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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  July 19, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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this monday, july 19th. i am pam cook. >> welcome back. >> thank you very much. >> good morning. i am dave clark. let's check your weather and traffic, mark is in for steve. good morning. >> good morning to you. big weather headline over 3 next few days a cooling trend. the inland neighborhoods soared this weekend today we begin to cool things off. some patchy morning fog near the shoreline. the eventual temperature range around 60 for the beaches, hottest locations on the hot side low to mid 90s, that afternoon breast breeze kicks in around 20 miles an hour, bigger changes on tuesday and wednesday. more on that in a few minutes. sal has an update on traffic. good morning to you. >> good morning, mark. right now northbound 101 approaching the 80 split traffic moves well coming in to san francisco. the bridge they are picking up road work so you will see police up there and they are picking up cones, westbound traffic on the east shore freeway looks good. now back to the desk. [ inaudible ] >> the police are searching for
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a manman who opened fire on police officers overnight. paul chambers is at oakland police headquarters right now what i that story. good morning, paul. >> reporter: good morning, dave. now it has been less than a week since oakland police laid off more than 10% of their staff and they probably could have useed that help this weekend. we have very limited information but this is what we do know. as you said police are looking for the people or person responsible for shooting at them from an apartment building. this happened around 11:30 last night. poils shea they were in the middle of making a traffic stop and shots were fired at them from an apartment building on eighth street. [ inaudible ] >> -- rifle round were shot at them or kind of in their immediate area, so they backed down and they called for additional resources. >> reporter: now officers later locked down and searched the building but they did not find any weapons or suspects. police say the building did
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have video cameras but the system was vandalized. they are not sure exactly when ha happened. now of course, we are waiting to get information from oakland police to pass it along to you. any information about this case, you are encouraged to call police. i am paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> right about the same time as oakland police were responding to reports of shots fired in west oakland they were also called about another shooting downtown. a man was found shot to death at 19th and webster. police believe he may have been a robbery or carjacking victim. the victim's name hasn't yet been released. so far no arrests have been made. >> we are learning more this morning about what led up to a wild gun battle on interstate 580. it all began with the traffic stop near the grand avenue exit early yesterday morning. tara moriarty is at highland hospital where the suspect is being treated. good morning, tara. >> reporter: well, good morning, pam. that's right.
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he is listed in serious but stable condition. investigators have a lot of questions for him this morning in trying to piece together what exactly led up to this shooting spree. now authorities say 45-year-old byron williams of groveland opened fire on chp officers on 580 in oakland early sunday. williams was apparently hit by return fire but was wearing a bulletproof vest. it all started around midnight when two chp officers tried to stop a white pickup truck weaving in and out of westbound traffic. the suspect pulled over right on the freeway and as officers approached him they say williams picked up a handgun and started shooting. officers radioed for back up and say the driver was armed with not only a had gun but a rifle and shotgun as well. his mother spoke to us and said he was angry at left wing politicians because he could not get a job. janis williams says she didn't notice her guns were missing from her safe until a tv reporter called her. according to the san francisco
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chronicle she said that she kept the guns because, eventually i think we are going to be caught up in a revolution. but she said she had told her son he didn't have to be on the front lines. she said something snapped. his life is over. he will go back to prison for the rest of his life. our lives are over. the gunfight between officers and williams created a mile long crime scene. >> a lot of shell casings out here. we had at least -- we have identified at least 60 rounds exchanged between chp officers and the driver of the vehicle. >> reporter: now in order to collect all of the evidence authorities had to shut down 580 in both directions for most of yesterday tying up traffic. williams will face attempted murder charges for shooting at chp officers as well as oakland police. live in oakland, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 5:04. overnight at uc berkeley firefighters put out a suspicious fire right next to a
