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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> now at 5, that breaking news glides renowned co-founder and minister reverend cecil williams has died. he was 94 years-old. thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow. i'm ken wayne. cecil williams led the church
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for 6 decades just recently passing the torch to doctor gina from are. >> glide released a statement saying he passed away in his home in san francisco, surrounded by his friends and family reaction to his death is pouring in this evening. we do have crime for special contributor pam moore. >> joining us over the phone right now. pam, thank you for calling in and speaking with us about your relationship with reverend williams. i know you've done several stories most you covered the end of his leadership there at glide back in when you heard this news tell us how you're feeling this evening. >> found that and even though me, the 94 year old and he's been sick for a while. you still want someone like that at its someone who meant so much to our community, entire bay area community percent like for yourself. it makes you feel it's a lot but he's a
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leaflet plant there are many following following in but >> tell us about his his time in the city. he started bite, i believe, is back in the 1960's and let it through. you know, a lot of turbulent decades. a lot of change in san francisco. what has been his effect on the city? >> can you interviewed him? and all of my been around a while interviewed and to williams and or committed there. no way you would not be here any length of time and that the that and they have go if the city with a history of people who have big personalities, that people who know how to wield power, thinkh happened and people living but one of those people, you know how to make i always considered him a. of a warrior minutes. he was lack of social factors. but the thing about he was always is a love reign. you know, thing was up all
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>> day >> have meal have a place for he you love of writing, make your power. he built tower on that to >> well, think i mean, for me, a relative newcomer to the bay area only been here 5 years. you hear about glide and at first you're like, oh, well, it's a church. but then you really get to understand all of the different events that they put on all the different peoples lives that they touch. i mean, the thanksgiving meals, the christmas meals, the the events that they do. and i i think you're right there like he helps people figure out where they can lend a hand as well. i think that's important to inspire other people write to lend their hands as well. >> well, you know, people love power and people with no power would come and come through regularly. he was the kind of
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personality who you may you feel that message of love was real and feel that. but i open the point we have reported out comment now under but that when people doing that and the handle >> that the comment, the way yeah, know a all races, all people no matter their >> orientation or the economic level. you know that if they want i mean, the live opened the door everybody. and that would ease of in fact, mentioned 60th anniversary. >> we've got to talk with him last year. said want quote in a word, you know. i want to make love the much of my life and i think he did that. i think you do with the firebrand. any pushed open by any of the imagination. but you reference said he did
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things that nobody was doing at the time that we all take for granted today, his his acceptance of the community. >> very early on when. >> even at church, if you're a going to a church. >> that was not common. that was a lot of churches weren't as accepting as they are now about that. that alone was was a huge breakthrough for the community in the city. >> a huge breakthrough not only in the city, but as you know, across the state and then across the nation, he would push the envelope. what he felt was right and what was right to that. and i that will he will forever be known campus columbia and that because he was a leader in that area in particular can if you and the fact all the other things that they didn't opening the like you've ever been, says that sunday service, the route think why are you it with everybody? led
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both you know, all races, you know everybody and it would different. so i will not the law does say >> you couldn't help but be inspired if you ever have the chance to go to a sunday service at glide with the gospel choir on the stage, you didn't have to be a religious person to feel something special. something very spiritual and feel this just overwhelming sense of joy, happiness and love that he was trying to pass on to everybody around him. >> yeah. it was a fighter. a push all of anything in the court and it's many thought merry band. can't do much a part of leadership. there. of >> they knew how to wield power. i think that was. a hallmark of ability to get things that you would. and >> yeah, power couple for sure. when was the last time
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you saw him? pam? was it when you you're special with him back in december. >> yeah, that was the last time that we weren't even sure that he was going to be well enough to come to that celebration what anniversary celebration because, you know, your health has been up and quite a while. and with the being but he did come and with the audience that used seeing have a have out that would game >> around. then, you know, they stand with safe come building it all at. >> and this is really what he handing. but end, you add that because the light now on stand and told ms beyond know, but working in the tenderloin and many of us doubled. thanks. and i think they not a somewhat that apple. i want to do more of that kind of work throughout the city because post covid it so much morning.
