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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  September 2, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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good morning. we're live in vallejo where we are learning more about how suspected killer efren valdemoro is connected to several of the victims. and we're learning more about what were the last terrifying moments of valdemoro's girlfriend's life. some big slow downs because of an earlier problem on a major bay area highway. pretty good warm up yesterday. see more today. how warm? and spare the air day details coming up. and in a controversial move san carlos could be close to swapping their city uniforms for new attire. the morning news continues. good morning. thank you for joining us this thursday september 2nd. i'm pam cook. [ audio problems ]
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>> i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. here's steve. all right, pam and dave, thank you very much. good morning. skies are clear. fog is pretty far out there. it's getting closer but not going to be a factor at least through the first part of today and temperatures will start to rock up. officially 68 in san francisco. 88 today. 90s down toward santa cruz. upper 80s, low to mid-90s and few upper 90s as you work your way inland. steve, right now highway 4 is recovering after we had an earlier problem blocking the left lane for a bit westbound 4 at willow pass. the accident has been cleared. they've towed the cars away but traffic is still slow as you come up there. bay bridge toll plaza looks pretty good here westbound so far getting into san francisco. now back to the desk. time now 6:01. we've got new information this morning about the possible motive in the killing spree that spans three bay area cities. it now appears the suspect's girlfriend is at the heart of this very disturbing case.
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ktvu's claudine wong joins us outside the vallejo salon where she worked. guilty good morning, claudine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. with five dead police are trying to figure out how all the victims are related to the key suspect efren valdemoro. this shopping center appears to be central to all this. inside the safeway is a wells fargo bank and that's where homicide victim worked as a security guard. became roommates with valdemoro's girlfriend who if we pan just a few doors down you can see the salon and spa that is where cindy worked as a hair stylist. valdemoro was a client there and that's how they met a couple years ago. employees at that salon watched this drama unfold through tran's eyes. sales was killed in hercules at the home where he rented rooms. now tran also lived there with her four sons and co-workers say police had come by the salon to ask questions.
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and they say tran was scared. >> she did say she was a little afraid and she was fearful. she wanted to take the boys and just leave. that's when we offered our home to her. i offered my home to her. but that was the last time we seen her. >> reporter: co-workers also expressed fear for tran's safety and expressed distrust of valdemoro. this morning we are hearing a terrifying account of what were the last moments of tran's life. she was killed by valdemoro during a police chase tuesday night. he was later shot and killed. but in those final terrifying moments the contra costa times says tran was on the phone with a friend as she was in the car and she could be heard begging for valdemoro to stop saying "no, stop, honey, i love you, please, no." friends say the relationship was always rocky. >> we knew there was something about him. she loved him. we loved him. she respected him so we respected him for her sake.
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>> reporter: it's the rocky relationship between sales, valdemoro and tran that may have also led to her murder. police believe there was some kind of jealous rage with either sales or his son and they believe that's what led to a fight between valdemoro and sales. so they are still figuring out a lot here. back out here live at this salon here in vallejo a sign on the door says it will be closed through the weekend and into next week. not sure if this is related to this but certainly co-workers have told us this has been a huge strain on the people who knew and loved cindy tran. live in vallejo, claudine wong, channel 2 news. investigators are still checking on efren valdemoro's suspected ties to the deaths of two women in vallejo. police found their bodies in the home where one of them lived and where valdemoro often stayed. now it's believed the two women were dead for several days. and in another bizarre twist it appears the husband of one of the victims was still living in
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the house. police say that husband, 72- year-old, had stocked up on bomb making material that he took from his chemical engineering job. >> when we located the chemicals, they were in the stable state. they were not a danger to the community at this point because they were not combined in the appropriate mixture to become a danger. >> he is now in jail facing several weapons and explosives charges. another piece of this complicated puzzle is the missing cadillacest collide that turned up in hercules. the suv belonged to one of the vallejo victims, allen, but valdemoro was known to drive it. police towed it for further investigations. police say it could have been parked there for days. it was found in a business park less than a mile from the crepe myrtle drive address where 73- year-old sales was found dead. stay with us here at ktvu channel 2 news throughout the morning as we follow the case of efren valdemoro.
