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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 19, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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right now on the kron 4 morning news charges are filed against an east bay police officers nearly 3 years after him and they were trying to arrest died. the city of san francisco is making good on its promise to sue over the name change of open airport and giant pandas will soon be on their way to san francisco zoo. we're going to hear from mayor london breed. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> and thanks for joining us on a friday. and i'm james. let's start the hour with a check of the weather because we couldn't ask for better weather today and beyond what you were just complaining of a little high clouds that we had take care of that i though were trying to get there try to get their i've been watching really closely, especially out at the golden gate bridge where some of that low cloud cover has filtered on in this morning. and for some of us has resulted in kind of a great start. this is your view from sutro tower. you can see the sunshine
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starting to peers through more and more. it is taking some time to get there. but hey, this views actively getting brighter as we're looking at it now, we are seeing a little bit of lingering low gray up in the north bay, especially most of the rest of us are actually seeing more and more of that sun at this point. now, we will be looking at a slightly cooler day overall today. we're very mild to start this morning. conquered 58 degrees already fairfield much the same vacaville sitting in the mid 60's already. and you've got nothing but that sunshine out that direction. now we will be eeeing daytime highs in the 60's to 70's. no 80's today nor tomorrow. i'll let you know if we can expect to be more of those warmer days. still ahead, rain. all right, john, thank you for that. finally back down to friday, light on our bridges, especially we started off pretty light on the bridges and then things start to gradually build throughout the morning. got up to about 17 minutes on the bay bridge. now back down 12. it's a good time to get some things done. temperature is just sort of 38 in a one-on-one meeting to little easier getting on that bridge along 80 in hayward
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write tolls. the little one on the richmond, sandra fell bridge in golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 21 minute ride that reaches back to you. thanks. a lot rain. it's 901. and in the east bay charges have now been filed against 3 alameda police officers involved in the death of mario gonzalez. he died back in 2021. while being restrained. kron 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> officers eric mckinley, james fisher and cameron leahy, leahy have each been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter. alameda county district attorney pamela price announcing charges against 3 officers involved in the death of mario gonzales. >> on the eve of what would mark 3 years since the deadly encounter on april. 21st 2021. alameda police responded to a call for a report of a man at a park talking to himself and scaring the colors wife. when police arrived, they attempted to take him into custody, but a struggle ensued. police body cam video shows 3 officers
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pinning gonzales down for several minutes. the coroner ruled his death a homicide saying officer restraint played a role along with other contributing factors under the former district attorney nancy o'malley. prosecutors concluded there was not enough evidence to warrant criminal charges against the officers. price reopen the case along with 7 other cases involving custody deaths. the da's public accountability unit reexamined the evidence and filed charges against the officers thursday. price says she is not directly involved with this case that i'm walled-off from the case. i will not be participating and have not participated in. >> the ultimate decision about the case, the attorney of then alameda police officer james fisher tells me he doesn't believe price. topping honest with the public. >> about role in reopening the case to begin with. and frankly, i'm sure a role in making the decision to charge
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on. but really the last day that you could charge case. michael rains says his law firm just started to represent fisher. so he still looking into the case. >> but he says he's confident his client followed police protocol. the family of gonzales settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of alameda and the officers involved for 11 million dollars back in december. the attorney representing gonzales, his 8 year-old son michael haddad, spoke with us on the phone saying in part, the charges are obviously appropriate. it's been obvious for a long time in addition to costing the city 11 million dollars. these officers should also face a jury who can decide if they should be held criminally responsible to at the press conference. price said the officers charged face 15 years to life but then emailed us a correction saying they actually face up to 4 years behind bars. thursday was the last day to file any charges against the officers due to statute of limitations.
