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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  May 16, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> well, now local morning news. pro-palestinian protesters in berkeley continue to protest now setting up a new encampment outside of the cow campus just days after taking down the one on campus. plus, san francisco's only black woman. all cannabis shop is at risk of closing its doors. now the
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owners asking the community for help. walgreens to start selling their generic brand of newark and bold stores and they hope expanding access to the life saving drive. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good thursday morning and thank you for waking up with this bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news here. thursday. may 16 the radar v, but we got to get your role in room. misty this morning, john, as i on the roads morning. yeah, deep in marine layer up there this morning. that was something else talking about yesterday was we went from a very shallow marine layer yesterday, which >> allowed us or warmest day of the forecast to what today is going to be a little bit of a gray or one towards the coast. and yes, along with it comes some mist that drizzle mist, especially along the coastline. here's happen bay right here where as you're waking up, things are especially damp near the coast. but right through the
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golden gate into the east bay hills, as well as up into the north bay. we have a lot of spots out there where you're going to notice some heavy mist. some drizzle as that fog, that marine layer scoots through along with a relentless sea breeze that is going to keep temperatures down a little bit today compared to yesterday. you can see those winds directly from the coastline. just streaming right through the golden gate. and this morning, we have some strong winds through the car teen as leading up into the delta. this could keep some of our inland areas out of the 80's, although a couple still painting reaching those low 80's, not near as many as yesterday. temps today are in the 50's to start. but later on, you will notice that very subtle cool down again. no huge changes in this forecast. but compared to yesterday, only just a few low 80's inland 70's by the bayshore man. some pretty solid 50's along the coastline as that gray is going to hug the coastline pretty hard today. as for your roads, as mentioned, watch out for a few
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misty drizzly spots out there. you're not seeing that on the bay bridge itself, though. the bridge is really calm and pretty empty actually, right now, san mateo bridge at 12 minutes to make your crossing a few more people crossing the bridge the bay bridge at the moment. richmond center fell at 6 minutes and also fairly empty golden gate bridge. trust. be on it. 21 minutes from novato to the tolls rate. all right, john, thank you for that. time is now final 2 and new this morning. >> in the east bay pro-palestinian protesters took over an abandoned building right near uc berkeley. the new protest is happening at the anna had complex, a boarded-up building right next to people's park. well, 4 sarah stinson has that story. >> a group of pro-palestine protesters broke into head complex. take a look. you can see on the sidewalk here. it says free palestine. this is a boarded up building. university officials say they are aware of the vandalism that is happening at this quote, unsafe, boarded up
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fire, damaged building. it's a block away from people's park in 2 blocks from campus. palestine. protesters taking over berkeley's and ahead complex wednesday afternoon. resisting with palestinians wed, the bravest strongest demonstrators refused to do an interview with kron 4 but did announce a list of 4 demands live. >> from people parked outside. all right. the painting caught happen. >> protesters set up tents, hung a palestinian flags and even spray painted the sidewalks in parts of the building. it's unclear if these are cal students are even berkeley residents. this protest does fall on the 55th anniversary of people's park
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which is being turned into new housing for students and low-income residents. it's been closed and blocked off since january, which has since sparked many protests. nicholas alexander says he was there the first day. the park closed, but he became visibly upset at the presence of these protesters. seems like they're just here do. >> i to get attention, frankly. because i don't know. i haven't seen them before. you know, why were you here on january 4th, when i was chased by swat while a cal alumni walking by says he sees no problem with people protesting on vacant land like why shouldn't they be able to take that space? it's out of the way and it's not causing traffic or anything like that. they should be able to, you know, protest here. police have been seen around here taking pictures monitoring the situation, but no one has been removed, nor arrested says definitely a fluid situation. check kron 4 dot com. >> for the latest, i'm sara stinson reporting berkeley. back to you. developing news out of the north bay sonoma
