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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  July 23, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. it's friday, july 23rd. well, in the news right now, we're following a late- breaking development in the deadly dog mauling case in concord. the victim, a 2-year-old boy. his grandfather faces felony charges. just moments ago, ktvu's claudine wong spoke to the grandfather in a jailhouse interview. claudine wong is with us live. [ no audio ] >> reporter: good morning yes.
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steven hayashi spent the night here in the jail. he told me this morning he does take responsibility for what happened to his step-grandson but does think being in jail is too severe of a punishment for what happened. he was not known at the time of the attack and he does not know how his 2-year-old grandson got in there because the door is usually closed. he says he doesn't believe the dogs ever showed any aggression toward the kids. >> killed my grandson. i want this kind of problem -- i don't want this kind of problem to hurt my family in terms of the way beam see them. >> reporter: this all happened
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yesterday moving. around 8:45, police say the 2- year-old, jacob, came out of the house at some point, walked into the grudge where three pit bulls were -- garage where three pit bulls were. now, hayashi was not home at the time. he still has not talked to jason's father, who was work at the time. >> very loving 2-year-old boy. when people tease him or people get mad at him, he comes to me for a hug. i don't want to think about what happened to hill because i just want to -- to him because i just want to think about him, with the good things. >> reporter: now, hayashi said
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he was told he probably shouldn't do an interview. he was concerned about the safety and the safety of his family but he wanted to talk about what happened. he's certainly distressed about what happened. we also had a lot of questions about these pit bulls. he had five of them. we're told he was only allowed to have three. there were a couple of guns in the house. there was a ferret. what's the history? we did ask him all of those things and we'lhave more of his interview coming up on "mornings on 2." claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, claudine. 7:03. this morning homicide investigators in oakland are searching for suspects in a deadly overnight shooting. this morning, we learned the victim is a bay area nurse. kraig debro joins us now with an update on this story. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, tori. the victim had just gotten home from his shift at kaiser hospital when he was shot and
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killed. it happened at east 15th street and 57th avenue. he lives in the back of the building right here. police say heoff got out -- he just got out of his car. >> all i heard was a gunshot and yelling. >> reporter: that yelling was the victim asking for help. the neighbor says the bullet struck the man in the chin. police were called and found the victim at the bottom of the stairs. he was pronounced dead at the scene. he's a reservist with the u.s. military. the neighbors say they didn't know the victim's name but he was nice and said hello in passing. but the seemingly nature of what happened has made them think about one issue. >> yeah, safety issues. i have a kid. we stay here. it's not enough patrol out
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here. >> the coroner's office collected the body around 5:00 a.m. police say they don't are a motive but wouldn't talk about what kind of shell casing they found there. there's little squares there. police usually use those to mark where the bullets are. kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:05. oakland firefighters are investigating a large indoor marijuana operation right now at the scene of a residential house fire. the fire started shortly after 5:00 a.m. at a home on telegraph avenue on 33rd street. firefighters say the back side of the home caught fire. when they went inside, they found the entire third floor filled with pot plants. they did not find any people inside, just one dog.
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we'll have a live report coming up on "mornings on 2". and this morning, firefighters are trying to determine the cause of another oakland fire in the oakland hills. firefighters were called to skyline boulevard at park ridge. a house under construction was fully engulfed in flames. the damp conditions helped the fire from threatening other homes in the area. there are no other injuries. a federal judge in san francisco is expected to set a new trial date for barry bonds. now, today's court hearing comes one month after prosecutors lost a crucial court fight in baseball's all- time home run king. the judge banned them from using key evidence to back up their claims that barry bonds lied when he testified he never knowingly used performance- enhancing drugs. san jose's mayor is stepping up
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his campaign to bring the as to his city. the mayor says he will put the ballpark measure on the ballot. he will do it without getting the blessing of the mayor. the giants remain opposed to the as' move. they say that would violate their territorial rights to santa clara county. we want to check in who is right now in oakland. >> where the as play now, right near the coliseum, that's where our camera is, right in front of the coliseum, 880 northbound and southbound. the traffic is moving well. northbound traffic on the right there passing the oakland coliseum getting up to downtown oakland. no major problems. it has not become all that busy. westbound. i think you will like what you see, getting into san francisco. the last few days we've had unusually light track there.
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even in antioch, we've read on the map, it's slow, most of the time the red on the map extends a lot farther than that. i think we're having a pretty decent friday. we've had a couple of things going on. northbound 101 in san jose, just getting word of an accident. northbound 101 at 880. so coming up soon. we'll update that. police are just arriving on the scene. 7:08. here's mark. good morning to you, sal. here is our live camera out towards the alameda marina, currently in the upper 80s -- upper 80s. let me change that the upper 50s. not that warm just yet. we're starting out overcast over a good portion of the bay area, the delta. antioch is reporting clear skies. with those areas in the clear it's a good sign it will be a little bit warmer. longest day is set to move in for tomorrow. the warmest locations will be in the 90s.
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santa rosa, 54. fairfield, still a bit of a breeze around 25 miles an hour. san jose reporting partly cloudy skies. as a result we'll warm things up. we have the fog still a factor coast side. with that, the microclimates. some patchy fog around the bay. clearing skies into the afternoon hours. upper 80s to the lower 90s. if you are heading out of town, we can see partly cloudy skies around eureka. pretty much the same deal for los angeles. there we go with the heat. palm springs 110 degrees this weekend. here we go with the forecast model. increasing overnight. that will take us up to this morning, about 8:00 this morning, still tracking the fog out there. 53 to 58. and then into the afternoon hours, partly to mostly sunny but still this has been the
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weather story all week long. here is a look at the numbers. santa rosa right around 80. 9 this an -- 91 in antioch. some more neighborhoods with san jose, lower 80s and morgan hill right around 90 degrees. same deal as we head into the saturday. that will be the warmest day. then we gradually cool things off beginning sunday. but by monday and tuesday, we cool things off. dave? >> thank you. most of the ships at the site of the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico, they've been told to evacuate to get out of the way of tropical storm bonnie. the current track for that storm shows it could pass correctly over the oil spill sigh. however, bp and the -- site. however, bp and the government have decided to leave the new containment cap that is kieling things sealed. it should be able to weather the storm. bp has asked the public about
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suggestions about cleaning up the oil spill. a former coast guard lieutenant says -- i'll not joking -- i'm not joking -- magic fairy dust. he says it's the most popular one. and then another suggestion, a substance used to clean up debris from the garage. 7:11. north korea is making a serious threat against the u.s. if our country and south korea do something this weekend. also ahead, last night's -- last night a family from sonoma were shocked when they came home.
