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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  July 19, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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>> reporter: i'm paul chambers. police are looking at the person or people who shot at them during a traffic stop. >> reporter: the chp is calling the actions of its officers involved in a freeway shooting heroic. we'll hear from the chp coming up. new concerns after a seep is found near the capped oil well in the gulf of mexico. patchy fog in the coast and gay this morning. we do have cooler temperatures in the five-day forecast. "mornings on 2" starts right now.
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good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm tori campbell. it's monday, july 19th. oakland is facing a major crime wave. police right now are searching for a gunman who opened fire on officers overnight. ktvu's paul chambers is at police headquarters with an update. good morning, paul. >> reporter: good morning, tori. now, we have very limited information. all of this happened less than a week after oakland police laid off more than 10% of their force. oakland police are looking for people or person who shot at officers while they were doing a traffic stop. the person shot at them from an apartment building. it happened around 11:30 last night. police say they were in the middle of making a traffic stop near 8th and adeline streets. ile officers were making an arrest from that stop, shots were fired from an apartment building on 8th street. >> it appeared to be rifle rounds were shot at them or
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kind of in their immediate area. so they backed down and called for additional resources. >> reporter: now, officers later went to the building. they locked it down but they did not find any suspects or weapons. police say the building did have a video surveillance camera but the system was vandalized. i'm not sure exactly when that happened. now, once again, police need your help in this case. if you know anything about it, you are encouraged to call them. we've put in calls and e-mails into the public information officer. we are awaiting word from them so we can give you more details about this story. live in oakland, i'm paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> paul, you mentioned briefly that this happened, all of this crime is happening right after there were these layoffs. are people talking about how this is impacting their ability to investigate the crime? >> reporter: right now we're not sure about it because we haven't talked to police. we do know when they made the layoffs, they said some crimes
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0 would take a backseat. now, this crime was at the forefront. i'm sure they have this on a heightened level. i will stay on top of this. i will give you more details when i talk to police. this was a high priority since their officers were involved and possible by the target. >> okay. paul chambers, thank you. right about the time police were dealing with that shooting, they were also called about another shooting downtown. a man was found shot to death at 19th and wester. police believe he may have been a robbery or carjacking victim. the victim's name has not been released at this point. no arrests have been made. 7:03. we're getting new information about the man involved in a wild shootout on an oakland freeway over the weekend. taratara moriarty is at highland hospital now where the fbi plans to question that suspect later this morning. >> reporter: the fbi is now
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getting involved. it plans on conducting an interview with the suspect, a patient here at the hospital, listed in serious but stable condition. just to give you an idea of the scope of this weekend's shooting, ten chp officers are now on paid administrative leave. they were all involved authorities, in a gun fight with 45-year-old parolee byron williams. he was alleged lid driving drunk westbound through oakland around midnight on saturday night. when chp officers pulled him over, it was then he shot at them. he had a rifle, handgun and shot gun. he was also wearing a bulletproof vest. >> this is every officer's worst nightmare, to be in a situation where you are faced with someone with a high- powered rifle. if you can just imagine the scene out of a movie where there's shell casings everywhere, multiple shell casings are being exchanged and
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you are just wondering in your mind, when is this gonna end and are you gonna survive? these men and women are very brave and did so. >> reporter: more than 100 rounds were fired. the chp is praising the heroic officers, the rookie officers, they are in their early 20s and had only been on the force in six months. they were extremely professional in calling for backup and in apprehending williams. now, 580 was shut down for the majority of yesterday because the evidence they were gathering was stretched along that area. now, williams' mother has spoken and has said her son was upset because he was an ex- convict and had some trouble in finding a job. she said he was also angered by a left-wing politician. he was two strikes against him for previous convictions. this could make a third and he could possibly be looking at
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life in prison. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara. a planned rally in support of former b.a.r.t. police officer johannes mehserle is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. outside the superior court of walnut creek. it is also expected to attract supporters of oscar grant, the man johannes mehserle was convicted of killing. >> there's been a lot of police activity around here the past couple of days. we're gonna close at around 1:00, 2:00. so is next door, just in case. >> organizers of the rally say walnut creek was chosen because of its central location and they say the rally is meant to
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be peaceful. you can find more coverage of the events related to johannes mehserle trial by going to our channel 2 website, click on the tab that's right near the top of the page. a seep that's been detected around the area of the blownout oil well in the gulf of mexico is causing new concerns this morning. all along, scientists have worried that pressure from capping the well could cap a new leak. these are live pictures right new, you are looking under water at that cap. bp and the government are at odds about what to do with the seep. bp wants to keep the cap closed. the government favors pumping the oil into tankers on the surface to relieve the pressure but the government is giving bp another 24 hours right now to monitor the wells. a cal fire mapping specialist from san luis obispo is leading an effort to trap the path of spilled oil. joe larson through to help with the emergency operations center in florida.
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he's expected to map the spread of oil toward the florida coast. his normal duties include the mapping of fire perimeters. tv weather forecasters on the gulf coast now have a new responsibility predicting where oil will wash ashore. for carpoolers on the golden gate bridge, big changes take effect today. cash is no longer accepted for the carpool fee. instead, drivers have to use fastrack to pay the $3 toll. carpoolers also are to stop now and a toll collector who can validate the vehicle has the occupancy requirements. carpoolers who use the regular lanes, you will be charged the regular $5 fastrack pool. sal is keeping an eye around the toll plazas. getting pretty busy? >> yes, it is. westbound traffic at the top is
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getting busy as you try to come into san francisco. it's backed up for about ten minutes. you will be waiting there. once you get on the bridge, it's a normal drive into the city. the morning commute looks good if you are driving on 880 north and southbound near the coliseum. the traffic is moving well all the way up to downtown oakland. this morning's drive is okay here if you are driving in the south bay. northbound 101 continues to move okay. no problem on northbound 280 so far. here's mark. hi there, sal. good morning to you. we have clear skies looking out over the oakland estuary. but there is the fog bank that's been increasing the past few hours. coast side and even a few patches moving into the bay. we will be cooling off today. we still have numbers in the 90s. the microclimate is resurfacing. around 60 coast side, around the bay, the temperatures are warming you. around 3:00, the same time the coast is in the 60s, hottest locations back in the 90s.