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>> in the newsroom, sara stinson back to. >> the 3 men accused of killing a kron 4 security guard while he was protecting a kron for news crew oakland appeared in court yesterday. the 3 face murder, attempted robbery assault with a deadly weapon charges for the killing of kevin nishita in november of 2021. his wife tells us that the plea hearing was continued until next month. this is something we will continue to follow. oakland police officer made several arrests connected to a series of tobacco-related robberies that happened all throughout the bay area. the most recent was tuesday morning on mountain boulevard and shown avenue. that's where a truck was delivering some tobacco products and >> 2 vehicles pulled up and armed robbers came out. they stole some products and took off. but oakland police did make some arrests. and i think that that was included in arrested 8 people in connection with a number of robberies throughout oakland
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of stolen tobacco. they recovered some tobacco products and firearms. >> on the peninsula, a person is dead after the car went offp a cliff thursday gray whale cove state beach on terra, which is just south of pacifica. here's a look at the scene. firefighters say the vehicle fell 200 feet down that cliff. you saw chp helicopter moment ago. they had to use it to lower rescuers down to the rocks where that vehicle landed. unfortunately, the person died were still working to learn what caused that car to go off the cliff. cal osha finds a san francisco construction company $370,000 in the death of one of its workers. the accident happened last september in the city's lower haight neighborhood. the 24 year-old worker was replacing sewer parts inside an 8 foot deep trench when the dirt walls collapsed. burying him. cal osha found the employer darcy and hardy construction knowingly committed safety violations by not properly
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protecting employees working in that trench. >> walnut creek city council meeting was once again interrupted by a man who came from sacramento to spread hate speech against jews. take a look at the video from wednesday night's meeting and you can see him there. he went to the podium and started to making hateful comments against the jewish community. butoyou can see that people this time we're prepared with the flags behind him. there. this was the first time back in march that he showed up and started spewing hate. but they didn't know what to do with that time this time, as you can see, the community was ready denouncing the hate that % they had to listen to. but created quite the backdrop there behind him. >> it could soon be illegal for your boss to call you. after hours when you're off the clock. no calls, no e-mails. no nothing. if this passes. a bill introduced. >> by san francisco assemblymember matt haney to give employees a right to disconnect when they're off the clock. so emails texts calls you would have to after
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work unless there are some exceptions like if there's an emergency or if they're discussing scheduling with you and then also certain companies under this bill would the exempt like if you work very unusual hours or on call employees, they might be exempt from this. the bill heads to the assembly appropriations after it passed the assembly labor committee. >> well, state lawmakers are also trying to block a new fee that you might see on your electricity bills next year pg e customers are on track to see a $24 charge every month. now in return for that fee. regulators want to reduce electricity rates by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. the california public utilities commission is expected to approve the plan next month. and if they do, the new rate would take effect late next year. >> it's 907, and giant pandas are coming to san francisco. they are mayor london breed making that announcement while she was on tour in china proper as michael thomas live out at the zoo where those pandas will soon hopefully call. >> home. i'm michael.
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>> hey, good morning, everyone. you're not being bamboozled. their actual giant pandas coming here to san francisco in the last time that san francisco house pandas that was in the mid 80's. it was only because they were on a world tour. so and exact date. not given quite yet. but the mayor says they're already working on housing accommodations here at the zoo. take a look. this is video of mayor london breed over in beijing. she's signing those official documents with wildlife officials in china to bring these pandas to san francisco. she's they're currently working to bring new business and tourism to san francisco. but she's been working a lot longer to get these pandas to the city. she started back in november at the apec summit when she asked the chinese president xi jingping for pandas. then she followed up with the letter request which led to this now historic moment. >> we have been working closely with our local. >> chinese and asian community in san francisco to advocate for pandas for nearly a year.
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and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> now, as of right now, no official timeline has been given, but the sf standard reports at the san francisco zoo ceo tells them they're already working to renovate an existing space here at the zoo and then we could see pandas as soon as 2025. adding that renovations for that space could be up to 4 million dollars and 20 million for a new exhibit. so they do plan on fundraising for that. and as mentioned, the last time pandas were in san francisco was 1984, 5. it was a global tour and that brought in 250,000 visitors to see those giant big black and white bears and the loading of these pandas will mark the first official residency for giant pandas here in san francisco. back out here live. the zoo is not open quite yet. so we haven't been able to talk with anybody, but i hope you all love my bamboozled joke that i
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threw in there. i'll send it back to you guys live in this john said john said i didn't know michael was a dad that with that dad joke. >> right night the time we're going. take a break. but still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. we're going to show you what happened when a man ran out to confront people trying to steal his car. shots were fired. plus, more than a dozen people arrested after deputies found thousands of dollars stolen merchandise. and after the break, barks going to have to improve their access to elevators after people with disabilities have had enough. and today we are looking at a bit of a cool down out towards the coastline. it's only upper 50's to low 60's out there keep the jackets close at hand. here. >> heading to the coast today. elsewhere. pretty perfect with highs right back to the 70's today. i'll be talking more about it ahead. >> and it looks like we're finally getting back to friday line it was starting to build a bit this morning.
