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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  July 23, 2010 5:28am-6:00am PST

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nasdaq for the opening bell.
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welcome back to the morning news. ringing the opening bell there? gmy award winning -- grammy award winning musician. he is part of an organization there, saying that haiti still need help. look, they are waving to you. we'll get you -- we are looking down a little bit there on the opening but a lot of dow jones companies are reporting learning. ford, honeywell, mcdonald's. we'llly it out for you in a little bit. this is big. >> and mark, good morning to you and thank you for joining us you made it to friday.
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>> busy already this morning. fire crews are still at the scene of an overnight fire in the oakland hills. firefighters were called to skyline boulevard afternoon 1:00 this morning. ktvu's paul chill best is out there right now. it's smoky where you are. >> it's spokey and a lot of fog up here. crews are still here on the scene of this early morning two- alarm fire. just to make sure there are no additional flareups. they say as soon as they stone away, something smolders. when crews arrived on scene, they saw a home fully engulfed in flames. the response time was quick because the fire station is less than a padlock away. according to neighbors, the house has been under construction for six months. once they stepped out, they
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could smell and see the flames. >> i went to the backyard and saw a wall of flames. the flames were 75 to 100 feet high and glowing. >> reporter: this being fire season, crews were in the neighborhood last week inspecting homes making sure there is defensive space around the homes and veg stage cut back. and crews warn the fire could have been much worse. also, the weather played a huge factor in preventing shaling it from burning. >> we had wild land to burn but it burned very slowly because of the high humidity. we are fortunate that we do have the conditions that we do have. >> it appears an inspector came on scene. it's still not clear what caused the fire but we do know that no one was injured. the only thing inside the house was building materials and firefighters believe it's a
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total loss. >> this morning, the grandfather of a two-year-old boy is behind bars faces felony charges in a deadly dog mauling. he is the owner of the pid bulls that attacked and killed a home inside a whom in con court. three of the family's pitbulls attacked the child after he wandered into the garage. police later arrested 52-year- old stephen hayashi now facing felony child endangerment as well as several other felony charges. >> we learned that four of the five dogs put down after that deadly attack in con court had not been nude eared. in 2006, the city of san francisco enacted an ordinance requiring that all pitbull and bit pull mixes be spayed or neutered in an effort to make them less aggressive. animal control officer say that that law appears to be work glg
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we have seen the number of pitbulls coming into shelters have decreased by about 25% and the number we euthanasized have dropped about a third. contra cost at that county considered are mandatory spay for pit bulls su supervisors decided that the county didn't have the resources or the public report to make it work. for more on this story g to our website, and click on it the bay area news tab oakland police are now exhibits r expanding their investigation into a tragic crime. they are now looking into whether the two people suspected of robbing and killing a virginia man are responsible for some more crimes. those photos were taken just moments before the killing of 5- year-old james han kaine of
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fairfax, virginia. he had only $72 on him at the time he was killed. one of the women charmed in connection with afatal bay area fire is set to appear in court. she was charged with four count of manslaughter and child endangerment. four children between the ages of 1 and 4 died in the fire the the children had been left alone and claim candles left burning after the electricity had been turned off. time now, 6:35. this morning, 152 people arrested in a noisy downtown san francisco protest last night are free. they were part of the latest demonstration by hotel workers demanding a new contract from hotel owners. about 1500 people blocked stockton streets for about two hours right near the grandite hotel. this was the latest in ear size yf protests that angered drivers and neighboring
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businesses as well as customers. police are investigating a string of robberies that may involved adults using boys to do their birthy works. one of the burglaries happened on linton avenue. a homeowner confronted a ten- year-old boy trying to get into his house. on at least two other occasion, homeowners reported catching a child who then ran into some waiting adult. police believe he gets in using open doors and windows and may not know he is actually committing a crime. >> if you are an adult that's trying to use a child to gaining a shows a house or as a distraction technique, it's very easy to do so. they are very i am pregnantable, could believe it's a game. now, this child is described as will tape yo with long brown
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hair, about five feet tall, 100 pounds. police are worried this child may get hurt during a break in or something else. they are hoping that anyone with information will contact the police. nature lovers say they are angry about the killing of 44 trees. the most reasonable vandalism was discould have had at the music concourse. that's when 14 young elms and 4 young sycamores were sawed into. thinks the fifth time this has happened in may. 34 trees were sawd in half and others were uprooted or stripped of their park there is a new crash we hear another the very venetia bridge. >> that's right. a new accident, we don't know much about it.
