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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 a plan to address the insurance crisis here in california as policy riders. >> cancel business in the state in 2 bay area. lawmakers are now pushing. >> a proposal to ensure homeowners have some protection. >> good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. thanks for joining us. from state farm farmers direct in a number of smaller agencies. 7 of the 12 largest insurance firms have either suspended restricted policies within the last year, leaving many home and property owners scrambling for coverage today. north bay lawmakers are proposing a bill that would help with the property
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insurance crisis. our kron four's gayle ong reports from a north bay neighborhood. it was nearly burned to the ground in a wildfire. >> fema grants for homeowners in designated areas and a tax credit for property owners. that's a 30% tax credit and a $10,000 grant. >> the 2 key components that make up. congressman mike thompson disaster resiliency and coverage act co sponsored by representative jared huffman. when you put it all together, this is an important piece. >> of making sure that insurance remains available. and also affordable to the folks that we committed almost 7 years ago. to continuing to stand with him to serve. the proposed bill is aimed to help with the property insurance crisis. >> it is modeled after a program in alabama after homes are impacted by severe weather. it was the same want same story from every insurance company and it was. >> make sure that there's
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disaster resilience in a building that homeowners did everything necessary to protect their home from any type of disaster. same thing with landowners, the backdrop of thursday's press conference took place in santa rosa's coffey park neighborhood. >> area that was virtually wiped out by the 2017 north bay fires. among the speakers, sonoma county elected officials and also wildfire survivors. this bill will support efforts like defensible space clearing enhanced emergency water access, fire, oppression systems, technology, and automated systems that assist first responders and much more education is on the rise. but we have to acknowledge that the financial increases in the cost of insurance is leaving many without funds to do the work to protect their homes, families and communities. when asked about how much this bill will cost taxpayers loss of insurance to homeowners is going to be devastating. but self. >> you add to that a disaster
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too. and the price tag is over the top. so i would argue the cost of this is going pale in comparison to what the cost of not doing. it's going to >> and the bill still needs to be passed by congress. the co-sponsors of this bill say they hope it happens as soon as possible. reporting from santa rosa, gayle ong kron. 4 news developing tonight. we are learning that a family of 4 was killed in a fiery crash in pleasanton last night. >> including 2 children. the crash happened about 9 o'clock at the area where foothill road switches from 2 lanes down to just one just south of stone ridge drive. police say that the car veered off the road slammed into a light pole and then barreled into an oak tree. officers are investigating the cause of the crash, but they say there's no sign of foul play or alcohol being involved. our cover, sara stinson working to try to get more details for us about the crash. she'll bring us an update tonight on kron. 4 news at 10. also developing tonight, santa clara county's
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da has filed formal charges now against the man accused of attacking the police officer protecting san jose mayor matt mahan. that incident happened tuesday as kron. 4 was in the middle of an interview with the mayor in downtown san jose. >> the defendant identified as 35 year-old leslie pollard is seen here punching the plainclothes police officer was assigned to protect the mayor. pollard has been charged with felony resisting an officer by means of threat or violence. he's also charged with misdemeanor battery and disturbing the peace. san jose police say part also has an outstanding arrest warrant out of georgia for resisting arrest with violence. there is due to be arraigned tomorrow afternoon in san jose. yesterday we showed you how san francisco's 9-1-1, dispatchers are now working in a brand-new office. >> they're still relying on a computer system, though. that's well past its sell date has first in kerman tells us tonight, did that led to an outage that for city workers to scramble to keep the system up and running? >> this is san francisco's new 9-1-1, dispatch center. it's
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official opening and ribbon cutting was wednesday. but on thursday, the center's antiquated computer system that dispatches rely on went down. what happened this morning is we had it what we call a cad outage where we had a failure had our computer aided dispatch went san francisco's computer, aided dispatch system or cad allows those taking 9-1-1. calls to take incoming information into a computer which police and fire dispatch is in another part of the 9-1-1 center. can see and send help immediately when the system went down at 05:00am. that automatic communication had to be done manually, meaning notes had to be written down and then physically handed to tho appropriate dispatcher to send help and something like this happens. it's all hands on deck. so we bring people out of key. why we bring our supervisors on the floor. whoever needs you know, jump in we have runners, you know, we it's a it's a building with a lot of people working in it. so when we have
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>> the scenario we just bring in a few extra hands to make sure we have all the people we need. mary. ellen carroll is the executive director of san francisco's department of emergency management. >> she says dispatchers have trained for this. and as a result, there was no delay in answering incoming 9-1-1, calls or dispatching emergency personnel during the 2 and a half hour outage. >> we're really good at switching gears in order to handle this when it happens, the fact that san francisco's 9-1-1, cad system is well past its life expectancy. >> it's not a surprise to anyone who works for the city. in fact, getting a new system is already underway. as for the new cad system, city officials hope to have it up and running in the next 2 to 3 years at san francisco city hall. dan kerman kron. 4 news, a walmart in fremont is shutting down next month. the company says it's closing the outbreak street store because it's not making enough money. >> walmart says it hopes the more than 150 employees that