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antioch will go with 94, possibly 95 this afternoon. we're all in the same boat this morning. mainly in the 50s. santa rosa, 50. conconcord 59. san jose, 60. high pressure has really heated up. this will gradually weaken. we'll see more of an onshore breeze the next few days. today, low to mid-90s. by tuesday, no more 90s. for tomorrow, 85 to 86, as the marine layer increases. you can see the concentratessed coast side here and a few -- concentrated coast side here and this morning 58 to 53. then in the afternoon hours, partly to mostly sunny skies. even around the bay, plenty of sunshine for the interior. that's where you will find the upper 80s to the low to mid- 90s. these numbers are coming down
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on average around 3 to 6 degrees from yesterday. here is a look ahead at your five-day forecast. notice temperatures cooling off into tuesday and wednesday as the fog increases and then a little bit of a bump in the numbers by thursday and friday. dave and tori? >> thank you, mark. 7:0. some serious -- 7:10. some serious questions are being raised around the safety of some elementary school. there's been a split in the tea party. we'll tell why one has been picked off. the son of joe montana is arrested near his school of notre dame. [ crowd cheering
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temperatures in san francisco are in the 50s, eventually on track to reach the mid-60s this afternoon. tori? >> thank you, mark. 7:13. in berkeley overnight, firefighters put out a suspicious fire next to a uc student dormitory. it happened just before midnight on the west side of the herman hall. firefighters say a pile of wood debris between a dumpster, parked van and retaining wall was put on fire. it was quickly put out. no one was hurt. the incident is still being investigated. a new report by the "san jose mercury news" shows many schools in san jose have either outdated fire alarms or ones that do not provide enough protection. the newspaper conducted their investigation after an arson on july 5th that destroyed trace elementary school. the report found that less than half the district schools have systems that send alerts off campus. it also found most schools lack a sprinkler system and only a few schools have smoke
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detectors in all classrooms. 7:14. there is a newly-released report that came out today that shows government-intelligent gathering has grown so big, no one really knows what it costs or how many people are involved in it. "the washington post" says there are now more than 1200 government organizations and more than 1900 private companies involved. they work on counterterrorism, homeland security and tens- gathering in 0,000 locations -- intelligence-gathering in 10,000 locations all over america. secretary clinton is in pakistan announcing a massive new u.s. aid program. she's unveiling a five-year, $7.5 billion package that will focus on water, energy and health projects. 7:5. we're following the -- 7:15. we're following a reaction to the split in the tea party
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movement. that's after a conservative commentator was expelled from the organization because of a controversial blog post. ktvu's alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. bureau with the latest. >> reporter: that's right. the national tea party federation has cut teas with one of the most prominent and vocal tv commentators. mark billions wrote a letter that he called from colored -- mark williams wrote a letter that he called and the tea party says they need to do more. >> they have to act responsibility and keep doing what they did to mark williams. >> reporter: the tea party movement is trying to gain momentum heading into november's elections and that means distancing itself from what it calls fringe elements of the party. as for williams, he seems to be rejecting his ouster. he says there's no leadership group for the tea party, that
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every tea partyer is a group leader. reporting live from, alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, alison. vice president joe biden's 2008 presidential campaign is being hit with a big fine from election watchdogs for campaign violations. the federal election commission is fining the campaign more than $21,000. according to an audit released friday, the fine is for sloppy book keeping and for accepting excessive contributions, like a discounted fight out of a corporate jet. biden dropped out of the race in 2008. in the u.s. senate campaign, senator barbara boxer is now talking about the pair of yachts owned by her rival, carly fee reason know --
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fiorina. a spokeswoman for fiorina says it's ironic because it's not like boxer is living off food stamps. 7:17. the california democratic party now says it will stay neutral on proposition 19 which would legalize marijuana in california. now, the proposition if voters approve it in november would allow adults to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use and allow governments to regulate and tax it. california already allows medical marijuana use. tomorrow oakland city council will take up the issue of licensing for marijuana production plants which would grow, package and process pot for several purse posses, from body oil to baked -- purposes, from body oil to baked goods. if approved, the marijuana protection plants would have to pay more than $00,000 in -- $200,000 in annual permit fees,
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carry $2 million in liability insurance and set aside up to 8% of their gross sales for taxes. the richmond city council is expected to take up the issue of dispensaries this week. the contra costa county times says they are writing the number and ordinance. richmond may have as many as ten. but the city has no permit system for those businesses and is trying to close them down. the city council may take its first vote at its meeting tomorrow. 7:19. the son of football legend joe montana faces charges for underaged drinking in indiana. police responded to calls about a fight early saturday morning when they discovered a house party near the notre dame campus. they arrested 48 people, including nate montana and several other notre dame players. each was released on $150 monday. the coach says any team-related discipline will be handled
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internally. back here at home, shots were fired at a teen house party. we'll tell you where it happened and what police are searching for now. more details on the eye- popping discovery as cbs drills another bore -- as caltrans drills another bore.
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the contra costa county sheriff's department is looking for three people whoever shot two at a party. a neighbor says around 2:00 a.m., he heard gunshots. a few minutes later, sheriff deputies and paramedics arrived. investigators are not releasing information about the victim's conditions or a possible motive. a candlelight vigil is planned for tonight in san jose
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to remember verna lisa hollins. she was shot to death by a neighbor last wednesday. police say she may have been trying to help another woman turner stabbed. turner was arraigned friday and charged with murder and attempted murder. if convicted, he faces life in prison. the vigil is set for 7:00 this evening outside the family's apartment complex on red soxford way. scientists in arizona and here may have discovered something that could have eradicated a disease that kills a million people every year. scientists say they've created a malaria-proof mosquito. they changed a single gene in 0 mosquitoes and injected bem -- in 20 mosquitoes and injected them with malaria. but none of them developed malaria. infection is rare here in the u.s. but there are about 1500
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cases every year. construction crews working on the fourth bowl on the caldecott tunnel so far have found 500 individual artie facts. most fossils found are ferns or fish. some are only as big as a pebble. not everyone would recognize them. but there is one piece that could be unshent relative of -- ancient relative of a camel. they are finding incredible -- >> they are. and i know a lot of commuters are looking for when that project is finished. let's check in with sal. >> that's right. highway 4 heading to the tunnel we just spoke of, getting slow. it's also slow in antioch. 680 is a little slow. we had a minor accident on treat boulevard. that's off to the side and it's getting slow as we drive to work, about a 10 to 15-minute
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delay at the toll plaza. westbound 580, very slow coming in off the altamont pass. if you happen to get off the freeway somewhere after livermore, it should be a nice drive on the peninsula valley. southbound 280 at snead lane there is a new, noninjury accident reported. here's mark. we have nothing coast side, right around the bay, expanding in coverage the last few hours. we do have cooler temperatures, especially for tuesday and weapon. today will be the transition day. a couple of 60s showing up in mountain view and also san jose. actually, that was saturday's forecast. we do have fog showing up right around the way. you can see santa rosa, 85. san francisco, 65. antioch at 94. so the fog this morning,
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pulling back to near the shoreline and then partly to mostly sunny skies. you can see san jose 81. morgan hill, right around 90 and santa cruz in the mid- to upper 60s, at 69. here is a look ahead at your five-day forecast -- temperatures cooling off as we increase the fog for tuesday and wednesday. slightly warmer for thursday and into friday. i will toss it back to the desk. okay, mark. still ahead, we'll have new details about the attempts to secure the release of the uc berkeley grads accused of spying in iran. >> reporter: good morning. i'm jade hernandez. the city of vallejo is shutting down two fire stations and reopening this station right here. we'll explain what this means for the residents and neighborhood -- coming up. much of the country is experiencing a major heatwave. we'll show you where the pavement actually reached 140 degrees.
