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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  July 18, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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. a major gun battle leads officers to a possible plot to kill multiple people. >> a fire burns in santa clara. >> walnut creek businesses and police bracing for a possible clash between. >> and thousands march through golden gate park racing millions in help in the fight against aids. >> the news starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2news at five. >> good evening. i'm ken wayne.
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>> i'm maureen naylor. maureen is off. part of an east bay freeway remains shut down after an overnight shoot out between a driver c hp officers. it happened at harrison street on-ramp in oakland. traffic has been tied up all day as police and the fbi investigate what happened. john joins us live from the scene with what they have found so far. >> reporter: as you can see westbound 5l 0 is still closed and eastbound traffic is slow through the area. this was an incredible story of officers surviving a gun battle on 580 and later finding evidence they may have foiled a major plot of death and destruction. it all start around midnight when officers pulled over a car for speeding. when they approached all hell broke loose. >> the driver reached for a gun and started to fire at the
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officer. the officer retreated back to his car. there were gun shots exchanged between the officers and the driver. >> reporter: this is video someone shot of the gun fight and posted on youtube. investigators say the fire fight raged for several minutes as more officers raised in from chp and other this was a very s incident in the sense that the driver was wearing a bullet proof vest, he was in possession of a rifle and a shot gun. >> reporter: eventually after being hit multiple times he gave up. he is now at the hospital. investigators say the suspect is a 45-year-old white man and both lives with his mother and was driving her truck. >> don't know if he is actively employed or unemployed. we don't foe know if he has mental issues. we just don't know. >> reporter: we have learned he
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has a criminal record with two previous strikes making this incident his third strike. police and chp had been investigating the scene for more than ten hours when they realized they had possible exexplosive devices. they had to pull everybody out and wait for the bomb squad. members of the squad put opponent a blast suit to get a look. then they sent in a robot to pull everything out of the truck. they detonated most of it. >> fire in the hole. fire in the hole. >> reporter: the bomb squad said it was nothing explosive. perhaps the key piece of evidence is this binder titled california. could it be a hit list the suspect created? it was clear to officers he was planning something big. >> in a very real sense he may have been going to a location where there were a lot of people that he was going to inflict seriously bodily injury
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or death. fortunately our officers intercepted him. >> reporter: the fbi now has that binder and is looking at the contents. officials say in all ten officers opened fire on the suspect. at least report he is in serious condition. two officers suffered minor injuries when they were hit by shattered glass. >> by the way if westbound 580 opposite during the newscast we will bring the information. police have identitied a man they and bart police killed early saturday after officers say he charged at them with a knife. police are identitied him as fred collins of oakland. officers responded to call around 8:00 sea that a man was walking near the fruitvale bart station with a knife. they tried it taser him. he then approached the knife. neighbors heard him say shoot me at least five officers opened fire. collins died at the scene. bart and oakland police are doing separate investigations.
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the highway patrol said the child involved in an accident yesterday in the east bay had moderate injuries. the 2-year-old's father had her in a child's bike carrier when they were hit by a car. it happened just after two in the afternoon. according to authorities the child was wearing safely equipment. she was taken by ambulance to the hospital. her father was taken to the hospital as well. their conditions are not released. >> a two alarm fire at a recycling center sent thick black smoke over the south bay today. it also prompted an order for some to stay inside. the fire started just before noon in piles of plastic bottles and card board on norman avenue. people in several homes down wind of the fire were warned by phone system to shelter in place for more than an hour because of the possible hazard posed by the smoke. that order was eventually lifted no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is under
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investigation. a report finds that fire alarm systems in many san jose schools out dated provide minimal protection. investigation by the mercury news after arson destroyed trace elementary school. the fire triggered a single alert to the fire department. the newspaper found 20 out of the 43 schools have systems that send alerts off campus. it also found most schools lack a sprinkler system and only three have smoke detectors in all classrooms. officials reportedly told the newspaper they want to make modern their fire systems but need state funding for it. >> police in the east bay bracing for a possible confrontation in the wake of the messerly verdict. a demonstration in support of the former bart police officer is planned. those who support oscar grant are expected to show up as well. patty lee is in walnut creek with the report. >> reporter: we are live in
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front of the court building where barriers and yellow tape are up, preparation force the rally that has the possibility to turn into a showdown. bart police patrol the parking lot where a rally to support the officer is scheduled to start at 2:00 tomorrow an of an. >> its been a lot of police activity around here the past couple days. we will close at about one or two. >> reporter: more than 130 people have rsv p's to the event designed to show support for the officer and law enforcement general. with. >> we believe this is a racist protest. that anyone that sees those videotapes, that's not blinded by their own bigotly sees it as a racist murder and we think this protest should be -- this should be canceled.
