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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  April 25, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> right now the kron 4 morning news. more details about the man who got into a fight with san jose mayor matt mahan security detail. the exclusive video you'll see only on kron 4. and lawmakers want to increase fines for protesters who blocked major highways like we've seen here in the bay area. plus, new federal rules crackdown on surprise airline fees and make it easier for you to get a refund. we're live at sfo. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday aria. and i'm james. let's start the hour with a check of the weather. we've got john with more against the great skies that we saw yesterday. little bit of sunshine came out briefly. why
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wonderfully the muggy again? i saw somebody and and they came up with it. they said it's muggy. i was like, did you hear one usually notice, john, i know i said it like but yeah, it was definitely a guy. i got up to golden gate park and i was like it's 60 likes a little today. not as muggy. good news. there is actually going to be a brisk, northerly westerly wind replacing that southerly wind from yesterday. >> it's going to help us out a lot with that. feels like condition. your view outside right now is showing a lot of cloud cover sitting up above. we are going to see peaks of sunshine today, but definitely a mostly cloudy one. again, winds have shifted direction. as i noted, it is going to be breezy towards the coast. tomorrow, though that's going to be an especially windy one as a cold front passes across the region. temperatures right now are in the 50's low to mid 50's currently oakland double in concord at 54 while san mateo at 51 degrees looking outside later today, we will be in the 60's yet again under
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mostly cloudy skies. i know this trend of greater days. maybe isn't your favorite, but there are some changes ahead of us that will get rain. all right, john, thank you for that. let's get you rolling on a thursday for everybody making their way into the city. the meteor lights are on. no accidents are hazards on the bridge. that's good news. >> 14 minutes right there. 7, bridge, 15 minutes, a 80 to one of one seen any major delays on i-80 perez was ever feel bridge 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls 18 minute morning, right, daria, just back to you. thank you, reyna. and now let's get to our top story. a man is in jail after fighting. >> with a security guard, an off-duty police officer protecting the san jose mayor. yeah, this all happened right in the middle of the kron 4 interview and our kron four's dan kerman reports on what the arrest has uncovered. it's this attack that's led to the arrest of 35 year-old leslie pollard, san jose. police say pollard has been booked for battering a police officer and resisting arrest with
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violence. the incident was caught by kron 4 cameras during a tuesday evening interview with san jose mayor matt mahan at first in san fernando as steps right next to the mayor. both he and the plainclothes san jose police officer providing security for the mayor in-form pollard. that interview is under way do it. >> we're moving talking for reduced. mark. >> pollard uses profanity and tells the officer to mind his own business. what happens next is off camera. it's unclear who touches who first. but pollard is heard saying all smack you right right now 9 seconds later, he does just that hitting the officer in the face and head at least twice at that point. a scuffle in season. police are called witnesses say at some point pollard begins yanking on the
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officer's tie after 2 more minutes and police nowhere in sight. a customer from a nearby business comes to the offices. rescue removing pollard's hands from the officers tie and allowing the officer to handcuff him. police eventually arrived and took pollard into custody. one person who witnessed the confrontation but didn't want to go on camera says he's not even sure that the suspect knew the mayor was even involved in all of this and was definitely clear that the person did not know that the security person protecting the mayor was actually a san jose police officer. while kron 4 has posted edited version of the video online sent as a police point out in a statement, the video does not contain the entire incident in particular. it does not include the officer identifying himself, nor does it include the many attempts teammate to de-escalate the situation and avoid using force or taking any enforcement action. police confirm pollard has an outstanding arrest warrant out of georgia for resisting
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arrest with violence. the officer hospitalized overnight with head and neck pain. but it's now been released. the case is now under review by the santa clara county district attorney's office. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> happening today, classes will resume as normal at san jose city college after police say they found nothing suspicious on campus. but san jose police reported at one point a possible bomb threat shortly after 5 last night. video from the scene shows police blocking the moore park avenue area there at bascom officers cancel classes and evacuated the school for about 3 hours before ultimately reopening campus. county sheriff's office is asking for your help. now, if you can share any information about the victim of a cold case dating back to the 80's, this is a picture of jeffrey thomas. ruben. they say his skull was found in 2001 and turned into the sheriff's office in santa rosa. investigators categorized it as a homicide case. they say
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it took investigators more than 20 years to finally identify robot. the sheriff's office says the group and came from the east coast and was rumored to have worked as a house painter in california. >> time now 605. in a bill that's making its way through. the state legislature aims to double the fines for protesters who block highways and freeways. this comes a week after protesters blocked the golden gate bridge calling for a cease-fire in gaza. california has seen a number these types of protests. as we know over the past few years, especially here in the bay area. this is a bipartisan push coming amid the protests that are related to what's going on in the middle east between israel and hamas under current state laws. these protesters are fined between a $10500. but this bill wants to deter protesters by increasing the fines, making them up to $1000 depending on past convictions.
