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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  July 19, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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been trading chants and oscars, those for johannes mehserle and for oscar grant. the afternoon has been loud at times but it has been peaceful. two groups of people with two entirely different views. the african-american supporters shouted at johannes mehserle supporters. they rallied and among those here is an off-duty concord police officer. >> i'm gonna go out and do the best job i can for my safety and for the community safety and i'm gonna run the risk of spending two, four, eight, 25 years in jail to do that? >> i believe it was a mistake. i don't think there was anything intentional. [ no audio ] >> we need to support our safety officers.
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>> reporter: there was one african-american -- >> the majority of the police department and police officers are adversely racist and knee andre thalls. >> supporters for oscar grant didn't want this rally on facebook to go unchallenged. >> we find this so soon, where the family is still in mourning. it's a slap in the face. >> it's not okay. you can't just kill. >> reporter: across the street passersby stopped to see what all of the commotion was about. >> i think it's a great representation of a freedom of speech. >> reporter: and we are back live. police have closed off ignacio valley road in the westbound direction. the protest is expected to break up soon. it has been boisterous at times but peaceful. rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news.
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here is a live look from newschopper2 over the scene. we're seeing about 50 to 75 people who have gathered, both those for and against the former police officer. as rob just mentioned, this protest was supposed to end or scheduled to end at 5:00. they are still out there. so far it's been peaceful. we'll continue to monitor this situation and cover it throughout the newscast. >> now to the gun battle that shut down interstate 580 in oakland for hours. we're learning new information about the man who police say started all of the shooting, including his criminal history and the years he spent behind bars. allie rasmus is live in oakland with our report. >> reporter: well, frank even though this shooting happened right in the middle of the 580. it's oakland police and the fbi venting. the fbi is involved because as we've learned the suspect has an extensive criminal history. [ sound of gunfire ] >> reporter: the 45-year-old man who engaged chp officers in
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a gun fight on this portion of 580 have a 20-year criminal history, that spans two states. in 1990, byron christopher williams served time in prison for second-degree felony theft and two years later was convicted for having a firearm in california. in 2003, he was convicted of bank robbery again in california and he served six years in prison and was still on probation. after getting out of prison, shortly after in 2009, he was arrested for battery in tuolumne county. he has several dui arrests. the night he was pulled over by the chp in this case, he was driving with a suspended license e was pulled over for -- he was pulled other for speeding -- over for speeding and driving erratically. in all, 60 pounds were exchanged. [ sound of gunfire ] >> it sounding like we were
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watching a movie with a lot of gun play in it. >> reporter: this woman lives across 580. her living room window gave her a front row seat to the commotion. >> we closed all of the blinds and got out of the windows. >> we're just lucky that the chp observed this individual and stopped him before he killed somebody. he was goinsomewhere and that's what we're gonna try to investigate is what he was gonna try to do. >> reporter: oakland police are looking into reports that williams was upset about the political climate in the country and whether that may have been his motivation for arming himself driving to the bay area. >> we're gonna look at every possible motive and his views or what he says or what he states to investigators or what he stated to witnesses out there is gonna factor in to
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what happened. >> reporter: no chp officers were seriously injured. williams, however, still at highland hospital recovering from multiple gunshot wounds. oakland police detective the say they about able to interview williams for the first time today. no word yet on whether williams is cooperating with investigators. back to you. oakland police have been dealing with a rash of other violence over the past few days, including the shooting death of a man visiting from the east coast here for a job interview with google. ktvu's priya david is live in oakland tonight with the story. priya? >> reporter: that shooting happened here at the intersection of 19 and webster in oakland just outside the lake merritt dental offices behind me. the man was robbed and then killed for what we're now learning was a mere $17 in his wallet. oakland police tell us the 45- year-old virginia man was in the bay area for a big interview with google scheduled for today. the computer engineer and father of three arrived in san
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francisco sunday night then drove to oakland to a tooth cleaning he arranged with a dentist he knew. as the two were leaving the dental office at 11:30 last night they were accosted by the two robbers who shot tang. we spoke to his widow by phone this afternoon. the shooter opened fire on the police with a rifle from this building. police believe the sniper was deliberately hundreding officers and also drib -- hunting officers.