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>> you know, we we were looking at pictures of him nancy pelosi, mayor london breed. and you go back through history of all the politicians who basically would kiss the ring of cecil williams to get his blessing, right? i mean, that you had to have his support. if you're going to be successful in san francisco politics right? >> diane all i mean, every governor. that candidate for president obama had been it wasn't again. it was his message of love. a note, you know, you know personality still you know, help people who are high and but he was a very loving. a the pack of and i think that meant it much people at leader >> well, pam, thanks for joining us. we we want are we going te where they're having a life? a news conference that is about to start a satellite. so we're going here in just a
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moment, more from glide about what's going on. but pam, of we know you had a special relationship with with reverend williams. is any moment in particular that stands out to you over the course the last? i mean, you were here obviously 3 decades in and have done many stories with him. anything that >> sticks out in particular, a story you want to share. >> well, the moment that really sticks out for me know now is that masked and and because you know, he really wasn't well. and he said, you know, you know, you looking at his legacy. and i think he felt quite proud of what he had that and the city. what you've done in the bay area and for the and he was very reflective himself. he very prop open at that moment because helps, you know, very but was determined to be there. and i thank you open. and the fact that we had that a lot. and he wanted like, if you think about now.
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>> you know, when he would have holiday food giveaways set at glide in the line would track around the block for hundreds, thousands of people would go there to get a free meal and a gift bag of groceries. and so on. and, you know, if you ever have the chance to be there to help serve. it it has beat deep effect on you as a person. just it kind of brings you down to a a human level one-on-one. we forget about the cost of living in and just your own lifestyle and what you're wrapped up in with your own jobs in your own. you're on day-to-day living and you are there face to face with people who are so much less fortunate who need a little help and it changes you when you go there and you come out of that just spending an afternoon or evening, a serving mashed potatoes and turkey and all of that, you come out a little bit different. >> yeah, i agree. i agree. and
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most of and have done it. and even if you haven't done it at a live felt it's the same want to that. you know, you get a ridge in aid. but what here car was giving san francisco. but look, read a quote from any other places that are doing similar things. and again, i think that i could let out point that the with the hat is they have health care clinics and all kinds of things well, that the that the morning there. >> all right, pam, we're going now to administer marvin white to at glide who is speaking right now. so thank. and we're going to join this news conference live that's underway celebrating the life of reverend cecil williams. and was that it is about the work still so we can grieve and mourn, but we can't lose sight of liberation. it's even more visible now because of this passing. >> year's work together, you
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know, with them when, you know, immediately this. so that work you know, i think it's important that we. we frame cecil's the wright. reverend cecil williams, workable. his arrival here and in the 50's and he's immediately open up the doors of the sanctuary. 2, 2 women to poor folks to workers, 2 black folks to brown folks too early. organizers. on and on. and that work just that door just kept opening wider and wider and we continue to do that work. i think the genius of of robin williams is that he knew that there would always be someone coming in each generation. beyond crack. now there's fentanyl, but we know that we need to be here because he taught us that someone else is going to come. we'll need our services. we'll
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need our spiritual support. we'll need our social justice support and we'll need our social services as well so that work continues on. >> can you talk a bit about your personal relationship? yeah, was a larger than life figure. i was an intern here while completing my given the seminary and got a chance to work with him as a interred and he was he was just amazing. and when i became senior minister, i went to him and i said cecil, they want me to fill your shoes. he absolved me from that responsibility. he said i need for you to be you, you know, and to understand that. where you take it is where we're supposed to go and so that was my relationship with see. so i call myself the love child of
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the right, reverend cecil williams and our beloved now literary ancestor, janice county. she was a poet and he was a black, charismatic preacher. and here i am a black poll. it in this church and the reason i know i'm supposed to be here because i've never pastor church before. this is my first pastore run and out of all the people who could have unwanted this assignment he saw me and i think that's the gift of c so that he saul you. >> what sort of i it's only been a couple of hours. yeah, we're just now speaking at a minute past. yeah, yeah. what is that like and what sort of full do you imagine that he left behind? yeah, you know, i think a figure. that big will leave a hole. but i was what i know to be true is that cecil? took up less and less space as he was passing away when i was
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here as an intern, cecil was still on his feet. still at trial and then cecil was using a cane and then cecil was using a walker and this last iteration of his body. cecil was in a wheelchair. so he's space got smaller and smaller and required us to fill it more and more. and so it's big, but it's manageable because he was stepping aside and demanded for us to step up. so we're going to step into that not to displace him because he left it for us. feedly the hole. you know, he left a space for us to coming to a lead. >> when's the last time sauce? >> oh, my goodness. i'm we. he was here on easter. we've listening to minister marvin white there at glide memorial, speaking about his relationship with. >> cecil williams who passed away earlier today, something
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beautiful he said was cecil. just always saw you for you, which i think is a really good testament to who he was. mayor london breed a just released a statement about the passing of a cecil williams saying in part. >> reverend cecil williams was the conscience of san francisco of our san francisco community. she goes on to say he led with compassion and wisdom always putting the people first and never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and his vision changed our city and the world
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school.