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states president is on administrative leave. >> after coming to an agreement with campus protesters. so in a letter sent out tuesday, president mike lee said he listen to protesters demands saying, quote, none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction in, quote, lee said that he would look at divestment from israel and plant in an exchange program with the country, social media. protesters at sonoma state applauded the agreement say it is a wind say their demands were met. however, the school system was not pleased. even state senator scott wiener weighed in on this. >> when i saw the announcement from the president of sonoma state. my jaw drops absolutely unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to basically block list israeli academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any kind of student exchange
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between sonoma, state universities and this route. >> police released a new statement backtracking on his decision saying, quote, and liked him to find agreement was one group of students on marginalized. other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm that this is cause and i take full ownership of it. he goes on to say the initial letter was sent out without the approval of the university system's chancellor in board leaders. the csu chancellor also put out a statement saying the heart mission of csu is to create an inclusive and welcoming place for everybody. meantime, this was the scene at uc irvine and orange county. let's go and get a look at that heavy police presence on campus yesterday evening after pro-palestinian demonstrators overtook the building and build a barricaded encampment. there that you can clear it out of the building. now, but many are staying on campus. the demonstrators are demanding the university divest from israel. uc irvine sitting out an alert calling the protests by london telling
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students to avoid the area. they're going classes remotely this morning. let's head to the east bay because police are now looking for a gunman after someone was shot in oakland. this is citizens video of the scene. international boulevard and 5th avenue just a few blocks away from lake merritt, the victim a beating to the hospital at last check was in serious but stable condition. we don't have any word on what led to the shooting. san francisco's first and only black woman owned cannabis shop in the hunters point neighborhood. it's risk of closing down for good. the shop's owners trying to raise enough money, keep the dispensary opened. kron four's dan thorn visited the dispensary and has that story for us. >> hunters point is just weeks away from possibly losing its only dispensary. posh green cannabis boutique needs around $200,000 to keep the dream alive. i want remain here so we can have.
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>> black woman owned business in this community as we shop owner respect says she's endured several hardships like crime and the covid-19 pandemic to keep her in a business afloat. but now faces another obstacle as landlord wants to sell the space when her lease is up on may 31st. we turn this into a community. and so why should we be shut out? >> after we stick to a storm and then helped their businesses here. benton says she understands it's difficult for small businesses everywhere. >> but even more so for cannabis shops that are still illegal in the eyes of the federal government. benton was born and raised in san francisco and says her boutique has become something positive in the neighborhood. nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here. >> the crime, you know, and i take a chance on this neighborhood and now we have both drivers waiting. we have police. they way. we have people that don't even come in
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here. san paolo benton says it makes her uncomfortable having to ask for money to keep things going. >> but the fight is worth it. and i think we're going to make it. you know, we were nowhere to be that near that amount. you know, anything helps. and, you know, it's going to stay open in san francisco. dan thorn kron, 4 >> well, it's the last call for south a business at the center of the los gatos night scene. after more than 50 years in business, charlie's bar and nightclub set to close on sunday, june 2nd, come off his dancing performances, themed events like last night's trivia night. this is first open milton, charlie's in 1972, it's actually changed hands multiple times over decades with lot of customers say charlie's has been a second home for them. start a stranger's. we turn to friends and we turn to family. >> i guess we're just going to have to. would be a family somewhere else. but it's it's it's kind of sad we're so
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familiar with these doors these walls, we have a great collection of people to meet people. and it's very interactive, very friendly. and now we're wondering, where do we go from here we do it? >> taliese is closing because its owner sold the business plan to hold a closing party on saturday. june first called one last dance. time now 5.10, and walgreens will start selling their own version of narcan nasal spray. that's going to be next month. company says the move will expand access to lifesaving medicine because it will be sold over the counter at a low price. they say the medicine is sold online already, but they plan to sell in stores by the end of the month. while greece's people will be able to find it in the pain aisle. still ahead, the kron 4 morning news for teachers across the bay area plan. a rally this morning. asking for better pay. >> plus, pride month is just a few weeks away. and now the fbi sending out a warning
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about tears targeting possible events. and the alameda county district attorney the price is fighting to keep her job. supporters gathered in oakland in her support. we'll talk about that coming up. teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama.
