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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> five-thirty police have arrested a man accused of attacking 2 people. one of the alleged victims is piedmont's
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police chief. the chief now questioning why the suspect had been released from jail before serving his full sentence for kidnapping kron four's. tiffany justice reports. significantly injured in an unprovoked attack. older gentleman and he had just gotten injuring my officers. and so it was at that point time, doesn't matter what think. you are. you know, we're in this you know, we set up officer. my position would do the same thing. >> on monday, piedmont police chief jeremy bowers recounting attack on friday that had him face to face with a violent suspect around 4.20 in the afternoon. police were called to ace hardware on 12. 21 grand avenue after getting calls about an elderly man getting punched from behind. happened right inside of our front initially we thought it was a medical >> issue because there really wasn't anybody around. we had an elderly customer kind of walk through the door. >> appeared to kind of stop and clean as glasses. and a
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gentleman walked from outside right behind them. sucker punched him right into the back of his head and knocked him out for quite a few minutes. store manager sean braga says the suspect. 42 year-old willie gomer ran back outside. >> into the building next door, which is their garden center. that's where piedmont police caught up to gomer. she bowers says the suspect immediately initiated a physical confrontation >> attempted to were relegated to have use a the on several occasions. in addition our oc spray pepper spray for lack of better term. >> all of which proved to be ineffective on the suspect. officer was injured during the and at that point they were unable to to subdue him and he continued flee southbound on grand avenue towards say. at point. >> gomer them broke into a home and threatened the resident before running off.
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keep our decided to strategically placed himself in the direction the suspect was heading. he then found himself in a fistfight with gomer and >> long told pop right out where i was at and so that in my vehicle, identified giving and media. he advanced on me. >> got basically got on top of them to and with that, we got that this competition. you know, he's he's punching, trying to get me off and course, having defend myself and prevent him from carjacking me. >> the chief says gomer was released early on parole for auto theft, robbery in kidnapping, along with several parole violations. he says after reviewing records from donors, kidnapping offense, they learned he was released prior to his full term which would have kept him in jail until 2025. prompting the police chief to question why when i look at that situation with the things i'm thinking, as you know, was he doing out? >> he's clearly a he wasn't in
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a space where you might think we should be in public based off his actions reporting. tiffany justice kron, 4 news. >> crews are cleaning up tonight after a big fire at a storage facility in fremont. look at that. started about 6 o'clock this morning at extra space storage on fremont boulevard. crews arrived to find more than 50 storage units engulfed in flames. >> in a storage facility, typically people pack them full of whatevir the contents were unaware of what those contents are, but they're usually packed fully so you have a heavy fire load so that that always what is going to create different fire conditions for us. >> lot of people lost their things. unfortunately, it took firefighters about an hour to get the fire out. nobody was injured. fortunately, the cause is under investigation. recent count of unhoused people in napa county shows significant progress being made addressing homelessness. the findings highlight a decline in the overall number of people experiencing
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homelessness stemming from increased housing, focus services and strategic investments. according to the preliminary data, there has been an 18% decrease in the overall count of people experiencing homelessness between january 2023. and this january, this is below pre-pandemic levels. the number of individual sleeping in shelters is increased by 34% the number of folks sleeping outside a shelter declined by 42%. meanwhile, the number of people experiencing first-time homelessness has seen a quote, concerning increase. >> new temporary housing is coming to san jose county supervisor cindy chavez unveiling this project at the salvation army emanuel house. today. the campus will be getting a complete makeover into 112 temporary houses. mayor matt mahan also in attendance speaking about the importance of public private investments. >> it's going to take all of us coming together with an all
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of the above approach from from the shelter to individual sleeping pods to more permanent long-term housing placements. we are using streamlining to our planning department thanks to state legislation to move these projects forward with less red tape to do it faster to do it. more cost effectively. >> the county of santa clara will invest 4 million dollars into this project. meantime, as the state grapples with an affordable housing crisis, hundreds of renters took to the state capitol today urging governor gavin newsom to invest in more housing production. capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke with marchers and shares how the governor is responding. >> from music. to megaphones. >> to many, many steps. hundreds of marchers of just watched to the state capitol to demand a governor. gavin newsom and state lawmakers invest more in affordable housing across california. in
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total, some 500 people are taking part in. this marks, the vast majority renters among the marchers. >> francisco to when of the housing now coalition, we need a lot more investing in affordable housing housing that people can afford. but he and so many others here are concerned the state is not where should be falling way behind on the governor's goal to build 1 million new affordable homes by 2030, according to the california housing partnership. while california has increased production of affordable homes over the past 5 years. >> it's not been enough with the partnership noting the state has funded just over 10% of what is needed to reach california twenty-thirty affordable housing goals. we can do it on possible, but we need invest in >> winter's here say they're concerned that the governor's preliminary budget includes proposals to cut or delay some housing programs by about 1 billion dollars. but the governor
