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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  July 17, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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. in oakland where oakland police and bart police teamed up and shot and killed man, a man they say was armed. >> accident in alamo between a car and bike leaves an adult male and 2-year-old girl in the hospital. >> a man with a gun may have helped cause this car to smash into a house early this morning. if may be warm and sunny now but one city is getting ready for rain and the impact of stormwater runoff. what officials encourages residents to do. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now.
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this is ktvu channel 2news at six. >> good evening. i'm heather holmes. >> four different investigations now underway after bart police and oakland police shot and killed a man this morning. it started near the fruitvale bart station when someone called the police to report the man was on east 12th street armed with knives. >> reporter: oakland police haven't identitied the man they shot here on 16th street yet but they say he is hispanic between 30 and 40. past the crime scene tape an unsettling sight. a man shot multiple times by both oakland and bart police officers lies in the street. yellow tags scattered to mark the evidence. oakland police deputy chief
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explained how this started. >> this morning around 8:15 we got a call of a man armed a knife walking toward the bart station. >> reporter: police say two bart officers tried to stop the man who took off running. they chased him up international boulevard and 34th avenue where police joined the chase and tasered him. they say that didn't work and the man kept going onto 16th avenue where he was tased again. >> he is confronted and tased by two different opd officers, both times they can't work. the man then turned toward one of the officers who just tased him, knife in hand, charges the officer. at this point other officers on scene there to protect the officer when the taser discharge their firearms striking the suspect who then falls to the ground and didn't survive his wounds. >> reporter: some neighbors watched the final moments unfold. >> then i saw -- the man
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walking backwards saying shoot me, shoot me, shoot me. the police were -- none of the police say anything. there were just gathered together followed him while he was walking backwards all the way through the streets. then all the sudden i hear a little pop and then right after that i hear pop pop pop pop. >> reporter: police say at least five officers opened fire including both bart police and oakland police. >> more dangerous like right here because people are going to get crazy about it and the bart and oscar grant and stuff. >> i don't want to leave my oakland because this is my city. happen in these things i think i will get out from here. >> reporter: oakland police are taking the lead on this case saying happened on object land streets, not on bart property.
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bart has released a state helicopter calling the loss of life unfortunate and say they will conduct their own investigation in a transparent manner. in the fruitvale district of oakland for ktvu. >> in another statement the mayor said any time there is a loss of life it's a matter of great conner sadness for us all. it's very important that we continue to work together to provide a safe and secure environment. >> police investigating a late night shooting that injured two people. shots rang out just before midnight. police say a car with four people inside had stopped at a nearby alcohol store. the vehicle then pulled over next to two pedestrians and police say that's when an argument started. investigators say one of the pedestrians pulled out a semi automatic hand gun and then fired at the car. a male passenger inside was seriously injured.
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he was taken to the hospital where is he in stable condition tonight. a bullet also grazed the leg of a woman . a bike ride through the streets of alamo led to a terrible crash. two people including a young girl were hurt when the bike they were on was struck by a car. ken pritchett is live at the children's hospital with more on this. >> reporter: right now the details are sparse. the children's hospital here said it can't -- not ready to speak as to the condition of the 2-year-old girl. as one witness said it was a disturbing scene. >> the 2-year-old was brought to the hospital by ambulance followed inside by a woman carrying a bike helmet. the extent of her injuries unclear. the accident happened at about 2:15 in alamo. now only a few marks of paint
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mark this scene but it was a sight this witness will not forget get. >> they were asking me what happened. my little 8-year-old unfortunately had to see. >> reporter: chris depth want to give his last name. he said he saw a bike carrier in which a child would sit underneath a car close to the intersectionn.a do that a man was taken to the hospital in walnut creek. his condition hasn't been released. at the scene of the accident there is a bike lane marked on the street and by road sign but the chp hasn't spoken as to a cause of the accident. >> just sad. a little -- a young one in a bike carrier under a car. >> reporter: we are still waiting for word from the chp on the driver of this car involved in the accident as to cause and as to whether any charges are warranted.
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in oakland ken pritchett. >> we have breaking news to pass your direction. the chp searching for two children inside a stolen pickup truck. they a 1-year-old. he was last seen wearing a red michael jordon t-shirt was red shorts. the others a 6-month-old with brown hair and brown eyes. he was last seen with just a white diaper. the chp doesn't have a suspect description but said it's a black chevy. it was a california license plate with one of the following numbers on it. 8u63092 or it could be 6x24666. nip with information act this vehicle or those two children are asked to call the police.
