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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. >> today on kron 4 news at noon, the san francisco zoo is soon getting a new attraction giant pandas. the reaction from mayor london
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>> plus, alameda police officers now facing charges nearly 3 years since their attempt to arrest him and led to his death. and what community members are demanding after the closure of the all women's prison in dublin. we are live where activists held a protest this morning. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin lawyers representing a class of women at the soon to close fci, dublin prison filing an emergency temporary restraining order today urging a judge to temporarily block the transfer of anyone who was left at the troubled women's prison. this comes days after the announcement that the all-women's prison will close kron. 4 s charles clifford is live for us dublin with more on this developing story. charles.
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>> well, good afternoon. yeah. on monday, the bureau prisons announced that fci, dublin here, the federal women's prison would close down and that the inmates might be transferred to other locations, potentially thousands of miles away. that has triggered outrage and a lawsuit. >> outside fci, dublin on friday, dozens of protesters demanded that the bureau of prisons stop the planned transfer of inmates. it was a shock to all of at least with the california coalition for women prisoners says the announcement that the prison would be closing down has left inmates here confused and worried. they're terrified the public. colleen, like it each day thinking i'm going to be transferred today. i don't know what i'm not going to have contact with the people. i love. the coalition also says that many inmates here don't need to be transferred, that those who have health issues are near the end of their sentences. for those who could finish their confinement at home should be released rather than moved. prison officials have said that the closure is due to staff misconduct, short staffing, an
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aging facilities. but shapiro worries that the closures and attempt to escape being held responsible for problems at the prison, including the alleged abuse of inmates. they wanted hear that and they want to disappear. the people inside hoping to halt the transfers. the coalition has filed a motion in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order to stop the bureau of prisons from moving inmates. the motion also request that if the transfers do resume that the court ensure that prisoners rights are not being violated. also on friday, edward canales the union president representing officers assigned fci, dublin, said that they want the prison to remain open and that they support reforms. my officers want to remain part of this community, opportunity carry out mission. >> i believe ship as of friday afternoon. it's unclear how many if any inmates have been transferred to other locations. >> all right, back live now, the other aspect of this is several weeks ago, a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms here at fc
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dublin, fci, dublin. but when the bureau of prisons announced that they were going to close this facility, the special master's work apparently ended well in their lawsuit, their motion. they filed today in oakland in federal court. the coalition is asking that that special master be allowed to continue their work here. but for now in the east bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you for your coverage this afternoon. >> also in the east bay, 3 men accused of killing a security guard protecting a kron for news crew appeared in court on thursday. the 3 men face murder and attempted robbery charges for the killing of kevin issued a in november 2021. she his wife, virginia, told kron 4 the plea hearing was continued until next month. it charges have been filed against 3 alameda police officers involved in the death of mario gonzalez. all as died back in 2021. while being restrained for sara stinson brings us the details. officers eric mckinley, james fisher. >> and cameron leahy, leahy have each been charged with
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one count of involuntary manslaughter. alameda county district attorney pamela price announcing charges against 3 officers involved in the death of mario gonzales. >> on the eve of what would mark 3 years since the deadly encounter on april. 21st 2021. alameda police responded to a call for a report of a man at a park talking to himself and scaring the colors wife. when police arrived, they attempted to take him into custody, but a struggle ensued. police body cam video shows 3 officers pinning gonzalez down for several minutes. the coroner ruled his death a homicide saying officer restraint played a role along with other contributing factors under the former district attorney nancy o'malley. prosecutors concluded there was not enough evidence to warrant criminal charges against the officers. price reopen the case along with 7 other cases involving custody deaths. the da's public accountability unit