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five years ago i was twice the man i am today. literally. i mean, i couldn't even bend down.
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so my first day at the gym when the trainer asked me about my goals, i said, "i just want to own a pair of shoes with laces." now i'm exercising more and eating lean protein like jennie-o turkey. i think it's working. anncr: be well... with all the great tasting ways to eat lighter. only from jennie-o. the chp is releasing new information about a major shootout over the weekend. tara moriarty is at highland hospital, where the suspect is being treated. >> reporter: investigators tell us that esseially, the fbi is stepping in because the suspect is a twice-convicted felon and was wearinged aboutdy armor at
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the time he shot at freeways. now, 45-year-old byron williams is now in serious condition at highland hospital. he suffered more than half a dozen gunshot wounds after a wild shootout with authorities. the parolee was pulled around midnight saturday night. he was allegedly drunk and weaving in and out of truck on 580 westbound. two chp officers pulled him over and noticed a rifle, shot gun and handgun. they say williams opened fire and that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. the chp says the two officers were in their 20s and displayed heroics in getting williams to surrender. >> one thing i have to say, they were very cool, i would say cooler than the other side of the pillow. very calm. >> it was truly amazing to see how -- very calm. it was truly amazing to see that considering how long they've been on the job. >> reporter: the chp shut down
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both lanes on grand avenue for the majority of yesterday. there were more than 100 bullet casing spread out over a mild stretch of the roadway. now, williams is from groveland. her mother told us yesterday that he has been very frustrated because after he got out of prison, he had difficulty finding a job. he's also very angry at what he calls left wing politicians. he has two strikes already. this could be the third. if convicted, he could be looking at a lifetime in prison. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara. oakland police have identified a man they shot and killed early saturday. police say he was 48-year-old fred collins of oakland. police were called around 8:15 saturday morning about a man walking near the fruitvale b.a.r.t. station. he had a knife. neighbors say they heard him say "shoot me" and at least
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five police officers opened fire. collins died at the scene. 7:31. well, vallejo's fire department is taking a major hit this morning. crews say the cuts will mean slower response times for some emergencies. ktvu's jade hernandez is joining us now. jade, you got reaction from the fire department. what are they saying? >> reporter: well, dave, this morning, several stations are set to close. we're live at a station that's reopening, and that's due too the real location of resource -- due to the reallocation of resources. this is a truck that will be back in operation. the bottom line, the city of vallejo needed to cut money out of their budget. at any given time there will now be 18 firefighters on duty here in vallejo. today and from now on there will only be 15. joining us this morning is bill twedy with the fire department. you can kind of tell us. we were talking about response time. if there is a two-alarm fire in the city, the department worried. >> any fire that goes beyond
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the first alarm we're gonna require to have mutual aid supplement us. we have enough units on duty for one structure fire first alarm and have to have one extra engine to cover the rest of the city. after it goes past that, we're gonna rely on the surrounding communities. >> reporter: how hard has this been for the fire department because four years ago this station was shut down and now you are having to look at the city a little bit differently and where you put your resources. >> well, our basic service model to provide service had to be revamped to give us the best coverage we had with the resources we had left. >> reporter: as i mentioned earlier, i may not have made myself clear, there were 18 firefighters on duty in vallejo and today and from now on, there will only be 15 in a regular service rotation. >> yeah. every day up until -- yesterday, we had 18 people on duty. today we'll have 15. four years ago when we did the
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closures, we had 28. so we're almost half of what we had on duty per day. we're gonna do things different. we have to change our way of looking at fires and our responses. that's what we had to do. we had to look at the service that we need to provide with the resources and we will to reallocate the stations. and can the department face any more cuts? >> we don't know what is -- it's up to the department and what the revenue says. >> reporter: okay. bill twedy live here explaining about the two stations closing and this station reopening. jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, jade. 7:34. well, ac transit buses, they are running as unusual despite an ongoing labor dispute between them and their driver. last week an alameda county judge ruled on a union request to bring in arbitrator.
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the union made that request after the board imposed a new contract last month, aimed at cutting almost $16 million. that contract took effect yesterday. the arbitrator may be selected some time this week. 7:34. senator barbara boxer is returning to california today to discuss clean energy jobs here in the bay area. she will be touring the foster city bay solar city which has employed more than 700 workers since its founding in 2006. during her visit, boxer will meet with employees and talk about the government's efforts to promote green job creation. also this morning, president obama is set to call out republicans for blocking extended unemployment benefits for millions of american. americans. the president is about to make a statement and democrats have been trying for box to get another unemployment extension bill passed. the republicans say they will only support it if it does not add to the national debt.
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the senate could take up the issue this week when the president begins to speak -- you see the microphone there -- we will cover it live here on "mornings on 2". the iranian scientist who claims he was held captive in the united states against his will is now making allegations of an exchange deal for those three uc hikers detained in iran. now, during an interview on iranian television, he accused american agents of trying to coerce him to confess to being a spy so the united states could exchange him for the uc berkeley grads accused of spying in iran. us officials have denied those accusations. they say he was in his country on his own free will. he returned to iran last week. 7:36. san francisco supervisors are set to consider a proposal today that could bring tough, new regulations on some of the city's troubled nightclubs. this comes in the wake of
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several violent incidents relentcy -- recently including a man in front of jelly's nightclub. the legislation would give power to the city's entertainment commission to revoke club's permits -- clubs' permits for safety issues. currently, they can only suspend the permits for up to 90 days. the chp is says a bicyclist found yesterday afternoon may well have lost control and hit a tree. pausersby found the cyclist unconscious on the side of highway 9 at redwood road in western santa clara county. police say the man lived in cupertino. right now they are not releasing his name. walnut creek police have identified the name of the woman killed while walking on a sidewalk on saturday night. they say kathleen moorehead was walking on treat boulevard when a drunk driver swerved and hit
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her. she died at the hospital a few while later. the driver is from concord. he's been looked to the county jail on dui and vehicular manslaughter charges. let's check in, once again, with sal castanedo, get an update on the monday morning commute. sal? >> all right. right now we're doing okay. things should clear up around 8:30 or so. northbound 101 has been off and on. it's still slow getting up to 880. here's mark. >> good morning. the fog moving around the bay and the coast. today will be cooler than yesterday but the real cooling kicks in for tuesday and also into wednesday. most of the bay area right now,
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in the 50s. santa rosa, 50 degrees. san francisco, 54. a little bit warmer in mountain view. san jose, right around 60. concord at last check reporting 59 degrees. high pressure has really been heating up a good portion of the west over the past couple of days especially for the bay area interior. it begins to weaken today. yesterday, the hottest locations will be in the upper 90s to right around 100. by tuesday, no more 90s. in fact, the hottest locations, mid to possibly the upper 80s as the fog expands. we'll have more of an onshore breeze. temperatures will cool off for tuesday and wednesday. right now, 53 to 58 degrees. it's targeting the coast and a few patches moving around the bay. we'll put this into motion and you will see partly to mostly sunny skies. as you head inland, more sunshine and temperatures will be warming up. here is a look at some of the forecasted highs this afternoon -- santa rosa, 85.
