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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  July 16, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST

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good morning i'm jade hernandez, apple iphone four users may soon be getting some help free of charge, we'll explain. in vallejo a string of is the community not putting . out their best effort? president obama is optimistic about the oil gusher
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cap, it's all next at noon. good afternoon i'm john sasaki. steve jobs announced this morning that the company he founded is not perfect because of reception problems with apple's newest iphone, jobs said the company will hold a major give away to fix the issue. jade hernandez is live in cupertino with details. >> reporter: if you own an apple iphone just like this one, apple just announced they'll be giving away a bumper that goes all the way around the phone for free. >> phones aren't perfect, and it's a challenge for the whole industry. and we're all doing the best we can. but every phone has weak spots. >> reporter: what you just heard was a video mocking some
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of iphone's problems. so apple ceo steve jobs knows there is issues out there and at first blamed the media. he was noticeably defensive at the entrance of this conferen, he said he came back from vacation to criticism. jobs spept the first half of the -- jobs spent the first half of the conference speaking of phones that suffer from issues. he -- he admits the bumper does save the phone's problems and he wants to make users happy. >> we're just a bunch of people working to make our customers happy. but we are human and we make mistakes sometimes, and we don't know everything. but we figured out pretty fast and we take care of our
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customers. >> reporter: jobs won't apologize to investors despite a $5 stock drop, he says the bloomberg report about an engineer warning him about the problem is a quote, crock. he also says that the iphone four is less than the gs which is 4%. >> there are people who are having problems with their iphone 4s i apologize to them. and we are going to do our best to make them happy. and if we can't make them happy, we will give them their money back and say, we are sorry we inconvenienced you, and we will try harder to make you happy next time. >> reporter: he says they will be available until september,
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of course for free. jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. hp will move workers about a half hour north to a facility closer to the company headquarters. hp says the move will make the company more efficient because right now only about 60% of the cupertino and palo alto space is occupied. this will make the occupancy rate closer to 90% at the new location. this is going to be tough for cupertino because it is one of the biggest producers. officers found a woman's body at the parking lot of a hotel just after midnight. hotel manager described the woman as white and in her 50s. investigators are now trying to figure out how she died. police are not ruling out the possibility of suicide? authorities in brentwood are looking for three people in
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connection with the shooting of a teenager at a party. three young men drove to a home where about 20 teenagers had gathered for a party. there was some sort of argument outside, and one or two of the young men shot fired toward the house. two teenagers were hit, both were rushed to the hospital. the city of vallejo has been struggling with crime for the last weeks now, but in the last few weeks, the police department says they have seen a surprising crime wave. >> reporter: vallejo is in a dubious distinction, over the past 48 days there's been a shooting victim or evidence of a shooting every day. the latest one happened on main street in vallejo just yesterday about a mile from vallejo's battered police headquarters. two men in a silver sedan sped
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past gate 11. the gunmen's misfires made holes in a stucco wall. a woman was shot in the leg. sean young was shot in the upper torso. someone actually put him in a car and drove young to solano med center. a spokeswoman we spoke so says, she doesn't know how to stop all the violence but she knows where to look. >> we really have to rely on property owners to monitor their own properties. we've requested this property owner in particular step up their security levels. they've been relying on the city of vallejo city services to provide security for their complex. >> reporter: we weren't able to reach the the police department about the 48 shootings in 48 days. the white circle at the bottom of this tree is left over from
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a shooting in the same spot six months ago. on july 5th it was much worse, two people were shot and wounded. vallejo officers were close enough to fire at gunmen but didn't arrest anybody. no word on the condition of the victims. a memorial service is held every year for vallejo born rapper mac dre. there are five squad cars out for the whole city of vallejo, 142,000 people. in better budget day, the number of cars would have been about 11 and 22 officers. so it's clear to see how the budget is affecting the officers and the responses to some violent crimes. reporting live in vallejo, kraig debro. palo alto police say they are increasing patrols. most recent break-in was in the
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1700 block of embarcadero road about two weeks ago. police don't know if all the crimes are connected and are asking for the public's help in finding those burglars. oakland police told ktvu this morning that tips are coming in as a result of photos investigators released from last week's looting following a rally. they show people breaking windows and stealing merchandise. police hope the public will call them and tell them who the people are in the pictures. so far police say they've identified one person, but they have yet to make any arrests. >> you can see all the photos released by opd at, just click on the oakland riot tab. crews in the gulf of mexico say a new containment cap is holding at the top of a broken oil well. there is no obvious oil leaks. that means there are probably no unseen oil breaks either. but the 48 hour testing period continues through midday
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tomorrow. this morning, president obama said we shouldn't celebrate just yet. >> well, i think it's important that we don't get ahead of ourselves here, one of the problems with having this camera down there is that when the oil stops gushing, all of us feel like we're done, and we're not. the new cap is containing the oil right now, but, scientists are doing a number of tests. >> the president also says relief wells still need to be finished to permenantly seal the well. plus there's the enormous task of cleaning up the oil starting monday, it'll be more complicated to use car pool lanes at the golden gate bridge. temperatures in the bay area are rising, we have the details. >> reporter: hundreds of people
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have been waiting in line for free concert tickets, some of them camped out overnight, we'll tell you why, coming up.