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>> you have individuals who think they can hurt law enforcement officials. any time you have individuals who are willing to shoot at police officers, they are very dangerous and we need to take them off the street. >> reporter: then more violence just before noon in east oakland today. a serious, close-range shooting on bancroft in broad daylight. >> we heard about five gunshots and someone had obviously been shot. >> reporter: police say the shooter took off while the victim was taken to the hospital where he's now in critical condition. police say witnesses have been uncooperative in the investigation. all three cases have one common thread. no one's been caught for any of the crimes. coming up at 6:00 you will hear from police, how they are responding to these crimes and how having fewer officers is hindering their work. priya david, ktvu channel 2 news. a teenager died after falling off a cliff in marin county this afternoon. a spokesperson with the golden
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gate bridge say a 17-year-old boy was walking along the trail with his family when his family said for some reason he slipped. the teenager ended up falling 400 to 500 feet to his death. some residents got a rude awakening in one san francisco neighborhood this morning. a car slammed into a house near all vara doe street around -- alvarado street around noon. this was the first day for of a mayor change for rush hour. starting today, carpoolers must use fastrack. carpool drivers also have to stop at the tollbooth so a bridge worker can verify that the car has the required number of passengers. if carpoolers drive through the fastrack only lane, they will be charged the full $5 fastrack
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toll. social workers in san francisco have about three weeks to move dozens of homeless people out of the old transbay terminal. the structure will be demolished beginning august 7th to make way for a new train and people have been living and sleeping outside the terminal. the outreach team is working to get the permanent squatters out of the-- out of the terminal and into housing. a survey found california voters supported gay couples get married 51% to 42%. 7% had no opinion. 44% said they favored allowing same-sex marriage. 34% supported civil unions but not marriage. and 19% said they preferred no
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legal recognition for same-sex couples. 3% had no opinion. the exclusive field poll also shows how california's opinion on legalizing gay marriage has shifted in the past 33 years. back in 1977, only 28% of californians approved of extending marriage laws to same- sex couples. 20 years later, in 1997, the approval rate went up 10% to a 38% approval. almost ten years later, 44% approved. the lines were crossed in 2008 when, for the first time, the field poll found more california voters approved rather than disapproved of allowing same-sex marriage but despite that majority in 2008, california voters passed prop 8 which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. in 2009, approval dipped a bit and now 51% of voters approve of a loy you -- of allowing same-sex marriage. as the push for immigration
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reform heats up on capitol hill this week, more gay activists are joining the fight. i'm carol han in washington. i will explain why -- coming up. it got warmer and now it's getting cooler again. i can see the fog offshore it's gonna make an appearance in your area tonight. i will have the details.
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z. >> it was an unexpected gift. >> we're both christian. we both value traditional
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family values of commitment. >> reporter: which is why for 12 years they've been inseparable tying the knot four months when d.c. legalized marriage. >> if they had passed this years ago we would have done this. >> reporter: irwin who gets his ph.d. in urban policy next year will soon be without a student visa. >> perhaps we would try to go to canada. they have anglicans there. possibly i could work in a church there. >> it has to come -- if it has to come to that, we will go where we need to go. i'm more concerned about our families here. his parents, my mom. >> reporter: some members of congress, including silicon valley representative mike honda, are now looking to add a provision to an immigration reform bill that would allow american citizens to bring
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foreign-born same-sex partners back home to the u.s. critics see this as just a ploy to get more people on the amnesty ban wagon. >> our view is if you fall in love with somebody, you can fall in love with them where they are. that's for straight or gay. >> it's all about keeping families together. it's all about treating people equally. >> reporter: in washington, carol han, ktvu channel 2 news. several latin-american country want to join mexico in supporting a lawsuit challenging arizona's new immigration law. bolivia, columbia, el salvador, guatemala, nicaragua, paraguay and peru filed separate but nearly identical motions today. the countries agree with mexico, saying the arizona law would lead to racial profiling and hinder trade, tourism and the fight against drug trafficking. the arizona law is scheduled to take effect july 29th. as for the weather here at home everything a warm weekend