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there's the 94 showing up. these numbers, on average, around 3 degrees to 6 degrees primarily for the interior. here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast, the marine layer expands for tuesday and temperatures cool off for tuesday and into wednesday. slightly warmer readings by thursday and friday. tori? >> fairly pleasant for the bay area. most of the east coast is dealing with higher, much normal than higher temperatures that are not expected to let up until next weekend. from washington, d.c. to new york city, the temperatures reached well in the 90s. factor in the humidity and it feels like it's in the low 100s. >> the heatwave is sparking violent storms and floods in kentucky have killed at least two people. the midwest is not escaping the the heat. arizona is known for having a dry heat. it's still extremely hot. this man here of phoenix is recovering this morning from second-degree burns on his feet when he ran out of his hot bare
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foot this weekend to catch up with his mail carrier. didn't realize how hot the pavement was until neighbors came to his rescue. >> by the time he turned around he couldn't run back to the grass. he fell down. he's burning his knees and hands hands. >> he was taken to a phoenix- area burn center for treatment. >> there are new problems connected to the oil well leaking in the gulf. we'll get details -- next. and look! no needles. some big changes could be coming to the traditional flu shot.
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just when we thought the end was in sight, the federal government's royal response man, thad allen, issued a statement on a rather terse letter that he sent to bp demanding answers about a potential leak somewhere near the wellhead out in the gulf of mexico. we learned this morning that company officials apparently have provided satisfactory answers to the federal government regarding this seep. those answers were given in a conference call last night. oil hasn't gushed freely into the gulf of mexico since thursday when this new, tighter cap was placed over the wellhead. since then officials say pressure really isn't what it should be. that leads them to believe there could be a leak somewhere else in the gulf of mexico nearby. they haven't been able to give us too many details. we don't know where exactly the leak is, how big it is, or when
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and how it was discovered. tori? >> can you explain a little bit why there's so much concern about this development. it's just a small, little leak. is it really that big of a deal? >> reporter: if there there is a leak and they determine it's problematic, what would happen, they would have to go in and remove the cap again. you remember when they were doing this the first time, the oil gushed unabated, unobstructed for several days. if they have to remove the cap again, this can happen all over again. they don't want that impact. we know right now an official, doug suttles, chi operator officer with bp, came -- chief operating officer with bp came out, and said no new oil, no
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tar balls. that's great news. >> nicole, what exactly does bp have planned for the next few weeks? are they gonna try to do the relief well to permanently shut down the problem? >> reporter: absolutely. they think one of these could be in pretty good shape by the end of the month. they still don't believe they will be up and running by august. they plan to send out a couple of oil collection ships to join the two already out there. they want to make sure they are collecting as much oil as possible. if they can get those two other ships out there, they could be collecting 3.4 million gallons a day. that would be some good news. they have to make sure this is the only leak and it's not going to be problematic and they don't have to remove the cap and deal with millions and millions of gallons of oil gushing back into the gulf. >> certainly the last thing everyone wants.
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thank you, nicole. 7:47. officials in india say a deadly collision of two trains may have been caused by sabotage. more than 60 people died when a speeding express train crashed into a stopped passenger train in eastern india today. this comes two months after rebels were blamed for a derailment that killed 145 people. the traditional flu shot and where you get it may soon be old news. the georgia institute of technology has developed a patch. you can put it on the skin to inoculate people from the flu. the patch contains hundreds of tiny microneedles that deliver the flu vaccine into the skin. the patch could be sent through the mail, allowing people to give the flu vaccine to themselves right at home without going to a doctor. about 25,000 walkers raised more than $3 million this weekend at the 24th annual a.i.d.s. walk san francisco. as the walkers were crossing
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the finish line, there was a new study presented at the international a.i.d.s. conference of vienna that offered new hope. they say the new a.i.d.s. infections in british columbia has been cut in half since 1996. the money raised helps support local a.i.d.s. services at the san francisco a.i.d.s. foundation and 59 other bay area a.i.d.s. organizations. the event has raised more than $76 million since it began in 1987. 7:49. zsa zsa gabor is having surgery this morning to replace a broken hip. her publicist says the 93-year- old fell out of her bed this weekend at her los angeles area home. he says she was watching television in bead and reached to answer the phone when she fell. gabor, who reportedly had a
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stroke a few years ago, is partially paralyzed from a 2002 car accident and uses a wheelchair. someone who bought a megamillions ticket in southern california is a big winner! last friday's drawing was worth $68 million. just one ticket matched all six numbers. the numbers were 2, 15, 18, 20, 39. the meganumber, 34. that ticket was sold by a smoke and stuff store in los angeles. >> wow. it ten minute before -- ten minutes before 8:00. mtv is coming to the bay area and a local high school is getting its time in the spotlight. there could be a hidden danger hidden in a popular park. we'll tell you about the controversy it's causing.
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good morning.
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welcome back. 7:52. santa clara fire officials are investigating a weekend fire at a recycling center. now, this fire started just before noontime yesterday in the piles of plastic bottles and cardboard being stored outside links recyclers. people were warned by a computerized system to shelter in place for more than an hour because of possible toxic smoke from the plastic. luckily no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is under investigation. the u.s. army corps of engineers says world war ii era bombs may be buried at point reyes national seashore. officials say those bombs may still be dangerous. a dispute between the corpse and the federation of indians of rancho reyaw have stalled this. government officials blame the way the auto industry was
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handled with the bailout fund. they say chrysler closed and they say that decision may have contributed to the loss of jobs and thousands of companies that did business with them. this moving nokia network announced it will buy the majority of motorola wireless operations. they will pay $1.2 billion and says the deal will significantly add to the company's global presence. it has been trying to boost its presence in north america and japan. the deal is expected to be completed by the end of the year. 7:54. well, freedom high school in oakley will be futurened the first episode of a new documentary series aired on mtv tomorrow. the show is called if the request you really knew me." it follows several students from different clicks.
