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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  July 26, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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ail signs are pointing to a rather significant cooling trend for many today. we'll talk about that. "mornings on 2" starts right
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now. well, good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. it's monday, july 26th. breaking news from richmond, where a child just survived what must have been a terrifying incident, when the car she was in was stolen from a gas station. let's get right to christien kafton who is at the police station with some more information about this kidnapping. good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. again, the headline that we're hearing the 5-year-old that was taken in the cadillac was found alive. we're joined by lieutenant mark gaggen. if we can go over some of the details. >> he went to the gas station. she was in the backseat.
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a white minivan pulled up. a suspect got out and drove away with his daughter inside. can't imagine a more shocking and terrifying scene than to have your car stolen with your car inside. >> reporter: the little girl has been recovered. we understand she was dropped off? >> we got a call and the officers were able to immediately get the father and her reunited. his vehicle is still outstanding. it's a '97 black seville with gold rims and door handles, very distinctive, 53-d as in david -- 5301 ddp, very distinctive. it looks like this was an attempt to steal the car. i don't think they realized the child was inside.
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i think once they realized the child was inside, they dropped the car off and left. this is a kidnapping, a very serious crime. >> reporter: the little girl is safe and sound, richmond police still looking for the suspect. we'll give you the vehicle description one more time, it's a '97 black cadillac seville with gold 20-inch rims. we have a photograph of the vehicle so you can see what it looks like. it has those 20-inch rims. 5301 d, those are, again disabled plates as lieutenant geoghan was explaining a while ago. if you spot that vehicle or have any information about who took it, please contact police rilive in richmond, kristen
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kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. at this hour, police want to know if three overnight shootings were related. the first one happened around 12:15 a.m. this morning on banian wave. there was another shooting and the third shooting was on banian wave. kraig debros had more. >> i heard about six gunshots. it sounded like a cannon. >> reporter: police say some callers heard a fight leading up to the shooting. others reported just hearing shots. when police arrived, they found the 20-year-old lying in the street. police talked to witnesses who said a white car pulled you alongside the victim who had been walking along banian.
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witnesses say two people got out of the car and started shooting. >> a lot of people said they knew the guy. i department know him personally. -- i didn't know him personally. >> reporter: police are trying to find the suspects to determine if a 7-11 in antioch is related to the banian shooting. around 1:00 this morning, witness say four men walked into the store and shot a clerk there. police say nothing appears to have been stolen from the cars. still looking for a motive. the 64-year-old clerk was transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. the night was not over yet. at the same time that shooting was taken place. a man showed up with a gunshot at the hospital. he says he got his injuries in the first shooting. >> we're trying to determine
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exactly how he got that gunshot wound since the victim was walking a lone. we don't know -- alone. we don't know if he was an innocent bystander. >> reporter: police say they don't believe he was shot by the victim because they don't believe he had a gun. back to you. >> five minutes after 7:00. in san jose, the investigation continues into a devastating apartment fire that killed an 8-year-old girl. it happened on hamilton avenue shortly before 2:00 yesterday morning. fire investigators say fire children and two adults were inside -- five children and two adults were inside the apartment. everyone made it out safely except for a little girl from durham, north carolina and was visiting family. nine others suffered injuries and six families lost their
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homes. officials are awaiting autopsy results on a bay area teenager who apparently drowned. the man diedduring an outing with friends in the sierra, about 50 miles from fresno. he disappeared about 0 minutes -- 30 minutes from being in the water. a 7-year-old girl attacked by a pit bull is back the hospital. this happened saturday in east oakland. the little girl was bit in the face by the pit bull when she tried to pet him. >> he's absolutely not a comfortable dog. he will bite someone. >> reporter: what are you gonna do? >> it will be euthanized. >> reporter: this oakland
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attack happened two days after the attack by a pit bull on a 7- year-old boy. he died. ac transit riders can expect more delays because of an ongoing contract dispute. about 200 drivers called in every day last week. union leaders deny a sickout. they say newly-imposed contracts that shifted hours and the drivers have not been trained on bus routes is leading to the chaos. an arbitrator is set to meet with both sides on friday. early in the monday morning commute, but sal says so far so good. >> it's okay out there. i'm gonna show you the bay bridge toll plaza. i think you will like it. westbound. there is a small delay there. also this morning we're looking at the san mateo bridge if you want to get out to the
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peninsula, the traffic is moving well. it's overcast on the bridge but shouldn't affect drivers too much. there's already slow traffic on 237 crossing 880. here's steve. thank you, sal. just a little bit of sun but there is a lot of fog out there. low clouds and fog have really regrouped and are coming back and charging inland. thunderstorms pretty good up along the central sierra. with the up irair direction coming more west-southwest. we should see those more developing off toward the east. we'll mention it again. for anybody close to the coast, it will be cool. 55, 57, 59 for a high. temperatures are far below average for this time of year, especially san jose, san jose 73. your forecasted high today,
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they should be 85. 65 oakland, no change. walnut creek, 76. 59, san francisco. santa rosa, 70 degrees. that's 13-degrees before average. 88 in san francisco. there's the 5. should be 68. cooler air at the surface, cooler air aloft. they aren't moving much because most locations say cloudy or overcast with a little bit of a break. 52 ukiah and the delta breeze is roaring along. up to fair field and vacaville. that means the delta breeze is there. the system moving in from the north, for most the cooling trend is fog. morning fog, breezy, cool into wednesday but plenty of low
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overcast and temperatures far below average for this time of year. 50, 60s by the beaches. upper 60s and low to mid-80s at best inland. more fog cooler on tuesday into wednesday. slight rebound on thursday and friday. it is 7:10. more than a dozen lightning sparked fires are burning in northern california. according to cal fire, about 15 fires are burning in remote areas of lassen and modock county. this is near trailer lake in lassen county. no homes or building are threatened by the fires and there are no reports of any injuries. 7:11 in an online whistle- blower released thousands of afghan war documents. we'll tell you what was
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revealed. we'll get a live report from washington. >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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about a block aware from where the 5-year-old was found, breaking news in richmond. they've just recovered the stolen cadillac. it was a 1997 stolen cadillac
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with gold trim and those big rims that you might see on some of these cars. it was found 39th street. 700 block of 39th street. police are on the scene. no word yet on whether they've captured the person who stole the car. but the most important thing is the 5-year-old girl who was in the back of the car has been found safe. police are on the scene. we'll have another live report from richmond coming up. let's go back to the desk. in the gulf of mexico efforts to plug the broken oil well are now back on track after work was stopped late last week because of bad weather. today workers plan to reconnect a drill rig to the relief tunnel. that will be used to pump in mud and cement to seal the well. the drilling could resume in the next few days. experts say finishing the relief well is the best chance to permanently stop the oil leak. it's expected to be finished in mid-august. in the next few hours, the bp board of directors could
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decide the fate of ceo tony hayward. hayward angered many with his public comment, including one where he said he wanted the spell cleaned up so he could get his life back. bp says there's been no final decision on hayward's fate although the company says he will step down before the 2nd quarter earnings tomorrow. the white house is condemning the leaks of tens of thousands of classified military records about the afghan war. these documents came out over the weekend on a website called wikileaks. they paint an ugly picture. here's scott macfarland with more. >> reporter: good morning. 90,000 confidence documents leaked online. the site, not authorized to do
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so. the white house is not happy about it. some say the editors of the website are about pakistan who are tied al qaeda leaking information. the documents detailed the deaths of civilians. and in a press conference a short time ago, the website's editors say if you look up these records for yourself today, don't believe everything you read. >> we public cia reports over time that are legitimate cia reports. that doesn't mean the cia is telling the truth, similarry with this material. >> the wikileak editors say there's no top-event information reference in these documents. it also is reporting that the website is down. it's been going down all morning. heavy traffic worldwide for what's now posted there.
