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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  July 21, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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welcome morning to you. welcome to a brand new day, wednesday, july 21st. i am dave clark. >> and i am pam kirkland. good morning, mark. yes. i am talking about clouds, fog, and even drizzle along the coast. the plan for today, skies becoming sunny. temperatures in the upper 50s along the coastline to the upper 80s. the afternoon breeze will kick in around 25 miles per hour. sal has an update on morning traffic. good morning. traffic on 80 moves well, heading up to the mcarthur. eastbound 580 road construction going on until 6:00 for another hour or so. also, this morning, we are looking at 580 north and south bound in front of the coliseum, that traffic does move well.
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now, let's go back to the desk. oakland could soon become the first city in the nation to authorize wholesale pot cultivation. we have claw dean at city hall with the details. >> reporter: yes t. vote is in and one supporter says he hopes the vote means oakland is one step closer to becoming the silicon valley of cannabis. this vote was 5-2. it came after a lengthy debate from people on both sides. said ground breaking vote and a hot issue. people passionate about the plan. the plan was licensing four production plants where marijuana will be grown, and processes. we are talking about pot cultivation t. proposal doesn't put side limits on the plans. there have been proposals for farms as far as two football
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fields. supporters say this could be an economic boom, critiques say it will destroy the area. >> these are people who are small mom and pop operations. they can make a live with this business. they are not getting richburg they are able to live a good, middle classing living. >> reporter: again, this is big step toward industrial farms. it will only be allowed to sell to cannabis medical dispensaries under the ordinance. if it changes to recreational use, oakland could be a leader in the industry. this is the first in the issue t. city will give out permits in january. we will continue to follow the story. four permits in this plan. we will try to get reaction from people this morning now that we are moving toward the
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next step. in the meantime t city of cord madeira filed a lawsuit looking to shut down a medical marijuana dispensary there. moren solutions the housed in a building that is zoned for light industrial. according to the lawsuit, medical marijuana dispensaries are not considered light industrial. parents complained about the location near redwood high school, about half a mile away. the case is scheduled to go to court on september 30th. for the 3rd day in a row, ac transit riders can expect major delays because oa lawsuit, and the service disruption could condition for the next 10 days. we are in alameda for the very latest. >> reporter: good morning. we spoke to a man a few minutes ago who told us yesterday a
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delayed bus caused him to be an hour late to work. it created a mess where he had to switch to two unfamiliar buses right here in alameda to work in berkley. >> it is frustrating. even when you are here on time, you get stuck downtown and end up late again any way. >> reporter: on sunday a new work schedule was put into affect, changing the shift and schedules of the more than 1000ac transit pus drivers. more than 200 drivers called in sick today and yesterday. they took their case to an alameda superior court judge, asking to grant a junction that would lift the schedule. but it may not be lifted for at least 10 days, which means riders will have to endure more delays, a move the transit is not happy with.
