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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  April 23, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, a police sting operation ends in the arrest there with the rest of the san jose fire. captain accused of trying to meet a young girl for. the group trying to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price wants county leaders to set a date for that recall election. >> the leader whose whose path that can continue to follow. with the bay area remembers the life and legacy of glide church founder cecil williams. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at and
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will help us so far for you. thanks for joining us. i'm sorry. and i'm james, a dry day today on this tuesday, but it will be another windy one. that's for sure. it will end a little bit john. yeah, we're start that cooling trend yesterday. the day before we saw some low 80's inland. it's. >> nice to tap into some of those warmer and sunny days. i think for a lot of us. >> today, though, even goodbye to it. and for a while this time around looking outside this morning, we do have a little bit of cloud cover. we're going to pair some of these cooler temperatures. little morning cloud cover with a brisk wind from the coastline that's going to transport ocean cool there right into the bay throughout the course of the day and result in minimal temperature change really, from where we're at right now. a lot of us are in the mid to upper 50's currently, which is a mild start to the morning. go ahead. get that jean out of the way this morning. but unlike yesterday, you might not be breaking as much of a sweat as you get out there later 60's to low 70's at the very warm us this afternoon.
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>> rania. all right, john, thank you for that. ok, let's get you rolling on a 8 o'clock tuesday morning. things are starting a busy out there across the highways. well, there's no accidents on our bay bridge or so. but it was like my novel hazard there, 60 minute ride into the city. and you can see some crews. they're not seen any reports of any accidents could be a traffic hazard. could be a stalled out vehicle to try to get to 30 minute ride, though. 82 want to one richards over fo bridge around 16 minutes. so things are slowing. go there. only a bridge around 40. so that means if you're traveling along of the north bay, he's a little bit slower and checking on our highways over the east bay. a 44 minute rising, a whole lot of red here tracking down towards the maze. jay is back to you. thank you. rae nato to right now on our top story is remembering and honoring the life and legacy of reverend cecil williams. now, the co-founder, san francisco's glide memorial church. >> passed away at the age of 94 leaving behind. >> just incredible legacy dedicated his life to so many
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in kron 4 sarah stinson takes a look. >> within the first hours of reverend cecil williams, passing people filed into glide memorial church in san francisco monday night to honor him. this man of peace. >> this man of justice passed away peacefully. i'm hearing about i really can't believe it. record williams was the co-founder of glide. he was also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. >> was a larger than life figure. minister marvin white intern for williams when he was 18 years old and has become his protege. he says he'll never forget with the reverend told him he said. >> i need for you to be you. >> glide put up photos of williams over the years with people of all walks of life from political activists like bobby seale and angela davis to politicians like nelson mandela and celebrities like marvin gaye in sammy davis, junior williams was also close friends with former san
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francisco mayor willie brown. more than 50 years. yeah. my friendship with cecil williams. >> in valuable and for me. it will never end. >> brown says he worked with williams and doctor martin luther king junior in the 60's during the civil rights movement before williams helped open the church. merry christmas to you. the reverend was known for making everyone feel like family opening the church doors to all making the institution. one of the most liberal churches in america, 2 women to poor folks to workers. >> 2 black folks to brown folks too early. organizers. >> on and on and talk to him laugh and joke and feel like i was many say williams was not the same after the passing of his wife in glide, co-founder, janice america, tony, in 2021. there. >> many times that he would. honorably and sonically just whale just thinking about not
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being with her i think also he showed. that he have to keep going. >> in december, glad marks 60 years and williams passed the torch to a new ceo doctor gina, from are mister white says glide will continue to keep the legacy of reverend williams alive for decades to come. we can grieve. >> and mourn, but we can't lose sight of liberation. it's even more visible now because of this passing. >> clyde will have the sanctuary open this week for people to visit and honor the late reverend williams. more to come on the service. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> thank you very much. chair will mayor london breed released the following statement about the passing of cecil williams. she wrote, quote, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our san francisco community and she goes on to say he led with compassion and wisdom always putting the people first and
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never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and his vision changed our city. >> and the world and governor newsom says, quote, reverend williams and his congregation offered refuge and support all who entered their doors, their tireless work to empower marginalized members of the community. put them at the forefront of key social justice and human rights issues driving positive change. all of us can take inspiration from his legacy. these predators are out preying on our children. >> big story that we're following is the big bust. and a san jose fire department captain was swept up in this staying to arrest people in sacramento involved in a child operation now. so the bay-area firefighter was just one of 24 suspected internet predators who been arrested now michael thomas following the story for us up in the newsroom.
