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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  April 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> now to an east bay community is grieving this afternoon as we're learning more about the family members killed in a fiery car crash in pleasanton last week. and piedmont's police chief attacked why he says the
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suspect should still have been behind bars. and officers serving a search warrant in north carolina coming under fire nearly 2 hours later. authorities are now saying the neighborhood remains on safe. >> station. 2. >> thank you for joining us here on kron for justine waltman. our top stories. the police have arrested a man accused of attacking 2 people in one of the victims includes piedmont's police chief. the chief is now questioning why the suspect had been released from jail before serving his full sentence for kidnapping kron four's. tiffany justice spoke with the piedmont police chief and joins now with details. and so what happened here? tiffany? all right. so she bowers telling us that he's going to follow through with this investigation. right now, detectives are working to gather evidence before it headed over to the alameda county da's office. >> yeah, significantly injured in an unprovoked attack and
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older gentleman. and he had just gotten injuring my officers. and so it was at that point time, doesn't matter what think. you are. you know, we're in this you know, to sign up for officer, my position would do the same thing. >> on monday, piedmont police chief jeremy bowers recounting attack on friday that had him face to face with a violent suspect around 4.20 in the afternoon. police were called to ace hardware on 12. 21 grand avenue after getting calls about an elderly man getting punched from behind. happened right inside of our front initially we thought it was a medical >> issue because there really wasn't anybody around. we had an elderly customer kind of walk through the door. >> appear to kind of stop and cleaned his glasses. and a gentleman walked from outside right behind them. sucker punched him right into the back of his head and knocked him out for quite a few minutes. store manager sean braga says the suspect. 42 year-old willie gomer ran back
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outside. >> into the building next door, which is their garden center. that's where piedmont police caught up to gomer. she bowers says the suspect immediately initiated a physical confrontation. >> attempted to were relegated to have use the on several occasions. in addition our oc spray pepper spray for lack better term. >> all of which proved to be ineffective on the suspect. one of officers was injured during the and at that point they were unable to to subdue him and he continued flee southbound on grand avenue towards say. at that point. >> gomer them broke into a home and threatened the resident before running off cheap power decided to strategically placed himself in the direction the suspect was heading. he then found himself in a fistfight with gomer and >> long told pop right out where i was at and so that's
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one exit. my vehicle identified giving unit media. he advanced on me. got basically got on top of them to that we got that this competition. you know, he's. >> he's punching, trying to get me off and course, having to defend myself and prevent him from carjacking me. >> the chief says gomer was released early on parole for auto theft, robbery in kidnapping, along with several parole violations. he says after reviewing records from donors, kidnapping offense, they learned he was released prior to his full term which would have kept him in jail until 2025. prompting the police chief to question why when i look at that situation with the things i'm thinking, as you know, was he doing out? >> he's clearly a he wasn't in a space where you might think that should be in public. face off his actions. >> now we're told one officer was treated at the hospital and released that night going has been cleared medically. he's still in custody for a psychological evaluation. then
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he will be booked into santa rita jail. he's now facing additional charges, including multiple counts of assault on an officer carjacking and robbery. reporting live in the newsroom to be justice kron. 4 >> tiffany, thank you so much for following some breaking news now out of north carolina where law enforcement officers have been shot while carrying out a task force operation in charlotte. the charlotte mecklenburg police department was with the u.s. marshal service, the task force, which is comprised of officers from multiple agencies. they were serving a search warrant when they came under fire. this happened around one 30 local time, 10:30am, in the morning here in california, our sister station in charlotte is now reporting 2 suspects are involved. one of them is wounded. they also say that one officer was shot in the chest to other shot in the leg. there are reports of more than 100 shots fired in this incident. the police department is saying the scene remains active. more details into our newsroom as we get them. the san jose police
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officers association is defending the actions of mayor matt mahan security detail who was attacked while the mayor was providing an interview to kron 4. 35 year-old wesley pollard has been charged for attacking the mayor's security detail last tuesday. pollard stop to confront the mayor and his staff when the security detail asked him to move, he became heated and then was seen on video here hitting the security detail and in response to this altercation, the naacp blamed the officers lack of de-escalation. today the san jose released a statement that reads in part some such as reverend. more from the naacp as well as other apologist for career criminals immediately rushed to defend the violent, aggressive and dangerous suspect. mister moore wrote a disingenuous fact lus letter that was so chalk full of untruths that we wonder if you actually watch the full length video of. wesley david pollard assault on a member of my hand