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>> because we see that these laws on the books are are not enough right there tie chart. what's happening now? we believe in doubling that would give them our tools in their tool box to go those that are continually putting others lives at risk. keeping parents from dropping off their children school, things like that. >> the california highway patrol is in favor of this. they say the protest prevent first responders from being able to do their jobs. the executive director of the council on american islamic relations has spoken against the bill saying that legislators are using the pretense of transportation, public safety to quell first amendment activity. the bill passed in the transportation committee and now it goes to the assembly appropriations committee. >> ok, well, there are new laws now to protect airline passengers. let's talk about that as we take a live look here at sfo. wonder where they're going right now. the
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transportation department is cracking down on all of those fees that airlines charge you and they are requiring an automatic refund. if your flight is delayed or canceled about that with kron four's will tran out live at the airport now with more of these rules. good morning. well, >> james daria, they're calling them junk fees. and explain why in just a few moments spent. i can tell you the new rules will not protect you during the summer holidays when so many people travel but come thanksgiving and christmas with millions of people visit family and friends, those new laws will protect you. you will get an automatic refund. and here's how it's going to happen. so, you know, cancellations, delays. they happen all the time and experienced travelers. they know what to do. these new laws are actually trying to protect the inexperience travelers or those who don't travel that often are don't really go through the process. you will get an automatic refund if
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your flight domestically is delayed more than 3 hours. and if you take an international flight, if you are delayed more than 6 hours, automatic refund baggage fees, let's face it. we all pay that as well. if your bag arrives 12 hours after you land, then no questions asked you to will also get a refund on that. many laws will go into effect. explain that right after we listen to transportation secretary pete buttigieg. >> there's are already supposed to be refunded for a cancellation or a major delay in practice. it often doesn't work that way. isn't just about enforcing when something goes wrong. it's making it less likely something would go wrong. >> buttigieg says this is the biggest protection for passengers in u.s. transportation history. let's talk about those junk fees. so often times guilty of it. you
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look at a fee or well, that is so chief say from san francisco to new york $100, you go through it and all of a sudden you realize other fees add up and now it might cost you 350 $400 now with the new laws they will have to disclose that all up front. basically an out the door pricey. you know, exactly what you're paying for. its not a bait and switch wi-fi. you pay for that. and if the airline doesn't have the aircraft doesn't have it, you'll also get a refund. this should save consumers about 500 million dollars every year. and again, this is not to punish airlines. it's to make them better for all of us will get reaction. coming up at 7 o'clock from back the now. he's got me thinking i want my money back to if they lose my bag or paid for the bags could be huge impact. a lot of people will. thank you. >> it's 6.10, right now and barts expansion to the south bay is taking shape. as you can see here. crews are working on it.
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>> they are out in santa clara's. you can see there and this is the site of a new maintenance yard that they're getting fixed up and ready to roll the maintenance facility should be built and soon. it's going up right now behind the santa clara transit center across from san jose where 3 other bart stations or going to be built. transit officials expect. but the bart expansion will serve about 55,000 people. every weekday. by the year 2040. so they've got a ways to go. we are finally getting a look at the future of san francisco stonestown shopping center. brookfield properties shared the renderings of the project. includes plans for a civic town center, affordable housing, open spaces and retail. the company says the idea for this has been for years in the making. a man who is live near stonestown galleria for decades says that it's hard to imagine the area transforming so dramatically.