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>> it's 9.13, before you head out the door. i want to check the weather for you. we do. we've got john in the weather center with a look ahead to today and the weekend beyond job and looking good this weekend to we're not looking at a lot of changes going on here. note a couple of those that you may have noticed already, including some of that low gray hanging out over the east bay hills right here. >> over towards san francisco and in the north bay have seen a little bit of fog this morning. it's burning off, becoming less of a thing. you're seeing touch of it up around santa rosa still oakland and berkeley hills, too cool. coastal breeze pushing back in will help to moderate temperatures a little bit. this is going to keep us
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out of the 80's today. so a little cooler than we have been. this forecast is not going to allow high pressure to build in quite as much. will briefly see it on sunday and monday. a lot more sunshine. temperatures briefly back in the low 80's. but the rest of the month after that is definitely trending cooler, especially next week when will drop back down into the 60's for our warmest of temperatures by next wednesday and thursday in particular, thursday could come along with a couple of sprinkles. no major rain events ahead of us. but looking at that potential towards the end of next week. as for today, no rain this weekend is dry. it's just a little cooler today. 50's and 60's at the coast and then 60's and 70's elsewhere. very nice way to kick off this weekend. i know we have plenty of events going on this weekend. so if you want to get outside for it, it's optimal conditions. fremont at 73 livermore. and i-75 after yesterday's 80's danville up to concord, only in the mid 70's today and north bay. temperatures also looking pretty nice hanging out in the
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70's. a look ahead shows tomorrow much the same. a brief warm-up, as i mentioned sunday and monday. then even cooler towards the middle of next week. right now, i don't think you for that. welcome back to see mostly green out there on highways and bridges. >> now the good time to get some things done, especially if you're along the peninsula. 2.81, a woman, good time. even the south bay, 85, 18 82 oakland. that's where you're seeing just a little bit of congestion. but for the most part, you're making great time. 30 minutes into the city right now. no access or hazards. there. mateo bridge around 14, 8.80, to 101. if you cross an well one of the south bay, 85 to menlo park. a 32 minute ride. and let's check out 80 just soon as you hit berkeley things start to build that just a 90 minute right? thank you. from crockett all the way down to the maze darya. james, back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. rain and 9, 7, 9, 16 is the time in a lawsuit against bart by disability rights advocates has now been settled. the suit was filed back in 2017 and it alleged
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that bart systematically failed to ensure full and equal access to its stations and services. violates the americans with disabilities act. well, as part of the settlement, bart has agreed to renovate its elevators and escalators and also to dispatch a repair person within an hour after either of those breaks down at the station, it's 9.16 and san francisco is sticking to its word now. it wants. >> the oakland airport to choose something put san francisco in their name last week. leaders of the port in oakland voted unanimously to move on with renaming the oakland airport. the san francisco bay, oakland international airport. and the board is going to have a final vote on that naming decision next month. meantime, though, san francisco says hands off, they say putting san francisco in the name would be a false designation of origin. city attorney david chiu is filing a lawsuit. he says in the public's best interest. we hope to have. >> a reasonable collaborative
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conversation on alternative names that would work for both airports but their refusal to engage has left us with no choice. litigation is always a last resort. but unfortunately, at this point we have to bring this lawsuit. oakland's proposed name is going to create immense confusion and chaos for travelers, particularly those who do not speak english. we're very concerned about travelers are going to miss flights have mishaps, experienced economic loss. we're worried that this is kind of damage to the reputation of the travel industry in our bay area region. >> and the port of oakland has issued a statement in response. as you can see here, they say. >> renaming. >> does not infringe upon sfo is mark sfo. they say cannot lay claim to the geographically descriptive term. san francisco let alone claim the exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. >> well, a lot of a good movies are out in theaters
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this week. one actually following a top secret combat unit that goes on a daring mission against the nazis using unconventional tactics looking forward to ok, let's take a closer look at that. >> to do this on man team. you would like. >> among the new offerings this week, there's the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare. most monte python title for movie that is actually based in the truth. seems the ministry was classified of world war 2 not see hunters in typical fashion from director guy ritchie. the action here is fast paced always with wink of an eye to the audience in former superman star henry cavill beats this group of delinquents said he spent on the high seas in this action thriller that most down the bad guys in an apologetic