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security detail. the p is also calling now for a larger security presence for the mayor saying that there should always be at least to san jose police officers assigned to him. new temporary housing is coming to san jose county supervisor. cindy chavez unveiled the project at the salvation army manual house. today. the campus will be getting a complete makeover into 112 temporary houses. mayor mahan also in attendance and spoke about the importance of these public private investments. >> it's going to take all of us coming together with an all of the above approach from from the shelter to individual sleeping pods to more permanent long-term housing placements. we are using streamlining to our planning department thanks to state legislation to move these projects forward with less red tape to do it faster to do it. more cost effectively. >> the county of santa clara will now invest 4 million dollars into this project. a
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recent count of unhoused individuals and napa county shows significant progress being made in addressing homelessness. the findings highlight a decline in the overall count of individuals experiencing homelessness stemming from increased housing, focus services and strategic investments. according to preliminary data, there has now been an 18% decrease in overall numbers of individuals experiencing homelessness between january 2023. january 2024, this is below pre-pandemic levels. the number of individual sleeping in shelters has increased by 34% the number of individual sleeping outside of a shelter declined by 42%. the number of individuals experiencing homelessness for the first time has, quote, some concerning increases. as the state grapples with an affordable housing crisis. hundreds of renters are set to take to the state capitol today urging governor gavin newsom to invest more in housing production those
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taking part in the march say they're frustrated that the state is not on pace to reach its housing goal of 1 million new affordable housing units by 2030. they also say they're concerned governor's budget that's proposed includes nearly 1 billion dollars in cuts are funding delays to housing programs. i'm paying, you know, 64% of my income to rent. >> so we just want you know, some help with that. i want everyone to have housing and i want everyone to have housing they can afford. >> in the past, governor gavin newsom has said that some cuts are necessary to help the state balance. it's projected multi-billion dollar budget deficit today, a spokesperson from the newsom administration told us some of the funds for certain housing programs could be pulled back if it's found that the money appropriated for them went unspent. in the east bay. now fire crews are cleaning up after this huge fire started damage multiple
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storage units. this all happened. fremont squad force charles clifford has the latest. >> well, here at fremont on monday, multiple storage units were destroyed early in the morning. fortunately, no one was injured, but the cleanup is going to take quite a while around 6 monday morning. the fremont fire department responded here to extra space storage in the 30,000 block of fremont boulevard on reports of a fire crews arriving on scene found this 2 story building composed of storage and it's fully engulfed in flames. it took crews about an hour using water and foam to bring the fire under control. >> adding to the challenge of fighting this blaze is the unknown nature of what was in the storage units in a storage facility. typically people. >> pack them full of whatever the contents were unaware of what those contents are, but they're usually packed fully so you have a heavy fire load so that that always what is going to create different fire conditions for us, even though the fire was contained quickly, fire crews plan to be on scene for most of the day monday, just in case the flames kick back up again. there's still that deep-seated
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smoldering fire beneath that just. >> makes it a challenge for for getting in there and getting to the scene of the fire. fire crews were able to keep this fire from spreading 2 other buildings. and finally, the exact cause of this fire. well, that remains under investigation. but for now in the east bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> coming up here at the port of oakland, getting some significant federal funding all in an effort to move towards 0 emissions and the family killed in that fiery car crash in the east bay last week has now been identified. we'll hear how they're being remembered. but first, the pro-palestinian protests are continuing across college campuses, including here in the bay area. we'll see how they are trying to wrap this they are trying to wrap this up.
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>> it's now been 5 days since students at stanford university set up an encampment of tents at the school protesting the ongoing war. students are demanding that stanford disclose any ties it has to companies that financially benefit israel. so far protests have been peaceful. crews had to clean up some graffiti on campus. students protesting are not only calling on the administration to disclose its finances, but also they're joining several other campuses around the nation where students are calling for a cease-fire. stanford did send letters to around 60 students who say they are involved in this protest saying that camping on school property is prohibited and that students could be arrested if they do not move. protest organizers say that these are just empty threats and the university really has no idea who's involved in these protests.
