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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  May 16, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting to keep her job after a date is set for her recall election. governor gavin newsom, meanwhile, is at the vatican right now to discuss climate change. we're live with details there and conquer. police are looking for the suspects who rammed a car into 2 local businesses in the same night. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> and thanks for waking up with us on thursday. i'm sorry, and i'm james. it's great for some to start this day. but the sun is also picking out to a number really so far so good. i would say, i think 3 been a little ahead of
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the game. especially sfo. your real ahead of the game. you didn't see much of that fog at all. >> golden gate bridge. pretty fogged in. and this you you could see a momant ago. can't see it anymore. mount tam now shrouded out in that gray. that's because this blanket of cloud cover is lifting and in the process of burning off, we still do have a few visibility issues near the coastline itself. watch for some misty spots out that way. more than anything you noticed an increase seabreeze. it is roar. and this morning through the car, king is in the delta and you are seeing it as well. later on today through san mateo pacifica, san francisco. this has a moderating effect on our temperatures in are going to keep temperatures a little cooler than yesterday. 50's to 60's for your current temps right now, south bay and inland east bay. some of our warmest, although 50's in petaluma and santa rosa, sign of some of that low grade that you have later on today. you've got 70's to low 80's little cooler than yesterday. not a huge change, though, talking more of these changes
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as we go, all right, tom, thank you for that. we'll see in a little subtle improvement across our bridges. in the 9 o'clock hour. and we're up to about. >> 27 on the bay bridge. now at 14. so you're making good title. we don't have any accidents on any over bridges. 23, but right on the san mateo bridge where a little congested along 101 things are starting to improve. 12 minutes richmond center fell bridge in golden gate bridge just short of 30. let's take a look at 101 of the south bay really quickly. 65 minutes. still fairly slow too much better options. darya. james, d new this morning, governor newsom is in italy is at the vatican talking with world leaders about climate change. yeah, we've got crawford's michael thomas in the newsroom. keeping an eye on. >> his movements. good morning, michael. hey, good morning, everyone. governor guest gavin newsom. excuse me. he arrived there at the vatican during the early morning hours. i what about 4 o'clock am our time. >> he discussed the climate change and what california is doing to fight it. it also gave him an opportunity to speak with world leaders and really showcase his work as g% governor, which could play a
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role in his political future. should he decide to run for higher office? this three-day summit is all about bending the curve and bouncing forward to climate resilience. governor newsom spoke to a delegation of about 100 people. >> including the mayor of paris and the governor of new york all calling for urgent climate action calling this climate crisis. what it is the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. newsom called the climate crisis a clear and present danger causing severe droughts, intense storms and historic wildfires have been seen across california when it came to calling out the fossil fuel industry. the governor didn't hold back is because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil. and with respect and forgive me if this comes off a little too harsh, it's been said and repeat it. the polluted heart. of the climate crisis. are these fossil fuel companies? oil companies have long pushed back against newsom's allegations arguing his administration has
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unfairly targeted them during his time in politics. and as for pope francis, he was an influential figure among american catholics and a leader in the fight against global warming. well, he spoke to the delegation privately in a message that focused on taking care of the poor and the planet. tomorrow. governor newsom is expected to travel to the city of to launch a new climate partnership with the italian region of emilia romagna. as we get more information regarding the governor's visit overseas will continue to keep you updated. that's very latest from the newsroom. i'm michael thomas story. and james, we'll send it back to you. thank you, michael. >> well, another big story that we're following this morning. pro-palestine protesters take over an abandoned building down near uc berkeley. and the new protests said and ahead boarded up building next to people's park. kron 4 sarah stinson has more. >> a group of pro-palestine protesters broke into head complex. take a look. you can see on the sidewalk here. it says free palestine. this is a boarded up building.
