. the labor department reports that august jobless rate increased to 9.6% up from 9.5% in july. analysts blame weak hiring by
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private employers. it was not all bad news. the labor department said private employers added 67,000 jobs in august and that was stronger than expected. now, at any minute, president obama is scheduled to make remarks on these job numbers. we'll monitor it and bring that to you when it happens. all right. 7:06. next month, the san mateo county sheriff's department will take over police duties in the city of san carlos. last night the city council unanimously approved a five- year contract despite some public outcry. >> this is a bitter pill for the community to swallow. let's not sugar coat this. >> officials say the change will save a lot of money. san carlos is the first city in the county to outdoors the police department. but it may not be the last. >> this is just the beginning of what will be a trend as
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municipalityies face economic difficulties. >> now, all of the 26 san carlos police officers will now become deputies wearing sheriff's department uniforms. san carlos patrol cars will carry sheriff details. police headquarters will become a sheriff's substation. 7:07 and it's the friday before labor day. so as you would expect, traffic's probably a little lighter than normal around the bay area. >> yeah, it's obvious, some people make it a four-day weekend or at least they are not going to work this morning. maybe they will be getting away or whatever is happening -- let's go right to highway 237. i want to show you the traffic is moving along. usually it's not this good. that means it's gonna be a nice drive for you. if you have to go to your job in the valley, not too bad. this morning we're looking at the 880 in the coliseum area. northbound and southbound, the traffic is right. yesterday was the raiders game.
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tonight, the as are back. just to let you know the as are in for the weekend to do a weekend three-game set. a good way to get there is to take b.a.r.t. westbound bay bridge that traffic looks good and it's light for this friday. here's steve. thank you, sal. happy friday. look atingthat -- look at that fog. san francisco, 54, i guess now, just yuch dated -- updated 54? george irk, i saw 55. yesterday, 67. so they've dropped a good 10, 12 degrees. here is the key, a any time voer and napa and marin county gets a south wind in this pattern, you get a south wind and that west-northwest 12 is
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at sfo, they were also calm yesterday. so things are starting to change. 55 san francisco or 54 depending upon where you are at. 52 fairfield, same for san jose. san jose yesterday was 70 at this time. they are 62. there's definitely some signs of a cooling pattern taking place. high pressure is still sitting on it. but there's some very, very warm air aloft. 60s, 70s by the coast. the fog is not going anywhere. if anything, it will start to ramp up tonight. 70s, 80s around the bay. not the 101 that we saw in livermore and also fairfield yesterday. 55 to 68 current temperature, i'm going 68 in the city. two days ago, it was 84. yesterday it was 83. temperatures are dropping. mount tam is 74. very warm air aloft. they are 4 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. the warming has stopped. all of the signs, the forks the
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west-southwest wind all spell cooler conditions. 39 tahoe so if you do go to the mountains, it will be cool. 50s, 60s in the valley. 50s up and down the coast. that's going to mean goodbye to the heat and not so much today inland but definitely tomorrow. we'll take that into sunday as well. it does look like it will be warmer tomorrow. clouds, fog, sunny and warner away from the coast. cooler in the 70s, 80s the trend is for cooler into saturday and sunday, monday warmer. tuesday, cool. thank you, steve. we're learning new information about whether there is any leak in the gulf of mexico after that explosion and how the workers made sure they all survived the ordeal. and the mother of kidnapped victim jaycee dugard may be
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facing disappointing news. south of laredo, there's a place...
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so hot, rattlesnakes combust. ♪ but we go, cause ya gotta eat bold. [ male announcer subway fiery footlong subs. the bold-acious new turkey jalapeño melt and buffalo chicken. subway. eat bold!
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four adults and three kids are on this boat that you see there. it became stuck there late last night. they're coming to rescue them at about 7:30. they've been looking up to chopper 2 waving from time to time. there doesn't appear to be anyone hurt or anything like that but they can't get them out because the water is too shallow. when high tide comes in with 7:30, they should be rescued.
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i just wanted to bring you live pictures so you could see what we see and hopefully they will be home soon. there's fire in rural san diego county. since yesterday, 720 acres have burned, about 50 miles east of san diego. we just checked with fire officials. this fire is 15% contained. no homes are threatened. no injuries are reported yet but the fire is within a mile of an elementary school. classes will probably be affected for a second day today. this morning an investigation is underway into the cause of the latest oil rig fire in the gulf of mexico. the mariner energy platform is
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located about 100 miles south of louisiana's vermilion bay. all 13 workers on board the platform jumped into the water when it caught on fire and were rescued. you can see them there. only 12 of the workers were able to grab life vests so they kept the other worker afloat in the gulf until rescuers arrive. the coast guard says there does not seem to be any oil leaking at the site. alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. newsroom with the political fallout from this latest incident. good morning, alison. >> reporter: good morning. yesterday's oil rig fire was obviously much different than the bp disaster five months ago. it's raising a lot of questions about how oil rigs operate in the gulf. already some environmental groups and some members of congress say this latest scene it proof that offshore drilling is just too dangerous. they are urging president obama to expand a temporary ban on deepwater drilling to more
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shallow water. the oil industry and officials in louisiana are rejecting those calls. >> what we continue to believe is that energy exploration can and should be done safely. we've always said that instead of a one-size-fits-all moratorium, we want the federal government to listen to the contract experts. >> reporter: and a bizarre threat from bp "the new york times" reports that bp is warning congress that its lawmakers passed legislation that bars the company from getting new offshore permits it may not have the money to pay for the damages from the oil spill. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> okay. thank you. time now, 7:17. well, a bill is sitting on the governor's desk now that would put new restrictions on shipping companies to protect california's waters from oil spills. this bill was passed by lawmakers that requires ships to be surrounded by floating booms when they are
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transferring oil. the bill was introduced after the tanker, dubai star, spilled a lot of oil at the san francisco bay last october. the measure allows the state to raise the keys on oil shipped into california. the governor has not said yet whether or not he will sign the bill. 7:1. the right now -- 7:17. right now, at the white house, president obama is making remarks on the jobs numbers. let's listen in. >> new figures show the economy produced 67,000 private sector jobs in august. the eighth consecutive month of private job growth. additionally, the numbers for july were revised upward to 107,000. that's positive news. it reflects the steps we've already taken to break the back of this recession. it's not nearly good enough. that's why we need to take further steps to create jobs
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and keep the economy going including tax cuts for the middle class and in the weeks ahead i'll be discussing some of these ideas in more detail. but one thing we also have to do right now, one thing we have a responsibility to do right now is to lift up our small businesses which accounted for over 60% of job losses in the final months of last year. that's why, once again, i'm calling on congress to make passing a small business jobs bill, its first order of business when it gets back into session later this month. here's why this is so important. up until this past may, we were not only waiving fees for entrepreneurs who took out small business loans, we were also encouraging more banks to make loans to responsible business owners. these steps are part of the reason about 70,000 new small business administration loans
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have been approved since i took office and i thank karen mills for the outstanding job she's been doing as administrator of the small business administration. we've also been fighting to extend these loan enhancement with a small business loans bill. it's a bill that would double the amount that some small business owners can borrow to grow their company. it will eliminate capital gains on small business. it will expand and accelerate $ $55 billion in -- in small businesses. keep in mind. it's paid for. it will not add one time to our deficit. simply put, this piece of legislation is good for workers. it's good for small business people. it's good for our economy. and yet republicans in the senate have blocked this ball.