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪) (hamlet) it's beggin'! smoky beggin'... that can escalate teen irritability. meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you, i love you... (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! vote for your chance to win free beggin'!
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things for you to know twice in one night. the same crew is believed to have used a car to break into 2 businesses. this is in concord. surveillance video shows the suspects using a car with a still a license plate. a ram into one business on height. lane. few minutes later, less than 2 miles away. it's believe the same suspect,
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graham into a second business on salon away reports of gunfire police in both cases. the family of angelo quinto reached a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. 30 year-old died in police custody in 2020 family says he was having mental health crisis with a call for help, family will be awarded 7 and a half million dollars. the palo alto is the latest city to ban public comment made zoom city council meetings. the new will pass monday in a 5 to 2 vote. city officials say the goal is to prevent so-called zoom bombings incidents of public commentator logging remotely often using fake names. this pew offensive statements. popular santa cruz brewery is now coming up. he is 39 in san francisco. the humble see brewing company put up this coming soon. banner. no word on when exactly it's set to open that you can already check out their beer there. bay area locations in alameda
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and pacifica. it's always nice to hear businesses are opening up in the bay area. john, good morning. >> yeah, love to see that. and well, it's going to be a cool day in san francisco today for all those tourists. so make sure that if you have anyone visiting, they know it's going to be a great forecast for him. we're looking at deep in marine layer across the bay area, as you can see it quite hour right here. we do have a little bit of a seabreeze pushing around those monterey, cypress around the tower. we are going to be looking at a day today. that brings with it, increased in a row. let let's woods from the coast. this is going to start a very subtle cooling trend that will remain over the next several days. we do remain dry, though, with the high pressure ridge to our west. so anything you're seeing out there as far as moisture goes is really just that dense marine layer resulting in some drizzle and some really healy mist in many spots. today's cooler than yesterday was. and that's the general trend across the west coast in general. has your 6 to 10 day temperature outlook shows you the entire state is in for a cooler than average
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rest of the forecast as we make our way into next week. and part of that does have to do with just the set up from the coastline. sea breeze has not been impeded the past several days. and today really only increases rip roaring through the carquinez into the delta. that is going to keep a lot of our areas further inland. a lot cooler than yesterday. so quite a few more 70's in the forecast as compared to yesterday's 80's today in the city. only 50's in golden gate park as well as towards the coastline in some other spots. where is the bayshore still holding on to those 70's? and still a pleasant day will take longer for any sort of fog to be burning off today. south bay temperatures, you are unchanged from yesterday, san jose at 83 degrees while dublin back down into the upper 70's. as you also will be in concord from yesterday's 80 to 77. again, no huge changes, but subtle changes, vacaville, one of our biggest from 89 yesterday to just 80
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degrees today, santa rosa at 73. looking ahead at our next 7 days tomorrow, saturday, sunday dropping into the upper 70's for most of our inland spots and low 70's along the bay shore. and we pretty much stay that way into next week. no big heat spikes ahead of us. as for your roads, things out there doing ok at bridge level, things are looking fine for most of us. we do have fog that's impacting the east bay hills as well as many spots along the coastline. so those are the areas they want you to watch out for right now. otherwise things are smooth move getting across your spans. great. all right, john, thank you for that. well, in the east alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> officially campaigning to keep her job. so she and her supporters gathered in oakland yesterday after the county board of supervisors voted tuesday night to schedule her recall election for november prices. she and her team are ready to take on her opponents. >> that our supporters will continue to engage our