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work there will transfer to nearby stores in the bay area. well, if you've got plans to move around the bay area this weekend, you might want to listen up a road closures. they're going to continue around the region. and this includes that southbound lanes on 6.80, pleasanton. >> and highway 37 in blanco, bart is also planning on closing part of its tracks. and oakland for the weekend. kron four's rob nesbitt joins us now live from the newsroom with how all these closures might slow you down. rob. >> that's right, vicki, there are detour set up for drivers and buses plan for bart riders. but caltrans and bart are both asking for patience from travelers will experience a longer weekend commute time than usual. >> the site of paving and construction along the southbound lanes of i-680, are not new. this weekend will be the 4th and final time. the project closes the interstate from pleasanton to seminole starting 09:00pm friday and reopening at 04:00am monday. according to caltrans spokesperson for alameda county, janice morrow. we will be completely placing the
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roadway. >> with cement, which is a very on long lasting that ariel so in the roadway reopened 04:00am monday. it will be a smooth promoter traffic will be rerouted during the work as well as along highway. 37 starting out tomorrow, friday at 09:00pm. we're back on westbound state route. 37. >> in the to the sonoma county line, caltrans spokesperson for that area chinchilla. >> says this is the second weekend lanes have been closed to traffic at this location. the detour is a long one. >> would normally is a 7.10, mile stretch that takes people 15 to 20 minutes. it is now a 25 mile detour that goes through solano county. napa county. >> and sonoma county delays by car and by train. >> bart will be suspending service between rockridge station in oakland and lafayette station this weekend. chris filippi says is to keep workers along the tracks safe, a role, but they all have this week. it is
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they'll be replacing lighting in the berkeley hills tunnel. so obviously we don't want to be reading trains through the tunnel as our workers are replacing those lights. he says free buses will be waiting at rock ridge in lafayette to transport riders to their next stop. adding about 20 minutes of travel time. but the work is long overdue. many of the components being replaced across the bart system are more than 50 years old. they've got to go. they have outlived their design life. more work along. i-680, and highway. 37 will happen after this weekend. >> the eastbound lanes of highway 37 between solano and sonoma counties will be closed next weekend and paving is scheduled on i-680, in san ramon next month. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt. kron. 4 news. >> happening now, a part of redwood road in castro valley is closed because of a sinkhole. firefighters blocked off all northbound lanes between castro valley boulevard and jamison way. this is a busy area right off castro valley shopping there's
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no estimated time either of the road reopening. >> continuing coverage out of southern california tonight where crews are battling a fire that broke out. on the oceanside pier in oceanside, which right near camp pendleton in san diego county. erupted in a vacant restaurant at the end of that pier, you can looks like a fire boat or a coast guard boat or both out there trying to put water on it from the restaurant was formally a diner, but it was vacant earlier, a large plume of smoke could be seen coming out from the end of the pier. the cause of that fire still unknown. but as you can see, they're attacking it from actually under the pier by boat. and then it looks like there's some hoses on the pier itself attacking it pier level. this has been going on for a couple of hours now. no word on any injuries. and again, they're still looking into the cause of that fire. >> i know of 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look right now at the golden gate bridge. you know, we're used
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to fog there, but this is a little different. it's not just you know, and large set the flag there. it's going bridges. it's kind of blowing. but man, it howling in the city a little while it's going to really how i think as we get toward tomorrow afternoon, we've got >> a weak cold front dropping in the bay area right now, bringing lots of clouds, even a couple scattered showers showing up in the north bay. out the door, though those clouds continue to roll on through and they'll thicken up as we head through the night tonight and we could see some occasional scattered showers. this not going to be a washout by any means. but be prepared for a little rain. as we head through the night tonight is temperatures as you might expect, cooled off quite a bit. 50's and 60's out the door right now running well below the average for this time of year and going to stay that way, at least for now. you see the frontal system making its way in the pacific northwest as that area of low pressure located in that direction as well. so we catch in the southern half of the system and begin see some pop-up showers in northern california. see some showers moving on by up toward chico's more rain there. continue to
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you reek as well. and how about the bay area? you know what? we've got a couple of scattered showers coming our direction to in the north bay. some light showers popping up near santa rosa headed toward the napa valley area, also into nevada. also that we'll see throughout the night tonight, widely scattered showers, not a rainout, but a chance of more rain on the way. alright, lawrence, mayor london breed alongside the port of san francisco. giants unveiling a new china basin park today. the park, which has been in the works for more than 15 years. it includes 5 acres of land along the coming cold right across the water from where the giants plate and recently reinstalled statue of bay area. baseball legend willie mccovey mayor breed says that this is just the first step in part of bigger plans to redevelop that area. >> it includes residents, families, a new school being built so much has changed in this, right. this is a new neighborhood of san francisco.
