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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  July 20, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> good morning, thank you for joining us on tuesday, july 20th. i am pam cook. >> i am dave clark, mark is here for steve. >> fog out there and even drizzle possible. here is the forecast for your tuesday. skies partly sunny into the afternoon hours. cooling trend will continue and that afternoon breeze will kick in from around 25 possibly gusting to 30 miles an hour. more on your forecast in a few minutes. sal has an update on traffic. good morning. >> good morning. westbound 80 traffic moving along pretty well. there have been a couple of minor things going on but for the most part off to a nice start here on 80. driving to the bay bridge toll plaza this is -- [ inaudible ] >> -- off to a nice start. it is 5:00, back to the desk.
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>> topping our news this morning investigations are underway in berkeley following three overnight fires and officers believe they may be related to a string of fires in the area recently. claudine wong is on the scene with the latest breaking details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, we are on telegraph avenue. you can see behind me there is not much left of the garbage can. certainly not a big fire but at this point police believe this could be connected to a bigger problem. police told me this morning that this fire is the third fire in this area in just the last three hours. over the last five days authorities have responded to a string of fires in and around the cal campus. if they are connected this one could be number 10. i talked to a berkeley police officer who told me this fire was called in at 3:50 and was put out quickly with no damage to the nearby buildings. here is what this person says
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he saw. >> i did not see anyone at all, no. the flames had not even come over the sides of the bin yet, so it had to have been a fresh fire. >> so you called 911. >> i called 911 very quickly. >> reporter: about three hours before he made that call there was another suspicious fire at bancroft, that fire caused damage to two trash cans and a motor scooter. we are hearing from police there was also a third fire just before 8:00 last night. add those to the seven other arsons in the area since friday and you have about 10. the fires have all been around the campus. it appears they mostly involve trash cans and minor damage. we have seen several police cars patrolling this area this morning. we saw a few more roll through in the last few minutes. keep in mind while the damage in each one of these fires, it does add up. the businesses are still closed.
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again we have seen a lot of police activity in and around this area. we will continue to follow this story. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 5:02. ac transit is warning east bay bus riders an escalating labor dispute could lead to major service disruptions today. jade hernandez joining us live with the details of what may happen. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we are live this morning in front of the yard where ac transit buses are dispatched. in fact, this is the place the number of drivers reporting to work was less than usual yesterday. ac transit called it a sickout. the union is not just yet, but what did happen is quite a few drivers, enough to effect service, called in sick a day after a newly imposed contract became effective. so much so the service across the dumbarton bridge was down
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50%. yesterday they had 8 buses. the union is expected today to head to court to get an injunction which lifts the current schedule. it instituted new rules in several areas. ac transit, on the other hand, says if the union has their way they can expect additional layoffs and service cuts. the new contract, ac transit says, helps cut the district's cost by more than $15 million and without a contract the district bleeds $300,000 per week and puts them in jeopardy of becoming bankrupt. more on this throughout the morning, live from oakland, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> it now appears a cell phone may have played a roll in the tragic death of a boy vacationing. he fell from the top of an ocean bluff south of the beach. it happened yesterday afternoon when the 17-year-old boy was on a hiking trip with five other
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family members. he fell about 500 feet to his death. park rangers say he may have been talking or texting on his cell phone and simply walked off the cliff. >> you should not be distracted by cell phones or by ipods or by different electronics or any other distracting agents. >> authorities have not yet identified the victim but the family is from westchester pennsylvania, the national park service is now leading the investigation into the teenager's death. >> time now 5:05. well walnut creek is quiet this morning following a very loud demonstration that was the first rally in support of former bart police officer ojohannes mehserle. 300 demonstrate tears took part in this.
