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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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like this? yeah, absolutely. i mean, thank god. and i listen to dan kerman talk about this. >> and he said that the officer warned him. move away a number of times and then the arrested punches. officer pushes him in the face here. here's what this comes down to. i can just imagine what that officer must have been thinking here. there are tv cameras. here's somebody that comes up. looks like they are either under the influence mentally unbalanced are just plain old fashioned. a bad dude, right? and he walks up. the officer talks i'm police back away. move absolutely ignore. same touches the officer, their punches are slaps him. i'm at the officers taken and has said, oh, my god, cameras are punching him or hurt him. everybody is going to criticize. there goes my job. there goes my pension.
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my son is about to go to college. what do i do? i thought he handled it well. i don't know what his fighting skills war, but rest look like mike tyson out their are bouncing around like, oh, looks like you've taken a our ben fights before. look like, you know, and can see how long seconds really are. when you're in a situation where you don't know which way this is going to it could turn even more violent. heavy pulled out a weapon or something that seemed to take forever. >> for police to show up, it was only a couple minutes but it just seems like an eternity. while act taken and what we have done to police officers as make them side, just that they're thinking, oh, my god, what do i do? how do i aandle this? i can't touch him because i'll be criticized. so we've put in their head now be really afraid or there goes your job because the some people will come doubt. why did you hit him so hard? yeah. why did you not him? hard was my thought
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at the time for what he was doing. >> but that's where societies portion cops. yeah. >> well, it's obviously difficult job. nobody doubts that for a second. it's a tough thing and then we're not okay. all right. let's talk a similar kind of for alameda police officers took down the suspect appeared to be under the influence. he ended up dying. they were not charged until now. this happened a couple years ago. we're talking about the 4 officers involved in a but the the alameda, a man pamela price now says they should be charged with the they are charging with with manslaughter. they're facing up to 4 years before she got office. nancy o'malley was her staff looked at it and said we're not filing. they were reasonable and how they handled this person. remember, he's intoxicated on meth. i believe he's an alcoholic drinking like crazy. he had
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what, 4, 5, bottles they just stole from the market. and there is out there the community called and said get him out of here is scaring the heck out of everybody. >> they talked to him. he won't move. they put him down and all this happens before george floyd. so this one down before that case and now pam price comes in and she said, well, i'm going to revisit to see what happened. and now the side and she looks and the officers are leaning on him. the family got one 11 million dollars for this in a civil settlement. and now the police are being prosecuted. and again. police officers are looking at those not want to get involved with anything on the street to play devil's advocate here you he was a big guy. he's a very but didn't appear to be. >> really aggressive. he was kind of a little bit out of it may be under the influence.
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wasn't moving fast. there are 4 against one and they take them down. and at that point when he's down. do you need lay out lay on his back to you need to? i mean, he's a heavy guy. you know? oh, i'm just i'm just asking a guy who who's down. yeah. how much more do you need to to do what you want stay down? sure. sure. sure. so how do you keep him down? you don't put a knee on his neck like door? well, i know. but that didn't have. i don't what you can do something close to that say that you see that. i know that's what talking about, right? this is 2020. you know, you've got police out there trying to protect the community and you've got this guy not following orders. >> not being respectful to the police and they do the best they can to keep him down. and now we all look back and galley. it shouldn't put an as back. well, golly, you should have been on matthew should have in that darkened the show to follow donors. i don't know what the answer is. >> but i know price promise to go after cops. she formed a unit to do it. no weather da's office that i know has a
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special units like you give them all hammers in this unit, everything that she's going to be a nail or a police violation. look what your turn the place into. i'm not saying. know what i'm saying. put it to a jury and alameda and let them decide this how they want their place stacked. that's what jurors are for. all right. let's talk about the death penalty cases said pastor rice is trying to get thrown out over time. >> because that was the language in the report language in the notes of yea, right? that was picking a jury to yeah. black slacks, a. >> the movie? a few good men. what's the famous line? you can't handle the truth. you can that. let's talk the truth. there and let people decide. the criminal justice system as adversarial. the defense wants jurors that are going to vote not guilty. the da once jurors that are going