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>> reporter: the north says this is an expression of hostile policy against its government. they are con ducking exercises to show solidarity about the sinking of a ship blamed on the north. earlier this week, health official health official called on the regime to change its way. >> north korea can halt its provacative behavior, its threats and bridge presence to its neighbors. take -- and bridge presence to its -- belligerent to its neighbors. >> reporter: secretary clinton is taking part in a southeast security summit today in vietnam. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, alison. 7:5. we're learning more about the
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man picked up at the end of a big manhunt along the way in sausalito. newschopper2 caught most of the activity. thirty officers helped search for a fugitive considered armed and dangerous. it happened after a sausalito cop recognized him riding in a car on a bridgeway. the driver pulled over, but the fugitive, deleon took off running. >> i was just concerned whether everybody would be all right on the boats or whether he would board a boat and take someone hostage. >> he eluded police for two hours. his felony warrants include burglary, assault with a deadly weapon. that charge stems from a case in san rafael's canal neighborhood where he's suspected of throwing a bottle and striking a girl in the face. we've posted the unedited
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video from newschopper2. you will find it in the video section of 7:16. oakland police are expanding an investigation into a tragic crime. they want to know if the two people suspected of robbing and killing a virginia man are responsible for other violent crimes. take a look at the surveillance pictures taken sunday night. you can see in the moment a man and a woman atth and webster streets in -- at 19th and webster streets in downtown oakland. they were taken just before the killing of jinghong kang of fairfax, virginia. investigators say kang had only $17 on him at the tom he was killed. two san mateo residents are headed to jail following a plea deal in the burglary of a sonoma home a day after the family that lived there died in the car crash. michael gutierrez and amber true pleaded no contest to breaking into the home of the maloneys, destroying furniture
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of the walls, the doors and stealing the family's car. they insist they didn't know that jim, susan and the children just died. their trial was supposed to begin today. gutierrez could get more than 11 years in jail. amber true could be sentenced to eight years. a san jose man is in jail accused of impersonating a police officer. this man was arrested monday morning in atascadero. investigators say he was wearing a california highway patrol hat and was talking on a mobile radio. they say he had a pistol, handcuffs, badges and a police baton. his car was whipped with a dash- board camera -- was whipped with a dash-board camera. police say he may have butted over drive -- pulled over drivers in the bay area. there is a warning about
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identity thieves stealing personal information from an atm. investigators say they found a card skimmer in use at a bank of america kiosk located on harborson driver. a card skimmer is an electronic device that befores to an atm or other reader -- that attaches to an atm or other reader. police say 58 customers' informs may have been stolen -- information may have been stolen. those customers are urged to carefully check their bank estimates. three city supervisors whose salaries led to a huge outrage are gonna resign. the city has accepted the resignation of the city manager, robert rizzo, the city manager and the bell police chief, randy adams. rizzo was the highest paid at
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$787 a year. he oversaw one of the poorest communities in the los angeles area. that's almost twice the pay of president obama. adams earns over $450,000 a year. there's one consolation, workers in san francisco, and san jose earn the highest in the country. people here earn 20% more than the national average. the new york area ranked number two and salinas, california came in, believe it or not, number three. >> interesting. all right. it's 7:0. a bizarre and very disturbing story about vandalism in san francisco's golden gate park. we'll tell you about attacks that targeted several trees.
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good morning. highway 4 traffic is moving along pretty well. today it's been a better than unusual day here. there are some problems. we'll tell you more about that those coming up.
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police were involved in a short chase of a car. the car took off when police tried to pull it over for a traffic violation. as police chased the car, the four men inside opened all of the doors and jumped out. the car came to a rest on the sidewalk at 94th and sunnyside street. the driver of the car was arrested. police say that car was stolen. nature lovers are dismayed by the killing of 44 trees in san francisco's golden gate park. the most recent vandalism was found wednesday morning at the
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music concourse. that's where 14 young elm and one sycamore had apparently been sawed in two about 8 inches above the ground. park officials say this is the fifth attack since may. some trees were cut in half. others were uprooted or stripped by their bark. it looks like the proposed b.a.r.t. connector in oakland is back on track. the board approved a revised plan. the three-mile railway would connect the coliseum station to the oakland airport. the plan stalled in february when the feds pulled $70 million in funding saying b.a.r.t. violated civil rights law. they must get state funding and a federal loan to complete the project. there was another important item on the b.a.r.t. agenda but they decided to postpone the vote on temporary fare rollbacks.
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b.a.r.t. has a surplus and is considering using that money to reduce fares. but in a recent passenger poll, almost 80% of with b.a.r.t. passengers -- of b.a.r.t. passengers say they want the money used other things, mainly to clean up the trains. >> interesting. 7:25. let's go to sal. something just happened in san jose. what happened, sal? >> well, that motorcycle crash that i mentioned last time, we found it. the driver of the motorcycle, the rider, ended up dumping his bike. let's go to highway 101 in san jose. northbound 101 in san jose at 880 and -- but it ended up getting up and walking around. traffic is recovering here. you can kind of see that northbound 101 in san jose is a little bit slower than it normally would be. the good news, the man got up. minor injuries. it could have been worse. in is 880 in oakland, that
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traffic moving well, passing the coliseum. and the bay bridge, even though we had a stall on the bridge, that would normally mean a big backup. but today it's been light. here's mark. good morning to you. the cooling trend has really been topping the bay area headlines except for yesterday. we started to warm things up and that trend will continue as we head into the weekend. a live look outside in san jose. here we go with the overcast. the clouds filled this over the past two to three hours. san jose right now, 58 degrees. here is the plan for this morning. areas of fog, fair skies inland. but still some patchy fog sneaking into a few areas and then this afternoon, the fog will pull back to the shoreline. patchy fog for beaches. that will keep the coast on the cool side today. inland, you can see those numbers warming back up, upper 80s to the lower 90s. hayward tops out 71. morgan hill around 90 and half
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moon bay, 59. a look ahead at your five-day forecast -- temperatures up a little bit for your saturday but pretty much the same story and then we will increase the fog beginning on sunday and then the cooling trend kicks in by monday of next week. back to the desk. >> thank you, mark. 7:26. the concord grandfather facing felony charges in a dog mauling death has just granted an interview to ktvu news. >> i don't want to think about what happened. [ inaudible workweek. [ . >> claudine wong just wrapped up that interrue. we will be back. and we're following breaking news from oakland. this involves a crime that terrorized the city a couple of years ago. >> reporter: i'm paul chambers live in oakland where fire crews are on the scene of an early-morning fire inside a marijuana grow operation. i will have the details coming up. has
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i tore both my rotator cuffs. first i injured this shoulder, then this one, then this one two more times. playing with my kids was not an option. when a lot of doctors could have gone in and just said, "no, can't fix it." but he didn't give up. today i can throw my kids around in the pool. i can still coach rugby and share my love of the game. announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit
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grandson. ktvu's claudine wong is live from the courthouse in martinez with an update. >> reporter: good morning. yes, steven hayashi told me that he was warned that doing any kind of interviews with reporters might put his life in danger because other inmates don't look well on someone who is charged with a crime involving the death of a child. he said he wanted to talk to us, anyway, to talk about what happened. he describes being gone yesterday from that concord home when this attack happened. he says usually, on most mornings, his 2-year-old step had grandson, jacob, would wake up, go into his grandmother's room, and go sleep with her. that didn't happen. instead jacob's brother came in, pointed to the garage and mumm -- mumbled something. that's when she went to the garage and found jacob. my wife found our grandson in the garage mauled. i don't know how long he was in the garage. i wasn't at home. if i was at hole, it wouldn't -- at home, it wouldn't happen. usually in the morning i'll the
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one who wakes up, takes care of my grand grandkids, change their diapers and feed them. i usually know their whereabouts. >> reporter: now, police tell us this attack happened about 8:45 in the morning. the three pit bulls were in a garage and somehow little jacob wandered into that garage. hayashi says usually there is a dead bolt and he believes someone forgot to dead bolt that. he said he keeps the dogs in their overnight. he got home around 9:00, 9:15, he said and was approached by police and that's when he was told about what happened. >> of course, i was upset. as soon as the police officers gave me the paper to sign for the dogs, to get them euthanized. i did it right away.