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>> michael, hey, good morning, everyone. will the sacramento county sheriff's office says the san jose fire captain was just one of many in a position of public trust that were arrested for trying to meet up with these young girls. >> they were caught by undercover detectives over posing as 13 year-olds on social media. take a look. this is video from the sacramento sheriff's office three-day sting operation. it happened at the end of march and in total, they arrested 24 suspected child predators, all grown adults ranging from age 20 2 men in their 70's trying to meet up with young girls for. the sacramento bee newspaper reports 43 year-old spencer parker at san jose fire. captain was one of those 24 arrested and is now facing a criminal complaint from the sacramento county district attorney's office that was filed on april 3rd. and according to the newspaper, he was working for the fire department at that time of his arrest in his career. there began back in 2008, but he resigned, however, on april 12, a day after being put on administrative leave. no details on parker. specific case of being given. but investigators say some of these predators persuaded
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detectives to send pornographic photos and even made plans to meet up at a hotel room for acts with kids that they thought were 13 and even younger, but a knock at the door and they were greeted by detectives and deputies and officials say, well, they did arrest. 24, there's still a lot more predators out there. it's like having your and a. >> trying to hold that. is that prolific? i don't care how smart or how sophisticate you think your son or daughter is an adult coming up with a child battle lines period. >> now, this sting operation involved around 100 officers across 21 different law enforcement agencies near and around sacramento. officials say they hope that this is a warning for parents to take this seriously and to pay closer attention to their kids. social media. we did reach out to the san jose fire department this morning for a comment. but we have not heard back as of yet. spencer parker, the man who was arrested while he's set to appear in court tomorrow morning. that's a very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas story james and
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send it back to okay. thank you, michael. >> it's 808. in the east bay. a group that's leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is calling on the county supervisors to set a date for the recall election or else. the group is called safe and they sent this letter to the board of supervisors saying according to the state election law, the board must set an election date during its meeting on april 20th. and if april 30th and if they don't, then the group says the responsibility goes to the county election. officials safe plans told a news conference at a protest this morning at 10, 30 at the ala miami county administration. building the registrar of voters announced last week that they do have enough signatures for a recall. they verified that. we'll keep you posted it's 809, and for your money this morning, gas prices are soaring throughout the bay area just in time for summer. that nice we've got kron four's will tran standing by with a look at where prices are this morning. hey, well.
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>> we are getting reaction from drivers this morning and it is not a happy reaction because people like chloe are filling up. you went in there and you said $50 is probably all you can afford right now. what do you think about gas prices going up and up and up? yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. i mean, i remember pandemic prices. it is to 50 at one point. so most kinda tripled. now. >> this is one of the more expensive gas stations do you shop around or you just need the gas this morning? >> i just needed gas this morning. i will shopping around in the city is pretty difficult, i feel like a lot of the other gas stations are. >> this price, if not maybe a little bit higher. this is a little higher than the california average of 5.45. starts 5.69. doesn't make me feel better. but you don't want to waste gas looking for cheap gas. yeah, exactly. and you say it's about $100 to fill er up >> i'd now it's about it's getting close to 75. yeah. probably a few months ago, as
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i could say 40 45. >> yikes. that's a big difference. i know you're going raise the gym so they work off your frustration. yankees so much for that will swing our camera over here. we'll show you the gas. price is $5 and $0.69 at this shell gas station across the street. a chevron, you're looking at 5.69, as well. just to make it, you know, a little saturday for everybody. i drive gas car as well. so this is what we are facing its $0.4 more this week. $0.21 more since last month. $0.59 more since the beginning of the year. take a look at your screen really quickly. we want to just to show you some of the gas prices all over the bay area. let's start off in napa county. you're looking at 5.72 this morning. marin county in the middle your screen. 5.63, contra costa county 5.53. and santa clara county, $5. and $0.52. and i wish i can give you some good news. a chloe still here says biden looking at her bank account. unfortunately, we
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will continue to climb and climb the climb because they say it will peak in july. >> right at the peak of summer travel. thank you very much. thanks. well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. speaking of driving drivers in the east bay and the freeway. they had to move over. as you can see here. >> is this a wild west for the bay? oh, my gosh. we'll have that story when we come back.