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>> pretty surprised that they're they're going to do because it's been like that for, you know, as long as i can remember since the 70's, it's a good area. and it's it's a great place to be. you know, they got libraries here and, >> you know, schools and things will get educated. it's a great place. >> wow, look at how different it would be. the san francisco planning commission has been gathering public input on the project for the past year. the project still has to be approved by the planning commission and the board of supervisors and kron. 4 reached out to city officials about it. we haven't heard back yet. >> all right. well, 6.11 is the time and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. nearly 3 dozen death penalty cases in alameda county are now in limbo because of potential misconduct. legal experts are weighing in will
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>> 6.14, in your 4 things you need to know. fairfield police are looking for to solve this accident where a woman was hit and she was killed. a semi truck hitler yesterday morning near 80. it was in a parking lot on cotton also drive the semi truck was pulling out when it hit woman. redwood city police have arrested henry fun sega in connection with. this package that was stolen. and we told you about it was a big deal because there was a wedding dress in that package. a concerned citizen ended up finding the dress and returned it to the bride. the mets beat the giants 8 to 2 last night and their second game of the series. they're going to start a new series or game. now
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they're going to start a new series tomorrow. we'll be watching what happens when they play that one. the first round of the nfl draft is tonight. the forty-niners have the 31st pick. the draft starts at 05:00pm. >> ok, time now, 6.15. let's get a check of the weather here on this thursday morning as we've got a live look outside that shows once again, gray skies overhead, anything could happen. and john knows. good having we've had a lot of stuff going this week. so at this point, it's like, all right. what's next? right? we are going to be looking at a slim chance of a couple sprinkles tomorrow to finish out the week and it's going to be cool and cloudy. kind of like we've gotten used to these past 3 days. this is your view from the east bay hills. lot of cloud cover overhead. a bit of relief from that muggy feel yesterday today shouldn't feel as humid, which is good news. we are going to be seeing a cold front sweeping in from the north and west. that's already resulted in a shift of wind direction. and so this cooler, drier air mass generally moving in from the north and west, definitely he4ping us
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out with that feels like conditions. we will see better chance of showers for northern california. the sierra and the central valley. we're just a little bit too far. west of the storm track is going to take the system a little further inland. that means the bay-area right at the edge of precipitation. potential. and that's just a slim chance of a sprinkle or 2 as we work into tomorrow. you can see that reflected here in your futurecast rainfall totals. nothing much to look at. literally just trace amounts this year. we'll see a couple inches of snowfall. this is mostly above lake level. if your traversing donner summit reco past, you may see a little bit of snow. it's not going hold you up much at all, though. temperatures today, very familiar at this point. we're right back to the low 60's. the good news about today, it's a little less muggy. so that's going to make the 60's feel. kinda nice, cool and crisp. we are going to be seeing a northwesterly wind picking up into tomorrow, though. and you may notice that later on today, too. so a bit of a blustery one, especially towards the coastline and on your bridges,
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concord, antioch, vacaville and napa among are few spots that will barely get to 70 degrees today. tomorrow's temperatures will be our coolest of the forecast courtesy of a cold front ruling in across the region. a windy one tomorrow, too. with that chance of sprinkles. the rest of the weekend looks great, though. lots of sunshine and 60's to low 70's for your highs into next week rania. all right, john, thank you for you make great time here at 6 o'clock. >> you are going to be traveling in hit the role you see mostly green out there. but you start to pick up along. i-80 through hayward highway for use in a little congestion, even on the bay bridge because of the meter lights. no accidents. the richmond, sandra fell bridge also getting a little orange. 17 minute ride into the city right now. a little busy for 6 o'clock hour. 14 minutes. san mateo bridge is still no accidents. hazards on our bridges. one of the south bay still under 30 minutes. a while to 88 who you make a good time to. 37 is nice and light. so answer dana milpitas at 25 minutes. because of that little slowing. starting to build as you're traveling
