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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  July 19, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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coming up. >> patchy fog across the bay this morning. a cooler weather forecast coming up. i will have that in a few minutes. >> the vallejo fire department is taking a major hit this morning. find out what it means for people who live in the area. the morning news continues. >> complete bay area news coverage continues. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> good morning. thank you for joining us. it is monday, july 19th. i am pam cook. >> good morning. i am dave clark. let's check your weather and traffic. mark tamayo is in for steve. good morning. >> good morning to you. i am tracking patchy fog moving around the bay right now. temperatures the big headline this week we will be cooling off. if you are not a big fan of the heather is relief in sight. here is the forecast. for today fog clearing back to near the coast. we are still expecting 90s inland their afternoon but that sea breeze will kick in by mid to late afternoon right around 20 miles an hour. more on your forecast in a few minutes -- [ inaudible ] >> -- sal. >> good morning. right now traffic is moving along very well if you are
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driving on north and southbound 880 here at the coliseum. no major problems. also this morning commute looks good driving in san francisco. fog there. now back to the desk. >> sal, thank you. at this hour police are searching for a gunman who opened fire on police officers overnight in oakland, that attack is just the latest in a string of violence in oakland over 3 past couple of days. paul chambers joins us at police headquarters with they latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. we are waiting for a call back from the police spokesperson to find out more details about this. we have very limited information about this is what we do know pat this hour. oakland police are looking for the people or person responsible for shooting at them at an oakland apartment building earlier like -- excuse me, later last night. and 11:30 last night police say they were in the middle of making a traffic stop. while they were in the process of make in an arrest shots were
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fired in their direction from an apartment building on 8th street. >> -- rifle rounds were shot at them or kind of in their immediate area, so they backed out and they called for additional resources. >> reporter: now officers later locked down and searched the building but they did not find any weapons or suspects. police say the building had cameras but the system was vandalized. once again we will bring the leaest as soon as we find out. we are waiting word back from a spokesperson and i will definitely give that to you as coven as we have it. paul chambers ktvu channel 2 news. >> right about the same time as police were responding to reports of shots fired at we can oakland they were called about another shooting in downtown oakland. a man was found shot to death at 19th and webster, police think he may have been a robbery or carjacking victim. his name has not been released
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yet. no arrests have been made. >> since the 10:00 news last night we have learned more about a possible motive in a wild shootout. tara moriarty is at highland hospital where the suspect is being treated. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. investigators will most likely be speaking with the suspect again this morning. we did have a chance to speak to his mother yesterday. she tells us her son was angry because he was unable to get a job after coming out of prison and also upset by what he called left wing politicians. the mother says she believes this is what incity gaited the shooting spree yesterday. joining me is a sergeant. testimony me exactly what went down yesterday, the suspect is a parel, 45-year-old byron williams. >> yes, what took place is something that was ordinary in the sense they made a traffic
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stop, in a matter of seconds it became extra ordinary in the fact they found themselves in a gun battle. >> now, this is kind of crazy because the suspect was wearing a bulletproof vest? why would he do that? was he planning something? >> there is no doubt in our mind he was planning something because he did have a bulletproof vest as well, a a serious arsenal of weapons and lots of ammo, so those men and women engaged in that gun battle truly saved someone's life that day. >> this was a disaster because they had to shut down 580 for most of the day. >> yeah, it was a huge in convenience for motorists and we understand that. however we have to document and be thorough in our investigation due to the circumstances. there was numerous rounds fired and all those shell casings and evidence has to be collected because at some point this case will go to court. >> thank you for joining us
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live, trent cross with the chp. williams will face attempted murder charges for trying to kill chp officers and oakland police. he already has two strikes on his record so this could possibly be a third. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 6:04. this morning the city of vallejo is reorganizing its entire fire department, shutting down two fire stations and re-opening one that had previously been closed. this is being done to help that crash strapped city save some money. now station number 25 on minidrive and station number 26 on fulton avenue will be closed down today. station 22 on 5th street, which was shut down four years ago is now going to be re-opened. firefighters from the stations being closed will be reassigned and their equipment will be moved to other stations. >> we are going to hold -- maintain the stations, hopefully that will -- you know things are going to get better. i mean they -- we are at the --