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>> it penalizes the riders of this district who are working class, the poor, the young and the elderly. >> ac transit did an entire restructuring of the service that is provided to the public. they haven't put the public on notice, so, therefore, they are making it look like we are not coming to work. we are coming to work. >> reporter: throughout the morning we will try to pinpoint some of the deplays for you. coming up back out live, we know yesterday the biggest delays came from here in alameda to berkley and the dunbar on the bridge line. we will keep you posted. time now, 5:00 5. we know now where the expected 580 freeway shooter was headed and what he planned to do. officials say 48 understood byron christopher williams planned to start a revolution. he was heading to san
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francisco, planning to kill people in the american liberties union because he didn't like their political view. >> we have certainly heard adverse comments about our work from various parties in the past, but nothing like this. nothing even close. >> the tieds foundation is -- tides foundation is an organization that promotes social justice. the head of the organization said he never even heard of williams until last week. ktvu fox 2 news will have more details on this coming up in a live report in the next half hour. there were no new fire in the berkley overnight b police and firefighters continue to search for suspect in a recent rash of arsons. since friday there have been these 13 suspicious fires near the ut campus, mostly in trash cans. the last one was around
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telegraph avenue, a block from campus. you can see these photos on campus, showing two mens walking to a trash can in front of the store. you can't see exactly what happened, but flames flair up the moment the two men leave. >> i hope the two in that video get caught and something worse maps to them like a night in jail and they actually go on for afternoon. that is afternoon many -- arson. that is arson. not a little prank. >> if you recognize the two men in the video, contact berkley police right away so they can stop before someone gets hurt. police say they are searching for a woman who robbed two boo-boo branches. this -- boo-boo branches -- bank of america branches on balboa street. she had a gun and demanded money. same woman held up a bank of america branch on diamond
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heights boulevard. she is between 5 feet and 5'3"- inches tall, has brown hair that is tinted red. san francisco police are asking for your help. they are trying to find an elderly man that suffers from dementia. his name is anthony guardall. he is 6'2", has brown eyes and grey hair and walks with a limp. because of his dementia, he probably couldn't find his way back home. contact san francisco police if you have any information. well, let's stake a look at the early morning commute. >> good morning. i want to tell you traffic is doing well for the most part. it is moving along pretty well on 80 westbound onto the mcarthur mays.
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no major problems l is good. when you get to the toll plaza, interest is a very small delay t. road work we have sometimes getting into san francisco has been picked up. the morning commute on 280 northbound getting up to highway 18 looks good. coming up soon, we will take a look at the 580 livermore commute because there is running construction there. the clouds are back with us this wednesday morning. clouds and drizzle showing up coastside around the bay. we will stick with the temperatures along the beaches and inland thursday and friday. current numbers, not a big change from yesterday at this time. the bay area in the 50s. san francisco 53. san jose 55, 52 in napa. this is the overall weather partner. the -- pattern. temperatures have been cooling
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you have. an increase in the on shore breeze, and deepening the marine layer that has been happening. clouds and drizzle this morning. temperatures in the upper 50s at the beaches, warmest locations. no 90s. harrell making it up into the 80 -- barely making it up into the 80s this afternoon. temperatures this morning in the 50s. 53 to 58 degrees. clearing, patching fog coast side. possibly around san francisco as well in the afternoon hours. there is the eventual temperature range later on today. everybody about the same yesterday or a little cooler inland. antioch 53. fairfield southwesterly wind in the place, around 20 to 25 miles per hour. here is the look ahead. the five-day forecast, we are talking about a little bit of a bump in the numbers for thursday and friday. cooling off a little for the weekend, especially by sunday.
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another weather forecast coming up in just a few minutes. and it is 10 minutes after 5:00. a painful reminder of why you should remain seated with your seatbelt fastened. up next, the story of what happened on board a united airlines flight last night. also, have you ever wanted to be in a movie? now is your chance to maybe hang out with brad pitt at the oakland coliseum. we will tell you all about it. and if you are hanging out in san francisco, you are doing it alone right now. northbound 101 pretty empty heading into downtown. but that will change. we will tell you more about this coming up.
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they used to spend hours on the couch, watching t.v., playing video games. and with all you hear about childhood obesity, i was concerned. now i take a more active role in their health like insisting on lots of play time and making sure they eat right. like when i make burgers i use lean jennie-o ground turkey. i'm proud i got them off the couch. well, sort of. anncr: be well... with all the great tasting ways to eat lighter.
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only from jennie-o.
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good morning. welcome back. a united airlines took off yesterday morning, and with no warnings t plane dropped at least 20 to 30 feet, and sending people flying. >> i saw drinked go flying in front of me. i saw them hit the ceiling and come back down. luckily i had my seatbelt on. >> more than 20 people were taken to the hospital. their injuries include bruises,
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whiplash, strains and sprains. well, secrets of state, tom villsack issued a statement, reconsidering the department of agriculture resignation after making racial comments. now she says she is not sure she wants her job back. allison burns is here with more on that. >> here in washington, d.c. this morning, the agriculture secretary is reconsidering the firing of a usda worker over racism. the worker is saying she is not sure she would go back. this 24-year-old video of shirley sharrod is what sparked the controversy. it says she intentionally said she dismissed a white farmer's plea for help.