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because it was just reported. we'll try and follow up on that let's go to the 680 on the sonole grate. that is moving fairly well. at the toll plaza, of course, we always check that and today, it has been light despite an earlier problem on the brain. checking it fair field and value quo, things are moving pretty well. now at 6:38, here is mark. >> sal, good morning to you. once again, we are starting with some overcast over a good portion of the bay area. towards fair field and antioch, mostly clear skies but a breeze delta. clouds eventually pulled back near the shore line as we head into the afternoon hours. current numbers in san francisco, 54, oakland, 58. still dealing with two
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extremes. the key difference is this area of high pressure will strengthen. we are talking about lower 90s for the warmer locations. it's a little bit warmer with the micro climate, clearing skies and breezy, the interior warming back up for this afternoon, under mostly sunny skies. here is the temperature forecast models. most areas are into the 502s. you can see the scale expands and warming us up. temperatures coast side, around 60 degrees, warmer locations inland and upper 80s to 90 to 91 degrees this afternoon. a lot of activities happening in gilroy for the gar lick festival and for today. the timeline throughout the day. a little bit warmer, could be touching 90 for the afternoon tomorrow. partly sunny skies lunchtime by 4:00. partly to mostly sunny and
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there is the temperature range. right around coast side. look ahead, pretty much the same story for your saturday. could be a little bit warmer and then looks like cooling for next week. another weather check in just a few minutes. >> thank you, mark. 6:40 is the time right now. just ahead here, you may guess that san francisco has the largest population of same sex couple in the country but the number 2 spot also goes to a bay area city. which one makes the list. and oakland city council members debated for hours over a plan to tax medical marijuana. we'll tell what you they decided.
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we have breaking news this morning. where firefighters uncovered a large marijuana operation. you can't see the damage there because the firefighters say that the back side of the home is what caught fire but when they went inside, they sound the en tire third floor filled with pot plants. they didn't fine any people inside, just one dog. we saw a dog run out of the store front when he ran down. >> he ran down into the corner over there.
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>> they are settle investigating whether the growing operation sparked the fire and whether or not that's legal or illegal. we'll have a live report coming up. here is a quick look at some of the other top stories we are following for you right now at 62:44. police are investigating a take overrobbery at a restaurant overnight. just before 11, nine customers were robbed inside the green bubble restaurant on piedmont avenue. the restaurant it self was also robbed in the gulf of mexico, most of the ships near the site of that bp oil spill have been told to get out of the area ahead of the arrival of tropical storm bonnie. that new containment cap will be left in place north korea now threatening what it calls a physical response if the nudes and south korea go ahead with joint military exercises planned for this weekend.
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that statement was made by a north korean official at a con press in vietnam. by the way, secretary of state hillary clinton is representing the u.s. at that conference. a fire in a parking lot damaged six cars. ktvu learned there was no sign of accelerants at this point. at this point, investigators are paying special attention to a toyota minivan which is the first car to catch fire. >> because it's the car was in a damp area, investigators are coming in. time now 62:45. hours of debate ended last night with the oakland city council deciding against a plan that could have brought $28 million due to medical
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marijuana tax hike. they opted for a tier plan. 5.2% tax on medical marijuana dispensaries, 8% tax on cultivate tors and up to 10% on the facilities that sell marijuana for recreational use if the voters approve it in november. the council plans to revisit this issue at a special meeting scheduled for monday afternoon the north bay city has a new distinction this morning. sonoma county is now the second gayest metropolitan area in the country. the study looks at census numbers to find the area with the highest percentage of same sex couples. san francisco leads. santa rosa ranks number 2 with 7.6 gay couples per thousand. that's 56% higher want national
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origin. portland, maine; boston and seattle round out the top 5. charles rangel says he looks forward to fighting the ethics charges against him. the files against the 80-year- old congressman from new york have not been session tied yesterday but they reportedly include allegations of accepting improper gifts, failure to report assets possible conflict of tr. an 8-member house panel will make the allegations public next friday. we want to go back over to sal. last time you were talking about an accident near the venetia bridge? >> that's right. i circled it on the bridge if i can. right here on marine vision tax south of the bridge. the traffic is actually not going to be affected so much because it's light there. we move over to the right. we just want to move the map over to the right. you can see that antioch
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traffic is a little bit lighter than unusual. north bound, traffic -- we are going to the sonole grave. this eggs north bound 280 getting up to highway 17 that traffic moves well. 648. here is mark. >> good morning to you, sal. we are taking another look outside with all the cloud cover out there we do have pardonly to mostly cloudy skies over most of the bay area looking towards oakland. san francisco, 54. clear skies right around fair field and antioch. only in the upper 50s at 57. high pressure is strengthening a bit. we started to warm up. we still have fog over a good organization of that area. with that, the micro cry mad we know so well are returning.