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>> is fighting back in a statement. his spokesperson wrote, no governor has done more to support the creation of affordable housing in california. the governor has enacted landmark eviction protections, rent cap legislation and has signed over 30 housing-related sequel measures that streamline the development of housing. the state has invested billions in housing in the latest budget continues. that commitment by investing billions more in response. the alliance of californians for community engagement who helped organize this march said while the newsom administration may have spent billions, it is billions more short of what is needed to build the affordable housing we need. housing is unaffordable. unfortunately, that's the message. nicole arrington says she hopes to literally make loud and clear at this march. >> i'm paying, you know, 64% of my income to rent. so we just want to you know, some help with that. i want everyone to have housing and i want everyone to have housing. they can afford a message. she
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and fellow renters here say they will continue to fight for. >> at the state reporting in sacramento, wallace kron. 4 news. >> developing news in north carolina where 3 u.s. marshals were shot and killed today during a swat operation in charlotte, 5, charlotte mecklenburg police officers were also shot and injured. at least one of them critically. officers were trying to serve a search warrant today at home when they came under fire. the suspect, a convicted felon was found dead later in the home after police cleared the scene. >> we've got a tornado right here 2.15. >> 2 storm chasers got very close to a tornado in southern oklahoma. you see this dramatic video showing the car narrowly avoiding a falling debris as that powerful twister cross their path. neither chaser was hurt, but their car was damaged.
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multiple areas in the midwest and the great plains are now digging out from those deadly tornadoes that hit over the weekend. oklahoma was hardest hit, at least 5 people were killed, including a baby. more than 2 dozen tornadoes hit that saturday. that state saturday causing widespread destruction. at least 100 people were injured. power outages affecting thousands kron four's lawrence karnow have tracking those storms since late last week. he's got the latest. yeah, probably going to be another round of severe weather as we get in toward the middle of this next week as well. we've got another round of cold air kind of dumping out of the rockies, going to make its way into the plains. and then here we go again. but >> we're still not done with the current cold front that's brought all the stormy weather. the severe weather making its way across the country. you see all the way stretching from the great lakes down all the way in the gulf of mexico as that storm system just kind of slowly churns across the country. now it has brought with it a tremendous amounts of stormy weather. and boy, it is just been a rough time. numerous
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tornadoes. reports wind gusts over 60 miles an hour and reports of damaging hail all along that line. right now, things are really kind of picking up as you make your way in orleans is. we've got a more severe weather headed in that direction there tonight, although should begin diminish. but on the backside of this, we've got yet another strong storm that will likely to develop and will bring with it. another chance, some more rain. in fact, a chance. severe weather. you can see the areas shaded in green. that will be a likely again for tomorrow. all that pushing slowly further east. but it's really kind of a slow march. then on the backside of the you can see another round, the potential for some severe weather that comes out of the rockies. that's what you're going to see here. the forecast, you see that one front making its way through eastern part of the united states and all of a sudden another round of cold air dumps right in the central plains. and there you go. another round of possibly severe weather, more tornadic outbreaks as we head in toward late tuesday and into wednesday and thursday of this week. this that time of year, we're really the atmosphere just wants to turn itself upside down. you've got the warm air to the south. got the
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cold air to the north and really when they run into each other that cause all kinds of severe weather. so you're already starting to see some upper 80's across the country's midsection. very cold on the backside. we've got some scary weather ahead for the following week. guys, back to you. all right, lauren, thank you. >> gas prices are going down but not nearly enough compared to last week. the cause has only gone down about $0.3. here's a look at prices here in the bay area. the most expensive place to fill up. our in napa and san francisco counties at around a $5 and $0.65. alameda and solano counties around $0.10 less for a gallon of regular gas contra costa county. not too far from that, the cheapest place to fill up is santa clara county where you can get a gallon for $5 and $0.48. california does remain of the one of the top states with the most expensive gas and average of $5.40 for a gallon of regular. >> well, could electricity bills start coming down? the head of california's largest
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utility says she sees these rising prices, reversing the pg and e ceo says bills could start dropping as early as next year. that is because increased rates over the past year to raise money for infrastructure improvements will and a 13% jump just this past. january sparked a public outcry and scrutiny from state regulators. bills were soaring. it seemed the ceo said some of those spikes were one time charges. >> coming up, the power of a wish year from bay area kids and families who have had bears granted over the years by the make-a-wish foundation.