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a needless delay that's led small business owners across this country to put off hiring, put off expanding and put off plans that will make our economy stronger. i've repeated since i ran for office there's no silver bullet that's gonna solve all of our economic problems overnight. but there are certain steps that we know will make a meaningful difference for small businessmen and women, who are the primary drivers of job creation. there's certain measures that we know will advance -- >> you've been listening live to president obama speaking outside the white house on the labor department's new job report that came out this morning. it was better than expected. there are -- private employers added 67,000 jobs in august. the unemployment rate inched up to 9.6%. so the president is saying more work needs to be done. he's talking about tax cuts for the middle class and is calling on congress to pass a small
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business jobs bill. he wants that done after the summer recess. he wants that done to keep the economy going. the stocks are down. you can see them. the dow is up 84 points right now after that labor department report on jobs came out this morning. >> we'll keep watching it. there's a california 8th grader who admits to stabbing his stepfather but we'll tell you why he won't face criminal charges. and california is getting rid of the often-criticized standardized tests. northbound, san jose, this traffic looks good and most of the freeway traffic is looking good except for one major exception.
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a man who admitted to stabbing his stepfather won't be facing charges. that's because the d.a. found out that he was forced to to stop his stepfather from taking action against his mother. a bill requires the dmv to ask people to -- to ask people if they want to be organ donors when they renew their driver's licenses. steve jobs pushed for the change after having a liver transplant last year. jobs said he was able to go to tennessee for his tranlz plant because the waiting list in california was so long. but he understands many people don't have the money to do
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that. >> he focused a lot of attention on that. >> yeah, he did. uh-huh. 7:25. sal's been busy this morning, even though it's been friday light on the roads, right, sal? >> sal looks a little board. [ laughter ] >> am i on tv? >> yes, you are on tv. >> good morning, everybody. i was just distracted by something. good morning, everybody. let's go out and take a look at some of these pictures. it's light. there's not a lot going on. so westbound 237, traffic is going to be busy as you -- not busy as drive 880, all the way out to the 101 it looks good. also this morning's commute looks very nice. we have not had a backup at all at the bay bridge toll plaza. it looks good all the way into the city. i promise you there would be one place where we did not have light traffic and, of course, that's highway 4. i know i'm gonna get the e-mails.
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highway 4 never takes a break. here's steve. sal, thank you, sir. good morning. happy friday, everyone. we do have fog back. it was slow to the coast but this came pouring in. and there it is, san francisco 54 still very low. it's behoe sutro tower. it's a couple hundred feet. it's starting to stack up. temperatures are getting on the cooler side. 50s, 54 san francisco. 24 hours ago, 57. that's a pretty big drop. it's more of a west wind even out at fairfield and sfo, they are all showing a west or southwest wind so there you go. 50s and 60s. even inland temperatures are down 5 to 7 compared to yesterday when it was still very calm. you can see the fog ott coast -- on the coast. 60s, 70s around the bay. 90s inland. it's not but not as hot as yesterday. to the left right where it says fog on the coast, that's starting to push in.
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as it does that will lift the fog. the theme is for warm to hot. overall, by tomorrow, everyone is in on this cooling trend that will take us into sunday. low clouds and fog, sunny and warm. if you're inland, 90s but not the low 100s like livermore and fairfield had yesterday. cooler on the coast. it had extend into inland areas. monday does look warmer. here is a big cooling trend tuesday and wednesday. dave and tori? >> thank you, steve. we'll continue to follow this hour's breaking news. a chopper went down on highway 101 this sa lin kniss -- salinas. >> reporter: good morning. i'm jade hernandez. the alameda county sheriff's office need your help finding these two men. they are connected to a kidnapping and murder case case. we'll have more on that. "mornings on 2" will be right back.
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we want to update this morning's breaking news from salinas. a helicopter went down on highway 101 near the salinas airport. it happened about 6:10 this morning. investigators say the one person flying the chopper, who was the only person on board, suffered minor injuries. southbound 101 is closed near airport boulevard because the chopper freewayed over on the
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freeway and spilled some fuel. caltrans crews are cleaning that up right now. so far, there's no word if the accident has affected any flights at salinas airport. ktvu's claudine wong is heading to the scene and will have a live report shortly. we'res following this -- we're also following this story, seven people stranded on a boat. the coast guard says their boat became stuck last night near solano county. newschopper2 got some shots over the scene and is live there right now. you can see the boat and what it's stick in, the shallow water. have you four adults and three children aboard the boat and very shallow waters. as our camera pans to the left, look towards the top of your screen. there is a coast guard boat approaching them. it's closed but it's still far away because of the shallow waters that coast guard boat is taking -- there it is.
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there's the coast guard. rescue boat is slowly approaching that stranded boat right now. so again, you've got four adults, three kids on that stranded boat near ri rer island in the concord area. the coast guard is nearby. nobody is hurt. nobody is in danger. they just can't get them off right now. we're learning more about the jealous rage that appears to have set off this week's deadly rampage. it now appears the fuse was lit over a fist fight ten days ago. police took pictures of efren valdemoro. police say valdemoro said he was asleep with his girlfriend, cindy tran, when ricardo sales
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came into their bedroom angry about a letter valdemoro had written. that letter called sales a backstabber and the son of sales came in to help his father. the father and son claim they had to subdue valdemoro to keep him from attacking them. five days later, police found the body of ricardo sales inside his home. he had been beaten to death. police are still soifing for his 35-year-old -- searching for his 35-year-old son frederick. they fear he's also a homicide victim. they are looking into the landfill this morning. more at 8:00. a decision is expected today from prosecutors in order to file charges in a murder
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case. charles rittenhouse may have killed his wife and her friend, according to police. their bodies were found in rittenhouse's vallejo home. at the same time, police found chemical explosives. rittenhouse is a chemical engineers. also tonight, the former coworkers of valdemoro's girlfriend will gather for a memorial service at vallejo's glen cove shopping center. it will be heald right outside the hail and nail salon where cindy tran worked. investigators say valdemoro strangled her while she was inside her car during a high- speed police chase. tran reportedly talked to her coworkers on the cell phone during the police chase. they heard her pleading for her life. the chase ended when police shot and killed valdemoro in richmond on tuesday night. a manhunt is underway for two men suspected in a kidnapping and murder case.