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community. we will continue to speak to our family, our friends, our neighbors. we will tell the truth and we will counteract the lies and the misinformation campaign that has been amplified by certain folks in the media and certain people. there's been a whole lot of misinformation. >> county officials say combining the recall with the general election will cost about 4 million dollars. special election would have cost 15 to 20 million pricing, not rule out the possibility of a lawsuit. she says her attorneys are evaluating all options >> solemnly swear? always the support and defend. and with was do police. he was officially sworn they're saying shared this video on social media saying he swore in floyd mitchell this week to ensure a seamless transition. mitchell started his job saturday. the mayor says a public swearing-in ceremony will happen in the near future
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from 4. is your local election headquarters and san francisco mayor london breed is dropping out of next week's mayoral debate. the bay is being hosted by the nonprofit together sf organizers say mayor breed originally agreed to participating, made several changes to the schedule format of the debate. part of the requests from her campaign candidate and supervisor. aaron peskin is also not participating. set to happen next monday with other confirmed candidates. of the race for the white house because president joe biden and former president donald trump agreed to hold 2 debates this summer. the are not expected to include a live audience, wash your spot shot. hudson joins us live. explain what the head-to-head showdown could me when he was shot. hey, we're in a good morning to you. it took just a matter of a couple of hours for the 2 men who can't seem to agree on pretty much anything. >> to accept debate invitations and like most
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things this election cycle, the debate is going to be historic. president biden and former president trump have agreed to 2 presidential debates. trump last 2 debates mean twenty-twenty to send said the ad showed up for debate. now he's acting like you want to debate me again. will make my day pal trump accwpted the terms in a social media post. the first faceoff will be on june 27th hosted by cnn in atlanta. the second hosted by abc on september 10th. people who are watching the most are more likely the people who've already made up their minds. political science professor todd belt is not ruling out. >> that these debates could sway some voters. both the biden interim team see this election will come down to who can better move the country the president has also said that we want to make sure that we're we don't stand for the dark revenge based policies put forward by republican officials. that's not where we
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are. >> we're likely to hear more from former president trump regarding the debates when he heads into the courtroom later this morning. reyna. >> all right, rachel, thank you for the breakdown there. something look forward to. all right. coming up in morning news, an evacuation warning was sent out parts of butte county after a wildfire broke we'll have the latest coming we'll have the latest coming up. don't go anywhere. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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north bay and napa man was convicted of second-degree murder in connection to a dui crash. the killed a man back in 2020 that the county district attorney said marciano aguilar was speeding and had a blood alcohol 3 times the legal limit. they say this is aguilar is 3rd dui and which the previous 2 also involved in crashing his car and injuring others. he's scheduled to be sentenced june 12 to face up to 15 years in prison. teachers across the bay area there rallied for better conditions. have teachers at fairfield to soon unified. but this morning at the school district office try to bring attention to contract negotiations. there. they say it's going to happen after class organizers say they want to track and retain highly qualified educators, the salary that keeps that with today's cost of living. but so far there's been no progress with school district. and contract negotiations. they would like them to resume.
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teachers with the contra costa county school education association, they're going to host a rally at the county's office of education. this is video from a rally they held a few years ago. expected to happen. is there bargaining team sits down with the county. the push for increases in salary and proper intake procedures at students. the group says and they strike in the fall if a deal is not reached. and evacuation warning is in effect in a part of you county because of fire that burned 20 acres. the fire started around 7 last night in the town of just east of paradise. as of now, fire crews say the fire stop spreading and it is now 20% contained. coming up next to the problem morning news, the fbi sitting out warning about terrorist targeting a pride event right here in san francisco. will talk more about that. governor gavin newsom is at the vatican this morning talking about climate change with world leaders, winds by the fossil fuel companies for this crisis. we'll be right back.