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student domitory. this happened just before mid- thietd midnight. a pile of debris was set on fire. it was quickly put out. nobody was hurt. the investigation continues. well, this morning two fire stations in vallejo are being closed to help that cash- strapped city save money. the city council voted on july 5th to close station number 25 on minidrive and station number 26 on fulton avenue. firefighters from those stations will be reassigned now. the equipment will be moved to other stations. >> we are going to maintain the stations, hopefully that will -- you know things are going to get better. i mean they -- we are at the -- you would think the bottom now so hopefully the -- it will get better and we can move equipment back into these stations and open them back up. >> there will now be 15
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firefighters on duty at a time. down from 18. they will rely on neighboring fire districts for their back up. >> some districts tell us they man to close early today because of a planned rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle. the rally scheduled to start at 2:00 p.m. outside superior court is also expected to attract friends of oscar grant, the part passenger he was convicted of killing. more than 130 people have already rsvpnd to the facebook organized event but the addition of counter protesters make the crowd size unpredictable. >> if there are two convicting sides in a very emotional issue, which this certainly is, we understand the volatility that co-occur so we will make sure to have enough personnel out there to keep the peace. >> organizers say walnut creek was picked for the rally pause of its central location and that the rally is plenty to be
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peaceful. find more coverage of the events related to the trial at our channel 2 website,, click on the mehserle tab near the top of the home page. >> 5:06. for carpoolers on the golden gate bridge big changes take effect today. cash is no longer accepted for the carpool fees. instead drivers have to use fast track to pay the three dollar toll. carpoolers also have to stop now at a toll collector who can validate that the vehicle has the occupancy requirements. now, if carpool drivers use the regular lanes you will be charged the full five dollar fast track toll. >> oh, boy. >> yeah. >> could provide some slow down at the tom plazas, let's check in with sal for an early look at the commute. >> all right, pam, good morning to you. good morning, dave. traffic is doing very well right now, if you are driving to any of the toll plazas. it does look really nice. traffic continues to look good to the bay bridge toll plaza. and, of course we will be watching that golden gate toll plaza since you just mentioned
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there is a change there today. so far so good getting up on to the bridge. this morning's drive in san jose is off to a nice start. northbound 280 traffic moves well. at 5:07 here is mark. >> good morning to you, sal. we are tracking patchy fog kind of moving around the bay right now. even near the immediate shoreline as well. temperatures mainly in the 50s across most of the bay area except a few 60s showing up in concord and san jose and even napa already reporting some fog there as well with a current temperature of 54 degrees. this has been the big weather story over the past weekend with the temperatures heating up courtesy of this area of high pressure. this will be on the move and as a result we begin or cooling trend today. hottest locations yesterday upper 90s to around 100 degrees. today we are thinking 92 to 94. the cooling trend really kicks in by tuesday with the warmest locations only in the mid to upper 80s. as far pause the fog we are tracking at least mostly clear skies over a good portion of the bay area but still fog
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targeting the coast and even a few patches into the bay. temperatures this morning 53 to 58 degrees and then into the afternoon hours partly to mostly sunny, still patchy coastal fog and here is the temperature range for most of the region. forecast highs this afternoon. santa rosa 85. san francisco 65. 90s in fairfield and antioch, around the bay mainly in the 70s for hayward and fremont. san jose 81 degrees. most areas today on average cooling off around three to five degrees from yesterday's readings. cooling trend really kicks in by tuesday and into wednesday with minor warming by thursday and into friday. another weather update coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right, thanks, mark. 5:09 is the time. there are new concerns this morning about the gulf oil spill. up next what scientists have worried about all along. >> as oakland city council looks into mass production of pot we will tell you why medical marijuana growers are
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not happy with this idea. >> westbound 92 traffic moves well out to the high rise, another update straight ahead. ♪ [ music ]
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welcome back. we are following the reaction this morning to a split in the tea party movement after a conservative commentator was expelled from the national organization because of a controversial blog post. alison burns joins us now from our washington, d.c. newsroom with the latest.