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you would think the bottom now so hopefully it will -- get better and we can move equipment back into these stations and open them back up. >> there will now be 15 firefighters on duty at a time, down from 18. fire officials say vallejo will also rely on neighboring fire districts for their back up. in berkeley overnight firefighters put out a suspicious fire. it was right next to a uc student domitory. this happened just before midnight on the west side of the university's irman hall. firefighters say a pile of wood debris between a dumpster, a parked van and a restaining wall was on fire but that quickly put it out. luckily no one was hurt and an investigation is underway. >> for carpoolers on the golden gate bridge big changes take effect today. cash is no longer accepted for the carpool fee, instead drivers have to use fast track to pay the toll. carpoolers also have to stop at a toll collector who can
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validate the vehicle has the occupancy requirements, if drivers use the regular lanes they will be charged the full 5 dollar fast track toll. some business owners in walnut creek tell us here they plan to close early today because of a planned rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle, the rally scheduled to start at 2:00 p.m. is also expected to attract friends of oscar grant, the passenger he was convict of killing. more than 130 people have already rsvps to the facebook organized event but the counter protesters make the crowd size unpredictable. >> if there are crowd cease sizes in an emotional issue like this we will have enough personnel out there to keep the peace. >> it was picked because of its central location and the rally is meant to be peaceful. find more coverage of the events related to the trial on
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our channel 2 website, just click on the mehserle tab right near the top of the home page. >> all right. our time now 6:07. sal, pam is back. so tell the commuters, especially in contra costa county to be on their best behavior. >> i will. you know right now they are. >> okay. >> westbound 24 traffic is moving well up to the willow pass grade. the traffic is looking good through the tunnel into the oakland side. also their morning looking at westbound bay bridge. that traffic looks good coming into san francisco. no delays on the way into the city. if you are driving on northbound 280 in san jose that is also nice, so again these conditions probably won't hold but for now we are off to a nice start. here is mark tamayo. >> good morning to you, sal, kind of the patchy fog moving around the bay this morning has kind of been developing up in the north bay and also just offshore as well. those temperature readings on either side of 60 degrees, look
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what happens though, a big rice in those numbers in fact temperatures inland mainly in the lower 90s in the lottest locations around 94 to 95 degrees out toward the antioch area but we will be cooling off for today. the cooling trend in fact begins today. current numbers san francisco 55. santa rosa upper 40s. 49 degrees. livermore 56. san jose in the upper 50s. high pressure really responsible for the heat. it is almost like a bike pump -- [ inaudible ] >> -- bottom of that, but basically the same deal here. it will gradually weekend and as a result temperatures cooling off today. the trend kicks in tuesday. today will be the transition day. for this morning patchy fog, 53 to 58. into the afternoon hours you can see we are expecting sunny
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skies, temperatures lower 60s coast side, 90s, no more triple digit for today but still hot in antioch, santa rosa 85, san francisco mid-60s, san jose 81, livermore 91. these temperatures will check in right around 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon. here is a look ahead. your five-day-forecast will definitely notice a change tomorrow as we increase the fog and temperatures, no more 90s for tuesday warmest locations in the mid-possibly upper 80s maybe minor warming by thursday and also into friday. another weather update coming up in a few minutes. >> okay, mark, time now 6:10. santa clara fire officials are investigating a fire that happened at a recycling center over the weekend. now it started yesterday just before noontime in piles of plastic boghtses and cardboard stored outside links recyclers. residents living downwind were warned to shelter in place for more than an hour because of
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the toxic smoke from all that burning plastic. luckily no one was hurts. the cause of the fire is under investigation. the richmond city council is expected to take in the issue of medical marijuana dispensaries this week. the contra costa times reports city attorneys are writing an ordinance to sets the number and locations of the dispensaries. richmond right now may have as many as 10 of them but the city has no permit system for those businesses and they are trying to close them down. the city council may take its first vote on the matter at its meeting tomorrow. >> we are just getting word that a car has smashed into a home in san francisco. we do have a photographer on the scene. we are going to have more information in just a few minutes. >> also a leak has been found as that recently capped oil well in the gulf of mexico. coming up what bp and the government are now proposing to do about that problem. >> reporter: and there has been a big split in the tea party. i will show you how one of the top republicans here on capitol hill is responding coming up.