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>> police investigating a dramatic accident in which a car hit a house. it happened just after two. police say the driver of this white mustang drove at a high rate of speed away to the nightclub where someone threatened him with a gun he said. it crashed into a house. the driver wants hurt and ran from the scene. he was later arrested. police are still search for the man with the gun. the sanitation direct facing a major fine just days after it capped a spill. the california regional water qualities control board issued the fine for 37 overflows in the past three yearsful the district has until august 16th to respond to the fine. it doesn't include monday's spill of 20,000 gallons caused by a broken pipe underneath the creek bed. >> families of those battling life threatening illnesses
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calling on the african american community to register for the marrow registry. it's hosting a drive this weekend at the back expo. people can get tested to see if they are a match with anyone who needs a transplantt. just takes a quick cheek swap to test. organizers african americans account for only 7% of those on the registry. >> please come out and help us save lives. not only my daughter but the more we get the better chances for other kids, ethnics and otherwise to live. >> donor drive continues tomorrow from ten to eight. well a library may not be -- not be an unusual place to have a party -- rather it is an unusual place to have a party but today a resident celebrated inside their brand new 39
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million-dollar library. the library has a large collection of books, it also includes a children's area, teen section, technology center and a bookstore. construction came in six million dollars under budget and was paid for by the city, community organizations and private donations. >> the old library was under sized. it was unsafe and it just wasn't what the community needed. >> the new library is built to last for 60 years and also includes contract shelf space and new books as the collection grows over the next six decades. >> roadside bombs kill at least five nato troops in afghanistan. also evacuations after more than 40 wildfires break out in greece. >> people on the gulf course optimistic as bp is given more time to test the cap that is stopping oil from gushing into the gulf. >> some east bay residents getting ready for rain.
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we will explain. . >> a big range in temperatures today across the bay area. outside right now looking toward the lake we have mostly clear skies over oakland. still hot temperatures for one part of the bay area. changes in the five-day forecast. i will have that coming up.
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. news of the world a string of roadside bombings in afghanistan yesterday and today killed five nato troops including two americans. the deaths come as international forces announce they had foiled a terrorist attack targets an upcoming conference. nato wouldn't give details of the plot. leaders from more than 60 nations are expected to attend.
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in iran tens of thousands of people gathered the city for the funeral procession of 27 people killed in thursday's terrorist attack on a mosque. the bombings also injured 270 others. the insurgent group has claimed responsibility calling the attacks revenge for the execution of its leader. police have arrested 40 people connected to the bombings. in greece several children's camps have been evacuated after a large forest fire expanded southeast of athens. fanned by strong winds as many as 45 fires are racing across the country burning large sections of vegetation. crews battling them from the ground and from the air. so far no injuries have been reported no homes have been damaged. huge forest fires devastated large areas outside of athens
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in 2007. >> now to the gulf where bp is extending its trial run of a cap keeping oil from going into the water. the oil giant was initially given 48 hours to test the latest effort but this afternoon the company was given another day. how the cap is preforming and what bp plans to do next. >> reporter: no signs of a new leak so far as bt tests the cap it placed over its broken well. company officials say pressure readings are slightly higher than friday's levels. a sign the well isn't springing new leaks. >> once again we are looking for if there could possibly be any breaches. >> reporter: on thursday they stopped the gush of oil into the gulf for the first time since the rig exploded in late april before a weekend away from the capitol the president said experts will continue analyzing the date a. >> either we will be able to use it to stop the flow or we will be able to use it to capture almost all of the oil
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until the relief well is done. we aren't going to know for certain which approach makes sense until additional data is in. >> reporter: as bp works to contain the oil and drill relief wells gulf towns are fighting hard to bring in visitors. many fighting the perception of the smell. >> don't eat the seafood. >> reporter: vacationers say they are happy they didn't cancel their plans. >> very surprised. we ate seafood every day and it was great. >> reporter: bp said the deeper of its two relief wells could intercept with the leaking well as early as late july. the plan then, drop heavy drilling mud down to keep the oil and gas from escaping then seal the well head shut permanently once and for all
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with cement. in louisiana. fox news. >> the president had some hard word republicans in his weekly address. he called on congress to pass a bill extending unemployment benefits. >> think say it costs money. after years of championing policy that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit including a tax cut for the wealthiest americans they finally died decided to make their stand on the back of the unemployed. >> reporter: it'll come for a vote on tuesday. the president said republicans have be blocking it for months. democrats could have enough votes to pass it. the west virginia governor has appointed a replacement for senator byrd. >> county da has decided not to file hate crime charges against two teens accused vandalizing a high school. they arrested the 18-year-old