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>> they even like discipline actions to people who here. >> the people who they slept overnight but didn't. and the majority of the students how city a muslim arab students event design is just so kind of shows that the shooting in the dark and honestly just letting their prejudice guide >> protests also continuing uc berkeley. here's video from sproul plaza where demonstrators posted a list of some of their demands on a large banner. students involved are calling on the university to stop investing in companies that work with israel, especially if they're invo ved in making weapons of war. there are also reports encampments might be getting bigger. some students not currently participating in the protest say they're considering getting involved. think that there's different ways to help. i don't necessarily think that you have to pitch a tent, although that is an option. i thought about it last night. >> but i'm sure that they need food and that they need water and that they need a place to maybe shower and come back. so whatever i could do to help, i
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would. >> so you said that you might even think about joining them. if this continues after you yeah, i would see how i can help. >> students at sonoma state university also holding solidarity encampment on campus. they're demanding the school divest from all donors and funds that support of profit from the occupation in palestine. they also want to see study abroad programs connected with israel shut down one student. we spoke with talked about how the university statement seemed to downplay the situation in gaza. >> it's the very same. wording and flowery language using to downplay what's actually going on and genocide. >> while still somehow. informing students that they should feel loved and respected and united with one another, which of quarters. but you cant use flowery language for genocide. >> the students also want the
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university to recognize palestinian identity and their curriculum. cal poly humboldt has announced a hard closure of campus because of the ongoing protests and the occupation on this campus. the closure set to remain in place until the end of the semester. that's may 10th. last week, several dozen demonstrators took over siemens hall, one of the main buildings on campus and another group of protesters was outside of that building. colombia activists have now defied a deadline to clear out tent encampments. instead more than 300 demonstrators were seen chanting, clapping and drumming, at least 120 tense remain up. now, video showing these pro-palestinian protesters taking a vote to disregard the dispersal order. the school set a deadline of 2 o'clock local time to leave and also for them to sign a form in order to follow university policies through june 2025. or graduation, whichever comes first. the notice sent out to the protesters said if they did,
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they could finish the semester in good standing. if not, they would be suspended so far. officials the pair not to have entered the encampment. despite that deadline passing. this past saturday marked one year since 2 people were killed and another injured in a series of stabbings in davis reporter monica deanda tells us how one of the victims is being remembered today. >> crema boone as the second victim of the davis, stabbings will be honored here at sycamore park today. this is a place where he was attacked and lost his life. i want you to take a look at the memorial that have been set up here by friends, family and other community members, all the flowers they brought. they have low notes, a different tokens of appreciation to honor and remember his life right now. you're looking at video of a memorial that was set up here at sycamore park just after that attack. this is where we she was stabbed to death a year ago. he was just 20 years old. on saturday, the community came together to honor the first victim, david bro. the 3rd victim, kimberly
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gilroy is the only survivor of the stabbings today at 07:00pm, the city of davis and uc davis will honor of an issue with a memorial bench place here at sycamore park, along with renaming a section of the bike path from sycamore lane to the 113 overcrossing at sycamore park. and right now you're taking a look at that bench that is going to be unveiled at 7 o'clock. anybody from the community that can come out here tonight and join is asked to do so again. this is all in honor of cream of wheat is that was monica deanda reporting for us. >> we'll switch gears now to talk about the weather with a live look outside here at the golden gate bridge. pretty sailboat of some sort there underneath. we are joined by our meteorologist kyla grogan on this very sunny monday. yeah. gorgeous day following a gorgeous weekend, right? it was just lovely out there this weekend. hope you get some sunshine and if you didn't well, today you had a chance. and guess what? we're going to see more of this as we go throughout the week. but notice that flag is kind of blowing in the breeze. we do have some wind out there to talk about the temperature
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wise. boy, it's really nice. you've gotten into the low 70's in san jose livermore concord, santa rosa, just beautiful. we're still in the 50's in half moon bay and san francisco. oakland kind of splitting the difference. there. but this is the one catch in the forecast. we're getting breezy yet again today. as you can see, san francisco now very well defined onshore flow. there at 23 miles per hour. you certainly see the wind out of point rays, but notice it's also picking up in oakland right there, 15 miles per hour. so we're starting to get this going to battle about 16 right now, too. and in fact, as we get into tomorrow evening, we just had the national weather service put out a wind advisory for part of our viewing area. this is the part that's connected to the sacramento office. it's a lot yellow counties, but you can see that they're expecting gusts upwards to about 45 miles per hour. and again, that will be late tuesday night into wednesday. so no, i wind advisories for us yet here in the bay area, but it doesn't mean it's not going to be breezy. so just be ready for that. you might feel that if you're driving across the bridges and certainly if you are out at the coast, a few coastal clouds could be out there, too. but not many