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for about three hours there was a lot of yelling with both sides trying to make their point. >> i am here because i do not understand -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- it was just so obvious that it was an accident. i believe he did go to grab his taser. >> more than 100 police officers were there on hand. some of the businesses in walnut creek shut down early just to be safe. now though the rally was very loud, it was also peace:no one was arrested. three and a hovel hour later the crowd disbursed and the road, which had been partially closed, was re-opened. >> oakland police have now identified a man shot and killed in downtown oakland late sunday night. 45-year-old jink honk kane on the left in this picture was shot to left outside a dental office at 19th and webster streets after being robbed. police say two men approached
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cang and demanded money. they just got 17 dollars, shot him and ranoff. we spoke with cang's widow. >> i am very angry. and angry won't help and won't bring my husband back. >> now cang was in town from virginia to interview for a job with google. he was apparently visiting with a friend and getting his teeth cleaned. that fatal shooting was part of a wife of violence in oakland and comes just days after they downsized their police force by 80 officers. >> i have been here for two years and a partner for 12 years and this is probably one of our busiest weeks -- weekends that we have had. >> as you recall saturday morning bart and oakland police shot and killed a man that witnesses say had two pairs of knives. then there was a freeway shooting followed by a man in a building, a sniper firing shots at police officers, and then
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there was that robbery homicide. >> i did feel that it was kind of like an outlaw atmosphere sometimes. >> i want to keep a positive spin on oakland as much as possible and you know it is not all of oakland, it is a few people that is going through these things. >> oakland police say one impact of the layoffs is that many investigators are now in patrol cars, that means crime scene investigations will take longer to complete. >> right now the time is 5:07. we are going to check in with sal for pa cleat look at traffic this morning. how is it going so far? >> so far so good. traffic continues to move along well around the bay area. the east shore freeway, westbound 80 that traffic moving very well. we are off to a nice start this morning if you are driving out towards the bay bridge toll plaza. as a matter of fact, right now traffic is looking good all the way across the bridge. they have picked up the road work they normally have. the traffic moves well into the city. and this morning's commute is okay on northbound 280 up to 880, that traffic is moving
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along well, getting up to highway 17. at 5:08 here is mark. >> good morning, to you, sam. more fog this morning. that will mean the cooler day today across the bay area. here is a look at some of the numbers san rafael 52, san francisco 53, we could have patchy drizzle near the immediate shoreline also around the bay this morning. livermore 56 degrees. the two extremes that we are dealing with, high pressure warming up the inland spots. low to mid 80s. the fog is developing offshore. the fog bank is back in full force, that um coulded with the onshore breeze will translate to this, a cooling trend for today, more fog and that afternoon breeze kicks in at least 20 miles an hour, could gust to 25, possibly 30 miles an hour especially around the delta throughout the day today. as far as your day planner here you can see your time line, this morning at 7:00 areas of fog, 53 to 58 degrees. by lunchtime partly sunny but still spachy fog, especially coast side right around the
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bay, more sunshine inland this afternoon. we will hold on to fog and there is your temperature range from 60 to 85, possibly 86 degrees in antioch, san francisco tops out at 62, still patchy fog into the afternoon hours. san jose mid-70s, half moon bay 59 degrees. here is a look ahead. your five-day-forecast and tomorrow cooler then just slightly warmer temperatures for thursday into friday with partly sunny skies. it will take us into the weekend. another weather check coming up in a few minutes. >> mark, thank you. time now 5:10. hundreds of national guard troops are headed right here to california. now you are going to find out why and why it could make traveling to mexico safer. >> plus find out what could be done today to help people who are out of work. >> reporter: and defending bp, britain's prime minister comes to the white house this morning. i will show you what he plans to tell president obama coming up. >> good morning. right now traffic is moving
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along pretty well on interstate 880 in oakland. we will tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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welcome back to the morning news. oil from bp's ruptured well is again seeping into the full of mexico but scientists apparently don't believe that the cap that stopped the flow last week is making things work. ever since the cap was installed engineers have been watching underwater cameras and monitoring this see whether the