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reexamined the evidence and filed charges against the officers thursday. price says she is not directly involved with this case that i'm walled-off from the case. i will not be participating and have not participated in. >> the ultimate de.ision about the case, the attorney of then alameda police officer james fisher tells me he doesn't believe price. topping honest with the public. >> about role in reopening the case to begin with. and frankly, i'm sure a role in making the decision to charge on. but only the last day that you could charge case. michael rains says his law firm just started to represent fisher. so he still looking into the case. >> but he says he's confident his client followed police protocol. the family of gonzales settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of alameda and the officers involved for 11 million dollars back in december. the attorney representing gonzales, his 8 year-old son
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michael haddad, spoke with us on the phone saying in part, the charges are obviously appropriate. it's been obvious for a long time. in addition to costing the city 11 million dollars. these officers should also face a jury who can decide if they should be held criminally responsible too. >> and that was sara stinson reporting for us. a price as the officers face up to 4 years behind bars. on the peninsula. person is dead after their car went off a cliff thursday afternoon. a great will cove state beach in montara. that's just south of pacifica. >> firefighters say that car fell 200 feet down the cliff. a chp helicopter lowered a rescuer on to the rocks to try and save the victim. but the person inside the car died. we are still working to learn what caused the car to go over the cliff. the driver who hit and killed a 4 year-old girl in san francisco last august
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will not spend time behind bars. >> the crash happened as the girl and her family were in the crosswalk at 4 street near oracle park. the little girl and her father were critically or out of a little girl died and her father was critically injured. the 71 year-old driver who hit them was charged with vehicular manslaughter. but now months later, both sides have agreed to a plea deal. the driver serves 400 hours of community service and must complete a driving course. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins released this statement which reads in part in line with the family's wishes and with their support, we reached a negotiated disposition rather than going to trial, although nothing that we do can bring their beloved daughter and granddaughter back. i hope that this settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of the terrible tragedy last summer. switching gears now to talk a little bit about our weather here live. look outside at this gorgeous view. beautiful blue skies up above that. we
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know that gayle ong is keeping an eye on all of it for us said hey there, gayle. hello, stephanie. you can see we have a lingering marine layer but it is starting to mix out. you could expect some low clouds to hang out over by the coast today. >> along with some cooler temperatures say you notice the cloud cover mainly hugging the coastline across the state here and a half moon bay. we actually see some clearing over there. but little break from the clouds. so if you're heading out to the coast, just bring a jacket because there will be a seabreeze later on this evening. temperatures we'll be in the low 60's upper 50's as we make your way throughout the late afternoon and early evening. wind speeds are calm, but it will pick up in the late afternoon. temperatures out the door right now we're in the upper 50's in the north bay. 58 for you in santa rosa and napa. 59 degrees and san francisco. 55, little cooler over by half moon we are seeing 8 temperature change. take a look. we are down to 10 to 14
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degrees at this time yesterday in the north bay and about 6 to 89 degrees around the bay area. so we are cooling down. you'll notice at for the weekend saturday looks like we'll be cooling down to the mid 70's. but temperatures should rebound for you inland down to the 80's overnight. lows will remain pretty mild in the mid 40's and low 50's that when i come back. well, take a look at the rest of your weekend. back to you. well, thank you. and giant pandas are officially coming to the san francisco zoo. >> mayor london breed made that announcement just last night during her week-long trip to china. kron four's michael thomas brings us the latest. >> this is the first time since the mid-eighties at san francisco will be housing pandas. in fact, in the united states, there only available in one area and that's atlanta. so bringing them to california is a big deal. and mayor london breed says there's no official date, but they're already working on their housing. mayor london breed signed a memorandum with the china wildlife conservation association in
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beijing during her week-long visit where she's been working to bring new business and tourism to san francisco. he's been working on getting pandas to the city since november during the apec summit when she asked the chinese president xi jingping for them followed by a letter of request which led to this now historic moment. we have been working closely with our local. >> chinese and asian community in san francisco to advocate for pandas for nearly a year. and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> as of now, no official timeline has been given, but the sf standard reports of the san francisco zoo ceo says they're already working to renovate an existing space open. his can arrive by 2025. renovations could cost up to 4 million dollars. according to reports and 20 million for a new exhibit which they do plan to fund raise for the last time. san francisco house pandas was between 1984 1985.