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we are mobile eyeing people to shut it down. >> reporter: an organizer with the group by any means necessary, a driving force behind the justice for oscar grant campaign. two protests have turned violent in oakland and trouble in walnut creek is a real possibility. >> if there are two conflicting sides in an issue we understand that the problem that could happen and we will make sure that having the people out there to keep the peace. > interesting they didn't do it in oakland. i don't understand why they wouldn't have done it there or why they picked walnut creek. >> reporter: some say walnut creek may not be the most appropriate place for the rally but it is a safe choice. >> had they done it in oakland it would be more controversial. >> reporter: the organizers declined or request for interviews and to themselves but explained walnut creek was picked for its central location and the rally is meant to be
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peaceful, not incite a race war. some say it's a little to late for that. >> all are you doing is asking for counter reaction. the people that will counter react will be more fired up than the people supporting the officer. >> reporter: we have been talking to people who work around here and some say they aren't overly concerned about violence and vandal. >> because walnut creek is set up differently. businesses on this strip are spread out and there is very little retail. there is very little to loose. reporting live in walnut creek, patty lee. >> the california democratic party today voted to take a nuetral stance on proposition 19, the one that would legalize marijuana. they met today in san jess to talk about the matter. the proposition would allow adults to grow marijuana. it would also allow local governments to regulate and tax sales of it. the measure will appear onto
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november ballot. the oakland city council this week will look at a controversial plan to license four new marijuana facilities. they would grow, package and process pot into items like baked good today's body oil. the plant's owners would have to pay $211,000 in permit fees and up to 8% in sale tax. supporters say they are worried the plan could drive small growers out of business. they also complain that industrial sized gardens would hurt the environment, reduce quality and leave consumer was fewer strains of marijuana to choose from. the richmond city council is also expected to take up the issue of pot clubs this week. the times reports the city attorneys are writing an ordinance to set the number and locations. richmond may have as many as ten currently but the city has no permit system for them and is trying to close them. the council might take it's first vote on the matter as
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soon as tuesday. >> dramatic differences in temperatures today depending on where you are it could be almost 40 degrees warmer or cooler. mark is here with more. >> we have quite a few options with temperatures near the coastline around 60. the hottest location inland around 100. earlier this afternoon. right now on live storm tracker two a big fog bank way off shore. closer inspection, we have noticed clearing with just a few patches near parts of the bay area shoreline. as far as current numbers across the area we will take a look at those and show you this with the san francisco right now at 62 degrees. santa rosa at 80. fairfield at 90. concord 93. for this evening mostly clear sky, temperatures ranging the upper 50s near the shoreline. temperatures inland mainly in the 70s. low to mid-70s. as far as tomorrow we will start the cooling trend first thing tomorrow morning mainly in the 50s and then with that
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big temperature range again, 60s near the coastline. hottest locations inland in the upper 80's to the low 90s. livermore approaching the lower 90s. first thing tomorrow morning 62 degrees. by lunchtime around 80, by 3:00 90 degrees. we have some bigger changes by tuesday into wednesday. ly have more on that in just a few. >> thank you mark. starting tomorrow carpoolers won't be able to pay cash to cross the golden gate bridge. friday was the last day cash was accepted for the carpool toll that went into effect on july 1st. tomorrow carpoolers must have fast track to pay the three dollar toll. they also must stop at a staffed lane so the collector can count the number of people in the vehicle. they will be charged five dollars if they use the fast track only lane and those without will have to pay the full six dollar cash toll. >> there is a split in the tea party movement. also ahead the vice president facing a stiff fine.