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through hayward, kerry. james, back to you. thanks a lot at 6.18, and a former president of san jose elementary school enrichment programs has been arrested. accused of embezzling. >> more than $400,000 from the organization between 2019, 2023. investigators say that yes at night, road herself up to 45 fraudulent checks claim to be reimbursement for services that were not rendered. aurora weren't was served tuesday and knight was arrested on suspicion of grand theft and forgery. san jose unified school district says they're working closely with the da's office and law enforcement. >> in the east bay protests calling for a ceasefire in gaza are growing on the campus of uc berkeley. in fact, demonstrators created a tent city in front of sproul hall in solidarity with other universities across the country. now, so far, the camp at uc berkeley has grown to about 70 tense. you can see
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that here in the video. participants say they will continue protesting until their demands are met. so what are their demands? well, they include that the university call for a cease-fire in gaza and that they stop any financial support to israel. uc berkeley spokesperson says school officials are monitoring the situation. he says as of now, the free palestine camp has not disrupted campus operations. >> it comes to nonviolent political protest. the campuses are not to use law enforcement unless it is absolutely necessary. to prevent bodily damage or threat to anyone's life. we're not at that point. >> but uc berkeley officials say the safety of all students continues to be their top priority. meanwhile, newly released video shows an israeli hostage from berkeley not seen since hamas attacked israel back in october. so 23 year-old hersh goldberg-polin. you see him here. he was
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kidnapped at the nova music festival back in october of last year. we reported on his story back in january as his parents fought to bring their son home. experts say he appears appears that he is speaking under duress as he blames the israeli government for neglecting the hostages for 200 days. gobert poland is missing his left hand and part of his arm reportedly from hamas grenades tossed into a shelter. his parents say they're relieved to see him alive, but they are concerned about his well-being. they spoke to him telling him to stay strong. >> if you can hear we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days. and if you can hear us, i'm telling you, we're telling you, we love you. stay strong, survive. >> it's unclear when the video was made. but goldberg polin has become one of the most recognized hostages with posters of him all over
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israel. back to israel believes about 100 hostages are still in captivity. well, teams in san francisco want to lower the voting age to 16 youth activist. the barker plumber is gaining support among community leaders to back another attempt to pass a measure that would grant 16 year-old san franciscans the right to vote in local elections. barker plummer says this would help increase engagement overall in local elections. this is his 3rd attempt now to lower the voting age in san francisco after failing to pass in 2016 2020 by a very small margin. >> it's 6.21. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the alexis gabe documentary is now. how does he want her family says about it. 6.24.
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right now and the port of oakland is busy and getting a record volume of containers. take a look. last month, nearly 203,020 foot containers passed through the oakland port. that marks a 19.1% increase compared to march of last year, full import of the oakland seaport also continue to be on the rise for the 5th month in a row. now a 38% increase full exports also grew for the 4th month in a row. now by up by nearly 15%. that marks the highest monthly
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total for full outbound cargo from oakland since april of ice. >> well, 3 high schools in the bay area are among the best in california. u.s. news and world report released its newest list of the top 10 high schools in the state. and doctor tj owens gilroy early college academy down in gilroy ranked number 10. so it made the top 10 at number 9 lynbrook high school in san jose. lowell high school in san francisco ranks 7th and at the very top riverside stem academy in southern california. well, the u.s. department of agriculture has announced school menus across the country will soon cut down on added sugars for the first time sugars in school. meals will be limited to no more than 10% of the total calories per week. and it also trim down on sodium as well. it specifically targets foods like cereal, yogurt and flavored milk. it aims to provide students with more nutritional foods stemming from a proposal submitted last
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year. changes are set to begin the start of the 2 2025. 2026 school year. >> it's 6.26, and for your money. more than 100,000 calibrate college students could get some financial relief by this fall. lawmakers hope to expand the free tuition and cash program so that students who are not eligible for the cal grant can still get money for community college. the expansion would cost about 200 million dollars and it depends on the state budget has to be finalized by june as we've been reporting, california is facing a multi-billion dollar deficit and that could delay the program's expansion if it were to pass low-income students and those who do not meet the 2.0 gpa requirement. they would be able to apply. it's 6.26. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news next. a proposed project in oakland now has a business is nervous about losing customer6.29 right