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jade hernandez joins us now with details of where the suspects were last scene. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning, tori. one of the men was last seen and spotted in oakland. the others thought to be in sacramento. that's 80 alameda county sheriff's office wants to get this information out. let's get right to it. i want you to take a good look at these two men. both men are being considered suspects in the kidnapping and death of an east palo alto man whose body turned up last week. the sheriff's office has arrest warrants for manual trujillo and kahn. investigators believe trujillo is in the area and khan was spotted last weekend. both are suspects in the murder of frankie lopez. his body turned off the side of niles canyon road in fremont. authorities believe the 27-year- old father of two may have had the fight with a men at a
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marijuana grow at it house in hayward. that could have led to his death. lopez was with his brother at the time he disappeared. trujillo and khan believe they came to the house to argue. frankie's body turned up only after investigators arrested a man they believe to be involved. we've contacted a spokesman for the sheriff avenue office. we're waiting for more information about these two suspects. reporting live from san leandro, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. the suspected gang member charged with wounding a fremont police officer is back in the area this morning. the meald county sheriff's -- alameda county sheriff avenue department released this photo of the suspect following his transfer from san diego. he's in jail awaiting his arraignment on tuesday. police in san diego arrested him just a few feet from the mexican border.
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investigators say he has confessed to shooting officer todd young one week ago. but he says he did not know young was a police officer. doctors at oakland's highland hospital will hold a news conference today to upgrade officer young's condition. his wife will also make a short time. they say officer young has shown signs of improvement but may need more surgery. he suffered two bullet wounds during the gunfight. the mother of jaycee dugard is having trouble getting money from the state. she says she suffered emotional trauma after her daughter's captivity. she filed a complaint. the claim was not included in the state's $20 million settlement with jaycee dugard and her daughters. there is a warning this
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morning from san rafael police about three incidents involving suspicious men approaching teenaged girls. the first two happened saturday within hours of each other. police say in both cases, the men pulled up alongside the girls, tried to talk to them and then drove off. the third incident happened tuesday when police say a man followed the girl home. there are a different description of these men. but investigators are looking into whether the cases may possibly be connected. w-7 39 -- it's 7:39. we want to check in with sal castanedo keeping a close eye on the commute. it's probably expected to be lighter than normal? >> it is lighter than normal. what we're going to find most people are leaving the bay area. most people are not going to the office. that's apparent by these picture. traffic is moving along okay on 880. a train is running 15 minutes
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late because of an earlier equipment problem. b.a.r.t. is running delays from macarthur to richmond, 15- minute delays now. watch for delays on b.a.r.t. westbound on bay bridge not too bad coming into san francisco. no major problems. it's been light on all of the bay area bridges. westbound 92, westbound 84, so about the only thing we have to worry about today are some of the slowdowns on highway 4 and again, i want to run down a b.a.r.t. delay, 15 minutes from mack care ther station to richmond because of earlier problems with b.a.r.t. central. let's go to steve. all right, sal. thank you. great information. i do have the twitter thing there. but the fog is moving up petaluma, heading towards sebastopol with a little breeze there with santa rosa. great information. thank you. sp weather if you want to send me some weather information. that's one sign of a cooling
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trend. fairfield was calm for two days in a row. very rare to see that. west-southwest 15 and sea breeze, sea breeze. west-southwest at sfo. they were calm. any time you see a southerly breeze in this pattern, that also spells cooler. that's a really cool pattern for santa cruz as well when you get that south wind up and that's what's happening. the fog is there. it's still shallow. high is saying i don't want to let you go yet, but it's going to lose out. 50s in the city. mid-50s, had a nice e-mail from kathy. she said am i dreaming or do i feel the sea breeze? yes, you did, kathy. yesterday, it kicked in late. that was 83. we'll go 68 on the high side. temperatures in santa rosa, 98. that was downtown right by montgomery village. today we'll go 88. the city 83 to 68. 92 in walnut. boy, that's hot. 78 in oakland.
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that's down 10. some of the low clouds starting to work their way in. mount tam, 72. and the trend is now down. sonoma counsel -- down to 15. gilroy, mid-50s. same for castro valley. pleasanton has checked in at 62 degrees. 39 tahoe. 95 near give lack -- girlack. the low is on its way to lift the fog tonight and that will carry us into a much cooler pattern for the weekend. it's gonna drop us into sunday. monday does look warmer and then a very strong low begins to move in on tuesday and wednesday, possibility of the first rain for mendocino county next wednesday. i know it's gonna be a good drop in the temperatures by 25,
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30 degrees. mid-90s still inland but not as hot as yesterday. and then inland areas drop tomorrow. we'll take it into sunday. here comes the cooling trend, tuesday/wednesday. thank you, steve. 7:42. a local police department is using new technology to make sure officers are acting professionally. a review of pg&e smartmeters reveals some good news and some bad news for the agency.
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the numbers are still higher. the dow was down triple-digits better than an -- from a better than expected job report. private sectors added more jobs than expected. the unemployment ran slightly to 9.6%. a services data report came in a little weaker than expected. that's put a bit of the damper on the rally. this is day 65 with no california budget. governor schwarzenegger is saying it takes more courage, not time, to finalize this bill. yesterday, the governor introduced a plan that includes
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changes for employees. he says this has to be part of the budget deal that he are sign. the tax changes include income tax cuts for individuals and businesses, also a change in the state's sales tax structure. well, california and 43 other states will soon replace the often criticized standardized test for math and english. instead of the old written test, the new ones would be mostly given on computers. during the exams, students may get harder or easier questions, depending on their answer. the goal would be to evaluate critical thinking, writing, listening and even research skills. in alleges, student test scores will be added to teacher evaluations. the new test will begin in the 2014-2015 school year with the help of a federal grant. an independent review of pg&e's controversial smartmeters says the meters are accurate despite widespread
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complaints. the california public utilities commission ordered the independent audit. it found the meters were -- meters reliably measure customers' electricity and gas usage but the report criticized pg&e for not adequately adring customer complaints. >> we heard loud and clear that what was found lacking was customer communication and customer service. >> reporter: in the meantime experts say the radiation exspore our levels from smart meters is far lower than what people receive from cell phones. pg&e plans to install almost 10 million smartmeters by 2012. 7:4. the brentwood police department in east contra costa county may be a small one but it's equipped with the latest technology. police officers already have dash mounted video cams raw on their patrol cars and their tasers have video cameras built in. that will start recording the minute the taser is activated.