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they take part in an -- in a series -- right now we want to take you live to the president. >> where that next paycheck will come from. i know the only thing that will entirely free them of those worry, the only thing that will fully lift that sense of uncertainty is the security of a new job. to that end, we all have to continue our efforts to do everything in our power to spurt growth and hiring. i hope the senate acts this week on a package of tax cuts and expanded lending for small businesses, for most of america's jobs are created. we've got a lot of work to do to make sure that we are digging ourselves out of this tough economic hole that we've
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been in. but even as we work to jumpstart job growth in the private sector, even as we work to get businesses hiring again, we also have another responsibility -- to offer emergency assistance to people who desperately need it. to americans who have been laid off in in recession. we have a responsibility to help them make ends meet and support their families even as they are looking for another job. that's why it's so essential to pass the unemployment insurance extension that comes up for a vote tomorrow. we need to pass it for men like jim jukolis, who is with me here today. he worked as a parts manager as a honda -- at a honda dealership until about two years ago. he's posted resumes everywhere. he's gone door to door looking
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for a job. >> you've been listening live to president obama. he's discussing the unemployment bill being blocked by republicans. he says it's coming up for a vote tomorrow. he says we have a responsibility for those who really need it. he's talking about the people standing next to him who are examples of that. we'll have more on the president's comments. p let's go right to sal. what are you seeing? >> we're looking at the south bay. the traffic is moving slowly getting upto 880 and in the valley. the traffic is slow on 24, getting up to the tunnel and when you get up to the toll plaza, it's about a ten-minute delay. here's mark. hi there, sal. good morning. the fog making a callbackest coast side and even a few spots in the bay. here is a look outside of the oakland estuary. you can see some patches looking into the region. coastal and bay fog at 8:00
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this morning, increasing sunshine into the afternoon. ultimately partly to mostly sunny skies. there is your eventual temperature range around 60 to 94. san francisco, 65. santa rosa in the mid-80s. livermore, 91 and morgan hill right around 90. these numbers, on average, cooling off 3 to 6 degrees from yesterday's highs. here is a look ahead. real cooling that kicks in for tuesday, wednesday as we increases the fog, winds, marine layer and slightly temperatures for thursday and friday. dave and tori? >> thank you, mark. oakland police are dealing with a rash of violence including two overnight shootings. up next, we'll go live to police headquarters for more about the attacks and the search for suspects.
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welcome back. at this hour, police are out there searching for a gunman who opened fire on officers overnight. paul chambers is at the oakland police headquarters on the very latest on what happened. >> reporter: we're still working with very limited information about this incident that happened just before midnight. it was a very tense situation. police are looking for the people or persons responsible for shooting at officers from an apartment building last night. it happened around 11:30 last night. police say they were in the
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middle of making a traffic stop at 8th and adeline and then shots were fired in their direction from an apartment building on 8th street. >> the rifle -- i heard the rifle rounds or shots at them. they backed down and called for additional resource. >> reporter: officers immediately went to the building where they locked it down and searched but they did not find any weapons or any suspects. police say the building did have video surveillance cameras. but the system was vandalized. they are not sure when that happened. police need your help. if you know anything about this, you are encouraged to give them a call. paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, paul. thank you. right about the same time oakland police were dealing with that shooting, they got another call about another shooting downtown. a man was hot to death at 19th
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and webster. police believe he may have been a carjacking or robbery victim. the victim's name has not been released at this point. no arrests have been made. two minutes after 8:00. ktvu has learned that fbi agents are getting ready to interview a man who was involved in a wild gun fight with officers on the 580 freeway. tara moriarty is live at the hospital with more on the suspect and his possible motive. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning, tori. just to give you an idea of how crazy this freeway shooting was. officers have recovered more than 150 rounds of ammunition along the crime scene. we're learning more information about the suspect who may have started it all. he's a patient here at highland hospital listed in serious but stable condition at the moment. he's 45-year-old parolee byron williams of groveland. he suffered at least half a dozen gunshot wounds in a while shootout with authorities. it happened around midnight saturday night around interstate 580 westbound in
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oakland. chp officers pulled over williams for allegedly driving drunk. he was spotted weaving in and out of traffic. when the first officer approached his pickup truck, he noticed a stash of weapon, including a rifle handgun and shot gun. the officers called for backups when williams opened fire. he was wearing a bulletproof vest. they believe williams was going to carry out big plans.
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the officers here were very call calling for help. they were only on the job six months. ten officers are on paid leave while a full investigation is underway. we've been able to speak with williams' mother janney, she said her son was very upset. when he got out of prison, he was finding it difficult to find work. he was also upset by what he called left wing politicians. he has two strikes against him. this could make a third. right now, fbi investigators are waiting to speak with williams. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 8:05. well, the city of vallejo is reorganizing its fire department. they are shutting down two fire stations and reopening -- fire stations and reopening one that previously closed. they are doing it all to help the financially-strapped city save some money. this is station 22 in vallejo. it's reopening at this hour after being shut down four years ago.
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at the same time, station 25 and 26 are being closed down right now. firefighters from the stations that are closing, they will be reassigned. now, ktvu's jade hernandez is out there now. she's talking with the fire crews. jade will have much more about the changes that will impact response time coming up at 8:30. ktvu has learned some businesses as well as the courthouse in walnut creek plan to close early because of a planned rally in support of former b.a.r.t. police officer, johannes mehserle. the rally scheduled to start at 2:00 p.m. outside superior court is also expected to attract friends of oscar grant. more than 130 people have already responded to the facebook organized event. but the addition of counter protesters makes it unpredictable for everyone involved. >> there's been a lot of activity around here.
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we're gonna close at 1:00 or 2:00, so is buttercup next door, just in case. >> organizers of the event explain on facebook saying the rally is meant to the peaceful. you will find continuing coverage of the events related to the johannes mehserle trial and clicking on the tab near the top of the bridge. car, no longer accepted for the carpool fee starting today. instead, they have to use fastrack to pay that $3 toll. carpoolers also have to -- if they use the regular lanes they will be charged the full $5 fastrack poll. we want to check in with sal castanedo keeping a close eye on the commute. what's going on in the south bay? >> we're starting there because
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we want to see what 280 is looking like. the last week we've had some pretty busy commutes today. moving along and taking a look at 880. that traffic is much better than we thought it might be. we thought we might have a busy monday right through here but not much going on there. westbound bay bridge traffic is okay. we had an accident northbound 880 at 80. two cars. they are in the left lane. there may be a little backup getting to the bay bridge and coming up from 880 to the toll plaza. here's mark. we're taking a live look over san francisco bay. can you see clear skies up above but also some fog making a comeback. with that, the temperatures today will cool off a little bit. but the real cooling that's expected as we head into tuesday and wednesday. big microclimates.
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if you start out for a drive around ocean beach around 3:00, the readings will be back up. the hottest locations around antioch around 94, 95. the coast will be in the lower 60s. >> high pressure really heating up a good portion of the west over the past few days especially for the bay area interior. today will be the transition day. so temperatures today inland on average. we're cooling off around 3 to 6 degrees from yesterday's readings. but from tuesday, no more 90s. the warmest locations only in the mid- to upper 80s as we increase the fog. as we -- also as we increase the flow. some patchy fog targeting the coast and right around the bay.