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you can also find more information on our channel 2 website at time now 6:05. the city of san carlos could soon see major changes to its police force. ktvu's jade hernandez is at city hall right now with the details of what is going on with today's scheduled vote. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning. it looks like there are going to be some changes here in san carlos. that's because the city can no longer afford its police department. and it appears the san mateo county sheriff's office will take over the department. tonight the san carlos city down kill will hold a special meeting to discuss the swap. officials did not want to lay off their police officers so they shopped for an outside entity to take the department over. the san mateo sheriff's office won out when it promised to rehire all of san carlos police officers with most of the 26 sworn officers assuming an equal rank at the county level. the police chief would still oversee the department for the
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sheriff's department and he would become captain. also the officers would see pay raises and be exempt from layoffs their first year at the county level. the only downside part time workers and volunteers about three or four people might not retain their status. the way officers who would become deputies patrol the city neighborhoods would not change much. so what would happen to the san carlos police department building? it would become a sheriff substation housing both sheriff's employees and former san carlos officers and the rest of the personnel would be based in redwood city's hall of justice. if all the details are approved tonight, this matter goes to the county board of supervisors and the sheriff's office is tentatively scheduled to take over on october 31st of this year. live in san carlos in front of police headquarters this morning, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. 6:07. another spare the air day has been called for today.
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air quality officials say high temperatures today are expected to cause unhealthy air pollution levels. they're asking you to avoid driving if you can and take public transportation instead. that goes for the dog too? >> i guess so. 63:07 is the time. let's check in with sal because he's checking on contra costa county. >> i've been watching it because of the crash we had on highway 4. it's beginning to recover. there was a crash blocking the two left lanes at willow pass road. those cars are gone. but the traffic is still pretty slow coming up to 4 at willow pass. highway 24 westbound looks okay if you're driving over to the oakland side they were removing a dead deer near college avenue. i want to tell you about that again in case they haven't gotten to it. let's go to san francisco northbound 101 traffic looks good. there are no major problems this morning coming up to the 80 split. on the freeways 580, livermore
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traffic looks pretty good. 6:08. here's steve. sal, thank you, sir. very mild conditions. hardly any wind at all. take a look here. calm at sfo again. north-northeast at oakland that's at the oakland airport. santa rosa calm, napa airport calm, puff of a north-northeast at fairfield and calm at vacaville. so no sea breeze yet that's for sure. and still a little slight component of an offshore. so it won't take long to send those temperatures right back up again. current temperatures are very, very mild. santa rosa officially 58. but chad just sent in an e-mail and said i'm 54 here. so there you go. 54 there. napa 57. 68 in the city. but the temperatures in the city go from 58 to 62 depending on where you are. livermore cooler at 62. twin peaks 72. china basin 68. know valley 63. ocean beach 56 degrees. that's pretty good spread just
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in the city alone. lots of sun. warm to hot today. the fog is out there. it's trying to do this. it's just kind of making a half circle around it. so it's not here yet. it's trying to get to the coast but it's very shallow and it's not yet on the sonoma coast. that's the closest. 96 yesterday in santa rosa. 97 today. 88 downtown san francisco after yesterday's 84. walnut creek 94. 96 oakland didn't change anything 91, 91. san jose 93 same today 93. by the way, real quick, yesterday san jose 93. morgan hill and gill roy 93. did the earth get knocked off the axis. 50s and 60s in the valley. if you have a thermometer e- mail me and let me know what your temperature was. high pressure says not today. warm to hot. patchy fog at best on the coast. maybe a light west wind late but not before 60s, 70s, 80s by
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the beaches and a lot of 90s close to 100 inland. much cooler into the weekend and next week. >> all right. thank you. time now 6:10. sad story. a funeral today for the 13-year- old oakland boy shot to death last week as he walked with his twin brother. police say jimon clark was killed last wednesday. so far no arrests have been made and still no known motive. the funeral for the 13-year-old begins at noon today at the urban missions bible college on 105th avenue in oakland. if you have any information about the murder of jimon clark, contact oakland police. san francisco investigators are asking for your help to identify a woman found dead in a motel parking lot. the medical examiner released this sketch. take a look. they say the woman was 40 years old, 5'8", 129 pounds with wavy brownish-gray hair. she was wearing a blue sweatshirt, green cargo pants, black sandals and a pink
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baseball cap. now her body was discovered on the morning of july 16th in the parking lot of the inn on lombard street. the cause of her death is still a mystery. if you recognize that woman in the sketch, please call san francisco police. time now 6:11. if you hate or if you love pg&e's smart meters, pay attention today. we may find out whether or not the smart meters are overcharging customers. and in less than an hour israeli and palestinian leaders begin direct talks here in washington d.c. i'll show you what president obama is saying to get things started coming up as the morning news continues.