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as part of a global tour which brought in 250,000 visitors. so the loading of these pandas will mark the first official residency for giant pandas in san francisco ever as we get more details as to when official dates are made, we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest reporting in san francisco. michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. >> sure to create hand ammonium the zoo. just sending out a statement that reads in part, quote, we are thrilled for the return of the giant panda at the san francisco zoo and gardens after all these years, the giant panda symbolizes hope for conservation collaboration and bridges divides between cultural differences. we will continue to work closely with the mayor and the city on next steps. coming up here on the bill focuses on helping you disconnect from work. he's in the san francisco lawmaker the san francisco lawmaker behind that legislation. plus.
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the 4 people killed in a san joaquin county crash were from livermore. the victims included a man, a woman, a 12 year-old boy and a 4 month year-old baby a shed has their story. >> we just knew we had to do something and to help. it was a reaction. it was an almost an instant guide. i didn't. think to think what i was going to do, i just reacted. >> joseph in jena roseman were driving by when they saw the accident and also sprung into action. everybody was trying to push the car back onto its wheels. team. >> u.s. and i don't know a big group may be about 2015 of us. we all helped push the car back up and then. we just did what we what thought we could
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do. trapped inside were 3 adults and 4 children. i looked down and i have to be the closest one to the to what i could see was a baby's arm. >> so i just i got down on my on my knees there and and and was trying to be like. >> trying to be gentle cause. you know it to great if you come right out and grabbed the baby and kind of move to moved away from that accident scene and started cpr. >> his wife, gina, then stepped in as joseph ran back to help. some more just grabbed the baby from that point and ran further away closer to the truck. but further away from the fire >> leave the baby down and went and started chest compressions there. meanwhile, christian and monica work to get the other kids out from the minivan. >> monica recalls one of the girls after she was pulled out. he just let out a scream, but i will never forget it. she was just being in full. and i told her, you're ok, you're ok, we're helping i was just holding her head. >> in the middle of the street, you can see that other people were grabbing the the other kids and what not. and
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it was. >> even that night as one was getting rolled by on a could see the breath like condensation from the press coming from the churches are right. there was at least somebody still and has a chance. of course, that that's fulfilling knowing that that you're able to at least help somebody. i'm just glad that everybody came together in that moment and able to help. however. >> however, you know what, in whatever way that we were able couple >> you know, we did what we could do. we tried open this is a but a fire that broke out began to spread in get bigger is very scary, but liked. said we didn't even think or stop to think about ourselves. we just thought have to do what we have to do, what we can do to help. so i'm just grateful that other cars and other people stopped to help because it kind of restored. you know, >> believe in humanity that people are so kind. there kind
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people out there with everything that's going on in society. there still wonderful people >> out there that will stop this type incidents. bring the best in people which we don't normally recommend. people put themselves in danger, allows to get there in this case. however, you know, they did take it upon themselves to put themselves at risk in. possibly saving the life of other 3. i just want to which i mean. >> it's we can. >> thing coming out in manatee carolina shadix. oakland police officers arrested several people in connection to a series of tobacco related robberies throughout the bay area. >> the most recent happening tuesday morning on mountain view or other mountain boulevard in shown avenue. a truck driver was delivering tobacco products when 2 cars pulled up and people came out armed, they stole the products, then took off. investigators say oakland police, along with several law enforcement agencies arrested 8 people connected to those
