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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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beings are subject to mass killing and destruction. i've said this before and it merits repeating this is no political religious or cultural principle that merits the murder of innocent. and the one battle we should be engaged is the fight for inclusion, respect and freedom of all people, regardless of their background or identity and quote, the president then laid out a series of agreements struck with the protesters, including going over the school's investments, declaring an academic boycott with israeli universities, recognizing a palestinian curriculum and calling on a permanent cease-fire in gaza. >> it's absolutely unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to basically blocks list israeli academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any
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kind of student exchange between sonoma, state universities in this role. at an on the state applauded s - the agreement, calling it a win and that their demands were met. >> there are no 2 sides to a genocide. but the students have asked for and what the president is in green, too. is the way forward cowardice that this >> president basically allowed this battle. >> minority to take over the administration exclude jewish and israeli its students, faculty from decision-making kron 4 reached out to sonoma state. they responded by saying that they have received many requests for comment about the president's letter and that they will be issuing a statement. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> student protesters at san francisco state. sharing their vision for progress today after more than 2 weeks of demonstrating there. >> our collaboration extended
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beyond arc and games and other universities. community groups intercept a spot the midst ice from the beginning. we want for the commitments from fsu leaders we need is community to continue organizing, shot rising and mobilizing with us in order continue pressuring administration. additionally, we must continue building power with other schools in moving these when csu wide with upcoming board of trustees meeting. >> that group announced yesterday they had reached an agreement with the administration there where the school's president and other leaders committed to divest from weapons manufacturers and create a workforce to develop e% new screenings for investment. >> meantime, following 3 weeks of camping outside uc berkeley's sproul hall, demonstrators reached an agreement with school leaders. chancellor carol christ. craig christ said yesterday the university will create a committee to look over investments in israel adding they will not be able to fully divest from the investments, but they will be looking into weapons, manufacturing and surveillance industries specifically and taking a live
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look now at uc irvine in southern california this evening where police are said to be moving in after pro-palestinian demonstrators overtook a building and built a barricaded you can see there it's beginning to dismantle this encampment there. the demonstrators are demanding the university divest its relationships with israel. the university sent out an alert calling the protests violent and telling students to avoid the area. we are monitoring the situation and we'll keep you updated. of course, as the situation develops. >> hundreds of jewish community leaders from across the state, including folks here in the bay area, spent the day in sacramento for the annual j pack capital summit. the largest advocacy conference of its kite, 500 people from some of the state's leading jewish community organizations and the coalition of diverse non jewish groups are taking part in the 2 day conference organized by the jewish public affairs committee of
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california commonly known as j pack attendees our meeting with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to advocate for the greater california jewish communit me with hope is that people have decided to turn pain into action. just a packed event today is meaningful because we're under threat to be together in community >> to support each other and to come together, recognize how we can work is really important thing as we're seeing rising tide of anti semitism dominate the news cycle. it is so powerful to come up here to sacramento with the largest delegation today 500 people from across state. >> and speaking a united voice. >> assembly speaker robert grievous lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis and superintendent of schools. tony thurmond spoke at the
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delegation in-person governor newsom provided virtual pre-recorded remarks. >> man is in jail accused of having with a child younger than 14 years old and redwood city police say they arrested 19 year-old andre gomes yesterday in east palo alto. they are now investigating to see if there may be any more victims. san francisco police is asking for the public's help in investigating a bayview district homicide on april 29th around 09:30pm, police found a man later identified as charles cc lawrence suffering from gunshot wounds at 3rd and saw streets. lawrence was later pronounced dead at the hospital. anyone with helpful information regarding this case is encouraged to contact sfpd. >> half moon bay planning commissioners have approved new housing for low-income senior farm workers. this comes after governor newsom had threatened legal action over the delay in approving the plan. the 40 unit
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affordable housing project will move forward more than a year after the deadly shooting in that county's history. when the governor met with survivors right after he toured what were found to be deplorable, living conditions for those farm workers. he has budgeted millions in funding and resources to ensure those workers receive support from the state. >> the u.s. citizenship and immigration services has opened an asylum office on clay street in oakland today. officials say the new location will be temporary as the office in san francisco looks to increase its capacity to hold asylum interviews. the agency is urging applicants to double check their interview notices because they can now expect to get a notice to attend an interview at either the oakland or san francisco office. >> why weather time here as we get a live look from our camera atop of mount tam that 2500 feet a little bit of movement there from the wind sent a lot of movement as the fog moves. it.