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a knew neighborhoods approaching the lower 90s. fur heading out of town this week, you can see some -- we started out with partly cloudy skies and fog in the morning and fueling back near the coast and then plenty of sunshine and heat in palm springs. here is the took. 7:00 this morning, we have the fog out there and pulling back near the shore line, revealing partly to mostly sunny skies but still some patchy coastal fog. here is a look at the numbers right around the bay. upper 60s to the lower 70s. gilroy at 88 degrees and san francisco in the lower 60s. look ahead at the five-day forecast, temperatures upslightly for your saturday. and then cooling things off. another update just minutes away now that the market is open, keep an eye on
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stocks. revenue up 41% to $6.6 billion. traffic jumped 45% to 207 million but that is short of analysts expectations. stock was set to open down about 11% and we plan to see if that is the case. the lowering of the price of the kindle was a concern and analysts are worried that the ipad will wipe out the competition. checking in on the broader market, some good reports coming n ford stock up about 4% after reporting stronger than expected watering profit. honeywell better than expected and mcdonald's profits came in up about 12% but, as you can see, the dow down a little bit. european stocks down as well. investors are worried about results from the european bank
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stress test. that's what's going to be coming out here soon and they are worried about the results a bit the san francisco business times reports filmmaker george luke crass is moving ahead with plans for a major new development near skywalker ranch in marin county. a new 160,000 square foot building is in the works. that inclouds two hours, housing production studio, restaurant, 19 guest suites and costume storage. a new environmental impact report is still needed on the mo jectd. >> interesting time now is 6:51. coming up here, a tourist in yellowstone national park has a frightening story to tell the folks back home. she was attacked by this angry bison and is was all caught on tape. and why manufacturers of dna kits are trying to convince raul makers that their tests
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are reliable.
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the time now is 6:54. lets gea to tory now. >> coming up in minutes, we are getting more information on the overnight homicide of a registered it nurse with kaiser as investigators in oakland search for suspects. >> we have just had a jailhouse interview with the step grandfather who is facing charges after a two-year-old
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child was killed by pitbulls in concord. hear what he has to say in a live report. find out why vallejo police patrols will be half their usual numbers and the country has developed a compute they are costs just $35. there is a very compelling reason why. >> thank you, tory. see you. one of the hottest fields in medicine. >> on the hot seat right now on capitol hill. companies from here in the bay area and all over the country that make those home dna testing kids try to explain why undercover government tests have wildly different results. governments investigators say that the results were different from four different kits. they are worried that this
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could keep people from getting proper care. and woman from utah has badly bruised legs after trying to taping a bison. a friend wanted to get closer. the bison charged. he charged her. flipped her. her husband got out of the car and scared the bison away. going to the annual gilroy garlic festival. thousands of people attended the festival last year. the star of the bravo show top chef, fabio viviani will be hosting cooking demonstrations. this is the 37th years of the festival since it startd in 1979. more than 3 1/2 million people have been there.
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and my lips are watering. >> it's worth the trip, sal? >> certainly is. garlic ice cream, pam? >> that's weird. that's a little weird. >> good morning, everybody. let's go tout and speaking of weird, lets gea to sal castenada. the san mateo bridge looks good. coming up on mornings on 2, we are following traffic which seems to be doing pretty well on this friday. here is mark tamayo. >> we are warming up a little bit inland, right on into saturday and then we'll bring in cooling sunday, monday into tuesday. we can car pool, too, dave and i. >> yes. >> thank you for watching. have a great weekend. stay with us for morning on 2. a two-year-old boy attacked and killed by a pitbull. his grandfather in jail and claudine wong had an interview with that grandfather. that's coming up next. stay with us.
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