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well would hold or spring a new leak. but federal officials say so far the new leaks are not a major concern and they say seep age discovered about two miles away is likely not related to the well. >> time now 5:13. british prime minister david cammer ron meets with president obama at the white house today. it is the prime minister's first official visit to the u.s. as the prime minister. alison burns joining us live in our washington, d.c. bureau with paul the details. good morning, alison. >> reporter: good morning, dave. just ten weeks after becoming prime minister britain's david cammer ron comes to the white house this morning. he met with president obama at the g-8 summit in canada last month. today they take on two high stakes immediate issues, bp and afghanistan. on afghanistan president obama will press cameron for continued support. the prime minister has said he wants all troops out by 2015. >> i think both they and we
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have said we will not be there forever. we have to stand up an afghan national squirt force, an army and police. >> reporter: on camera he has been uncomfortable with the hash grilling of bp executives over the oil spill. it is europe's second largest energy company and cameron will emphasize today that it needs to survive. cameron is also going to be talking about bp here on capitol hill with members of congress. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> today the senate is expected to approve another extension of unemployment benefits. yesterday president obama criticized republicans who have voted geeps the measure. today's vote is scheduled after a new senator is sworn in to succeed the late robert byrd of west virginia. he is expected to provide the 60th vote that democrats need to break the republican filibuster. the senate judiciary committee
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votes today on nominating elena kagan to the supreme court. she is expected to be approved. democrats outnumber republicans on the committee 12-7 and so far no democrats have announced opposition and no run can no republican has announced support. >> they are challenging the law. there are several countries. they filed separate though nearly identical motions supporting the lawsuit filed by u.s. civil rights groups. now the law allows police to question people they pull over about their citizenship. the critics are fearing this is going to lead to racial profiling. another measure for consideration today would allow non-citizens in this country legally to vote in school board elections. the voters rejected a similar plan back in 2004. supporters say noncitizens who pay taxes and send their
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children to public schools should be able to vote for school board measures. critics say the right to vote should be reserved for citizens only. at least one other u.s. city, that is chicago, allows non- citizens to vote in school board elections. >> 1200 national guard troops will head to the u.s.-mexico border next month as part of president obama's plan and effort to increase border security. about 200 of those troops are being sent to california. they will help border patrol agents keep a lookout for illegal border crossings and smug ors, it comes in the wake of escalating drug related violence in mexico close to the u.s. border. >> 5:17. let's see what is happening in the commute. >> we are doing okay, so far dave and pam. right now traffic is moving well on some of the freeways we are checking. let's go right to the live pictures. northbound 280 moving well up to the 880 interchange. no problems on 17 down to the
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valley. also the morning commute looks good on 24 westbound as you drive to the tunnel. the traffic looks good on the oakland side. if you are driving to the bay bridge toll plaza so far so good on to the upper deck of the bay bridge and getting into the city. 5:17. here is mark. >> hi there, sal. good morning to you. a bit of a chill in the air this morning with more fog and a pit of drizzle. most areas are in the 50s with san rafael 52. concord 56, san jose reporting mostly cloudy skies, currently at 56 degrees. you can see the two extremes we are dealing with for today. this high pressure warming up the interior. no more 90s expected. warmest locations mid-80s. the fog, we have been talking about this a lot. that will set up that cooling trend. onshore wins at least around 20 miles an hour, could be approaching 30 miles an hour, especially around the delta as we do head into the afternoon hours. as far as your forecast for
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today, we will break it down, this morning at 7:00 clouds and fog, possibly drizzle. patchy fog into the afternoon hours. temperatures only upper 50s, possibly around 60. then right around the bay this morning mostly cloudy skies into the afternoon hours. partly sunny a breeze developing, temperatures on either side of 70. plenty of sunshine for the interior, like we said, no more 90s, hostest locations around 85 to 86. here is a look at some of the numbers, san francisco only lower 60s at 62. pacifica spends most of the day in the 50s topping out around 60 early this afternoon. san jose mid-70s. morgan hill right around 85 degrees. here is a look ahead. your five-day-forecast we have been talking about the cooling trend and it is here. tomorrow even cooler than just little warmer temperatures for thursday and friday. we could be cooling back down as we do head into the weekend. ♪ [ music ] >> well, european markets are mostly down this morning and it looks like much of the same