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scott macfarland, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. a group of gay clergy members in san francisco have been welcomed back in the nation's largest lutheran group after being banned for ten years. during a ceremony yesterday, six pastors were added and a seventh was reinstated. last month the evangelical church voted to lift a policy to have all gay pastors to be celibate. >> they can be transparent about their families and have their families and children raised like other pastors do. the irs is reportedly filing a $00,000 tax lien against california lieutenant- governor abel maldonado. this was a nice time to be hit
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-- this is the ninth time he's been hit with a tax lien. he owes on his 6,000-acre ranch taxes. maldonado is running in november to keep the job as lieutenant-governor. he's running against san francisco mayor, gavin newsom. a new version of the vehicle that helped launch the suv boom nearly 20 years ago is getting a big makeover. today, ford launches a major add campaign for the 2011 explorer. the next generation explorer will be built on a car platform making it lower to the ground and giving it a smoother, more fuel-efficient ride. but because it's no longer built on a truck base, it will have less towing capacity and no v-8 engine is available. the price of gas is up.
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the latest survey shows the national average is an increase of less than 2-cents. in san francisco, a gallon is 3.24. in oakland and san jose, the price is $3.18, which is less than a penny more. you can find the lease expensive gasoline -- least expensive gasoline prices around the bay area at click on the business tab and clues "consumer" from the menu. you are about to see a jet crash as it happened. this terrifying scene happened at an airshow in canada. stay tuned. we have all of the details. well tell you about -- we'll tell you about the surprise police checks on commercial buses and van the over the weekend. we'll tellwe'll tell let you know if they have passed the test. southbound 680 traffic moving along well. we'll tell you more about the morning commute and the bay area weather coming up.
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7:22. police are urging people in concord to be on alert after three pipe bombs were found at a park. newhall park reopened on saturday with extra officers on patrol. it was partially evacuated on friday after police say a man walking in the area discovered a pipe dom. two other devices were discovered on wednesday and all three were safely detonated. so far, no arrests have been made and no suspects have been identified. canada's safety agency is investigating a horrible weekend plane crash during the alberta national airshow. it was caught on tape. a veteran pilot was practicing low-flying tricks in his fighter jet when something went terribly went wrong. he ejected moments just before the plane crashed to the ground. the pilot escaped the crash with minor injuries and no one on the ground was hurt.
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7:23. the chp launched a new crackdown on new commercial buses and vans. the sur inspection took place in the parking lot over great america. the chp says all ten buses and vans that were inspected failed the inspection. most pilots didn't have the correct licenses to drive the vehicles. let's check in with sal. he's gonna tell us about a new crash in oakland. >> that's right. 880 southbound as you drive down past 66th. now, the accident is on the left-hand side of your screen to the far right of the road. they just moved it and traffic should be recovering but you can see on the left how slow traffic is because the lanes were blocked for a little bit. non-injury crash. let's take a look at the westbound bay bridge. that's lighter than it normally is for this time coming into
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san francisco. and this morning, if you are driving 0 the peninsula -- driving on the peninsula, daly city looking good. across the the bay, livermore looks good. let's go to steve. plenty of low clouds and fog. it will be a cooler day for many. but for most, it will be a cooler day. in fact, san jose's over cast. low clouds and fog covering about 90% of the forecast area. they made a strong surge early this morning and settled in well. pretty good thunderstorm activity over the sierra yesterday. still a few lingering clouds. but most of that should fire off toward the lee side and not so much across the sierra northeast california. for those close to the bay, it will be a cool day. too much fog. that's 10 degrees below average this time of year.
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low clouds. once that burns off, it will take a while, around noon. cooler, breezy. 54 to 59 the san jose is at 5. the system -- 59. the system moving into the pacific northwest will settle in for the day. for many inland areas there should be a little bit of a drop even if you don't get the fog bank. overcast, breezy to windy. gusts at fairfield are over 0 miles an hour. some low to mid-80s. 50, 60s, 70s. a little rebound for the inland temperatures thursday and friday. dave and tori? >> thank you. we're following breaking news from richmond. there is a new development in a terrifying incident involving a child and a stolen car. san francisco's police chief has come up with a controversial law enforcement plan. we'll tell you why he wants to turn civilians into cops. >> reporter: a south san francisco based company is
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recalling an -- is issuing a recall today. more -- coming up. it's not back-to-school, it's forward to what's next
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with an hp netbook, samsung reality or lg cosmos for under $20 after rebate.
