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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  April 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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or playing a rousing game of pictionary. you want me to, bitch. -100 percent. -if you don't want me to do something about it, swear to god. >> i wasn't going to let that happen. i wanted to come outside and i dids't worry about what i could get shot and you get hurt. i didn't think i just didn't want to take our stuff. >> a man comes face to face with strangers trying to steal his truck. what happened next after one of the thieves fired a gun. >> the my front talking to
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himself. >> charges filed against the state police officers nearly 3 years since their attempt to arrest this man his death. >> you know, this has been a tradition that's been going on since the 70's. >> for 20 on hippie hill is canceled for this weekend. we'll tell you about the church helping people who still might show up anyway. when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 10. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. we have your top stories from the bay area tonight. but first, breaking news and a frightening escalation in the middle east. several u.s. news networks are confirming pines and that israel has attacked iran. iran's news agency releasing this video purportedly showing the you see a f nuclear site
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saying that antiaircraft at the site have fired at unspecified targets early this morning. that is in were commercial flights have been changing their routes to avoid the airspace in that region. the incident comes as tensions remain high in the middle east after iran's unprecedented missile and drone attack on israel this past weekend. >> that attack on israel was in retaliation for israel killing a top iranian general not too long ago in syria. >> is behind is about 200 miles south of iran's capital tehran. iran has a nuclear facility there, but it's not expected that israel we'll target that. certainly stay with kron. 4 on air and online for all the latest developments on this story. >> back here in the day tonight, the alameda county district attorney is charging 3 officers involved in the death of mario gonzales. the man died while being restrained in the city of alameda almost 3 years ago. kron 4 sarah stinson joins us
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live in the studio after talking with the attorneys for the officer and a family and the family of the man killed sara. >> the 3 officers involved have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. it's the first time charges have been filed in this case after former county da cleared all 3 officers of any wrongdoing. >> officers eric mckinley, james fisher and cameron leahy, leahy have each been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter. alameda county district attorney pamela price announcing charges against 3 officers involved in the death of mario gonzales. >> on the eve of what would mark 3 years since the deadly encounter on april. 21st 2021. alameda police responded to a call for a report of a man at a park talking to himself and scaring the colors wife. when police arrived, they attempted to take him into custody, but a struggle ensued. police body cam video shows 3 officers pinning gonzales down for
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several minutes. the coroner ruled his death a homicide saying officer restraint played a role along with other contributing factors under the former district attorney nancy o'malley. prosecutors concluded there was not enough evidence to warrant criminal charges against the officers. price reopen the case along with 7 other cases involving custody deaths. the da's public accountability unit reexamined the evidence and filed charges against the officers thursday. price says she is not directly involved with this case that i'm walled-off from the case. i will not be participating and have not participated in. >> the ultimate decision about the case, the attorney of then alameda police officer james fisher tells me he doesn't believe price. topping honest with the public. >> about role in reopening the case to begin with. and frankly, i'm sure a role in making the decision to charge
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on. but really the last day that you could charge case in order to avoid. have you dismiss? michael rains says his law firm just started to represent fisher. so he still looking into the case. >> but he says he's confident his client followed police protocol. the family of gonzales settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of alameda and the officers involved for 11 million dollars back in december. the attorney representing gonzales, his 8 year-old son michael haddad, spoke with us on the phone saying in part, the charges are obviously appropriate. it's been obvious for a long time. in addition to costing the city 11 million dollars. these officers should also face a jury who can decide if they should be held criminally responsible too. >> at the press conference, price said the officers charaed face 15 years to life. but later emailed us a correction saying they face up to 4 years behind bars. today was the last day to file any charges against the officers
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in this case due to statue of limitations reporting in the studio. back to you. >> thank you, sara. the driver who hit and killed a 4 year-old little girl in san francisco will not be spending any time behind bars. the crash happened back in august while the girl was walking with her parents near oracle park. the 71 year-old driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter for striking the family in the crosswalk on 4th street. her father critically injured was rushed to the hospital. he survived. now, months later, a plea deal. the driver is set to serve community service and driving course. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins releasing this statement saying, quote, in line with the family's wishes and with their support reach the negotiated disposition rather than going to trial, although nothing that we can do will bring back their beloved daughter and granddaughter. i hope that this settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of