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good morning, alison. >> reporter: good morning to you, pam. that's right, the national tea party federation has cut ties with one of its most prominent and vocal members. conservative talk show host mark williams wrote a letter that he called from colored people to abraham lincoln. his critics say it was down right racist. the naacp says the tea party needs to do more than fire williams, to reign in racist elements of the group. >> you have got to act responsibly and they have got to keep doing what they just decide to mark williams. >> reporter: the tea party movement is trying to again momentum heading into november's elections that means distancing itself from what it calls fringe elements of the party. i will show you how some republican leaders here on capitol hill are reacting during my next update in an hour. reporting live from washington, dc alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 5:13. well, a seep that has been detected in the area around that broken oil well in the gulf of mexico is causing new
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concern this morning. all along scientists worried the pressure from capping that oil well could cause a new leak. bp and the government are at odds about what to do about it. bp wants to keep the cap closed. the government is in favor of pumping the oil on to tankers on the surface. a deadly collision of two trains hey have been caused by sabotage. more than 60 people died in this. a speeding express train smashed into a stopped passenger train in eastern india today, this comes two months after rebels were blamed for a dereliment that killed one 45 people. >> the government intelligence gathering has groan so big no one knows what it costs and how many people are involved. the paper says there are more than 1200 government organizations and more than 1900 private companies involved. they work on counter terrorism, homeland security and
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intelligence in 10,000 locations across the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan today to announce a massive new u.s. aid program. secretary clinton is unveiling a five year, $7.5 billion package to pakistan that will focus on water, energy and health projects. the new aid to pakistan is aimed at combating antiamerican sentiments there. >> 5:15. the california democratic party says it will stay neutral on proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana in california. if voters approve it in november adults will be allowed to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use and also allow governments to regulate and tax it. california already allows medical marijuana. tomorrow the oakland city council will consider licensing four marijuana production plants where pot would be grown, packaged and processed for several purposes, from body oil to baked goods.
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however, california's medical marijuana growers say this idea could drive them out of business, if it is approved the plants would have to pay more than $200,000 in annual permit fees. they would have to carry $2 million in liability insurance and they have got to set aside up to 8% of their gross sales for taxes. >> 5:15 is the time right now. let's check back in with sal. hopefully no big problems yet, sal. >> not yerkts pam and dave. right now we are off to a pretty decent start with the traffic moving well around the bay area. let's move along and take a look at 880 here north and southbound. that traffic is moving along very well and there are no major problems on the san mateo bridge if you are driving up to hayward or the other way around traffic does move well. this morning's commute is very -- looking very good if you are driving into san jose so far anyway. traffics continues to look good up into the valley. now let's go to mark. >> hi there sal, good morning to you.
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looks like temperatures today we begin to cool things off. it has been hot inland this past weekend it was temperatures in the 90s to right around 100. it will be a gradual process. still expecting 90s this afternoon for the hottest locations and that sea breeze around 20 miles an hour, you will feel it as we do head into tuesday. current numbers across the bay area, most areas in the 50s, san francisco 55, fairfield 58, concord 60 and san jose reporting mostly clear skies and a current temperature of 61 degrees. so here we are this morning. you can see the 50s showing up at 6:00. as we do take this into the afternoon hours those colors be fin to mover around reflecting the micro climates and the eventual temperature range is a big one once again from the 60s coast side hottest locations inland to the lower 90s to around 90 to 94 degrees but into tomorrow no more 90s hottest locations only 85, 86 degrees for your tuesday. as far as the compost for today, so the coast oast a
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factor this morning. wins from 20 to 25 miles an hour. for the interior mostly clear skies, maybe a patch or two of fog out there and plpt of sunshine this afternoon with those readings on either side of 90 degrees. here is a look at some of the numbers in your neighborhood, santa rosa 85, san francisco 65, and concord upper 80s at 89. san jose lower 80s, morgan hill tops out 90. half moon bay on the cooler side right around 60 degrees. here is a look ahead. we have been talking about this cooling trend. you will definitely feel it as we do head into tuesday and also into wednesday with a minor bump in the numbers by thursday and friday. pam and dave. ♪ [ music ] >> well, european stocks are trading higher so far this morning as investors look for a bit of a rebound here in the u.s. overnight in asia stocks dropped after the volatile end of the week on wall street. hang seng finished the day down
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1% while australia lost 1.5%, only shanghai beat the trend, gaining 2%. checking in on wall street the futures do point to a higher opening this morning. there are a couple of good earnings reports so far, one from halliburton and hasbro also beating expectations. this the beginning of another earnings season so that can effect the numbers. the dow jones dropped 260 points on friday and starts at 10,097. motorola could soon be out of the wireless service. nokia has bought it. they have closed jobs due to falling prices. >> 1 government official says tens of thousands of jobs were lost last year because of the missouri handling of the auto industry bailout. a special inspector general says chrysler and general
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motors were encouraged to quickly close almost 3000 auto dealerships while under bankruptcy protection. the report says that decision may have contributed to the loss of thousands of jobs in small companies that did business with the automakers. >> right now 5:19. there is alarming new information put the safety of some of our schools. up next we are going to tell you what has been neglected and how that could effect local children. >> also people laced up their shoes for the new walk. coming up their new reason to believe they are really helping to make a difference. >> good morning. southbound 680 traffic moving well heading to the south bay. we will tell you more coming up.