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right. this is going to be more high pressure. that kind of keeps us a little bit clearer over the next few days. this high pressure building in a new look at the water vapor map. you see there's plenty of low pressure systems kind of out and about. but high pressure will keep them away from at least until we get to next weekend. so what that means is if you take livermore as an example where the average high this time of year is about 72 degrees will be slightly above that rain today and tomorrow. but then we rocket above that as we get into wednesday thursday, friday. and then we drop it down. and the reason for that is that we're going to see some low pressure starts to work its way in other also leaves us a slight chance. and it is just light of little showers saturday night into sunday. but, you know, regardless of whether we get the rain, but it's really going to do is cool us down well below average. so enjoy the beautiful sunny week and we'll keep an eye on that weekend. back to you. all right. we'll go not to the east bay where the port of oakland is getting some significant federal funding. the u.s. department of transportation granted the port 4 million dollars will go towards new 0 emission
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equipment. >> like electric trucks and ev chargers. officials say the funding will help improve air quality at the oakland seaport and neighboring communities. it's set to be start to be in use next year. congresswoman barbara lee today thanking the biden harris administration for the funding and issuing a statement that reads in part here, it's crucial that we continue to invest 0 emission operations. and i'm pleased the port of oakland is leading the way. millions of kaiser permanente members have potentially been impacted by a data breach. the company did confirm this to kron 4, according to a statement from kaiser, which is headquartered oakland, certain online technologies previously installed on its website and mobile applications may have transmitted personal information to third-party vendors. those vendors potentially include search engines, google and microsoft's bing and also the social media platform x information was transmitted when members accessed kaiser's website with a mobile apps. no
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user names, passwords, social security numbers, financial account information or credit card numbers were transmitted in this breach. according to kaiser. and the company is now informing current and former members of the data breach. still ahead, how california is making it easier to distribute generic >> generic version of narcan. and the head of california's largest utility is saying prices for pg e could be going down. we'll tell you why. and down. we'll tell you why. and when. ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin.
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febreze small spaces. down. just not enough compared
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to last week, they have already gone down $0.3. >> so take a look at the prices here in the bay area. the most expensive for gas right now in napa and san francisco counties. 5.65 alameda and solano counties. $0.10 less contra. costa county. not that far behind. the cheapest is in santa clara 5.48. california does remain one of the top states with the most expensive gas. it has an average of 5.40, for a gallon of regular. could electric bills start to come down? the head of california's largest utility is saying she's seeing rising prices, reversing. pacific gas and electric ceo patti pope says bills could start dropping as early as next year. that's because increased rates over the past year have been to raise money for infrastructure improvements and that's going end a 13% jump just this past january sparked outcry. also scrutiny from state regulators and the ceo of pg e is saying
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some of those spikes were one-time charges. california set to purchase twin packs of the lifesaving naloxone nasal spray for almost half of the current market price. the state is going to purchase this medication for $24. that's down 40% from current prices. qualifying organizations in the state, including first responders, universities and community organizations can get the state's naloxone supply for free. up next, thousands of students were in san jose showing off their engineering skills at a conference. we're going to hear how the conference. >> helps them learn things that they can use later on in life. and also a bittersweet goodbye for candy shop in the north bay. wi owner is now saying she just had to close. plus, we're learning more about the family members killed in a fiery car crash in pleasanton last week. we're pleasanton last week. we're hearing from someone who knew
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businesses are taking ahead as the sausalito ferry remains closed for commuters. this now is the second week of closures. >> after an inspection found a damaged pier. a ferry spokesperson said crews can only work during low tide so the repairs can take some time. people living in sausalito say this is a big loss, not just for their town, but anyone who also wants to come visit. >> i think everybody's businesses affected. 15 or more per cent. people that visit san francisco, one of the things they have to do while they're in san francisco's take a ferry boat to sausalito and spend the day