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university officials say they are aware of the vandalism that is happening at this quote, unsafe, boarded up fire, damaged building. it's a block away from people's park in 2 blocks from campus. palestine. protesters taking over berkeley's and ahead complex wednesday afternoon. resisting with palestinians was the bravest strongest demonstrators refused to do an interview with kron 4 but did announce a list of 4 demands live. >> from people car how all right. the painting caught happen. >> protesters set up tents, hung a palestinian flags and even spray painted the sidewalks in parts of the building. it's unclear if
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these are cal students or even berkeley residents. this protest does fall on the 55th anniversary of people's park which is being turned into new housing for students and low-income residents. it's been closed and blocked off since january, which has since sparked many protests. nicholas alexander says he was there the first day. the park closed, but he became visibly upset at the presence of these protesters. it seems like they're just here do. >> i to get attention, frankly, because i don't know. i haven't seen them before. you know, why were you here on january 4th, when i was chased by swat while a cal alumni walking by says he sees no problem with people protesting on vacant land. like why shouldn't they be able to take that space? it's out of the way and it's not causing traffic or anything like that. >> they should be able you know, protest here. police have been seen around here taking pictures monitoring the situation, but no one has been removed, nor arrested says definitely a fluid situation. check kron 4 dot com.
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>> for the latest, i'm sara stinson reporting berkeley. back to you. >> well, to the north and the north bay, we update now at sonoma state where the president is now on administrative leave after coming to an agreement with pro palestinian demonstrators on that campus. but he did it without getting permission from the university. first in a letter sent out tuesday, the president mike lee said listen to protesters demands and that, quote, none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction and quote, then he went on to announce that sonoma state would look at divesting from israel and would end an exchange program with that country. protestors applauded the announcement, but the university's leadership was not happy about it. state senator scott wiener also weighed in. >> what i saw the announcement from the president of sonoma state. my jaw drops absolutely unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to basically blocks list israeli
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academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any kind of student exchange between sonoma, state universities in this route. >> well, lee released a new statement now backtracking on his decision saying, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one of the student groups, i marginalized other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm that this has caused and i take full ownership of it. he went on to say that the initial letter was sent without the approval of the university system's chancellor or board leaders. fact that she has csu chancellor did come out with his own statement in which they said, quote, the heart of the mission heart and mission of csu is to create an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone. >> in the east bay to businesses in concord are rammed by a car with stolen plates on the same night. and in both cases, the thieves left without taking anything.
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both break-ins happened monday night. first here at micro measurements and pacific in students. this business is on pike lane and the company makes data systems for nasa and the u.s. military. and look at the surveillance video shows the thieves. they slammed the car into a roll-up door. look around inside and then they leave empty-handed. then a couple minutes after that, a couple miles away on salon away. you see this white car slammed into the front of a jazz de enganeering. they back into their roll-up door. there's another high-tech business and again, after they go and they come out with nothing. >> decided to trash their car my door and right away. i suspect they're looking for a marijuana grow house. luckily the only thing that saved them from completely demolishing through our building was are. >> recently purchased forklift. >> it also has doubled as the new way to open and close the door. oh, my gosh. >> so the forklift got in the way. they're lucky about that. they think that they are offering a $500 reward.
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>> for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the crew that broke in to their business. teachers across the bay area are rallying for better conditions. teachers at fairfield sassoon unified plan to rally this morning at the district office to bring attention to contract negotiations. that's going to happen after class. let out. so should an affect the kids in school. they say that they want to attract and retain highly qualified educators with a salary that keeps up with the cost of living. and they say there's been little progress so far with negotiating a new contract with the school district with the negotiations. do continue. meantime, teachers with contra costa county schools, education association are hosting a rally at the office of education. and this is video from a rally that was held a few years back. this is happening as their bargaining team is sitting down with the county trying to push for hiked wages and what they want is proper intake procedures for students. the group says that they may strike in the fall if they don't reach a new
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deal. >> well, oakland's new baseball team, the ballers want the bleacher seats that the raiders used to have to coliseum. those seats been collecting dust out in the parking lot for a while now since the raiders move to las vegas. so the ballers made an official request to buy those they want them installed in their new field. that raimondi park opening day. by the way, for the ballers is june 4th. we'll take a break. 9.10, the time. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. san francisco's only black woman owned and of the shop. >> is a risk of closing and now the owner is asking for the community's help. and a hungry thief leads. police on a chase will tell you what this woman stole satisfy that craving. and the state utility commission voted to add a flat rate fee on your electricity bills. but now state lawmakers are pushing back. >> and today looking like a another nice one, not as warm as yesterday for some of us, but for san jose. you're holding on to those 80's 60's for open in san francisco. i've got your forecast. well,
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we are seeing some improvement out. there are still a little sluggish on. some of our highways are staying on top of those drive
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>> 9.13, is the time right now. and before you head out the door or on the water, let's check in with doesn't out a little of the winds calm down enough for the water out there >> it's still going to be a little stormy. look at out. there's through the golden gate that wind just pushing right through and it is going to be a windy one for a lot of spots. but it's that cool ocean breeze. that's could be keeping temperatures down a little bit, which is a plus. take a look at this. that fog, the lower marine layer is lifting process of burning off
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and you're getting more and more sunshine now. so the process is happening. you are definitely seeing more cloud cover and general further north in the bay and clear skies further south highs not going anywhere to the west of us, but it's also not sitting right above us. this means no chance of rainfall, but we're not necessarily in for any sort of warm-up. in fact, much of the west coast is going to be cooler than average over the next 7 to 10 days. in fact, 6 to 10 day outlook is looking cooler than average all across the state. now we do have some misty drizzly conditions at the coast today. maybe not your best coastal day, especially at those winds. look at that wind just pushing right into the delta solano county and for biggest cooldown as compared to yesterday, while san francisco doesn't see much of a change just remain a little fog year at the coastline. daytime highs along the bay shore will be solidly in the 60's to 70's and still a lot of 80's on the map, most particularly in the south bay with san jose at 83 degrees. pleasanton livermore.