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blood splattered on walls. it's a well-made, well acted while still being fun and furious. i gave it a dean's list b. >> out. on the scary movie front this week. may i introduce abigail? >> she is the kidnapped 12 year-old ballerina dancing daughter of a powerful mob to collect a 50 million dollar ransom request. >> all the captors have to is spend one night watching and a lot creepy old mansion. >> it's no shock that one blood curdling surprise after another begins to happen here. interestingly done smartly and with terrifying humor. >> there's not really very much. that's typical horror movie fare in this dean's list b. >> both >> also this week, there's the chicago based grown now. it's
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a coming of age story about a childhood friendship. blake cameron, james clan night remarriage are young, mostly and eric its 1992. in these best friends spend most of their time innocently playing. and that's the poverty and racism crime around green housing projects. we beautifully paints the warmth of this friendship and family that through a series of events forces, these 2 lifelong friends to confront having to go separate it's a very, really double story about love and even best friends sometimes have to say goodbye. >> it's a very hard for me. >> dean's list b plus, well, you can always get my movie reviews. and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. just by texting the word, dean to 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, will be a great weekend in chicago. and dean richards. >> all right. thank you to the 9.21. on the clock. and up next on the kron, 4 morning
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news, san francisco city officials are considering some new safety precautions to implement in the west portal in order to protect pedestrians will tell you what that's all about. and students will have a brand new high school to attend next school year. we're going to take you on little tour inside.
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>> and we're back at 9.23, tesla has issued a recall now for nearly 4,000 cybertruck switch. likely mean most of them. they're always out there. yeah. so the national highway traffic safety administration says that there's a flaw with the accelerator pedal that could cause it to get stuck in some of the interior trim. if you stop down on the hopefully
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don't do that. but fish say the vehicle's brakes will still function even if the accelerator becomes trapped. there's been no reports of any accidents because of this issue. but this recall does affect all 2024 cybertruck made between november 13th of last year and april 4th of this year. tesla is also delaying deliveries of new trucks until they can fix that design issue. i just saw 2 yesterday there but they're still rare in that that >> in the south bay, san jose police have arrested 2 men and a woman connected to a kidnapping and torture of a man was back in february that police say a man was held against his will and assaulted multiple times at a house on million court. >> it's not far from the reid-hillview airport they say the man was released about a day later and ended up checking himself into a hospital. officials say that's how they learned of these 3 people who were they say responsible for the assault during the arrest. police say they found illegal gambling machines and marijuana for sale at the suspect's home.
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>> take a look at this. police found $150,000 worth of stolen merchandise into homes in san jose. they've arrested 13 people. they made the discovery earlier this month when they were executing some search warrants as part of an investigation into retail theft and boy, did they find a lot of stolen merchandise stuff that was taken from home depot, target kohl's. all of it will be returned. supporters of the bill to change retail theft have submitted enough signatures to get their issue on the ballot. prop 47 was passed in 2017 and it reclassified some non violent crimes, including theft as misdemeanors. and as a result, the punishment for those crimes went down and we saw a lot of theft, as you can see here in the bay area, especially retail theft, went up. so the turn that around a coalition now, community leaders and business owners is bringing for this act to try to once again get retail theft under control.
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>> well, for the first time this year, mortgage rates are climbing back. in fact, they're higher than 7% right now. freddie mac's latest mortgage rates survey shows that the average rate for 30 year fixed mortgage is now 7.1%. that's up from the 6.8% that we saw last week. it that is still lower than the high of nearly 8% that we saw late last year. a rate that we haven't seen in nearly a quarter century. but it's still too high for many, the high mortgage rate, in fact, could cause housing costs to rise as sellers keep their houses off the market. >> just glad that everybody came together in that moment. >> coming up with a problem morning news, how all of these good samaritan rushed to help a bay area family when their van crashed and caught fire.