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there's now body cammers, about the size of a double-a battery. police say video of their action is very helpful in defending themselves of any -- of any allegations of misconduct. there's concerns of hurricane earl as it barrels down on north carolina just in time for holiday weekend. sandra endo is live from kill devil hills with the latest. >> reporter: i can tell you that the eye of the storm has pass this area of north carolina's shoreline. we understand from the national hurricane center that it's right now about 130 miles off the coast of cape hatteras. earlier this morning, it brushed along the shoreline, wreaking havoc in terms of heavy rain and strong winds. you can see the high surf behind me. it's just a taste of what the east coast will experience throughout the day. whipping wind and drenching rain started socking the east coast late thursday.
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first in hurricane earl's sites north carolina shore. >> north carolina dodged the bullet. we're glad that that bullet is now out of other state for the most part. >> reporter: all along the eastern seaboard, hurricane watches and warnings were in effect days before the storm. nk nk declared a state of -- north carolina declared a state of emergency. >> this shows that the team we've assembled here and the team throughout the state, the town and county government and the fema partnership has proven, once again, that north carolina's emergency system is as good as any in the country. >> reporter: local businesses on hatteras island are already taking an economic beating from this store. >> it couldn't have come at a worst time. >> labor day is busiest weekends, the last weekend for the summer. >> reporter: hours before earl's approach daring surfers
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tooked advantage of the big waves. >> just got out of school. i'm not excited about the rain and auld of the wind -- and all of the wind. it's kind of a bummer. >> reporter: now the rain and all of that wind is traveling up the east coast at about 18 miles an hour. the storm is expected to weaken, downgrading to a category 1 hurricane. and is expected to make landfall in nova scotia. back to you. >> sandra, it's still a pretty powerful hurricane. is it having any impact on air travel in that area? >> reporter: oh, absolutely because also it is a very important holiday weekend, the three-day weekend for many people. travel was expected to be heavy but a lot of airline carriers are saying check with them before you get on board. there are gonna be a lot of flight cancellations and delays
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as hurricane earl makes its impact felt along the east coast as well as flooding. we know here and in north carolina there's flooding on the local interstates so make sure before you head out of town or your house to check those conditions. >> all right. san trau endoe ri v for us -- sandra endo live for us. thank you. we want too upgreat the -- we want to upgrade the breaking news. these are the first live pictures right now of the scene. it happened around 6:15 this morning. you can see there is quite a bit of wreckage there. it looks like those are the legs of the helicopter sticking up in the air. there's just one person on board, the person flying helicopter and we understand te just had had -- they just had minor injuries. it does look pretty foggy down there. we don't know if that was a factor but this is quite close to the salinas airport. southbound 101 is closed near -- it looks like one lane is now getting through on
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southbound 101 as you can see the crews are still trying to clean up the mess there. there was a fuel spill. it looks like some light powder on the ground to try to absorb that. cleaning that up right now. ktvu's claudine wong is at the scene and she will have an update for us shortly and we -- but we want to again let you know at 6:10 this happened this everyone mock. the helicopter was trying to land at salinas airport. it looks like there was some kind of problem and it flipped over onto southbound 101 right at airport boulevard. the freeway was closed for a time but we could tell from these live pictures that there's one lane that's open. it looks like another helicopter is flying near the area. we're not sure if that's someone reporting on this or someone planning to land it at the local airport. >> this story is remarkable. just look at the pictures. he walked away from that with minor injuries. that chop chopper is wrecked. steve paulson knows that area
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very, very well. >> quarter to a--mile visibility. >> and it -- it landed on a busy roadway. >> and the traffic is lighter -- >> tori and dave? >> yes. >> you see the chopper that flew by? that's the same kine of -- type of copter that crashed. it's a -- people who have watched ktvu for a long time might recognize it. it's the same type of departmenter that's featured in the opening of "m.a.s.h." >> oh, yeah. >> this copter was oerned by a company that does fumemy great lakes.
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the person flying the copter walked away, was taken to the hospital for observation. we're all looking at how foggy it is there. that has to be investigated, the visibility down there. >> right, well, it's pretty low visibility. you just saw the other chopper. helicopters can actually fly in very low visibility, flames cannot. it's unclear why this person was taking off in bad weather. sal, do you know what kind
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of backup there is on southbound 101. i know this may not be the main commute direction but because it's a holiday weekend there may be people heading south for the long weekend. >> when the lanes were completely closed, we heard reports from chp that people were doing crazy things on southbound 101 to try to get out of the traffic. now that they've opened up the lane, tori, it's easy some of the traffic. it's pretty easy. it's not a major commute corridor. it's not like 101 and san jose. but people to drive by. definitely some traffic. but not a major probm. it's more of a curiosity to see something like this on the freeway. that certainly is quite a site to see that wreckage there. again, this helicopter that crashed at about 6:10. one person on board, minor injuries. certainly good news about that. claudine wong is on the scene and she will have a live dwrup
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request date for us. rye now we want to check in with steve for more on the weather. >> thank you, tori. yes, visibility -- in the weather lingo, we say 100-foot overcast. i know it's feet. we say foot. a quarter-mile visibility. that fog is coming in from the ocean and it snakes its way down the salinas valley and fills in. very thick down there. very thick around here, too. but it's higher here. a couple hundred feet up to 500. maybe make it to 500 to 1,000. it's there, thing -- the fog, coastal fog. 60s, 70s, 80s. yesterday was 83. the day before was 8. fog is making it in -- making it from petaluma. lake tahoe, 39.
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reno, 59. 50s, 60s in the valley. 660s, 70s, 80s. cooler for the weekend. we want to update a story that we've been following for the past two hours. our news crews just arrived in salinas at the scene where a helicopter went down ton a busy freeway just about two hours ago. ktvu's claudine wong will join us live with an update. also, right now, seven boaters right there. you can see them real good. they are stranded on an island near concord. the coast guard can't rescue them at least for now.
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i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. it's friday, september 3rd. let's get right to the top story -- a helicopter crashed on highway 101 this morning. claudine wong is at the scene right now. claudine just arrived. we're trying to link up with her right now. she has all of the details. she's standing right near the wreckage but will be with us momentarily. right now, seven people are stranded on a boat north of concord. they've been there all night. the coast guard says their 17- foot motorboat somehow got stuck late last night.