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checking out the weather for you on a thursday morning. yeah. >> and i wonder if it's still going to be a little bit gray gray and kind of yeah, yeah. kind humid. it was humid yesterday. when you think you sweat. >> actually did a little brief i thought on the couch because i mean, that's really extreme. i. >> literally humidity is made east favor weather. just a side skewed by did not like yesterday. today is going to feel a little bit better. we are going to be looking at some really >> cool conditions for sure. but the humidity, not as much of a thing replacing that southerly wind with the cooler, drier, northwesterly
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wind. >> you're look outside right now is showing us a lot of that cloud cover overhead. we are in for similar conditions besides the muggy feel westerly wind pushing in from the coast is going to pick up later on today and are really pick up tomorrow. tomorrow is going to be a very breezy day. in addition to having a couple sprinkles along with it, too. as for current temperatures right now, we're in the 50's a couple of 40's up in the north bay and santa rosa. you're at 49 degrees right now. later on today, we will be looking at highs back to the 60's much as we saw yesterday >> that will give a lot more traveling at the roads this morning. well, there are any accidents on your bridges. look drive times of on it. 17 minute ride. here is still 6.30, so moment that stays pretty steady. 15 minutes on the san mateo bridge or richmond center fell bridge just under 14 golden gate bridge around 20 minutes. and let's get a look at those highways highway 4. you're starting to get a little busy. richmond and berkeley. things are picking up. they as you're
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traveling to hayward the rest your highways, you're still in the green and hoping it stays that way. at least the next few hours starting to ease. back to you. thanks. a lot rain is 6.31, of the big story that we're following in the east bay. 35 death penalty cases in alameda county are being reviewed. >> because of allegations of racism in the justice system a crop was theresa talk with legal experts who say these allegations could have sweeping consequences. >> maybe what happened here is that these people were deemed to be opposed to the death penalty. and that's how they got away with removing people based on that city on wednesday, legal experts weighing in on the bombshell dropped by alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> that a federal judge has ordered the review of 35 death penalty cases after these scribbled notes were discovered while examining an appeal for this man, ernest, a 51 year-old was convicted and put on death row for the 1995 killing of 9 year-old lance clark and attempted murder of
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his grandmother. price says that the notes suggest prosecutors may have blocked female black and jewish potential jurors from serving on trials. brown is a criminal law professor at uc law. san francisco. >> this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. because there were a lot of bats and shenanigans going until california tightened its laws and what could happen next is not only could these death verdicts be set aside, but the entire case could be set aside. and some of these individuals may be given a new trial in its entirety. >> stephen clark is a former santa clara prosecutor and now defense attorney and legal analyst. while the death penalty cases are under the microscope, both legal analysts say that there has been sweeping changes in the past couple of decades, making jury selection more transparent. there's been a tremendous evolution and how jury selection is you have to have a legitimate reason for removing a juror.
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>> and you have to articulate that reason to the court. if asked. >> so we are no suspicious of removals of people on the basis not just of race or gender, but a bunch of other categories like religion, nationality. you know, a lot of other things. and moreover, when the prosecution has to provide a reason, it can't be a silly reason. it has to be a rsason that stands like that. that makes some common sense. >> but legal experts say that it could take years before the truth is revealed on whether or not there was misconduct conducted in these death penalty cases in alameda county in the newsroom to recess stasio kron. 4 news. >> 6.33, times breaking news just into the kron. 4 newsroom. the new york appeals court has overturned. harvey weinstein is 2020 rape conviction and is now ordering a new trial in the landmark me too case. the court found that the judge prejudiced harvey with improper rulings, including letting women testify about allegations that weren't part of the case.