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well, good morning to you. welcome back. time now 6:14. in washington d.c. this morning israeli prime minister and palestinian president sit down together for the first direct negotiations in almost two years. ktvu's allison burns is live in our washington d.c. newsroom with all the details in this very important meeting. good morning, allison. >> reporter: good morning to you, dave. and president obama says he is cautiously optimistic about a peaceful solution to the long running conflict between israelis and palestinians. ahead of this morning's direct talks at the state department, he hosted the palestinian and israeli leaders and the leaders of egypt and jordan for a dinner at the white house last
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night. president obama emphasized a common bond between them. >> we are fathers blessed with sons and daughters. so we must ask ourselves what kind of world do we want to be quite a few to our children and grandchildren. >> reporter: led by talking of hillary clinton will take place. one of the toughest issues they'll deal with is the presumed expansion. palestinians say the talks are over if israel renews settlement construction at the end of this month. we're going to keep watching the meetings at the state department and have live coverage for you during my next update in about an hour. for now we're live in washington d.c. allison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. in their first debate aired live right here on ktvu channel 2, u.s. senate candidates barbara boxer and carly fiorina
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came out swinging. >> barbara boxer may say she's fighting for californians but the truth is she's fighting hardest for another six years in washington d.c. >> every time you really get past the surface you see my opponent fighting for the billionaires, for the millionaires, for the companies who ship jobs overseas. >> both boxer and fiorina say voters have a clear choice between two candidates with very different opinions on many issues. >> if you look at senator boxer's long track record of 28 years in washington d.c., you will see this she is for more taxes, she is for more spending, she is for more regulation and she is also for big government and elite extreme environmental groups. >> people are going to decide if they want to have me back or if they want to elect someone who made her name as the ceo in hewlett pack card laying thousands and thousands of
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workers off shipping their jobs overseas. >> the debate at st. mary's college was the first and so far only scheduled debate between the two candidates before the november election. well, supporters of both of the candidates gathered outside the entrance to st. mary's college with dualing demonstrations. fiorina supporters say the down country needs her to stop the country from turning socialist. and group of union members showed up to support boxer saying she cares about working people. the debate between boxer and fiorina continues on our channel 2 website at you'll find longer excerpts. just look for the debate tab. right now federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is testifying before a congressional commission. he's answering questions about what caused the economic meltdown. show you live pictures right
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now as he is taking questions from the floor there. he is being asked what risks he thinks are posed by large financial institutions. he says one key lesson learned from the crisis is that the fed cannot focus on the financial health of individual banks alone but must also see the overall economic picture. today we're going to find out the result of an independent investigation into pg&e's smart meters. this morning the consultant that was hired to evaluate the smart meter program will present the results at a meeting of the california public utilities commission in san francisco. after that meeting pg&e will make the results public. the independent audit of the smart meter program was ordered after many pg&e customers complained their electricity rates skyrocketed after those new meters were installed. 6:19 is the time. check in with sal. there's a raider game tonight right, sal, that could cause
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problems? >> yeah. the greatness of the raiders may be causing jams. >> seahawks. >> that's right. 7:00 at the coliseum. it is a preseason game. so this is the last preseason game. you need to know that the oakland raiders are at the coliseum. in fact take a look at the 880 freeway. this will be very crowded this afternoon. some of these tailgaters get there really early. get there you know when it opens. so they'll be there early this afternoon. and a lot of people expect for tonight's last preseason game. and then the a's come back tomorrow. so it's going to be crowded the next few days at the coliseum. westbound 92 san mateo bridge that traffic proving okay getting to the high-rise and over to highway 101. looking at fairfield and vallejo the commute looks okay heading to the east shore freeway across from the bridge that traffic looks okay. 6:20. what's the weather going to be like for tonight's game at the coliseum? it will be nice, sal. not a problem. we have temperatures downtown oakland going for low 90s