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>> 9.29 and is going to be a gorgeous weekend around the bay to danger through the weekend, i know john's been talking about it. what do you temperature-wise, john, for which which of these days are going to be the highest? so yes, sunday, if you like the heat, we've got sun 80's back for it sunday and monday today and tomorrow we're going to get a break from the 80's for a little bit. we got out obvious impact from that marine layer out there. a little bit of low gray that takes us down into the 60's and 70's quite hour right here. a bit of sunshine piercing through for about the first time this morning. visibility is solid at this point after having seen that fog earlier on starting to see it lifting and burning off now, temperatures definitely cooler than they were 50's to 60's for current temperatures right now doesn't sound so bad but doesn't change as much as yesterday. we're going to be
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looking at only 60's to 70's for your daytime highs. so it feels a little bit more like those early spring months than what we had been getting a taste of that much warmer weather. i'll be talking the rest of this forecast ahead right now. i'm john. thank you for that will certainly not an easy commute across the bay area. in the 9 o'clock hour, 5 times on the bay bridge just went up. but a few minutes, no accidents or has it. but it looks like we had a little congestion on the bay bridge. so we're trying to get off. so now at 18 minutes, last time we checked in 13, just start to fall back down. >> 30 right emma to over to 80 to 101, richard somerville ridge around 7 going a bridge looking nice. 20 minute ride meeting that 101 of the north bay making the time they're 2. very james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain. it's 9.30, and east bay homeowner scares off a would-be car thief trying to steal pickup truck. yeah, but he almost got shot in the process and kron four's. dan thorn has the story from hayward. >> barefoot and running mad
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francis jones goes face-to-face with 2 men trying to steal his pick jones says it to 30 in the morning last week he was barely awake when his instincts kicked in. >> you can stand inside your house and be a victim and i wasn't going to let that happen. jones's home security camera alerted him and his wife of the crime in progress. jones as he caught one of the would-be thieves taking around after breaking into his dodge pickup. i reached around his neck right here, grabbed him. since coming to a head lock in and yank him out of the in the video you can see the struggle is jones yells out to call police. what do? >> a gunshot inspired when the guy shot at me. i kind of got revoke about what really was going on and i let the guy go and i jumped for cover after >> troublemakers then took off in a white sedan. jones says for more than 20 years, his neighborhood along carol
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avenue has been pretty quiet and he hopes it could stay that way. police discourage people from confronting criminals because of safety. but jones says he had enough. i didn't get shot. i didn't get hurt. they didn't steal my truck. >> so hopefully it sends a message that, you know, they'll go some to another street and not come around here again. >> heyward police say they found that getaway car abandoned and it was stolen and their investigation into this attempted auto theft is ongoing in hayward, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> the driver who hit and killed a 4 year-old girl in san francisco last august will not spend time behind bars. the crash happened as the girl and her family were in the crosswalk at 4th street near oracle park. little girl died and her father was critically injured. the 71 year-old driver who hit them was charged with vehicular manslaughter. but now months later, both sides have agreed to a plea deal. the driver will serve 400 hours of community service and complete a driving course. san
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francisco district attorney brooke jenkins released the statement you see here on the screen, which reads, quote, in line with the family's wishes and with their support, we reach a negotiated disposition rather than going to trial, although nothing that we do can bring their beloved daughter and granddaughter back. i hope this settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of the terrible tragedy last summer. it's 9.33, and the sfmta is proposing a way to make improvements to the west portal avenue area for pedestrians. this. >> after a family of 4 was killed last month while they were waiting at a bus stop and a car rammed into the stop. the agency is going to project or do a project that includes more dedicated and protected space for pedestrians and also plans to remove car traffic from the train tracks. the sfmta director says the goal is to simplify the high traffic lanes along you. street by restricting cars from driving through the intersection.
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>> prioritizes people. i'm going to shop in the west portal commercial district and support street by eliminating all of the left. her for about 40% are traffic deaths are a result of drivers making left turns and not best ratings. >> the agency is going to get some feedback on the improvements and then make the changes by this summer. >> learning for people who died in a crash in saint wilkin county were actually from the east bay. yeah, they were from livermore, a man, a woman, a 12 year-old boy and a 4 month-old baby. 4 people killed 3 children. >> were saved. thanks to all the good samaritans you see that rushed to say they have looking lifting that car back onto its wheels with her when the shot now with a closer look at how it all >> played out. >> we just knew we had to do something and to help. it was a reaction. it was an almost an instant guide. i didn't.