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here in the u.s. as well. most asian markets overnight were able to shrug off the weak u.s. corporate earnings and tuned in more to events closer to home. sheng hi added 2.2% in expectations that beijing will ease its tightening policies after growth slowed in china during the second quarter. south korea, australia, hong kong and singapore also gained ground overnight. texas instruments, after the closing bell reported its second quarter profits nearly tripled from last year. sales came in at $3.5 billion with profits totaling $769 million. that matched what ti had forecasted but analysts had been hoping for a little bit more and that sent stocks down 5% in after hours trading. checking in on wall street right now the futures do point to a bit of a pull back after slight gains yesterday. dow jones up about 56 points to
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10,154. we do have more earnings coming in this morning. we will get a better read closer to the opening bell. >> 5:20. pg&e plans to clean up a wastewater storage facility in the east bay. shell oil's chemical plant in pittsburgh had used the pond as a place to hold stormwater and wastewater discharge. pg&e about the land about 40 years ago. they plan to use the land to expand the pittsburgh power plant but that never happened and the po, which is polluted, with oil and metal deposits, well, it has just been sitting there. now they man to dig it up and remove the polluted ants and take it to a landfill. >> a vietnamese pop star became the target of a terrifying attack. coming up see the you tube sout that turned into a real life horror show. >> also today one bay area city considers a law that would rewrite the rules when it comes to treating the mentally ill.
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>> good morning. southbound 101 traffic looks good coming out of the north bay heading to central san rafael. we will tell you more about the morning commute and have another look at the weather for you coming up.
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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♪[ music ] >> good tuesday morning, time now 5:24. san mateo this morning plenty of cloud cover out there. skies becoming partly sunny, a forecast high 69 degrees. >> thank you, mark.
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south bay political activist is disiew in court tomorrow to face charges in a terrifying attack against a vote na niece pop star. a you tube video shows the disturbing scene as it unfolded during a sunday night concert at the convention center. take a look. someone who appeared to be a woman approached the stage with a long-stemmed flower, the singer bent down to accept it as the crowd cheered but those cheers turned to cries of horror as the singer began to wipe away pepper spray from his eyes. now police say the woman was really a man dressed in drag. he is a self styled anticommunist who organized a hunger strike tied to the little sigh gone controversy. attorneys for the man accused of killing chauncey bailey have two weeks to submit papers for their change of venue request. the former your black muslim bakery leader yusef bay the 4th is accused of ordering the
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killing of him and two other men in 2007. another follower is accused of shooting one of the men and assisting the killer of the other two. attorneys for the men want their trial moved to another county because they say news coverage of the case has influenced potential jurors. >> time now 5:25. san francisco supervisors are set to consider a controversial state law called laura's law at today's board meeting. now, if the with the of san francisco chooses to adopt it. laura's law would provide families and the courts the pour to compel mentally ill people to get treatment. it is named after laura wilcox, a 19-year-old college student killed by a man who refused mental health treatment. >> what it would do is give families a tool to use to get their loved ones the help they need before it gets to the point of incarceration. >> critics say laura's law can't force people to take their medications. they also worry about the civil rights issues and the costs
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involved. a vote on whether to implement it is expected later today. >> people 11ing in one peninsula neighborhood are being told to be on the lookout this morning. we will tell you why when we come back. it has happened again. the investigation is underway into another car fire in richmond. and ac transit has an important warning for east bay bus riders this morning. >> good morning, traffic is busy on 80 westbound to the macarthur maze. we will tell you more about the morning commute and have another look at the weather, that is coming up.