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they used to spend hours on the couch, watching t.v., playing video games. and with all you hear about childhood obesity, i was concerned. now i take a more active role in their health like insisting on lots of play time and making sure they eat right. like when i make burgers i use lean jennie-o ground turkey.
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i'm proud i got them off the couch. well, sort of. anncr: be well... with all the great tasting ways to eat lighter. only from jennie-o. ♪[ music ] >> mostly sunny skies expected across the south bay for today although temperatures cooling off a little bit compared to yesterday. san jose by 12:00 70 degrees. the forecast high of 81. >> well, a new report shows that fire alarm systems in many san jose schools are outdated or do not provide enough proax. the san jose mercury news conducted the investigation after an arson on july 5th that destroyed trace elementary school. the newspaper reports that less than half the district schools have systems that send alerts off campus. it also found most schools lack a sprinkler system and only a
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few schools have smoke detecters in all of the classrooms. despite concerns among some residents santa clara county vector control is planning to spray in san jose again this week to help prevent the spread of west nile virus, the planned fogging area is bordered by payne avenue on the north, san thomas aquinn 0 road upon the west, highway 17 on the east and rincon and bud avenues on the south. now take a look at the map there. mosquitoes in that area tested positive. the fogging is thursday night and expected to take several hours. there is a community meeting tomorrow evening. the traditional through shot and where you get it may soon become a thing of the past. the goo institute of technology has developed a patch to be placed on the skin. it contains hundreds of micro needles that deliver the
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vaccine into the skin. it could be sent through the mail, allowing people to ininoculate themselves at home without a trip to the doctor's office. >> 5:24. about 25,000 walkers raised more than $3 million this weekend at the 24th annual aids walk san francisco. as those walkers were crossing the finish line a new study presented at the international aids conference in vienna was offering new hope. the study says the number of new aids infections in british columbia has been cut in half, credit given to effective treatment programs. >> every time there is a study about this we know more and more about the science that can help prevent infections and care for people who are positive. >> the money supports local aids services at the san francisco aids foundation and 59 other bay area aids organizations. more than $76 million has been
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raised since it began in 19 gleave san francisco nightclubs could be in for some major changes and we are going to tell you about the tough new regulations being considered this morning. >> reporter: and good morning. i am jade hernandez, the city of vallejo is forced to shut down yet another fire station. we will explain what that means for the city and its residents coming up. >> plus find out what new rules richmond is considering to the pot clubs in the area. >> good morning. westbound 237 traffic moving well crossing the valley. we will tell you more about the morning commute coming up. our real national pastime?
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. th[ kid 1 wanna know somwe love summertime fun!s? ...wearing our favorite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪ but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... [ both ...and best of all... [ all ...our favorite... ...eating totino's! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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♪ we're the kids in...