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it is -- this is happening near ryer island in solano county. newschopper2 got aerial shots of the scene just a short time ago. theirs the boat. the coast guard says three adults and four children are stuck in this boat. the crews cannot rescue them yet because the boat, as you can see, it's in very shallow water. it's actually up on a shoreline there at the island. the important thing is here no one is hurt or in any danger. you can see them waving to newschopper2. a rescue is expected later this this, mooing -- is expected later it morning during high tide. let's go live to claudine wong is at the scene where a hospital -- where a helicopter crashed in the salinas area. you are right next to it, right? >> reporter: that's right, dave. incredible pictures. let's show you the pictures of this helicopter that crash- landed. it landed upside down. you can see the cabin where the pilot was sitting. amazingly, he walked away from
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this with only minor injuries. but we're told he marrow -- narrowly missed crashing into a big rig that was driving down highway 101 at the time. this has been an accident that shut down the freeway in the last hour. in the last several minutes they opened the fast lane and that's good news for the drivers. i can tell you the commute was just absolutely approached here. one thing they say is a contributing factor -- i know you know the pilot was able to walk away from this. >> we are -- we're very fortunate. he took off from the salinas airport here this morning and quickly became disoriented in the fog, according to his statement. he lost control and handed -- landed on the southbound lanes of highway 101. we're very fortunate that no vehicles were involved in this. >> reporter: pretty incredible when i are looking at these pictures. it looks like you landed
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absolutely up side down, that he was able to walk away. >> it is amazing he was able too walk away. it's a busy weekend for everyone. we want to be -- we want everybody to be safe. >> what kind of helicopter is this? >> this is a crop-duster. fortunately, there were no chemicals. >> what are we doing -- what are we seeing? we're seeing water? nothing hazardous? >> there's no hazardous material. a little bit of fuel that's come out of the tank because it's on its side. nothing major. no worries for you here. obviously an investigation has to get underway.
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>> the faa is here. we're working to get this cleared out as soon as possible. >> reporter: thank you for joining us with the update. you can see the faa right now -- faa taking a look at this crash scene trying to put it all together. you can see there's the pilot's helmet. this is a crop-dusting helicopter. you are looking at live pictures a little bit earlier, a different helicopter coming through. same type of helicopter. this pilot says he got confused, a little disoriented in the fog out here. that's what caused him to crash. he came down on highway 101. barely missing a big rig but amazingly walked away with this -- from this with only minor injuries. one lane is coming through. it's ul come -- it's coming through slowly but at least it's moving. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2
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news. >> thank you for the update. 8:05. here's another story. ktvu has learned that law enforcement teams from all over the area -- their bay area will focus their search regarding a shooting and kraig debro is live. >> reporter: police have linked efren valdemoro to two deaths. his girlfriend and ricardo sales and they are thinking that maybe he's linked to a third, frederick sales. police are gonna be out here in less than an hour. they will be picking through tons and tons of garbage. this is a videotape shot we took. it shows the keller canyon landfall. it's not clear why they are looking out here. if they are just going on experience. now the 35-year-old -- if he's here, police should find him. they have law enforcement agencies from all over the bay area. the 35-year-old is missing
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since saturday. his brother reported him missing that same day. he reported ricardo sales missing. they found 73-year-old ricardo sales bludgeoned to death that day. the body was inside the bedroom wented from cindy tran. police believe there was a fight and that provides the motive for murder. in late august, police say ricardo woke up to a letter written to sales. the letter accused him of being a backstabber and a liar. ricardo sales went to confront valdemoro he and tran were asleep in a downstairs bedroom. the two got in a fight. valdemoro filed a police report after receiving several facial injuries around his eye and lower face.
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he says ricardo threw the first punch. at some point during the night frederick jumped in. police shot and killed richmond on monday night. valdemoro got in the car and ran outof the car. when police looked inside the car which belocked to cindy tran, they found her in the passenger seat. police say she was strangle ld to death during the high-speed chase. police say valdemoro killed the two because he believes the two might have been romantically involved and they think he's responsible for his death. now, later this morning, in about an hour, several law enforcement agencies should be coming to this dump to search
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for frederick sales 'body. back to you. >> thank you. today, investigators will try to recover the bodies of two of the three victims killed in a plane crash in redwood city. the plane plunged into a lagoon around redwood shores. >> robert borman is the pilot. >> we reached the son of robert borman by phone. he tells ktvu his son was on his way to visit him. the plane will stay in the water until the ntsb completes its investigation. our channel 2 website has more
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video from the crash scene. go to and click on the bay area news tab on the front page. 8:09. let's get the latest on the commute and what's happening in the south bay? >> well, we're watching the south bay because we might expect traffic to get a little busier but we haven't seen too much of it. let's go to milpitas, 237. we're getting some slowing finally as you cross 880 and head out to zanker road. b.a.r.t. is delayed about 15 minutes because of equipment problems. it's 8:10. let's go to steve.
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we are in the fog for some. fog is starting to lift a little bit down towards salinas. it's about 100 feet. the fog is beginning to work its way in. it's a sign of a cool earl pattern. west sfo at 10. travis, west-southwest at 14 yesterday. it was calm. i just talked to a colleague of mine out in cordelia. he says he has wind over 25 miles an hour. we'll go 68 in san francisco after yesterday's 83 low clouds and fog and temperatures, whenever that fog decides to get its act together and come in. it's always a tough call. we'll drop santa rosa, 10. i know the fog -- i think it's into sebastopol. i know it's in petaluma, parts
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of petaluma. oakland, 87. down 10 to 77. san jose, 96. i'll go 88. but the low clouds are there. tahoe was down to 39. they've been in the 90s. it's been hot. reno was 9. 50s, 60s up and down the coast. it will still be hot for another day. see the little spin in the atmosphere. that will be boot scootin' on into the pacific northwest. that -- that's right. boot scootin'. that's going to lift that fog. low clouds, fog, sunny, and warm. 60s on the coast.
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by the way, santa cruz, the tubes are there at the santa cruz beach and boardwalk for two shows. 80s, 90s through the interior. fairfield, 92 today. cooler on the weekend, here comes a big cooling trend and possible rain on wednesday for lake county and mendocino county. dave and tori? >> thank you, steve. we're continuing to follow this morning's chopper crash. it happened two hours ago on southbound 101 in salinas. these are live pictures of the scene. dad, sometimes i feel like we're different. are we? we are different, son.
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we serve teriyaki bowls. delicious steak or grilled chicken on a bed of steamed rice, with broccoli, carrots and teriyaki sauce. you bet we're different and proud of it. but aren't we different in another way? we serve anything on our menu anytime of day. that's my boy.