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>> china basin park is open to the public. anybody can visit it, whatever they want. there will be a special events from time to time including food trucks, concerts and outdoor exercise events as well. >> coming up, why the city of alameda is stepping in to defend residents of this houseboat community. plus. so the use of non-disclosure agreements be ben when lawmakers on lobbyist negotiate a bill behind the scenes. but that's exactly what one piece of legislation is calling for. >> capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you how it fared at a key committee hearing. >> we aren't going anywhere yet confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. >> and tiktok ceo, they're fighting back against the recently signed a bill. but band, his app here in the band, his app here in the u.s.. - my childhood was tough.
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i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress, but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. learn more at
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>> sfmta workers are calling for an increase in safety. well working. and today they made sure their voices were heard in a rally in front of their headquarters. our kron first, let's look good and joins us now in the newsroom with more on that time. yeah, that's right. vicki. >> sfmta workers say they were blindsided to learn about the agency's plan to increase ticketing for illegal parking in the city. and i spoke with several workers today who say they want the agency to do tore to keep them safe. over 200 sfmta frontline workers made their voices heard at a rally held outside the agency's headquarters on thursday. >> workers say that sfmta announcement to crack down on
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illegal parking is putting targets on their backs, explaining writing more tickets will put them in further parking control. officer me sean says she's already been assaulted on the job. >> issue someone to take 8 who was illegally part. he didn't like that. he got a ticket because he was doing doordash. so i continued on my my route. follow me about 2 or 3 blocks. waited until i stopped at a stoplight, punched a window. and as a result, the glasgow adding she and others were surprised learn of increase of ticketing. like i said, we're the ones that that that's doing the groundwork. people are going on like this. so >> we just want to be protected. and several people spoke at the rally, including nicole christian, as we're not told, were not given the proper information. so assaults go up when finds shares what she says, what they need to feel safe, simple, stable vehicles for
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them to making sure we're at the table for those important discussions, making sure that they're not just making decisions in a conceptual we reached out to sfmta regarding these concerns and the rally we're getting the following statement. safety is our top priority at the agency. thanks to our efforts. crime is down. 48% since 2018 within our system are parking control. officers are provided de-escalation training, self-defense tools and i access to our internal dispatch center that communicates directly with sfpd for any assistance they need. and the workers are hoping improvements will be made once the agency and workers complete their labor negotiations. >> live the newsroom was going kron. 4 news was a thank you in the east bay. this city of alameda is suing a houseboat community owner because the city says. >> the landlord is stopping tenants from selling their homes. many of the residents are seniors have lived there for decades. barnhill marina
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is home to more than 50 floating houses 2 years ago. valley investment redwood llc bought the private marina last year. the company sued and lost a battle to beatdown. a rent control ordinance passed by the city. with the help of those tenants. but an attorney for the city says the owner continues to harass tenants and owes the city $120,000 in fees. it refuses to pay. he also says rent has gone up in some cases more than 170%. >> lost my wife to cancer 2 years ago. this was our retirement. and i have not been able to sell the house. because of what's going on here. right now. there's another neighbor a little cell. where longer than me? again, because of the he had a buyer that was. i think they said 2 days away from mom. that school closing and he would talk ways that would
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awesome. want. >> city of alameda is teaming up with the county, the district attorney of alameda county to force the company to comply with the law. we've reached out to the investment company for comment but have yet to hear back weather time. >> let's get a live look outside right now. wow. beautiful shot there of the hills. lot of cloud formation out there, lawrence. >> certainly is, in going to see some rain drops around the bay area overnight. we've seen some already showing up parts of the north bay already. maybe more of that on the way going to stay a little unsettled as we head in toward friday. the weekend, though, they're going to squeeze out a nice when it's high pressure makes return. but right now, yeah, those clouds are just beginning to really roll on in from a weak system that's mainly headed up in the pacific northwest kind of slowly sagging south overnight tonight out of sfo. they've got some delays, but it's not weather related. this is actually just due to some construction there hour and a half a plus. they're all the delays at sfo and departing flights. and so if you plan to head out of be prepared for