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weinstein has been serving a 23 year sentence in new york following his conviction on charges of forcibly performing a act in 2006 and rate in 2013, he will remain in prison, however, because he was also convicted in los angeles in 2022 of another rate and was sentenced to 16 years in prison. there. we're going to update you when we learn more about his new trial in new york. with a long anticipated documentary on the alexis gabe murder case was finally released. the then 23 year-old woman from oakley went missing in january of 2022, her partial remains were found near sacramento months later. now games, his family, friends and community members gathered at sabrina pizzeria in oakley to watch the documentary together last the gabe family has been pushing hard for the documentary to be released and aired, hoping that it will change public perception about the case and possibly lead to charges against the mother of alexis is ex-boyfriend. marshall jones. jones was the primary suspect in the case he was
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killed in a police standoff later and after watching the documentary, alexis parents say they were disappointed that the final product was missing. some key pieces, including a video of the suspect's mother. >> that video is really important expecting to everyone to see. to the police report something like he said something like it was cold but it's not with h and especially the inside of the house speak. what they do to us. that instead specialty so
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>> in a statement, a crown for the contra costa county district attorney's office said, quote, based on the evidence we have been provided by the investigating agencies, there is no indication anyone other than marshall jones was directly involved in the murder of alexis. gabe, either as a direct perpetrator or aider and abettor end quote, the gabe family still intends to have their attorney filed a lawsuit against the mother after the documentary airs. redwood city police have arrested a man suspected of well being a porch pirate. take a look. this is surveillance video of the incident back on april. 11th where police have since identified and arrested. 65 year-old henry fonseca after receiving multiple tips from the community. police say the wedding dress that he stole was located by a concerned citizen and has been return now to its rightful owner.
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time now, 6.37, in the north bay police have arrested a person. >> who used a stolen car and a gun and rammed a police car 6 times trying to get away. this all happened on monday when police noticed a car with a shattered sunroof and it was driving into the parking lot of a business near tennessee street. officers did a records check and they found out vehicle was stolen out of richmond and they attempted to pull the car over the driver rammed the patrol vehicle 6 times trying to get away and then crashed the car into a wall officers searched the vehicle and they found. loaded firearm in the back seat. the didn't have a serial number on it. and the driver was arrested 6.37. right now a bay area man was found dead after falling on a hike in oregon. this happened on sunday just off the coast of oregon ou 20 miles from the california border as where he was hiking.
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another hiker reported seeing his body is man's body in the rocks below the trail. and so the body was recovered and it was identified as richard earhart of san jose. >> well, happening tomorrow in the east bay, a memorial service for fallen oakland police officer jordan wingate will be held. he died saturday from injuries he suffered from the 2018 car crash while he was on duty. the service will be held at 3 cross church in castro valley. it's set to begin at 11:00am and it is open to the public. the city of san francisco is hoping to improve 9-1-1, response times by opening a new emergency dispatch center. the new facility was unveiled yesterday on the second floor of the old 9-1-1, center along church street. it features 55 brand-new work stations and updated break room and elevated supervisor area and a new training room as well. >> and it prepares us for the future by increasing our capacity and our ability to
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add more dispatchers and create the kind of environment that's going to be a better environment for the people who are answering the most challenging calls. and san francisco. >> well, the city is also ramping up efforts to recruit up to 30 new dispatchers. and they're hoping that the new facility will attract applicants. >> it's 6.39 and and the east bay oakland, small businesses are concerned about a road project that it would get rid of dozens of parking spots. oakland plans to do a repaving project along grand avenue to make it safer. and transportation officials say that the neighborhood has a lot of bicycle and pedestrian accidents and they're hoping this project would help with new crosswalks protected bike lanes angled parking spots. they they make those parallel parking which they think would be safer. but business owners along grand avenue are concerned because removing 30 or 40 spots along the corridor
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would cost them money. >> our concern is that if they take away. easy access to our businesses, it's going to be a lot harder our customers be able to get to us. and if we make even more impediments to have customers come to the street, we are worried it will drive more business away from oakland. >> and specifically more business away from small businesses in oakland. >> some of the business owners, they say other for safe streets and everything they want to improve that. but they think that oakland needs to look input from the businesses before moving ahead with this project. they want just heard from. she has a veteran area hospital. she's been collecting feedback from her clients to present to oak dot next month about this. so i don't know if you know this, but yesterday was denim day at meant to empower and support survivors of violence. the campaign started in italy back in the 90's. that's when a conviction was overturned,
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arguing that a rape victim's jeans denim was so tight. >> that there was no way that the attacker was would have been able to remove them without her helping implying that she somehow consented to that attack. >> and the next day after that happened, italian women were dan and in solidarity. and so ever since he's been called denim day and that the effort has spread around the world yesterday. san francisco city leaders, as you can see here, they wore denim to show their support. >> it's 6.41, and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. some 40 niner legends could see their kids land on an nfl team. tonight is the draft will take a look.