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no problem. i -- i have different feelings towards animals now. i feel very sad. >> certainly there are a lot of questions this morning. hayashi faces two felonies in connection with the death of his 2-year-old step grandson. there were five pit bulls on that property or mixes of pit bulls. there was also a ferret which is illegal to have as well as a couple of guns. we did ask hayashi about these dogs and about if they had a history of aggression. you might be surprised about what he had to say. there was one dog in particular that he didn't actually let jacob ever go near. we will tell you why coming up at 8:00. live here in hernandez -- live here in martinez, claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. and for continuing coverage of the pit bull attack, you can click on the bay area news tab at our home page,
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7:33. oakland firefighters are still at the scene of what could be another house fire sparked by a pot growing operation. ktvu's paul chambers joining us live. he's outside the house. what's the latest paul? >> reporter: the call came in about 5:00 this morning. fire crews say it started on the first floor. i'm joined by the chair tosh dash by the fair chief. i guess there was difficulty getting in? >> that's correct. when the firefighters went up the stairs, they had problems with debris throughout the staircase. when they got to the third floor they discovered the pot growing operation. >> reporter: you said there was a burn between a stairwell. how did you make it up to the top floors? >> from going through the front of the building. you could jump through the
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stairwell. >> when you got to the third floor, you said it was fully engulfed. >> it looked like there were two rooms, where the more mature plants were the and then you have the other room where the plants were in their infancy -- infancy stage if that's the correct word. >> reporter: thank you, chief. inside the home, there was a pot growing operation growing on the third floor. therethere was a little problem for the crew to get up there. luckily, no one was injured. all is well right now. they are still investigating to find out the exact cause of the fire. we're live in oakland, paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. investigators are investigating a takeover
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robbery at a piedmont restaurant. people inside the restaurant were robbed. the restaurant itself was robbed. police interviewed the victim. so far no word on a description of the suspects. just two years ago, there was a string of take-other robberies targeting oakland residents. we're learning the identities this morning of the six people killed in yesterday morning's bus crash near fresno. investigators say three young will, all from the fresno area died when they were thrown from an suv after it overturned on interstate 9. a gray hound bus slammed into them. a bus rolled down the embankment hitting a tree. two individuals from mexico were killed. they were on their way to visit relatives in merced. ktvu news has learned there was no sign of any accelerant
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at the scene of that car fire at sfo yesterday at the parking lot. right now, investigators are paying special attention toward a toyota mini than. that was the first vehicle to -- to have caught fire. 7:36. we want to check in with sal, who is gonna tell us about a new crash in sonoma county. >> that's right. northbound 101, this accident occurred when a haven't somehow came off the roadway and hit a bicyclist on the right hand side, according to chp. not really sure how that happened, although chp now is talking about how the van driver -- van driver may have fallen asleep at the wheel. northbound 101, there is a little bit of a crowd developing there in the petaluma area in sonoma county. let's move along to live pictures, traffic is light at
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the bay bridge toll plaza with no major problems coming into the city. we did have an accident approaching the intersection but traffic is still low. here's mark. good morning to you. we're still on fog watch again. pretty much day five in a row showing you mostly cloudy skies. we're gonna warm things up. we warmed up a little by. that trend will continue for today. a little bit warmer. tomorrow will be the warmest day, then the fog moves back in next week. as a result temperatures will be cooling back off. for today, here's the eventual range, we're on 50 cool side. the -- as far as current numbers, mountain view one of the warmer war wash warmer
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spots. fairfield still a bit of a breeze but the winds are at 25 miles an hour. this area of high pressure which is strengthening and also the fog bank. patchy fog, cool temperatures for the beaches. right around hearing -- clearing skies. also right on through the weekend. here is a look at some of the numbers -- san jose tops out 8 1. gilroy for the garlic festival for today in the upper 80s. and downtown lower 60s. a little bit warmer for your saturday but pretty much the same weather story. we begin to cool things off on sunday. the cooling trend kicks in as we increase the fog for next
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week. a consortium of california scientists has been given $122 million to figure out a way to produce fuel from sup light the same way plants -- sunlight the same way plants to. they want to develop ways to turn sun into meth that knoll, ethanol or gasoline. researchers from lawrence livermore lab, cal tech, standard and uc berkeley will work together on the project. garlic lovers are heading south this weekend for the annual gilroy festival. tens of thousands attended last year. the star of "bravo," the top chef is scheduled to hold demonstrations. this is the 32nd year of the gilroy garlic festival since it started in 1979. it's hosted more than 3.5 million people. find out why there will
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only be half of the usual police cars patrolling vallejo streets tomorrowing -- starting tomorrow. ♪
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♪ yes! ♪ look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? simple stuff... eating right...whole grain. whole grain? [ female announcer people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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taking a live look at the big board on wall street, numbers are in the positive right now. trading a has been choppy early. investors threw a large batch of earnings and preparing for the results from the european bank stress test. mcdonald's 2nd quarter profits jumped 12%. amazon is disappointed by
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missing its profit report. the dow up 32. the nasdaq is basically flat. s&p up 2. it is 7:43. this morning, all 152 people arrested in that noisy downtown san francisco demonstration last night are free. [ chanting ] >> they were part of an ongoing series of demonstrations by hotel workers demanding a new contract from hotel owners. about 500 people blocked stockton street for about two hours near the grand hyatt. not all of the protesters were hotel workers. there were nurse, teamsters and other union members joining in. but nearby business owners say it hurts them more than the hotel. >> it's terrible. it destroyed my business. i mean, since they started, we have nobody walk in. there's absolutely no business. >> the protests have focused on who will pay for healthcare in.