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breaking news in richmond. they've found the car they were looking for. apparently not too far away from where a 5-year-old girl was dropped off at -- after
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being taken in her car from a gas station. this is what happened. the parent, the father, went in to put gas in, left the child in the back of the car near carlson and immere yul. that car was taken with the little girl in it. a little while later that he found the girl safe. now that he found the cadillac. it has big, gold rims and gold trim. the police are on the scene. christien kafton is on the scene. we'll have a full report coming up. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. one man is now in custody following an overnight shooting in downtown san rafael the it happened around midnight near 2nd and west end avenue. the shooting prompted a massive police response. officers from several marin county law enforcement are
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searching. he's accused of shooting one person. the condition of the victim of the shooting is not known. early saturday morning, police tried to pull over a car believed to have been carjacked. but the driver with one passenger inside took off that led police on a chase. that car crashed on arkansas street where police say one of the suspects started shooting at police. they fired back but no one was hit. police arrested one of the suspects but, again, the other is still on the loose. also in san francisco police want witnesses to come forward right now after the deadly shooting of an alleged gang member in the city's bayview district. 24-year-old carrie dawson was shot to death near revere avenue and hall street about 1:15 saturday morning. he was sitting inside his car. he was able to drive three blocks before he crashed. he later died at the hospital.
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the city of san francisco may soon turn some civilians into cops. 80 the chronicle "--" the chronicle "reports that investigators could respond to non-violent crimes and that would free up police officers to focus on violent crimes and crimes in progress. the test program is scheduled to get underway in january but it faces strong opposition from san francisco's police union. police leaders from across the bay area will meet this week and discuss their response in oakland following the verdict in the b.a.r.t. shooting case. the night on july 8th marked an unprecedented event from police officers -- for police officers. communication problems left police standing by as
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protesters set fires and looted. the fda is washing consumers this morning about food made by a south san francisco company. now that company has issued a large recall. jade hernandez joining us now with more on what triggered that warning. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning. this is a voluntary recall made by this company based right here in south san francisco. we's left messages for the company this morning. the california department of health says if you have purchased a product under the name of raquel. that's the brand by the company and those products have been recalled. the recall includes -- >> the products may be contaminated by a dangerous bacteria that causes fever,
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headache and stomach pains symptoms. it alsos miscarriages and still births. raquel's istributed in several different states, including arizona, oregon and washington and also right here in california. it is sold in supermarkets and health food stores the if you have purchased the product, throw it away. the company is voluntarily recalling these products, just like it did three years ago, when the same bacteria popped up in its tofu. there is concern that there is an aler jen -- allergen used in the hummus. if you would like a complete list of these products, go to jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, jade. you can find a link to the complete list of all of the recalled products of the
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channel 2 website, just click on the local headlines. this week ac transit riders can expect more delays because of an ongoing commute. about 200 drivers called in sick every day last week. union leaders deny a sickout. they say a newly-imposed contract has shifted hours and the drivers have not been trained on new bus routes leading to chaos. an arbitrator is said to meet with both sides on friday. federal regulators are giving san francisco muni a good report card. they are evaluated every three years in 24 counties. the audit state that muni was -- audit said that muni was in top shape for the grade. they include a slow maintenance schedule, poor fare price modification. time is now 7:5.
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sal has been -- sal has been very busy. what are you keeping an eye on now. we're starting at the top. a lot of people want 0 know what it's doing the today is a pretty decent drive for you getting in to san francisco. westbound bay bridge toll plaza, looks pretty good and the track is not all that bad getting there. you can see that -- we have no slowdowns. i was thinking there could be something here but there isn't. and that he really "news for you. if you want to get in the city, it's a little bit of crowding but not that much. you can see that the traffic is moving along okay, passing high tree and getting out towards the -- getting out towards downtown oakland. southbound at 66th they've cleared an anti-- an accident to the shoulder. livermore has been busy coming up over the ailty month pass. if you get in on dublin, it should be a nice shot for you.
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over to highway 101 peninsula. 7:36. here's steve. it will be cooler for everybody. you can see there's plenty of low clouds around. it's going to stay cool tomorrow and probably even wednesday and most of the week. there will probably be a little rebound on some inland temperatures. but the next few days things look rather cool. pretty good complex firing up. the up -- as the upper level direction of the air starts to push southwest, that should push a lot of this out of the area. but the big news will be the cooler pattern that's moved in on the coast the last couple of days and we'll continue now to move itself inland over the next few days. 59 for san francisco. average should be about 10 degrees warmer than that. temperatures coming down for many. and they started yesterday and will continue today.
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walnut creek only 76. san jose, 73. mount tam is at 65. that's 3 degrees cooler than yesterday. 50s for everyone else including stanford at 58. no sea breeze down there in las vegas, 93 there. that's hot. ukiah, 53. they should be cooler. some fog made it to mendocino county, napa. just not lake city. there will probably be a few areas in the 90s but for everyone else, too much of a sea breeze. for the big news it will be the cooler pattern coming into the north and that's taking over for us as well. 30 plus mother gusts out of fair field. that's a good indicator that the sea breeze is kicking up its heels. well inland, more fog, cooler into wednesday and then a little bit warmer, thursday and friday, tori. >> thank you, steve. starting today, napa residents will receive
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postcards telling them to throw away any grape they've thrown on this property this year. napa county officials are trying to protect all grapes from the european grapevine moth which invaded the county lat year. agriculture experts say destroying small patches of grace will eliminate a major food source for the month. the order does not apply to commercial grape glowers. imagine interveering your first marathon and winning it the that's what happened to a stanford suit. 25-year-old keith bektol set a record, finishing the 26.2-mile race in 2:23:28. some 24,000 people registered to the race. the course started along the embarcadero. went along fishermen's wharf. you can expect a lot of traffic around the oakland
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coliseum. that's because the movie "store money ball" starts today. that's when the oakland as won 103 games. the movie stars brad pit as bean. to find out how to become an extra, go to tropical storm bonnie is now a memory. a special and unique policemen is held in san francisco for hundreds of thousands of dead honey bees.
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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stocks are up modestly this morning after a better than expected jump in sales of new homes and also shipping giant fed-ex raised its profit outlook. so the dow has moved back into positive territory for the year. currently the dow is up 44 at 10,469. and the nasdaq is also up 9. s&p, up 5. just about a half hour ago, a report as i mentioned that shows the sales of new home jumped last month. sales rose almost 24% in june compared to almost 36% drop in may. but it also represents the slowest pace on record for june. the housing market boomed because of a federal tax credit that's now expired. breaking news now in richmond. we have first pictures of this
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car that was taken earlier this morning with a 5-year-old girl inside. we have newschopper2 overhead. this is the stolen car. you can see police investigators looking at the car, perhaps taking fingerprints from it. this car was not found too far away from 31st and roosevelt where the girl was recovered safely. this started at a gas station at carlton and imperial, where the father, driving the car, went inside to pay for the gasoline, call out found the car fon with the 5-year-old girl still inside. the 5-year-old girl was found safe moments later by police. the car was outstanding for about an hour, hour and a half or so. now the police are looking at the car. the car has the distinctive big tires and a gold trim. that may have made it easier for people to stop the car or call police or perhaps police found it themselves. ktvu's christien kafton is on the scene gathering details.