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good morning to you, welcome back. this is the ktvu channel 2 morning news, i am dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. time now is 5:30. mark tamayo is in for steve. what is the weather like? >> cooler. temperatures no more 90s for today. warmest locations dwrief 86, that afternoon sea breeze will kick in around 20 to 25 miles an hour. more on your forecast in a few minutes, sal has update on traffic. >> westbound 80 moving well to the macarthur maze and the bay bridge toll plaza. no problems. this morning's commute looks good on the sunol grade. back to the desk. >> well, we have got a warning for ac transit riders this
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morning. an escalating labor dispute could lead to serious delays today. jade hernandez joining us live. she is in oakland right now. what is going on? >> reporter: good morning. the union would not confirm this was a sickout yesterday but we know hundreds of drivers did not report to work yesterday. we are live in front of the yard where those drivers are dispatched. that is here in oakland. now the newly imposed contract was effective on sunday. service across the dumbarton bridge yesterday was down almost 50%. normally they have 15 buses in service over the bridge. yesterday they had eight. the union is expected today to head to court to get an injunction which lifts that new current schedule. a union representative told one media outlet some workers were too fun familiar with the new structure to work yesterday giving an excuse as to why some drivers did not show up. the newly imposed contract instituted new work rules with with regards to overtime, could pay policy, employee health
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insurance and a two tier pension plan. ac transit, on the other hand, says if the union has their way, they can expect additional layoffs and service cuts because the new contract helps out -- helps cut the district's costs by more than $15 million. without that union members working under a contract, the district bleeds $300,000 per week and puts ac transit in jeopardy of becoming bankrupt. of course, we will continue to follow the story and have more for you later on. live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> in san francisco a small group of squatters spent the night in two va indicated properties as part of a protest against homelessness. advocacy groups rallied then marched down mission street before trespassers eventually took over an abandoned residential hotel. the group claims 30,000 housing units that sit empty in san francisco while as many as 15,000 people have no place to live. officers did not stop them but they did try to contact the
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landlord. >> if the owner of the building requested we remove them or want them affidavit arrested then it is trespassing. >> a city permit suggested the last time anyone lived in the building was 1990. the squatter brought supplies but it is still unclear how long they intend to stay. an important warning is going to out to one neighborhood. there have been two mountain lion sites in the past week, the most recent was last night. last week someone spotted a mountain lion not far away. police are advasing people in the neighborhood to avoid hiking or jog in when the big cats are most active. >> we are finding out more about the cram national background of the man accused of being involved in that freeway shootout with officers in oakland. authorities say byron williams already has two strikes on his
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record for a previous bank robbery 66s that means he could face 25 years to life in prison if he is convicted of a third strike in connection with sunday's shootout on interstate 580. williams is recovering from several gunshot wounds from that incident. oakland police tell us they were able to question him yesterday. the city of berkeley and crimestoppers are now offering a $17,000 reward in the shooting death of a 29-year-old man. take a look at his picture. this is manager cuss mosely junior, sent to us by his family overnight. police found him slumped over the steering wheel hoff of his car. family members tell us he had been shot six times. police tell us this was not a random shooting. >> a vigil was held for a woman shot while going to the aid of
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another. they lit candles for 48-year- old lisa hollins, she was killed last night at a san jose apartment house. witnesses say 61-year-old bobby turner got into an argument and stabbed one woman before shooting hollins, who was trying to hip her. records show it took 27 minutes from the time police arrived before she was rushed to the hospital. her family says the delay cost her her life. >> they responded to going towards the guy -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- had victim's rights. >> it wasn't any reason for -- [ inaudible ] >> -- let her -- let her bleed out like that, you know, they -- they could have rushed up there -- [ inaudible ] >> -- still unclear what motivated the violence but the suspect's roommate says that bobby turner had stopped taking his medication and was hearing voices. lisa hollins family m is talking to a lawyer. san francisco supervisors could vote today on a proposal that would make it easier to
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shut down the city's problem nightclubs. the ordinance would allow the entertainment commission to revoke permits. the board of supervisors committee gave its approval yesterday. the proposal comes following several violent incidents including a deadly gang shooting in front of the suede nightclub in february. >> the city council is expected to take up a controversial marijuana wholesale ordinance today. this would authorize the licensing of four marijuana production and processing facilities to sploi the city's medical marijuana dispensaries. if approved the plants would have to pay more than $200,000 in annual permit fees, have to carry liability insurance and they got to set aside 8% of their sales for taxes. some of the small growers are arguing that ordinance could put them out of business. at its meeting today the richmond city council may take up the issue of medical marijuana dispensaries. the city attorneys are writing