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how much he will have to pay and why. >> people in the gulf coast watch and wait as bp claims it's new well cap is working. >> its going to lead to racial profiling. >> and the governor of one of arizona's neighbors gives his opinion of the new immigration law. presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 best third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel
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of a brand new cadillac. now during cadillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan.
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. the first family arrived back at the white house after a weekend vacation in maine. they went boating, went hiking, took a bike ride and toured a lighthouse. the president is now look ahead to convincing republicans to extend unemployment benefits before congress heads out of town for its august recess. >> the national tea party federation expelled another group today over the use of racially insensitive language. they dede demanded mark
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williams resign. williams wrote we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. freedom means having to work for real and take consequence as long with the reward. >> the vice president's 2008 campaign is being hit with a big fine from election watch dogs for campaign violations. the federal election commission is fining the campaign more than $219,000. according to the audit it's for sloppy book keeping and taking excessive contributions. biden dropped out of the race in early 2008. >> bp said the well cap in the gulf of mexico is a success so far but the company is proceeding with caution. people along the gulf coast are keeping their fingers crossed as the progress continues. phil keating has reaction.
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>> reporter: bp said the cap over the broken oil well is working. so well in fact it may keep it there permanently. results show no new leaks and the stopper is preventing the flow of oil. >> we continue to review the data on a regular basis with the government teams. based on that we will -- with these sort of results we will continue to keep it shut in. >> reporter: thad allen said engineers will continue studying pressure levels at the well for signs of leaking. in a statement he said we must ensure no damage is done which could cause uncontrolled leaks from several points along the sea floor. news that the cap is holding appears to becoming hand in hand with a sense of optimism across the gulf coast. >> we are optimistic. we see light at the end of the tunnel. it's a very long tunnel.
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>> reporter: while others hope bp doesn't face anymore set backs. >> i guess after five or six times you should get it right. i guess everybody around here as far as business is concerned, we are all looking forward to -- what bp does and hopefully get things cleaned up. >> reporter: the pressure test being done underneath the test shows that the pressure is rising which is good but not as fast or as high as sciencists had expected and because of that it's still a possibility that thad allen will order the oil to once again flow up to the ships on the surface. phil keating. >> a reported neonazi leading rogue immigration patrols on the border. officials worried because they are heavyly armed. his militia identities with nazias. he said they have only found a
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few border crossers who were given water and handed over to official patrols. citizen patrols have been on the rise in arizona that passed a tough new immigration law requiring police to question suspected illegal immigrants. >> the new mexico governor is slamming arizona's new law. >> it is going to lead to racial profiling. anybody that looks hispanic will be racially profiled. it's a simple as that. secondly it preempts federal law. this is immigration is a federal responsibility. >> the governor also told a latino group that american america is a group of immigrants and urged stronger border security. an arizona senate candidate said police there support the law which takes effect tuesday. >> a government watch dog is criticizing the treasurey department's handling of gm and chrysler last year saying led to the loss of tens of
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thousands of jobs. they urged the makers to close about 2800 dealerships last year. the criticism from the special inspector general for the troubled asset relief program. his report said the decision may have contributed to the closing of thousands of small companies that do business with the automakers. the report also said treasurey didn't do enough to make sure that speeding up the closings what necessary for the company's long term health. >> the obama administration releasing new details on the scheduled pull out of troops afghanistan. also details on a key visit to pakistan by hillary clinton. >> peace talks today in egypt. >> and the new 787 dream liner lands in britain after it's first international flight.