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well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news as we're inching closer to 05:30am, here and even closer to friday and the weekend. i'm sure lot of people, john, are already brewing up some ideas probably need to know how to dress for the next few days. you i mean, changes are there. they're just minimal changes. but the biggest one that we have today. >> and really the one that you're noticing from the top of your mount tam camera is
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how dense that foggy layer is. it is much thicker than yesterday. and if you look right here be are you from mount tam these waves of fog are just streaming very fast on through the golden gate this morning. this is going to have a cooling effect for a lot of areas, especially areas like out, especially hot into the delta and the car. key news yesterday. this cold wind from the coastlines getting through in a fog that we do see some pretty heavy mist and drizzle along with it right now. winds in fairfield and vacaville around 20 to 40 miles per hour. and that is all a coastal breeze that delta breeze really cooling things off inland. we will see fog burning up, but it's going to take longer today. we still will have a warm afternoon, but this is the start of sure signs of cooling trends ahead of us into the upcoming weekend. temperatures right now are in the 50's san francisco berkeley at 54 degrees. same for you in livermore right at 54 later on
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today. maxing out in the low 80's for some of our inland areas, not as many as yesterday. most of us today landing in a range of 70's. as for your roads, watch out for some of those very dense foggy spots, especially out towards the coastline with the mist and drizzle in other spots as well for one of the bay bridge looking just fine at 10 minutes to across that currently. we are also looking at the san mateo bridge with the 13 minute crossing there. little bit of fog up above both the golden gate and the richmond, sandra fell bridge is right now. all right, john, thank you for that. for you this morning, governor gavin newsom is at the vatican >> to take part in a climate summit with world leaders and the pope covers. michael thomas is in the newsroom with that story morning. michael, i good morning, everyone. governor gavin newsom spoke at the vatican within the last hour discussing climate change and what california is doing to fight it. the opportunity. >> allowed him to speak with world leaders and showcase his work as governor, which could play a role in his political future. should he decide to run for higher office? this
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three-day summit is all about bending the curve and bouncing forward to climate resilience. governor newsom spoke to a delegation of about 100 people, including the mayor of paris and the governor of new york all calling for urgent climate action. newsom called the climate crisis a clear and present danger causing severe droughts, intense storms and historic wildfires have all been seen across california far too often. he says the governor didn't hold back either when it came to calling out the fossil fuel industry. take a listen to what he had to say. >> calling this climate crisis, what it is the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. it's -% because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil. and with respect and forgive me if this comes off a little too harsh, it's been said and repeat it. the polluted heart. of the
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climate crisis. are these fossil fuel companies that had been lying to us? they've been deceiving us. they've known to the science. they've denied the science. they've delayed it. van spent. we have the tools. we have the technology. we have the capacity to address this issue at a global level of skill level and they've been fighting every single advancement and we have got to call that out. >> in opposition, the oil companies have long pushed against newsom's allegations arguing his administration has unfairly targeted them during his time in politics. and as for pope francis, who is an influential figure among american catholics and a leader in the fight against global warming? well, he spoke to the allegation privately, the message that focused on taking care of the poor and the planet tomorrow. governor gavin newsom is expected to travel to the city of belong yet to launch a new climate partnership with the italian region of amelia, ramona. as we get more details the world
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leaders that he continues to speak with an any comments he may may will continue to keep you updated. that's a very latest on the newsroom. i'm michael thomas. reynolds, send it back to you. all right, michael, thank you for that breakdown there. time now 5.33. in with the ongoing drug prices throughout the country. walgreens is now offering a cheaper version of narcan. it's going to be sold over the counter office will trend line at a walgreens in walnut creek with that story. this is certainly a game changer for a lot of folks going well. >> this is game changer because last year about 107,000 people in america died from overdose. most of them from opioid and walgreens. at the end of the month will make it available. if you just go down to the pain aisle, they will start selling a generic brand of nara. can. why is this so important? well, narcan was made available last year, cost a little bit more than a lot of people were
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hoping for that particular brand was $45. but walgreens, generic brand will be $35. so that's $10 less. and it's going to be over the counter. and that is important because a lot of kawhi lot medical experts believe yet taken out the stigma of going up to a pharmacist and asking for and now you just go down the aisle yet, pick it up. and then you obviously is just check out with the cashier. it will be made available. and i got to tell you that a lot of people will be using it because it's been proven effective for any time. somebody overdoses. you do a simple spray and that should at least give them a fighting chance to survive the overdose. and even they say it's not an overdose and something else may be going on way to peers that they are having a medical emergency. it will not be harmful to that particular person. walgreens. they're jumping into the game
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by starting to sell that particular brand a generic brand. and i know a lot of people preferred by generic brands. anyway, because they are a lot cheaper and just as effective back to all right. well, thank you for there. okay. so let's head to the east bay. >> twice in one night, the same crew is believed use a car to break into 2 businesses in concord. okay. take a good look at the surveillance video. so the shows a suspect using a car with a stolen license plates to ramin to the michael measurements and pacific instruments. business on lane. the company they make data systems to customers like nasa and the u.s. military. the suspects are seen slamming into the role of door. look at his side to leave in without taking anything. a few minutes later, less than 2 miles away. it's really the same suspect ran a to h s d engineering. a high vacuum repair operation on salon away. took a look at site they chose not they chose to leave without stealing anything.