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good morning to you, welcome back. here is the ktvu channel 2 morning news. monday, jewel 19th. i am dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. time now is 5:30. mark is here for steve. what is the weather like? >> cooler today across the bay area. we are using that word quite a bit this week. today we are heading in that direction. no more triple digits but fairly hot numbers around the inland spots. morning fog clearing back to near the shoreline. the eventual temperature range from 60 to the beaches hottest locations around 94 degrees an afternoon breeze around 20 miles an hour. sal has an update on traffic. good morning to you, sal. >> morning to you. right now traffic moves well on 80 westbound to the macarthur maze. they have cleared up that stall on the bridge, which means
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driving there should be much easier. also the morning commute looks good pat the bay bridge toll plaza. it is 5:29. let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you, sal. this morning another fire station in vallejo is closing. ktvu's jade hernandez joins us now with a look at how this is going to effect people who live in that area. good morning, jade. good morning. the inevitable has happened the city has had to shut down yet another fire station that is effective today. this is the third fire station in four years and we are live at a fire station that shut down four years ago but you can see behind me there is a fire truck here, that is because due to today's closure vallejo firefighters have had to rearrange and reallo indicate their resources to better serve the neighborhood. joining us is bill with the fire department. thank you for joining us and i want to make sure that i kind of get out of the way here because you have a map to show us and this kind of explains what fire station is closing this morning and 0 how you are
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erail lo indicate. >> this morning at 8:00 we are going to put an engine company there out of service and move it here to downtown, and then to reallo indicate the rest of our resources to ces to ces to
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better cover the city -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- we are at. >> how is moral? how are firefighters dealing with the loss of another station? >> well, i mean it is not -- you know, 100%, we know that we have to do with what we have. there is really -- mean we are not overnight just going to pop up and have another station or another engine company put back in service, so we are going to have to deal with what we have but we are going to have to change the way we do things especially when we for to fighting fires because it is -- you know went from at one point having 28 people per day. now we have 15 -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- bill is going to help us explain what this means for response time, response time for fires right here in the city of vallejo and we will have more on that coming up. reporting live from vallejo this morning jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 5:32. well, oakland police are looking for a man this morning
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who fired shots at police officers from an apartment building. this happened near 8th and ad0line around 11:30 last night. investigators say police officers made a traffic stop there and in the process of making arrests when someone from a nearby building started shooting at them. >> -- be rifle rounds were shot at them or kind of in their near immediate area so they backed down and they called for additional resources. >> now police officers searched that building but they weren't able to find the shooter or any weapons. police say the building did have a video camera but those cameras at some point were vandalized. paul chambers is following this investigation now. he will give as life update on this in about 30 minutes. right about the same time as oakland police were responding to reports of shots fired in west oakland they were also called about another shooting downtown. a man was found shot to death
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at 19th and wester, police believe he may have been a robbery or carjacking victim. so far the victim's name has not been released and no arrests have been made. >> oakland police have identified a man they shot and killed early saturday after officers say he charged at them with a knife. police say he is 48-year-old fred collins of oakland. police were called around 8:15 saturday morning about a man walking near the fruitvale bart station with a knife. police say after a foot chase officers tried to taser collins, who they say approached them with the knife. neighbors say they heard him say shoot me and at least five police officers opened fire. collins died at the scene. san francisco supervisors are set to consider a proposal today that could bring tough new regulations on some of the city's troubled nightclubs. this comes in the wake of several violent incidents including a shooting that left one man dead in front of jelly's nightclub just last weekend. the legislation would give
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power to the entertainment commission to revoke's club's permits for public safety issues. currently the commission can only suspend permits for up to 90 days. >> 5:34. the contra costa county sheriff's department is looking for whoever shot three people at a party in discovery bay early yesterday morning. now a neighbor says two teenagers who parents were out of town decided to throw a party at their home. the neighbor says about 2:00 a.m. he heard gunshots and a couple of minutes later sheriff's deputies and paramedics arrived. investigators have not released any information about the victim's conditions or a possible motive. a candlelight vigil is planned for tonight in san jose remembering vernea lisa hollins. miss hollins was shot to death by a neighbor, bobby turner, last wednesday. now police say she may have been trying to help another woman, who turner had stabbed. turner was arraigned on friday, charged with murder and attempted murder. if he is convicted he faces life in prison.