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good morning to you, welcome back. time now 6:14. we are following the reaction this morning to a split within the tea party movement. that is after a conservative commentator was expelled from the national tea party organization all because of a posting of a controversial blog. ktvu's alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. bureau with all the details. good morning, alison. >> reporter: good morning to you, dave. this is a controversy so heated
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no one here on capitol hill seems to want to touch it. just listen to what one of the top republicans here mitch mcconnell had to say when he was asked about the fizz your in the tea party over racism. >> i have got better things to do than to wade in to all of these disputes. >> reporter: the latest dispute involves tea party express spokesman mark williams, he has been ousted for the national tea party after he wrote a blog called from colored people to abraham lincoln, the tea party is trying to gain momentum and that means distancing itself from what it calls fringe elements of the group. i will show you what the naacp has to say in my next update. live from washington, dc alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 6:15. here is the latest on the big oil spill. a seep that has been found in the area around that blown out will well on the gulf of mix company is causing new concerns
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this morning. all along scientists were worried that pressure from capping that well could cause a new leak. bp hand the government are at outsides about what to do about it. bp wants to keep the cap closed. the government is in favor of pumping the oil into tankers on the surface to relieve the pressure. however the government is giving bp 24 hour hours to watch that well. officials in india say a deadly collision of two trains made well have been sabotage. more than 60 people died in this, when a speeding express train crashed into right a stopped passenger train in eastern india today. this comes two months after rebels were blamed for a derailment that killed 145 people. >> according to the washington post the government intelligence gathering has grown so big no one really knows what it costs and how many people are involved. the newspaper says there are now more than 1200 government
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organizations and more than 1900 private companies involved. they work on counter terrorism, homeland security and intelligence in 10,000 locations across the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan today to announce a massive new u.s. aid program. secretary clinton is unveiling a five year $7.5 billion package to pakistan that will focus on water, energy and health projects. the new aid to pakistan is designed to combat antiamerican sentiments there. >> time now 6:17. the california democratic party will stay neutral on the state's proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana any california. the proposition, if it is approved by voters, would allow adults to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use and allow governments to regulate and tax it. california already allows medical more a want a use. tomorrow the oakland city council will consider licensing four marijuana production
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plants where pot would be grown, packaged and processed for several purposes, from body oil to baked goods. however, california's medical marijuana growers say this idea could drive them out of business. if it is approved the marijuana production plants would have to pay more than $200,000 in annual permit fees, they would have to carry $2 million in liability insurance and have to set aside up to 8% of their gross sales for taxes. >> 6:18 is the time right now. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic this morning, sal. >> we have a little bit of breaking news now in san francisco, just finding out about this so you have to bear with me. on 112 hoffman street, this car ran into a house. the people driving the vehicle, you can see it is an suv, ran away, so we might be able to assume that this car may have been stolen but the police have
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not told us yet but they just kind of left the car there. this is near the upper market area. this car ran into the street. the people at the scene did not -- were not able to tell us anything. the police are busy. two people were later arrested in -- because of this, so they were -- they were caught, the people who were driving. there is a moderate damage to the house and they still have people here who are trying to figure out what happened. the firefighters are also on the scene. again, this is a car that ran into a house on hoffman street near market. let's go to some live pictures now. the traffic on westbound bay bridge is okay come into the city. no major problems on the upper deck of the bay bridge. the commute on northbound 280 up to highway 17, that traffic  is moving okay. 6:19. here is mark. >> hi there, sal. good morning to you. the fog developing coast side and patches moving into the bay this hour, the overall weather headline we will be cooling off over the next few days.