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a helicopter went down on highway 101 near the salinas airport. it happened about 6:10 this morning. these are live pictures of the scene. you can see the wreckage of the chopper on the freeway still. investigators say the one person flying the chopper suffered just minor injuries. he was able to walk away from this crash. but he's now at the hospital just for observations. he says he narrowly missed crashing into a big rig on the freeway. the crash has shut down all but one lane on southbound 101. you can see that one lane going
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through. all northbound lanes are open and traffic is fairly light in this area through salinas. ktvu's claudine wong is at the crash scene and she will have a live upwith date at 8:30. >> an incredible story. time now is 8:16. this morning an investigation continues into the cause of the latest oil rig fire into the gulf of mexico. the mariner energy platform is about 100 miles south of louisiana's vermilion bay. now, all 13 workers who were on that platform jumped into the water. they've all been rescued. there they are right now. only 12 of the workers will able to grab life vest. they kept the other worker afloat in the gulf until the rescuers got there. the coast guard says there doesn't seem to be any oil leaking at the site. alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. newsroom with the political fallout from this latest incident. good morning, alison. >> reporter: well, good morning to you, dave. environmental groups and some numbers of congress are already
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saying that the fire on the marner in energy platform is just more proof that offshore drilling is too dangerous. they are calling on president obama to expand a temporary ban on deepwater drilling to more shallow. the oil industry and officials in louisiana are rejecting those calls while marner in energy is emphasizing there was never any danger of a spill. >> there were know drilling activities underway. this isn't a blowout by any means. it's a fire that is contained on the facility. >> reporter: in another development, a threat from bp, the new york times reports that bp is warning congress that if lawmakers pass legislation that bars the company from getting new offshore permits. it may not have money to pay for the damages from the oil spill. a house bill from local congressman george miller would bar any company from receiving permits if more than ten fatalities had occurred. at its facilities. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu
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channel 2 news. 8:18. a bill now sitting on governor schwarzenegger's desk would put new restrictions on shipping companies to protect california's coastal waters from oil spills. the bill passed by state lawmakers require ships to be surrounded by a floating barrier or boom while transferring oil. the bill was inthrow duesed after the tanker, dubai star spilled oil into the san francisco bay last october. the measure also allows the state to increase fees on oil shipped into california. the governor has not said yet whether he will sign the bill. and yesterday, governor schwarzenegger thanked steve jobs the ceo of apple as he signed california's new organ donation bill. the bill requires the dmv to ask people if they want to be organ donors when te apply for or renew their licenses. steve jobs pushed for the change after having a liver transplant last year. job says he was able to go to
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tennessee for his transplant because the waiting list in california was so long. but he understands many people don't have the money to do that. the new bill also creates the first living donor registry for kidney transplants in the country. 8:19. next month, the san mateo county sheriff's department will take over the police duties in the city of san carlos. last night the san carlos city council unanimously approved a five-year contract despite some public outcry. >> this is a bitter pill for the community to swallow. let's not sugar coat this. >> the city officials say the change will save a lot of money. san carlos is the first city in the county to outsource its police department but it may not be the last. >> this is just the beginning of what will be a trend as municipalityies face these economic difficulties. >> all of the 26 sworn officers
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will become deputies wearing sheriff's department uniforms. san carlos patrol cars will carry sheriff decals. the police headquarters will become a sheriff's substation. it is 8:20. the mystery of a foul smell at mineta san jose airport has been solved. what airport officials uncovered when they looked beneath terminal a. ñq
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the mother of kidnapped victim of jaycee dugard has had a setback in her efforts to get money from the state. she says she suffered psyche hodge cal and emotional -- psychological and emotional trauma from her daughter's 18 years of captivity. she made a formal request to the state board that exent sates crime victims. how far, they are recommending that the courts handle her claim. that claim was not included in the $20 million settlement of jaycee dugard and her daughters. the mystery of what caused a foul odor at san jose's international airport may be solved and the bad smell is
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gone. officials at min net mineta san jose say a broken sewer line was probably the source of the problem that started last april. a video camera was sent through the underground pipes. crews have fixed it and there have been in new reports of foul smelling air. 8:24. hey, sal, how are we doing on the road and the bridges. the bridges, dave, funny you ask that. i have the answer for you and tori, too. let's go out and take a look at the bridges now. i think you will love the bay bridge if you have to drive across the bay today. richmond bridge looks good. san mateo and golden gate traffic looking good. i want to remind you this is a maximum enforcement for the chp for the holiday weekend. they have more officers on the road looking for impaired, unsafe and otherwise bad drivers out there that could -- they can cite you and any time. take that it easy -- take it
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easy. here's steve. as you can see, plenty of fog there. now we'll zoom in on some of the fog. sometimes it makes a rush and -- push and runs into resistance. i are show you one right now. coming up 101, where it says 8:25. that's petaluma. let me get my bearings. comes up 101. that's 116. let's see where the fog makes it on the west side of 101 but not on the east side. doesn't make it up to santa rosa. doesn't quite make it to sebastopol. they can come out a little bit on this. come out. come out. there it is. there's your fog. not making much of a push. it's making a strong surblg. but look at the west-northwest or the west-southwest wind. it's all in place there. everything's starting for a cooling trend. temperatures will sit be warm to hot. 60s, 70s, 80s ound the bay.
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more 70s and 80s. inland. ñ 68 at this time yesterday. the system very strong low coming into the pacific northwest. it are be another one coming in on the back side of that early next week which will be very strong at least for this time of year. the cooling trend starts today. and makes it all the way inland for you folks in lake county. low cloud the, foggy, sunny, warm. 60s to 90s but down about 9, 10 inland and a good 15 closer to the bay. it will be warmer monday. here comes that next low tuesday, possibility -- i'll mention it, even though it's kind of iffy. but the possibility of rain forth north of us on wednesday. a warning for parents in one bay area city. what several suspicious men have been accused of doing and who they are targeting. >> reporter: i'm jade hernandez.
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the alameda county sheriff avenue office wants you to take a look -- sheriff's office want you to take a look at these two men. they may be involved in a kidnapping. and we'll take you back live to this -- a helicopter crash. ktvu's claudine wong is in salinas and is getting more info about this near disaster on busy highway 101.
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we're getting more information about what happened in this morning's chopper crash. it could have been a lot worse. it went down on highway 101 in
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salinas. claudine wong, what did you find out? >> reporter: we've gotten a lot of new information in the last 20 minutes. the live pictures behind me, they are pretty dramatic. this is the helicopter being turned back over. remember it literally landed down on highway 101. they are trying to flip it back over and get a line open. there's only one lane open. we now know the name of the pilot, his name is frank gomes. he's 63 years old. he's actually the owner of this helicopter crop dusting company that's called gomes air. he apparently had just gotten into this helicopter. he's a pilot with about 30-plus years of experience, according to his company. he left the company -- literally we can see the airport from here.
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got in this helicopter, was flying over to a field and that's when he was going to load up his chemicals. along the way he told the chp he got disoriented by the fog and kind of got vertigo and didn't know which way was up or down. apparently the helicopter was in perfect mechanical working order according to the chp. everything was rotating properly. the problem is he didn't know what way was up or down. he got disor reepted -- disoriented, lost control and landed upside down on the freeway. there was a big rig driving down the freeway. when he landed, the big rig driver said he missed him by just five feet. now, we want to show you the cap -- i don't know if you can see it from this angle because they are pulling this away. it's a pretty precarious situation right there. can you see them taking out what appears to be fuel into the bucket to make sure that's very -- they do this very, very careful.