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. joe biden said the obama administration is standing firm on its decision to start pulling troops out of afghanistan next july. >> we still believe that the policy that the military signed onto put together initially signed onto is in fact going to work. let me define what i mean by work. we are making considerable progress against al-qaeda. >> he said a couple thousand could pull out in the first
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part and the draw down will be based on the ability of afghanistan forces to provide security. >> hillary clinton overseas in pakistan. she is working to make sure united states allies in the war in afghanistan stay the course. >> reporter: the secretary is now in south asia trying to convince partners to hold steady in afghanistan as questions of taliban activity surge. first stop was pakistan where she stressed the need for cooperation while dedicating half a million dollars for water and energy projects. part of seven and a half billion dollars we already would be spread out over five- years. this as the head of the council on foreign relations said that the united states needs to rethink afghanistan, that we aren't winning it's not worth it. also suggesting a severe draw down of troops. he said continued involvement isn't likely to yield lasting
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improvements. it is time to scale down ambitions and reduce and redirect what we do. others say now is not the time to leave. >> it's a very difficult conflict. it'll take a long time. sometimes hard for americans to swallow. the information that we can afford effectively to pull out causing risks and dangers for the united states, down the road that are just almost impossible to quantity identify. >> reporter: that sounds like secretary will talk about on tuesday when she meet was foreign leaders. >> in mexico 17 people are dead and 18 more injuried after an attack on a party. officials say a group of men armed automatic rifles stormed the party early this morning and opened fire. they suspect they were drug hit men. the area where it happened is a
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key transit place for drug smuggling into the united states. the ages of the victims range between 20 and 38. in egypt pressure getting worse on palestine president to agree to talks with us. the egyptian president held a series of meetings today. he met with the israeli prime minister, president and george mitchell . none of them spoke after the meetings but the officials said more work is need. china 28miners dead after a huge fire. the fire started yesterday inside a coal shaft. investigators live it was triggered when a cable caught fire. the bodies of five victims were found earlier today from inside the mine and rescues are working to retrieve the rest. the mining industry is considered one of the deadliest
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with accidents and blasts killing close to 3,000 last year alone. >> the new dream liner completed it's first international test flight today. the 787 landed safely outside london direct from seattle. despite that the first delivery to japan is not expected until the end of this year, two years late. >> the company is always a company that is always pushing technology and maybe we did take a little more risk on this plane than we should have. looking back because we are late maybe we did but it'll be around for the next 50 years. >> it seats 250 and has 20% less carbon dioxide. they say jet lag will be reduced because the system produces cleaner air and cabin lighting looks like sunrise and sunset. the white house is expressing optimism about the
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midterm elections despite the speculations that the democrats will loose seats. we have more from washington. >> reporter: a cherry prediction on how the democrats will do. harry reed they say will win and said democrats will hold on to the house and senate. >> i bet anything-i'm not allowed to bet but i bet harry wins. lue see that repeat. that old, mark wayne, i think the reports of our demise are premature. >> some of those reports came from the white house. robert gibbs said republicans could take back the house. that prediction angered house democrats but the polls confirm democrats could be in trouble. approval numbers for the president and congressional democrats have fallen as the economy continues to struggle this summer. on fox news sunday leaders both
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parties spoke about what they believe voters are look for in november. >> i really do believe what we are seeing is an absence of leadership by the administration and as the elections approach this fall the american people are looking for men and women who are committed to those timeless american principle many preponderances. >> it's a tough climate but we are tough people and we are going to take our contrast and comparisons to the american people. >> that includes the president. the campaign committee chair for the democrat said the president will continue to hit the road and campaign for his party's candidates in this tough political climate as the midterms heat up with so many seats in play. in washington fox news. >> thousands lace up for the yearly aids walk. >> a new study giving hope to people living with aids. as thousands of walkers beat the pavement to raise money for
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the cause. >> getting a flu shot may soon be easier. a new needle that isself given and comes in the mail. >> trying to save -- how it could save millions of lives.
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. thousands of people in san francisco made an impact in the fight against aids today. they marched through the city and raised millions of dollars for aids support groups. we are in the city with the live report. >> reporter: walkers cooled their heels here in golden gate park.