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today we are heading in that direction toward oakland partly cloudy skies currently upper 50s right around 57 degrees across parts of the east bay especially right around oakland. for san jose into the afternoon hours mostly sunny skies for today. the temperature profile by 12:00 right around 70. an afternoon high by 3:00 in the lower 80s at 81 degrees. we will break it down throughout the day today. coastal and bay fog this morning, 53 to 58. partly sunny at lunchtime, upper 50s to lower 80s. then by 3:00 mostly sunny skies, still patchy coastal fog and once again a big temperature range from the 60s to the 90s. antioch a high of 94, santa rosa 85, san francisco 65 degrees. more neighborhoods, san jose lower 80s, livermore 91, morgan hill 90. these temperatures will check in around 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon. we are cooling off though for tuesday as we increase the fog tonight and tomorrow morning. no more 90s for tuesday. warmest locations basically mid- 80s. wednesday one of the coolest
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days of the week. then a minor bump in the numbers by thursday and also into friday. another weather update coming up in just a few minutes. >> well this morning delta airlines reported its best quarter in nearly ten years revenue grew $1.2 billion in the three months that ended june, up 17% compared to last year. executives say baggage fees contributed $24 million in earnings. motorola could soon be out of the wireless network equipment business, this morning nokia announced it will buy most of the motorola's wireless network infrastructure. they have been looking for ways to expand in north america. >> coming up on the channel 2 morning news, whether the residents like it or not more fogging is scheduled for san jose. >> getting a flu shot could soon become more convenient and
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less painful. we will show you the new way to get vaccinated. >> good morning. southbound 680 traffic doing well heading to the south bay. we will tell you more about the morning commute coming up. reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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>> right now traffic is moving well on bay area bridges. westbound bay bridge traffic does move well if you are driving into the city. richmond bridge a little foggy. traffic is okay on the san mateo golden gate and on the richmond bridge. now back to the desk. >> all right, sal. time now 6:24. some residents don't like it but santa clara county vector control plans to spray against the west nile virus in san jose again this week. the planned fogging area is bordered by payne avenue on the north. san thomas qa quinn 0 on the west, highway 17 on the east and rincon and bud avenues on the south. officials say adult mosquitoes in that area tested positive for the virus f the fogging is scheduled for 11:00 thursday night, it is expected to take several hours. residents living in the area are being given the chance to find out more about this at a community meeting set for tomorrow evening. this is new. the traditional flu shot and
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where you get may soon become a thing of the past. the georgia institute of technology has developed a patch. you can put it on your skin to ininoculate people from the from the flu. check this out. >>s a the walkers were crossing the finish line a new study presented at the aid conference in vienna was offering hope. the study says aids has been cut in half since 1996. the credit is given to effective medication and treatment programs. >> every time there is a study like this we know more and more about the science that can help
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prevent new infections and help care for people who are positive. >> the money supports local aids services at the san francisco aids foundation and 59 other bay area aids organizations. more than $76 million has been raised since 1987. >> time now 6:26. just minutes ago the chp released new information about that suspect in a wild shootout on enterstate 580. we are going to bring you that next, plus we will have new details about the heroic actions of the first chp officers on the scene. >> reporter: i am paul chambers live in oakland where police are looking for the person who shot at them. i will have details coming up. >> plus we will tell you about tough new regulations in the works for san francisco nightclubs. ?w?wóç
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welcome back to the morning news, getting ready to ring the opening bell there this morning. and they are on the new york stock exchange is real id. they are celebrating public go -- going public there this morning. they-- they do 3-d technology. >> it is real. >> which is very popular, of course, doing well in the movie theaters that is for sure. so it looks like a pretty good day following a lot of losses last week so it looks like a rebound this morning. we will get you those numbers in just a moment. >> all right. and we will say good morning to you, thank you for joining us here on the ktvu morning news, i am dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. time now is 6:30. >> the chp just released new information about the firefight on interstate -- [ inaudible ] >> -- right to tara moriarty, so tara, what is the latest? what did you find out?