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but the family said sherrod did help them, and the clip was taken out of context. >> i used the story to get to the point where i could get beyond that with. >> reporter: she went on tv this morning and said she was shocked when she was forced to resign from the usda after a long career and is not sure how she would be treated if she returned. i will have more on the potential political fallout from the obama administration. allison burns, ktvu, channel 2 news. the government's point man on the oil spill is down playing worries that the oil cap on the well is causing problems. soon to be retired, admiral, thad allen, said these 5 leeks have been found around the well, but dismissed them like small drips from a car. a relief tunnel should release the well by this weekend,
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meaning the well could be shut down for good within six weeks. the u.s. senate is finally expected to pass a bill to extend benefits for 2.5 million americans. democrats over came a republican filibuster yesterday with the help of two new senators and a senator from west virginia. the vote goes back to the house tomorrow, which is expected to aimprove it. also, the nomination of alaina kay began is headed to the full senate now after the democrats gave the approval yesterday. threw have enough vote to confirm elena kagan. the votes could come as soon as next week. she would replace retiring justice, john paul see teens. and three women would -- stephens. three women would serve in the
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court for the first time ever. well, time now, 5:18. let's go outside and talk about the traffic on the maps. >> on eastbound 580, getting out of livermore, heading out to thality mount pass, in the east direction, various lanes closed, and the road sensors are turning yellow, meaning traffic is closing down. let's go to live pictures. this is a look at the westbound bay bridge toll plaza, pretty can good coming into san francisco with no major problems. northbound 101 is good, heading downtown, but a little windy there, though. here is mark. good morning. clouds, fog and drizzle to start off the wednesday morning.
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temperatures on the chilly side across the baarea. san jose reporting mostly cloudy skies, 55 degrees. they noticed an increase in the winds other the last few days. winds coming out of the west, southwest. increasing throughout the afternoon hours. by 3:00 we are talking about wind from 15 to 25 miles per here is the overall weather pattern. this cool air mass up to the north has been dropping off into the state, and as a result, we have been shaving off the heat. for today, pretty much the same story. clouds this morning, drizzle, highs today ranging into the upper 50s. bring the sweater if you are heading to the coastline. temperatures fairly nice, in the 80s, for the afternoon. fog and drizzling, 52 this morning. still patchy flog at 3:00. barely making it to 60 degrees. most area in the shoreline will be in the upper 50s this afternoon.
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around the bay, mostly cloudy sky this is morning, and skies becoming partly cloudy this afternoon as wind speeds do pick up. in inland, 80 degrees by 3:00 later on today. in fact, we will show you this forecast once again across the bay area with those readings with the fog, which is keeping things cool near the immediate shoreline. the temperatures inland, there we go, were around 100 on saturday. but we really cooled off. we will stay with that forecast for today. san jose 76, morgan hill 80s, santa cruz 65 degrees. temperatures up a few degrees for thursday and friday. holding steady into the weekend, with cooling by sunday. keeping an eye on apple stat this is morning. set to open higher. the cooper based company reports quarterly earnings of
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15.7 billion, 1 million more than an ann lists forecasted. executives predict earnings will go even higher this quarter since it will include the iphone 4. and european earnings are higher because of apple's reports. japan nikkei buck it is trends after reports that japanese exports slumped because of trend in the yen. checking in on wall street where we start the day. a number of runs are coming in this morning. we will check and see how those pan out. the dow comes in at 229. apple stock said to open up about 10 points a share. time now, 5:21. if you ever wanted to be in the movies, movie producers are looking for people to fill up seats of the oakland coliseum over the next two weeks. the producers of the movie "money ball," starring brad
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pitt are looking for movie extras. it is about the 2002 oakland a's. it will star brad pitt, seymour phillip hoffman and jade hill. to find out how you can be a movie extra, go to and click on the web link section. this is all about billy bean. >> he went to my high school. i know. not brad pitt, unfortunately. >> i am just saying. we have an undate over the fight over empty buildings in san francisco. find out why it is about fixing up the place and why people are not happy about it. and find out why one police officer's comments on facebook about home carrying weapons has been unfitting. and the traffic is looking pretty good.