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but a bit of a cooldown as we turn to bill martin. you say that's pretty typical this time of year. temperatures, a little cooler. we're going through the subtle changes right through the bay area week. a little bit of heat, a little bit of cool. right now it's in the cool mode. we'll go outside, the fog is one of the key players. it's the symptom of the main symptom. the fog shows up because there is a weekend high pressure. i want to point out the northwest wind offshore. can you find of draw it in here. i mentioned this last week, that's a northwest wind coming from the northwest. look at stenson beach. these are the places you would like to go. see how it's socked in? you can see the fog around davenport. so northwest wind, a nice beach here. i get that question a lot, where do i go when there won't
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be fog in the fog season? often, not all of the tile, but often those -- time, but often those areas clear. morning clouds, temperatures about where they were today. a little bit cooler asthma reason mentioned, the temperatures are trending down. that's how it's gonna go in the bay area in the next 48 hours. nothing extreme here. fire danger stays on the mild side. but the fog is gonna be a player. i showed you a live picture. in your neighborhood tonight, you are going to see fog. tomorrow morning when you wake up, partly cloudy, coastal fog for most everybody, temperatures mild. lunchtime tomorrow, partly to mostly sunny. you get the pictures, 70s. daytime highs tomorrow in the afternoon, just in the mid-80s. in the warmest spots. details on your forecast, back here in a minute. >> see you then. thank you, bill. gavin newsom put his official seal of approval on a new sister city relationship.
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he signed a sister city agreement linking the city with barcelona spain. it makes barcelona, the 18th city to have a sister city relationship with san francisco. the mayor says the two cities have a lot in common already. >> notably commitment to economic empowerment and entrepreneurialism and innovation, the opportunities to build on green tech. >> sister cities international promotes the arrangements. its goal is to promote global cooperation at the municipal level. president obama is urging republicans to extend unemployment benefits. coming up -- hear why republicans are standing firm against the push and the change that could give democrats the vote they want. residents all over the bay area are feeling the pain of unemployment but there's one county suffering the most. we'll take you there. find out how they are coping.
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woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did.
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do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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president obama stood in
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the white house rose garden with three unemployed americans as he fired back at republicans. >> the same people who didn't have any problems spending hundreds of billions of dollars on tax breaks for the wealthiest americans are now saying we shouldn't offer relief to middle-class americans like jim, or leslie or denise who really need help. >> no. >> senate republicans have repeatedly blocked votes to extend unemployment benefits through november because the bill would cost 33.9 billion. georgia congressman tom price says democrats need to cut spending elsewhere first. >> we believe we should go back to the prebailout presim list levels and then decrease -- prestimulus levels and then decrease spending from there. if you do that, can you get this spending under control. that's what the american people are demanding. in fact, i would suggest until we do that, you won't get that vibrant job creation across the country. >> since june, about a billion americans have maxed out on their american benefits. the u.s. unemployment rate was 9.5% then, the lowest in 11
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months. many economists don't expect it to fall this year. >> barbara boxer was in foster city this morning. the democrat who is up for reelection against carly fiorina -- >> i don't sugar coat the fact that too many californians are out of work and that's why job creation remains my top priority. >> fiorina's camps says the jobs under the stimulus has resulted in -- >> now the vote is set for tomorrow. democrats think they can finally block a republican filibuster when robert byrd's replacement is needed, giving them the 66 votes they need. >> and that vote can't come soon enough. for those who lost their jobs, they say that unemployment job
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is vital when it come to putting food on the table and paying paying their bills. jim vargas is live with one particular county that's been very hit. >> solano county's unemployment rate is the highest in the bay area. many people there are waiting for their uninsures benefits to be -- uninsurance benefits to be extended. this man is a heavy equipment operate out of work for a year. >> yeah. any kind of -- i don't know. i owe people and they are looking for their money. i can't help them because my extenses have been cut. >> he was part of a steady stream of people looking in vallejo. they live in a town in such bad shape that police officers have been laid off, city services cut off, a fire station was
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lost. people without jobs don't buy. this man is a single parent who says he's looking for handyman work. >> i've applied to 125 jobs in the last three weeks. i've had one interview. >> maybe the most optimistic job seeker we found was rodney watson. he rode the solano county building bloom a few years back. >> at one point i was making maybe over $2,000 a month and just like that it was gone. >> he's finishing a edd green construction training course. >> over 200 jobs available now. hopefully i can get into it and have me a job pretty soon. >> it seems like green jobs are not what people are focused in on at this moment. that's hour new dot-com. >> many americans are finding there's too you foo many jobs right now.