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a 14 right now and california has a new state park. >> its the newly restored dose real ranch preserve located in
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stanislaus county and the deer's. love it. as you can see here, restoration of this park included planting 280,000 trees across 2100 acres. the official opening of this new park is june 12 and it will be the 200 81st park in california's park system and nobody is going to more state federal parson, john trouble and nobody i know i probably nobody how many national parks have even channel in califoria. all of my been all the california every national park, california. okay. and then state parks like. >> and a lot yeah, i have done a story at the wildlife refuge right next to this national park. yeah. and the reason it's so significant because it's in the central valley. yeah. and they took all the native habitat away for farmland. had. this is like a restoration of like an ecosystem that kind of cool. want to go out there. chill in the delta with the deer. yeah.
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i that because only want to go in you my guide anywhere. because because otherwise i'm like nice tree. i don't have the yeah, i don't know my trees let me out for a couple of but yet we are looking at a good day to get out there. it's going feel a little bit more like, you know, we did a couple of months ago. no more these 80's that we have been seeing in the forecast. so shorts and t-shirt, weather got to leave that in the past for a little bit. it's kind of back to the long sleeves in the light jackets. we're looking outside at the east bay hills right here, green hillsides. a lot of cloud cover up above. definitely looking change of pace. already a noticeable one from yesterday. look at this. we've even had some showers up around lake tahoe and some ttunderstorms popping up on the north end of the central valley right up there around reading. so there is some inc unsettled weather in the vicinity that low pressure area dragging in cooler air and for southern california, the greatest chance of rainfall these next several days for us in the bay area. our best opportunity of just a few light showers. we'll
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really be thursday night into friday morning. but there's definitely a lot going on out there. this is enough to result in a big pattern change. well, most of the rest of the country is actually going to be warmer than average for the rest of the month here in the bay area and the rest of northern california were on a cooler than average trend. as we wrap up april and kick off may just around the corner. as for temperatures today 50's and 60's at the coast. well, 60's to low 70's elsewhere. yesterday's daytime highs were as warm as the mid to even upper 80's in a couple of spots. and today will barely even hit 70 degrees. so it is a noticeable change heyward at 68 oakland, 66 north bay. temperatures also having dropped into the 60's vacaville. you were 86 yesterday today. just 68 degrees tomorrow. even cooler with highs dropping into the upper 60's. that chance of rainfall mostly early friday and then drying out. but staying cool into the weekend rania. all right, john, thank you for that will be certainly seeing a lot more traffic in our 8 o'clock hour.
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>> especially from the east bay, starting all the way to the south bay that 88 85 80 highway for even one of one of the north bay. they just starting a little congested out there yet more people hitting the road and traveling a 15 minute ride into the city right now. thankfully, no accident. and that hazard on the senate to bridge. that's clear. but drive times went up about 30 minutes. also is a little slower, a gun onto the bridge because of a 80 over the east bay crockett out towards the maze about 43 minutes. san pablo avenue might be good alternate free there live. 80 of you traveling alone. 1, one. 85 the park at 60 minutes. now to 82. i would take those instead. kellyanne shut to 37 about 55 mission. 55 minutes. mission boulevard. that option hop on that. but 80 80 through oakland over brady to low, take international instead. darya. james, back to you. >> you can see they're dirt bikers taking over parts of
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oakland. there. one person had to go to the hospital as a result of these. practice is kind of like a sideshow. but they were doing donuts in the middle of the intersection. this one of all about 50 dirt bikers who were driving through the city streets, com safety hazard summer on the we're going a long way across towards arriving as we take closer look. you'll often hear them before you see them. the cell phone video shows dirt bikes and atv's. >> taking over parts of bellevue and grand avenues in oakland sunday popping wheelies and weaving through traffic just after 01:00pm around 50 dirt bikes were seen circling lake merritt, some riding on the sidewalk, driving in the opposite direction of traffic. and even turning public parks into their own personal playground. oakland police say several of the bikers cause a safety hazard to those around them and the illegal sideshow activity ended in one injury. this was the scene at grand avenue in perkins street just after 06:00pm sunday when police say a vehicle collided with the motorcycle and the driver of the motorcycle had