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most areas in the bay. in the afternoon hours, partly to mostly sunny. there's that big temperature range once again. in fact here is a look at the overall time line. at 12:00, increasing sunshine. partly to mostly sunny this afternoon. temperatures in the 60s near the immediate shoreline near pacifica and also san francisco 65. but napa tops out around 80. livermore 81 and here is a look ahead to your five-day forecast. more fog tomorrow that will tran late to cooler temperatures. slightly warm for thursday and into friday. moments ago, you saw it. president obama lashed out at republican lawmakers for blocking an extension of unemployment benefit the. >> because the americans i hear from in letters and meetings and meeting tall hon -- town hall meetings, americans like
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jessly and denise and this gentleman, they are not looking for a handout. they desperately want to work. right now they can't find a job or jobs. the president accused about the -- the president talked about the three people standing with him at the podium. their benefits are about to run out. the senate is due to vote tomorrow on the unemployment extension. republicans say they will only support it if it does not add to the national debt. up next, why the government is letting bp keep the cap on its damaged oil well despite seepage on the ocean floor into find out how cal fire is helping with the cleanup effort. we're following the reaction this morning to a split in the tea party movement. boulevard [ crowd cheering
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer 2-scoop sundae, water and a free mlb® mini helmet compliments of aquafina. baskin-robbins. more flavors. more fun.
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we're following reaction this morning to a split within the tea party movement. this is after a conservative commentator was expelled from the national organization
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because of a controversial posting after blog. alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. bureau. she knows all about this. good morning, alison. >> reporter: good morning to you, dave. this is a heated controversy that no one seems to want to touch on capitol hill. just listen to what republican leader mitch mcconnell had to say whether he was asked about the fissure in the tea party. >> i've got better things to do than to weigh in on all of these disputes. >> reporter: this dispute involves mark williams. he's been ousted from the national tea party fed cation after he wrote a controversial and incendiary blog called "from colored people to abraham lincoln." the larger tea party is trying to gain momentum head -- momentum heading into the november election. just a few moments ago, i got in e-mail from the tea party expressing, saying "it's preposterous and arrogant for
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any tea party organization to say it's exmedicalling someone from the -- expelling someone from the tea party movement." back to you. >> thank you. joe biden's presidential campaign is being hit from a -- with a big fine from the election watch dogs for campaign violations. they are fining his campaign more than $219,000. now according to an audit that came out, the fine is for sloppy book keeping and for accepting excessive contributions including one in the form of a discount flight on a corporate jet. joe biden dropped out of the race after the iowa caucuses. senator barbara boxer is now talking about the pair of yachts owned by her rival, carly fiorina. "the chronicle" reports she's comparing her years of service to fee rena's choice to become
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a ceo, lay off 30,000 workers, ship jobs overseas and have two yachts. a spokesperson for fiorina says -- and i'm quoting -- "it's not exactly like backs boxer is -- like boxer is living on food stamps." a proposition for legalizing marijuana would allow one ounce for personal use and also alu the government to regulate and tax it. california already allows medical marijuana use. tomorrow oakland's city council will take up the issue of licensing four marijuana protection plants which would grow, package and process pot for several purposes from body oil -- for body ail to baked goods. they say if this idea -- say
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this idea to put them out of business. the richmond city council is expected to take up the issue of medical marijuana dispensaries this week. the contra costa times reports city attorneys are writing an ordinance to set the number and locations of the dispresenceries. richmond currently may have as many as ten. but the city has no permit system for the businesses and is trying to close them. the city council pay take its first vote on the matter at its meeting tomorrow. 8:19. well, the state superintendent of schools is worried about a new trend to save money. sixteen of the largest school districts including san francisco, san jose, and fremont, they are putting the length of their school year. they will reduce the number of days from 180 to 175. now, state superintendent jack o'connell says a shorter school year combined with other
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cutbacks will reduce recent academic gains and he says it will also put california at a competitive disadvantage. 8:19. the son of a bay area sports legend finds himself in big trouble. we'll tell how it is and where it -- who it is and where it allegedly happened. and how the home les are causing -- homeless are causing a big problem for a bay area construction project. details are coming up. westbound 237 traffic is slow as you cross 8 80. we'll tell you more about the morning commute, including a bridge check coming up.
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the contra costa county sheriff's department is investigating the shooting of three people at a party in discovery bay yesterday. a neighbor says two teenagers whose parents were out of town threw a party at their home on worthing court. the neighbor said around 2:00 a.m. he heard gunshots and a couple of minutes later, sheriff deputies and paramedics arrived. investigators have not released any information about the victim's conditions or a possible motive. the son of football legend joe montana is facing charges for underaged drinking in indiana. police responded to calls here about a night early saturday morning, when they discovered a house party near the notre dame cam bus. they arrested more than 40 people including nate montana
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and several other notre dame football players. each was released on $150 bonds. the notre dame organization says any team discipline will be handled internally. construction crews working on the fourth bore are unearthing a treasure trove full of fossil. so far they have discovered more than 500 individual artifacts. most fossil are ferns and fish. sometimes they are only the size of a pebble but there's one piece that could be an ancient relative of a camel. social wave agencies are trying to get more than 100 homeless people to measure out -- move out of the transbay terminal in downtown san francisco. demolition is set to begin -- to begin august 7th. the project will take about seven years. right now the vintage term -- terminal has become a place to sleep for homeless people every night. monday morning. sal will help you get to where
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you need to go, right, sal? >> that's right. we're looking at bay area bridges and traffic is doing okay if you are driving to most bridges except for the bay bridge. we have kye of a bigger backup there. it might do you well to just know that when you get out here. westbound traffic on the bridge is busy but the other bridges are doing okay. let's go to mark. sal, good morning. the fog baking -- making a comeback coast side. today we begin our cooling trend. it really kicks in for tuesday and wednesday. in fact, a live look outside, we have overall mostly cloudy skies for the inland spots but the fog really showing up near ocean beach and out towards oakland and hayward. san francisco, 54 right now. san jose, 62.
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livermore in the lower 60s. here you can see the forecasted highs for today. they are cooling off around 3 to 6 degrees from yesterday. cooling trend really kicks in for tuesday and also wednesday with a minor bump of the numbers thursday and into friday. dab? some very serious questions are being raised about safety at san jose schools. all of this follows the july 5th arson that destroyed trace elementary school. fiber one chewy bar.
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how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into something tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here now. how'd you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking?