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we'll tell you more about this -- coming up. >> thank you, sal. 7:44. it's nearly 100 days since the gulf oil crisis began. bp is about to change its leadership. craig boswell is in louisiana now for some reaction to this development. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: good morning. crews are back out at the site of the oil pill trying to permanently cap that well. gulf coast residents are finding a number of ways to express their grief and frustration over all of the things they've lost since the oil crisis began. >> this is our culture counsel here. we have a lot at take here. >> reporter: now, folks in louisiana are reacting to the latest moves that tony hayward is on hayes way out. every time he spoke, it showed how inept and how incompetent and how distanced he was from this whole disaster and how out of touch he was.
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>> no one wants this thing over more than i do. i want my life back. >> reporter: that was in may. hayward, bp's ceo, is about to get his wish. he could step down today and be replaced by bob dudley, an american, overseeing bp's response to the spill. ships are returning to the sites now that the weather is clear and work is resuming to patch the well. >> the casing pipe through the static kill and proceed with the well intercept -- intercept. >> reporter: some fishing has proceeded. the federal government has opened a chunk of waters about 27,000 miles. >> i don't believe there's any oil in it, not -- it wouldn't it back up -- they wouldn't hope it back up if the fish were bad, i don't think. >> reporter: hundreds of workers evacuated over the weekend because of tropical storm bonbonny are now returning. the beachside cleanup can now
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once resume. >> thank you, craig. in germany an investigation is underway into exactly what happened at a music festival over the weekend where 19 people were killed. this is amateur video of the technic music event. there are estimates more than a million people showed up to the festival. one tunnel was the only way and the only way out. reportedly asked people inside the festival to turn around and leave because it was overcrowded but other people were still trying to pile in through the tunnel and the confusion sparked a a panic and the stampede. in addition to the 300 people killed others were injured. there will be no more parade, according to officials. this in southern california has ended with the arrest of more than two dozen people. the all-night electric music party drew 25,000 revelers to the national orange event
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center saturday night for the audio tis tick dance party. the musical festival was prompted by the daisy carnival last month where a 15-year-old girl died from a drug overdose and more than 100 people ended up in the hospital. critics say california's standards should remain just they are for education. with a little more than a week before the national nightout, organizers say they are planning a lack of enthusiasm for this year's event. in oakland, which, as you know, has been plagued by recent violence and the layoffs of police officers, there are
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about00 block parties hot of the goal of 450. national nightout is designed to encourage communities all over the country to come out and come together to make their neighborhood safer. this year's national nightout is on august the 3rd between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. registered parties are allowed to block off their neighborhood streets and make room for big crowds. the deadline to register is august 2nd. it is 7:49. santa clara county is making it easier for people to manage a jury summons. the county sends out 4,000 jury summons a week. almost half of those people just can't make it. now you can ask for a postponement on line and get a response immediately. financial hardship and medical excuses will require a port from -- a note from your doctor or employer. there is a 2,000 reward
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given to whoever can find who has been vandalizing trees. more than 40 trees have been damaged just since may. volunteers are working on a memorial in san francisco. it's for the thousands of honey bees killed in a pesticide attack last week at the hayes valley farm. nearly 200,000 bees died when someone sprayed the pesticide right into the side of at least two hives. police haven't raised any arrest yet. it will host bee education classes and also keep a close eye on the hives to prevent future attacks. ten minutes before 8:00. two big names are now part of the hall-of-fame. we'll continue to follow the latest developments on this morning's breaking story of a kidnapping of a young girl from a richmond gas station. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey.
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introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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dad, sometimes i feel like we're dwe are different, son. we serve teriyaki bowls. delicious steak or grilled chicken on a bed of steamed rice, with broccoli, carrots and teriyaki sauce. you bet we're different and proud of it. but aren't we different in another way? we serve anything on our menu anytime of day. that's my boy.
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this is the gas station at the corner of carlson and imperial in richmond. the car and the girl were found just blocks away. you might imagine, this is a police investigation now. there is the car. it was a 1997 -- or it is a 1997 cadillac seville with distinctive big, chrome rims.
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a gold -- with a gold trim on it. they were able to fine the car. the most important news is the 5-year-old girl inside the car when it was stolen was found safe. christien kafton is on the scene gathering more details. open will have more information coming up at 8:00. long-time giants announcer john muller received the ford frick award. he started falling oakland -- calling oakland names in 94. and john fogerty was inducted for his classic baseball an thom "center field -- anthem" center field "which everyone knows the lyrics" put me in
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coach. i'm ready to play " john, he is so easy to listen to in baseball. let's go to sal now. you have a lot to talk about this morning. >> that's right. we've been busy. if you are watching the traffic. >> it's been a good morning at the toll plaza. westbound. no major problems. traffic is moving along pretty well. 880, however, a little bit slow especially on the northbound side getting up to downtown oakland. no mayor problems there. it's time for the forecast now. let's go to steve. >> plenty of fog and low clouds out there. it will be cooler today for many, unless you are up in lake county, you are the lone post. what can i tell you? you need a cold front to come through. 50s and 60s. we're not gonna go high. there's just plenty of fog out there. it will continue west-southwest at 20 miles an hour at
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fairfield. sea breeze is there. cooler, breezy, 50s, 60s, and 07 -- and 70s. storms up in the sierra but most of that seems to be pushing east. look at all of the gray out there from seattle to san francisco. low overcast, sunny, breezy, cooler inland. high, 50s, 60s by the beaches. cooler through wednesday, a little warmer inland thursday and friday. dave and tori? >> thank you. parents everywhere can learn an important safety lesson from this morning a horrifying incident in richmond and there was a new development just within the past half hour. antioch police are investigating three shootings. and another pit bull attack. we have this information on the victim and -- we have new information on the young victim
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and the dogs. ?w?wóç
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good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> and good morning. i'm dave clark. it's monday, july 26th. we are following breaking news coming from richmond, where a manhunt is happening now for a kidnapping suspect. in the past hour, police recovered the stolen car, that one right there, on -- 39th street. christien kafton is out there. i know you have new information. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're now at 39th. take a look. you can see this is the cadillac that richmond police were looking for this morning. there is a tow truck here and
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we've seen evidence technicians on scene beginning the process of this vehicle. they are going to be looking for information about the car thief and kidnapper. we're downed by the sergeant from -- joined by the sergeant from richmond police to get the latest details. we understand this car was reported from this location. >> that's correct. a vehicle called in and reported this vehicle was parked here -- a neighbor called in and reported this vehicle was parked here. >> reporter: any word on the suspects? >> we've not located the suspects and at this point, we have a vague description of the suspect. >> reporter: you guys are taking this seriously and treating this as a carjacking. >> the girl was in the back of the car and was taken for some time before -- before she was
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taken. >> reporter: thank you for your time the we're now at the location where the car has been recovererred. the whole story started around 5:45 this morning with the father who went to go inside the gas station to pay for the gas. left his daughter inside the car. at least two people pulled up in the gas station. one, a white minvy van -- minivan. took the vehicle. the father was very distraught. right about the time that the officers figured out what was going on, there were calls that a 5-year-old had been located two or three blocks away. the suspect dropped that girl off and now has deposited the car here. this all happening about the same neighborhood in richmond -- neighborhood in richmond. officers in the process of taking that car. they will be processing it for evidence and are still looking
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to the kidnapper/car thief involved in the incident. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 8:01. antioch police are trying to determine if three overnight shootings are related. kraig debro has been getting updates from police. he joins us now with the very latest. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: good morning, tori. the scene is clear here as far as the -- as far as the antioch police are concerned. behind me, that woman there lives in the house with a -- where the young man fe morning the she's a washing down her car. apparently some blood from the shooting got on the car. she's washing it down. she tells us that the man lives down the street on sycamore. the shooting was on banian. so apparently the man lives around the corner and she's also saying the man's girlfriend lives on the street. so that sort of confirms he knew somebody here. a very busy morning this morning.