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do you ever give up hope? >> you can't. i'm a father. got na brush yourself -- gotta brush yourself off and get back up. >> difficult to accept but maybe the only ways to survive. stocks made modest gains today as investors geared up for a packed week of corporate earnings reports. [ closing bell ] >> volume was light on wall street as wall street hunkered down for the reports due out this week. the dow, 66 points. for more financial and consumer news, go to an iranian scientist is alleging that the u.s. planned to exchange him for three american hikers being held in iran. in an interview, he accused american prisoners of holding him prisoner.
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he said the u.s. agents were trying to convince him to admit he was spying so they do exchange him for the three hikers in iran. secretary of state health official health official is in afghanistan tonight preparing for a 60-nation conference about the future of that war- torn country. clinton met with afghan president, hamid karzai, on her arrival today. she came from pakistan where she had just completed two days of talks of leaders there. at the conference, which begins tomorrow, the afghans are expected to outline plans to strengthen their security. a pair of suicide bombings have killed at least 48 people in baghdad. iraqi authorities say the bombs were aimed at an an anti-al qaeda group. the first --
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>> reporter: what the police hope to find in a child pornography bust -- neck. a fire that swept through a san jose elementary school earlier this month is now causing some to question if enough is being done to protect scoops in the district. we'll explain. ñ
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these are vicious, violent,
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sadistic, demeaning photographs. >> police arrest more than a dozen people accused of being involved in child pornography, buying, trading or selling child pornography. police say they are not done yet. robert handa is live in san jose with more on the sweep. >> reporter: the san jose police department is the lead agency in this search for people accused of buying and selling child pornography, an ongoing investigation that's still looking for more victims and more information on the suspects. >> i'm tired of this! >> reporter: this is the home of roger schultz, one of 15 south bay people police revealed today who were arrested for buying, selling or trading child pornography, involving very young children. >> these are vicious, sadistic, demeaning photographs. >> reporter: san jose police led a bay area wide task force
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of law enforcement answers called internet crimes against children. that specializes in utilizing internet technology. >> to go out and look for known pornography images that are being traded on publicly available sites from. there, once we find the images we backtrack to find out who is in possession of those images. >> reporter: police confiscated hard drives and numerous cds and dvds. police released this information in hopes that people would recognize some. roger schultz, the only registered sex offender, decline to comment but this -- declined to comment on this but his wife said -- >> i'm losing my husband of 26 years because he made a mistake. he looked at something. he looked at something. they did not find anything in this house. >> reporter: a neighbor said she was stunned by the
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allegations. >> it's hard to hear that it's on your own block especially because there's a lot of kids on this block. >> what are your thoughts? >> i think it's horrible. >> reporter: police say computer information from mr. schultz and other suspects are still being examined. anyone who needs more information or has information should contact san jose police. robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. a new report finds almost half of the schools in one south bay school district lack enough firearms to notify firefighters. janine de la vega is live in san jose with what parents are saying about it. janine? >> reporter: maureen, here at trace elementary, you could still see signs of the devastating fire that swept through here. school officials, though, insist that it will open in a month. some parents are looking into whether enough is being done to
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protect schools in this district. >> reporter: construction crews are working fast making space for newportable classrooms. the main building was -- new portable classrooms. why did it take the fire alarm at the school at least 45 minutes to go off? >> we're still looking in to that. we haven't gotten our log back yet from costco which is the alarm system that the district uses at trace elementary school. >> reporter: while trace had a fire system, not all schools do. 20 out of 43 schools have fire alarms. four schools have fully automated fire detection systems. most of the district's schools have no fire sprinklers in the classroom. trace did not have sprinklers. instead, they had alarms and smoke detectors in the ventilation ducts. that surprises some parents.