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today. maybe a late breeze this evening. but not before it's a really warm day for many. look at that already san francisco 67 degrees. that's balmy conditions. no fog. don't have to worry about that. 84 yesterday going 88 today. that's a nice shot. i like that guys. thanks. we have temperatures right now mainly in the 60s. santa rosa 59 officially at sonoma county airport. cooler closer to town. santa rosa warmer than fairfield. don't see that all the time. san francisco as we said 67. twin peak 72 to ocean beach 56. there's a wide variety of temperatures but most are in the 60s including china basin at 68. fog's out there but it's going to take another day. maybe a late breeze being held in check by strong high pressure. sunny and warm to hot. 70s, 80s, 90s to near 100 away from the coast. high pressure another day but there's a system to the left of your screen. that will start a cooling trend tomorrow. patchy fog coast but warm to
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hot for many. light west wind maybe late not before 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by the beaches. and low and mid and upper 90s in the bay. significantly cooler over the weekend and next week. good news from the labor department this morning. both continuing and new jobless claims are down. first time filings for unemployment benefits dropped by 6,000 last week. it's the second week in a row that initial claims dropped. the number of continuing claims also fell by 23,000. but still at 4.46 million. one group of women is out earning their male counterparts. a new study shows single childless women in their 20s who work in big cities are earning an average of 8% more than men in the same circumstances. the biggest difference is in atlanta. a 21%. the biggest gap in california is in sacramento where those women earn 16% more than their male count parts. >> very interesting.
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time now 6:22. we're finding out more about the gunman who was shot by police at the discovery channel's headquarters. coming up we tell you who police believe he was talking to through much of that ordeal. plus we'll tell you how a shift in the weather helped firefighters protect homes from a grass fire. all right. 237 we just talked about the raiders home game. the 49ers also have a home game. the bay area will be in a world of hurt traffic-wise. we'll let you know how to get through it coming up.
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good morning. right now traffic looking pretty good on bay bridges. southbound golden gate and westbound richmond bridge looking good. 6:25. let's go back to the desk. all right, sal, time just turned 6:26. overnight firefighters closely watched the site of a grass fire. this one briefly threatened homes in american canyon. the 30-acre fire started about 3:00 yesterday afternoon and came real close to some homes. however, strong winds pushed the flames away from the houses and the fire was contained in about 90 minutes. so far no reports of any injuries. we have learned that the gunman who burst into the discovery channel headquarters in maryland yesterday
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reportedly talked with a network news producer as he was holding three people hostage. police eventually shot and killed the gunman and rescued all of the hostages after a four hour standoff. the incident began at about 1:00 yesterday afternoon when the man burst into the building waving a handgun and wearing what appeared to be explosive devices. >> we was really scared. panic. nervous. all of those feelings because we heard he had explosives so we really was scared. >> authorities identified the man as a 43-year-old james jay le. he had a history of protesting the network's environmental programming. everybody else got out safely. all right. time now 6:27. some big changes are in the works for the police department in one local community. up next we'll bring you the details of an outsourcing plan and how it will effect dozens of police officers. and we're going to look at one of the key figures in the investigation into a bay area
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killing spree. this man is still missing. also the government just released some important economic reports. pam will be here to tell you what's happening and she'll have all the numbers. i dislocated bo my ankles. i had my first heart attack when i was 35 ars old. - we have asthma. - when iound out i had cancer, i s so scared. announcer: at sutter alth we sha our expertise and invest in new technologies. because everyone has story.
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and our story is you. - we can be boys... - cowboys. i can n again. they ge me a new het. i am so happy to be alive. south of laredo, so hot, rattlesnakes combust. ♪ but go, cause ya gotta eat bold. [ male announcer subway fiery footlonsubs. the bo-acious ne turkey jalapeño melt and buffalchicken. subw. eat bold!