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think to think what i was going to do, i just reacted. >> joseph in jena roseman were driving by when they saw the accident and also sprung into action. everybody was trying to push the car back onto its wheels. team. >> u.s. and i don't know big group may be about 2015 of us. we all helped push the car back up and then. we just did what we what we thought we could do. trapped inside were 3 adults and 4 children. i looked down and i have to be the closest one to the to what i could see was a baby's arm. >> so i just i just got down on my on my knees there and and and was trying to be like. >> trying to be gentle cause. you know it to great if you can write out and grabbed the baby and kind of move to the moved away from that accident scene and started cpr. >> his wife, gina, then stepped in as joseph ran back to help. some more just grabbed the baby from that point and ran further away closer to the truck. but further away from the fire
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>> leave the baby down and went and started chest compressions there. meanwhile, christian and monica work to get the other kids out from the minivan. >> monica recalls one of the girls after she was pulled out. he just let out a scream. but i will never forget it. she was just being in full. and i told her, you're ok, you're ok, we're helping you is. i was just holding her head. >> in the middle of the street, i could see that other people were grabbing the the other kids and what not. and it was. >> even that night as one was getting rolled by on a stretcher, i could see the breath like condensation from the press coming from the churches are right. there was just like, ok, good, at least somebody still and has a chance. and and of course, that that's fulfilling knowing that that you're able to at least help somebody. i'm just glad that everybody came together in that moment and wasn't able to help. however. however, you know what, in whatever way that we were able couple >> you know, we did what we could do. we tried open this
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is but a fire that broke out began to spread in get bigger is very scary. said we didn't even think we're start to think about ourselves. we just thought have to do what we have to do, what we can do to help. so i'm just grateful that other cars and other people stopped to help because it kind of restored. you know, >> believe in humanity that people are so kind kind people out there with everything that's going on in society there still wonderful people out out there that will stop this type incidents. bring. >> the best in people which we don't normally recommend. people put themselves in danger, allows to get there in this case. however, you know, they did take it upon themselves to put themselves at risk in. possibly saving the life of other 3. i just want to which i mean. >> it's we can. >> thing coming out in manatee carolina shadix. it's 9.30
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right now and we just want to go over what's going on prop 47 again because it addresses retail theft, which is, you know, become a real problem in the bay area. >> prop 47 reclassified, some non clot, violent crimes like theft, 2 misdemeanors. and so punishment went down. crime went up and now there's a coalition that is pushing up prop that would address that and to it more difficult for thieves to get away with it. >> in the east bay, a new affordable housing site is under development now in oakland. and once complete, the building will provide nearly 200 units to families with mixed income. they also have easy access to public transportation state attorney general rob bonta says expanding housing sites like this one is one way of combating the homelessness crisis. >> we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and expedited housing and by right housing that require
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cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the solution. and so we work with them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part. and if necessary, we hold them accountable in court. >> obama also heard from residents of fruitvale about their housing concerns. after that, he toured the notice fruitvale community space, which is under development now by the unity council. governor gavin newsom, by the way, is giving out nearly 200 million dollars in grants that he says will help local communities clear encampments and provide resources to those experiencing homelessness. the governor says his administration will allocate 192 million dollars to 17 communities, 3, which are here in the bay area include the city of oakland, marin county and san mateo county. the money should arrive in the coming weeks. >> it's 9, 40 and in the north's a marine county, maybe closer to building in all
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affordable housing complex at the site of marine wood plaza. the developers want to create 125 apartment units on that site located at the corner of miller creek road and marine wood avenue. this is to make apartments for households with incomes from 30 to 70% of the median income. there. the vernon county community development agency irecr says that there are some residents in the area who already have reservations about it, that it is necessary to get more affordable housing in the county. speaking of affordable gas prices, sure aren't. we've seen gas prices in the bay area go up $0.50 in the last month and they go up fast. they come down by a nickel at a time. maybe a penny. they've dropped about $0.5 in the last week. the last 7 days. taking a look at the price is right now on average napa has the most expensive gas averaging 5.77,
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a gallon and then he can go down by a nickel or so or a penny at some point. so depending on the county and when you work your way down to santa clara county, that's the least unreasonable gas prices right now averaging 5.56 a gallon. >> all right. we're going to take a break as we're coming up on 9.42. but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the giants. how about them? giants dominating the diamondbacks in their first shutout of the season will have the highlights. and we're already starting a cooling trend that is really going to be notice next week today in a word it will be 71 degrees. well, next thursday. >> only the mid 60's. so getting cooler towards the end of april. i've got your forecast. and if you leave the house right now, you want to know how your morning commute is going >> we've seen a lot of improvement out there
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>> we are back at night. 44, check it out. this is our first look at the new and improved emerald high school out in dublin way. it's not like the old high schools, right? so more like college that 24 acres for the campus for the dublin, a district multilevel campus and students are going to be in the seat starting this coming. fall says like a college level lecture hall right here. 374 million dollars. that's how much it took to build this high school. all that coming from money from bond measures and these facilities as you're seeing here pretty high and the student union is vast. >> student union, that's what you call it on a college campus. i know they've got a full-scale commercial kitchen and they've library saw the gym a moment ago. it's all. >> enormous.