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robberies in oakland. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside our mount tam cam. gorgeous view out there at 12 18 this afternoon. >> let's check in now with gayle for more weather conditions either. gayle. hello, stephanie, slight cooler by the coast today. but you can see we are starting to clear out in some places from the south bay to the golden gate bridge. you see some low clouds hanging out there. >> that will be the case for you in the coast, but inland looks like you'll see some sunny skies once again. temperatures in the 70's. so not in the 80's just yet at least. so. you can see that cloud cover along the coast here on satellite and radar. that is the case up and down the coastline across the state. and you notice we have sunny skies inland. so we had that ridge of high pressure that is flattening. so that's what actually rebound comment sunday monday, you'll notice a warm-up act to the 80's inland and then down the road after later next week. we will see a cooling trend, a slight chance of rain on thursday. for now
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doesn't look like a washout. for now. we are keeping an eye on it. so here is our future cast model on what the rest of your evening end your weekend will look like this is 02:00pm notice. we have some some clouds are still hanging out by the coastline. but inland, we are still sunny. and then you'll notice gradual cloud cover towards the evening. and overnight hours and that will linger into saturday morning. you could see some coastal drizzle as well and some patchy fog in the morning. but things start to clear out by the afternoon sunday looks like the warmer day of the weekend where you'll notice temperatures back into the low 80's in our inland areas. current temperatures right now we're down to the 50's in san francisco and half moon bay. so cooler by the coast inland. you notice we're in the 60's right now in san jose in livermore in concord will be warming up a couple degrees. former to the 70's inland. so mid 70's for you in concord and livermore and then a 70's around the bay 60's over by the coast. a look ahead at the
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we have some nice weather and store monday earth day. looks like a beautiful day and then you'll notice a cooling trend and maybe a chance of rain on thursday. back to you. >> all right, bill, thank you. happening tonight, eastbound highway 12 in santa rosa is shutting down as caltrans repave the roadway. the closure starts at 8 and ends at 5 monday morning. caltrans says it will alternate partial and full closures between the dunn avenue in southeast region exits during the day. one eastbound lane will be open and one with one lane will be closed. drivers are advised to take alternate routes and expect traffic delays. happening tomorrow. bart officials hold an official retirement ceremony for its legacy. trains. celebrates the end of an era including a final ride. >> the ceremony. o'clock in the afternoon at oakland's macarthur station. after that, the public gets to board a legacy training drive from macarthur to fremont station nearing the initial service part provided when it opened
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in september of 1972, the trip last around. 45 minutes and travels along 24 miles of the original section of tracks. those legacy trains are making way for a new generation. 696 new fleet of the future train cars are now certified for service. 3 legacy cars will be headed to the western railway museum in sassoon city. the 3 cars, including an iconic slopes front. a car will be the only cars from the legacy fleet to be displayed at the museum. still ahead, a child trafficking bill being met with controversy. we explain why. plus a local doctor is bringing awareness to parkinson's disease by educating people on the illness. the symptoms to watch for and how to cope. well,
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your health this afternoon, april, is parkinson's disease awareness month. parkinson's is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after alzheimer's, according to the parkinson's foundation, the disease affects 10 million people worldwide. nearly 1 million people in the u.s. are impacted. that number is expected to rise by 2030, a bay area doctor with expertise in this disease took part in a health documentary to bring more awareness to the symptoms we spoke with kaiser permanente. neurologist doctor, rima ash. >> then as we get older, we have a higher risk of developing parkinson's disease. but in fact, there are people with young onset disease as well, even into
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their 20's. but we now know that it's much more than just a motor disease and have a lot of non uttered features, including changes in mood. insomnia changes in their g i track and blatter. >> if you'd like to take part in the fight against parkinson's this saturday, the parkinson's foundation holds. they're moving day walk at lake cunningham, regional park. it starts at 09:00am. you can sign up online at moving day walk, dot org. a bill aiming to make it illegal for your boss to call you when you're off. the clock is one step closer to becoming law. the bill is now headed to the assembly appropriations committee. the bill was introduced by san francisco assemblymember matt haney earlier this year. it would give employees a right to disconnect from emails, texts and calls after work. it does, however, make exceptions for emergencies or to discuss scheduling certain companies h% like those with unusual hours or on call. employees may also be exempt. for your money.