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to be taken to the hospital. they were last listed in stable condition. i asked the oakland police department what the protocol is for sideshows involving dirt bikes and atv's. their statement saying in part, quote, officers do not immediately surround or block off the sideshow. participants but rather a says the number of sideshow participants and spectators threats to public safety safety concerns for the officers and resources available to address the sideshow. once this information is obtained, the incident commander will devise a plan to address the sideshow appropriately. opd says sideshows in the city all from late night street race is too large weekend gathering strong participants from all over the bay area. shift that has led to public safety concerns including gun violence. oakland police say sideshow participants have also become more confrontational towards law enforcement with reports of gunfire and assault. reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> 20 is that i'm happy right now. applications are being accepted for new affordable housing in fremont. the
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lottery waitlist is for the fremont family apartments located on fremont boulevard. 27 rental units are going to be up for grabs and eligibility is based on income. the deadline to apply is may 3rd at 05:00pm. more information is at housing, dot ac gov. dot com. >> high 20 and there are now new rules for staffing nursing homes across the entire country. vice president kamala harris unveiled the new standards yesterday requiring nursing homes that receive medicare and medicaid to be adequately staffed every facility with 100 residents needs at least 2 registered nurses as well as 10 or more nurse aids and to nurse staffers. harris says these new rules are going to help staff dealing with harassment and burnout. the new rules are implemented in phases allowing the nursing homes time to prepare for these new requirements. cinemark movie
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theaters is facing accusations of and are filling their drinks. a texas man filed a lawsuit again cinemark's saying that in the 24 ounce drinks cups, they only get 22 ounces. and so he says that's a trick. the customer says that cinemark's is participating in false advertising, which is a violation of federal law. lawyers are waiting to see if other people want to join in and make it a class action lawsuit. >> people like me and you who are consuming the 2 less ounces or the, you know, a 3rd of an ounce, less of the hamburger or whatever it is. it can get a little something. but these suits are really designed to stop the the entity from costly advertising. >> there are more than a dozes locations of saint mark in the bay area. there are 243 million dollars in total revenue last quarter from concession sales for center mark. so you can see this really adds up. >> ok, take a look at this.
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cars had to drop pretty carefully out on highway 24 yesterday as 3 cowboys, we're trying to wrangle some cows that had broken free. this is right before saint stephen's drive and hidden valley road exits. there you see him. a horse trailer tried to help, too, but the cows kept escaping, but they were eventually all taken in. and they're safe. now back in the past year. all right. coming up on the kron, 4 morning news tenants in san jose are speaking out against issues that they're experiencing at an affordable housing complex. they say they're being left fall by the wayside explain.
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>> a 25 and the clothing store express is shutting down to bay area locations after filing for bankruptcy. here's video of the shop in san francisco's union square. this is one that closed last october and the 2 locations that are closing our base tree in emeryville and valley fair mall in santa clara express plans to shut down more than 90 express stores nationwide. 16 are here in california in the east bay award-winning brewery and taproom buck. wild brewing. it's going to be pouring their final pints ever this weekend. the brewery near oakland's jack london square specializes in gluten-free. beer and they've gotten awards for it too. according to instagram, the brewery's taps are going to run dry on their final day of service, which is this sunday. and after that, it will be over. >> well, looking ahead into
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next weekend, bark is upgrading one of its tracks in the east bay, meaning they're going to plan on suspending service. this is between the rockridge station in oakland and the lafayette station. the agency says that free buses will be available to get riders back and forth. but it's going to give you it's going to take a little more time to plan for that as a result of the closure of parts, as you can expect about a 20 minute delay. so factor that in. it's a 26. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. the body of that great whale that was near a beach in alameda. >> we're going to tell you where scientists have taken it, what they hope to learn from its death.