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on suspicious of burglary and vandalism. a 17-year-old was also arrested but his name hasn't been released. authorities say they broke into the high school, stole property and spray painted racist grafitti. police had first called it a hate crime but officials now say the evidence doesn't support that charge. oakland resident dear sir take an active role in man managing the water shed. the city is selling rain barrels at a discounted price. the barrel will collect up to 65 gallons of rain water. the city said stormwater can damage a home's foundation and oakland's structure and water sheds if it comes down to hard or to fast. >> the purpose of the barrels is to detain the water during a storm and then it slowly releases overtime instead of it being released all at once the way it would if it just ran off of your roof and ran onto the driveway and this to the storm
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drains. >> the barrels retail for almost $200 but residents can get theirs for $45 by participating in this program and to find out more about the program be sure to visit our website and click on web links. >> no rain in the immediate forecast but definitely the micro climate in effect. >> that's right. quite a bit of moisture. no rain as you said but the fog kicking in. kyleing off one part of the bay area. inland a completely different story. right now on the maps a live storm tracker two. the current temperature 99 degrees. the closer inspection of the bay area right now concord still at 90, livermore in the upper 80s and closer to the coast san francisco, pacifica, there is that fog bank close by, especially near the shoreline and still that fog bank moving in to the golden gate bridge. it'll push in over the next few hours. live look, the bridge around
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60. few upper 50s coast side and that will keep at least to the coastal spots and the bay side locations and the cool side for tomorrow. inland back up into the 09's again for tomorrow. as far as the temperature spread for today you can see a big range. nearly 38-degree spread from the lower 60s to 99 antioch. san jose 82, the weather story is this, breezy for this evening. another hot day inland for tomorrow. things will cool off for monday. spot forecast for antioch. 65, by 12:00 already in the lower 80s. by four 95 to 96 degrees. high pressure in the inside setting up the one extreme of course we are talking about fog. its been in the one constant over. past couple weeks. still a factor. around the bay clearing but still a bit of a breeze and temperatures inland not a big change from today. thinking around 93 to 96 for the hottest locations. pretty hot for tomorrow afternoon. coastal and bay fog tomorrow morning at 7:00.
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most of the area 53 to 58 degrees. then into the afternoon hours mostly sunny. we could still have patchy fog and there is that big temperature range. we will show it to you. santa rosa in the mid to upper 80's. clear lake and fairfield 92 degrees. look at all the 90s. san jose topping out lower 80s. gilroy 91 and san francisco 65 and still patchy coastal fog into the afternoon hours. half moon bay in the upper 50s. here is a looka health the five- day forecast and there is some relief in sight from the heat monday, tuesday and wednesday. in fact by midweek the warmest locations only in the low to mid80's. pretty much the same into thursday. the heat getting to you it's only one part of the bay area. the fog, natural air conner making a come back eventually. >> thank you. >> sure. >> oakland institution is
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closing its doors they are saying good-bye after nearly eight decades.
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. staple for oakland resident was a swe, t tooth has clothed
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up shop. they sold the rest of their products today. it opened in 1929. the website said the owner's plan to open a new bakery. the details are still being worked out movement real video in berkeley shut its doors for good. the closing was a surprise to employees who say they were working with the community to raise money to keep the store open. real video specialized in older and hard to find films. it was closed because of parent company has filed for bankruptcy. they will open a new store but don't know when or where it might happen. >> joe joins now now. >> the weather making things hard at the british open. the wind not as bad in today's third round of the open. the leader board full of people who aren't among golf's household names. don't tell mark things were better.
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he went from second place to 26 after shooting a 77. you have to give jimenez credit for creative shot of the day at 17. he was against the wall, no room for a back swing and played a richoet off the wall. it could have been worse. he is 12 shots off the lead. tiger fans hoping for big things, not this time. tiger for parr13. he takes bogie on the way for a 73. won't make up the deficit. henrik in the tie for 4th. from the fairway. he counts for the win. puts the approach on the money. the ball wedges between the flag stick and the hole. that's an eagle. didn't think the shot wentn. got happier when he went to the green. the leader, south africa. he had the birdie at 16. first break left and then right. in the hole he has been sub70 three days in a row with a 69
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today. that has him 15 under parr for the tournament. four strokes in front of paul casey in second place. senate a's trying to make a little post all-star game in kansas city. its been about beginnings in their game tonight. the a's struck for three in the first off bruce. finding the gap in center. derek scores, so does curt. he was later driven in by adam. it was still 3-0 in the second but the royals loaded bases off cahill. that is a grand slam for 4-3 lead. the royals got five in the inning. the a's answered back and right now they are in the 8th still tied at five. the giants trying to make it three in a row over the mets and five in a row overall underway in the second and scoreless. we will have that for you tonight at ten and the rest of the sports. >> all right. hope the giants pull it off.
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thank you. >> coming up tonight at ten dozens of disabled people at risk of losing their benefits because of state budget cuts, they stage a rally. plus reaction from state lawmakers. that's tonight at ten. that is the report for now. >> for all of us here, thank you for joining us. the next newscast at ten. good night. >> goodnight.
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