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they hope to start negotiations in a few weeks. hours of debate ended with the oakland city council deciding against a plan that could have brought in millions of dollars. that would include a 2% tax for medical dispensaries, an 8% tax on cultivators and up to 10 percent on facilities that sell marijuana for recreational use. the city council plans to take up the issue again next monday at a special meeting. oakland's police chief is turning to the federal government now for help in dealing with violent crime in oakland. chief batts says he will meet with the u.s. attorney's office and the fbi. batts says after 80 officers were played off last week, he's had to put his investigators in patrol cars. so he's asking for the federal
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government's government to assist with long-term investigations, especially those targeting gang networks in the city. vallejo is another city that's been forced to cut down on the police department. starting tomorrow, there will be half as many police cars as usual, patrolling the streets of vallejo. the police department will also start requiring patrol officers to ride two to a car for their own safety. the vallejo police department right now has 95 sworn officers but that number keeps going down as more officers retire or they transfer to other police departments. 7:46. lawyers for a republican gay rights group plan to ask a federal judge today to declare the military's don't ask/don't tell poll i unconstitutional. it's part of their planned closing arguments in a southern california trial wrapping up today. it's considered the biggest legal test of don't ask, don't tell in recent years. government attorneys have
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argued over the two-week trial that congress should decide on this, not a federal judge. congress has spent a $60 billion war funding bill back to the house after stripping down on the spending bill. the spending bill is mostly for funding the war in afghanistan and other defense spending. house democrats tried to add billions of dollars in domestic spending to the bill, including $0 billion in grants to school districts to avoid teacher layoffs. time now 7:47. scientists are saying -- this is scary -- a rare fungus normally found in the tropics is taking route in the pacific northwest. it's blamed for 5 deaths nationwide. health official the say those deaths happened over a -- health officials say those deaths happened over years. the fungus grows on or around trees. illnesses can happen months after people breathe in the
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microscopic spores. now, since 2004, there have been 43 cases in oregon, 5 in washington state. one here in california and one in idaho. the symptoms include a very persistent cough, a headache and shortness of breath. two environmental groups are suing the epa. they want a ban on a pesticide that's widely used in agriculture. this chemical is frequently used on corn, grapes, oranges in california's central valley. the lawsuit is a result of a 2007 petition where the natural resources defense council and the pesticide action network. it was banned in 2001 from household projects because the epa said it could hurt children. 7:48. san francisco police are investigating an unusual crime this morning which they say hundreds of thousands of honey bees were deliberately killed.
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investigators say it happened at hayes valley farm. san francisco beekeeper says there's system police can do to find whoever destroyed the highs. >> i understand that -- the lives. >> i understand there's one person in the neighborhood and only one who has expressed any negative sentiments about honey bees being on the property. >> san francisco's nuisance code exempts the colonies. they are considering installing security cameras to protect the colonies in the future. this morning, apple just announced a new delay in the availability of the white iphone 4. less than a week ago,
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apple's ceo steve jobs said the white iphone 4 would be available at the end of the month but this morning's notice also matches one from a month ago. they are now expected to come out at the end of the year. the world's cheapest commuter is now -- computer is now available in india. it costs only -- check it out -- $35. human resources development says the computer has all of the facilities needed by students. the minister plans to bring this next year. the price of the device is expected to go down even lower. just $10 each. hard to imagine. >> wow. >> 7:50. still ahead, a thief learns the hard way just how well the gps apps work on your cell phone.
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou
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reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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a 16-year-old dragged a prop on the tracks. one car hit a prop and was rear ended by another car. luckily, no one was hurt. the crash caused about 5,000 damage. the ride was recently updated at a cost of $9 million.
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it debuted just last month. it did, however, reopen on sunday. in san francisco, an alleged thief picked the wrong time and place to steal an iphone. police say that phone was being used at the time to demonstrate its gps tracking ability. when the thief didn't realize that, the thief stole it right out of the demonstrator's hands and ran away. the lab company that was demonstrating the software used the gps to track where the thief was. police say they arrested 31- year-old horacio torre about nine minutes later, and yes, they got the phone that was stolen back. we want to check in once again with sal castanedo. keeping a close eye on the situations out there. >> the traffic volume has been lighter than usual today because -- well, it's friday. i think a lot of people have those four-day weeks going.
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this is 80 westbound as you head out to the macarthur maze. it's a little more crowded. it's been light at the toll plaza. you don't have to worry about getting into the city and driving the distance into the city. let's move along. i want to he show you this. when you see it light like this here, it will be light going into the valley. now let's go to mark. >> reporter: hi there, sal. good morning. the fog paying us a visit across the bay area. coast side around the bay. even a few patches inland. today will be warmer than yesterday. the warming trend started yesterday and temperatures will be peaking as we head into your weekend. in bay point, you can see some of the overcast there. haze. quick update on the tropics. we're still tracking what is now a tropical storm. tropical storm bonnie. this is the loop over the past 12 hours. the center of circulation you will see it right about here.
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the forecasted track, as we take this into the weekend, this will not be a hurricane. right now we have winds of 40 miles an how. this will continue to strengthen, probably maxing out with winds at 55 miles an hour. again, this will not be strong enough for a hurricane. back in the bay area we have this. areas of fog, fair skies. 53 to 58. by 3:00 this afternoon, partly to mostly sunny. but still some patchy fog. there's the eventual range, 70s around the bay. temperatures inland approaching 90 degrees. san jose we'll go 81 and los gatos, 86 degrees. your five-day forecast, it could be a little bit warmer and then by sunday we introduce some cooling. cooling trend really kicks in by monday and tuesday next week.
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oakland police are investigating a deadly overnight shooting just hours. just hours ago, we learned the victim -- the victim is a medical professional. and the concord step- grandfather facing felony charges. find out how magic fairy dust could help in the massive oil cleanup in the gulf of mexico.
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the man charged in the fatal mauling of his 2-year-old grandson speaks out. >> reporter: overnight homicide in oakland. what the victim was doing when he was shot. crews are still on the scene of fire that gutted the oakland hills. and we'll tell you what san jose's mayor says he will do with or without the blessing of major league baseball. the second hour of "mornings on 2" begins right now. good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning.