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>> those fog fingers, lawrence, to get longer. yeah. stretching well onshore right now. they're going all the way inland overnight. i kind of interesting to see how the season works. not only here but around the world. of course, we watch things calm down here. other parts of the world both starts to get very, very active. in fact, today is the beginning of the eastern pacific hurricane season and we're already seeing things getting active out there right now. no or canes just yet. but there's about a 40% chance that we might see a little tropical disturbance develop there. you can see panama, salvador, mexico, not too far away, but things are going to be heating up now as the waters get warmer. we're going to be tracking some majo hurricanes as we head throughout the season. so somethi twatch out for their locally. what we've got the beautiful sierra nevada looking good toward half dome, a lots of sunshine there right now, but not far away. we've got some strong storms. in fact, starting to see some lightning strikes now just south 70 there you can see shaver lake, some thunderstorms begin to pop up again. and if you're traveling in that direction, really got to watch out the taller and not bad at all. you're just
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seeing some snow capped mountains, but dry conditions. no, a thunderstorm activity there. if you're headed that direction, nothing but sunshine coming your way with temperatures in the 70's. so very comfortable in the high sierra about at least in the tahoe area. but further south got to watch out. if you're headed for south. watch the forecast here now as we head through time and you watch each afternoon, we get these pop-up thunderstorms just like today. again, likely see it again for tomorrow. i think things really probably pick up as we get into all the weekend. so if you've got some camping plans may be headed toward the south. the tahoe area, maybe down toward mammoth lakes, trees, 70, be very careful. likely to see some big time thunderstorms, especially the afternoons throughout the weekend. thank you, lawrence. >> san francisco, mayor london breed dropping out of next week's mayoral debate hosted by nonprofit together as seth breed confirmed her participation before several changes to the schedule and format were made ceo of together sf releasing a statement to kron 4 saying, quote, it is unfortunate for san francisco voters that mayor breed has pulled out of
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our debate and chosen to out ally herself with another longtime political incumbent. aaron peskin, who also has controlled the direction of our city for many years. they went on to say it is telling that the mayor, like supervisor peskin, have chosen to try and tarnish the reputation of together instead of joining the other candidates and explaining why our 100,000 community members, all san francisco voters should trust them to run the city for the next 4 years. and quote, staff will be hosting the debate with other confirmed candidates on monday. may 20th. it is official now president biden and former president trump will be facing off in to debate stage showdowns. one is set for june. the other for september kron four's catherine heenan is in the newsroom now with reaction from our political analyst catherine, we are talking about 2 candidates. we already know plenty about, but debates can sway some voters.
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>> and then a tight election that could mean a lot. this all began with a fiery social media post. >> the sense that he had showed up for debate now he's acting like you want to debate me again. what makes my day joe biden taunting donald trump. trump responded with a post in whikh he called biden worst debate or ever saying let's get ready to rumble. aside from all the big talk from both sides, analysts say both candidates need the debates by denise these debates. the recent new york times poll >> shows him down significantly in the battleground states. and who needs to get traction that pulls basically the same it was 6 months ago. so he obviously needs to get traction. and for trump, he's thinking he can deliver a knockout blow because people will the watching biden money. biden will be able to perform so it could be very interesting and probably more
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important to biden, then the trump. but if you're in the biden you're pushing donald the former president. >> because the former president has been talking joe biden someone who doesn't want to debate that. he's scared that he's checking to do this. but at the same time, he's not capable of doing that. that's been kind of the elephant in the room, if you will. and so the biden team believes they want to call the former president on donald trump himself. he wants to move the campaign out of the courtroom. it's unclear what things look like at that point. and he wants to take on joe biden. the difficulty there is that you're speaking to voters who were not sure if they're going to show up because the voters that decide this election are in those proverbial swing states that the protocol people are always talking about and then may not paying attention when they'd rather be thinking about their summer vacation plans. biden performed well at the state of the union. so is donald trump blowing it by setting expectations of the biden debate performance so low?