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we will give you updates as you head out. more on the morning update continues. our real national pastime?
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. good wednesday morning. time now, 5:25. in walnut creek, we have the fog this morning. clearing sky this is afternoon. a forecasted high of 80 degrees. >> thank you, mark. time now 5:25. well, former radar quarterback, jamarcus russell
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is due back in court next month. yesterday he appeared in a mobile, alabama courtroom. he pled not guilty for possessing a bottle of codeine cuff syrup without a prescripon. he is eager to put this case behind him and return to football. the raiders cut their former number one draft pick earlier this year. in seattle a group of squatters are back on the streets after taking over an abandoned building. >> we will take over the building to fix it up. >> police removed 5 homeless activist rights people yesterday. the group is called direct action to stop the cuts. they oppose service cuts to the city's poor. the activists claim there are two vacant housing units for every homeless person in san
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francisco. people openly carry weaponing legally say they feel vindicated whether it comes to one bay area police officer. >> pam, i will pick that up. they were talking about the people who openly carry weapons legally. they say they feel vindicated now when it comes to one bay area police officer. the east palo alto police officer who citizen sized the movement on his facebook page joked about shooting someone who carries an open weapon. several of them showed up at east palo alto city hall last night in from test. their frustrations were diffused with the police chief announcing an internal investigation, and found detective rod towson's conduct was unbecoming of a police officer. >> being a police officer, you are responsible for the things you do on and off duty. the comments did violate the department policy.
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>> he could get a letter of reprimand or be suspended. in sacramento the bill is being passed in the assembly to ban open carry. there is a new force controversy involving a bay area police department. coming up, we will show you the video that led to an internal police investigation. and in oakland, the man who police accused of trying to start a revolution will be back in the courtroom. alleges, a self described anti-- also, a self preskyped apt communist is now tells his story. drivers, so far, so good heading west. we will tell you about the morning commute, coming up. >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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well, good morning to you. it is 5:31. >> yes. good morning. the clouds, and drizzle, will be part of the forecast. patchy fog near parts of the coastline. temperatures and cooling trend wills continue from the upper 50s in the beaches, lower 80s inland. an afternoon breeze kicks in at more than 25 miles per hour.
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updates in less than half an hour. good morning. the commute is getting more crowded. in the last half hour, we noticed more people on the roads here. if you are driving on had bay bridge, there is a little back up on the lanes. a plan who planned a major attack on two nonprofit agencies is expected to be in court this morning to enter a plea. we are in oakland now with more on what byron christopher williams was doing, where he was headed and who police say he want today kill. good morning, craig. >> reporter: good morning. in addition to entering a plea today f suspect could have an attorney present. ironically, the man who wanted to start a revolution was once a public officer. he faces enhancements for fires a gun, and wearing body armor.