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>> a 29 right now we're checking out the weather and we're getting a more winds today. we are with cooler temperatures and well, recognizing walking the out when it's windy like yesterday. i mean, our sunglasses, a cap. and then to hoods and my long big see the wreck. and yeah, i don't even know elise had mask on like now yeah. well, today it's going to be another 2 had it's the voice and the wind. he says you sound like that's are looking at a forecast out there today. that is going to be tad cooler for sure. and a little breezy. >> just like yesterday. was that cool? southwesterly wind pushing into the state really transporting ocean, cool their direction right now at the embarcadero. just a lot of cloud cover overhead. we have had 0 visibility issues that's been nice. we are looking at winds at the coast and around 20 to 30 miles per hour. same out into the delta that cool ocean air just pushed right into the bay. now temperatures have been hovering in the mid to upper 50's pretty much all
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morning long. that's where we still do remain at this time later on today. as we do tap into some sunshine, we will eventually see a lot of 60's to a couple of low 70's that way cooler than yesterday was talking and even cooler forecast ahead of us rain. all right, john, thank you for that long awaited lot is often are busy is our were traveling and driving out there our highways. >> i'm seeing our bridges start to fluctuate and drive times. so we're at 17 minutes on the bay ridge. now we're at about 15. we got up to 30 minutes in the last hour on the senate, now at 23 minutes. so we have traffic hazard. they have a clear that up pretty quickly things about that. 12 or out of the richmond. sandra fell bridge down from 17 minutes. they are still 35 minu es across the golden gate bridge. so that steady and this is a look at our highways right across the board. of the north bay 8.88, in a matter where you are seeing a little bit of traffic. so either wait or give yourself some extra time darya. james, back to you. thank you, renee 31, a big story we're following. >> 35 death row penalty cases are now under review in
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alameda county because of possible misconduct by prosecutors. yeah, this is all up because alameda county district attorney pamela price says her office uncovered what may have been a pattern of misconduct that dates back almost 30 years. you take a look back now with kron four's dan kerman. >> we recognize how terrible this and it is something that we have to make right at a news conference monday. alameda county district attorney pamela price said a federal judge has ordered her office to review 35 active death penalty cases going back nearly 50 years for prosecutorial misconduct. certain prosecutors and the alameda county district attorneys office may have intentionally appeared to have intentionally excluded jewish and black jurors from death penalty cases prices. these prosecutorial notes suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries was discovered when her office was reviewing the appeal of our mistakes. a 51 year-old man
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convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old in the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery. the discovered notes were shared with the federal judge in the dikes case who ordered a more thorough review. the evidence that we have uncovered suggest plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the files. >> to determine. what happened and what the appropriate remedy price says that review is now underway and loved ones of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and doug's case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. dan kerman kron, 4 news. well, police in healdsburg now looking for the person who stabbed a 16 year-old over the weekend. they say it happened around 10, 30.
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>> on fox creek pathway right near carson warner state, a skate park. police say the victim and some of his friends got into a fight with a different group of people when the victim was stabbed in the back. now, police later discovered that a 17 year-old was also stabbed. both now being treated for serious injuries at a local hospital. anyone with information on what happened is asked to call healdsburg police. happening tomorrow. nurses within the city of san francisco plan to rally over safety concerns recently, the san francisco department of public health nurses union surveyed members about their experiences with assault and abuse on the job. 70% reported being physically assaulted while at work more than 94% reported being verbally abused with 10% saying they'd actually been sexually assaulted or harassed as well. now during the san francisco department of public health commission meeting, the nurses will deliver 2000 pages documenting what they say are unsafe working conditions. this will be at 03:00pm outside the health commission's office on grove
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street. >> time now is a 34. and this is the jewish holiday of passover. it's a week long. holly holiday and security is local synagogues because there have been tensions over the war between israel and hamas. and we have seen that unfold in the form of protest around the bay area around the country and also a rise in anti-semitism and islamophobia. 2 weeks ago, a local synagogud was awarded his security grant from the state to pay for extra guards over the past over holiday. >> very sad situation that we have to rely and security were thankful to the state of california for giving this security grant. but it's really a shame that we have to do this. >> the rabbi says that the guards will help the congregation to feel safe and observing the holiday. >> the remains of this gray whale found a short alameda are now at angel island to be investigated. >> they were towed across the bay, a 40 foot long whale