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there it is once again right on time. the opening bell. >> perfect. >> it's going to be a very busy day on wall street this morning. a couple of things just coming in i want to tell you why all the tennis fans and tennis rackets there. that's the tennis channel opening at nasdaq because they are airing the beginning of the u.s. open which gets underway this morning. steve paulson our big tennis fan and player says it gets underway in just about an hour our time. burger king has agreed to a private equity buy out and hewlett has increased bid for
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three par. that's for the fremont company. >> yeah. >> stockholders there pretty happy over the bidding war. and market's off to a pretty good start. they're waving hello. good morning to all of us. >> wow. we'll go ahead and smile and say good morning to you. thank you for joining us here on the ktvu morning news. now it's thursday september 2nd. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. time now is 6:30. this morning we are learning what may have set off a crime spree that left five people dead in three bay area cities. 38-year-old efren valdemoro is at the center of this bizarre and complicated homicide ca. investigators are looking at jealousy as one possible motive. they now believe that valdemoro beat a 73-year-old hercules man to death because he thought either the victim or his son was having an affair with his girlfriend. the son is still missing. investigators are also looking into the murder suspect's past.
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>> he was someone who had relationships with people and generally borrowed money and availed himself of the use of their vehicles and things like that. >> now police have identified valdemoro's girlfriend as 46- year-old cindy tran. they say valdemoro strangled her during the high speed chase that came before his fatal shooting tuesday night. co-workers say tran called them from her cell phone and that they heard her pleading for her life. now one tells the contra costa times "i could hear the car accelerating and he was yelling at her. i couldn't understand what he was saying. i yelled for someone to call 911. and then suddenly it was silent ." >> pam, at this point we know there are five people confirmed dead in this case. here are all of their photos. take a look. the suspect was shot to death by the chp. that's him on the far left. his girlfriend was found dead inside of his car. two women were found dead in their vallejo home.
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and an elderly man on the far right he was beaten to death in his home in hercules. his son right there is still missing. ktvu's live now with the very latest on that search effort. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. frederick sales works at doctors hospital in san pablo. i was just inside the hospital talking to a nursing supervisor. she told me the hospital is cooperating fully with the authorities to try to find frederick sales. i've also learned he worked here for just about five months as a nursing assistant. according to a published report two people that worked with sales said he was very friendly and outgoing, very positive attitude. one person said you always see his teeth. but police say because of his association with efren valdemoro, sales may never be seen alive again. >> we always like to be optimistic in this particular case, but being an acquaintance of mr. efren valdemoro does not
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bode well for having a long life. >> reporter: reported 35-year- old sales missing on saturday. his 73-year-old father was also reported missing but found later that day bludgeoned to death at a room he rented from 46-year-old cindy tran. sales' lived in this home with tran and at least one other person. tran worked at a vallejo hair salon, was valdemoro's on again off again girlfriend. police say he strangled her to death during tuesday night's high speed chase that ended in richmond. police shot valdemoro dead inside a grocery store that night after they said he threatened them with a knife. police say valdemoro killed sales and may have something to do with his son's disappearance. the three were involved in a fight at the hercules home a week earlier. >> we're not exactly fully sure what the dispute was about on that sunday but it was somewhat related to the housing situation or the romantic
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relationship. >> reporter: although police aren't saying definitively that valdemoro's responsible they believe he killed the two women in vallejo earlier this week. valdemoro knew one of them and that's why he was in vallejo and that's how he met tran. live in san pablo, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. make sure you stay right here with us and ktvu channel 2 as we follow this bizarre case of efren valdemoro. you can also get more information at our channel 2 website at police are searching now for the killer of a man who was shot to death when he answered his door. investigators were at the home yesterday on drake avenue looking for evidence. here's the house. police say tuesday night the man in his 20s was shot as he opened his door. he was found dead in his entry way. his mother was also shot, but she's going to be okay we're told. so far the police have not released their names. and authorities are also looking for a bank robbery suspect responsible they say
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for a string of robberies around the bay area and near sacramento. take a look at the pictures taken from surveillance video. on july 28th police say this suspect went into the bank of the west branch in san jose and handed a demand note to a teller. police say they believe the suspect is responsible for nine other robberies including ones in mountain view, pacifica and auburn. right now it's 6:35. we want to go back over to sal. an overturned truck? where is that at? >> in the santa cruz mountains. southbound 17 i put it on the map here. southbound 17 at the summit. it's a truck that trailer overturned carrying 43,000 pounds of beer. moment of silence. i'm over it. southbound 17 traffic is going to be slow. northbound 17 also slow past the scene. kind of a big traffic problem there.