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what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the
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files to determine. what happened. >> 35 death penalty case is now under review. and alameda county due to the possibility of misconduct by prosecutors. i mean, county district attorney pamela price says her office has uncovered would maybe a pattern of misconduct dating back almost 30 years where prosecutors may have purposely excluded blacks and jews from juries. kron four's. dan kerman live for us tonight with more. dan. well, we can tell you that ernest 1995 death penalty sentencing for murdering a 9 year-old was up for appeal. >> before a federal judge, the alameda county da's office was charged with reviewing that case and it was during that review, they discovered the alleged misconduct. >> we recognize how terrible this and it is something that we have to make right at a news conference monday. alameda county district attorney pamela price said a federal judge has ordered her office to review 35 active death penalty cases going back nearly 50 years.
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>> for prosecutorial misconduct, certain prosecutors and the alameda county district attorneys office may have intentionally appeared to have intentionally excluded jewish and black jurors from death penalty cases. price says these prosecutorial notes suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries was discovered when her office was reviewing the appeal of our mistakes. a 51 year-old man convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old in the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery. the discovered notes were shared with the federal judge in the dikes case who ordered a more thorough review. the evidence that we have uncovered suggest plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the files. >> to determine. what happened and what the appropriate
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remedy is. price says that review is now underway and loved ones of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and doug's case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. price says she doesn't know how many of the 35 cases involve misconduct, but she believes at least more than one. she says. there may also be non death penalty cases that may be implicated in this probe. live in the newsroom, dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> dan, thank you. golden gate ferry service between san francisco and sausalito has been suspended indefinitely. damage was discovered on one of the piers for piles during a routine inspection on friday. ferry service as work to repair the peer began over the weekend. but it can only be performed during low tide repairs. likely won't be completed until later this week. once they are, the pure will then have to be reinspected before ferry service can resume until then
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buses are being provided to get people across the golden gate. stick with us here on kron 4 tonight at 6 will the hearing from some riders who are affected by this closure. all right. let's go outside. see how the weather is shaping up a little cool and windy so far. very wendy, lawrence. yeah. things changing in the atmosphere after a gorgeous weekend outside. well, the fog. >> starting to work its way back on shore. and here we go. you get a good taste of low clouds and the fog here in the coming days from it. a little drizzle along the coastline overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. so, yep, this what we've come to know this time of year. low cloud deck. beginning to make its way across the golden gate bridge stretching into the bay. now more that on the way likely to fill in the valleys overnight and the temperatures they still warm in many spots inland at 73 degrees right now in livermore, 73 beautiful and sunny and san jose. 71 in fremont. 72 degrees in the bottle. then. so with the fog is at the san francisco downtown. you're at 58 degrees. and 55 now with some clouds and a half moon bay,
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low clouds, fog all the way down to southern california. get the southerly push of the cloud that you see coming all the way up and into the bay area. now starting to stretch into the bay. more of that on the way morning forecast coming up a few indoors. up next express apparently catching the express train out of the bay area. why the of the bay area. why the retailer is calling it quits. ( ♪♪ )
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with hospitality, including the president that of our sister friendship. we're excited about what a little bit a has not 45 and really looking forward to continued relationship. >> well, mayor breed is back. she posted a wrap-up of her 8 day trip to china during her trip to san francisco mayor managed to get a giant panda for the san francisco zoo. the last time they were here in the san francisco zoo >> was it as pandas drew thousands of visitors of other notable engagements. she took taking a trip on china's high-speed train. she met with executives from the country's leading airlines as well of her visit to china was ultimately opportunity for san francisco to stimulate economic growth and foster some cultural ties across the region. >> award-winning brewery and taproom buck. wild brewing will be pouring its last pints this weekend. the brewery near oakland's jack london square
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specializes in gluten-free. beer has won several awards for in the past. according to an instagram post, the brewery's taps will go dry following it. final day of service sunday. the post not specify a reason for the closures, clothing store express is shutting down to bay area locations after filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. this is video of the shop in san francisco's union square that closed last october. the 2 locations on bay street in emeryville and valley fair mall in santa clara will also close. the company plans to shut down more than 90 stores nationwide. 16 of those are here in california. >> still ahead, cutting the tsa line could be a thing of the past at california airports. but a new bill is hoping to change. back to our
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breaking news this hour. glides renowned co-founder and minister reverend cecil williams has died. he was 94 years-old. cecil led the church for 6 decades just recently passing the torch. >> to doctor gina from are blind, releasing a statement saying he passed away in his home in san francisco, surrounded by his friends and family. we're going to have much more on his life and legacy. coming up on kron, 4 news at 6. >> a street takeover of dirt bikes yesterday in oakland ended with one person having to go to the hospital. oakland police say about 50 bikers drove through several areas of the city causing


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