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>> reporter: well, fbi agents are interviewing the suspect soon. he is listed in serious but stable condition here at highland hospital. he suffered at least half a dozen gunshot wound and that figure actually would have been higher except he was wearing body armor at the time of the shooting. joining me is sergeant trent cross to tell me exactly who is this guy and what happened yesterday. >> yeah, we are dealing with an individual who is definitely unstable in the sense of hoofing the body armor, a heavy arsenal of weapons and anytime anyone takes on the police it clearly shows they have no regard for human life. >> he was weaving in and out of traffic, safe to say he was driving under the influence. >> yes,ly was driving under the influence of alcohol, for those officers involved this is a situation we see every day, someone speedingnd weaving in and out of lanes and in a matter of seconds they are in a fight for their life. >> so headd a an arsenal of weapons in his truck, wearing a bulletproof vest and started
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opening fire on these officers, just pulled over right on the freeway. tell me about these officers. apparently they were rookies. >> yeah, these two guys have been on the job for six months and one thing i must say they were cool, i would say cooler than the other side of the pillow and calm and under control and it was just truly amazing to see how they were considering the minimal amount of time they have on the job but they did it very very well considering the circumstances. >> and only in their early 20s, which is remarkable. the suspect, a 45-year-old parolee, byron williams of groveland, california. he-- he was opening fire. there were over -- there were more than 100 rounds fired during the shootout. how many officers were involved? >> we had ten officers involved and this is every officer's worse nightmare to be in a situation where you are faced with someone with a high- powered rifle. so if you can imagine shell casings everywhere, multiple
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shots being exchanged and these men and women were brave. >> thank you so much for joining us live. as far as williams, he will most likely face life in prison if convicted on these charges. her life in oakland, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> oakland police are not getting any breaks from the violence, overnight they were targeted by gunmen. paul chambers is ought police headquarters with more information. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we have very limited information because it happened just before midnight last night. police are looking for the people or person who shot at them and opened fire on them from an apartment building. now as i said, it happened around 11 tri last night. police say they were in the middle of making a traffic stop. while officers were in the process of making arrests shots were fired in their direction from an apartment building on
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eighth street. >>-- rifle rounds were shot at them or kind of in their immediate area so they backed out and called for additional resources. >> reporter: officers later went to that building and locked it down and searched the building but they did not find any weapons or suspects. police say the building had cameras but they are not sure when it was vandalized. they need your help because they do not have any suspects so they are asking you to give them a call if you know anything. we are still waiting word from the information officer and as soon as we have that we will bring you the latest. >> write about the same time as police were responding to reports of shots fired in west oakland they were called to a shooting downtown. a man was found shot to death. police think he may have been a robbery or carjacking victim. his name has not been released
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yetd. no arrests have been made. >> police have also identified a plan they and bart police shot and killed early saturday morning after officers say he charged at them with a knife. police say the man is 48-year- old fred collins of oakland. police were called around 8:15 saturday morning about a man walking near the fruitvale bart station with a knife. police say after a foot chase officers tried to taser limb who they say approached them with a knife. neighbors say they heard him say shoot me and at least five officers opened fire. collins died at the scene a candlelight vigil was planned tonight for remember her. she was shot to death by her neighbor. police say she may have been trying to help another woman who turner stabbed. turner was arraigned on friday. if he is convicted turner is facing possibly life in prison.
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the vigil for vernea lisa hollins is scheduled for 7:00 this evening outside the family's apartment complex. >> the contra costa sheriff's department is looking for whoever shot three people at a party in discovery bay early yesterday morning. a neighbor says two teenagers, whose parents were out of town, decided to throw a party at their home. the neighbor says about 2:00 a.m. he heard gunshots and a few minutes later sheriffs deputies and paramedics arrived. they are not releasing information. >> 6:36, san francisco supervisors will consider a proposal today that could bring tough new regulations on some of the city's troubled nightclubs, this comes in the wake of several violent incidents including a shooting that left one man dead in front of jelly's nightclub last weekend. the legislation would give power to the entertainment commission to revoke the club's permits for public safety issues. right now the commission can only suspend permits for up to 90 days.