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>> i heard about six gunshots. it sounded like a cannon. >> reporter: police say some callers said they heard a fight leading up to the shotting. others reported just shots. when police arrived, they found a 20-year-old man in the street. they saw a white car pull up alongside the victim who had been walking down banian. the witness said two got out of the car and started shooting. the neighbor said it was surprised about the man victimized. >> a lot of people said they knew the guy. i didn't particularly know him personally but i've seen him before. he samed like -- for something like this to happen on your own block -- >> reporter: police are also trying to find the suspects who determine if the shooting at a 7-11 store is also related to the shooting. this happened an hour later. a witness called to stay four men walked into the store and -- say four machine walked into the store and shot the clerk. nothing appears to be stolen
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from the car. they are still looking for a motive in that shooting. at about the same time as the 7- 11 shooting was taking place, a man with eight gunshot wounds showed up at a local hospital. that man claims he was shot at banian and sycamore and got his injuries from the first shooting. he's somebody we're trying to determine exactly how he received that gunshot wound, since our victim here was walking alone. we don't know if he was an innocent bystander, we're not sure yet. >> police say that man is a 22- year-old antioch resident. police say they do not believe he was shot by the homicide victim. that's the first shooting victim at banian and sycamore becausthere's no evidence that victim had a gun or if he did have a gun, there's no evidence that he fired fired the gun. police have not released the name of the homicide victim. the 20-year-old from antioch.
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reporting live in antioch, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:04. in san jose, an investigation continues into a horrifying apartment fire where an 8-year- old girl was killed. this happened on hamilton avenue yesterday morning. fire investigators say five children and two adults were this a one bedroom unit when this car began. everyone got out safely ept for delaney gomez. >> one of the firefighters tried to perform cpr on her. unsuccessful. >> the little girl was visiting from durham, north carolina, was staying with relatives. nine other neighbors suffered minor injuries and six families lost their homes. officials are waiting for the autopsy results this morning on a bay area teenager who apparently drowned over the weekend while swimming at a lake in fresno county. robert maldonado of new ark
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died yesterday during an automaticking -- during an outing with friends in shaffer lake. he disappeared out thirty minutes after getting in the water. bystanders were able to get him out but were not able to revive him. a 7-year-old oakland girl bitten by a pit bull is back home from the hospital. family members expect her to make a full recovery. when she ay, the dog bit the tried to pet it. >> he's absolutely not a comb fortable dog. and he will bite somebody. >> what are you go no do with it. >> it will be euthanized. >> this oakland dog attack occurred two days after the death of a 2-year-old boy in concord. that child was killed when the stepfather's grandchildren attacked him in the home. if you ride ac transit you
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can expect more delays this week because of that ongoing contract dispute. about 200:c drivers called in sick every day last week. that caused big delays for some passengers and it left some passengers stranded. an arbitrator is due to meet with both sides on friday. 8:07. another problem on the roads. sal's telling us now with a -- with a crash in walnut creek. sal. >> that's right a new accident in walnut creek, northbound 680. it's an overturned car and two lanes are locked -- are blocked. northbound 680. southbound traffic may be affected as they slow to make a look at the emergency vehicles. it's northbound 680 at ignacio valley road. at the toll plaza it's been a nice drive. westbound bay bridge looks
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pretty good coming into the city. no problems on the upper deck of the bay bridge. we're live over the oakland coliseum. there it is. today they start filming of "money ball." it's the michael lewis book that's now being made into a film. brad pitt, phillip see mother- hoffman and robin wright will be in the film. they are looking for extra. this is a live picture of the coliseum. this he have all of those movie trucks there. this is a done deal. you are gonna get to see billy beane's store -- story coming up sometime in the future. pretty exciting for as fans, i'm sure. 8:08. back to steve. >> thank you, sal. low clouds, gray conditions for many. there's sun out yonder. but for many it's a foggy morning. the low clouds and fog look like they are going to continue this treatment for the next couple of days.