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this terrible tragedy last summer. >> san francisco transit officials are proposing new safety improvements in the west portal neighborhood one month after a tragic car crash killed a family of 4. there. they were waiting at a bus stop headed to the zoo. this new plan includes more protected space for pedestrians. there are also plans to remove car traffic from the train tracks. the agency wants to collect feedback on the improvements before making the changes by this summer. >> new at 10, cal osha citing a san francisco construction company. more than $370,000 in connection to a trench collapse that killed the utility worker. that collapse happened back in september in the city's lower haight neighborhood. police say the 24 year-old employee was replacing sewer parts inside the 8 foot deep trench when the excavation collapsed. cal osha says darcey and hearty construction knowingly committed safety violations by neither providing at protective system for
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employees working in the trench or a means of escape, such as the latter in case of collapse. >> san francisco is sticking to its word and suing oakland for trying to change the name of the oakland airport. the board of supervisors is set to hold a final vote on the decision next month. coming up tonight on kron, 4 news at 10, 30. we'll hear from san francisco city attorney who is filing the suit who believes the name change will confuse travelers. >> all right. it is time for your wake-up weather. let's talk about we can expect as you wake up tomorrow morning, it is going to be a pretty mild start as far as temperatures are concerned. but watch out because we are going to have a little patchy fog out there. in fact, already starting to see that this evening out at the coast. by the time we get to about 10:00am though notice the inland spots. we're gonna start breaking away. we are going to have some of that inland warmth once again. but i do want to caution you take a look at this right now. half moon bay right now at 0 visibility. so this will be an issue for us tomorrow. we start our day as well on the back a little bit. we'll talk
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more about what your weekend is looking like. would be car thieves picked the wrong guy to mess with in the east bay. the man. >> scare them off while they were trying to steal his pick up truck. but not before one of those suspected thieves fired a gun. our first and 3rd at now has the story from hayward. >> barefoot and running mad francis jones goes face-to-face with 2 men trying to steal his pick jones says it to 30 in the morning last week he was barely awake when his instincts kicked in. >> you can stand inside your house and be a victim and i wasn't going to let that happen. jones's home security camera alerted him and his wife of the crime in progress. jones as he caught one of the would-be thieves taking around after breaking into his dodge pickup. i reached around his neck right here, grabbed him. and since coming to a head lock in and yank him out of the in the video, you can see
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the struggle is jones yells out to call police >> a gunshot fired. when the guy shot at me. i kind of got we woke about what really was going on and i let the guy go and i jumped for cover after that. >> troublemakers then took off in a white sedan. jones says for more than 20 years, his neighborhood along carol avenue has been pretty quiet and he hopes it could stay that way. police discourage people from confronting criminals because of safety. but jones says he had enough. i didn't get shot. i didn't get hurt. they didn't steal my truck. >> so hopefully it sends a message that, you know, don't go so to another street and not come around here again. >> heyward police say they found that getaway car abandoned and it was stolen and their investigation into this attempted auto theft is ongoing in hayward, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> in dublin, police are looking for the person or
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people responsible for damaging 80 street lights. take a look. police say this happened in the sorento at dublin ranch community late last month. officers say not only were the light severely damaged, but the suspects also vandalized the bridge on grafton street with spray paint anyone with info here about this is asked to call dublin police. >> the city of san francisco may have canceled the annual for 20 event at hippie hill, but that doesn't mean that people won't show up to celebrate anyway. our personal abella joins us live in the studio with the preparations being made at golden gate park justin kate snow. well. >> making thousands usually descend upon robin williams meadow and nearby hippie hill to celebrate all things marijuana on for 20 and city sanctioned event or not, it's likely folks will still be showing up on saturday in an effort to be prepared. the church of ambrosia along with the haight ashbury merchants association say they plan to bring in toilets, a medical tent, thousands of bottles of
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water and some staff to try and help keep habs around. hit the hill clear for the day. however, the church is still asking people to find some alternatives to celebrate because of too many people show up. it could put a strain on their limited resources. >> everybody's really concerned that this could get out of control. so we just want keep it as mild as possible. people are going to come. it's going to be a beautiful day. it will be a great day to be out there. >> but the less people, the less problem, i worry about safety for the people who are attending. but ice on them really isn't that i think they applying to have some medical tents. so hopefully they can. >> keep keep an eye on people who need it. but yeah. >> the city's rec and parks department canceled the popular event this year because of financial struggles and a lack of sponsors. there are some other events scheduled in the area on saturday, including a permitted volleyball and kickball event. so if you didn't want to get out there, there are still plenty of reasons to enjoy the day. but
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officials are asking you do so safely. >> just glad that everybody came together in that moment. >> still ahead, we'll hear from the people who rushed to help after deadly crash killed for bay area residents. millions of dollars are being the center to help solve the homeless crisis across the state which bay area communities are expected to receive some of that money. the warning about a fake text saying it's from fast track. what to do if you fell for the what to do if you fell for the