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an ordinance to set the number and the locations of those dispensaries. richmond has 10 already they believe put the city has no permit system for those businesses and the city has been trying to close them down. >> hundreds of teenagers are expected to rally against new smart smeerts in san francisco today. the group known as teens turning green wants the state to stop pg&e from installing more smart meters at homes and businesses. they say the utility has not done enough testing to prove that the meters which emit radio frequency radiation are safe. the rally starts at noon in san francisco. >> time is now 5:37. police are telling ktvu right now that two overnight vehicle fires are considered suspicious. one fire was on modernock avenue, the other on giant road. ktvu's kraig debro joining us live now with the latest on the investigation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. these two overnight vehicle
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fires suspicious fires may have raised the possibility that an arsonist or arsonists have returned to commit some very expensive crime and some -- investigationers came here to giant highway and richmond parkway around 2:58 in the morning to investigate the first of these two suspicious fires this one again started at 2:58 at giant highway. the second of two locations. fire crews responded to reporteds that an suv was on fire. the fire was ott quickly. there were no reports of injuries. investigators did not discuss with us why they think the fire is suspicious, though. the location of the first overnight fire is modernock and san joaquin, they responded to that at 2:46 in the morning. like the other 1 investigators did not discuss with us why they think this fire seems suspicious but without any obvious physical evidence typically suspicion can arise from the circumstances for instance, if a vehicle fire -- if a vehicle on fire hasn't been reported stolen and found
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near the owner's residence it is less likely it has been stolen and it is torched to cover up evidence. investigators say neither vehicle involved in these fires tonight was reported stole n but this is at least the 24th suspected vehicle arsons since october 31st of last year and -- [ inaudible ] >> -- arsons, reporting live in richmond, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. 5:39 is the time. let's go over to sal. >> it is looking okay right now into san francisco might be your best bet before the crowd arrives. certainly there are people there but there is not a big crowd coming in to the city. as a matter of fact it looks good on the bridge itself all the way to the san francisco freeway system, which is also looking very nice. this is a look now at 880 in oakland where you can see traffic has been moving along very well. the last few minutes it has been westbound 580 also looks good on the way to the lake merritt area. if you are driving on 580 through livermore and castro
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valley, so far so good on the way to hayward and fremont. 5:39. here is mark. >> good morning to you, sal. quite a bit of some cloud cover across a good portion of the bay area. we do have clear skies out. some of the inland spots this morning are partly cloudy skies but still quite a bit of overcast for san francisco, santa rosa, san jose reporting 56 degrees. high pressure will weaken a bit today and as a result no more 90s. the warmest locations around 85 to 86 degrees. we have been talking about this fog and that coupled with a breeze will bring in that cooling trend. started yesterday and will continue today. average winds 20 miles an hour into the afternoon hours and no big heat ups in sight as we do make our way over the next, oh, three to six days. here whoa go with the forecast this morning, here is our model showing you the clouds out there, temperatures 58 to 53 at 7:00. this is aggressive with the clearing into the afternoon hours where we could still have left over patches of fog for san francisco, especially for the western half of the city. but overall partly sunny skies
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with more sunshine inland and temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees. there is a pit of a breeze out there winds out of the west to southwest and increasing throughout the day, so for this morning winds could be from around 5 to 15 miles an hour. by lunchtime tone to 20. you get an idea of the overall trend by 3:00, by 4:00 winds around 15 to 25 miles an hour and stronger around the delta toward the fairfield area as we do head into the afternoon noon hours. forecast highs for today most areas coming down a few degrees from yesterday's readings. antioch 86, san francisco skies becoming partly cloudy but still left over patches of some fog and santa rosa upper 70s. more neighborhoods san jose 75, los gatos right around 80. here is a look ahead. your five-day-forecast a little bit cooler for your wednesday and then a little bit warmer for thursday and also into friday. another weather check coming up in a little bit. >> all right, mark. time now 5:41. police in the south bay they have arrested nearly a dozen
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child pornography suspects. >> these are vicious violent sai distick demeaning photographs and videos. >> san jose's police chief says there is a clear message with this crack down. >> and doctors say whooping cough is now at epidemic proportions. find out who is most at risk. >> good morning. if you are driving on the freeway system in the bay area, so far traffic is light. we will tell you more about that coming up. since i've been doing roller derby for the last three years,
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i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.