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here in the in the magic kingdom. and that's what this is. >> the golden gate ferry hopes to have sausalito service back up and running sometime next week. and while repairs are being made, a transit bus will take passengers across the golden gate bridge. and in the north bay. after 27 years in business, the iconic candy store on main street to bron is closing the owner says a major rate hike is forcing her to close up shop kron. 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> after nearly 3 decades of providing sweet treats the candy store on main street in tehran is closing. the store was packed with people sunday trying to get their favorite candies one last time. iran is not to run without this candy it's a destination for the kids to come downtown and get candy. this is kind of sad to see that like a child and never is going away. the shop is a sweet childhood memory for the owner to cam heartbroken. i really am i you know. this is been half of my
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life 16 years. jenny torres grew up in temple run and work to the candy store in high school in 2015 when the original owners wanted to sell, she left her job as a teacher and bought it at just 24 years old. i close up that night and i was a business tourists. as in the last 9 years, she's experienced the ups and downs of running a business in a seasonal tourist town. >> during the pandemic, you know, i moved heaven and earth to to stay here and keep profitable and keep paying the never miss a mint. torres says she was trying to renew her lease on main street. but when her landlord hiked the rent 60%, she says she made the difficult decision to close. once. i realize that they weren't really willing to negotiate. i haven't had a broken talk to them. then i realized that it was just going i was suarez says this has other small businesses on main worried about being pushed out to their nervous having one in the street east,
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such a high rate would cause their regular rate skyrocket. you know, as word got out about the closure, the support came flooding in from the community. a lot of people came and asked me what i needed, what i wanted. people offer to invest. people offer you know, pay the rent. a gofundme page was set up to save the candy shop. it's raised more than $6,000. tourists hopes one day she can open up the shop in a new location. but for now, it's farewell. was so many of has been coming to say goodbye to the candy store. look at that smile. i we going take away the smiles. torres is hoping to keep this sweet tradition alive by opening up another candy store somewhere else in town. >> with a different landlord, we reached out to her current landlord, but we did not hear back in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting and tipper kron. 4 news. >> asia sf has officially turned out the lights. the nightclub was known for hosting dinner cabaret performances with transgender
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dancers. they were open for the past 26 years in soma in san francisco, the owner said they hope to continue doing pop-up performances to keep the legacy of asia sf. we're now learning the names of the family members killed in that terrible car crash from pleasanton last week. authorities are continuing to try to figure out what caused the accident. kron four's terisa stasio has the latest. >> on monday, pleasant and police at the scene taking measurements and documenting other pertinent facts. there are more questions than answers right now as to what caused a fiery crash last wednesday night on foothill in stone ridge road that killed a family of 4 notes and flowers along with parts left behind at the family's car now dot the landscape. police say that the family was apparently returning from a birthday party when for some reason, the electric car swerved and collided with a tree catching fire. >> right down the street from yeah. their family, you know, like all rest of this and they
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have them. you know, he's seen him with their kids playing he writes, when i right my by that. yeah, it's really and neighbor too upset to be on camera. talked with kron 4 news. >> got home this way. that was the next day. was free. the names not being released to kron. 4 news from the alameda county sheriff's department include. >> 2 run george 41 rowan george 13 and aaron george 9, the identity of the 4th victim, authorities say cannot be released yet. but sources tell kron 4 news that it was the wife rienzi george. 2 run worked in tech. he was with aruba and networking company for 11 years. in a statement, a spokesperson said, quote, to run was a valued alumnus of our hpe, aruba family. and our thoughts are with his family's loved ones at this devastating time, unquote. the boy's ruin aaron attended pleasanton schools notes from their
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classmates. we're on a poster at the crash site. grief counselors have been called in to help children with the grieving process of losing a classmate in pleasanton theresa kron. 4 news. >> a woman was shot and killed near downtown san jose. and police are looking for that suspect right now. it happened saint james streets friday night around 9. police say the victim was found in the street. they say that the shooter ran away from the scene and neighbors in the area tell us they heard multiple gunshots and that it sounded like firecrackers. this is the city's 12 homicide of the year. >> we've got a tornado right here 2.15. >> 2 storm chasers got very a tornado. this isn't southern oklahoma. this is dramatic video showing the car narrowly avoiding falling debris as that powerful twister cross
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their path. neither chaser was hurt. their car was damaged and multiple areas in the midwest and great plains are digging out from these deadly tornadoes that hit over the weekend. oklahoma was hit the hardest. at least 5 people were killed there, including a baby more than 2 dozen tornadoes hit that state saturday, causing widespread destruction, looking at some of it. now at least 100 people were injured and power outages are affecting thousands of people. meteorologist kyla grogan here now with the latest. hey there yet it's just been horrible, horrible ride. you can see this is the storm is kind of keeping an eye on this morning. >> in happy to say the none of those have been tornado warned lines and also where this happened is getting decent weather today as this line kind of tracks to the east. however, tomorrow, unfortunately, some of those same spots like iowa, oklahoma, are going to be looking out again for the chance of some severe weather. you may be wondering, you know, is this the peak time for that? pretty much is as we get through april may june and then into july and then it does start to pull back here. you can see the areas in dark red kind of showing where you