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you're barely hanging on to the low 80's. well opened up to richmond to back down in the 60's and for a vacaville are biggest drop down from 89 to 80 degrees for your high today. looking ahead, what we have out there the next 7 days is a generally cooler forecast as you can see, it's pretty much 70's all the way through unless you're at the coastline right now. all right, john, thank you for that snapshot. other bay area highways and what we do have just a little congestion out there. >> along our highways and bridges, not seen any major hot spots. but again, factor that in. if you are, can read it. the roads might be a little slow this morning. 14 minutes into the city right now. our san mateo bridge just short of 20, 80 to 101. we're up to 30 at the peak of the morning. still over now or a long 1, 0, 1, 85 to menlo park to 80 82 might be better options. now. so as start to see just a little improvement telia down to 37, 50 minute ride and 80. you don't start to build until you hit richmond about 24 minutes. crockett down towards the mays. barry james, back to you. thanks a lot. time to
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talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black morning. rob, how are the markets doing? all-time highs. that's how we're doing. highlands p 500 and the nasdaq and the dow jones industrial average. >> dow hit 40,000 today. remember, get in a fight with the news record crowd 15 years ago. you want to do down 20 i'm not impressive. big numbers were at all-time highs, daria. so you should be doing well with your retirement savings in your 401 k the economy. it looks like have a soft landing. inflation tempered a little bit this month, which basically means we 3 months of a half breed and then a little bit of a cooling off wall street seems to be liking that will mark out with great numbers. but they're they're appealing to a higher income shoppers as the economy is struggling right now on the retail level of note, you know, i an interesting read on consumer. >> well, okay. how about speaking of consumers? how about if you're buying a car these days? because i want to i think the prices have gone through the roof, but is it a
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good market, a bad market for cars? >> it's the higher interest rates of affected a lot of industries like mortgages, but also the car industry. you able to get financing as low as 2 to 3% on a new car. now it's at 7.1%. but you are getting cash back and i call it your cash and discounts. there's deals at this point in time. but the average car payment is up to $738. and since most people turn in a car that still they owe money on because they're getting 7 or 8 your loans and they driving for about 5 years. the tournament upside down those numbers are about $900 for a new car if you're folding debt in the new debt used car prices are about 5.32. so. it's expensive. knew wheels on with, you know, thank you to a new car that i know we we same thing, right? you wait one or 2 years old and then you. >> and then you pick it up. yeah, my house is like a bird sanctuary to take.