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first spotted on saturday night. experts say it's an adult female, great whale, but now they need to know how and wyatt died. so brought biologists are going to be performing a necropsy and we will let you know what happens. >> very beautiful creatures. and it's very sad, i want to know what happened. i'd like to know what happened to whale. >> so they're working on that now at the marine mammal center. and there are experts will tell us and hopefully we'll get some clues as to what's going on. and if there's some kind of danger off of the bay that's endangering wales. >> in the south bay, san jose apartments that meant to bring people out of homelessness are now facing a slew of complaints reports of break-ins and drug use. and the tenants say that not enough is being done complex. jack moment has more. its been held since i've been there. >> genome monarch has been at the renaissance apartments for 4 years. she talks to us with 3 other tenants. all of these people say they don't feel safe living. there is tremendous amount
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>> and a lot these i have been broken into my apartment exactly 10 times due to says when she reports these issues to property management. >> they're either met with silence or retaliation. i have many people that has just wanted to packet grab a kid least in there because not making it better and that claim to gina and others hits close to home. >> the apartments are run by charities, housing and are meant to be the first housing for people who haven't had a place to call home. they stay here for 2 years and then go on to a more permanent apartment. many of the people who stay here are recovering from years of living on the street. levi send witness. >> someone hitting at a woman. lisa mooney says her first year at these apartments she would still sleep outside. >> claiming it wasn't a stressful opposed to living inside. it's kind of discouraging 2 years ago, san jose spotlight published a report of similar concerns and
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even reported apartment employees filming attorneys who were investigating the property apartment management denied the allegations reported by spotlight every anything gotten better. theresa tovar. a tenant of 2 years says she also sleeps outside her apartment most nights. she shows us the complaints filed against the apartment at letters her family wrote to those in charge. she says, though she is not hopeful anything will be fixed. it just makes no sense to me that things that they do. there's just it right like i as to karl, my kid. now we brought all of these concerns from the multiple tenants that reached out to us to the owners of apartment complex. >> we did not hear back yet any side. san jose jacmel but kron 4 news. >> it's a 38 in the north bay. crews are going to be working all week to try to fix the sausalito pier. they want to get very service back up and running. it has been in since last friday because of a problem on the pier. that's the route between san francisco in sausalito that's been out of service after this routine inspection found some damage to one of the piers for
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piles, a spokesperson for the ferry says that they're going to be working, but they're doing is fastly is as quickly as they can. but they have to live. can lead to a during low tide. so that means it's going to take some time to get it done. in the meantime, this suspension of service is affecting about 500 people a day. >> it was kind of surprised because i thought it's easy to fix, but they could kind of looks like it's not easy to fix. so putin. it's not going to last. guess it would be easier for one under water that way for low tide. >> until things get fix, this is the ferry. the bus golden gate transit providing service now to and from the city in sausalito, you know, back in the 70's. that's when the pier was built. and there was an official plan to replace it. but that construction hasn't begun yet. so they have to make do with what they have. >> happening tonight, fallout, the teachers will hold a rally
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asking for better pay because of the high cost of living here in the bay area. members of the educator's association say the talks with the palo alto unified school district, a broken down. so their rally is set for 06:00pm tonight. that will be the pa usd office on churchill avenue. happening today, community members plan to rally at the center city council and ask for stronger rent protections. they put together a package renter protections that include rent stabilization. tenet, anti-harassment and just cause eviction ordinances. the rally starts at 10 30 this morning at the san pablo city hall. that's where they plan to deliver more than 1500 signatures, which is required to get that renter protections package on the november ballot. >> union square is looking for the best croissant in the bay area. take a look at the video that went viral on union square. social media site. that's a close i haven't seen a striped one. what's the taste lee tell? you've been
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france, but i santa wrong. class. all fancy that colin chris this event is already sold out, by the way. but you may be a little at least get a taste of one and maybe a cup of coffee. the competition is going to happen at the cliff while sonesta in downtown san francisco on may 19th my kids as they skewer me every time i say croissant class happening today. the outside lands lineup is coming out. can't wait to find out who's going to be featured in the 16th annual music festival in golden gate park. it's a 3 day festival. it starts on august 9th. stay tune. it will let you know who the big acts are. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news instead of spring cleaning your house or your closet. how about? >> spring cleaning your life. wow. what does that entail? getting rid of bad habits, baby? i'm sure. but we'll take a closer look at that. and after the break, the giants came out swinging in the first game of their series with the mets will look at the
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highlights. >> and big changes from yesterday saying for one dropping from 81 from yesterday's high to 64 degrees today. we actually get even cooler ahead of us are at your forecast and we've seen a lot more red on our highways in an o'clock hour. all that o'clock hour. all that congestion. we're trness.