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the district attorney office says williams shouted out with highway patrol officers for 123 minutes saturday night. the 580 gun battle ended only when the bullets hit williams in places his body armor didn't cover. police say williams is not staying quiet about ere he was going and why. he said he was heading into san francisco to kill workers at the a/c lu and the tides foundation, an fire departmental group. >> we have certainly heard adverse comments about our work from various party in the past, but never anything like this. nothing even close. >> reporter: he talked about dissatisfaction about the way the country is going and what he perceive is liberal politics. police say williams told them he hoped his actions would start a revolution. he live in the columbia county. the chp said they stopped him on the highway for speeding and
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driving eratically. the hearing is set for 9:00 a.m. today's chronicle report it is san francisco police department has launched an internal investigation into a controversial incident caught on video. we want to warn you, you might find this video disturbing. it is posted on you tube. the tape shows an officer slamming a woman face the pave arrest sunday afternoon. now, police say the woman was drunk, belligerent and was shouting obscenities at the arresting officers. we have much more on this story coming up in the 6:00 hour. time now, 5:34. concord police are investigating an apparent murder-suicide attempt involving a mother and child. police were called to a home on parkland court early yesterday. they found a 10-year-old girl with a knife wound the 39-year- old mother did. the police said the girl woke her mother up and attacked her,
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but she was able to get away. the pal say it looks like -- the police say it looks like the woman then killed herself. the motive, still not clear. the teenager who fell to his death near a cliff near maroon beach, andrew leonard hicks, was getting ready for his senior year in west chester, pennsylvania. he was an honor's student who planned on becoming a doctor. on monday hicks and his family were on a mile hike when he fell 500 feet to his death. family members said he had gone off the man trail to get a better view of the ocean. a former south vietnamese fighter pilot accused offense attacking a menu is heading to court today -- musician is heading to court today. lee congress called himself a freedom fighter. he is explaining his attack on a pop singer during a weekend
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concert in santa collar a. he was said to have offered him flowers, but blasted him with pepper spray, instead. he disguised himself as a female to get close to them. >> the oregoners know who -- organizers know who i am. >> he said he pepper sprayed the singer base the entertainer has a friendly relationship with vietnam's con insist leaders. -- communist leaders. he is known for being involve in a red light district attack known as little saigon. well, labor disputes could last another 10 days. we are in alameda with a look at how bad the commuter delays may be. >> reporter: yes. the biggest day delays yesterday from alameda to --
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delays yesterday from alameda to burke lee. more delay are expected today. -- burkeleigh. he was frustrated and hopes drivers continues call in sick today. berkeley. on sunday a new work schedule was put into affect, changing the shifts ailing schedules of more than 1000ac bus drivers. yesterday 250 drivers were out. an alameda supreme court judge is weighing whether to grant a injunction to lift the schedule. a decision won be issued for at least 10 days, which means riders may not have seen the end of their delays. we spoke to both sides. >> this has been a dictatorship from day one. i will not negotiate with the public. we tried to make concessions.
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ac transit want as strike, which is why they are doing everything within their power to disrupt the people and their work. we are wanting to work. we are at work. >> we are frustrated the aclu is trying to over turn the contract. management, the riders have paid their fair share. they are cutting back on services. it is time for the union to step up to the plate and take cuts themselves. >> reporter: new year's eve side is backing down on -- neither side is backing down on this. they tried to slain what the dispute is all -- explain what the dispute is all about on their website. more than 250,000 riders use this bus system. tomorrow bart will take up an controversy issue of extending the service to the oakland airport. in february the federal government turned down a request to partially pay for
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the $480 million project. now the bart board is looking at a new funding plan, which relies on money from a mix of state and federal sources. opponents say the project is financially risky and maintain the buses now used to link bart with the airport work just fine. bart is also expected to vote on temporary fare role backs at tomorrow's meeting. bart workers are considering reducing fares by 3% for about 4 months. but according to a survey by bart, 4 out of 5 people oppose the idea, saying the extra money should be used to extend service hours and clean some of the cars. >> interest. well, let's talk to sal. he will get you where you need to go. you are expecting traffic problems around the come seem today, right. >> yes. the red sox t. game will start