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there were no chemicals on board this plane. there was simply water. you actually have the fuel from the wenter -- from the chopper. they are feeing -- here is the faa. i want to ask you what's next as far as you can see? >> the company, they are lifting it up and they are gonna put it on a flatbed truck and take it to a facility. >> and you are talking to the pilot trying to figure out what happened? >> exactly. trying to figure out if it was a maintenance issue or if he personally experienced something. >> reporter: that's the faa. they are gonna try to pull the helicopter back off so they can get both lanes of the highway back open. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. for the first time in four months, a national unploem i -- the national unemployment rate has gone up. they report the all jobless rate increased to 9.6% up from 9.5% in july.
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analysts blame weak hiring by private employers saying it was not enough to keep pace with the large increase in people looking for jobs. still, it was not all bad news. the labor department also said private employers added 67,000 jobs in august and that was stronger than expected. president obama commented on the job numbers this morning at the white house. >> we need to take further steps to create the jobs and keep the economy going chudding extending tax cuts for the middle class and investing in the areas of our economy where the potential for job growth is greatest. >> the president also called on congress to make passing the passage of the small business jobs bill. they will make that the first order of business when they return from the summer recess. police are trying to track down two men of suspected of killing an east palo alto man. jade hernandez is live with all
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of the details. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning. one of the men was spotted in oakland. the other thought to be in sacramento. we have new information about what these men have been up. we'll get to that in a second. but first we're live at the alameda county sheriff's the department this moving. they wanted to get this information out so let's go straight to it. take a look at these men. both are considered suspects in the killing of an east palo alto man. the sheriff's office has arrest warrants for 62-year-old manual trujillo and 7-year-old mohammed khan. investigators believe trujillo may be in the sacramento area and khan was last seen in oakland last weekend. both men are thought to be involved in the death andy ace ace -- and disappearance of this man. his body turned up off the side of niles canyon road in fremont. authorities believe the father of 2 was with his brother with near was a fight at a marijuana
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-- when there was a fight at a blaurn growing house. it's believed they thought they were gonna steal the pot so they beat the men. frankie's body turned up only after investigators had a tip that led them to the body. and sergeant nelson joins us this morning. thank you for being here. you do have a little bit more information about these two men that the sheriff avenue office is looking for. we're actively searching for these two men. we do believe them to be armed and dangerous. we believe they have prior felonies and have soivged time in state prison. we also believe mr. khan has been in the oakland area. we think that he's with his girlfriend. she's 34 years old. they may have been married very recently. he's also known to drive a early model black lincoln continental convertible. one -- the sheriff's office wants to get this information out so that the community can
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pay attention. take a look. >> that's right. that's exactly what we're doing this. we would hope that anyone would see -- who to see these men would call their local sheriff avenue office. don't try to interfere. let us come in and take these men into custody. and less is known about mr. khan's whereabouts? >> khan we believe is in oakland. trujillo is in the sacramento area. at this point, with mr. khan, we do think he's driving this older model lincoln continental convertible. so if you see that, do call police. >> reporter: thank you for joining us. again, sheriff's deputies are looking for these two men. we'll have more coming up. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> okay. jade. thank you. 8:37. well the suspected gang member charged with shooting a fremont police officer is back here in the bay area this morning. the alameda county sheriff's department released this booking video of andrew barrientos after he was
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transferred from san diego. he's in jail in oakland right now waiting for his arraignment on tuesday. on friday, police arrested him just a couple of feet from the mexican border. investigators say he's confessed to shooting officer todd young one week ago. but he says he didn't know young was a police officer. now, doctors at oakland's highland hospital will be holding a news conference today to give us the very latest on the condition of officer young. his wife will make a short statement at that time. doctors say officer young has shown signs of improvement in recent days but he's gonna need more surgery. the 39-year-old officer was shot twice during friday's gunfight in oakland. 8:38. there's a warning from san rafael police this morning about three incidents involving suspicious men approaching teenaged girls. the first two happened on saturday within hours of each other. police say in both cases, the men pulled up alongside the girls and tried to talk to them
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and drove off. the third incident happened on tuesday when police say a man followed a girl home. there are different descriptions of the men but investigators are looking into whether the cases are connected. some recent violent incidents in golden gate park have san francisco police considering some new safety measures. city officials tell the "san francisco examiner" that they are pushing for stiffer penalties for trespassers. right now, golden gate park is open all night but it is against the law to sleep there. just last week a homeless man was beaten to death in the park. it was the second homicide in the park this summer. 8:39. sal's gonna help everybody get to where they need to go. it's even foggy at the golden gate bridge, sal? >> right now, the golden gate bridge task is foggy. might as well tell you since you may have heard it. one lane is still closed on southbound 101 in salinas near the airport because of the helicopter crash where the person did manage to walk away.
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it's been a morning of being caught offguard. let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. we talk about fog. it's pretty thick and steve has been telling us that, well, the fog is back. it's back on the coast. it's pretty foggy in san francisco so the fog hasn't been around for the last two days. i'm sure you haven't forgotten how to drive in the fog, have you? i didn't think so. westbound bay bridge, that traffic is light. it look like holiday light there. if you are driving on the milpitas freeways, this is the only slow traffic we see. after that, it does lighten up for your trip over to 101. here's steve. >> thank you, sal. we do have some fog. some fog has made it to san jose. it's very patchy. the mere fact it made it there, about 900 feet. also oakland has a little bit of fog a there is a lot more fog closer to the coast. there it is. you can see the fog banks out
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there. city around 900 feet but there is a westerly wind. west-northwest san jose. west at sfo. west-southwest cordelia. everything is starting to fall into police. still warm to hot inland. out to the valley in parts -- you get inland, lake county, it will still be in the hot category with a lot of 90s. but temperatures will start a little trend of coming down. coastal fog. it their be warm away. fog is getting picked up. ramped up. cooler on the coast. 70s, low 80s around the bay and then some 90s inland. but not as hot as yesterday. mount tam 72. the higher elevations are still warm but they are cooler than yesterday, down 4 from 24 hours ago. sonoma was down to 51. i'm sure they are warming than that. i just haven't had had time to update. it it's in the mountains. reno, 62. black rock city. 95 there yesterday.
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50s up and down the coast through the fog which is solid. that low right there in the pacific northwest, that will help pick up the fog. we're looking for a cooling trend. maybe a little warming but nothing dramatic as we bottom out. on monday, it looks warmer. cooler coast and bayside, a little bit of a westerly braze. still some 90s inland but i'll drop the temperatures a good, 5, 7 degrees. cooler on the weekend. warm he on mnd and a strong low drops in next week -- warmer on the weekend and a long low drops in next week. a dire warning from cal train, what the agency is saying about the budget and how it could affect your commute. south of laredo, there's a place...