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they rested after raising more than $3 million. 25,000 walkers took part in the san francisco aids walk. the money supports the aids foundation and dozens of other aids organizations. it's the 24th yearly walk but this year even though most runners didn't know it they had something extra to cheer about. >> congratulations everybody. thank you for walking. >> reporter: as they crossed the finish line after the walk around golden gate park a new study was being presented. researchers followed canada aids patients and found as they went on aids drugs and lowered the amount of virus in their system the chances they would spread the disease fell. >> every time there is a study like this we know more and more about the science that can help prevent new infections. >> reporter: the study found that the number of new infections has been cut in half since 1996. matching a rise in treatment.
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that's encouraging for volunteers here at the walk. john who is hiv positive worries such studies give a false sense of security, especially among young people engaged in a new trend called charging. >> positive blood having -- having intimate relationship that isn't and they purposefully want that person to infect them. that's very common among youth. >> reporter: he speaks to youth groups trying to convince them act the difficulty of living aids. >> 16 tubes of blood every few months. all kinds of testing, eating certain hours or you go --. >> reporter: relatives of those who have died walked rests today. elizabeth came up from lancaster in honor of her mother. >> it was a pretty heard experience. i mean someone that gave birth to you and loved you. just to watch them kind of
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wither away. it's difficult. >> reporter: dan jones has been taking part in this walk for the past 20 years in memory of his brother. >> he did -- the first couple walks with me. that was neat. just carried the sign every year. >> reporter: people who race one thousand dollars wore crowns. jones brought in $50,000 over the years and the fight is far from over. according to the aids foundation more than a million people in the united states are hiv positive and one person in five doesn't know it. live in san francisco, ktvu channel 2news. >> san rafael police say a couple found dead in a motel room died from a murder suicide. the identities have not been released. their body was found by hotel staff at the four points on north gate drive. the man and woman were both shot. police say a gun was found in the room that had been lock
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from the inside. the tradition halt flu shot and where you get it may soon be a thing of the past. the georgia institute of technology has a patch that can be put on the skin to give the shot from the flu. the patch contains hundreds of micro needles that give the vaccine into the skin. people tested say it's only a 20th as painful as the shot and feels like rough sand paper. it could be sent through the mail allowing people to give the shot to themselves without a trip to the doctor. >> a breakthrough may save millions of live around the world. sciencists from davis and the university of arizona have managed to develop malaria resistant mosquito. they have changed a single gene protecting the insect from the parasite that causes the disease. they say it means mosquito's won't be able to pass it onto
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humans. >> it's causing so many problems worldwide, number of deaths and it's a hugely expensive disease to try to fight and treat. we can hopefully at least control major courage of the world. >> reporter: it was declared gone from the united states in the 50s but there are still about 1500 cases a year. worldwide the disease kills almost a million people every year. new figures show hospital admissions for monday medical use of prescription pain users have increased 400% in the last ten years. they the largest was people 18 to 24. researchers said in 2008 almost 10% of hospital admissions were for substance abuse involving prescription painkillers. in 1998 it was only 2%. new study suggesting years of wearing high heels can alter the anatomy of muscles and
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tendons. researchers looked at 80 women there 20 to 50 who had heels almost every day for two years. they found the women had shorter calf muss el fibers. the study also found it can cause women pain when they try to walk in flats or sneakers. >> it's one of the most watched sports in the united states. . nascar's millions of fans now and now a push to get more women in to the driver's seat. >> and it was a sunny and warm july day around much the bay area. mark is up next with a look at the weather forecast.
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presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on an all new cadillac srx luxury collection crossover... ..with a bose premium sound system. and an ultra-view sunroof designed to let more summer time in. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a new cadillac. hurry in for great lease or purchase offers on an all new srx during cadillac's summer's best sales event going on now at your cadillac dealer.