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moving along to live pictures, 880 north and southbound remember tonight there's a preseason game. the oakland raiders play at home tonight. as we move over to san francisco 101 san francisco the 49ers also play a home game tonight. both games at 7:00. and that means that we're going to see traffic on both sides of the bay as the fans show up early and tailgate and have fun. just remember that it's going to be crowded on both 101 and 880 this afternoon. 6:36. here's steve. sal, thank you, sir. good morning. very mild conditions. sometimes we can see the fog coming underneath ggb that's not happening today. it's out there. it's getting closer. it's inching slowly. step by step. that fog it's still not there yet. very warm in the city. get to that in a second. warm to hot today. fog near the coast. i mean it's about this far -- you know what i'm saying. tomorrow will be cooler no doubt about it.
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warm inland. not as hot as today. and then cooler for us as we get to the weekend. next week looks really cool and windy. there's a very strong low drops into northern california. won't be until tuesday or wednesday. these are the temperatures at 5:00 a.m. in san francisco. in the city alone ocean beach 56. outer richmond 62. noe valley 63. china basin 68. right now it's 67 officially. fog is out there. again, it's trying, trying, trying but going to run into a lot of resistant. still a hint of a northeast wind. oakland airport and fairfield any fog that gets close will run into that wall. 97 today in santa rosa. san francisco 88 after yesterday's 84. i think there will be a late breeze. oakland no change low 90s. and san jose the same. 93 go 93 again. mt. tamalpais running seven degrees warmer than yesterday morning. very warm air aloft. sonoma 65 to 63 here morgan
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hill. pleasanton, vallejo, that's vallejo all 63. 50s, 60s in the valley. 50s and 60s up and down the coast. they're in the 50s there. you can see the high pressure system but to the left of your screen there's a front coming in that will be here with a little increase in the fog tomorrow. patchy fog at best. otherwise warm to hot. maybe a light west wind late for the coast. 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s at the beaches. and now a lot of 90s to near 100 inland. tomorrow we start a cooling trend and then it really starts to develop on saturday. and then really cool tuesday and wednesday of next week on my seven-day forecast. >> thank you. time now 6:39. a bay area teenager suing a trendy clothing chain claiming religious discrimination. an 18-year-old muslim woman says the store at the great mall refused to hire her because she wears a religious head scarf. the company has made no comment on the lawsuit but says it does have a dress code that does not
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allow anything worn on an employee's head. and it may not be the happiest place on earth, but could be in the east bay. children's fairy land turns 60 years old today. the park opened on september 2nd, 1950. most of the children then of course are grandparents now. the park is celebrating with a cake at noontime on saturday and a sock hop in the afternoon. visitors, you're being asked to dress up as a favorite storybook character or something from the 50s. admission by the way is $8. >> we might need to go to that. we love fairy land. i have not been going for 60 years. >> that was the operation for disneyland. >> absolutely. a lot of people don't know that. 6:40 is the time right now. hurricane earl barreling toward the east coast. what forecasters are saying as they try to pinpoint where and if that storm will make land fall. a live report coming up next.
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also there are now concerns about the mental state of those miners trapped underground in chile. we'll tell you what their families are being asked not to do.