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>> okay. i would call it reasonable. but that's okay. her okay. speaking of was unreasonable as weddings. prices have gotten a hand. i didn't realize i thought like we're hitting winning season, but you say actually there's one particular date. that is the date for weddings. it's. >> the most common. >> yeah. this year to september. 21. that's the most weddings are planned for that date this year. we just started wedding season for richer or feel like it's going to be a lot for the average wedding. this year's about $35,000 last year, 2 years ago was about 2 years ago, about 30,000. see could see price creep going on there. just like price peep is going on with inflation everywhere. 56% of couples are putting heart or most of the wedding on credit card. 31% regret financing that regret how much they spend their way s. >> yes, they you know what? they're not going to regret the i do. they're going to regret that being in debt now
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as a young couple for how long? >> exactly. and has our news this morning. $1000 less wedding has a better chance of surviving the $20,000 wedding. >> we she a feeling it. that's really interest. why do you think that is? i like that is saying a cheaper wedding has better you. they looked at success rate and they say it's better than an expensive one. >> yeah, i think it's stress and start out with financial and maybe, you not being able to find common ground. my second wedding was it was me my wife and my stick. >> i know a lake tahoe with a photographer photographer was the biggest expense that is show and my friend is getting may 24th and she its covid couple. so talk about we'll talk a minute about how couples meet right covid couple and now they're getting married. they're doing it themselves or keep cheap, inexpensive and basic in like
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limiting the people. and i just it's just sounds wonderful to me. you know, like when you things are about. >> fast fashion is jumping in on it. so abercrombie and fitch has a wedding section where you can get dresses from 80 to $150. shine has a wedding dress for $200. and that's online fast fashion for $2000, the average dress. so yeah, for the day forever. don't pay for the day from yet right? pushy can only wear that dress wants you can't. >> the second wedding like you. you said you got bigger twice. sure. i where my last wedding dress. that's bad. omen. talk about meeting then. so there's like the way ways that the kids meet these days. but older people is are you talking about like silver singles or something? >> i'm not quite >> dating apps are just seen your users who are younger generation z. >> just isn't all that interesting interested in it. generation z you're talking 18 to 29 year-olds. they only
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account for 26% of app. tinder's matches. no fumble. you know the whole, ok, cupid kind of where 61% or 30 to 40 nights. that's the millennials are still using the dating apps, but they do not use it just dropped. who passively, you know, from about 14 million users too. i just about 12, me in just a couple of years. 4 out of 5 college grads won't use dating just it's it's now the old says i like to refer to it. no. here's the thing. you know what they're using. >> linkedin, which isn't even a dating up. but they like it cause, you know, it shows the person's legit. they have business contacts. you are who we are are kind of thing. >> ladies have slid into my direct helena. >> that's a problem. does not dating a pin drop. your mary will be like when that why you approaching the a mauling dan. but that's exactly it instagram has a play where you meet someone, likes them, then you slide in there dm. so there's. >> they're finding ways of doing it in google's died
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doing a thing where you can to posts. and, you know, visually look at someone similar to tender. but without the tender they are saying dating apps will start like match dot com to start doing things like you can find me jean players or hiking dating apps have to survive and have to is they're they're struggling. >> i don't know how to plug my grandma played mahjong. all right. thank you, rob. i think and if you'd like to talk to rob, you can e-mail him, reach him on x or facebook.
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>> and we're back at 9.25. for your money. this morning. the california public utilities
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commission has recently approved a plan to impose a new flat fee on utility bills for many californians. but now there's a new effort going through the state legislature to produce the feet in the coming years. sooif signed assembly bill 1999, would prevent any new fee from increasing. any new fee increase from exceeding the rate of inflation. and it would also prohibit the cpsc from imposing a fixed charge greater than $10 per month after the summer of 2028, which is far lower than the monthly fixed charge of $24.15 of the cpc just proved last week for most customers as part of that plan, the utility agreed to reduce its prices by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour in a move that supporters say will save californians money eventually. but the cpc's plan may be short-lived because the assembly, utilities energy committee voted wednesday afternoon, 9 to nothing to advance the new proposal to limit the fixed charge. utility companies have long said they need to oppose a fix charge to help pay for grid maintenance and the state's