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. most places got to see the summer season but appears a cooldown is a head this week. let's turn to mark for a look. >> that's right. the fog will eventually pay us a visit over the next few days over a good portion of the bay area. that would be the source of cooling. for tomorrow the warmest locations, right now in the maps i can show you this. mostly clear skies over a portion of the bay area. maybe just a few patches closer to monterey bay as we come in tighter now around pacific grove and we are expecting the fog to regroup a bit very late tonight into early tomorrow morning, mainly coast side. look outside right now. we can show you this a couple cameras, san jose, currently 70 degrees in san francisco. just depending on where you are. ocean beach around 60 degrees. look what happens across the
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bay. san francisco a dramatic rice in temperatures, hottest locations inland in the 90s. the warmest location around 3:00, 100 around the antioch area. we will start the cooling trend tomorrow but it kicks in by tuesday and into wednesday of at least over the next few days. san francisco 64, santa rosa 88, san jose in the lower 08's. livermore topped out at 95. we still had the familiar pattern. hot temperatures inland. breezy for this evening. cooling starts for monday and more fog expected. the marine layer will increase by monday night and tuesday. heating up a good portion of the west and it'll weaken and a weak system from the north and west. that will help increase the on shore. the hottest locations inland around 99, 100 degrees. tomorrow the hottest in the lower 90s.
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by tuesday warmest low locations in the mid to upper 80's. there is some relief in sight. here is a look at the forecast. 53 to 58 and the fog targeting the coast. also around the bay into the afternoon hours, partly to mostly sunny. we could still have patchy fog and there is the event you'll range. here is the look at the numbers. santa rosa 4. fairfield bit of a breeze. southwesterly winds kicking in. oakland topping out upper 60s and instead of upper 90's today lower 90's toward antioch. you can see san jose the forecast high of 80. gilroy 88 and san francisco 66. here is a look ahead with the five-day forecast. temperatures you will notice the trend as we head if to tuesday and wednesday. temperatures by wednesday the hottest locations not so hot. only in the low to mid80s and then a minor bump in the numbers for thursday and friday
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but amazing temperature range across the bay area. there are typical summer in the bay area is fall when the entire area heats up. >> feels good to hit the coast on a day like today. >> at least we have that relief spot. >> thank you. >> nascar is the number one spectaor sport in the united states and a lot of them are women. now more are being drawn in because of a new campaign. >> reporter: we may all have a little speed demon inside of us but for drivers serious about filling their need for speed nascar helping them find a way to burn up the speedway. has it been difficult? you see it as something that's challenging? >> i think it is challenges to be different from what the normal race car driver is. it's male dominated being i'm female i do get told it's cute that they think i can drive.
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>> reporter: jessica has proven she can bank around the curve was the best of temperature. women like her are working up their racing talent with the drive for diversity development programt. brings in top notch coaching sponsor ship opportunities. >> no intimidation. if you are scared you shouldn't do it. >> reporter: most of the sport is mental but you have to be in good condition to be able to handle a car this size. this vehicle is over 3400 pounds. have you to have good back, shoulder arms to start up this thing. let's go. wheel around the track at top speeds feel like being rattled in a cage. >> 130 miles an hour. >> reporter: how fast was i going? . >> 8,000rp, a. >> reporter: 160 miles an hour.
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my best time. ever. i swear. nascar has teamed up with bet networks to launch a new reality show called changing lanes that they hope will broaden the audience and maybe inspire a new generation of race car drivers. >> coming up both the a's and giants go for series sweeps today. >> and the british open crowns a new champion. who it is. sports wrap is next.