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have the most average tornadoes. by the time we get to august, we do still have that threat there. but it is much less than a lot of this has to do with that warm and cold air kind of coming together. when you start to get that warm gulf air that rises up and needs more of an arctic air mass that comes down from canada right now. some things kind of interesting that happening here is on the east coast. we've got temperatures in washington, d.c., that when approaching record territory, you can see it's warmer in dc right now than it is in miami where it's 81 or in atlanta where it is 77 degrees. so they got a little bit of a heat snap happening. we're also warming up a bit this weekend. we're already seeing some those really nice 70's inland here. you can see from bakersfield to fresno, sacramento, right on up to redding, obviously along the coast, a little bit but having said that, we have a warm-up that's going to continue as we roll through the week. in fact, it goes through friday before we start to see things pullback. we could see some of our inland spots wednesday, thursday and friday. get very close to or reach that 80 degree. mark, thanks changed drastically. we get to the
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weekend. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about that. thank you. we'll go to the south bay now for 37 years. thousands of students around northern california have come to downtown san jose to show off their engineering skills. it's called the tech challenge in this year's event brought in 2000 students for this competition. kron four's jack molmud was there and has the story. >> over 500 teams of students from around 144 different schools from the bay area. and northern california joined together here downtown san jose for 37th annual tech challenged. but the tech projects they're working go back months. >> time means the end of the school year. but for these kids. >> really, fun. >> challenging the 37th annual tech challenge in downtown san jose. well, months in the making doesn't feel like your usual homework assignments, israeli and as an opportunity from students all over northern california to showcase their amazing engineers feel i belong core helps protect challenge on
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every single year. this is her 11th and she says every year is a different theme. this year's theme is space. she adds that every year is special. they started as early as october. >> at the end of the project, they come here to showcase everything they've built for long court. it's a pivotal moment for kids anywhere from 4th grade to senior year round for me. i really love to see all the amazing things that the kids create. it really gives me a lot of hope for the future of our world. what the future can wait because now it's time to show off. your target? twice into 3 different platforms. this group of spaceship for their style could middle school and east side. san jose. these kids started building their catapult last summer. how do feel about winning? really great. really great. and they'll all their targets besides one and get a medal beyond infinity. astronauts and alien from outer space. this team is from randall world languages. school in milpitas pretty good because
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it even like. >> it was also pretty consistent compared their accomplishments and happy for the opportunity to show their talents to families all over northern california. at mister can chew. >> he was the one. so yes, can too. >> well, the theme of this year's annual tech challenge was space, but organizers are dropping back next year's theme could be something that has to grab it's quote, gravity is your friend. we're in downtown san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> now the national news in the hush money trial of former president donald trump will resume tomorrow. the court is dark today for passover. we do not know who is going to testify tomorrow because prosecutors do not want mister trump attacking any witnesses before they testify. and thursday, the judge will hold a second gag order hearing to determine if mister trump violated it. 3 witnesses testified last week including the former publisher of the
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national enquirer, a former executive assistant at the trump organization and a baker from michael cohen. also mister trump's. that was mister trump's former personal lawyer and, quote, fixer. attorneys for rapper sean diddy combs are requesting parts of a assault lawsuit be thrown out. this motion has been filed asking for revenge and human trafficking statutes to be dismissed along with some other things. that's because the alleged victim says that this incident happened in 1991. comes as lawyers are arguing that new york state's human trafficking and revenge laws were not codified until 2019. the stars accused of drugging and sexually assaulting a then 19 year-old woman. coming up here. when you can catch grammy award winner billie eilish and her. >> it means hit me hard and soft horse coming to the bay area and good news for drivers of electric cars. the new initiative from governor newsom to make charging ev
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cars even easier. plus, americans who have spent decades looking forward to taking back their feet in retirement are now being forced to go back to work. forced to go back to work. will tell you with cascade platinum plus,
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i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher?