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to vote guilty. i mean, that's the system. sure. and i have heard more then one jewish attorney and more than one jewish judge. you know, jewish people don't like the death penalty. they're not likely to vote for >> so i'm not sure you should let viewers people on death penalty jurors. this is what it heard me say. this is what some judges say. but is that right? is that right? what is it right or wrong if it's adversarial system, if your kicking them because you think they will automatically go against the death penalty. that is that wrong? i don't know. you tell me like i said, can you handle the truth? this is what goes on trial. what about the public defender or the d a or defense attorney that says, well, his jewish, i'm gonna keep it because it is has that wrong? because keeping them a place that chances are a jewish person and that is certainly a broad stroke in all this will not vote for the death penalty, was just going to work. well,
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changed the law now. i no, but i mean, this case of of the case, probably will you know, because it doesn't look good for the da that wrote those notes. sure. but then. you're you're picking people in an adversarial system and you have to deal with the truth in certain cases. just happened. i okay. let's talk what happened. no to that jury find oj not guilty because da didn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. alright, leave it to people. you all decide or did they decided for other reasons? you tell i don't know. but then people the look at that and go, oh, my lord. we better that people that come in here and they do it. like i said, that adversarial. who knows what's right and wrong. but now you just can't kick that. you kick, for example, to hispanics in a row to blacks,
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to jewish people. you've got explain to the court on the record. why'd you do that? besides we see you kick 3 hispanics, why'd you do it because you do it for real reasons or because they were hispanic. so the last change so what price is doing is not going to change things now because they've been changed. so what she's doing in my opinion has been very political say, let's not look at the fact alameda wants to toss me out of office. let's look at what i'm doing here. a guy that shot a 9 year-old kid in the chest and killed it. 70 year-old woman in the neck. didn't keller all because she was trying to collect rent from him. you tell me, i don't know. and you know what it's doing kind of. the da's that i have talked to a lot of counties are saying, you know, with all these new rules, i go in there and i think i should kick that juror. that's your happens to be, you know, pick the ethnicity. not going kick
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them because it may cost me my job let's let them just sit in jury even though there probably going to go. guess that's the effect that all of this is happening. all right. i don't know what's right or wrong. get all that. well, you gave us a lot to think about. and it's great having you here because have that inside perspective being in the courtrooms and dealing with the judges in the jurys inn whole thing. so. >> michael, all right, next time take thank you very much, vicki. i gentleman always informative, occasionally controversial. >> the alameda county social services agency hosted a job and a resource fair today meant to help formerly incarcerated resident. get ahead in the job world. dozens of people lining up at the oakland coliseum to speak with the nearly 100 employers and career centers. companies are offering on the spot interviews and job offers the event also gave people a chance to get a free haircut and professional head shot. >> depending on where they're at in their journey. folks may
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need some other services to get them to that employment. so we have certain very removal services here. know people make mistakes, but everybody deserves the opportunity to grow from those mistakes and do better in life. and that's what we're here for it. >> the event is in celebration of national second chance month, the biden administration recognizes april is a time to support folks returning from jail back into the community. >> at the state capitol, a key legislative committee blocked legislation that would have forbidden state lawmakers and lobbyist from entering into non-disclosure agreements during bill negotiations. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a closer look. indeed, it's been mixed reaction here at the state capitol upon learning this bill. >> will not advance clerk will open the road. looking at one of the most public parts of the legislative process, a formal vote on a bill 32 knows find the merger process. but what the public does not
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always whole bill is crafted in negotiated behind the scenes when the public. >> a look at the laws being made. they deserve transparency. that's why bakersfield gop assembly member vince fong says he introduced assembly bill. 26 54. it would ban the use of non-disclosure agreements or nba's in the legislative process. in a nutshell in nba's an agreement between at least 2 people are parties binding them to secrecy, preventing them from disclosing specified information often deemed sensitive and confidential. fong's legislation would prevent lobbyist lawmakers and state employees from entering into such an agreement when crafting a negotiating bills. proposal come up for a hearing in the assembly elections committee where he urged members to back the legislation. it is my biggest concern that we are actually trying to shield the public. >> for inforbation and and from legislators as well. that i is critical to our votes in to help laws are being made. and so nda is being used in the law, making a crafting of laws