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beginning monday car poolers on the golden gate bridge will no longer be
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allowing to pay cash to get the poor fare. to get that discount, drivers must have a transponder and stop at a tool booth to get that discount. for from enforcing the contract that takes place sunday. without a vote by the union's 1,700 members because negotiations hasn't reached an impact. nc transit wants the workers to stay on the job until the court makes a ruling. several services in the city were involved in an
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exercise for a terrorist drill. 200 people responded to a simulated terrorist attack on bart. in essence, the agencies are learning to work together as federal help arrives. >> we would be on our own, we wouldn't get help from the federal government until two or three days. police in walnut creek are preparing for a tense situation tied to next week's shooting in a former bart police officer trial. it is scheduled for monday afternoon, now there's word that supporters of grant's family also plan to attend. some people in walnut creek say they hope there are no problems. >> i am concerned about it, i
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think that this is an issue that the two sides will never ever agree on, i think they both think that justice has not been done. >> rally organizers in support of mehserle are getting the word out on facebook and other websites. they say they want to show support for mehserle, his family and others law enforcement officers. all right, another warm day across the bay area but not quite as warm on the coast. >> reporter: that is correct john, that coast and bay are definitely cooler today. inland areas still in the warm category but they are running two to 5 degrees cooler than at this time yesterday. we had low clouds this morning, they've cleared out, the low clouds and fog. fairfield had southwest wind gusting to 40 miles per hour, it's a little less right now. but there's still a puff of the sea breeze. you can see the fog off to the
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distance. mostly blue skies. cooler coast and bay, it's still warm to hot inland. probably take another day before parts of mendecino county feel the breeze. seasonal temps next week, any little cooler the early part of the week and the latter part of the week looks to be a little warmer. the golf tournament up in tahoe. if you are there right now, you know what i'm talking about. for us we already have the fog in place. cool coast, a little cooler at the base base. temperatures starting to inch downward today, the city 64 topped just too much fog. santa rosa will still go 85 but that's probably closer to the air part than downtown. 70 oakland down six and san
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jose from 89 we'll go to 76 today. san jose is close to 80 at 79. it's smoking hot down in palm springs, 111 there. southern california 86, sacramento 90. so they are looking near 100 degrees. that tropical moisture is coming right up the southwest. for us this system up will start to come down and inch the door open for the fog to lift a little bit and continue it's push inland over the next couple of days. sunny inland, either cool to mild or warm to hot. there's a little bit of a breeze, but some locations will be in the upper 90s to low 90s. and most of us regroups, getting a little thicker. >> it hasn't been consistently summer here. >> no it hasn't, we've had a very cool summer. cool spring and summer. we get a little heat then it cools down for two weeks. >> of course down east -- >> they are getting the heat.
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there was a shake up in our nation's capital early this morning but it had nothing to do with politics. a small earthquake hit washington, d.c. it measured a 6.3 magnitude but felt as far as way as pennsylvania. there are no reports of injuries or damage. rescuers in new jersey are trying to get right now to a person trapped in a collapsed parking garage. part of the three story garage gave way after a glass canopy fell on to it. rescuers say they can see the victim but cannot reach them because of fears that more of the building will collapse. there are also fears that two or three other people may be trapped. business is looking up for a san francisco restaurant, and there's news you may want to
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hear before you buy your next pallet at the supermarket.
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it has been a rough day on wall street. the dow jones industrial are down 255 amidst reports that consumer has dropped. bank of america, their stocks dropped 8.6%. the san francisco business
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times reports the san francisco restaurant business is up 6%. the paper reports planned restaurants represent tens of millions of dollars in construction cost and hundreds of new san francisco jobs. fresh express is warning about packages of romaine lit lettuce that may be contaminated with e.coli. if you still have one of those you should throw it away. so far there are no reports of anyone getting sick from that lettuce. you can find more on the recall on our website just click on web links. hundreds of people are lined up right now at oakland's paramount theater where event organizers have just begun handing out tickets for grammy winner gospel singer walter
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hawkins. singing such hits as oh happy day. tara moyarti has our report. >> reporter: it didn't matter that they had been waiting in lines for hours. some had even camped out overnight. >> that was my bed right there. >> nothing could dampen the spirits of thousands of people vying for free concert tickets to honor bishop walter hawkins. the grammy award winning singer died sunday after a two year battle with pancreatic cancer. >> we just want to show his our gratitude and just thank d for the time we had for them. >> after i heard he passed away, i got like 100 songs that he has written. he just gets me, you only get talent like him every so often in the world. >> reporter: hawkins was born in oakland. he founded the love center
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church in oak land. l and. as you can see he has a lot of followers. his death comes on the heels of looting in a city still reeling from oscar grant's killing and what some see as an unjust killing. >> we've done much being angry, being mad and walking with our heads hung down. >> it just makes you want to dance. >> reporter: joseph max says he grew up with hawkins music. >> when you're in a bad mood, or something is going wrong, he lifts your spirit. >> reporter: around 700 to 1,000 tickets will be handed out, and these die-hard fans say they can't wait to sing and
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clap away. tara moyarti. jerry brown is suing the federal government for blocking a program that provides energy efficiency for homes. but government financiers fannie mae and freddie mac say they will not longer accept liens because they have risk of default. developers are worried new air quality guidelines can delay or stop affordable housing projects. developers are concerned about new requirements to conduct produce control studies for projects near freeways or refineries and other high pollution sources. that new rule would apply to most transit oriented development in the interbay area. the young museum is opening their doors and inviting the public in. the d young is one of six
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museums offering free admission for part of the weekend. it's part of the free family event. coming up on ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00, while many bay area cities are seeing more empty store fronts, san jose is welcoming a new ross store. and that is our report, i'm john sasaki for tory campbell and everybody here at ktvu thank you for joining us. our next report is at 5:00. have yourselves a great day.
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