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watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. retirees in the u.s. is growing at a rapid rate. but instead of being able to enjoy their retirement, a lot of them are realizing >> they need to return to the workforce just in order to make ends meet reporter xavier walton shows us how many more people are going back to work. >> well, eye that on the 4th floor, janet campbell reports
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for duty. good morning. she's making waves in more ways than what at united homecare you can pulled out before we can even sit down for an interview. janet and the team had to finish putting together bags for community outreach. we are janet says she was finished working altogether years ago or so. she thought she actually retired early after working education for many, many years. but things changed. we have to have somewhere to >> we have to have food on my table. so i put the private eye, jim and it says she was thrusted back into the workforce. she blames inflation. her mortgage rate went through the roof and says the social security just wasn't enough. i cried. >> many days. but i just put one foot. >> for sadly, janet's story is playing up for millions nationwide. 12% of retired americans are expected to go back to work this year. that's according to a survey from
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resume builder dot com except to like 60% of retirees. >> are having to do something to supplement whatever they've got their own retirement accounts. >> inflation and cost of living are among the top reasons, retirees or punching the clock again, starting a business going into the game could take on me. i'm driving for uber doordash. haha back of the 4th floor. janet says she's just rolling with the punches. just i don't i will cry and i don't want to crash. that was xavier walton reporting for us. there's a big news coming up today for a california electric vehicle owners. governor gavin newsom. >> has announced that tesla superchargers are opening up 2 non tesla vehicles. this is part of the governor's plan to deploy thousands of new public chargers statewide. the governor says it's to help make california most extensive charging and refueling network in america. the governor tweeted that when the u.s. which is official, there will be more than 105,000 public ev
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chargers. the governor's office released a statement noting that for every 5 gas stations in california, there is now one electric vehicle fast charging station. well, the good old days of hanging out at the mall might be making a comeback. recent reports across the country are showing also becoming meccas for local restaurants and also entertainment pictures like top golf in arcades. so this trend is not a return to the food court of the 2, thousands, but more of an array of choices like a sushi bar. local michael microbrewery might be in there. recent data showing traffic lower and top tier malls was up compared to pre-pandemic levels. and the one thing that could be driving more people to go to the malls and spending more time in there. is the food options. so can it work? >> yeah. its kind of like musical artists that keep reinventing themselves, they can last for a long time. the ones that are just in that narrow lane. they have a
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shorter rise and same way with restaurants, same way with restaurants and malls. >> also, they're saying people of all generations are looking for a sense of community and the local law. it's one of those options. the antioch library closing tomorrow to have its roof repaired. the work is scheduled to take 6 weeks with the library reopening up on june. 11th the book drop will be locked and items that have been placed on hold will not be available for pickup during the closure. all starts on wednesday. and cal fire's urging bay area home owners to begin protecting their property from wildfires. are the tips they have sent out, including removing dead vegetation. a keeping your crash short. mow your lawn early on in the morning. also declutter the space around your home 5 feet is the minimum. this will prevent embers from igniting materials next to your home. and if you want to update your fence, they're saying try using
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something won't catch on fire in on compatible material. and also installed dual or multi pane windows to prevent fires from getting inside of your home. we'll talk about the forecast now. a live look outside here across the embarcadero. there is the bay briage little breezy out there today. kolr is here now so we can take a little tour of what it looks like outside. yeah, it looks gorgeous outside, but the wind is going to be the thing, right. and that's what we're starting to see. the look at this wall to wall blue skies. we've got going on all the way from the east bay to san jose. >> to half moon bay looking good. san francisco, too. temperatures reflecting that. obviously we're in the 70's already in palo alto, san jose. fremont livermore, dublin. i've got so many to say that are in the 70's. 75 in gosh. 72 in concord. >> 70's up in the north bay to nevado santa rosa and napa all sitting at 72 degrees. obviously a lot cooler out at the coast here. you can see point reyes station reporting 58 degrees. that's because they have a very distinct onshore flow that's bringing