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>> make-a-wish greater bay area is celebrating 40 years in the region. and today is world wish day over the weekend. the organization held a reunion and san jose for families who have had their wishes granted over the years myself and our photo journalists, rudy garcia, had the chance to chat with them about the importance of wishes. >> so what was your wish what do you remember most i wish to go lines to make based >> said they he could they can like? >> what need to us to go to hawaii to that a hotel i lanny, i could stop thinking about that. are the men for that period of time. and if i needed to take pills every day, i didn't like feel stress thinking about the trip. then
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i'm just so grateful. i got to me, you know, you know, my favorite player and >> everything that they're doing for, you know, people around the world. it's it's more than impactful. you know, it's changing people's >> whether it was 2 months ago or 20 years ago, those his wishes have been granted. never forget how it felt on saturday, families from across the bay area got together at top golf, san jose to share their wishes and get to know one another. i'm so grateful for today and i so lucky to be able to celebrate with my make-a-wish family. i i'm i'm a make-a-wish mom for life. veronica johnson was there for her son. he was 2 when his wish was granted in the year 2000. he passed away just 10 days after meeting mickey mouse to not even think about doctors and what not knowing that we have that open heart coming coming up a week you know. >> it changes your your way thinking after the power of a wish. right. you don't take
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anything for granted for annika and other families celebrating world wish feel the community make a wish is built. >> helps keep a smile their faces. so i'm happy to be alive and be a survivor. and i want to celebrate with other families and other former make-a-wish kids. >> happy 40th main goal is. >> super super cute. it was cool. does here the different wishes that people have, you know, you kind of automatically assume disneyland or disney world something like that. but woman that you heard from just towards the end there. her wish was granted about 24 years ago. and she got to meet sarah mclaughlin like her, you knor, favorite singer at the time so it's just a beautiful thing. there's 350 wishes granted each year. so that's nearly a wish a day here. the area not just here in the bay area. so nearly a wish today. yeah, so happy 40th birthday it just around the corner. cal fire is urging bay area homeowners to begin protecting their property from wildfires.