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night, morning, maybe even a little drizzle. coastal fog. but a little bit warmer. thunderstorms along the spine of the sierra near the oregon border. most are heading off to the east because they are getting pushed -- pushed along by a west-southwest wind. 65 oakland, that's below average. either 196 or 1973 on the
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records. mountain view, 70. that's below average and san jose, 7. should be 85 degrees. not even close. not even. 64, 4 degrees cooler at mount tam. so the cooler air. 50s for everybody. stanford, 5. 5 already sizzling degrees in las vegas. it's hot down there. 60, 70, tahoe and reno. morning clouds, fog, then gives bay to sunshine but breezy and cool conditions will carry that into wednesday. and a slight rebound as that ejects on thursday. but not by the coast. low, overcast, sunny, breezy to windy -- windy. too much fog. 60s, 70s around the bay. 70s inland and 80s if you get far enough away. mid-80s to near 90. more fog, cooler, this then we'll carry that into wednesday. rebound on thursday and friday. >> time now is 8:10. northern california firefighters are battling more than a dozen lightning sparked fires. a cal fire says 15 fires are burning in remote parts of
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lassen and modok counties. the biggest one has burned 200 acres in lassen county. these fires began as the storms and listen -- and lightning came through the area saturday night. luckily no storms are threatened by the fire and so far, there's no word of anybody being hurt. breaking news from the nation's capitol this morning. it southerns apple's iphone and a rack tis commonly known as jailbreaking.
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our tree in walnut creek is rustling in the wind. there's fog all the way out to mount diablo. 70s and low 80s inland. it is 8:14. this just in -- the government has issued new rules that will allow a practice called jailbreaking on cell phones like the iphone. this means the phobes -- phone's owner can break electronic locks and legally switch wireless carriers if any would like to. it will also allow the downloading of iphone applications not yet approved by apple this is just one of
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the handful of exemptions to federal laws that prevent copyrighted materials with the use of mechanical problems -- controls. in the gulf of mexico, efforts to plug up that oil well are back on track after work resumed after being suspended from bonnie. they will drill the relief tunnel and that will be used to pump in mud and cement. drilling could resume in the next couple of days. finishing that relief well is said to be the best chance to permanently sop the oil leak the that's expected to be completed in the middle of august. now, in the next couple of hours, the bp board of directors could decide the fate of the chief executive officer tony hayward. hayward angered a lot of people shortly after the gulf of mexico spill with his comments including one where he said he wanted -- he wanted the spill cleaned up and he wanted his life back. now, bp says there's been no
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final decision on hayward's fate. although several reports are saying he's gonna step down before the company announces its second quarter earnings tomorrow. it is 8:5. pakistan's intelligence service is denying allegations contained in tens of thousands of leaked documents. scott macfarland is live with more on this. good morning, scott. >> reporter: good morning. the afghani government, the pakistani government, the u.s. government have all protested this leak but the editors from the website have defended what they have done. they say leaders are trying to fudge the casualty figures. they say there's also major
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friction between leaders who are allegedly trying to target the insurgents. the white house has condemned this leak and put american lives in danger. the editors of the site say if you look at the documents and the site, be aware. some of the military's own information cannot be trusted. >> those are legitimate all rights. it doesn't mean that the contents are true. >> people should exercise caution? >> people should exercise caution. >> reporter: the site has been offline much of the day. it goes back online, back offline. so many people downloading these 90,000-plus confidential u.s. military records. live in washington, scott macfarland, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. we're also following new developments out of -- out of afghanistan where afghan officials are confirming taliban claims that a neighborvy sailor has been killed and another sailor
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captured. $to,000 reward is being offered by the u.s. in iraq, a suicide bomb attack at a tv station killed at least six people and injured 16 more. the bomb went off outside the television building in baghdad. militants view the arabic news station as being prowestern. 8:18 the a group of gay clergy members in san francisco have been welcomed back into the nation's largest lutheran group after being pan had banned for almost ten years. in a ceremony yesterday, six pastors were added to the clergy roster. a seventh pastor was reinstated. lat year, the evangelical church decided to lift a policy
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that required pastors to be celibate. the irs is reportedly filing a $00,000 tax lien against abel maldonado. this is the ninth time he's been hit with a tax lien since 1992. the "l.a. times" says the latest dispute involves withholding taxes. maldonado owes on the family ranch near santa barbara. a spokesman for him says it's just a question whether vehicles at the ranch are for business or personal use. now, he's running in november for reelection. it will -- he will be running against san francisco mayor, gavin newsom. a new version of the vehicle that helped launch the boom is getting a makeover. ford launches a new campaign for the 2011 model explorer even though it won't be in
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showrooms until winter. the price of gas is up. but only slightly in the last two weeks. the latest survey show the national average is $2.74. that's an increase of less than 2-cents in the last week. in san francisco, a gal be averages $3.24 which is the same price from a week ago. in oakland and san jose, the price is $3.18, which is less than a penny more. you can find the least expensive gasoline prices around the bay area. just go to our website at click on the business tab and choose consumer from the dropdown menu. we'll bring you the very latest from petaluma. that's where a 14-year-old is the victim of a drive-by shooting. we'll tell you where several pipe bombs were found
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this one bay area city and what police are telling residents to do.
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welcome back. 8:23. police in petaluma are searching for suspects in a
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drive-by shooting that injured a 14-year-old boy. this happened on green briar circle. police say the boy was walking home when a passenger in a dark- colored sedan opened fire and fired shots at him. now, he was hit in the leg but he's expected to be okay. the suspect's described only as a white man. if you have any information, contact petaluma police. police say they have arrested a 19-year-old man in connection with the rape of a 16-year-old santa rosa girl. now, the girl told police she was attacked at a house party in cloverdale back on july 16th. the rim reportedly said there had been a lot of drinking and that the suspect attacked her while she was asleep. police arrested that suspect at his job in healdsburg yesterday afternoon but at this point, that suspect has not been identified. 8:24. police are urging people in concord to be on the alert after three pipe bombs were found at a park. newhall park reopened on
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saturday with extra officers on patrol. it was partially evacuated on friday after police say a man walking in the area discovered a pipe bomb. two other devices were discovered on wednesday. all three were safely detonated. so tar no arrests have been made and no suspects have been identified. 8:24. let's go right back to sal. what's the latest on this walnut creek crash? >> i want 0 show you northbound 680 and walnut creek. we've had that accident and that's causing a big traffic jam. let me show you the live traffic picture of 680 and coming up from alamo. it is not going to be a good drive driving into walnut creek from danville and you a low mow -- alamo. at the bay bridge toll plaza, this might make you much happier. westbound toll plaza lights right now, no major problems
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getting into san francisco. it does look good just reported in the santa rosa fulton road at sebastopol ride. here's steven. plenty of low clouds and fog out they're this morning. temperatures will come down for many unless you are up in lake county. it's always tough up there probably 90s but not as hot. that should cool down the sacramento valley. you get a sea breeze up to 5 miles an hour in travis and that will do it. plenty of gray. the low clouds lifted around 2500 feet. all signs point to a rather cool ending towards july as we head towards august. the six to ten-day outlook, water temperatures north of san francisco south. they are still in the upper 50s. it's been a cool, cool water temperature season. it doesn't take that much to get things going. 50s and 06s and 70s. 54 to 5. pay low alto and san jose. 95 already in las vegas running
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10 degrees warmer in palm springs. thunderstorms up towards the sierra. tahoe watch it exploding yesterday. northeast california probably more and -- around the central area. it will be sunny but breezy to windy. it will be cooler for those away from the coast. upper 70s. low to mid-80s at best. 50s and os. it looks cool into wednesday and then a slight bump up for inland temperatures thursday and friday, dave. >> thank you, steve. we are still following breaking news coming from richmond. it involves a child found safe inside of a stolen car. the police have now tracked down the cadillac but they are still looking for the driver.