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that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announcer fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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>> reporter: the police were in the process of making an arrest when shots were fired in the police's direction from an apartment bidding on 8th street. officers went to the building later and they locked down the building and searched the building. they didn't find any weapons. they didn't find any suspects. police say the building did come with a video surveillance camera, but the system on the surveillance camera inside was vandalized. i'm not sure exactly when that happened. but they know it was vandalized. police are looking for any help they can get. if you know anything about it,
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you are encouraged to call oakland police. oakland police have identified a man they shot and killed on saturday. police say they he was 48-year- old fred collins of oakland. police were called around 8:15 saturday morning about a man walking near the fruitvale b.a.r.t. visitation -- b.a.r.t. station and he had a knife. police say after a foot chase officers tried to tase collins, when any say came at him with a knife. neighbors say they heard him say "shoot me." at least five officers opened fire. collins died at the scene. vallejo's fire department is taking a major hit this morning. jade hernandez joins us with reaction. >> reporter: good morning. you could call this a reorganization of sorts. several stations are set to
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close here in vallejo. fire stations and one station is set to reopen. that's this station that opened. it's -- they opened their doors for the first time, 8:00. it's been closed for fours years. this is one of the trucks that had been pulling out. i wanted to show you virginia of this station, the closed sign coming down and an engine arriving, a flag being raised. this means no longer will there be 18 firefighters on duty here in vallejo. today and from now on, there will only be 15. no firefighters will be laid off but they won't be working in the numbers that they used to. i want you to come back out here live. i can show you where the stations will be closed. this station is up in vallejo. this closes today. this station in glen cove will also be closed. we're live at station 22. this station closed four years ago. it reopened today. joining us is bill twedy with the fire department. let's talk about response
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times. this changes the way the department will fight fires. >> in response times, it will decrease our times to areas we're having the most calls to by condensing the engines into a tighter circle in the main core of the city and the outlining areas where the least amount of calls are is where our increased response times will be. >> reporter: i know it has been hard. when we were talking about how you fight fires you've had to reorganize the city of vallejo and figure out if there is a fire that breaks out here, this is the bay we'll fight it because of the lack of resources. >> we've had to reinvent how we do things. for the 26 years i've been here in vallejo, interior -- if there was a fire, we went right into the house, found the origin, put the fire out at the small stage. now with the resources we have, we're gonna have to take a step back and look at how many
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people are at the fire scene. do we have enough? >> reporter: and the city of vallejo doesn't even have enough to fight a two-alarm fire if it breaks out here in the city. >> the first alarm assignment is three engine and one ladder truck. that gives us one extra engine for the city. >> reporter: mutual aid comes into play the next couple of years, you are gonna have to figure out how much mutual aid you can ask for and how much you can respond to because you have less than -- less resources? >> yes. our fire chief has been in contact with the fire chiefs in the surrounding areas. right now we're in agreement the mutual aid policy is in effect and it will continue. as things go, they are gonna look at and resee val wait their situation. if they call for us. we need is send somebody to help them. >> reporter: thank you for talking with us about this
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issue today. two stations closing here in vallejo. one reopening. this is all due to the city of vallejo's money problems. the city declared bankruptcy a couple of years ago and, of course, the city of vallejo fire department is trying to deal with the cuts that it faces. reporting live in vallejo, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, jade. it is 8:34. ac transit buses are running as usual today despite an ongoing labor dispute between ac transindite drivers. last week an alameda county judge ruled in favor of a union request to call in an arbitrator. the union made the request after the ac transit board and posed a new contract aimed at cutting almost $16 million. that contract went into effect yesterday. the arbitrator might be collected -- might be selected sometime next week. san francisco supervisors will debate a proposal today that could mean tougher, new regulations on some troubled nightclubs. this follows several violent
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incidents, including a fatal shooting in front of jelly's nightclub last weekend. now, the legislation will give the city's entertainment commission the power to revoke a club's permit because of public safety issues. right now the permits can be suspended for 90 days only. and a report shows many schools in san jose have outdated fire alarm systems or they don't provide enough protection. the report followed a fire that destroyed trace elementary school.
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the chp says a bicyclist found dead yesterday afternoon may have lost control and hit a tree. passersby find the 59-year-old cyclist unconscious on the shoulder of highway 9 in western santa clara county. police say the man lived in cupertino. they are not releasing his name. walnut creek police have identified the woman killed while walking on a sidewalk saturday night. investigators say kathleen moorehead was walking on treat boulevard around 6:00 p.m. whether a suspected drunk
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driver swerved, ran up onto the sidewalk and hit her. she died a short time later at john muir medical center. the driver, 70-year-old man from concord has been booked into the county jail on dui and vehicular manslaughter charges. let's go to sal. el is just happened in hayward, right? >> that's right. there is a new accident -- i don't know the commute correction -- commute direction. northbound 880 right near industrial parkway. a lot of people do go up that way. however, southbound, the traffic is going to be busier as i get closer here and move to the left just to show you the red and the yellow on the map. it's getting pretty slow and 680 heading south is also slow.
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let's go to live pictures, 880 northbound, farther up in oakland, it's slowing right at the coliseum. it stays that way into downtown oakland. once you get to the toll plaza, it's backed up to a 15-minute or 0-minute delay. it's been a busy day at the toll plaza. here's mark. the fog has been dancing around the bay this morning. over san francisco right now, currently in the 50s at 54 degrees. we've talking about a cooling trend over the next few days that kicks in for tuesday and wednesday. today we're heading in that direction. current numbers across the bay area already warming knupp fairfield, concord, livermore all of those areas will be back up into the upper 80s to the lower 90s this afternoon as high pressure still is in command of our weather. it really heated -- heated up parts of the bay area.
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it begins to weaken today. as a result, you can see the temperature trend, very hot yesterday. we're gonna cool things off. warmest locations around 93 to 95 degrees. and then in the -- on tuesday, primarily the 80s as the fog increases and the cooling trend will continue as we head into wednesday and thursday. as far as the fog this morning, some patches -- some patches near the coat and around the bay. temperatures most areas in the 50s to 60. in the afternoon hours, partly to mostly cloudy skies. temperatures warming back up in the 90s. concord, 89. that typical sea breeze kicks in especially by mid to late afternoon. winds could be from 15 to 25 miles an hour. here is a look ahead at the five-day forecast. more fog tomorrow. it translates to cooler temperatures for tuesday and wednesday. slightly warmer for thursday and friday. twenty minutes before 9:00. yosemite national park is making more campsites available for the summer. the park has opened up all of its sites including the
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yosemite creek campground that's been closed for the past 3 years due to flood damage. camps closed down for the winter are also accessible. park officials say even with the spaces, campsers should arrive early to get a spot. they are already lining up in san francisco to get san francisco -- to get season fifths for the san francisco sim pony. this is what it's like outside davey's hole. it was definitely not too early for symphony lovers. >> people come out at 2:00, 4:00 in the morning to be first in line to buy their tickets. the box office opened at 8:00. online and phone sales, they will begin at 10:00 this morning. >> wow. all right. 8:41. there's new talk of efforts to release the three uc graduates held in iran for a year now.