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so hot, rattlesnakes combust. ♪ but we go, cause ya gotta eat bold. [ male announcer subway fiery footlong subs. the bold-acious new turkey jalapeño melt and buffalo chicken. subway. eat bold!
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let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're following for you right now. right now, look at this picture. three adults four children. they are stranded on a boat north of concord. it's aground there. the coast guard says their 17-
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foot motorboat somehow became stuck last night in solano county. they are waving for help. the water is just too shallow to rescue them. but the coast guard on the way. ktvu has learned the investigation into a deadly rampage will shift to the pittsburg landfill today. investigators are looking for clues in the disappearance of frederick sales of hercules. investigators say efren valdemoro killed him last weekend. hurricane earl delivered a glancing bow to north carolina and -- blow to north carolina and is now moving to cape cod, massachusetts. it's a lot weaker now. it's a category 1 storm. there are also weather-related delays at airports all over the east coast. that could have an impact on air travel nationwide. today is day 65 without a state budget and governor schwarzenegger is telling lawmakers it takes courage, not more time, to finalize this deal. yesterday he reintroduced a
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plan that includes changes for public employee pensions. the budget process and the state's tax structure. he says these must be part of any budget deal that he signs. the tax changes include income tax cuts for individuals of businesses and a change in the state sales tax structure. california and 4 other states will soon replace the often criticized standardized test for math and english. instead of the old written test, the new ones would be mostly given on computers. during the exam, students may get harder or easier questions, depedestrianing upon their -- depending upon their answers in los angeles students test results will also be added to teacher evaluations. the new tests will begin in the 2014 school year with the help of a 330 million-dollar federal grant.
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8:7. caltrain's budget problems could grow to 30 million because of a hoss of ridership -- loss of ridership and less state funding. caltrain is still considering a combination of fair hikes and service reductions to make up the country shortfall. but next year riders could face even more drastic changes including cuts to weekend service and the gilroy line which riders strongly oppose. a.c. transit, meantime, is also warning of productions to its night owl and weekend services. he says the -- they say the problem is the ongoing labor dispute of it drivers and is costing hundreds of thousands dollars a week. they are expected to vote on the cuts. if they approve it, it could take effect in december. an independent review of pg&e's controversial smartmeters says the meters are accurate despite widespread
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flants. the california public utilities commission ordered the audit and found that necessary reliable measure usage. but the report criticized them for not adequately addressing customer complaints. >> we heard loud and clear that what was found lacking was customer communication and customer service. >> in the meantime, experts say the radiation exposure levels from smart meters is far lower than what eem believed from cell phones. pg&e plans to install almost 10 million smart meters by 12012 -- 2012. it is 8:49. meg whitman has been released from jury duty. she had been selected as a potential juror in a child molestation case in san mateo county. she said she would serve but it would be a challenge because, as you know, she's pretty busy running for governor. meantime her opponent, jerry
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brown, is expected to unveil his first tv ads next week. now, meg whitman already spent $25 million on ads this summer. jerry brown's campaign manager says those attack ads have had little impact. some of the ads have appeared but labor groups paid for them. 8:49. arizona governor january brewer had a pretty awkward moment during a debate with her opponents in the upcoming governor's race. >> we've done everything that we could possibly do -- we have -- did what was right for arizona. i will tell you that i have really -- >> it's something all of us in broadcasting can relate to being on tv. she stumbled through and at one point she said nothing and
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stared at the camera. she said was it was the longest 16 seconds of her life adding she's only human. she said she will not be taking part in any more debates. jennifer lopez reportedly close to signing a deal that would make her a new judge on "american idol." tmz is reporting j-lo's in the final stages of contract talks and barring any last-minute problems the deal, reportedly, could be finalized next week. >> there's been no diva drama reported earlier. just some negotiations that she's hopefully going to revitalize. nine minutes before 9:00. the clue detectives just revealed in their search for two men suspected in a kidnapping and murder case. also, it's a common practice by nightclubs that favors women con city -- is a common practice by nightclubs that favor women constitutional?
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8:5. detectives just released new information about their search for two men accused of kidnapping and killing an east palo alto man. arrest warrants have been issued for 62-year-old manuel trujillo and 47-year-old mohammed khan. khan was seen in oakland last weekend. deputies now believe he's traveling with his 34-year-old girlfriend. in fact, they may have just gotten married. they are believed to be traveling in a black lincoln
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continental. investigators say trujillo may be in the sacramento area. and weigh want to update our -- we want to update our top story. the faa is now investigating this morning's close call on a salinas freeway. a few hours ago, a helicopter went down highway 101. investigators say the one person flying the chopper which was the only person on board, suffered minor injuries. the chopper pilot says he narrowly missed a big rig by about 5 feet. the crash is still blocking one southbound lane of highway 101 all northbound lanes are open. it's 8:55. brentwood police department in east contra costa county may be small but it's equipped with the latest technology. police officers already have dash-mounted video cameras on their patrol cars. their tasers have video cam traus built in -- cameras built in that start recording the minute the tase is activated. the next step is supplying them
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with body scanners. that's about the size of a small-a battery. well, alameda fire chief dave kapler is off the john this morning. he's on paid administrative leave. >> we do vice president an acting chief will be running the department in his absence. >> it's still not clear why the chief was pulled off duty. but as you know, wees criticized last month -- he was criticized last month of him taking -- using gas in his personal vehicle. 8:56. a new documentary about a san jose-born national here roar opens today -- hero opens the day. it is about pat tillman, who was sived six years ago while serving in afghanistan. his death was surrounded by
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controversial after the government first said he was fatally shot by enemy cobble battants. but -- combatants. but it was later determined he died from friendly fire. a new york stay man sued a number of nightclubs because he claimed promotions where they allow women in for free or at a reduced price is unconstitutional. the federal court disappears. we want to check in with sal one more time apparently there is a new crash on 880, sal. that's right. northbound i-80 at high street. you can kind of see it on the camera here. if you get rid of the deco on the top left of the describe. you may be able to see there. there is an accident that has all of the freeway really slow. two lanes are blocked. northbound 880 at high street. now you see the spider who is on the camera there.
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westbound san mateo bridge. let's go to the toll plaza westbound. that traffic is light. remember, tipsy tow is offering free rides if you have had too much to drink this weekend. the clouds will burn off. it will still be warm. 5, 7, 10 degrees cooler. by the coast and bay it had also be noticably cooler. we'll take that into the weekend. tuesday looks like the leading edge of a rather strong low. i hope everyone has a good labor day weekend and stay safe. >> thanks for watching. >> bye now.
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