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. good evening. there was every reason this think he would be shaky after a night this think about what could be the biggest day in his career. but he went out and put a strangle hold on the british open. the autographs would be more valuable four hours after they were given. the course one on which tiger had won two opens, not this time. he started 12 shots off the lead and never gained any traction and takes double bo gie on the 4th. another double on 7 as his putter goes south. he was even parr for the day, three under for the tournament and 13 streaks off the lead. casey started four strokes back when he birdied number eight. he had brought down the gap by a stroke. playing with casey. he was better on that same
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9th. 50-foot eagle attempt goes. his lead 15 back to four. casey's chances ended on the 12th hole. he took a double after the t shot ended up in the goarse. up eight, shut the door on this same hole. he makes birdie, that meant the others were playing for second place. royr, made birdie on eight. westwood nailed down second place. a long birdie on number 13. westwood was a disassistant seven strokes back. by the time he came to 18 the engraver as already putting his name on the jug, no doubt double checking the spelling. he completes the final round 71 that gives him his first major champion ship ship. a final look at the scoreboard 16 under parr, 17 in
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front of westwood, the tie for third, eight shots back. the giants came very close to sending a crowd home with a thrilling come back win but were undone by a new york met and the umpire's call. santana and sanchez dualed for seven tied innings. davis ripped a double down the right field line. turner comes home with a big insurance run. mets took that lead it is 9th but the giants tied it off closer rodriguez. travis with a drive to center that makes it down. renteria and juan both score. third on the double by torres. runners at second and third with one out. sanchez grounding to third. david wright's throw to blanco is high. sliding in ahead of the tag.
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he is calledo. the play not that close but he clearly missed attempt reaction onto giant's bench when they think they have won but haven't. the mets got out and then in the 10th davis made the giants pay again. bay at first, davis hit one high off the bricks in right. that's almost a home run. bay scores, again the giants in the hole. they rally with two outs in the bottom of the inning. they put runners on the first and second. rodriguez struck out whiteside. it's a blown save for rodriguez who is the winning pitcher. mets edge the giants and get one game in the series. they now head to los angeles for three big ones. a productive weekend for the a's who swept with the royals. it was another hot one in kansas city and they figured if it's not your day to pitch you can do something good for the other guy. tied for last in the american
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league in home runs they got the long ball going against banister. adam hit a two run shot and then in the 5th it was kevin who liked when he saw. number nine for him and the a's were in front. then he went 7 and two thirds innings. kendell on strikes in the 8th. by the time cusp put one in the seats in the 9th looked like the a's were cruising, that's a three run shot and a 9-1 oakland lead. relievers allowed fine runs in the 9th and bailey throws one pitch to billy butler. deep in right. it's a one pitch save for bailey. his 20th of the year. the a's win 9-6 and make it three straight in kansas. they are the even 500 and back home to play boston tomorrow night. another play worth noting
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in cleveland. two runners on against oliver. he hits one to right center. ray burn tracking the ball but runs in to the wall. the gate opens, the inside the park three run homer. the indians win 7-2 and finish the sweep of the tigers. still to come, they head in to the mountains in the tour be france. the perils of open wheel auto racing. we will be right back. zñzñzñtgtgçwoç'c'cz
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[ male announcer presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac model. like the cts sport sedan. the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a "car and driver" 10 best, three years in a row. or the all new cadillac srx luxury crossover.
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and even the most acclaimed luxury suv ever, the cadillac escalade. summer brings out the best in all of us. hurry in to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac during cadillac's "summer's best" sales event, going on now at your cadillac dealer. ♪ . the nhra drag week is still going on in sonoma. we will have results tonight. the indy cars on the streets of toronto. the race is 85laps long but finished only 21. can't brake ending up deep in the tire wall. no serious injuries for him.
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with 14 laps to go justin wilson had the lead but he was passed by will power. power held onto win for the second straight race and 4th time this year. all four of power's wins have come in street races or on road courses. powers the series point leader. 115 miles, the challenge today in the tour de france overall lead errandy sleck. sleck able to hold off. the stage was won by france. the winner for the first time this year. he remains the overall leader. that's it for this early sports wrap. see you again tonight. >> sound good. thank you. >> tonight at ten a section of eastbound interstate 580 is still closed at this hour after
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a shoot out. no word on when it'll reopen. the latest on the gun battle that caused that gun battle. >> that's the report. >> i'm maureen naylor. for everybody here thank you for joining us. the next newscast is the 10:00 news. until then have a good night.
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