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>> just decided to trash their car my door and right away. i suspect they're looking for a marijuana grow house. luckily the only thing that saved them from completely demolishing through our building was are. >> recently purchased forklift. >> it also has doubled as the new way to open and close the door. >> the owners hsd engineering offered a $500 reward any information that might lead to the arrest and conviction in this case. this is a cost more than $2000 to repair the damage. reports of file a cocker police in both cases. the family of angelo came to reach a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. the 30 year-old died in police custody back in 2020. his family says he was having a mental health crisis with a call for help as part of the settlement approved by the city council tuesday night. the family will be awarded 7 and a half million dollars. civil rights attorney john burris says his case has the potential to save other people like him
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>> given a new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around that we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when the death of form interaction, a intrusive form, a less aggressive form i could could of >> the mayor of antioch was there as well. he says, well, it is a unusual for a city official to take part in a settlement announcement. it is the start of change. time is now 5.37. on the peninsula. palo alto is the latest city to ban public comments. may zoom and city council meetings. so the new rule passed monday and a 5 to 2 vote. city officials say the goal is to prevent so-called zoom bombings or incidents of a public commentator. logging are remotely often using fake names to spew offensive statements. council members say those incidents have become more frequent and involved in serious abuse on
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the new rules participants are still allowed to comment on agenda items. but can't speak during the general public comment period. >> with everything. there's also good in that. and while i the issue is that remote participation brings. i think really could. i think we have more places, a more diverse voices can we benefit from their perspective? it's a balance. >> and we saw tonight what's on the other side of that scale and it is ugly and it is distracting and it takes us off course and conducting the city's business. >> well, the new rules set to go into effect at the meeting. time is up 5.39. and the fbi warning about threats targeting the lgbt community during it covers. dan kerman reports the threats are coming from terrorist. >> san francisco's pride parade is a little over a month away. but pride events begin the first of june. not only here in the bay area, but in various cities across the
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u.s. now, this year's pride events come with a warning from the fbi and homeland security, the foreign terrorists or their u.s. base supporters, a target lgbdq venues and events. isis propaganda. >> has made reference to lgbtq community and lgbtq events. we want to make sure that all of community, but especially in this case, the lgbtq community is aware of that. and exercising appropriate situational awareness when they attend events. the fbi says the volume and intensity of that propaganda has increased following the october 7th hamas attack in israel. that coupled with next month's anniversary of the 2016 pulse nightclub massacre in orlando is reason to get the word out. people a very good grasp what's normal behavior for their surroundings. encourage them that they see something that's
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very suspicious, very out of the that they report that many in san francisco's castro district were caught off guard by the terror warning for pride month but said it won't deter them from taking part. i think that being a part of the community being in something like this, it makes you feel more. >> well, coming in more safe. i know that that the community does things to prevent things like this. so i don't think it will change. we want to do and be a part of should let your hair or any kind of >> you know, kind of weeks deter us because we're standing for ourselves. but for all those who can set up for themselves is worrisome. but that's not going to deter us from showing our support and being a part of the community. that means the world to pride festivities are slated to take place throughout the month of june in san francisco. >> culminating in a festival as well as the parade the last weekend of the month. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news still ahead across morning news, a union's executive board authorizes its workers. the
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ability to strike at any time. this comes as as a uc campuses mishandled a pro-palestinian demonstrations will talk more demonstrations will talk more about that coming up.