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transition to green tech assembly bill 1999. will go before the assembly appropriations committee this coming week. in the south bay, san jose garbage and recycling rates are on the rise once again. city is naw proposing a 4% rate increase a month for single-family service and 2% for multi service family service. spokesperson for the san jose environmental services department says the rate increases are due to rising costs to cover the cost of living adjustments and operational fees. the department says it raises rates or did so last july after reviewing cost and revenue, the city council member and executives for different organizations within the city say that although the price hike is modest, it will still impact residents who are frightening facing financial challenges, a public hearing and a vote on the matter will be held on june 4th. >> it's 9.27, coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting to keep her job will
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have the latest on the recall. >> is speaking out fighting walgreens is joining in the fight against opioid
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>> know, up into that 10, 20,000 feet. >> 9.29. right now we're talking about getting out and enjoying the bexar org at the airport. that's tough to do. you can mountain biking motorcycle ride will stop once the sun comes out. you've got china, the weather center with our forecast, a job, it so shrouded out there. right now. we're seeing that fog or add julie lifting, but it is definitely taking its time in doing so this morning. >> and for spots like san
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francisco, you're kind of sitting at this is up from sutro tower. can see a very sliver bit of francisco there at the bottom. it's been misty and drizzly at the coastline. now, elsewhere in the basin shines out and temperatures will start to warm. we do have a pretty strong sea breeze today, though, especially for the delta, the carquinez and at the coastline later on today here at 02:45pm. look at san mateo, pretty blustery out there. this will help to keep temperatures a little cooler than yesterday. pittsburgh, redwood city, san mateo in the low 60's right now. berkeley oakland, up to santa rosa. all in the 50's later on today. it's going to be a mix of 70's to 80's for most of us, michelle at the coast where it stays pretty close to the 50's and low 60's right now. all right, john, thank you for that. making a lot of progress out there on our highways and bridges right now. >> the 15 minute ride into the city. no accidents or has urged to slow you down right now at the peak of the morning. a 30 minute ride across the san mateo bridge. now we're at 19. so you're definitely making a little progress. 8 minutes on the
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ridge is over denver, 14 minutes holding a bridge around. 21. so, you know, the north bay along one along with seen improvement there. so a little congested along 80 as you're traveling through berkeley 80 down here in hayward, things are a little slow, but 2.81, 0, 1, along the peninsula making a little progress starring james, back to you. thanks a lot of time. 31 in alameda county district attorney pamela price finds herself on the campaign trail now just 16 months after she took off and now she has to convince voters not to recall her in november with proper tiffany justice with the story. >> we are ready to tell people the truth. wednesday district attorney pamela price and supporters would protect the wind for public safety gathering in oakland defending her time as district attorney 2 weeks ago. the alameda county board of supervisors certify the signatures required for recall tuesday evening. they voted that recall will be part of the general election in november. the recall effort coming from a committee called save alameda for everyone da prize
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addressing what she believes has been misinformation disseminated about her. we will tell the truth and we will counteract the lies and the misinformation campaign. >> that has been amplified by certain folks in the media and certain people. there's been a whole lot of misinformation. price says she will continue to do her job as district attorney while campaigning saying that the people in 2023 took to the polls vote her in. >> it was the first time in 45 years since there was a contested election. >> the people of alameda county went to the polls to elect a district attorney for the first time since 9, the mid 1970's in over 45 years. we have not had a contested election. i'm the first non appointed non anointed district attorney in this county in 100 and so the people exercise their democratic right to elect a district attorney and we won
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that election has ms gifts fair and square with 53% of the vote. >> behind a price, a group of supporters and volunteers he raised parents they're just hating on for no apparent reason she's doing her job. alameda county says combining the recall election with the general election will cost 4 million dollars as opposed to between 15 20 million dollars. it would cost to hold a special election. the decision to go by the 2 was supported by prize price, reiterating that the alameda county registrar of voters did not follow the charter, saying the recall process was in legal reporting. tiffany justice kron, 4 news. well in the north bay, a disturbing find inside of a home in rio vista has left a retirement community shaken and disturbed. >> and elderly woman's body discovered by police and they think the killers are own son. so earlier this week officers went to this home on birch ridge drive, which is in the trilogy, retirement community.