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i'm dave clark. it's friday, july 23rd. now, we're following new developments in the deadly dog mauling case in concord. the victim is a 2-year-old boy. his step grandfather is facing felony charges. 90 minutes ago, ktvu's claudine wong spoke to him in a jailhouse interview. claudine wong joins us now with the latest on what he said. good morning, claudine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. yes, i spoke to 52-year-old hayashi from jail here in martinez -- in martinez. i asked him several questions about these dogs at his concord home. he owned five pit bulls. three of them were kept in the garage, where this 2-year-old boy, his step grandson jacob, walked into yesterday and that's where the mauling, the fatal dog mauling happened. the question, of course, many people are asking, was could he have known? was there a history with these dogs? now, hayashi says the kids, the grandkids, there were a couple
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of them there, actually played with the dogs. here's what he had to say when i asked him about safety. >> i always didn't want them to -- didn't want them to get close to the dog without supervision. i was there all of the time. >> reporter: he mentions the one dog that these kids didn't go near, one dog that jacob, the 2-year-old, didn't even even know. that dog was a dog that showed aggression. that dog killed the family chihuahua a year ago. he said maybe he was blinded by the love that and ga his -- and that his grandson didn't want him to get rid of the dog. partly sunny skies that's a dog that's definitely shown aggression. when i asked him if he took responsibility for what happened, he does say that he does take responsibility for the attack that happened at his
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home. >> this is a burden that i will carry on for the rest of my life. even though the dogs did the mauling, incorrectly it is my responsibility to make sure things like this didn't happen. >> reporter: hayashi said he did not hesitate when police and animal control officers presented him with the paperwork to euthanize the five dogs in his home. this all happened at 8:45 in the morning. he was out coaching his 13-year- old son. didn't get back until 9:or:5. he says he's still trying to piece together how it all happened and how 2-year-old jacob got in the garage. he said it's usually dead boated. he assumes someone forgot to set the dead bolt and that's how jacob got in. he says he does think this is severe. he says he should be fined but he doesn't think he should be
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facing two felonieses. he's facing two felonies. his bell is did the 120,000. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. this morning, homicide investigators in oakland are searching for suspects in a deadly overnight shooting. the victim was a bay area nurse. ktvu channel 2 reporter kraig debro joins us now with an update. good morning, kraig. >> goodgood morning, tori the victim lived on east 15th street at 57 act avenue. he live the in the back of his -- back of this building. police say he's jut getting home from work when he was shot at least one time. a neighbor heard the shot. >> help! help! ah! ah! that was it. >> reporter: that was 1:40 in the morning the police were called out to the scene. they found the victim, a 54- year-old man laying where he was shot at the bottom of the stairs to his home. a man -- the man was pronounced
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dead at scene. the neighbors say he was aplenty person who kept to himself. >> he's a working man. he doesn't mess with anybody. it's a senseless homicide. he goes to work. he comes home. >> reporter: police say the victim had just finished a shift as a nurse at kaiser hospital in oakland. they say his wife and kids are back in the phillippines. detective i spoke with compared what happened here this morning compared happened in virginia. there's no motive in this case yes but the detective says both men worked and had no criminal record. then he added to me, he said, kraig, this just wasn't cool. kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, kraig. this morning, fire investigators are trying to determine the cause of an overnight fire in the oakland hilts. firefighters were called to skyline boulevard and park ridge drive just after 1:00 this morning. a house that was under construction was fully engulfed in flames. the fire jumped from the house to nearby brother but overnight
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fog and damp weather helped keep it from threatening other homes in the area. there are no injuries. 8:05. a new trilisate -- a new trial date is expected to be set for barry bonds by a federal judge in san francisco. today's court hearing comes one month after prosecutors lost a crucial court fight. the judge barred the prosecutors from using key evidence to back up their claims when barry bonds lived when he said he never knowingly used performance-enhas -- enhancing drugs. mayor chuck reed now says he will ask the city council to put the ballpark measure on the ballot. a commission is still dudying the as' options and that includes the move to san jose. giants are opposed to this move saying that would violate their
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territorial rights to share county. we want to check in once again with sal castanedo who is keeping a close eye on the commute. is it pretty light? >> it is pretty light. we just spoke about the oakland athletics, and they are going to be playing tonight in oakland. you might want to make plans for taking b.a.r.t. to the stadium. it's the chicago white sox tonight. traffic on 880 this afternoon, around 5:00 or 6:00 when the fans start to show up -- start to show up. the peninsula is moving well. today you don't have to make the decision on which highway to use. a little bit of slow traffic up and over the hill to half bay and the other way around.
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8:07. here's mark tamayo. >> good morning. >> once again, overcast skies has kind of been my overall weather story. shing you in san francisco, mostly cloudy skies. san francisco warmed up a little bit. the entire bay area warmed up a little bit. the clouds, a factor in horn morning. we -- this morning. we have reports out in fairfield, antioch, concord. tomorrow will be the warmest day in the upcoming period. we gradually cool things off. highs today ranging from 50, 60. there's the 90-degree contour on either side of 90 degrees later op this afternoon. as far as current numbers, updated just a couple of seconds ago. san francisco, 54. fairfield, 57 and san jose at last check reporting 59 degrees. still tracking the two extremes. this area of high pressure has been warming up. the interior started yesterday. today the warmest locations in the upper 80s to the lower 90s.
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we still have that persistent fog bank. with the patchy fog keeping it cool for the beaches, right around the bay. temperatures moderating with clearing skies. winds still a factor. winds around 15 to 25 miles an -- 25-miles an hour. here we go the forecast model going back in time up to the present. you can see the clouds are filling in the bay. even a few patches inland. as we put this into motion in the afternoon hours. partly to mostly cloudy. but still, some patchy fog. there's the temperature change from 5 to 90. here is a look at the numbers. not a big change. san jose, 81. los gatos, 86 and half moon bay, bring a sweater, upper 50s. here is is a look ahead to your five-day forecast -- temperatures peak tomorrow with the warmest locations around 93, 94. monday and tuesday we increase the fog and cool things off by that time frame as well.
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8:0 9. most of the ships at the site of the bp oil spill have been ordered to evacuate because of bonnie. just moments ago, the government's pointman on the oil spill response explained how the evacuation of ships is being handled. >> the intent to is put the ships in a safe place so they can return as soon as possible to resume operations. >> bp and the government have decided to leave the cap in place. they went be able to -- they won't be able to monitor the equipment once it's moved. a former lost coast guard says they have gotten suggestions about how to clean up the
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spill. fairy dust is the most popular. fairy dust looks like sand so it's pretty hard to pick it up from the beaches. a san jose man is accused of playing a very dangerous game of cops and robbers. investigators want to know if he stopped you on the highway. the bay area police department has issued a very important warning regarding atms and card skimming. i came up with this mobile art gallery
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to bring art to the people. i strongly believe that there is art in every single person. sharing art is the highest calling for me.
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but without my health i wouldn't be able to do anything. [ male announcer to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. this is what makes me happy, so i'll probably do this until the wheels fall off. [ male announcer it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.