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welcome back to the morning news. people living along the east coast are making last minute preparations for the arrival of
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hurricane earl. we're in kill devil hills, north carolina, this morning with more information. although you mentioned sandra it looks beautiful behind you right now, but not for long. >> reporter: right. looks can be deceiving, pam, certainly. we've been here since daybreak and we are feeling the winds pick up. so certainly ominous sign that maybe hurricane earl is fast approaching. and all along the eastern seaboard as you mentioned people here especially in north carolina are keeping a watchful eye on that storm. it's a category four hurricane with sustained winds up to 140 miles per hour. according to the national hurricane center it says this storm is growing and headed this way. many people in north carolina are stocking up and gearing up for hurricane earl. >> we're just getting enough stuff for two days in case we get stuck in and we've got a gas barbecue so we're going to barbecue if we need to. lots of drinks. >> pretty much. we're here until sunday. so we're going to ride it out. >> reporter: mandatory
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evacuation went into effect wednesday for area expected to be hardest hit. north carolina already under a state of emergency as many homes and businesses are boarded up to weather the storm. >> earl has given us an early opportunity to test out our hurricane readiness with the best team in america. safety is always the barometer for north carolina and how we treat any weather event. >> reporter: earl's eye is not expected to make land fall in the u.s. many forecast models show it will travel just off the east coast making land fall in nova scotia. many states will feel the force of the storm's winds and rain. hurricane watches and warnings are out. places like massachusetts and connecticut are being pulled up in advance of the storm. many people who have seen their neighbors leave town are hoping earl will pass on by. >> maybe it will go by quickly and we'll be back together
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then. >> reporter: and president obama signed a disaster declaration for north carolina ahead of the storm. and the strong winds and heavy rain is forecast to hit here later tonight. live in kill devil hills, north carolina, back to you. thank you. here's a quick look at some of the other top stories we're following for you right now at 6:45. investigators say jealous rage may be the motive in that crime spree that left five people dead in three bay area cities. they now believe efren valdemoro who you see here built a hercules man to death because he thought either the victim or his son was having an affair with his girlfriend. that son is still missing. also this morning israeli prime minister and palestinian president will sit down for the first of a series of meetings in washington. president obama met with the leaders individually yesterday. and there will be a funeral today for the 13-year-old oakland boy shot to death as he
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walked with his twin brother. police say jimon clark was killed last wednesday. a $15,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest. well, in the gulf of mexico bp oil engineers will try today to remove a cap that's on their blown out oil well. that cap sits on the damaged blowout preventer that did not cut off millions of gallons of oil when it exploded in april. ic nears will move the preventer all together. they're not guaranteeing today's procedure will not cause even more oil to leak. oil collection vessels though are on standby in case there's a problem. government officials in chile have told family members of the 33 miners trapped underground to keep bad news out of any letters they write. yesterday the miners received an mp3 player and their first hot meals in weeks. there are reports that five of the men are suffering from
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depression. they now have survived 28 days underground. and it's expected to take weeks or even months to drill an escape tunnel. in the netherlands the two men arrested on a flight from chicago have now been released. authorities initially thought the men might have been conducting a dry run for a terror attack because of suspicious items in one man's luggage. dutch proximate results now say an investigation turned up no evidence against the men. your time now 6:48 today. republican candidate for governor meg whitman will find out if she'll spend this month campaigning or if she's going to be sitting in a redwood city jury box. whitman reported for jury duty monday and was told to check back today. according to to the san jose mercury news if whitman is selected for the jury she will be sitting on the jury that would decide the fate of an accused child molester. 6:48 is the time right now. sal is still checking on santa
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cruz mountains where that truck overturned. carrying beer. it was carrying 43,000 pounds of beer. some of that beer is leaking. sad news. no one was hurt though. that's the good news. but the beer i think may be a total loss. i know. all right. let's talk about southbound 17 just past the summit. the truck flipped over and getting that load off the 43,000 pounds of beer is actually going to be a problem. people actually chp will come up with a diversion 17 northbound may actually be a problem. this is going to be a big problem for you you might want to consider going the long way around or putting the trip off for a while. move along and take a look at 237. slow traffic there already as you cross 880. and this morning's commute at the toll plaza getting filled in. it's backed up to about the middle of the parking lot. that's about a fen minute delay. here's steve. thank you. very calm conditions right now. no wind at all.
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if any it's still offshore. so the fog doesn't have much of a chance here at least through mid-morning and early afternoon. clear skies up and down the coast. the fog is going down the coast. a northeast wind at fairfield only 7, calm santa rosa, calm napa. calm sfo. so there's no hint of a sea breeze yet. temperatures are all over the map. mainly they're in the 60s. so warm to hot again today. fog near the coast. it's trying. but it's going more parallel than anything else. it can't go west to east right now. cooler by the coast tomorrow. still warm but not as warm inland. and extended that marine base means weekend and next week looks really cool as a strong low drops in. dare i say maybe lake county next tuesday or wednesday could be looking for rain. i'm getting way ahead of myself. these are city temperatures right now san francisco twin peaks at 70. china basin 68.