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this afternoon. stat lawmakers are also trying to block a new fee. you might see on your electricity bills next year pg e customers are on track to see a 24 hour dollar or other $24 charge every month. and in return for that sea regulators want to reduce electricity rates by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. the california public utilities commission is expected to approve the plan next month. if they do, the new rate would take effect late next year. coming up next year at noon, the city of oakland is being sued over the recent decision to change its airports. name. >> and a man risks his life to confront thieves, trying to steal his truck more where this happened. and east bay
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homeowner scares off some would-be car thieves trying to steal his pickup truck. >> but he almost got shot in the process. kron four's dan thorn has the story from hayward. >> barefoot and running mad francis jones goes face-to-face with 2 men trying to steal his pick jones as it to 30 in the morning last week he was barely awake when his instincts kicked in. >> you can stand inside your house and be a victim and i wasn't going to let that happen. jones's home security camera alerted him and his wife of the crime in progress. jones as he caught one of the would-be thieves taking around after breaking into his dodge pickup. i reached around his neck right here, grabbed him. and since coming to a head lock in and yank him out of
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the in the video, you can see the struggle is jones yells out to call police. then >> what >> a gunshot inspired when the guy shot at me. i kind of got we woke about what really was going on and i let the guy go and i jumped for cover after >> troublemakers then took off in a white sedan. jones says for more than 20 years, his neighborhood along carol avenue has been pretty quiet and he hopes it could stay that way. police discourage people from confronting criminals because of safety. but jones says he had enough. i didn't get shot. i didn't get hurt. they didn't steal my truck. >> so hopefully it sends a message that, you know, don't go so to another street and not come around here again. >> heyward police say they found that getaway car abandoned and it was stolen and their investigation into this attempted auto theft is ongoing in hayward, dan thorn kron, 4 news.
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>> in san francisco, the sfmta is proposing new safety improvements to west portal avenue. this comes one month after a tragic car crash killed a family of 4 at a bus stop there. the agency says the project will include more dedicated and protected space for pedestrians. there are also plans to remove car traffic from the train tracks. the sfmta director says the goal is to simplify the high traffic lanes along the area by restricting cars from driving through that intersection. >> prioritizes people. i'm going to shop in the west portal commercial district and support street by eliminating all of the left. her for about 40% are traffic deaths are a result of drivers making left turns and not best ratings. >> the agency will collect feedback on the improvements before making the changes by the summer. supporters of a
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bill to change prop. 47 have submitted enough signatures to get it on the november ballot. prop 47 was passed by voters in 2017 reclassified, some nonviolent crimes like theft like retail theft as misdemeanors. and as a result, punishment for those types of crimes went down. and critics say retail seth went up to turn that around a coalition of community leaders and small business owners are bringing forward the homeless drug addiction and theft reduction act. they say it will increase the punishment for thieves and put drug addicts into treatment programs instead of jail. a bill targeting child trafficking advanced through the senate public safety committee, but not without some controversy. it was authored by bakersfield republican state senator shattered grove. the bill seeks to classify the solicitation of a minor for as a felony. their original bill language called for a prison sentence of 2 to 4 years and require those convicted more than once to register as a offender. democrats voted to
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approve the measure only under the condition. the bill exempts 16 17 year-olds out of concerns. it could unfairly target teens who have relations with each other. the proposed amendments also reduced proposed jail penalties. groves says that she feels her bill was hijacked. >> be 18 to buy a lottery ticket in the state of california. but we can't get a bill out of building. on on the senate side now to get buyers to choose to go after children commercial. and it just makes no sense to me that it's that difficult to protect children in the state of california. >> and governor gavin newsom also weighed in on this. >> i look forward to getting this bill to my desk in a way that all sign it. we have some work to but i deeply the that's in row is going. >> gross says she is weighing several options, including one to drop the bill altogether or risk the pass or the
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possibility to ask the re the committee to reconsider the proposed amendments. some california lawmakers want to make it harder for repeat dui offenders to drive. they gathered with the advocacy group, mothers against drunk driving to introduce a bill they say will save lives it would require all offenders in the state to use interlock ignition devices for 6 months after conviction. these devices are small breathalyzer that prevents a car from starting if alcohol is detected under current law, first-time offenders get to choose between the ignition interlock device or having their license suspended. but a cdc study shows 75% of convicted drunk drivers continue to drive on their suspended license. this is a common sense measure that simply says if you are convicted of a drunk driving offense. >> before you get behind the wheel of a car again, we need to make sure we need to make sure that you're not going to re offend that. you're not putting anyone's life at risk.