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at noon. it gets out at 3:00 or 4:00. all of a sudden, at about 4:00 you have this huge traffic jam on the freeway. especially for people who are not baseball fans are not aware of it, they drive right into it and then they drive home in really bad traffic. i think what you should know, the game should be getting out at about 4:00. if you are taking bart today, i think you will be in better shape, or if you want to use 580 instead. again, it is the a's and the red sox at the coliseum. let's take a look at # 0 westbound as you drive into the city. no major problems as you get into the city. 280 northbound in san jose looking get, getting -- looking good, getting up to highway 14. >> fog and drizzle out there. you might have to use your windshield wipers over the next few hours. thursday and friday we will
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warm things up a few degrees by friday. here is the plan today. here is the forecast tomorrow at 7:00. at 3:00, you get an idea into the afternoon hours. clouds pulling back into the shoreline. temperatures this morning in the 50s, but on track to reach the warmest locations on track to reach the lower # 0s this afternoon -- 80s, this afternoon. current numbers out there across the bay air, san francisco 52. fairfield 55, san jose reporting mostly cloudy skies and 55 degrees. the weather system has been moving in from the north. said cooler one with the temperatures cooling off over the past few days. it deepens the marine layers obtain cooldown over the past two to three days stick around for today. we will gradually bump up numbers, but no heat waves expected over the next week or
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so. san francisco of. antioch 83 degrees. on sunday antioch was 100. so, temperatures really cooling off for the endland spots. san jose 76. here is a look ahead. the five-day forecast, you can see the evidence of at least, what i am thinking, temperatures warming up for thursday and friday. holding steady into the weekend and cooling off a few degrees by sunday. another forecast update just minutes away. >> thank you, mark. time now 54:002. another baby has died, the latest victim of california whooping cuff epidemic. find out what doctors are telling people all across california. also, facebook now has something in common with the internal revenue service. we will explain. and traffic on 24 looks pretty good right now. a big problem in auburn closing a couple of lanes of interstate 80. we will talk about that and
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more on the bay area traffic coming up.
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good wednesday morning. time now 5:44. the clouds back with us this morning a. redwood city. the forecast high at 3:00 of 73 degrees. >> mark, thank you. welcome back and good morning to you. here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you at 5:45. late last night the oakland city council approved an ordinance to license four large industrial marijuana growing operations in the city. the ordinance would require the grandmothers to pay more than -- growers to pay more than $200,000 in permit fees and more than 8% in sale's tax. 37-year-old byron
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christopher williams, the suspect? last sunday's i-5 80 shoot out is accused in the murder, heading to san francisco to kill members of the a/c lu and tide foundation. and a united airlines flight on it's way from washington, d.c. to los angeles last night ran into severe turbulence in kansas. 30 people were hurt, some critically. the flight was divert today denver. company officials say leslie margoland's departure at red cross is not linked to the rate increases last february. she says she will go into health care consulting and is proud of dramatically improving customer satisfaction ratings while she held the top job. a baby in los angeles county has now become the 6th death this year in california's whooper cuff epidemic.
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whooping cuff cases across the state are five times higher than this time last year. those cases are expected to peak between now and september. doctors are telling parents and siblings of child care workers to get boosters against this very dangerous disease. >> the risks of getting whooping cuff or pertuesday sis are far greater than any consequences of the vaccine. >> you can get the vaccine at the farmer's market tomorrow. they will be free for anyone over the age of 7 year's old. a public pledge to house speaker, nancy pelosi, to take action against hiv and aids. wearing schedule ston masks and -- skeleton masks and black clothes, members of the group
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want nancy pelosi to get funding for the aids drug assistance program. they say lives are at stake. >> when people are dying, waiting to receive drug that is could save their lives, it makes you wonder if this is the country we are living in in the united states. we want the speaker to do something about it. >> the foundation says there are 1800 people in 12 states on the waiting list for the drugs. they want speaker pelosi to support legislation that would use $128 million in stimulus money to get the patient it is treatment they need. time now 5:48. let's go right to sal and see what is happening on the roads right now. >> day and pam, traffic is -- dave and pam, traffic is moving along well in the bay area. we will update you as soon as we have pictures on 580. this is 280. a live picture of the silicon valley commute. no major problems getting up to