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>> do you think that's inadequate? >> as far as saving a building, it probably is. when you have to weigh how money is being spent, again it's just one of those -- just a reminder of where we're at in -- from the budgetary standpoint. >> reporter: the district says trace and all of the schools are up to buyer code. the reason why some have more safeguards in place is because they were all bit at different times. >> is that enough? we'll keep monitoring and looking at what we have and look forward. >> reporter: fire officials say the more safety equipment they have, the better. >> these futures, the alarm system, the sprinkler system, they are not meant to really protect the building. they are meant to protect the occupants of the building to give them a fair chance to get out. >> reporter: san jose's fire marshal says the fire code falls under the state jurisdiction. it's up to the state to change
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or update what's required. but he acknowledges that the trace fire will prompt them to look into whether codes need to be improved. >> reporting live from san jose, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. the fire earlier this month at trace school cost an estimated $10 million in damage and has brought an outpouring of community support. >> school officials say the latest offer is $50,000 matching fund that will effectively double any gifts up to that amount. that's on top of a $25,000 donation from wells fargo bank and offers of school supplies from a number of book and stationary schools. administrators say they plan to open school as scheduled on august 16th. an arbitrator could be selected in the ac transit and the bus drivers dispute. last week a judge ruled on the request to call in the arbitrator. the union made the request after ac's board inposed a new contract last month aimed at cutting almost $16 million from
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the budget. that contract went into effect yesterday. investigators now say a bicyclist appear tos to be at fault in an accident that injured himself and his 2-year- old daughter in alamo. the accident happened saturday afternoon on danville boulevard. the highway patrol says a 47- year-old castro valley man was towing his daughter in a bicycle trailer but was riding northbound in the southbound lanes. a driver making a right turn on to danville boulevard did not see the cyclist and hit him and the little girl. both were wearing helmets and were treated for minor injuries. there may soon be a new way to get your pain shot. believe it or not, it would come through the mail. promising new details on research presented today at an international a.i.d.s. conference. the oil cap on the broken bp well is leaking. but officials say not to worley. we'll tell you why -- worry. we'll tell you why -- coming up.
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bp has the green light from federal officials to proceed with caution and keep the oil con taintment -- containment
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cap in place. >> the small seepages we are finding right now do not present, at least at this point, any indication there is a threat to the well bore. if we thought that was gonna happen we would be taking immediate action. >> national incident commander, admiral thad allen, said today, the federal government is giving bp 24 more hours to monitor the leaks found over the weekend. in louisiana, federal officials grilled the chief engineer of the "deepwater horizon" oil rig about maintenance and personnel issues prior to the explosion. >> was there a maintenance problem with the turnover you had on the "deepwater horizon." >> if you know. >> i don't know. >> bp said in the three months the this exploded, they've spent $3 billion. crews are drilling in the side
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of the ruptured well. a sanford university science that shared the pulitzer prize with al gore has died. he wrote a number of books charting the effects of wildlife and ecosystems in the u.s. schneider was 65 years old. a scientific mystery is solved halfway around the world. up next, details.
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landscapers volunteered their time at arlington service. they pruned trees, aerated grass and repaired sprinklers. >> it gives me chills. as i'm looking around and just seeing the grave sites. i know there are men and women -- very young people, 19 years old, 20 years old. >> this is to honor them in comparison with what we're
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doing today, the hard work is nothing. not even close to the sacrifice that they've done. >> this was the 14th annual renewal and remembrance day at arlington national cemetery. coming up next at 6:00, the bay area city that took a key step today to make it easier to shut down problem nightclubs. also coming up a freeway shut down because of a shootout and a man killed coming out of the dentist's office, it's been a violent three days in oakland. tonight the reaction from police especially in light of the 80 officers that were just let go. also ahead the new technology that may help prevent the dramatic and expensive erosion on the pacifica.