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granite district is 60 balmy degrees not bad. go out and get that run. the high pressure system is just squashing this system. so the city officially right now 67. 72 at 9:00. i'll go 88 at noon. but then i'll go 78 at 3:00 as the sea breeze kicks in. there's a thing called three degree guarantee in weather. if it's either side of 88, 85 or 91 that's considered a hit. we'll go with that today. the city's always really tough in this kind of a pattern. it does look to be way above average on the temps that's for sure. 57 santa rosa napa to 65 san jose. 40s in the mountains. 50s and 60s in the valleys. fog in southern california. it's just not here yet. it will get here probably late tonight and more likely tomorrow. couple steps inland warm to hot. 90s to near 100 away from the coast. 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by the coast. cooler tomorrow and much cooler into the weekend and a strong cooling trend early next week. all right. thank you, steve.
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6:51 is the time. many retailers around the country are reporting solid gains for august. limited brands and macy's all report better than expected revenue increases. but back to school shoppers are apparently limiting their spending and hurting other stores including gap and target. some analysts say the results still offer some hope for the upcoming holiday season which is very important. let's check in on the numbers this morning. pretty quiet actually following the big gains from yesterday. the dow jones up about ten points right now as you can see we're taking a live look at the big board on the new york stock exchange. nasdaq and s&p 500 also posting modest gains. delta, air tran and continental airlines offering some passengers a chance to change travel plans without paying a penalty. booked in and out of airports effected by hurricane earl can make a one time change. they warn some flights may be
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later canceled depending on conditions. guess what? the oval office has a new look. how the makeover pays tribute to some of the history's most famous people. and today some bay area religious leaders will offer their blessing to an important local industry. that story coming up next. ñ
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time now 6:55. coming up in minutes we are uncovering new details about the strange killing spree by suspect efren valdemoro including a possible motive and the terrifying final moments of his girlfriend's life. just before the busy labor day weekend thousands of workers at a major hotel chain are protesting across the country today including here in the bay area. and the debate is over. so was there any clear winner? after the faceoff between senator barbara boxer and republican challenger carly fiorina. joined live by one of the debate panelists in our second hour. and who are the happiest americans? a new study shows the three most important factor that is effect happiness. those stories and more coming up on mornings on 2. now back to you. all right. i want to hear that. time now 6:56. the oval office has had a makeover. take a look at the before and
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after pictures. the updates include new striped wallpaper, couches, lamps and a rug that features quotes from four previous presidents including abraham lincoln, john f. kennedy and even a quote from dr. martin luther king, jr. the white house isn't saying exactly how much the new look costs, but they say it's comparable to what the past administrations have spent. livermore valley wine makers will observe a long held tradition today. they will gather later this morning for the annual blessing of the grapes. the 10:30 ceremony is also a kickoff to the 29th annual livermore valley harvest wine celebration this weekend. the harvest is still a few weeks away because of the cool summer weather but expect to pick about 15,000 tons of grapes over the next two months. new evidence shows foreclosures are having a real effect on people's health. nearly one in ten american households are currently behind in their payments. and in oakland it's been more
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like one in four. a first of its kind report by the alameda county health department shows 38% of those coping with foreclosure reported declining health in the last two years with nearly a third of them reporting their mental health had worsened during that time. time now 6:57. we're working to get details about a tragic gun accident. we'll tell you about the condition of the young victim and possible charges in this case. also we're going to have more on that killing spree. there's still one man missing. we're at his workplace. and we'll have more from his co- workers coming up next. stay with us. ber one ewy bar.
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how'd u do tha do what? it ttes too good to be fiber. you made it taste like ocolate. of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into something tasty. this guy'soing magic. the's chocolate chips in here now. how'you do that? right! tasty fir, that's a gd one! ok, her mind. what's she tnking? that's right! i'm not inking !


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