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highway 17. also this morning, you are looking at the san mateo bridge. a little overcome there, but not low enough to be affecting drivers. san francisco the same thing goes. northbound 101 traffic looks good approaching the downtown area. 5:48. >> yes. the clouds, fog, drizzle is back with us this morning. it will have an impact -- big impact on temperatures over the past few days. today probably one of the coolest days of the week. we will warming things up a little thursday and into friday, but no major heat wave in the sight. currently most of the bay area in the 50s. here is the blue contour showing up across portions of the region. keep an eye on the scales with the afternoon hours. they expand. no more 90s. the warmest locations inland back up into the lower 80s. from 80 to 83 degrees. the immediate coastline only in the upper 50s, possibly 60 degrees with patchy fog out
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there. we will break it down. near ocean beach, pacifica, fog and drizzle a good belt this morning. still patchy fog this afternoon. 59 degrees this afternoon around the bay. 7:54. 3:00 partly sunny, winds still a factor out there, winds come out off of the south, southwest at 25 miles per hour. patchy inland fog, increasing sunshine this afternoon and temperatures on either side of 80 degrees. these numbers about the same as yesterday. still a little cooler in a few spot. livermore around 80. here is a look ahead at the five-day forecast. we will start out with the clouds once again for the thursday morning. trying to warm things up a little for thursday and friday. holding steady into the weekend, but cooling as we do approach sunday. another forecast update coming up in a little bit. >> thank you, mark. 5:50 is the time right now. it took 14 years and 3
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attempts, but american airlines now has immunity. american airlines and four british airways can cooperate with marketing, and partnership with delta and sky team partnerships. it amount to agent trust and would lead to higher fairs, penalties say. -- antitrust. the hotels say 77% of rooms were full between april and june, up 15% compared to the same time last year. chamber or commerce officials are not sure if business travelers or tourists are responsible for the up-tick, but hope the trend continues. facebook may be in the most popular websites b in the bottom 5% for customer satisfaction. the palo alto based site rated
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it, and put it in the internal revenue services e-filing rating. users have been unhappy with facebook's privacy settings policy. and optimism about plan to expand the bay area cancer research. we will bring you the latest on the construction on what will soon be a major center in the is search for a cancer cure. and we will show you a star- studded gospel music fair well with alleged who lost the battle to cancer.
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welcome back to the morning news. community leaders joined construction workers for a big celebration yesterday afternoon. guests put their signatures on the last 18-foot steel beams before a giant beam swung it into place at the new could america center. the 4-story facility will provide diagnosis and support services for cancer patients, and is scheduled to open next spring. 5:55. taurus residents would love to go down and gawk at the san francisco famed see lion. you can find out more about them. a trained naturalist will be there everyday to answer any
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questions you have. look at the sea lies lion. the new -- sea lion outreach program is part of the bay 39, and ma'am malignancy center. the sea lion have been a big attraction for tourists and started showing up on the docks 20 years ago. today oakland's beloved bishop, walter how kins will be laid to -- how kin will be laid to -- hawkins will be laid to rest. last night big names were on stage to help celebrate the life of the late bishop. reverend jackson, bebe winans and others paid tribute to hawkins. family members say this is just hike what he would have wanted it to be. >> this is what he wanted. he wanted a june listic celebration. he didn't want it to be sad.
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>> 61-year-old bishop hawkins died a week ago sunday after a long battle with pain koreaatic cancer. we will have a -- pan koreaatic cancer. we will have a lie show of the services this afternoon. let's go back to sal. what is happening on the roads. >> traffic is getting busier. 280 northbound get up busy up to highway 18. northbound 17 traffic looks okay. 680 south bound still hasn't become crowded on the way down from san jose. and one more thing, we have been looking at the toll plaza. there is a little crowd in some of the cash lanes. now, let's go back to you at the desk.
5:58 am
coming up next in the 6:00 hour, a late night decision by oakland city council about growing marijuana that. decision could make oakland the first of its kind in the nation. we will have a live report, coming up. and will we have snarls today with the a/c traffic delays. we will have updates on the traffic disputes. and clouds, fog are back with us, even drizzle out there. the cooler weather sticked around, but there are changes in the five-day forecast. i will have that coming up in just a few minutes.
5:59 am


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