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>> tom del beccaro is not so sure i would look to the state of the union model that is essentially reading a speech and even when he live at the state of the union, he didn't do that. well, he doesn't add live. well. >> he has twice said that inflation is at 9% when he came in. it was at 1.8. if he does similar things while he's in an unscripted debate without cue cards, he could be ina lot of trouble. >> meantime, the debates are happening a lot earlier than usual and could set the tone for a dramatic lead up to this. this is striking because we believe that this will be a heavily polarize negative race by by a set of candidates that people know a lot about aren't a lot of undecided voters so can deter or move people if you will position one way or another. that is important. we do see that with debates. >> meantime, rfk junior, the
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independent candidate is arguing he can still qualify and participate in the debates. the biden campaign, however, has agreed only 2 to one on one debate. so it's not clear yet, but that could really shut the door on any third-party participation. grant and noelle, catherine, thank you. >> the big winter snowpack is making a difference in the sierra. the sun. the summer activity making a comeback activity making a comeback this year. network is no network for business.
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>> welcome back. hundreds of people took to the state capitol today urging governor gavin newsom to reverse his% proposal to cut billions of om wallace has the details. >> well, just take a look at all of the people here who came to capitol park. they say the governor's proposed budget cuts will have real-life consequences and now they're urging him to change courts. >> some 200 people making their voices loud and clear in front of the state capitol. all to urge governor gavin newsom to reconsider his proposal to cut billions of dollars from the state budget. was here say they are in newsom's plan to cut more than 18 billion dollars from state programs. he says the cuts are necessary to close a projected 27.6 billion dollar deficit. but attendees are concerned. newsom's proposal includes productions to programs designed to assist low income californians struggling to make ends meet. >> i definitely feel that
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these cuts would be detrimental cuddle. florida says she's very concerned about a proposed 764 million dollar cut to cow works. a state funded welfare program that gives cash aid and employment services. >> to eligible california, families in need powers completely changed my life. i was a low income like that. it had nothing to me. i couldn't say i couldn't buy my son like the basic needs that he needed. and >> now i'm able to stand on my own. i have an education and i have a future. thanks to cowards. and by taking those those programs, the way we're we're we're depleting the community and society. other proposed productions include cuts to programs for broadband access, water, storage and local and state public health departments. >> but many here say they will especially fight a proposed 230 million dollar cut for foster care programs. we can do better. >> right now, the state of california at 15,000 empty prison. bates. and if we close the empty prison we can save a billion dollars a year that we
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could use child care providers that we could use for foster youth that we could use for cowards account friends that we could use for education. so hold us accountable. >> we reached out to the governor's office for a response to this rally and they referred us to this statement the governor made during his budget presentation last friday indicating he would prefer not to make such cuts, but he feels he may have no other choice. these are programs that i long advanced. many of them. none of this is. >> working. enjoy but you've got to do we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable and legislators have until june 15 to review the governor's proposals and passed a fully balanced budget reporting at the state capitol. wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> highway one in big sur is reopening to traffic. this friday, part of a highway just half a mile north of the famous bixby bridge collapsed in late march following one of our winter storms. crews say when it reopens on friday, the area will have signalized traffic control allowing one way alternating traffic in
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both directions. a project to construct a permanent repair to the highway is currently in the design phase. they are hoping to finish and install it by spring of 2025. >> good news for rafting companies and outdoor enthusiasts in the sierra tahoe's big winter snowpack means people will be able to raft on the truckee river in tahoe city this year. last year, water flows were too low for commercial rafting. what regulators have notified rafting clmpanies this year. they can run from july through august. >> taking a live look outside now at coit tower where the fog has completely stocked in parts of the city. at this hour, a large is back with us. lawrence. you like a rafting trip? i do. you've got to be careful, though, this time of year, especially that water is running cole. we've had quite that snowpack. so you get the water on a hot day. you can get hypothermic in her in. a lot of folks do so. be careful if you plan to make sure where those life jackets are going to eat him up there. but