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>> funding for this bill will come from the federal government's the bipartisan infrastructure bill has funds earmarked for impaired driving countermeasures. the bill has support for mothers against drunk driving. the sacramento county da and the california association of highway protection. in the east bay, a new affordable housing side is under development in oakland once complete, the building will provide nearly 200 units to mixed income families. there will be easy access to public transportation state attorney general rob bonta says expanding housing sites like this one is a way of combating the homelessness crisis. >> we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and expedited housing and by right housing that require cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the solution. and so we work with them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part. and if necessary, we
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hold them accountable in court. >> but also heard from residents of fruitvale about their housing concerns. after that, he toured the who chose a commute community space under development by the unity council. governor gavin newsom is giving up nearly 200 million dollars in grants he says will help local communities clear homeless encampments and provide resources to those experiencing homelessness. the governor says his administration will allocate 192 million dollars to 17 communities, including 3 in the bay area. they include the city of oakland, murray county and san mateo county. that money should arrive in the coming weeks. in the north bay marin county, maybe closer to building and all affordable housing complex on the site of mervyn would plaza. the county says the plan is to create 125 apartment unit. it would be located on the corner of miller creek road urban wood avenue. the apartments would be for households with incomes ranging from 30 to 70% of the area's median income. cal osha
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find a san francisco construction company $370,000 for the death of one of its workers. that incident happened last september in the city's lower haight neighborhood. 24 year-old worker was replacing sewer parts inside of 8 foot deep trench when the dirt walls collapsed. burying him tell osha found the employer, darcy and hearty construction knowingly committed safety violations by not properly protecting employees working in the trench. the city of san francisco is taking the port of oakland to court over recent decision to change the name of the oakland airport. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> what's in a but it comes to san francisco's airport. the city says so much that it's suing the city of oakland to protected. we're asking the court. >> to tell oakland to stop using its new name last week. oakland port commissioners voted to rename oakland international airport, san
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francisco bay, oakland international airport. this is about clarifying to travelers that oakland is an efficient instinctive. choice to fly into the san francisco bay. oakland's proposed name is going to create immense confusion and chaos for travelers, particularly those who do not speak english. san francisco season differently and is filed a federal lawsuit maintaining oakland airport's name change violates its trademark and is designed to confuse travelers and safe and business from sfo. we're very concerned about travelers are going to miss flights mishaps experienced economic loss. we're worried that this is going to damage the reputation of the travel industry in our bay area region. are airports propose renaming does not infringe upon sfo is mark and we will vigorously defend our right to claim are spot on the san francisco bay. we ask passengers arriving at oakland international about the name change and all agreed. adding
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san francisco to the name is confusing. >> there's also the san francisco airport understand that this could enable just be confusing to combining it could. then you have to clarify, you have to go wait. san francisco uv oakland, san francisco. so i think it's a better just to keep it kind of clean gears to just stay. oakland airport, san francisco airport to complicate matters. the lawsuit also indicates at least one airline is already started using the new airport name. >> to make online flight reservations. well, the port of oakland is already approved. the name change final approval will not come until the may 9th meeting. that means until that time. this will remain oakland international airport. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> let's check in our forecast as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero in san francisco. beautiful blue skies up above and just a touch of a breeze in san francisco. out there. let's check in now with deal for more get what do you think we were just talking about? the airport is a good day to fly.
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>> it looks like it for us. we have a relatively quiet weather here on the west coast. so you can se in the 50's. same for you in half moon bay. 59 degrees in oakland right now. you'll notice a slight cool down today and tomorrow where our inland valleys will be in the mid 70's rather than the 80's. so that will be the next few days here. and this noon hour, we're noticeably cooler. we'll see some passing clouds during the 04:00pm. our in the late afternoon and the temperatures should be in the low 60's low 70's and expect a cool evening in the upper 50's as well. if you're heading out to the giants game versus the arizona diamondbacks, first pitch is at 7.15, upper 50's with partly cloudy skies. seven-inning maybe low 50's mid 50's f as for the rest of the evening, we'll see some
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increasing cloud cover overnight. drizzle. and we do have some mild temperatures for overnight lows in the 40's and 50's. but if you miss that warm temperatures, take a look at sunday. temperatures look like they will rebound to the 80's inland and same thing for monday. so back to you. gayle, thank you. >> coming up on kron, 4 news at noon, the giants dominated the diamondbacks and earned their first shutout of the season. a look at the highlights coming up. plus, an app promises to make it easier to meet up with your friends at events in large venues. we at events in large venues. we show you how it works.