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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. things you to know today. police are looking for a gunman after someone was shot in oakland. this is actually video. the citizens app. this happened yesterday afternoon on international boulevard, 5th avenue just a couple of blocks away from lake mary. the victim had to be taken to the hospital with serious but stable conditions. don't have any word yet on what led up to that shooting. alameda county district attorney pamela price is officially campaigning to keep her job. she and supporters gathered in oakland
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yesterday after the county board of supervisors voted tuesday night to schedule her recall election for november. why she and her team are ready to take on her opponents? san francisco mayor london breed is dropping out of next week's mayoral debate. debate is being hosted by the nonprofit together sf organizers say mayor breed originally agreed to participate several changes because of the schedule. the debate is set to happen next monday with other confirmed candidates. the south a business at the center of the last battle tonight scene is set to close after more than 50 years in business, charlies bar and nightclub closing out sunday, june 2nd dancing performances and events. the business first opened as milton, charlie's back in 1972. well in the east bay, uc berkeley, they're hosted a naming contest for the for falcons but recently hatched at the kevin l a tower khalaf al kunz group of scientists
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say they are 2 females and 2 male chicks in the nest o that's like perfect. >> they hatched to an e and her new partner archie last month. now has had 22 chicks. well, organizers of the people can just names on their social media platforms until sunday at noon and then they will announce the top suggested names on monday and the winning names i can reveal later next week. organizers say the name should be connected by theme and normally related to uc berkeley. somehow cake. all right. well, we've got the best weather to be name and chicks or naming any animals you come across outside in the wilderness. doctor was a look at that forecast. good and we've named this already look time ago. it's a very dense this morning. a lot of fog scooted on into the bay area this morning. >> looking outside at coit hour right here. you can see that it is lit up, but the fog is going make sure that
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everything else is just gray and it's a thicker marine layer. so it's going to take time to burn off. we are actually seeing quite a lot of drizzle and areas like berkeley, the coastline. so watch for a few wet spots on roadways. high pressure to our west, still sending any storm tracks to the north of us fog towards the coast. still warm inland, but not quite as warm as yesterday. and the trend of weather for the entire west coast is just generally a little bit cooler than average as we work our way into next week. so this gradual cooling trend that we have across the bay is actually something that's going to keep hold as we make our way through this forecast. i mention that fog being persistent. a rip-roaring, cool ocean breeze through the bay today is going to really cool things up for some of our inland areas. some day time highs inland will be noticeably cooler. some of us along the coastline still holding on to the 60's, but a mix of 50's in there as well. 60's to 70's along the bay shore today. not a lot of huge changes in these areas. still warm one for the south bay with daytime highs in the low 80's at our warmest now, the
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east bay looking at 70's to a tease for you, a word, a comfortable 74 while oakland through richmond in the 60's for your daytime highs. biggest change from yesterday is vacaville from yesterday's 89 to just 80 degrees today. that's that cool. ocean breeze making its way on up into the delta. tomorrow starts a trend of 70's for inland areas on average, you notice we stay dry through this forecast, but we're also staying a little cooler. as for your roads is definitely breezy out there. so do watch that as you make your crossings. otherwise visibility is okay at the bay bridge where the toll plaza beating lights just turning on the san mateo bridge. starting to pick up. definitely getting busier and looking at some gray skies as well about the richmond center fell. all right, john, thank you for that. los allos police department warning people about an uptick in burglaries and home construction sites. >> and an occupied house for sale. police say these are stilling appliances staged in the homes and was over
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delivered to construction sites and that these crimes that happened at night or early in the morning. so they're urging people lock your doors and your windows sent home alarms and utilized whatever security devices you have. 5.48. is now that i'm in sales as a police department plans to honor families impacted by homicide during a march this afternoon. department says they want pay tribute to the lives lost and the families that continue to remember them. the march is going to start a 3 going to be at margaret hayward, part that's on laguna street afterwards, the police chief district attorney and others are going speeches at the steps of city hall. okay. take a look. the new harvey milk terminal inside of sfo is nearly completed. come in june. travelers are finding shops, restaurants, art displays an airport gate, both alaska and delta airlines plan to move operations into the new terminal later this year. that will be nice. the project cost about 2.5 billion
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dollars. the airport billy's. it's worth the hefty price tag. >> we really invest heavily in the features, the amenities, the experience inside the terminal. we get that back in the form of people are spending more money in the terminal there, shopping and dining more. they're spending more time enjoying their stay in the terminals. >> and, you know, that's a good restaurants there. no harvey milk terminal set to open to the public with a ribbon cutting ceremony on june. 11th. >> time now 5.49, and happening today, sandwiches will host the latinos in tech summit for the next 2 days. some will feature more than a speakers from companies in order to bridge the gap between latinos and the tech industry event. organizers say $60,000 going to be awarded to tech startups led by latinos in order to help support and promote them. it's going to be held at the palace of the fine arts of san francisco. starting out of the area baseball, the giants they were looking to avoid being swept by the dodgers last night.