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they say concern neighbors called them. they hadn't seen a local woman for several days. so they asked for officers to go out, do a welfare check, which police did when they arrive, though they were met at the door by her. 57 year-old son identified as jeffrey 8. nick, now things they say quick see quickly escalated when a refused to let police speak to or check on the woman. eventually detained him made their way inside. and that's when police say they made grim discovery. >> in my experience as a veteran law enforcement officer, normal people do not kill their mothers. it's a very violent crime. it's one of the, you know, still one of the worst murders you can do the killing of of a parent or a child. >> yeah. the megan's law website also confirms that 8 nick is a convicted offender. the full circumstances surrounding the woman's death. the motive, the method, all that's currently being
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investigated now by detectives with the sullivan county sheriff's office. >> the union representing about 48,000 academic workers in the uc system votes to give the executive board the ability to strike at any time because they believe the university of california mishandled a pro-palestinian demonstrations on campuses. specifically this one, which was at ucla where counter protesters attacked a pro-palestinian encampment for several hours without police intervention. the vote does noe guarantee a strike. 8 of the uc campuses still of the month of instruction left before the summer break. bay's planning commission approves new housing for low-income senior farm workers. this after governor newson threatened legal action over a delay in approving the plans. the 40 unit affordable housing project will move forward. now, one year after the deadliest shooting in the county's history when the governor met with survivors, he toured found to be
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deplorable. living conditions for the farm workers there. he has budgeted millions in funding and resources to ensure those workers receive support from the state. >> san francisco's first and only black woman on cannabis shop in the hunters point neighborhood is now at risk of closing. the shop's owner is trying to raise enough money so that she can stay open. kron four's dan thorn went to the dispensary. >> hunters point is just weeks away from possibly losing its only dispensary. posh green cannabis boutique needs around $200,000 to keep the dream alive. i want remain here so we can have black woman owned business in this community as we shop owner respect says she's endured several hardships like crime and the covid-19 pandemic to keep her in a business afloat. >> benton now faces another obstacle as landlord wants to sell the space when her lease is up on may 31st. we turn this into a community. and so
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why should we be shut out? >> after we stick to a storm and then helped their businesses here. benton says she understands it's difficult for small businesses everywhere. >> but even more so for cannabis shops that are still illegal in the eyes of the federal government. benton was born and raised in san francisco and says her boutique has become something positive in the neighborhood. nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here. >> the crime, you know, and i took a chance on this neighborhood and now we have drivers waiting. we have police. they way. we have people that don't even come in here. san paolo benton says it makes her uncomfortable having to ask for money to keep things going. >> but the fight is worth it. and i think we're going to make it. you know, we were nowhere to be that near that amount. you know, anything helps. and, you know, it's going to stay open in san francisco. dan thorn kron, 4
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>> well, los altos police department now warning people about an uptick in burglaries at home construction sites and unoccupied homes that are for sale. so police say thieves are stealing appliances, staged in these homes or ones that have been delivered to construction sites that are sitting outside and that these crimes tend to happen at night or early in the morning. so they're urging people not to lock your doors and windows. set your home alarm or utilize whatever security device you have to protect this equipment. in san pablo, oakland woman has been arrested now for allegedly stealing a taco truck with the police responding to calls about this talk of trump being stolen within an hour. they tracked it to the other side of town. the woman was found inside rummaging through things. she had an apron on. she confessed to police apparently that she stole it because she was hungry. that talk of truck that was returned to its owner. >> time now is 9.39. and we ongoing drug crisis throughout the country and here in the bay area. walgreens is now offering a cheaper version of
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narcan. and you get right over the counter you can kron four's will tran on the story for us at a walgreens in walnut creek will. >> you can save money and you can save a life. walgreens is getting into the fight against drug overdose in america right now, according to the centers for disease 107,000 people every year died from drug overdose. many of them because of opioid. now walgreens. at the end of the month, they plan to roll out their own brand and generic brand. now the newark and brand has been available for about a year now. it's about $45 and it's over the counter at that time. it was considered a breakthrough. another breakthrough. now walgreens plans to do the same thing at $35. it will not require a prescription meaning you don't have to go to the pharmacist. a lot of people were concerned about that because of the stigma. all you have to do get
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it online or you can go to a walgreens store, go to what they will say is a pain sure. a lot of those sections obviously involve some kind of pain because you're going to walgreens. but they say it will be in the pain aisle and then from there you can get it for $35.10. dollars cheaper. and it does work generic or the narcan brand because they say it can help people breathe again. whenever they overdose. back to you. >> thanks a lot. we'll 9.40 right now. and the san francisco police department is planning honor families today impacted by homicides. they're going to have in march this afternoon to pay tribute to the lives lost and the families that remain of the march begins at 3 o'clock on laguna street at the park there. and then they will head to the city hall with the police chief district attorneys and other officials will give some speeches. >> take a look at this. this is the new terminal that