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>> crews building the 4th floor of the caldecott tunnel have tapped into the past. in the few weeks they have been on the job they urn earthed what pally on tooling gists would consider the equivalent ivalent equivalent e equivalent of a gold mine. >> what is happening at the toll plaza? >> we are just checking it because now is the time when it starts getting busier. if you are driving westbound not a big delay. as a matter of fact, i am going to see if they even have turned
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on the lights. yes, they lights have been turned on. they were turned on a couple of minutes ago so you might start seeing more of a back up here at the toll plaza. also this morning we are looking at 880. traffic in both directions is moving well for your morning commute with no major problems right now. if you are driving on the peninsula southbound and northbound 101 looking good down to the south bay off for a nice start. 6:38. filling in for steve it is mark tamayo. >> hi, there, sal, good morning to you, a live -- [ inaudible ] >> -- mainly in the mid-50s. 3 fog kind of doing its dance around the bay this morning. the big weather headline this week we will be cooling off. today we are transitioning toward that destination. in fact the warmest locations they'd though still on the hot side 90 degrees but the micro climates really resurfacing today. temperatures though warming back up. in fact still some more 90s by
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3:00 this afternoon. hottest locations inland antioch topping out at 94 degrees possibly 95 at 3:00. so a big temperature range once again. high pressure responsible for heating up a good portion of the west over the past few days. this will gradually weak in and -- [ inaudible ] >> -- cool things off. so the lottest locations yesterday out toward antioch 100. today we cool things off on the order of three to six degrees. the cooling trend really kicks in as we do head into tuesday and also into wednesday. here is our forecast model showing you some of the fog this morning coast side also a few patches into the bay and temperatures this morning 53 to 58 degree and then into the afternoon hours martially to mostly sunny, the eventual temperature range from the lower 60s for the beaches. hottest locations inland like we showed you 93 to 94. santa rosa 85, antioch 94, oakland 69 and san francisco 65. san jose lower 80s and morgan hill will be topping out at 90 degrees later on today. here is a look ahead for
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your five-day-forecast. notice temperatures cooling off as we increase the fog and the marine layer for tuesday. wednesday probably one of the coolest days of the week. then a minor bump in the numbers by thursday and also into friday. another weather update coming up in just a few minutes. >> time now is 6:39 and something interesting could buried at point reyes seashore but it could also be dangerous. >> good morning. i am jade hernandez, we are live in vallejo this morning where there will be changes to the fire department. we will explain that coming up. >> good morning. if you are driving in marin county right now the traffic is doing very well from navato to san rafael. we will have more traffic and weather as the morning news continues.
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welcome back. here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you right now at 6:43. oakland police are investigating the death of a man found shot and killed overnight at 19th and webster. investigators say the motive may have been robbery or car jacking. no arrests have been made as yet. in walnut creek they are bracing for a possible showdown this afternoon at a planned rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle. that rally is set to begin at 2:00 p.m. it could also involve a group
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of counter protesters, making the potential crowd size unpredictable. bp is closely monitoring that now capped oil well in the gulf of mexico. that is after seepage was discovered right near the site of that well. >> vallejo's fire department is taking major hit this morning and crews say the cuts will result in slower response times for some areas. jade hernandez is at one station that is set to be shut down in just a few hours, jade. >> reporter: well, actually, this station was closed four years ago, pam, and what they are doing is re-opening the station. it is all about a shuffle. it is what the vallejo fire department has had to do pause the city council decided to shut down one of their stations. now i want to show you this map. this map kind of breaks it down for everyone at home. we have two stations that are actually closing today. station 25 here in north vallejo and station 26.