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♪[ music ] >> good tuesday morning. time now 5:44. fog is backing full force this morning in fremont. current temperature mainly in the 50s. the forecast high this afternoon 71 degrees. >> mark, thank you. welcome back, good morning to you.
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here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you right now at 5:44. this morning firefighters are investigating three suspicious overnight fires near the uc berkeley campus. they want to know if they are linked to 7 earlier arsons in that same area just since friday. most involve trash cans and damage is minor. the deposit says the oil seeping into the full of mexico from bp's broken oil well is insignificant. the cap on that well remains shut at least for now. president obama is urging senators to pass an extension to unemployment benefits. today it appear is democrats will be able to overcome a republican filibuster and get that bill passed. >> vallejo police are investigating an incident at hogan high school where an unidentified male was seen carrying a gun. now the high school on rosewood drive was locked down for about ten mints yesterday just after the incident. police say a school supervisor reported the suspect walking
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towards some classrooms with a weapon. no one, including 200 summer school students were injured. the suspect did run away. police still don't know what type of gun he was carrying or if it was real. >> time now 5:45. san jose police are calling a sex crime sweep that targeted child pornography suspects a big success. now they arrested 11 people suspected of downloading sexual images of children on to their computers. they range in ages from 17 to 65 and police say they have no known connection to each other. the police chief has a warning for anyone involved in child pornography that the very very cleave message is if you choose to abuse our children by exploiting them through the internet and sharing photographs of them that are demeaning and vicious and violent, we will come after you and we will put you in prison. >> the prosecutors have charged all 11 suspects with felony possession of child pornography, they are expected to be arraigned over the next two weeks.
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>> state health officials are warning of a huge jump in the number of cases of whooping cough, which has already killed five babies so far this year. nearly 1500 infections were reported as of last week, that compares to just 300 cases at this time last year. doctors say most children need to be vaccinated and many adults around children may need booster shots. >> anyone who is seven years of age are older and is not fully immunized,ly with us as those that are older than 64 years of age, should receive a vaccination. >> whooping cough may seem like a cold that lingers for as long as two weeks but it is followed by weeks or months of coughing fits, that can include the distinctive whooping noise. >> 5:47. there is a new ktvu field poll that shows more californians now support the idea of same sex marriage. a survey found that california
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voters support allowing gay couples to marry by a margin of 51% to 42%, seven% had no opinion. however that support changes when californians are given a choice of three alternatives for same sex couples, 44% said they favor allowing same sex marriage, 34% supported civil unions but not marriage. 19% said they'd preferred no legal recognition for same sex couples. 3% had no opinion at all. >> time now is 5:48. let's check back in with sal on the morning commute. >> it is looking okay but just as we were going on the air i got an accident call 101 at shiloh road. the accident is so new it has not popped up yet. i want to show you santa rosa, the area so far looks okay, so we will keep an eye on it for you. two lanes blocked. police have not arrived on the
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scene yet. we will let you know. to the live pictures and take a look at some of the other things we are watching here. northbound 280 okay up to the downtown san jose area. no major problems there. no problems on northbound 17. filling in for steve this week it is mark. >> hi, there, sam. good morning to you. the fog really making a come back over the past few hours covering the coast, bay and inland. current numbers most of the region in the 50s. san jose 56, concord 56, santa rosa 52 degrees. here is the plan throughout the day today with the time line this morning at 7:00 areas of fog, temperatures not a big change from the current levels around 53 to 58 degrees. by lunchtime partly sunny skies, still patchy fog, especially coast side. right around the bay, then into the afternoon by 4:00 plenty of sunshine inland but still coastal fog and even leftover patches for san francisco, temperatures this afternoon the eventual range most areas in the 60s to the 80s but no 90s