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it's coming from an iranian scientist who was recently in the news.
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the walnut creek courthouse and a few nearby businesses will close early all because of a rally in support of johannes mehserle. that rally is set by 2:00 p.m. it could also involve a few counterprotesters. at the white house this morning, president obama blamed republican lawmakers for holding up unemployment benefits to millions of americans. the president urged the senate to pass an extension of unemployment benefits when it takes up the issue again tomorrow. republicans have said they will only vote for that extension if it doesn't add to the national deficit. well, senator barbara boxer flies here to california today. she will be talking about clean energy jobs in the bay area. now, she will tour the foster city-based solar manufacturer, solar city. that company has hired 700 workers since 2006. senator boxer will meet withthe
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government's efforts to promote green job creation. 8:45. the iranian scientist who claims he was held captive in the u.s. against his will is now making allegations of an exchange deal for the three uc hikers held in iran. during an interview on iranian television, he accused american agents trying to coerce him to be a spy so they could bring back the uc berkeley hikers. the u.s. has denied thal gas stations saying the scientist was in this country on his own free will. he returned to iraq last week. secretary clinton arrived in afghanistan for an international conference on the war, reconstruction and development. security is tight. clinton comes to afghanistan after two days of talks in neighboring pakistan where she pushed officials to work more
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closely with the afghan government in the fight against extremists. according to a new report, government jens government intelligence gathering has gotten so big, no one knows how much is cost or how many people are involved. "the washington post says there are 1200 organizations and 1900 private companies involved. they work on counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in 10,000 locations across the u.s. 8:47. the u.s. army corps of engineer says world war world war ii era bombs may be burr bid at -- buried at point reyes seashore. official says the bombs may be dangerous. a dispute has stalled on a more detailed investigation. the tribe plans to meet with the corps later this month. scientists are working to create the most detailed map ever assembled of the 1200-mile
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coastline of california. uses laser beams, they will make some of the first maps drawn up in 400 years. the information will be used to monitor rising ocean waters and the risk of flooding from winter storm. the cost of the project is more than $3 million with most of that money approved by the ocean protection council, a state agency based in oakland. your time just turning 8:48. scientists here in california and arizona may have made a discovery that may have been aim to eliminate a disease that kills a million dollars a year. scientists say they created a malaria-proof mosquito. they changed a single gene in 90 mosquitoes and then injected them with malaria. but none of them developed malaria. mosquitoes are needed to spread malaria. infection is pretty rare in the u.s. but there's still about 500 cases a year -- 1500 cases a year. the traditional flu shot and where you get it may soon
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be old news. the georgia institute of technology is has developed a patch. you can put it on your skin to inoculate yourself from the flu. the patch contains, hundreds of microneedles, like the ones you see right here on the picture that deliver the flu vaccine right into your skin. now, the microneedle patch could be sent through the mail allowing people to give the flu vaccine to themselves right at home without having to go -- without having to go to a doctor. about 25,000 walkers raised more than $3 million this weekend at the 24th annual a.i.d.s. walk in san francisco. as workers were crossing the finish line, a new study presented in vienna was offering hope. the study says the number of new a.i.d.s. infections in british columbia has been cut in half since 19 96. >> every time there is a study like this, we know more and more about the science that can
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help prevent new hub infections -- h.i.v. infections. >> the money raised by the support help support services by the san francisco a.i.d.s. foundation and 59 other bay area a.i.d.s. area centers for treatment. if san francisco gets to host the next america's cup race, it could pump $1.4 billion into the local me. that's according to a report that couple out today on the economic impact of the sailing regotta. the -- regatta. it would create almost 9,000 jobs according to "the contra costa times." the venue will be chosen by the end of the year. san francisco-based twitter appears to have scored big with the world cup. according to the "san francisco
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business times" twitter saw a lot more activity. twitter says 172 countries use that service in 27 languages. ten minutes before 9:00. this week facebook is expected to report a doubling of users over the last year to 500 million. the palo alto based company reported 50 million users on july 5th of 2009. internet analysts report that almost 35% of people who use the internet have a facebook profile. they say users visit facebook 34 times a month, more than once a day and spend an average of 23 minutes on the website. >> okay. 8:51. still ahead -- we're gonna tell you about some local high school kids who are now tv stars. you will find out why they will be on mtv. the tragic accident at a popular southern california
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tourist attraction. ♪
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why choose between delicious or 100 calories? with yoplait delights... you can finally have both. it's the perfect parfait... ...with two indulgently rich layers... ...of chocolate... ...and raspberry yogurt... ...and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or".
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a wild story from arizona. a phoenix man suffered second- degree burns because he walked barefoot across the street. talk about hot weather. 78-year-old james wankle is recovering from second-degree burns -- dash look at this.
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he ran out of his house barefoot trying to catch up with his mailman. didn't realize just how hot the pavement was until some neighbors had to rescue him. by the time he turned around he couldn't run back to the grass. he fell down and he's burning his knees and hands. both of us had to pick us up by his arms and run him to the grass. >> the temperature on the pavement, 140 degrees. now, in san francisco county a  museum volunteer fell to his death on the historic star of india's sailing ship. 68-year-old gregory gushal of coronado was on the mast when he slipped, hit his head and fell 40 feet into the water. ironically, this happened during a training exercise on mast safety. crew members say he had a harness on so they are not clear on how this happened. volunteers helped maintain the museum shipp and are preparing
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-- ship and are preparing to sail it this november. nokia will pay $1.2 billion for mobile networks. it's trying to boost its presence in north america and japan. the deal is expected to be completed by the end of the year. freedom high school in oakley will be featured on the first episode of the new documentary series that airs on mtv tomorrow. the show is called if you really knew me. it follows several students from several cliques who take part in an emotional exercise to break down social barriers. the opening episode airs tomorrow tight at -- tomorrow night at 11:00 p.m. a fremont farmers market is taking its business to one of daly city's most popular venues. they will start to hold weekly farmers markets at the lower parking lot of the cow palace.
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these farmers markets will be held every saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. through october 16th. sonoma may soon become a city of busy bees. this wednesday, the city council will hear a plan to allow bee keeping in the city limits. council members spoke favorably and recently made it legal to keep chickens and ran abouts -- rabbits there. let's quickly check traffic. sal? >> 880 northbound, we have a problem with a car that ran off the road into a nearby creek. traffic is slowing down. at the toll plaza, it's still
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pretty heavy this morning. let's go to mark. >> the fog moving around the coast and the bay this monday morning. today we begin our cooling trend but the hottest locations inland back up to the low and mid-90s. cooling trend kicks in and a little bit of warming for wednesday and thursday. if you are not a big fan of the heat there's relief in site. >> that will do it for us. thank you for joining us. >> bye now.
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