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>> dublin, high school have is a really great high school, but it is full. so when we break off or essentially going divide that school in half leaving a both schools around 2000. plus, students. >> now the district have been pretty desperate for a new high school campus for decades from 2010 to 2020 that 10 year stretch they have their population grow by 92%. to put that into context. the next highest growth from a neighboring school district was only 11%. so they were bursting at the seams. the current and real high school freshman class. that's going to be in this new facilities currently inside the dublin high school campus. but they're going to transfer to the new campus at the start of the next school pretty nice. i remember we had walk down that senior aisle with the. >> the lockers and i freshman that was bad. >> seeing i have a growing sense 9.46. right now take a look at the weather. if the kids are going to school, it's going to be gorgeous. nice.
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nice weekend to look forward to with the kiddos we are seeing outside from mount tam clear skies up above. there's that burning there pushing back into the bay area this morning. >> you can actually see faintly where that cloud cover thing out. a few spots along the bay shore on up into the north bay. must visibility issues now from it? we're seeing cool ocean air sweeping into the bay starting to see that sea breeze relaxing just a little bit, but definitely has been a shift from where we were yesterday. generally, the trend ahead of us is going to be cooler, less impact by high pressure, ridges. there's a cold front right there actually pushing into and right across the state into tomorrow will briefly see high pressure ridge building in behind that sunday and monday. that means a slight warm up just for those 2 days. then the rest of april's actually cooling down pretty significantly by the middle of next week. a few showers up in the sierra and also a chance of a few sprinkles. come next thursday right here in the bay area. and just generally cooler as we get towards the tail end of next week, too, in
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the meantime, today, still very comfortable 50's to 60's at the coast. keep the jackets on hand towards the water while elsewhere in the bay area. 60's to 70's is a sweet spot for getting outside and enjoying your friday. san jose at 77 hayward. a cool 71. some 60's from oakland up to richmond. well, san ramon up to concord in the 70's today. our warmest spot vacaville and not even getting up to 80 degrees. only at 78 tomorrow is almost identical to today, sunday and monday are going to just slightly be a warmer days of the foremast with all the sunshine that we really cool down into the low 60's by next thursday right now. all right, john, thank you for it's a great time on those bridges right now. might be a good time. >> to help the doors, they bridge about 18 minutes. if you are going to be heading into the city this morning, mateo bridge richmond center fell bridge under 14 minutes about 20 minutes on the golden gate bridge traveling there. now, checking on those highways like 101 of the south and along the peninsula. 33 minute ride. 85 apart. 2, 80
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17 2.37. all under about 20 minutes as you're traveling on those highways telia into 37 down. 35 minutes. 25 checking on 5.80, oakland. look at that. both of them. i sunlight will have to choose between the 2. you take either the 17 minute ride along 80 crockett on towards the maze. you start to build in berkeley. once you get through that moving along nicely again. caryn. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain as 9.40, a and a bill targeting adults who pay to have with children has gone through the senate public safety committee. >> but not without some controversy. it was authored by bakersfield. republican state senator shannon grove and this bill seeks to classify the solicitation of a minor for as a felony. the original language calls for a prison sentence of 2 to 4 years. and those convicted register as a offender. but some democrats on the can city a committee voted to approve
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only under the condition that it exempts 16 17 year-olds because they were afraid that, you know, has relations with other teens and that this would make them criminals charged like like an adult having with a team. >> if to be 18 to buy a lottery ticket in the state of california. but we can't get a bill out of this building. on on the senate side now to get buyers to choose to go after children to commercial. and it just makes no sense to me that it's that difficult to protect children in the state of california. >> governor newsom weighed in on it so far. here's what he has to say. >> i look forward to getting this bill to my desk in a way that all sign it. we have some work to do, but i deeply the that's in row is going.