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expected throughout the afternoon. winds will increase especially after 12:00. winds coming out of the west- southwest, this morning around 5 to 15, by 12:00 10 to 20, then increasing by 3:00, 15 to 25 miles an hour. could be stronger on through the delta, gusting to possibly 30 miles an hour as we do head into the afternoon hours. forecasted highs this afternoon warmest locations around 85 to 86 degrees out toward concord and antioch. santa rosa in the upper 70s. san francisco skies just becoming partly cloudy. we could have left over stubborn patches of fog into the afternoon hours. san jose will go 75 with skies becoming mostly sunny. here is a look ahead. your five-day-forecast cooler for your wednesday then just minor warming for thursday and friday. we could be cooling back down as we do head into the weekend. another forecast update coming up in a few minutes. >> reports it now sells more e books than hard
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covers. in the last three months customers bought 143 books for everyone hundred hard bound books. amazon executives add the ratio has grown even more in the last month. the price of most is 10 dollars far less than the average hard back book. volkswagen of america is moving one of its bay area facilities out of palo alto. the electronics research lab will relocate to beaumont because it needs room to grow. the lab is moving into the building that used to be the headquarters for a software maker, a spokesperson says the facility will be used to build prototypes for new vehicles including all electric cars. yankees shortstop derek jeter is a repeat all star when it comes to marketing. he is baseball's signature star. he already earns more than $9 million a a year endorsing products. researchers say his popularity extends outside new york and people like him for his conduct
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on and off the field. >> jeter is the man. time now 5:51. up next get ready to hold out your hand. we will tell you what some nail salon technicians want you to know about salon dangers and the very unusual plan to grab your attention. >> oakland will be the scene of a special farewell for an internationally known music icon. the bay area helped make him famous. we will have all the details of the star-studded celebration of his life.
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welcome back to the morning news. actress lindsay lohan is supposed to begin her 90 day jail sentence today after an appearance in court this morning. she will be taken into custody during that hearing but it is not clear who will represent her. robert shapiro issued a statement saying he was no longer on the casech she will likely serve a fraction of her jail term and head back to a drug and alcohol rehab program after she gets out. >> 5:five. tonight a special musical tribute will be held at oakland's paramount theater for grammy winning star walter hawkins, hundreds waited in long lines last friday trying to get free tickets to the tribute. the ticket give away started at
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11:45, by 1:00 all of the tickets were gone. bishop hawkins formed the love center church in oakland. he passed away a week ago sunday at his home. of cancer. a memorial service will be held tomorrow morning. the late ronald regan will now be honored on his birthday here in california with a day of special recognition. the governor signed two bills honoring him. ragan's birthday is february 6th and the first dave of recognition next year falls on what would have been his 100th birthday of the one of the bills signed creates a commission to seek private donations to celebrate that event. >> you can get a free manicure in san francisco at noon today as part of a public awareness project. nail technicians at the international school of cosmetology on polk street want to let people know about some of the toxic chemicals in many
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common nail polishes, they are offering the free manicures as a way to show support to ban those chemicals. >> let's quickly go to sal. there is another crash, sal. >> that's right, in the north bay. this time southbound 101 right near shiloh road, which is on the northern end of santa rosa near windsor. southbound 101 at shiloh, two of the three lanes are blocked completely heading south, so if you are a north bay driver you get on the road early, this is a big traffic jam for you heading down to santa rosa. some people come in from windsor and the north and right now there is a big problem. chp has issued a sig alert there. let's take a look at the 680 commute here heading down to san jose that traffic looks okay. at the toll plaza the traffic is light. now to the desk. >> topping our news more suspicious fires near the uc berkeley campus this morning. the latest one happened two
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hours ago. claudine wong just received new information and she will have a live report up next. >> plus will ac transit service be disrupted again today? we will have the latest on the contract dispute with angry bus drivers. >> low clouds and fog back in full force this morning. current oakland mid-50s. we have been advertising a cooling trend it looks like it is on track. your forecast coming up.
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