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you're going to able to use soon at sfo is the new harvey milk terminal. it will be done by mid-june and you'll see new shops. their restaurants are displays. and of course, all of the latest security and check-in staff and where you can weigh charge of phone and just way nicer. what's in the past? so all the new gizmos will be there for alaska and delta particular because they're going to move their operations into that new terminal later this year. the project cost about 2.5 billion dollars, but the airport says it's worth worth the price. >> if we really invest heavily in the features, the amenities, the experience inside the terminal. we get that back in the form of people are spending more money in the terminal there, shopping and dining more. they're spending more time enjoying their stay in the terminals. >> the new harvey milk terminal is set to open to the public with a ribbon cutting ceremony on june 11. >> all right. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news and iconic los gatos night club is closing its doors. we'll tell you how the community feels
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about that. >> and today is definitely going to be a little cooler than yesterday for some spots. although san jose, you're hanging on to
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>> i-44 is the time a popular santa cruz brewery coming to pier 39 in san francisco. take a look here. the humble see brewing company put this coming soon. banner over a boarded-up storefront at the pier. no word on exactly when it's going to open. but if you want to sample their beer, you can. they've got a couple other locations. one analogy to the other in pacifica and soon at pier. 39 trying to get the humble. see. is there something i don't get posed to
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humbles scene when they open up. we'll have to go there and ask, okay, yeah. >> uc berkeley is hosting a naming contest has just pondering that name. you can suggest names for the 4 baby falcons. they were just hatched at the neil tower at cow and the caliph group of scientists. they're looking for your input. they've got 2 females and 2 male chicks that we've been watching in u.s. is this a live chat is a live shot. i have to talk like this. it's like a golf match. yeah. they don't want to disturb them. they're resting cleaning so annie and and archie are the ones that their their parents, a nanny has now had. 22 chicks. well, that's a lot of kids. the contests, as you can suggest, a name on the social media platform until sunday at noon. then they're going to announce the top suggestions on monday and then the winning names will come later next week. now, as you pondering the names, for these you also might want to
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incorporate like somehow you could uc berkeley ish theme in the past that that's how they've done it. so keep that mind making like a little or like monica, will you have to make a play on somehow? i don't know. what do you what what's it? >> name that's historically associated with the versa. 2, maybe professor married or something like to world. again, i'm going more obvious little cali, little sproul cali. that little sproul. sure. that's alright, let's get over to the weather center. john, good in that built our their sofi, which they had like a little you could see him because i have been up in the tower and know you just they talk about them, but that's but yeah, this is your view down at the birds down at the rest of us right here. looking nice and clear skies have cleared out a lot for the east bay hills at this point. >> as that cloud cover begins to lift, burned off more and more. we are still seeing it very present across the north bay. santa rosa still kind of chilly. well as phone down to san jose's. nice and sunny,
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high pressure ridge going to block out of the storm systems from dropping in our direction. but it's not built up immediately overhead. so that means we're dry. we're also cooler than average. take a look at this. the entire western half of the united states projected to be cooler than average for the course of next week. that includes the entirety of california and notably the bay area. so expect this school year trend of weather, which is mostly in the 70's from this point moving forward to really continue very steadily through next week at the coastline. some misty spots here and there after sunshine today. we do get right back to the fog tomorrow. kind of business as usual for the coast. just no major heat spikes in this forecast which hey, is all right. i think with most of us looking at temperatures cooler at the coast, but comfortable elsewhere. 70's to low 80's that are very warm us today. mountain view at 79 san jose. 83 degrees for your high east bay temperatures mostly 70's, even for concord, dropping back down into the upper 70's while oakland in richmond
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dropping back into the 60's vacaville, big drop for you from 89 to 80 degrees today. let's get you a look ahead to tomorrow's temperatures. even cooler on average for inland areas. we stay in the 70's for inland averages through the weekend into next week, right? all right, john, thank you for yesterday we had some major congestion along 24 looking at today and you're making some great time. a 13 minute ride. >> traveling from on a creek all the way down to 5.80. a bridge still have cars and traffic building up the toll plaza 40 minute drive. no accidents. add to that. how a force down from 40 minutes to 16, almost at the limit. there's still a slight delay just past pittsburgh, 60 minutes, antioch, into to 42, a crockett down towards the maze along 80 about 21 minutes. you slow down just as soon as you hit in richmond and one on the south bay. 15 minutes is down from 60 82 2.80, definitely look a little better. so if you want to hop on those highways said to be