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some delays, oakland, you're looking at good conditions. also san jose, no delays being reported there right now out over the bay, though the ominous clouds continue to thicken up outside and now the prospects for a few more rain drops around the bay area. don't know what's going to be real measurable, but we are seeing some showers popping up in the north. they already now pushing just east of a santa rosa headed toward map of angwin on the body may get in the game tuesday might see a couple scattered showers coming your way. it's going to be fairly light. you might need bella from time to time. and that's how it's going kind of play out overnight tonight and tomorrow. not a really solid wall of rain coming through the bay area. just some widely scattered showers kind of popping up from time to time. and we're going to see a lot of wind with the system as it comes through most. the rain drops so far. northern california, we'll see a little snow over the high country to, in fact, maybe as much as 6 inches of snow across some of the higher peaks. this cold front dropping down, though, kind of falling apart of the moves on by after moves through, the winds really going to kick up behind the system, probably talking about some pretty gusty winds by tomorrow afternoon. we could be talking as some of those gusts, maybe
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closer 30, maybe 40 miles per hour in some spots, least along the coastline. so a blustery day around the bay area tomorrow. little cool. little brisk with a slight chance of a widely scattered shower, not a washout. so, yeah, he's kind of clear things out you know, the weekend. but just very tough. what killing me? because she's talking about the cloud formation. >> all right. fine. we'll keep an eye on information. and yes, develop. right. what pushing. services go to lower the voting age to 16? actually gaining some momentum. why supporters say the move would be >> beneficial for the city.
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>> a bill that could ban tiktok here in the u.s. is now the law of the land. so what now officials say tiktok users should be worried at least not yet. the law gives tiktok's chinese owner bytedance 9 months to sell the app with a possible 3 month extension. if a sale is in progress. while supporters of the law say forcing a sale to a non chinese owner is critical for u.s.. national security tiktok doesn't seem ready to sell, but instead is promising a lawsuit. >> there's a lot of creativity i don't want to go away. i just don't want at the end of the day you being controlled by a foreign adversary. we aren't going anywhere. confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. some lawmakers remain doubtful of the sale of tiktok saying the chances of a
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sale with in a year or ever are very small. >> so we're growing in san francisco for the voting age to be lowered to 16 for local elections. used that activists you when barker plumber, who is leading the effort, says it would actually help increase engagement over all. she also says 16 is an ideal age to start voting because most people are still living at home and can invest in the time to understand the process. this is the 3rd attempt to lower the voting age in the city after failing to pass and 2016 2020 by a small margin. >> up next, a job fair held in oakland today aimed at giving formerly incarcerated people. formerly incarcerated people. another chance. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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coverage tonight on this fight caught on camera during a kron 4 interview with san jose mayor matt mahan. tonight, we're learning the santa clara county district attorney. >> charge that suspect. 35 year-old wesley pollard with a felony and 2 misdemeanors or cameras rolling on power got into a fight with a plain clothes police officer was also mayor manan security detail. the suspect due to be arraigned tomorrow afternoon in san jose. for more on this story and some other michael cardoza are legal expert from the along world. yes, what's you know where it's very fortunate that nobody was seriously injured in this incident. nobody used a weapon in this incident. and and the mayor seemed pretty vulnerable. one person there protecting him against anybody
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who can randomly do something like this? yeah, absolutely. i mean, thank god. and i listen to dan kerman talk about this. >> and he said that the officer warned him. move away a number of times and then the arrested punches. officer pushes him in the face here. here's what this comes down to. i can just imagine what that officer must have been thinking here. there are tv cameras. here's somebody that comes up. looks like they are either under the influence mentally unbalanced are just plain old fashioned. a bad dude, right? and he walks up. the officer talks i'm police back away. move absolutely ignore. same touches the officer, their punches are slaps him. i'm at the officers taken and has said, oh, my god, cameras are punching him or hurt him. everybody is going to criticize. there goes my job. there goes my pension.


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