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oracle park before sports director jason dumas shows us all the highlights. >> the talent gap between the dodgers and the giants hasn't been more apparent over the last couple of days. giants haven't beaten them all season. they were looking to avoid the sweep on wednesday. logan webb on the bump. that's a great sight you're trying to get things going. bottom of the 3rd, no score man offer mike yastremski. he drives this one to right. it will land on top of the arcade section. giants strike first on yet to run next. same score? oscar hernandez had a power hitter that he sends this one deep to center. but check out luis matos on his horse. robs them of a home run. doing his job to lead. imitation who? hurt himself doing some similar a couple days ago. all righty. when we talk about him at the top, he
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was really, really good. on wednesday, he gets hernandez swinging out of the zone. threw 6 shutout innings, struck out 5 bottom of the 8th gines up to matos showed us his glove. now he shows us his bat. that is going to drive in mount. wayne. three-run game happen tonight. camille of the law into close things out. dodgers threatening though. he gets freddie freeman to ground out the tyro estrada. that's your ballgame, folks. giants get their first win of the season against the dodgers. in other baseball they lost to the astros. they look to avoid the sweep today and the forty-niners schedule came out yesterday. make sure you go on kron 4 dot com to check it out. that's a look at sports. a popular santa cruz brewing company is coming to pier 39 in san francisco. take a look. >> the humble see brewing company put up this coming soon. banner over a boarded-up
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storefront of the pier. don't have any word on exactly what is set to open, but you can already check out their beer at their other bay area locations and alameda and pacifica. all right. coming up the next hour, we are honoring api heritage. >> this month, a croc for this morning. we met one on one the stamp hobbles first ever. asian american police chief. we'll have that more coming we'll have that more coming up. don't go anywhere.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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>> well, a union representing about 48,000 academic workers
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in the uc system voted to give the unions executive board the ability to strike at any time. union members say they believe the university of california mishandled the pro-palestinian demonstrations and uc campuses specifically at ucla counter protesters attacked a pro-palestinian encampment for several hours without police intervention does not guarantee a strike to the uc campuses. still have a month of instruction before the summer break. after they planning commissioners approve new housing for low income senior farm workers. this comes after governor newsom threaten legal action over the delay in approving that plan. 40 unit affordable housing project will forte more than a year after the deadly shooting in the country's history. when the governor met with survivors, he toured what were found to be deplorable, living conditions for farmworkers, his budget, millions in funding and resources to ensure those workers receive support from the state. coming
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up the next hour, alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting now to keep her job. >> supporters gathered oakland in her support. governor gavin newsom is at the vatican this morning discussing climate change with world leaders will have that live report coming up the concord police now looking for the suspects who rand a card to local rand a card to local businesses in the same night.
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6:00 am
>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting to keep her job after a date is set for a recall election. governor gavin newsom is at the vatican right now to discuss climate change. we're live with details on that story. and concord, police are looking for the suspects who rammed a car into 2 local businesses in the same night. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us all early altogether. makes you feel better. it does. you know that you have company we to got up all in the same boat this morning on the weather front, we're all seeing a little bit of mist. i noticed when i came across the bay bridge have missed and it's who seem to be very rough. waters went bed last john's given me and when does rip-roaring pushing in that cool sea breeze and along with it does come some pretty rough waters.


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