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>> we are back at 6.44. and here are 4 things to know. classes will resume today as normal at san jose city college after police found nothing suspicious on campus. but this was all in the wake of police getting a report of a possi le bomb threat shortly after 5 o'clock last night. but again, they searched the campus and found nothing. the sonoma county sheriff's office is asking for your help. now you have any information about the victim of a cold case dating all the way back to the 80's. this is a picture of jeffrey thomas rubin. they say his skull was found in 2001 and turned into the sheriff's office in santa rosa. but it was only recently identified. so they're asking for people if you know who this person was, give them a call. a bill making its way through the state legislature wants to
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double the fines for protesters who block highways and freeways under current state law. these protesters are find anywhere between $200 and $500. what this bill aims to deter protesters but increasing those fines, upwards of $1000, depending on past convictions. well, protests calling for a ceasefire in gaza are growing on the campus of uc berkeley. participants say they'll continue protesting until the university called for a cease-fire and stops any and all financial support. >> of israel. >> time now is 6.45. and we want to take a look at the weather. it was a little bit humid at and i see a little breeze flowing over your shoulder there that bush signed is it going to be today, john? not as humid today. little breezier those you win some you compared to yesterday. we're looking outside at the transamerica building a lot of cloud cover up we're keeping the clouds around. and we're keeping those 60's around as well. >> not a lot of change there. we do have our cold front to
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the north and west of us. you can actually see that frontal boundary. that's that line of showers that is encroaching on the very northern reaches of the state. this is going to swing through as we work through the latter part of today in on into tonight, most likely resulting showers to our north to our east from the central valley this year, up to the north coast, the bay area, we're not in direct path of that low pressure a little too far westward. so we're kind of getting the periphery of it. just a couple of sprinkles possible as we do move into tomorrow with thunderstorms possible towards the central valley and some pretty decent rainfall to our north on the north coast. our rainfall totals. yeah. kind of dismal. just a sprinkle or 2. really just a trace of rain for us. the sierra. we'll see a couple inches of snowfall. this is mostly above lake level at lake tahoe. but as you cross your mountain passes, could see an inch or 2 of it. nothing to shut down roads or anything like that that just be ready to go for some potentially slick conditions. temperatures today are going to be in the 50's to low 60's at the coast and then
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60's elsewhere in the bay. very similar as to where we were yesterday. not a lot of changes. first with the temperatures look like but with less of that muggy feel it's just going to feel a little nicer getting out there. 64 consistently for the east bay. that's a very popular number today. oakland are right there. well nap and fairfield hitting 70 degrees. santa rosa at 69. tomorrow's temperatures will be even cooler than today's very windy for specially early friday and the chance of a sprinkle or 2. rest of the weekend looks great as does next week with plenty of sun and upper 60's to low 70's rain. all right, john, thank you for you make a really good time over in the east bay along 24. >> so all agreed a 5, 80 12 minutes to make that drive other bridges and highways. things are starting to build and pick up like the bay bridge. 18 minutes there. but no accidents are hazards on your bridges. 32 min right along highway for one of the busier ones we're looking at. we're checking on the highways, crockett out towards the maze. you can see through richmond, pablo is little busy
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and you start to catch a break and these are the slow down again. once she hit berkeley. 22 minutes there. well on the south bay live with a look at this. 35 minute ride. 85 to menlo pawk to 80 82 into 37. you still look great darya. james, back to you. >> thanks a lot. reyna 6.48. right now and let's talk baseball. the giants. >> hope an. >> to sweep the mets in the 3rd game of their series that we've got sports director jason dumas, us with a look at how it played out. >> the giants got 2 impressive wins over a really good mets team over the past couple of days and wednesday, they look for the series sweep, but because some tough news a few hours before the first pitch prize free agent blake snow placed on the 15 day. within the doctor stream. it's been a rocky start to snell's 10 year and is sounds like he could be out way longer than just 15 days. he was set to start all wednesday, but obviously he couldn't so they had to go to a bullpen game. top of the 3rd
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francisco lindor came into this series struggling mightily, but he broke out of it. all wednesday. he takes on jelly deep. it's 2, nothing. mets lindor hit 2 home runs. the mets build a 6, nothing lead in the 7th tyler fitzgerald. it's the giants on the board with this first homer of the season. but it wasn't enough. giants fall. 82. they take 2 of 3 from the mets. but after the last most people still had questions about the lake snow. he was there to answer some of them. >> this week's even during the ball some adjustments so.