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big fog basically on the coast -- fog bank on the coast. >> the fog is coming back. that fog will lend a cooling as we move into the next 48 hours. here it is now. we can go in close. let me update you. it's the current picture. let's look at san francisco. beautiful city. as you look out there south of market there is the ferry building right there. you see the fog, that's why they built the ballpark there. yeah.
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here's the bridge right here. the ballpark is right here. this is a slot where they get a lot of clearing. temperatures 7, 8 degrees warmer there than downtown san francisco. the ballpark, i was in the ballpark saturday night. it's a good place for a baseball park. when any first put that in, i was thinking that's crazy to put a ballpark downtown. high pressure is the story. it's weakening. as it weakens, the fog sort of steps it up a little bit and makes its play inland. that's why the temperatures trend down. the winds are out of the west. the real key in the forecast here will be slightly cooler in concord and in fremont and in san jose. 73 at noontime in concord. here is concord here just to get your bearings. that's clayton. mount diablo is right over the top. 73 degrees tomorrow at lunchtime in concord. up to 83.
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that's down. that's down 15 degrees from what we saw yesterday and the day before. temperatures trending down. here is the foot print for the forecast temperatures. you can see the cooler footprint over the nine bay area counties. the heat has been shunted down. you know who likes this? firefighters. moist, cool. there is a little bit of wind. we are in the height of the fire see on for my money and we still have warm temperatures. 85 in livermore. i know it's 95. but not bad. good air quality with this weather pattern. fog at the coast. if you want to get pay way from the fog and you are at the coast go up to -- in the forecast, you are looking at the five day. you can see a mild weather pattern, but certainly a good
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one. it's fire season. all of the fog everywhere. >> i it really a good place for a ballpark. coming up here, bay area city closes firehouses to save money. >> reporter: the vallejo fire department shut down two fire stations and reopened another in an attempt to save money. find out what that means for residents coming up. ?w?wóç
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there is a program that launched last year. it wants to clarify text messages should not be used to report an emergency. police remind residents in those cases to call 911. for information about crimes, you can send a text or the tip to 41. type in sfpd before your message. your phone number will be hidden so you can remain anonymous. >> the vallejo fire department closed two stations today and reopened another. the problem is the budget and this means firefighters will be stretched thin even -- will be stretched thin now even more than they were before. >> reporter: as the closed sign came down in department 22 so the department could shift resources and reopen after four years, the very same sign appeared at one of two fire
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stations closed -- forted to do the very opposite. >> i guess we have to do with what we have and make due and do the best job we can. >> with? >> with the resources we have left. >> reporter: in the southern part of the city, glen cove station number 26 shut down today. and in north vallejo we watched fire trucks leave the station after securing station number 25 for the last time. these closures also forced the number of firefighters on duty at any given time to dwindle. >> you know, we went from 28 and then down to 18. now we're down to 15. it does. it takes its toll on the firefighters. it takes its toll on the people that were working for us. >> when the neighbors saw the accident happen happen an they called 911, the line was busy.
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so three of the youngsters that live there ran down to the fire station to get help. >> i got a busy signal and a few other people here with their cell phones also got cell phone. i ran that way with the blanket and my sons ran that way to the fire station. >> reporter: renee johnson says she's not giving up despite the fact if a two-alarm fire were to happen right now in the city, the department would have to immediately call for help from surrounding cities. there's much more news on the 6:00 news coming up next. we'll have the latest on the rally for johannes mehserle. also underway -- >> reporter: after a string of violence at san francisco nightclubs, leaders weigh in. [ male announcer presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event.
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a surge in violence hits oakland. one rally, two opposing sides. emotions run high at this event in support of former b.a.r.t. officer, johannes mehserle. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. an apparent suicide, a freeway shootout those are among five incidents happening in oakland in the past three days. the latest incident a shooting that occurred hours ago. all of this comes days after the department laid off 80 police officers. ktvu's priya clemens is live in oakland with our report. priya? >> reporter: julie, it's been a busy few days for oakland police officers with several major


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