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no one to one right now might be a good idea or a james. back to you. >> well, thank you, brandon knight. 49 is the time in the family of angelo quinto reached a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. keto was a filipino american veteran who died. bikes. fix you after police knelt on his neck back in 2020, his family says he was having a mental health crisis. that's why they called police for help. as part of the settlement approved by the city council tuesday night, the family will be awarded 7 and a half million dollars. civil rights attorney john burris says this case has the potential now to save the lives of others like him to. >> given the new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around that we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when different form interaction, intrusive form, a less aggressive form i could could have resolved it differently. >> the mayor of antioch was also there as well. he says,
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while it is unusual for a city official to take part in a settlement announcement, he wanted begin that process of change. >> time now is 9.50 and it is the last call for a south bay business at the center of the last gatos night scene. >> for 50 years, charlie's bar and nightclub has been a favorite for fans and its last day. it's closing june 2nd. the club has dancing performances, all kinds of theme nights like last night they had trivia night. they first opened as mount charlie's in 1972 and they've been at it ever since. although it's changed hands multiple times over these decades. customers say charlie's has been a second home. start a stranger's. we turn to friends and then we turn to family. i guess we're just going to have to. would be a family somewhere else. but it's it's it's kind of sad we're so familiar with these doors these walls, we have a great collection of people to
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meet people. it's very interactive, very friendly. and now we're wondering, where do we go from here we do it. >> cheers shoes everybody knows your name and has that vibe >> anyway, the last day is because the owners sold the business so they can have big closing party. if you want to get in on that saturday. june first, they're calling it. >> one last >> all right, 9.51 is the time. let's head over to oakland now where that city has a big milestone to celebrate the oakland unified school district now has become the first in the county to have 100% electric fleet of buses. yesterday was the first day they were put into use. the manufacturer says that all 74 of the school buses will be providing energy to the city when they're not in use to. so that's pretty cool. they also say to help reduce emissions throughout the community. >> talk a lot about equity in oakland. equities is the center of what we do in the school district. the families
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of oakland are disproportionately disadvantaged in affected by high rates of asthma and exposure to air pollution from diesel fuels. so by electrifying and having this vision. we're not worrying about students being sick. we're not worrying about emissions. >> well, the company behind the buses, zoom says it plans to tackle the san francisco and los angeles school districts next. the contra costa county fair starts today out of the fairgrounds in antioch. it's going to be running until may 19th. they've got a lot of fun things to do. obviously of the rides. they also have a sports zone, a carnival. they also have the livestock pavilion as well. tickets for the fair are available online starting today. so take the kids out there. if you want, the weather should be fantastic. so you got that going for you, too. 9.53. that i'm coming up in the next hour. the kron 4 morning news. we're honoring api heritage this month on kron 4 in this morning. we're kron 4 in this morning. we're going to meet one-on-one wit
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing.
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girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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>> 9.55 right now and >> triple a says of booking your trips during the week could make for a happier getaway. so don't wait till the weekend. you don't put your work all week. here's they say they'll it leaves midweek. so just make sure you get time off from work that way you avoid the crowds. plus, it's more budget friendly midweek. travel means you save on the fair for the plane. you traffic at the airport. and if you're driving, is easier to drive hotels often give you an upgrade if you're there during the week. not so on the weekend. early check-in, time stuff like that. they say midweek visits to
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entertainment spots can also be cheaper. we're showing business. but but middle, even disney has like a we call a flex whatever it it midweek as maids for they say a smooth transition to and i don't. what? >> it's just you work in a weekend. james cause you don't want to take those days off from i like about traveling midweek. but you get back, let's say on a friday, still have the weekend to like decompress before you have to go back chair saying you have to decompress from your decompression from your vacation if you do your vacation right? >> guy come straight back to work. the next height 9.56. right now. i'm coming over the next hour. alameda county's district attorney is on the campaign trail suddenly we'll have that. and governor newsom is in the vatican talking with the pope and world leaders about climate change. plus, concord police are on the lookout for whoever slammed a
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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news. alameda county district attorney pamela price fighting to keep her job after a date now has been set for a recall election. governor gavin newsom in the vatican this morning discussing climate change. we're live with the details and conquer. police now looking for suspects who rammed a car into 2 local businesses in the same night. >> from the local news station. you're watching you. >> on morning team. >> good morning and thanks for joining us on a thursday and daria and i'm james. we've got weather traffic news as well to talk


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