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8:1. we're tracking low clouds and fog acrosses the reyin. more on your forecast -- region. more on your forecast coming up. north korea now threatens to retaliate against the united states and south korea. a north korean official made the threat at a security forum in vietnam and secretary of state little health official health official is also attending that -- secretary of state health official health official is also attending that forum. alison burns has more. >> reporter: that's right. the tough talk is going down in a southeast asian security summit in vietnam. this is new video that we brought in from overnight as secretary of state health official health official and the foreign ministers of more than 25 other countries of the summit. it's here that a north korean official threatened a physical response. if the u.s. and south korea go
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ahead with planned military exercises this weekend. the official says it's another example of hostile policy toward the north. but clinton is lashing back saying the exercises will move forward and that the north must stop it threats and its campaign of provocative and dangerous behavior. the four-day exercise begins sunday in the sea of japan. it will solve 20 ships, 8,000 personnel. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, alison. thank you. time now, 8:15. we're finding out more about the man who was picked up along a big manhunt along the bay in sausalito. thirty officers helped search for this fugitive. yesterday afternoon he was hiding between the docks. it happen the after a sausalito police officer recognized him riding in a car on bridgeway. the driver pulled over but the
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fugitive, 21-year-old i say yus de layian -- isaiahs deleon eluded police for two hours before they caught him, spending much of that time in 60-degree water. his felony warrants include burglary and drug charges as well as assault with a deadly weapon. that charge stems from a case in san rafael's neighborhood. that's where he is suspected of throwing a bottle and hitting a girl in the case. we've posted the unedited video from news chop of the arrest. you can see it in the video section of 8:16. oakland police are expanding an investigation into a tragic crime. they want to know if the two people suspected of robbing and killing a virginia man are responsible for other violent crimes. surveillance pictures taken on sunday night show a man and a woman at 19th and webster streets in downtown oakland.
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they were taken just moments before the killing of 45-year- old jinghong kang of fairfax, virginia. two san mateo residents are headed to jail following the plea deal of the burglary of a sonoma home the day after the family died in a car crash. michael gutierrez and amber true pleaded no contest for breaking into the maloney home for stealing furniture and breaking furniture and they insist that they did not know the fall was killed coming home from a family thanksgiving vacation. gutierrez could get 11 years in jail. true could get eight years in jail. a spay man is accused of impersonating a police officer. he was arrested monday morning
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in atascadero. investigators say he was wearing a chp hat. he was talking on a mobile radio. he had a pistol, handcuffs, badges and a police baton. his car was whipped with a dash- cam camera, it had -- was whipped with a dash-camera. police say he may have pulled over drivers in the area. there is a warning from vacaville police about identity thieves. they are stealing personal information from an atm. investigators say they found a card skimmer being used at a bank of america keyes. keyes-- of america. the skimmer was used last month and it may have stolen information from as many as 58
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customers. investigators are saying if you use that atm carefully check your bank statements. there is a new status report out today that lists the united states as 12th for the number of young adults with college degrees. canada takes the number one position with 55.8 percent completion rate for adults. korea and the russian federation rank a close second and third. in 12th position, the u.s. has a 40.4% depletion rate. the commission on access, admissions and success in higher keys hopes to bring the number up to -- education hopes to bring that number up. three administrators' whose huge salaries sparked outrage in a suburb of los angeles have agreed to resign. they've accepted thed a
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resignation of rizzo, and adams. rizzo was the highest paid at $787,000 a year. that's twice the pay of president obama. adams earns $457,000 a year. with all of the stories about the bay area's high cost of living, there is one consolation. workers in the san jose, san jose and oakland areas -- santa rosa, san jose and oakland areas earn the highest wages. people here earn 20% more than the national average. the new york area ranks second and salinas, california, ranks third. it has been counted out before but is there a chance we might see a b.a.r.t. connection to the airport? plus -- will b.a.r.t. cut fares or not?
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details -- coming up.
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police were involved in a short pursuit after car that took off when officers tried to pull it over for a traffic
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violation. as police pursued the car, the four men jumped out. police arrested the driver and police say the car was stolen. 8:23. it looks like the proposed b.a.r.t. connector in oak to the airport is back on track this morning. b.a.r.t.'s board of directors approved a revised financial plan yesterday. it was an 8-1 vote. the three-mile elevated railway would connect the coliseum station to the airport. the project stalled in february when the federal government pulled 70 million in funding saying b.a.r.t. violated civil rights laws. b.a.r.t. has to get state funding and a federal loan to finish the proposed project. there was another important item on the b.a.r.t. board's agenda yesterday but they decided to postpone a vote on a temporary fare rollback. b.a.r.t. has 4.5 million in surplusle they are considering using that
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of a money to reduce -- of that money to reduce fares. in a poll, it was indicated people wanted the money used for other things, like cleaning the trains. b.a.r.t. may take up the issue again next month. let's check in with sal castanedo, who is keeping a close eye on the commute, including the bay area bridges right now. >> tori and dave, i think you might like what you see here when it comes to crossing bay area bridges. it looks pretty good getting into san francisco. san mateo bridge, golden gate bridge and also richmond bridge. definitely on this friday, we have lighter traffic volume and not that many accidents to report. we hope this trend will continue. here's mark tamayo. we have the overcast over a good portion of the bay area with clearing skies right around fairfield and antioch. we can show you an updated image. a live look outside in berkeley with the cloud cover in place. mostly cloudy skies.
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this is basically -- this has basically been the same weather picture, especially for right around the bay and the coast. here you can pick up the satellite that links up to that image. you will see this. in fact, let's bring back the satellite and show you the overcast. we have clear skies around concord and antioch. this will have an impact on temperatures for today. now, as far as the tropical update, we want to update you on what is now tropical storm bonnie, parking winds of 40 miles an hour. as can you see. here is the projected path over the next few days. right now, winds at 40 miles an hour. it's strengthening a little bit as a tropical storm as we head into the weekend, especially for late saturday and into sunday. back here in the bay area, we have areas of fog, fair skies,
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inland, partly to mostly sunny. there's the e vex temperature range from the upper 50s coast side to right around 90 to possibly 91, 92 inland. we started to warm up. that trend continues to warm up. half moon bay 59 degrees. here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast pretty much the same story. we cool things off for the extended outlook. 8:26. starting tomorrow, the number of police cars patrolling one bay area city is gonna be put in half. we'll have the details when we come back. >> i'm paul chambers live in oakland where police are investigating an early-morning fire. coming up i will explain what was burning inside.
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sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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welcome back. we're finding out more about an early-morning fire and the debt does -- and the discovery of a pot growing operation. paul chambers is out there with all of the details of this continuing investigation. good morning, paul. >> reporter: good morning. there's no question what was burning in this area. as soon as i stepped out of the vehicle, you could smell marijuana heavily throughout the air. you did also still smell it occasionally as the wind blows. that's what crews found inside, was marijuana and pot. the call came in around 5:15 this morning. firefighters say flames were coming from the back side of the building from the first
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floor and quickly spread to higher floors of this apartment building. crews had to battle a lot of debris inside the building. according to the fire chief, it was tough to get to the higher floors because the fire burned through the stairwell between the second and third-story of the building. drews had to doubleback and make their way to the front -- to the front entrance. once they made it to the third floor, they found dozens of pot plants growing. >> the third floor had two rooms. extra rooms in there. both of those room have plants,
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at different stages in full bloom with buds. you can smell it from the street. >> reporter: now, inspectors are not sure what caused the fire. but they are ruling out electrical. the investigation is now in the hands of oakland police because they found marijuana inside. reporting live in oakland, i'm paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. all right. thank you, paul. 8:31. this morning, oakland police are investigating a take-other robbery at a restaurant. it happened just before 11:00 last night. nine customers inside the green bubble restaurant on piedmont avenue were robbed. the restaurant was robbed as well. the police interviewed the victims but there's no word yet on a description of the suspects. two years ago there was a string of take-over robbery -- of robberies targeting oakland restaurants. authorities are looking for a man who has threatened two women with a handgun and asking for sexual favors. the incident happened yesterday and noon at castlerock state park. the police say when the women refused his deeds hands, he stole a backpack and ran away. the man is latino, 4-feet inches tall. he was wearing cargo plants and was last seen on a saratoga gap trail. ktvu news has learned there was no sign of any accelerant
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at the scene of several car fires in a long-term parking lot at sfo. now, this happened early yesterday morning. six vehicles were totaled by the flames. another one had minor damage in the fire. right now, investigators are paying special attention to a toyota minivan. that was the first vehicle that caught fire. police at sfo say they are not planning to increase security at the airport parking lot. it is 8:32. hours of debate ended last night with the oakland city council deciding on a new way to go about taxing marijuana. they opted for a new tiered plan which includes a 2.5% tax on medical marijuana dispensaries. an 8% tax on cultivators and up to 10% on facilities that sell marijuana for recreational use if voters approve that in november. the council plans to take up the issue again next monday at a special meeting. oakland's police chief is turning to the federal government for help in dealing with violent crime in the city.