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they are relocating their resources and station 26 is going to send a engine here to station 22 and that closed four years ago so it is re-opening today. if we go back up top to the station 25 they will send an engine to station 27 and station 27 is going to send a truck to station 21, just a reallocation of resources. joining us is bill of the fire department to kind of explain response time. it is one of things we didn't get to talk about an hour ago. you have a responsibility to the neighbors and residents here to respond in a certain manner. how are you going to be able to do that with two stations employeesing today? >> well that is the reason whoa moved the engines to the stations we are now currently going to remodel to. that will give us a better response time to all the areas that we need to be in in critical times. by doing this we are putting the engines where the most call volume is and then the outlying areas are where the least calm
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volumes are. >> and you were talking about this station that closed down four years ago actually has more calls now than it ever did four years ago. >> yeah, this station that we are at right now does average a lot of calls per year. and so to have this engine coming from station 26 down into this district it was a longer response time, so w are going to move the engine to where the call volume is and then we will move out from that area. >> and real quickly, bill, i mean this is -- this is tough for the fire department to deal with. how are you guys dealing with it? we are going to be seeing firefighters coming here today and re-opening the doors here. >> i mean we are doing with what we have. we don't have a say in what the city council does. we can't tell them what to or not to do. all we can do is take with what we have and do the best job we can. >> bill tweety with the fire department and our viewers at home might remember the city council is dealing with a bankruptcy they declared two years ago so the city is fighting to find resources and money and this is one of the
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places where the cuts have had to come from. live from vallejo this morning jade hernandez ktvu channel 2 news. >> jade, thank you. time now 6,46, higher than normal much of the nation is baking under higher than normal temperatures and while arizona has a dry heat it is still hot. 78-year-old james wangel right there of phoenix suffered second-degree burns on his feet when he ran out of his house barefoot over the weekend trying to catch up with his mailman. >> by the time he turned around he could not run back to the grass, so he fell down and then he is burning his knees and hands so we had to pick him up and then run him to the grass. >> wow. fire officials say the temperature of the pavement was 140 degrees. he was taken to a phoenix area burn center for treatment. most of the east coast is dealing with hot weatheroff its own. from washington, d.c. to new
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york city the temperatures reached well into the 90s for the third day in a row. you factor in humidity feels like is in the low 100s. the heat wife of course is sparking violent summer storms, flooding in kentucky has killed at least two people. the midwest is not escaping the heat. health advisories have been issued for oklahoma. >> the u.s. army corps of engineers says world war iier av bombs may be buried at point reyes national seashore and may still be dangerous, a dispute between the core and the fed rated indians has stalled a more detailed investigation. the tribe plans to meet with the core and the park service to discuss the issue later this month. >> our time now 6:48. let's check in with sal and see what is happening in our commute sal. >> some quiet monday -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- going on, hopefully it will stay this way. you can see 280 is looking good up to highway 17. it is kind of hit and miss in july and august as people take
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their vacations and sometimes the days are light. we will see what happens. no major problems here. let's go to highway 237 westbound that traffic looks slow but for the most part a nice drive. at the toll plaza they have switched the metering lights on and the traffic is backed up for maybe a five minute delay. 6:48. here is mark tamayo. >> hi there sal, good morning to you. we are kind of tracking the fog and its dance over the bay this morning. here is a live look over san francisco bay. clear skies in one portion of the screen and a pretty good bank of fog pushing back into the region. that will pull back to near the shoreline this afternoon. the key weather headline this week we will be cooling off. it begins today and kicks in tuesday and wednesday. for this morning patchy morning fog, clearing back to near the shoreline. there is your vunt cheal temperature range and the cooling sea breeze will kick in n afternoon from around 15 to 25 miles an hour. current numbers out there most of the bay area in the 50s,
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santa rosa 49. oakland 57. san jose upper 50s at 59. here we are in the 50s this morning, awe we head into the afternoon hours the micro climates resurfacing and a big temperature range, lower 60s coast side, hottest locations inland topping out in the 90s. today will be three to six degrees cooler than yesterday's highs. for the coast this morning areas of fog and into the afternoon hours partly sunny. temperatures of 60 degrees, right around the bay, patchy fog and breezy this afternoon. temperatures mainly lower 70s. for the inland spots sunshine through the day, at least this afternoon, forecast highs on either side of 90. here is a look at some of the numbers antioch 94, santa rosa 85, san francisco mid-60s, pacifica lower 60s, san jose 81, livermore lower 90s, morgan hill 90. here is a look ahead with your five-day-forecast. those temperatures cooling off, increased fog for tuesday and into wednesday, a minor bump in