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(♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. paula's choice. known for its iconic 2% bha liquid exfoliant, has done it again. introducing new mandelic and lactic acid exfoliant. it's helped turned my skin from this to this, and my skin feels so much smoother. my skin looks and feels so soft. 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin. for all skin types & tones— from the trusted experts in skincare ingredients. available at and sephora. definitely check out this exfoliant. it has completely transformed my skin. >> rescue crews near devil's
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slide trying to save a driver this afternoon after a car fell 200 feet down a cliff gray whale cove state beach on tara. unfortunately, crews say that the driver died at the scene. no word on what caused that car to go over the cliff. tonight, we're learning that 4 people killed in a crash in san joaquin county from the east bay where the victims are from livermore includes a man, a woman, a 12 year-old boy and a 4 month-old baby. >> right after the crash shows people running over trying to help the victims. the chp says the driver of the van carrying 7 people, including the vic van. they were taken to the hospital with major injuries. no word on their conditions tonight. while already devastating the situation could have potentially been even worse if not for the people who rushed to help reporter rowena shaddox talked with some of those heroes. we
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just knew we had to do something and to help. it was a gut reaction. it was an almost an instant guide. i didn't. >> think to think what i was going to do, i just reacted. >> joseph in jena roseman were driving by when they saw the accident and also sprung into action. everybody was trying to push the car back onto its wheels. team. >> u.s. and i don't know a big group may be about 2015 of us. we all helped push the car back up and then. we just did what we what we we could do. trapped inside were 3 adults and 4 children. i looked down and i have to be the closest one to the to what i could see was a baby's arm. >> so i just i got down on my on my knees there and and and was trying to be like. >> trying to be gentle cause, you know, to great if you come right out and grabbed the baby and kind of move to moved away from that, accident scene and started cpr >> his wife, gina, then stepped in as joseph ran back to help. some more just grabbed the baby from that
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point and ran further away closer to the truck. but further away from the fire >> leave the baby down and went ahead started chest compressions there. meanwhile, christian and monica work to get the other kids out from the minivan. >> monica recalls one of the girls after she was pulled out. he just let out a scream. but i will never forget it. she was just being in full. and i told her, you're ok, helping i was just holding her head. >> in the middle of the street, you can see that other people were grabbing the the other kids out and what not. and it was even that night as one was getting rolled by on a could see the breath like condensation from the press coming from the. >> churches are right. there was just like, ok, good, at least somebody still and has a chance. of course, that that's fulfilling knowing that that you're able to at least help somebody. i'm just glad that everybody came together in that moment and wasn't able to help. however. however, you know what, in whatever way that we were able couple
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>> you know, we did what we could do. we try but a fire that broke out began to spread in get bigger is very scary. but like said, we didn't even think stop to think about ourselves. we just thought we have to do what we have to do, what we can do to help. so i'm just grateful that other cars and other people stopped to help because it kind of restored. you know, >> believe in humanity that people are so kind. there kind people out there with everything that's going on in society there still wonderful people out out there that will stop this type incidents. bring. >> the best in people which we don't normally recommend. people put themselves in danger, allows to get there in this case. however, you know, they did take it upon themselves to put themselves at risk in. possibly saving the life of other 3. i just want to which i mean. >> it's we can thing coming
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out in manatee carolina shadix. >> thankful for the good samaritans in oakland, police are investigating after they say officers shot and killed a person. it happened last night in west oakland on 16th and adeline near different murray park. officers say sacramento they were in the city investigating a homicide when a suspect stepped outside a home with a gun. an officer shot and killed the person. they say no officers were hurt. the officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave as the department investigates. >> the 3 men accused of killing a security guard while he was protecting a kron. 4 news crew in oakland appeared in court today. the 3 men are facing murder, attempted robbery and assault with a deadly weapons charges for the killing of kevin nishita and november 2021, you see him there and shoot his wife, virginia tells kron 4 the plea hearing has been continued. now until next month. >> san francisco mayor london
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breed is nominating retired alameda county judge said on clay to replace an outgoing member of the city's police commission. the mayor also nominated community leader deborah walker for reappointment to the commission. the seven-member commission board is in charge of setting policy for the police department and conducting disciplinary hearings when police conduct charges are filed. nominations now have to be approved by the board of supervisors. >> whether time here as we get a live look out there, a shot from our studios in san francisco on what was another beautiful day in the bay. >> our first kyla grogan a joining us now with a look at the weather for the remainder of the week. yeah, the guy's beautiful day out there today. well, above average temperatures really, really nice. and tonight we're having a rrlatively calm night out there. let's take a look at some of the temperatures you can see right now, san francisco. 51 pretty much everyone in the 50's, the exception of concord city at