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now the vigil for vernea lisa hollins is scheduled for 7:00 this evening outside the family's apartment complex on rexertway. >> walnut creek police have identified the women killed while walking on a sidewalk saturday night. investigators say kathleen morehead was walking on trait boulevard at 6:00 when a suspected drunk driver swerved ran up on to the sidewalk and hit her. she died a short time later at the medical center. the driver, 70-year-old rule sasser of concord, has been booked into the county jail on dui and victim already manslaughter charges. all lanes of 580 are back open this hour following a shootout between a driver and chp officers. the incident all began with a traffic stop near the grand avenue exit early yesterday morning. it shut down lanes in both directions for more than ten hours. the gun battle went on for several minutes. part of it was captured on video. [ gunshots ]
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>> investigators say the suspect began shooting at officers after he came to a stop. the officers returned fire and eventually after being hit several times the man surrendered. >> this was a very significant incident in the sense that the driver was wearing a bulletproof vest and also in possession of a rifle and a shotgun. >> the officers were not injured he suspect was taken to the hospital where he is serious but stable condition and was identified as 45-year- old byron williams, a paroleel. his mother says his son recently -- her son recently became upset about politics, but a motive for the shooting is still under investigation. >> 5:37. santa clara fire officials are investigating a fire that happened at a recycling center over the weekend. now it started yesterday just before noontime in piles of
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plats tick bottles and cardboard stored outside lynx recyclers. residents living downwind were warned by a phone system to shelter inplace for more than an hour because of the potentially toxic smoke from the burning plastic. luckily there is no reports of anybody injured. the cause of that fire is under investigation. the richmond city council is expected to take up the issue of medical marijuana dispensaries this week. the contra costa times reports city attorneys are writing an ordinance to set the number and location of those dispensaries. richmond right now may have as many as 10 put the city has no permit system for those businesses and is trying to close them down. the city council may take its first vote on this matter at its meeting tomorrow. >> it is now 5:38. want to check back in with sal. how is the commute, sal? >> you know, it is not too bad right now. we do have you know a pretty nice start on a mon. this is highway 4 up to the willow pass grade. looks pretty good and no major
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problems here. also the morning commute is moving along well pat the bay bridge toll plaza. there was an earlier stalled vehicle on the span on the incline section. it is so light though it didn't cause a huge traffic jam even though it was there blocking a lane. they are just about to hook it up now. this is northbound 280 that traffic moves well through downtown. here is mark. >> good morning to you, sal. boy, the micro clielts really resurfacing today. at 3:00 this afternoon we could have temperatures around 60 for the bay area beaches but look what happens heading inland a dramatic rise in those numbers once again with the inland spots approaching the lower 90s, the hottest locations around 94 degrees, cooler compared to yesterday, three to six degrees from yesterday's highs. currents numbers we are all in the same boat here mainly in the 50s, san francisco 55, santa rosa 50, concord 59 and livermore the last check 58
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degrees. high pressure really heating up a good portion of the west over the past two or three days. it will weaken and the net result the temperature trend, we were hot yesterday then inland today mainly around 93 to 94 degrees, by tuesday no more 90s, hottest locations in the mid to upper 80s and even wednesday the cooling will continue. for this morning the fog making a come back coast side, even a few patches into the bay out toward the bay bridge here and maybe a few patches right around oakland. even napa reporting patchy fog. temperatures this morning 53 to 58 degrees. and then into the afternoon hours by 3:00 partly to mostly sunny. there is that temperature range for most of the region. in fact here is a look at the numberses santa rosa 85, san francisco 65, livermore lower 90s and san jose right around 3:00 this afternoon will be 81 degrees. here is a look ahead. we increase the fog by late tonight into tomorrow. temperatures will continue to cool off with just minor warming by thursday and into
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friday. pam and dave. >> all right, mark, time now 5:40. guess what? mtv is coming to the bay area and putting one local high school in the spotlight. >> and what on earth are crews digging up inside the new caldecott tunnel and why some scientists are calling the discovery priceless. >> good morning. 680 traffic doing well heading to the south bay. more about the morning commute coming up.