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chief anthony batts says he will meet next month with the u.s. attorney general's office and the fbi. after 80 officers were laid off lasting with, he's had to put investigators in patrol cars. so he's asking for the federal government's help to assist with long-term investigation, especially with targeting gang networks in the city. starting tomorrow there will be half as many police cars as usual patrolling vallejo streets. the police department will also begin requiring patrol officers to ride two to a car for their own safety. the vallejo police department currently has 95 sworn officers but that number continues to go down as more officers retire or transfer to other departments. 8:34. nature lovers are very angry after vandals attacked 44 trees in san francisco's golden gate park. take a look at some video. we just got this in minute ago. the most recent attack was about wednesday morning at the
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music concourse. 14 young elm trees and one sycamore tree were sawed in half. this is the fifth such attack since may. while some of the vandalized trees were sawed in half. others were either uprooted or their bark was stripped. san francisco police are also investigating an unusual crime this morning, which they say hundreds of thousands of honey bees were deliberately killed. investigators say it happened at hayes valley farm. two mature bee colonies were destroyed by a household pesticide sprayed right into the vents on the side of the hives. a third smaller hive had about 70% of its bees killed. >> i understand there's one person in the neighborhood and only one who has expressed any negative sentimentses about honey bees being on the property. >> now, san francisco's nuisance code exempts the colonies because of their role
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in pollin nateing plants. they are -- pollinating plants. they are considering installing cameras or motion detectors to protect those colonies in the future. a consortium of scientists has been given $122 million to figure out a way of how fuel is produced and to turn sunshine into methanol, ethanol or gasoline, the way plants create energy through synthesis. researchers from lawrence livermore lab, cal tech, stanford and uc berkeley will work together on the project. >> all right. 8:36. sal, i thought everything was flowing along so nicely on 880? >> i know. and all of a sudden, we have some slow traffic on 880 right in front of the coliseum right now. this might mirror what you see later when the as play later
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font in oakland. 7::00 start time. right now, it's slow in front of the coliseum to a different reason. it's backed up all the way into downtown. after that, it's light to the bay bridge toll plaza with no major problem getting into san francisco, the peninsula, the traffic has been pretty good on highway 101. it's been holiday light. if we move across the bay, hayward, 880 south, still a little slow heading down to union city. 8:37 here's mark. >> good friday morning to you, sal. we're taking another look at the cloudy bay this morning. mostly cloudy skies over a good portion of the bay area except out towards the east bay out towards concord and antioch. we do ve mostly clear skies. here bewe go with the fog once again with the help of live stormtracker2. we come in late -- tighter you get an idea with the clearing points. we have clear skies in concord and martinez but the fog close by, you can pick out. moving the maps out to cover the bay. completely overcast from
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oakland to hayward to fremont and even pacifica and still some fog from san francisco across the bay bridge and into oakland. the overall weather story for today is this -- we've been talking quite a bit about the fog all week lock -- long. the fog will cool us off next week, monday into tuesday. warmest locations inland, upper 80s to the lower 90s. the warmest locations could be around 91 to 92. current numbers across the bay area, 54 in santa rosa. 57 in fairfield. still roo breezy -- still breezy in fairfield with winds around 20, 25 miles an hour. and san jose right around 5. high pressure has been responsible for the warmup. we still have the other extreme with the fog hugging a good portion of the bay area coast side. with that, the microclimates return for your friday afternoon. patchy fog for the beaches. clearing skies around the bay.
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the inland spots warming back up under mostly cloudy skies. if you are heading out of town, there is the possibility of a few isolated thunderstorms for the lake tahoe area, monterey, pretty much the same story in leaks. here's the heat in palm springs, 110 degrees for both saturday and into sunday. here's our forecast model. we're trafficking the overcast. 53 to 58 degrees. you can see the clouds as we put this into motion pulling back to near the shoreline, revealing partly to mostly sunny skies. but still some patchy fog at least for parts of the coastline into the afternoon. santa rosa right around 80. some more neighborhoods with mountain view in the upper 70s and san jose in the lower 80s. here is a look ahead to your five-day forecast, a little bit warmer for your saturday. cooling trend really kicks in with more fog by monday of next week. dave? >> all right, mark. thank you. well, garlic lovers are heading south this weekend. they are going to the annual
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gilroy garlic festival. thousands were there at the festival. the star of the "bravo" show, he will be holding a cooking demonstration, also hosting a cooking contest. that's on sunday. this is the -- 32nd year. more than 3.5 million people have attended this event since it began. cancer survivors will be raising awarness about the ongoing fight against the disease. the american cancer society is holding its 24-hour relay for life. these pictures are from last year's event from san francisco. the two-day walk and run raises money for cancer research and support. it also reminds survivors and care givers they are not alone. it's a way for people who have been touched by cancer to talk to each other, share their experiences of hope and share their experiences of comfort. we tell people you -- your doctor can't give you this in a
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bottle. you can only get it at relay. it's genuine, it's real, it's free. come and join us. the saratoga race is one of many held around the country. for more information go to and click on "web stories." in a few minute, very important steps will be taken in the court case with barry bonds. >> reporter: from jail this morning, the grandfather charged with the mauling of his 2-year-old son speaks out. we'll tell you what has to say about the pit bulls and the attack when "mornings on 2" comes back. woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send.