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change my focus to >> the giants have the day off later tonight. but big news, san francisco forty-niners in the nfl draft niners pick 31st will have full coverage from the draft all night long. that's a look at sports. all right, jason, thank you. just adjacent said the nfl draft tonight and the forty-niners have 10 picks. >> in this year's draft, jerry rice, frank gore, their forty-niners, their nfl legends. and this year, both are actually going to be experiencing the draft in a very different way nervous fathers as their sons names are expected to be called. so this draft has a big pool of college players that have proven nfl bloodlines. we've got jerry rice's son brandon. he's a wide receiver who's had a great season out at usc and we'll probably be a mid-round choice. then there's frank gore junior. he played at southern miss. just as fast as
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a father running back like his dad. he's projected to be a later round. pick. there's a litany of other names to ed mccaffrey, son luke. he's coming off a great season at rice. and of course, both ed and looks brother christian. no, thing or 2 about the forty-niners, perhaps the biggest legacy name in the draft is marvin harrison junior, a receiver like his famous father and the younger harrison is likely going to be a top-five pick. that's the the betting odds right now with all this prime nfl dna up for grabs. forty-niners general manager john lynch says he is pretty excited. >> there some inherent pressure on who their dad it is. but there's also some good genes. and and, you know, and i think that matters deo was out here at the local pro day and his son to rika, you know, performed really well. and that was that was pretty cool. and you could i saw him running at me and i played against, you know, a lot. and there were some in that strike that was very familiar, that it was it was something about
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the gate and it's crazy how those things translate. you know, it's that's just shameful. is that modeling that they watch their data? you know, it's just it's interesting to me. and but it's a fun. element to this year's draft that and i think is it's going to be interesting to watch to see how it unfolds. >> the forty-niners have the 31st overall pick in the draft. actually the first time since 2021. that they've had a first-round pick. most people think the probably use it to draft an offensive lineman that side of the football needs a little work. so we'll see what happens as the draft gets underway today. all right. coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news, u.s. news ranks the top public high schools in the country going to find out. >> what bay area high schools made the list.
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>> 6.55 right now and take a look at this. this is in san francisco and 3 chimpanzees from the planet of the apes movie franchise. yeah. here they are writing in crissy field yesterday. it's to promote the upcoming movie which is called kingdom of the planet of the apes. since 2011, bay area has been the set of the franchise kingdom of the plan to set to hit theaters on may 8th people. most of it stopping. like when it funding a very >> all right. it is 10 or 10. it is 6. >> 56 and up in the next hour. we'll have more on this video. maybe you've seen it by now. a
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man arrested after getting into a scuffle with a police officer who's protecting san jose's mayor. we're going to tell you more about that person. what went down? plus, lawmakers want to up the consequences for protesters who choose to block highways and freeways like we've seen so often here in the bay area. we'll tell you how much those fines are going to go up. and new airline rules making it easier to get refunds for canceled, even delayed flights. we'll tell you about that coming up in a live report from sfo. stay tuned. the kron 4 morning news 7. we'll get away just a few we'll get away just a few minutes.
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6:59 am
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7:00 am
morning news. more details about the man who got into a fight with san jose mayor matt mahan security detail. exclusive video you'll see only on kron 4. plus, lawmakers want to increase fines for protesters who blocked major highways like we've seen here in the bay area. and new federal rules cracking down on surprise, hidden airline fees. more on that in a minute. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday. and darya and james want to start the hour with checks of weather and traffic before we get to the headline. yeah. it looks like it's a little breezy out there again, john. yeah. lead a breezy today not as muggy, which is a nice change of pace for us. >> but just as cloudy as yesterday was that cloudy, cool weather. it continues as we work our way through today and tomorrow to close out


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