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good monday morning, time now 5:43. mostly sunny skies. concord 77, a high forecast in the upper 80s. mark, thank you. republic bask, good morning to you. here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are
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following for you right now at 5:43. police are investigating the death of a man shot and killed overnight at 19th and webster. investigators say the motive may have been robbery or carjacking. so far no arrests have been made. walnut creek is bracing for a possible showdown this afternoon at a planned rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle. the rally is set for 2:00 p.m. and could also include a group of counter protesters making the potential crowd size unpredictable. bp is closely monitoring that now capped oil well in the gulf of mexico. that is after some seepage was found near the site of the well. >> much of the country is baking under higher than normal temperatures and being a dry heat doesn't make it any easier. 78-year-old james wangel suffered second-degree burns on his feet in phoenix arizona when he ran out of his house barefoot this weekend while trying to catch up with his
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mail carrier. >> with-time he turned around he could not run back to the grass, so he fell down and then he is burning his hands and his knees so we had to pick him up by his arms and run him to his grass. >> fire officials say the temperature of the pavement was as lie as 140 degrees. he was taken to a nearby burn center for treatment. much of the east coast is dealing with hot weather as well and that is not expected to let up until next weekend from washington, d.c. to new york city temperatures reached well into the 90s for the third day in a row, factor in the humidity and it feels like it is in the low 100s, the late waive is sparking voi whrent summer storms and floods in kentucky have killed at least two people. the midwest is not escaping the heat with health advisories issued for parts of oklahoma. >> the state super intendant of schools is worried about a new troand to save money. 16 of the largest school districts including san francisco, san jose and
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fremont, are reducing their school year. they will cut the number of days from 180 to 175. state superintendent jack o'connell says a shorter school year combined with other cutbacks will erode recent academic gains and put california at a competitive disadvantage with other states and countries. oakland's freedom high school will be featured on the first episode of a new documentary series which airs tomorrow. it is called if you really knew me and follows several students from different clicks who take part in an emotional group exercise to break down social barriers, the opening episode airs tomorrow night on mtv. >> crews building the 4th bore of the caldecott tunnel have tapped into the past. in a few weeks they have been on the job they unearthed what scientists would consider the equivalent of a gold mine. they include remnants of both plants and animals from
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prehistoric times. >> we have actually found 500 specimens from over 100 different locations. we have founds foril fish,es foril leaves -- >> the upper jaw of -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- turn out to be an ancient relative of the camel. california law requires that pally on tooling gists be on handat at any large excavation project wheres forils can be found. that is costing them $30,000 a month but officials say what the crews are finding is priceless. >> an incredible story. >> neat, yeah. >> wow. 5:47. hey, sal, is traffic particularly in marin county moving at a dinosaur pace. >> right now it is not, dave. traffic is moving well to the 580 interchange and no major problems in marin county. the morning commute looks good on westbound bay bridge. that traffic is moving along well into san francisco. the commute really hasn't
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become full strength here yet. if you are driving on northbound 280 in san jose that commute looks good up to highway 17 so we are off to a nice start. filling in for steve today is mark tamayo. >> sal, good morning to you. temperatures are cooling off this week. today we are heading in that direction. hot numbers inland, 94, possibly 95. patchy fog this morning fire the shoreline and that afternoon sea breeze will kick in around 20 miles an hour. current numbers for most of the region in the 50s, santa rosa 50. san francisco 55. livermore right around 58. san jose reporting mostly clear skies and 59 degrees. this morning we are on the same boat as you can see. look what happens into the afternoon hours. a big temperature range once again. the micro climates making a come back. from around 60 coast side, hottest locationings inland from around 93 to 94 degrees so here is the plan. we will break it down beginning coast side here. the fog a factor at least in the short-term into the
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afternoon hours sunny by 3:00, temperatures on either side of 60. around the bay this morning fog around the bay then into the afternoon hours we should have mostly sunny skies and a bit of a breeze. plenty of sunshine for the inland spots this afternoon with temperatures essentially in the lower 90s. you will see those in fairfield and antioch. napa 80, san francisco mid-60s, san jose 81, morgan hill 90. here is a look ahead. if you are not a big fan of the heat temperatures will be cooling off as we head into tuesday and also into wednesday with minor warming by thursday and into friday, pam and dave. >> thank you, mark. just a short time ago hasbro reported higher than expected quarterly profits. the maker of gi joe and transformer says its net profits rose to more than $43.5 million. those numbers reflect cost cutting measures since sales were down 7%. hasbro executives forecast stronger results in the second half of the year with international sales growing the most.