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>> a 44 and let's talk baseball. the giants taking on the new york mets now and they had their first game at oracle. they did. you proper sports reporter aaron wilson has the highlights. >> well, the giants, they were hosting the mix it or call on
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monday night trying to be spoiler its team that, you know, was coming off a big series win over the la dodgers. it well, they would do just that. the giants in it right here, bases loaded here in the second for nick a grounder up the middle right here, kicks a francisco lindor, the glove and well that allows 2 runs to come around to score for the giant. they take early 2 to 0 lead. the giant they keep adding on after matt chapman hammers this curve ball into the corner. >> jean only comes around the score from first to the giants are up 4 to 0. they would go to the 6th inning now. and if you hang it, this guy, michael % conforto your bank to see if they're a solo shot against his old team. that was on the run the giants needed and they take this one. a move to 11, 13 on the season. and of course, bob melvin was excited about that's all we have. i'll toss back to at the u.s.. >> all forty-five's the time right now. and by the way, we'll see play again tonight at 6.45, how about the a's?
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they beat the yankees 2 to 0. 0st pitch for the a's. next game is 405 today. >> 8.45 is the time. let's get a check of the weather because as we know, it's a little windy yesterday. all say we have in store for 2. you're lucky that. >> that hair good morning to like you to just i know. i'm lucky there's less of it to do it as less risk on a windy day. we're looking out there at breezy one for sure. a lot of wind through the golden gate. we've got a little bit more cloud cover and a big cool down for us today. >> temperatures as much as 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday's. we've seen showers around lake tahoe and even some thunderstorm activity right around reading in red bluff up in northern california just to our north. now, this is all part of this low pressure area. we're starting to see that edging out that high pressure ridge that was in place. so you won't notice the haze today. what you will notice is a cool, brisk wind. almost all the country is in quite a warmer than average. finished april ahead of us except for
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the pacific northwest northern california. we actually have a cooler than average trend as we wrap up april and kick off may and you can see that reflected in your daytime highs really starting today after yesterday's low 80's. we are loo ing at daytime highs today in the 60's to low 70's at the very warmest. so we are definitely on a cooler trend, feeling a little bit more like we did a couple months back. then what we've gotten used to lately, which has been that warmth and sunshine today, still going to bring some sunshine and that will help to at least get temperatures up into the low 70's at the warmest tomorrow is going to be a little cooler and a little cloudier we stay that way through the rest of the week with a slight chance of some morning showers on friday. all right, john, thank you for to the south bay to show you just how busy we have been in the 8 o'clock hour. >> nearly 70 minute ride along 101. it's 85 up to menlo park. if you're looking at 85 year, if you're started in san jose up towards mountain view, it's
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going to take about 60 minutes to make that right. so high was in the south bay. you're seeing congestion along all of including to 18 87. they bridge right now. our bridges are certainly seeing a little improvement there, though. 30 minute right there, all the senate to bridge what, from 30 down 25 just the highways that are busy, the highway for any i can to conquer 30 minute ride last hour that we were at about 40 slight improvement there. 24 walnut creek about 23 minutes. you're slow leaving walnut creek heading into 5.80, not really seeing any green there along that highway. james, back to you. all right, brandon, thank you very much. california leads the nation when it comes to solar power energy. but now there's so much solar energy in the grid. >> that electricity now sometimes has to be thrown away. in response, the state is cutting back incentives for having rooftop panels like this. and that's slowing the rate of installations in 2022. 2.4 million megawatt hours of
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electricity went unused in california. 95 1% of that was generated by solar panels. and again, that extra energies essentially being thrown away and that throwing away a free power actually raise electricity prices for customers because think about it. the utility company pg e has to buy the excess power from people with solar panels on their roof. but then they can't resell it because they can't store it. and if it's not used, it gets to run away. so the utilities purchasing electricity that they can't resell later. and that's driving up prices. >> renewable energy, clean energy, and we can make it more affordable and stable. if we're smart and manage the transition rather policies that are going back and forth, and bust, we need to be smart, unconscious and not reverse course solar energy developer. yeah. so the secret. >> is storage. we've got to get more people with houses to get storage and utility companies as well. were some