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the nurses for thursday and friday. the fog will continue to be a factor. another weather update in a few minutes. >> this morning hasbro reported higher than expected quarterly profits. the maker of gi joe and transformer says net profits rose to more than $43.5 million. those numbers reflect cost cutting measures. executives forecast stronger results in the second half of the year with international sales growing the most. let's check in on wall street. take a live look at the big board on the new york stock exchange. the dow jones is recovering a bit as expected this morning. up about 66 points as you can see to 10,164. that follows big losses last weeks, especially on friday. there is optimism about the upcoming quarterly earnings. as yao can see we did talk about hasbro, halliburton also reported a big profit. we will continue to report
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earnings as they come in. north american movie-goers make the thriller inception number 1 at the box office this weekend, the thriller staring leonardo dicaprio as a thief. despicable me slipped to second, the sorcerer's apreens that slipped to third and those rounded out the top 5. >> we get to brag on local kids. coming up, a high school in a small bay area city becomes the focus of a new reality show. we will tell you about it. >> good morning. northbound 101 in san jose is beginning to slow down a little bit. we will find out if there is something going on here that you should worry about, that is straight ahead.
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou
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reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence they used to spend hours on the couch, watching t.v., playing video games. and with all you hear about childhood obesity,
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i was concerned. now i take a more active role in their health like insisting on lots of play time and making sure they eat right. like when i make burgers i use lean jennie-o ground turkey. i'm proud i got them off the couch. well, sort of. anncr: be well... with all the great tasting ways to eat lighter. only from jennie-o. 6:55. let's go to tori to see what is coming up on mornings on 2. good morning. >> good morning. coming up in minutes ktvu has learned that fbi agents are getting ready to interview to man involved in a gun fight with officers. we continue to get new information about the suspect and his possible motive. we are also following a frightening incident for oakland police officers overnight where a gunman was targeting police. we will upday the search for
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the suspect, who is still on the loose. there are new concerns about the capped oil well in the gulf. plus how cal fire is helping out with efforts to read more information -- [ inaudible ] >> -- about the spill. a candidate's wealth becomes an issue, specifically the ownership of two large yachts now back to you. >> thank you. 6:56. the state superintendent of schools is worried about a new trend just to save money. 16 of the state's largest school districts including san francisco, san jose and fremont, they are cutting the length of the school year. they are going to cut the number of days from 180 to 175. state superintendent jack o'connell says a shorter school year, combined with other cutbacks, will erode the recent academic gains and put california at a competitive disadvantage with other states and countries. freedom high school in
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oakley will be featured on the first episode of a new documentary series that airs on tv tomorrow. the show is called if you really knew me. it follows several students from different clicks that take part in awe an emotional grown exercise to breakdown social barriers. >> coming up on 7:00. let's check back in with sal for traffic. >> right now we are going to san jose. northbound 101 slow traffic seems to be clearing out. chp is not reporting anything. at the toll plaza there is a small delay, backed up for five minutes here. here is mark. >> good morning to you. we have been watching the fog coast side and patches into the bay. today will be cooler than yesterday. here is a live look outside. haze in the south bay. for the most part still sunshine across a good portion of the bay area, your five-day-
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forecast a bit cooler for today, still talking about 90s inland. as we do head into tuesday we increase the fog. the net result we cool things off for tuesday and wednesday with minor warming by thursday and into friday. you can pick your temperature today, lower 60s coast side. mid-90s inland. >> just drive around the bay area. >> a big range there. >> thank you, mark. thank you for watching. stay with us, mornings on 2 coming up next. we are at highland hospital where the suspect is being treated. the person suspected of being involved in this shooting. >> stay where you are. mornings on 2 comes your way next. send comments to captions by terry james, caption colorado, llc. and just said, "no, can't fix it." but he didn't give up. today i can throw my kids around in the pool. i can still coach rugby and share my love of the game. announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit
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