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that that process has to be discouraged and eliminated. but the bill has its opponents, including the california restaurant association and the california chamber of commerce. they came out against arguing some bill negotiations require confidential discussions to build trust and create consensus confidentiality agreements between private parties can often help. >> to allow a difficult issues and difficult issues to be worked through between parties that don't necessarily always a great in the end. bush and has built the bill did not pass while the loan to republicans on the committee voted in favor of it. the democratic majority blocked the bill noting it was published only last week giving members little time to review it. this rushed process which necessitated expedited hearing by this committee. >> prevented this bill from receiving the level of scrutiny and the analysis that bills normally receive before being hurt as a disappointment, given the a's are going to be allowed to be
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used moving that's wrong. >> and so this bill is dead for this year. but every been told by several gop lawmakers, they want to see it reintroduced next reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news time for weather. check into a cloud formation. check out side as we give you a view of point. hard to see any clouds there. it's a great day kind of cold. and you know what that means? >> perhaps precipitation cloud formation up in the sierra. we go a bit salty very impressive. snow is at the scientific term. that would be a a little snow accumulation up there. that's for sure. looks like we've got another late season storm that is now bearing down on california. the bay area start to pick up a couple of scattered showers. look at that. as we look toward have see how the clouds out there. you see the snow in the foreground that melt a little bit. but we're going to be more of that snow on the way overnight tonight. this pretty decent storm for this time of year. in fact, starting to pick up some of that snow on some of the higher peaks. now you get up toward the tahoe area just over the rim of the sierra
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nevada, starting to see some of that snow there as well. and some scattered showers down below. we're going to watch out picking up, though, as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow. so late season storm bringing some snow and some gusty winds. if you're traveling that way tomorrow, be prepared. there may be some delays out there on the roads of snow levels dropping down to about 6,000 feet by tomorrow. we're talking maybe 2 to 6 inches of snow above 7,000 feet. so you could actually see a little snow all the way down the lake level in the tahoe area might see some delays from time to time. expect some cold temperatures, especially for this time of year. and some gusty winds of 40 50 miles per hour or so tomorrow. yeah, kind of a stormy day. if you're traveling that direction, just be prepared. you may see some delays headed up there. temperatures holding in the 40's and make sure some rain and some snow as you head over the tops of the mountains by saturday and sunday. here's the good news. you start to clear things out. should be a nice weekend. ahead. skies become mostly sunny on saturday. warming up almost 60 degrees by sunday. but pretty impressive to see that snow rolling on in the forecast models for some of that snow the bigs. look at that. the
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areas shaded in blue here and there the tahoe area that we're going to talk about, 3, maybe 6 inches of snow across the crest. may be more to come to the system rolling on by bringing that unsettled weather pattern in california again drying out for the weekend. but then as we get into late next week, would you know what another storm system rolls and maybe a little more snow by next weekend. thank you, lawrence. after months of waiting the 2024 nfl draft is finally here next in sports, jason is going to tell us who went number one overall. >> and if the niners made any deals will be right back.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> it is the night dreams turned into reality for countless athletes. the nfl draft the niners don't pick in till 31 but it's rumor season. and boy, are they swirl in? could they trade up? could they trade brandon? i knew deep up. who knows. get your popcorn ready. one thing we did not have to wait for with the number one. pick, which wasn't a surprise. >> in the 2024 nfl draft. the chicago bears select. can way >> caleb williams has been one of the most exciting college quarterbacks of the last decade. his last season at usc was a bit of a disappointment given his high expectations. but the talent, it's
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undeniable. williams looks to turn around a beer franchise that has struggled mightily over the past decade, especially at the quarterback position. and here is the rest of the top 5 course. caleb at number one, jayden daniels quarterback out lsu, went to the washington commanders at 2 at 3 drake maye quarterback out of unc. what to the new england patriots at 4. marvin harrison junior wide receiver at ohio's out of ohio state, the son of marvin harrison, senior the legendary colts wide receiver. he went to the cardinals at 4 and number 5. >> jo all. a lineman out of notre dame went to the chargers. all right. it was a rough for exhausting season for the warriors and >> we know the last thing step is worried about at this point in his career is personal accolades. i'm sure he still appreciates getting recognized by peers and the media. today