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>> hey, we've got maybe some thicker jackets needed around the bay area. now, the fog really kind of rolling back on shore up toward the golden gate bridge for the marine. they're going to deepen tonight. maybe enough to get some drizzle out there. so numbers really kind of all over the map right now. so what you might expect this time of year, 55 in half moon bay, you had to fremont or 70 74 in san jose. it is currently 79 degrees in concord, 80 in fairfield, 82 degrees in pittsburgh. but there it is. that fog just kind of rolling in along the coastline today and started to back away as we head through the morning hours only to start to race back on shore again. and so we're going to see more of that high pressure overhead. but that ridge going to weaken just a little bit as we head into the weekend. you see this bag trough developing along the coastline. the result will be some thunderstorms up over the sierra nevada, but for the bay area. yeah, we're just dealing with really kind of a nice pattern settling in now for at least the next 45 days low clouds. are they come overnight? time of the models. you see him dealing side, the bay pushing into some of the valleys to so tomorrow morning, free commute. watch out. maybe a little slick along the coastline. maybe
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some patchy drizzle out there toward the beaches in the daly city, possibly the pacific, as well as we head toward the middle. the day starts to break up a little bit. you see that finger fog, though, even by news still stretching across the bay as we head toward the afternoon, not much clearing after that fact starts to deepen somewhat and come back on shore. all right. let's check out some temperatures around the bay area for tomorrow and should be a nice day, although cool in the san francisco specially in the sunset about 58 degrees. 59 in the marine along the coastline to fight to make sure some 50's maybe a couple low 60's in a place like daly city inside the bay about 66 degrees in burlingame. 64 millbrae 63 in san bruno work your way down the coastline. how about san carlo? 69 degrees should be a nice day. there are lots of sunshine as we look toward the afternoon, south bay 70's and some 80's looks like it'll be a nice warm day in the santa clara valley, the east bay, seeing those numbers up in that it is at least in the tri valley. it should be nice and warm after couple patches of fog. you know, some numbers take a hit a little bit of a place like concord and walnut creek. temperatures comfortably into the 70's, a mostly sunny late in the day. but stay warm spots. well,
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inland cooler and others as you head toward the coastline as those temperatures start to drop offs over the next couple of days. here we go. clouds and fog are really going to be a factor on and off throughout the day is a little cooler as we head toward the weekend, but should be a really nice weekend ahead, just more comfortably. temperatures really coming back down to about average cooler into next week as well with no major rain. just like we like. i would just say you usually usually like it when we get and always looking for something i can only think right now, but we'll see just the 5 that i will see 5 thanks, lynn. >> new at 5 boy, the nfl the most popular sport america and they released. they're scheduled tonight and we have just learned the forty-niners will play 6 primetime games this season. they will not play on christmas or thanksgiving you're welcome. mam. they will open the season monday night football against aaron rodgers and the new york jets at levi's. that will be huge in that likely the game of the year, at least nationally. the big super bowl
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rematch against the kansas city chiefs. that is week 7 on a sunday afternoon at levi's. maybe taylor swift will come then another home game against the cowboys the following week. so that's a nice little got late. and then week 17, the niners will host the detroit lions in a rematch of last year's nfc championship game. we'll have much more on the niners schedule coming up in sports at 6 o'clock. >> also coming up, bart honors a train operator for showing love and loyalty to the agency for more than 30 years. meet my melinda.
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>> beginning later this month, low-income families can visit the monterey bay aquarium for free. >> this is thanks to the museums for all program launched in 2014. any food stamp recipients can access the aquarium by presenting a valid calfresh card and a photo id with a matching name. they can also bring up to 3 guests for free. pretty cool. the program begins may 27th. >> bart is celebrating the loyal journey of a long time train operator meet mom, melinda, that her on your screen right there after 33 years of working for the transit agency, linda esa gaia will be retiring from bart sometime next year for api heritage month. bart is sharing wimauma. linda means so much to the crew and riders alike. bart says model and has operated trains during every
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single giants championship parade. and she is always generous with her cooking. she all of your hard work there with part over the last 3 decades. your mom, melinda. yeah. i want to try your goodies. i know. yeah. that break room. all right. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5. we have a lot more ahead properties at 6. vicki and ken are here with everything we're working on case. know. well, grant, you. here's what we're working on for kron. 4 news at 6 o'clock. the homeless situation. >> here's the good news. appears to be getting better in alameda county officials. they're reporting decrease actually in the homeless count for the first time in a decade. but they say there's still more work be and allegheny county district attorney pamela price says she's ready fight for her job and defeats the recall election against her. >> price speaking today for the first time since the date was set for that election will have more what she has to say about the campaign to try to
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about the campaign to try to remove her from office. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> right now at 6 new numbers are in for the homeless count in alameda county. and for the first time in a decade, that count is actually down. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the county's public health department says overall homelessness is down 3% from 2022. 0, 4, rob nesbitt talked with the county's director of housing and homelessness joins us here in the studio with the details. trump, kenneth


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