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mattel reports parents snapped up items related to toy story three but there could be another surge of sales -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- large soccer followings until after the world cup was over. [ inaudible ] >> -- on friday. north american movery goers make the thriller inception number 1 at the box office this weekend -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- subconscious pulled in $60 million in its debut weekend. despicable me slipped to second place. [ inaudible ] >> -- in third with a disappointing $17 million in ticket sales. eclipse and toy story 3 round out the top 5. >> 5:50. this week could be another milestone week for facebook.
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is the social networking site shrinking or is it growing. >> plus the son of a former 49er's legend landed in trouble. we will tell you what kind of trouble and possible punishment
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woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok.
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all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪ welcome back. tonight the city council could approve a plan to add the valley to its general development plan. city leaders say adding the land does not mean that they
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want to develop the area, but would prevent the county from allowing it to be developed. several environmental groups oppose it, saying that could open the way for a developer who has worked with the city council before. >> 5:53. the city of sonoma could soon be buzzing with the sound of bees. the city council will talk about a proposal to allow bee keeping within the city limits. the council members recently made it legal to keep chickens and rabbits. the planning department will present a draft ordinance for a bee keeping at that meeting. >> this week facebook is expected to report a doubling of users over the last year to 500 million. the palo alto based company reported 250 million users on jewel 15th of 2009. internet analysts report almost 35% of people who use the internet have a facebook profile and spend an average of 23 minutes on the website.
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>> the son of football legend joe montana is facing charges of underage drinking in indiana. police responded to calls about a fight early saturday morning when they found a house party near the notre dame campus. they arrested more than 40 people, including nate montana and several other notre dame football players. each was released on $150 bonds. notre dame's coach says any team related discipline will be handled internally. in berkeley the popular video rental store reel video is closed for good now after fighting for stay open for months. that closure had been looming ever since the store's parent company, movie gallery incorporated filed for bankruptcy in february. store officials were trying to raise at least $2 100,000 to buy the business back from movie gallery. at least $50,000 had been pledged but that was not enough. >> the yosemite national park
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is making more campsites available for the summer, including the one closed for 13 years because of flood damage. camp grounds that closed down over the winter are also now accessible and some sites are still on a first come-first serve basis so campers should arrive early to claim their spots. >> they say world war ii era bombs may be buried at point reyes national seashore and officials say those bombs may still be dangerous. a desabout between the army corps of engineers and a group of indians has stalled a more details investigation. they plan to meet to discussion this issue later this month. >> it is coming up on 6:00. let's check back in with sal as the roads get a little businessier, how is the commute? >> you know, it is doing well, pam and dave. so far we have been quiet. i am pretty sure it is not going to stay this way for the whole morning but for now we are doing well. 280 northbound coming up on the 880 interchange, that traffic does move well.
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also the morning commute looks good driving on the sunol grade heading to the south bay. take a quick look at the bay bridge toll plaza. yeah, there is still not a lot going on here. they have cleared that stalled vehicle so there is really nothing getting in your way of driving to san francisco. at 5:56. let's go back to dave and pam. >> all right, sam. coming up for you in our 6:00 hour a busy day, a rally set for this afternoon prompting some business owners in call nut creek to consider closing early. we will tell you why they are so worried. >> we will tell you about a big change today for the vallejo fire department. >> a look outside our camera showing you fog around the bay. temperatures cooling off this week. more on that coming up in just a few minutes. send comments to captions by terry james, caption colorado, llc.
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good morning. another violent night in oakland, police are targeted by tune fire, while across town a man is killed in an apparent rap robbery. we will bring you the search for the suspect. >> i am tara moriarty where investigators have a lot of questions for a suspected gunman y caused of trying to kill chp officers and oakland


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