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here are some tips. >> remove any dead vegetation. keep your grass short. so mow that lawn early in the morning. declutter the space around your home 5 feet is the minimum. this will prevent embers from igniting any materials that are close to your home. if you want to update your fence as you should upgrade it by using non combustible material. also, install dual or multi pained windows to prevent fires from. >> getting we do want to get a check of the weather. i believe someone has a fence that they need to be fixing. and i believe that someone is more. yeah. that one right now. that's going to be a big project. but yeah, this is the time to get prepared before things start to get very dry as we head in toward the summer months. it very hot. but i want to show you what we've got going on here in the long range forecast. kind of a big contrast. it what might be coming our way. here's the long-range forecast model. this one coming from the cdc. right now that go through may
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5th to the 9th and you can see the bay area and went all california in the range of above normal rainfall possibility through that period. and that's because what we're looking at. >> off the coastline is something that could be headed our way. this what we call the american forecast, the u.s. model, the forecast approaching the coastline. you got one front staying to our north. a beautiful day tomorrow as we get wednesday, another gorgeous day outside just more of a northerly wind. not much in the way of fog. and then as we look toward the weekend, here we go. how about that rain begin to move in right on the weekend. this a significant event of this comes through like this that could bring a significant amount of rainfall as it moves on by showers possibly continuing into sunday as well. the european model is completely the other direction. this is some of the forecast now. this would be amazing. this is what i'm finding hard to believe. this is showing one and a half, maybe 2 inches of rain in some of the wet spots around the bay area from a storm that's gigantic. this is what the european model shown. quite a contrast, right? hardly anything out there. just some light showers in the forecast, possibly as we head in towards sunday into monday. so we'll
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keep our eyes on that for you as things get a little bit closer. we'll sort things out right now. we're enjoying some sunshine around the bay area. really some nice weather as we head through the evening hours are going to see beautiful sunshine, just a breeze going to blow from time to time, especially along the coastline. 64 degrees in san francisco for high 66 in the mission. as you head along the coastline, keeping cooler, you get that breeze blowing as well. mainly in the 50's inside the base. i'm really comfortable weather as we look toward tomorrow in the next couple days. boy, getting on the warm side in some spots. 74 degrees in campbell tomorrow about 70 in saratoga and 71 degrees in cupertino, east bay. temperatures up in the mid 70's by tomorrow afternoon, keeping a little cooler breezy inside the bay. 71 degrees in orinda. 72 in richmond, beautiful. 73 degrees and warm as you make your way into play on 74 in benicia back along the coastline. cooler with that sea breeze blowing. but over the next couple days, here we go. we've got some much warmer weather on the way. got some 80's possibly on wednesday and thursday. and by friday, we'll really be sort these things out right now. leave a chance of showers. and for the weekend, i know a lot of folks have plans. we've got cinco de
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mayo coming up, right? yeah, we have a lot of people out there ready to go on the weekend. rain could be a problem. so we'll track that all weekend long for i need you like my hard to think about rain. we're going to be in the 80. i know. i know. and that would i mean, the for this forecast is so much rain that would be hard to believe this time of year. but >> we'll keep watching to see how it works out. thanks, ari. thank you. peace plaza renovations are now underway in san francisco's japantown. there was a groundbreaking ceremony over the weekend. >> assembly member phil ting said it is important to invest in a api communities. he says this is a step in a toning for forcing japanese americans out of this neighborhood in the past mayor breed and former house speaker nancy pelosi were also in attendance. >> coming up, san francisco hosted chocolate makers from around the world over the weekend. we're taking a look at the world record breaking at the world record breaking s'more. stick with.
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i was like shaking you know, . when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case o. as soon as i got a hold of my . because of jacoby and meyers, it a medical bill or things like . if i know of any accident, i'm .
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>> a world record has been broken in san francisco. you are looking at the world largest s'more. while steven durfee from san francisco's dandelion chocolate created the biggest more in the world at the chocolate craft experience yesterday this more is 7 by 7 feet. that looks
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delicious. i love smart. it's a fatty to the craft chocolate experience hosted chocolate makers from around the world over the weekend. >> the palace of fine arts artisans came from, you know, new zealand's korea, dubai, you name it to be featured in the marketplace, which was hosted by dandelion chocolate. some people showed off their hot chocolate mix is as well and it was a nippy there by the coast with the winds of felt good. have some hot chocolate to get any chocolate in any form. i say yes. yeah. that's good to go. wraps up kron 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. vicki and ken are here with more right? anything with chocolate? yahoo. >> thank you, guys. was working on it 6, massive data breach kaiser permanente could impact more than 13 million people. we have details on the information that was taken. >> and how kaiser's responding. and governor gavin newsom announcing that more of
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the lifesaving drug narcan is coming to california. it's part of the latest effort to try to reduce the number overdoses across the state. >> i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> right now at 6 pro-palestine protest are intensifying at college campuses all across the country. police in countering protesters on several college campuses and students now starting to face disciplinary actions at columbia. and then


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