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welcome back. at this hour, police in richmond are scouring a stolen car for clues. after an early-morning kidnapping. the little girl is safe but there is a man hunt for the suspects. >> reporter: good morning. action packed here. right now,ly still looking for the suspect in this case. we can tell you within the last half hour. the cadillac that had been found out here at 39th street
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is now gone. you can see the scene completely cleared out here after the kidnapping. the 5-year-old girl is not harled and -- harmed and is with her father. it looks like the father will be united with his cadillac as well. this happened at karlson and imperial. when the father got out to say for the gas, someone stole his little girl inside with the car. but a half hour later, the girl was dropped off at 41st, about four or five blocks from the gas station. someone near 39th and garvin reported the missing cadillac was parked here. again, no signs of the suspects. police say at this point, they are taking this case very seriously. >> it is a kidnapping because the girl was in the car. whether the thief knew it or not, the fact is that the girl was in the back of the car and she was taken for some time before she was dropped off.
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>> reporter: police say at this point, this appears to be a crime of opportunity. they say the keys were left in the car. police do not think whoever stole that car knew that the girl was in it at the time. regardless, they are treating this as a kidnapping and they are still looking for the suspect or suspects involved in this case. we're live in richmond, christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 8:31. well, a man has been arrestedle toking an overnight shooting in downtown san rafael. this happened near midnight -- around midnight near 2nd street. that shooting caused a massive manhunt. police eventually found the suspect he was hiding in some bush. he's accused of shooting and injuring one person. the condition of the shooting victim is not known right now. 8:32. san francisco police continue to search this morning for one of the men involved in a shootout over the weekend.
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it happened early saturday morning when officers tried to stop a car they believe had been carjacked. but the driver with the passenger inside took off, leading officers 0en a chase. the car crashed on arkansas street where police say one of the suspects started firing at officers. they fired back but no one was hurt. officers arrested one of the suspects while the other is still on the loose. also in san francisco, police want witnesses to come forward following the deadly shooting of an alleged gang member in the city's bayview district. carrie dawson was shot to death near revere and hey street around 1:15 saturday morning as he sat inside his ford fusion. he was able to drive three weeks before he crashed. he later died at the hospital. 8:3. the city of san francisco may -- may soon turn some civilians into cops. the chronicle reports that
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chief gas cone is considering a law enforcement program that would allow investigators to respond to non-violent crimes like car break-ins and car burglaries. >> if they are properly trained and have an interest in the field, i think it would be all right. but definitely non-violent crimes only. >> now, the test program is scheduled to benin in -- begin in january. there is a recall for
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bacteria in serb foods. >> we just got off the phone with real food. they carry an entire food product lie. they've already pulled that off their self. the label is under the raquel brand name and it is manufactured by kwan hop and company. today's recall includes prepackaged hummus, wraps and sandwiches with a date of september 23rd of this year and prior. the sandwiches and other food items have a sell-date of august 3rd and prior. the products may be contaminated by a dangerous bacteria which causes symptoms such as fever, headaches and stomach pay. raquel is distributed in
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arizona, oregon and washington. it is sold in super market and natural food stores. if you have purchased any of these raquel brand products return the item or throw it away after which you should thoroughly wash your hands. the plant is headquartered right here and the company is voluntarily recalling these products. we've contacted the company. key are waiting for a response from that company. if you would like a complete list of the products. >> go to reporting live in south san francisco this morning, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. nissan says it's recalling 40,000 subcompact qs. the company says there are possible problems with fuel
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spilling out. the consumer products safety commission found more fuel spilled from the q than most. dealers will begin notifying the cube owners on august 14th -- august 30ths. this is for 2009-and 2010 models. let's see how the monday morning commute is doing. >> it's pretty busy on 680 because of a crash at ignacio valley road, northbound. you can see how bad the traffic is backed you. backing up into the southern part of walnut creek and also now into alamo. 680 northbound. the accident at ignacio valley is still trying to clear it although most of it is out of the lanes here. let me just say -- the fact that it may still be in one of the right lanes partially. and that's why traffic is just not doing well on 680. let's go to another picture
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now. 8 -- 880 northbound, that's slow getting down from -- getting to downtown oakland. 237, stop-and-go traffic. westbound. it looks like we'll -- we're full strength for some commutes on monday. now to forecast. >> for those who maybe just heard but didn't see, 6800 -- 680 andish neighbor yo. >> that's where the accident is. but it's backing up from alamo. >> i painted you a pretty picture. the fog is covering a good area. west-southwest at travis. that's sustained 2 miles an hour. gusts to about 37.
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there is your sea breeze all the way out to the delta and the valley. that means most locations cooldown. pretty good thunderstorm activity. yesterday right along the sierra. sore 72. walnut creek 76. 95 already in las vegas.
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but a log of fog. ukiah, 65. low clouds and fog made it into mendocino county. the system is moving into the north. as it does, it lifts the fog and means a cooler pattern. the night and morning fog will take us into sunny conditions. but breezy to windy at times. i wouldn't look for anything in the way of warmer weather until at least wednesday. 50s, 60s, coast. 66 santa cruz. 76 concord. yeah. napa, 72. 77 danville. 78 morgan hill. low 80s to mid-80s. well away from the coast. more fog tuesday into wednesday. and then a bump up thursday and friday with the temperatures. starting today, napa residents will -- naperieses will get postcards telling you to throw away any groups you grew -- any grapes you grew on
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your property this year. the grapevine moth invaded the county last year and experts want to avoid it. 20 minutes before 9:00. san francisco's recreation and park department is offering $2,000 reward to catch whoever is vandalizing trees in golden gate park. at least 14 trees were sawed off at their bases last week and the park's -- in the park's music concord. volunteers are working on a memorial in san francisco to the thousands of honey bees killed in a pesticide attack last week at the hayes valley farm. police have not made any arrests and hayes valley farm says it will host education classes and monitor the hives to prevent future attacks. 8:41. new this morning, we will tell you why this smithsonian museum will display a portrait of a former mayor of san jose.