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staff was named nba clutch player of the year. staff led the league in clutch points this season which consist scoring when a game is within 5 points with 5 or fewer minutes left golden state fans have grown accustomed to staff coming up big when it matters the most. now after receiving the award step spoke a little bit about his mindset when the game is on the war. >> you have to be okay with the shot that you like a short memory, would it? don't know if it included under the new just not much time to put into the game. and with that time comes deserve confidence of okay. i'm ready for whatever you find yourself in whatever shot, you get a >> you know, i remember the highlights and what because plan a shot that you missed it. you to call it a. it was a goal that should say in the neighbor we move on to the got to have a little and these are
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built in there. that's the only way you can kind of keep coming to those moments. with the same time, continent. >> out to the bronx. we go. the a's finishing up a four-game series against the yankees. 3rd ending aids down one to nothing. nick allen crushes a shot to left. his first of the season and we are tied up at one apiece. now a couple of batters later man on for tyler nevin. we hits a high and deep to right his first of the season and the a's grab a 3 to one lead. the a's held onto the lead into the 9th. the yankees have a man on 2 outs for aaron judge. mason miller. gets him to fly out. a's win. it. 3 to one and they split their series with the bronx so, they're they're
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fighting this year. interesting talent be. they're still playing the niners, though. we're still waiting to see it. any drama unfolds. but right now quiet they pick at 31. but rumors have been swirling about brandon aiyuk. will they treat with the tree deebo? >> a lot of room is a season and bright early in my sport, so you've got to take some stuff with a grain of salt because a lot of agents in front offices, they all have their agenda. they'll put out info, sure, all purpose credit to mislead somebody. so reporters got to be really tricky. what during this time of year. but we'll see what happens. all want to lose either those guys, i think the best thing tonight is can do run it back with the group they have. they treat brandon aiyuk. they won't be better, you know, this is their window and you have spoken. >> that it's a snake. it's
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next season been the east bay parks districts making sure you >> are prepared. the district has warnings posted all over the place is asking visitors to, quote, slow your roll. >> and break for snakes. this is happening now through summer snakes you they're expected to do is, you know, lie on the road and then the trail warm up. >> the district also urging that you keep an eye out for other wildlife as well and want your dog we're looking at meteorologist lawrence karnow here details on the forecast. snake weather out there. yeah, not tomorrow. that's for sure. they're going to be hiding away. but this weekend. >> they may begin to come out again as those temperatures are going to start to warm up as high pressure builds in. but, yeah, a little bit unsettled out there right now. those clouds looking rather ominous over the golden gate bridge. we've had some scattered showers begin to pop up, at least in the north bay. more of that to come overnight. tonight. chance more scattered showers, maybe not measurable, but if you're driving around, you might run
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into it time to time. and then as we get the weekend, high pressure starts to build in and those temperatures start to warm up. but we've got to get through this storm system first and then start to deal with some clearing as we get into the weekend weak system kind of sliding on through. see the showers kind of broken already headed around much of the state in the bay area. start to see a pop-up showers. little bit more of that activity. even some of them begin to move in toward the peninsula. baby, get the brunt of it. so far, some scattered showers continuing in toward napa right now, all the way down into battle. and now you've got some cells that are just along the coastline near pacific and south san francisco in daly city. be prepared for that. if you're headed out the door this evening, maybe couple pop-up showers and that's going to continue into at least tomorrow morning and early afternoon. that will start to clear out your skies for you. but here's the forecast, molly. see as we head through the night tonight, more just widely scattered showers just kind of popping up as we head through the night tonight into early tomorrow morning. your commute may be a little slick in spots, not a real heavy rain, but a chance. a few scattered showers kind of on and off throughout the day. i think as we look toward tomorrow afternoon, the temperatures will stay cooler. the average you look at
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numbers 50's and some 60's outside. but over the next couple days, we're going to watch as temperatures running back up the board a bit. breaking out some 70's on saturday and sunday, at least in the valleys, warmer, getting close to 80 degrees
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>> residents are going to be hunting for treasure this weekend. if you consider food drinks and hundreds of local handmade items, gold treasure fest is kicking the saturday on san francisco's treasure island. of course, for one weekend, every month until december, residents can eat drink and shop local from more than 300 artisans. ther will also be live arts and
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family-friendly activities there for live like it will be on the scene doing. sounds like culture yeah. that's a yes. i think that's what producer meant will be there. >> we'll see you tonight at 10.
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