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it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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it is 8:44. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're following right now. oakland police are investigating the overnight shooting death of a 54-year-old man killed as he came home from work after working as a nurse at kaiser hospital in oakland. he was shot as he got out of his car right in front of his house in east oakland. in just a couple of minutes, a new trial date is expected to be set for -- be
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set for barry bonds. the prosecutors lost a crucial court fight in the perjury case in the case of barry bonds. and san jose's mayor is stepping up his campaign to bring the a's to his city. he says he will put the new measure on the ballot and will do it without the blessing of major league baseball. we're following new developments in the deadly dog mauling case in concord. the ville, a 2-year-old boy. his step-grandfather is facing felony charges. claudine wong spoke to that grandfather in the martinez jail and has this update. >> reporter: 52-year-old steven hayashi was brought here to the martinez county jail last night. this morning, he sat down with me and talked about this fatal pit bull attack, an attack that happened 24 hours ago. the attack that killed his 2-
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year-old grandson. now, hayashi sat down with me in a visitors room. he told me this morning that he loves all of his grandchildren and says he didn't will let the children around the pit bulls without supervision. he did admit one of the dogs killed a chihuahua a year ago but insists he did not realize the pit bulls were capable of such a deadly attack. he says he's still in shock. >> i was taking my son to a sports activity yesterday morning. within 24 hours, i am in jail, my grandson is dead. he was only 2 years old. he should outlive all of us. you know, he -- he was -- he was young. i -- the day before that happened, i still think about him wrapping his legs around me and asking for a hug. it's not that -- i don't want anybody to think that i didn't love my -- my kids in that
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house. i loved all of them. >> reporter: hayashi was not home at the time of the attack. but he says he does take responsibility for what happened. although he believes his punishment should be fines and restitution and not jail time. hayashi says when presented with the papers to euthanize all five dogs, he says he didn't hesitate. he says he's always been a person who loves dogs. he got the dogs about a year and a half ago. one of them was a mother and two of them were puppies from that dog that he says he got from the animal shelter when the animal shelter said that that one dog had actually lived with children before. he says at this point with what happened, he doesn't want to be around any animals anymore. he's not sure what's gonna happen next. he says he's laid off and at this point he's worried about his family. live in martinez, claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, claudine. as claudine just mentioned, we have avenue learned four of the five dogs were put down
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following that deadly attack had not been neutered. in 2006, the city of san francisco enacted an ordinance requiring all pit bulls or pit bull mixes to be spayed or neutered so they would be less aggressive. we're told that law is working. >> we think the number of pit bulls coming into the shelter has decreased by about 5% and -- 25% and the number we euthanize has dropped by about a third. >> at one point, contra costa county had considered mandatory legislation for this, but they didn't have the resources or public support to make it work. for continuing coverage for the pit bull attack, click on the bay area news tab at our home page 8:48. well, one of the two mothers charged in connection with a fatal fire that killed their four little children in fairfield will be in court this morning for a bail hearing. latisha james was arrested when
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she appear appear voluntarily in court. she's charged with childen danger and manslaughter. investigators say the children had been left alone and blamed candles left burning after the electricity had been turned off. this morning, all 152 people arrested in a noisy downtown demonstration in san francisco are free. [ chanting ] >> they were part of an ongoing series of demonstrations by hotel workers demanding a new contract from hotel owners. last night, about 1500 people blocked stockton street for about two hours near the grand hyatt. not all of the protesters were hotel workers with nurses, teamsters and other union members joining in. but nearby business owners say it's hurt them more than it's hurting the hotel. >> it's terrible. it destroyed my business.
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i mean, since this started, we have nobody walk in. there's absolutely no business. >> the protests have focused on who will pay for healthcare in the new contract. the union hopes to restart negotiations in the next few weeks. the only major airline based in the bay area is peak -- is making a huge investment in the future. virgin america has just ordered 40 new jets for a total of 3.2 billion. that will more than double the company's fleet of planes. the 3-year-old airline says the planes will be used to expand service as it adds two or three new routes every year for the next few years. the website yelp is launching in germany. the company was founded in san francisco and claims it attractses 1 million users a day in the bay area. it already has sites set up for france, england and ireland. 8:50. an investigation has found that california schools are spending just too much money fixing
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roofs. state lawmakers say that's because school districts follow a practice that restricts competitive bids. the study was an assemblyman and claims san francisco will pay an extra $60,000 for one roof because the bidding is limited by demand for a specific roof by a certain manufacturer. a teenager from stockton has now been arrested for vandalizing that new haunted castle ride at the secure beach boardwalk. police say the 16-year-old dragged a prop onto the tracks. one car hit the trap, then it was rear ended by another car. nobody was hurt. but that crash caused about $5,000 $. the ride was recently upgraded at a cost of $9 million. it debuted last month. however, the ride has reopened. in fact, it reopened on sunday. nine minutes before 9:00.
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breaking news. b.a.r.t. leaders in san francisco could be facing some big delays. sal will have details when we come back.
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we have breaking news in san francisco, where a person is on the b.a.r.t. tracks between glen park and balboa station. police describe this person as an unstable individual who may be under the influence of
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drugs. he's described as a white male, wearing a mohawk and running between glen park and balboa park. not a joking matter. the trains have been stopped. the electrical third rail has been de-energized. a lot of police officers are between glen park and balboa park in san francisco. it's causing major delays. on b.a.r.t. trains we'll -- delay on b.a.r.t. train. we'll follow up on this. the fall who made last- minute vacation plans to visit the gulf -- the first family made last-minute plans to visit the gulf. the president has been encure cannaging people to visit the gulf coast. vice president joe biden will be heading west visiting yellow stone national park on monday. he will be checking on the progress of stimulus projects. about $25 million from the $862
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billion system list package went to construction and maintenance went for the project. apple's ceo less than a week ago said assuringly, that the white version of the iphone would shut at the -- would ship at the end of the month. but this notice almost matches one a month ago, that the white models are more challenging to make. they are now expected to come out at the end of this year. you can now now buy the world's cheapest computer in china. it costs $35. human resources development says the computer has everything a student needs. the ministry plans to bring this computer to every student by the year 201 1. the price is expected to go down to just $10 apiece. >> that's happening in india. new this morning, the coach of the french world cup team is planning on dropping all 23
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world cup players for his first match next month. this is collective punishment for the team's embarrassing fiasco in south africa. the french federation today announced it granted per miss to suspend the players at the coach's request. france was eliminated in the group stage at the world cup, failing to win a game. they were in the finals four years ago. >> that's wild. >> uh-huh. so is this -- sal, what's happening in san francisco. >> somebody is running on the tracks between the glen park station and the balboa park station. they've had to de-energize the track there. several police officers running through -- not running but -- responding to the area. this is causing major delays on b.a.r.t. between glen park and balboa park. trains will come to a stop. this will cause a major delay. if you are taking b.a.r.t. this morning, be prepared. major activity at glen park and
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the balboa park station. wewe have a crew on the way. still watching the fog, coast side, right around the bay. a little bit warmer than yesterday. that trend will take us into saturday with the clouds pulling back to near the shoreline. it looks like we'll be talking about cooler temperatures next week. and steve paulson will be back next week. i had a good time working with you guys. >> yeah. >> s it what a pleasure. >> it's been a pleasure having you. >> that will do it for us. have a good weekend. >> bye now.
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