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>> groves says she's weighing several options. she could drop the bill altogether or possibly as the committee to reconsider the amendments. >> well, turning to bay area baseball. now let's talk about the giants because boy, they had what a quite the game against the diamondbacks. it i was their first shutout. pretty amazing. let's take a closer look now with kron. 4 sports director jason dumas. >> don't look now, but the giants are playing some pretty good baseball right now. they took 2 of 3. >> in miami. now they are back in the bay taking on the arizona diamondbacks. let's head oracle park drew smyly check out former giant fans favorite jock peterson field. he was back in team with new team to be back left logan wet. >> this day was all about him night. i should check. situation was phenomenal hear he strikes out. christian walker hit in the first to get out of a jam. he put down 19 straight d'backs at one point. and when they got on, just pick them off. 7 innings of shutout ball. ending. now
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giants up one to nothing. wilmer flores. he has been feasting on lefties for a while and does so again. he hits a rocket to left with the bases loaded. 2 runs score. this is what you love to see my kids friends to. he's been struggling mightily. but hear hear it. 3, 2, pitch. in the corner in right. gives them 2 more runs giant, go up 5, nothing and they win by that score. logan webb is now 5 in one lifetime against the diamondbacks at oracle park. game 2 of that series is tonight. all right. that's your look at sports. >> 9.52 is the time and it's one of the biggest fights of the year. we're talking about he's going to face fellow y. - boxing star ryan garcia for the former's wbc, super lightweight championship title in a must-see blockbuster
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showdown. lot of people excited about this. if you don't want to pay the pay per view to watch it at home, we do have a list of a few bay area locations that will be airing the fight you can if you're in san francisco ahead over the golden gate tap room, they're going to fight on over in oakland will have it at the athletic club in the south bay. there's dave and buster's in milpitas. in fact, if you dave and buster's, there's a location in daly city fairfield, a handful of others will also be showing it. some venues will charge a cover charge. others might not. so just don't be surprised if that's the case. when you get there, if you want to list of the area, the places they're going to be airing the fight. just head to our website at kron 4 dot com with put one together for you. >> coming up with the kron 4 morning news. bart is ending the era of legacy. trains were going to show you how are going to show you how are remembering those trai - my childhood was tough.
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i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through
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9.55. right now and our work at a hospital in the peninsula is bringing smiles to patients. it's. >> we cycled art sculptures that you will see if you go to the lucile packard children's hospital. stanford and palo alto. look at how it's made of miniature toys. and watch this. a soccer ball. it's all black and white pencils. that neat? stanford children plans to add more of this artwork to prioritize sustainability and create a healing environment for their patients. >> we're going to take a break at 9.56. coming up next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. look at that giant pandas. they're coming to san
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francisco zoo will have mayor london breed. but the good news. plus the city of oakland is being sued now by san francisco over its decision to change airport's name and alameda police officers now facing charges nearly 3 years since their attempt to arrest him and led to his death will have the full story. right now
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on the kron. 4 morning news charges are filed against east bay police officers nearly 3 years after a man they were trying to arrest died. the city of san francisco making good on its promise to sue over the name change of oakland airport and giant pandas will soon be walking through san francisco zoo.
10:00 am
we're going hear the good news for mayor london breed. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> and thanks for waking up with us. teams are here and aria and i'm james got john and rain here to start off the 10 o'clock hour. what story do a couple traffic stories. so we're talking about state 15 kindness, well that i would tell those close. and then also the bard's, ok? so the legacy trains no yeah, i won last weekend get a ride in a thing, a song. so we'll talk about that for nostalgia very cool when the weather is good. james, always like to say tops down, you know, for and that's the latest part addition you know, we'll leave that to the cars per day a good day to do that. go for a drive further


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