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that cooler air in. and you can see it here. i see in san francisco, there's that onshore push that starting to happen where we get the breezy conditions, but they're pushing across from the coast into the bay as well. so i'm using pacific as an example here. we've got, you know, gusts upwards of 2024 miles per hour. it will get a little bit better as we get into the evening. but tomorrow expected to be windy as well. and you can see here in parts of solano and yolo counties that are part of that sacramento, national weather service office. they're going to be a wind advisory starting late tomorrow evening and going through 5 o'clock on wednesday, expecting gusts to 45 miles per hour. now, even though we're not under wind advisory here in san francisco show your future wind gusts. we're going to keep going up this afternoon. pull back a little in the overnight. tomorrow we get another push in and look what happens we get into wednesday. we actually the change of direction. we start to get a northerly flow. but all this kind of equals the fact that we're going to be breezy this week. so just be prepared for. we're also going to see these temperatures continue to start to roll up the sunshine here in san jose. kind of showing you. they've got some lovely 70's today. but wednesday,
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thursday, friday, we're going to be flirting with 80 degrees in many spots as that high pressure continues to roll. then things change of low pressure starts to move in. and as it does, it not only cools us down, but it actually brings us a slight chance of a shower overnight saturday into sunday. you know, you consider we do start may on wednesday. so we're you know, looking after the chance a shower. but regardless of whether we get the rain, just want to say it is definitely going to cool us down. we'll keep an eye on that. rain chance, though. back to you. thank you. the biden administration is delaying plans to ban menthol cigarettes once again after was proposed by the fda and 2021, a spokesperson for the department of health and human services issued a statement saying they're still more conversations to be had. >> that this is going to take more time. the ban was already delayed once in december. and recent delay is drawing some fire from the african american tobacco control advocacy groups. experts say nearly 200,000 black americans are expected to quit smoking once
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the ban starts. up next. major league baseball promising to make changes after a number of their players are speaking out against their current against their current uniforms. i'll be honest.
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by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet.
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baseball plans to address at their uniform issues following some complaints from players and fans. according to espn, some of the modifications include larger lettering on the back of the jerseys, fixing missed match. great tops and bottoms. also some adjustments to the pants which are widely criticized for being see through. the new
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uniforms made their debut during spring training. the immediately received some backlash. the changes will be addressed. they say no later than the start of next season. and that's the end of the era for one of the greatest women's basketball players of all time. former la sparks star candace parker announcing her retirement after 16 seasons with the wnba parker's a 3 time wnba champion. she's won 2 mvps and 2 olympic gold medals with team usa and on social media. she said in part that the company, the competitor, her always wanted more, but that it's time my heart and body new. but i needed my mind some time to accept it. her co-workers on inside the nba paid tribute to her career. >> can his girl we so proud of you? you get you know what good thing about it. none of us ever get to walk around all terms. you did great. this woman players joy to work with
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of said that. tell me can visit. talked on the phone the other day. told me, but >> so proud of your cove accomplishments and off the court. >> nfl legend tom brady also owner of the wnba is a las vegas aces, which was the last team the parker played for had this to say about her on instagram. one of the best ever do it. at every level of the game. all right. if you're a fan of billie eilish, the grammy award-winning singer is coming to san jose this winter. and here's your chance to get tickets. the bad guy singer performing at sapd center december 10th and december. 11th american express presale tickets will be available tomorrow. general sale tickets go on sale friday on billie eilish's website. don't go anywhere. we have another hour news ahead for you here on kron 4. the new some new details from the fremont fire department. >> as fire crews are mopping up hours after a storage unit
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fire and new at 3 white. this sword is now in possession of santa rosa. police. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news justine waldman. kron. 4 news at 3. it's next. febreze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> now 3 clouds of black smoke and extreme flames. crews working now to clean up the mess after a massive fire tore through 50 storage units in fremont. and that smoke was still visible near extra space storage


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