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and what police are look -- are doing this week following the problem on the streets after the b.a.r.t. shooting verdict was announced. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.
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it is 8:44. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're
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following right now. a 5-year-old girl has been reunited with her father after the car she was in was stolen this morning from a richmond gas station. it happened shortly after 5:30 this morning at imperial and carlson street. a little girl was found a short time later. she was not harmed. police are still out there searching for the suspect who ditched the car and then escaped. it was a violent night on the streets of antioch. three shootings happened within a hon one - -- happened within a one-hour period. june sales jumped for home sales. the commerce department says new homes home sales were up almost 20%. police leaders from across the bay area will meet this weekend, they will discuss their response to the mayhem in oakland after the verdict in the b.a.r.t. police shooting case was announced. on yul 8th, hundreds of people
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converged in downtown oakland to protest a verdict in the johannes mehserle trial. most of the protests were people but in some cases it turned into a melee. oakland police told the san francisco san francisco chronicle the operation was hindered by communications problems that broke down. they are trying to figure out what didn't work and test the system during the event. it was tested during the event and did not work. police made several officers. many jumped into the melee with no invick shun -- instructions.
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8:46. in germany, an investigation is underway into exactly what happened at a music festival over the weekend, where 19 people were killed. take a look at amateur video of the techno music event. they call it the love parade. this is saturday. now, it's estimated more than a million people were at the festival. there's one tunnel, the only way in and out reportedly, the police asked people inside the festival to turn around and leave because it was so overcrowded. but others were still piling in through that one tunnel and all of the confusion sparked a panic, then a stampede. in addition to the 1 people who were killed. more than 300 others were hurt. the organizers of the event say there will be no more of these parades. and a music event in southern california ended with the arrest of two dozen people. the all-night electronic music
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party drew people to the national orange show event saturday night for the audio exist party -- audio tis tick party. onto. a 5-year-old girl died from a drug overdose and others ended up in the hospital. another music festival, ended with the arrest of more than two dozen peel. again -- again that all-night electronic music party through 25,000 revelers. it happened at the national orange show event saturday night. it was the audio tis tick dance party. a 15-year-old girl died from a drug overdose. about 100 people were arrested. well, with a little more than a week until the national
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nightout, organizers say they are fanning a -- they are finding a lack of enthusiasm this year. in oakland, they had a goal of having 450 block parties. there are -- they are about 100 short. nash nightout is to encourage those all over the country to come out and come together together to make their -- to come out and come out together to make their voices be heard. the karim lum of california public schools may be changing soon. next monday, the california board of education will decide whether to adopt what is proposed by the obama administration. they say this will better prepare students for college
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and careers and will help the state compete for more stimulus money. however, critics say california standards should remain just the way they are. breaking news in san francisco. new video. it ad just -- it happened just a moment ago. a cab hit a pedestrian and injured that person at the corner of taylor and post. firefighters and paramedics arrived shortly on the scene. this is a pretty high-speed intersection. we're not sure how -- if the pedestrian was in the crosswalk or perhaps was crossing mid block. nevertheless thisser with tas waken a -- was taken away and taken to san francisco general hospital. post and tailor, just moments ago, a pedestrian was hit by a
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cab in san francisco. at 8:5 let's go back to the desk. there was trouble at a california comic book club convention. find out why police were called out. your dreams of hollywood stardom could come true at the oakland coliseum. we'll explain.
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they say it's a tweet arrival for the crew of a
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catamaran. they came ashore just hours ago this morning. but they sailed into sydney harbor last night and tweeted to the whole world they made it. the 8,000-mile trip started in san francisco four months ago. a boat made almost entirely from recycled materials. that includes 12,000 plastic bottles. the focus of the trip was to draw attention to the amount of the trash that's out there in the ocean. new this morning, there's word that google is well past a deadline to get an e-mail up and running for the los angeles police department. the city is paying google more than $7 million for a system that will serve 20,000 employees but the deadline was june 0th -- june 30th. google is dealing with a few missed details about keeping the e-mail secure. an arrest at san francisco's big comic book convention over the weekend was no joke. one man attacked another with a pen. police say the incident at the
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event called comic-con involved an arrest of a -- of a many with a pen. today, norman mineta's portrait will be installed this morning. in 1971 he was elected mayor of san jose making him the first asian-american mayor of a major u.s. city. during world war ii, mineta and his parents were detained in an internment camp. imagine entering your first marathon and you want it. 5-year-old keith b the ktel
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finished the race -- bektel finished the race in two hours. about 20,000 registered for the race. it started on the embarcadero, went along fisherman's wharf and right across the bigle. bigle -- across the bridge. this is the oakland coliseum this morning. you are looking at video. we just got it in. there are movie crews out thered getting ready to film the movie "money ball." it's a story about how the 2002 oakland as won 103 games despite the fact they had one of the smallest budgets in the major leagues. the movie stars brad pitt playing billy beane. now, money ball is look for extras. tori campbell, steve, sal, to help fill up the coliseum. to find out how you could possibly be in the movie, go to our channel 2 website, go to
8:57 am we want to check in with sal, who is telling us about -- more about the problem in san francisco with the cable car, sal? >> that's right. therethere is a cable car problem. apparently one of the operators was injured this morning at the cable car turnaround at market and powell there. the cable car operator had to be taken by medics to the hospital. and this must have been an alarming site for the tourists lined up around the table car turnaround. the cable car operators do some pretty heavy work at the bottom of the hill there. turning around those cable cars and they have to pull on the leverage. pretty backbreaking work. we hear the injury was a back bear. that's what the commotion was at the bottom of the hill at powell and market. 680 is a mess trying to get up to walnut creek because of an earlier accident. if you are driving to the toll plaza this morning, it's light. hello, steve. hel le, sal -- hello, sal.
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cooler for many today. some low and mid-80s but that's far away from the coast. upper 80s and 90s farther away. a slight warmup inland thursday and friday. >> all right. sounds good. >> and welcome back. >> thank you. >> you were gone for a week or so. all rested and relaxed. that will do it for us, everyone. thank you for joining us. >> bye now.
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