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things are going to change the california supreme court don't forget to is also reviewing a case right now. this challenging controversial rooftop reform. 4 a solar panel energy, many believe that sky's the limit when it comes to solar. but obviously california's finding out as it leads the way that there are some growing pains, it does come at a cost and the rest of the country is looking to see how we navigate these challenges. it's 8.49. and new this morning, the american academy of pediatrics is pushing for stronger regulations. >> of toddler milks toddler milk products are marketed as transitional formulas and nutritional support for kids who are 9 months old to 36 months typically when the kids are moving on to actual table food and where they can just sit down and drink water and milk with their meal. some experts say that parents are led to believe that toddler milk is a better option. but pediatricians actually say that that's unnecessary and
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even potentially harmful because they say that they're loaded with all kinds of other add it is and sugar and they're not as good as whole milk. so pediatricians actually recommend that you don't use those products and just have your child sit down, eat their meal and have water or milk or whatever. at the table. >> i'm not that process. powdered stuff. seems age really is just a number. a new study by the american psychological association fines. >> middle age and older adults believe that old age begins. with people who are older than them. >> i don't know that. >> it's really old. age daisy begins. you're go back and i'll see what they did defined as all days begins later in life. then like my peers thought that your people thought okay to like so age is getting older and older yeah. they're saying because of increased life expectancy, that's what they're really thinking is what makes it feel like we're older now. but we
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seem younger, like when my dad was 40, i was like, oh, my god, i-70. >> 40, like i will old. is it all to get to 60 keep pushing back all right. a 51 is the time spring cleaning has a lot of people focusing on cleaning out their closets and things like that. but what about cleaning up your daily routine? maybe your inbox, maybe your calendar. just life stuff. you've been telling me this for years. kristen joyce takes a closer >> during down laura mae martin, not only a mom of 3, she coaches, google's top executives on best ways to manage time and energy tips that all women can use in daily life to get organized and build smart routines. it's really about being a more productive, holistic person bill today for your strengths. prioritize what needs to be done with a certain timeframe in mind. so let's say you're a morning person and you do your best work between 9 10:30am. you want to schedule that lack of time to focus instead of letting it up with meeting. so
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google calendar, you can choose to to schedule. let's caught a focus time blocking it no decline. other meetings taking breaks from work or mom duties allows you to be more productive schedule to recharge. and you just might find some inspiration. so by having down time, not only are you helping prevent burnout and promote your own well-being. but studies have shown that you're actually more creative during down time. so you're more likely to think of a great idea when you're on a walk or in a workout, then you are in your 7th back-to-back meeting of your day or knee deep in your email when your brain is in passive mode. ideas and spontaneous things come together allowing that creativity to pop through. remember, it's ok to say no to requests, whether it's from a work colleague or friend, identify what's important to you and acknowledge what's not remind yourself when you're saying no to a request to are saying yes to something you value more. well, that was kristen joyce reporting for us this morning. the fight. >> to fight >> may be bake. break big
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initiatives. big tasks into smaller think bite-size things. hughes goals to fight perfectionism because that can oftentimes get in the way set deadlines to and be kind to yourself. >> you know, i'm doing a great job at fighting perfectionism. haha, i can tell you be right pick. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. if you have expired medications. >> you're going want to see this. we're going to talk about take back day.
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>> we are back at 8.56. and for the first time in 5 months
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of the voyager, one spacecraft, he's communicating again. the 46 yearold spacecraft has been experiencing a glitch that made a stop sending reliable data back in november. the probe is only sending back status updates for now. but nasa is hoping to get transmitting scientific data once again. you remember voyager one is kind of a far away away. it's past the planet of pluto and heading into deep space. so the fact that even getting a signal that all is pretty remarkable that we still are. >> sometimes we can't get a signal from san francisco to like a couple blocks away. 56 right now coming up on the ground or warning is >> caused a gas is going we're going to tell you how this is. unfortunately, just in time for your summer holiday plans. and a san jose fire captain is arrested, accused. i'm trying meet with an underage girl for. next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized.
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9:00 am
at your local audi dealer. >> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, a police sting operation ends in the arrest of a san jose fire. captain accused of trying to meet a young girl for. the group trying to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price wants county leaders to set a date for that recall election. >> the leader whose path that you can continue to follow. and the bay area remembers the life and legacy of life. church foundered cecil williams. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news


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