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>> turning now to bay area baseball. the giants are in their first shutout of the season, taking on the diamondbacks at oracle park kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> don't look now. but the giants are playing some pretty good baseball right now. they took 2 of 3. >> in miami. now they are back in the bay taking on the arizona diamondbacks. let's head oracle park for check out former giant fans favorite jock peterson field. he was back in team with his new team to back now left logan wet. >> this day was all about him that night. i should check. situation was phenomenal hear strikes out. christian walker hit in the first to get out of a jam. he put down 19 straight d'backs at one point. and when they got on, just pick them off. 7 innings. a shut out ball. ending. now giants up
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one to nothing. wilmer flores. he has been feasting on lefties for a while and does so again. he hits a rocket to left with the bases loaded. 2 runs score. this is what you love to see my kids friends to. he's been struggling mightily. but hear hear it. 3, 2, pitch. in the corner in right. that gives them 2 more runs. giants go up 5, nothing and they win by that score. logan webb is now 5 in one lifetime against the diamondbacks at oracle park. game 2 of that series is tonight. all right. that's your look at sports. jason, thank you. it's one of the biggest fights of the year bay area native devin haney faces ryan garcia tomorrow. >> for the wbc, super lightweight championship title. if you don't want to buy the paper view to watch at home, we have a list of local bar showing the fight. the
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francisco you can head to head over to the golden gate tap room over in oakland. you can stop by the athletic club, dave and buster's in milpitas daly, city and fairfield also plan to air the fight. no, venues will have a cover charge. some will not those details. and where else you can watch the fight. just head to our web site. kron 4 dot com. you've got a chance to hit some of the best trails of the country for free during national park week. that starting tomorrow through the 28th entry fees are waived all 429 sites within the national park system, including all 9 of california's national parks. and meantime, east bay regional parks are celebrating by giving back to nature. and you can join in on the effort. the park district is hosting a drop in events of various opportunities offered across the east bay for first day on monday. and walk-ins are welcome. opportunities include plant removal beach cleanup,
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march cleanup and trail maintenance. so lots of opportunities. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside of our mount tam camera. gorgeous view right here. beautiful blue skies up there let's keep an eye well, what else are we treating keeping an eye on thesr gayle? that's a listen. yes, so we're going to have some pleasant weather for all those earth day activities this weekend. >> earth day looks like a warm day in london. the 80's you can see satellite and radar is quiet. notice some cloud cover along the coast here. and that is the case. state pride. so a little cooler over by the coast, but inland still remains warm. this is our future cast model. we don't see. usually this is busy. it's been busy over the winter with a lot of green cover. but now we to see that cloud cover here. so this is 2.30, were mostly sunny by the evening by a 6, 37, 30 notice the clouds roll in along the coast. so, you know, to some increasing cloud cover as we make our way through the evening. even some coastal drizzle overnight
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saturday morning, it looks like we start out cloudy here, but we clear out in the afternoon so you'll still have some sunny skies, comfortable. spring-like temperatures in the 70's inland, the coast will be comfortable in the 60's sunday. looks like the warmer day of the weekend. will we will be rebounding back to the 80's in our inland areas. a quick check over at tahoe. this is half dome in yosemite. it's great blue skies out there. so if you're heading out to the high country, we have some sunny skies and 60's for you throughout the weekend back here in the bay area. we have that lingering a marine layer, but we're starting to see some sunshine clear out. we are in the 60's 70's as you make your way inland. 77, one of the warmest spots in front would and notice livermore. 64 degrees as should be warming up to the 70's later as we make our way to the daytime highs around the 02:03pm, hour everywhere else where comfortable in the 60's. so pretty mild temperatures even over by the bay little cooler in the low 50's. so you'll
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notice a sort of a warming trend and then a cooling trend once again. so this is berkeley, for example, starting off in the low 70's this weekend, moving up to a 73 on sunday. and then back to the low 70's come monday. and then after monday and tuesday, we'll start to see that cooling trend for most of us to the 60's. looks like, well, that will be the case. but we still have some warm weather earth day. nice day in the 80's. so sunday, monday looks like the warmest days and then you'll notice we have a chance of rain come thursday. back to you. >> all right. love the sound of earth day forecast. thank you, gayle. one stadium is making it easier to meet friends and find her way to exact locations by teaming up with an app called what 3 words our rich demuro shows us how it works in today's tech smart. >> when you're trying to meet up with someone at a big venue, spotty signals limited gps and confusing landmarks
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can make things complicated. they're walking around the venue. they're trying to figure things out there, texting their friends. i'm not looking up necessarily christian lau is chief technology officer at bmo stadium home of the los angeles football club. it's human nature not to pay attention to signs of era. with the stadium partnering with an app called what 3 words they've divided the world into 10 by 10 foot squares and giving each one a unique 3 word name, gps coordinates to kind of confusing and complicated mean, nobody in every day was like, does that. >> so the idea for it to just to make a big number, super simple easy as just saying something like table chest and you for to one point and was somewhat the stadium has published specific. what 3 words addresses for key locations, including gates. the team store concession stands and the box office. but tech solution. >> where a younger demographic that they can, you know, use
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their familiar with it. it just makes these here, you know, everything easier to get in and around the venue. and unlike general address, that takes you to a main entrance. what 3 words can direct you to a super specific spot anywhere in the world. >> plus, it works offline. so christian went somewhere in the stadium. sent me a link of worries going. it says loaf surely resort with a tap. i tried compass mode to navigate to find him. let's go find those 3 words. following this compass really have no clue where he is. we're getting closer. 41 feet away. >> that was right? so imagine when you are. >> and environment. coachella, where there's thousands of people just everywhere. you can literally use the compass feature to get to that person. you're trying to find within a 10 foot square.
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>> something could be helpful. coming up next year at noon, we meet this new penguin chicks. stay tuned to learn more about baby pesto. welcome
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back. the sea life melbourne aquarium in victoria, australia, welcomed. >> its latest arrival. a king penguin chick named pesto. what a great pesto hatched on january 30th and has been thriving under the care of the penguin keepers. they say pesto is showing some pretty
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playful behavior and curiosity about his environment. zoo staff say the chick has a fluffy new character to the aquarium. it has been captivating guests with its adorable appearance and i've got to agree. well, hundreds of golden retrievers gathered for the second annual golden strong event. a day ahead of the boston marathon. this all in honor of spencer and penny dogs known for supporting runners after their deaths from cancer last year. organizers say 600 people and 350 golden retrievers attended the event at boston common. the gathering raised money for morris animal foundation's research on human joe sarcoma with a hope that someday that the golden bridge will no longer be plagued by cancer like it is today. researchers at uc davis, a golden retrievers have up to a 65% chance of dying from cancer. isn't that great? the
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longest-serving canine detection or other serving explosives. canine detection explosive detection. canine excuse me at reagan airport in washington, d.c., celebrated his retirement with a bunch of his favorite toys today. this footage shared by tsa captures messy and 8 year-old yellow lab sniffing his final bag before being showered with dozens of his favorite toys. check that out. the reagan airport wished messy all the best for the next chapter of his life. what a good boy. now messi has worked at the airport since 2018. happy retirement. there. well, check out this baby white rhino at the whipsnade zoo in the uk. this is 6 week-old, the species is endangered and the zoo strives to protect endangered animals just like and his mom just sera conservation is from kenya. say the name was chosen for its symbolism of resilience. it's a beautiful thing and that will be all from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on
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kron. 4 news at noon. >> i'm stephanie lin. remember to take good care of yourselves this weekend live in the day is next. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging.
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