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about 63 but it's been a little bit of a mild evening and a pretty quiet start. having said that, we do have 0 visibility out at half moon bay right now. >> wind has calmed down, though. so we've got that on our side tonight. and as we go throughout the night tonight, expect the clouds to increase a little bit. and we could even see a little patchy drizzle overnight. but the temperatures are pretty mild. we're looking out some 40's up to about some low 50's tonight. not bad at all. but when you wake up tomorrow, watch out because here we go, where you're going to see some of this fog that's going to be particularly socked in along the coast. and even though we will start to clear out this is about noon. we get some nice sunshine in their notice. those clouds are likely to hang out at the coast throughout the day, keeping things pretty cool. here's the temperatures are looking out for tomorrow. so again, it's going to be a nice day out there. we'll see some inland 70's. having said that, don't get too used to this because we are going to see a change in the forecast a little bit as we head over the next couple of days. i'll be back in a bit. we'll talk more about your 10 day forecast. >> thank you, kyla. well, it may be a bit more challenging
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to get around parts of the north bay this weekend, starting tomorrow, eastbound highway 12 in santa rosa will have full and partial closures. this caltrans repave the roadway. the closures will start friday night at 8 early monday morning between the dutton avenue and south e street exits at night. the eastbound freeway between dutton ave and south e street will be fully closed during the day. one eastbound lane will be open and one lane will be closed there advising drivers to take alternate routes and expect delays. >> palin bay area community is fighting back after a man keeps disrupting city meetings with hate speech. plus, what police in the south bay found inside a home of people arrested for kidnapping and torture. is san francisco really prepared for the next big one? we hear from experts on how they are trying to
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>> in the south bay, 3 people have been arrested for kidnapping and torture. police have not released a motive in these crimes, but they do say that a man was held against his will in february in a home in east san jose near rows back hill park. they say when the man was eventually released after being held for more than a day, he went to the hospital and he told officers about the kidnapping. police arrested the 3 suspects, 2 man and one woman. they say they found gambling machines and marijuana plants for sale at the home. >> walnut creek city council meeting was once again interrupted by a man spreading hate speech. this is video from last nights meeting
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according to a councilmember, the man at the podium drove from sacramento to make hateful comments against the jewish community. this is not the first time he went to a council meeting back in march. he also showed up to spew hate speech. but during last night's meeting, the community was ready to denounce it. visually you can see people holding up large pride flags with religious symbols standing right behind them at. >> beware of tax scams. scammers are trying to get money out of bay area drivers. fast track says it's investigating several reports of drivers who've received texts that say that they and to click on a link that they provide. well, do not click on that link. fast track says that the tax was not sent by them and they never ask for payments by text with a link to a website. so if you have made a payment, unfortunately to the scam, you're being advised to contact your bank. >> up next, san francisco is suing oakland for trying to change the name of the oakland
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airport. well, web site already is advertising flights with the new and we go inside a new high school in the east bay when it's expected to bay when it's expected to open.
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our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect!
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turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪ >> now at 10, 30, the city of san francisco is taking the city of oakland to court over the decision to change the name of the oakland airport. getting juicy as kron four's. dan kerman reports tonight a ruling could revolve around. >> whether the name change would confuse people. >> what's in a when it comes to san francisco's airport. the city says so much that it's suing the city of oakland
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to protect it. we're asking the court. >> to tell oakland to stop using its new name last week. oakland port commissioners voted to rename oakland international airport, san francisco bay, oakland international airport. this is about clarifying to travelers that oakland is an efficient instinctive. choice to fly into the san francisco bay. oakland's proposed name is going to create immense confusion and chaos for travelers, particularly those who do not speak english. san francisco season differently and is filed a federal lawsuit maintaining oakland airport's name change violates its trademark and is designed to confuse travelers and safe in business from sfo. we're very concerned about travelers are going to miss flights mishaps experienced economic loss. we're worried that this is going to damage the reputation of the travel industry in our bay area region. are airports propose renaming does not infringe upon sfo is mark and
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we will vigorously defend our right to claim are spot on the san francisco bay. we ask passengers arriving at oakland international about the name change and all agreed. adding san francisco to the name is confusing. >> there's also the san francisco airport understand that this could enable just be confusing to combining it could. then you have to clarify, you have to go week. san francisco need to be like oakland, san francisco. so i think it's a better just to keep it kind of clean gears to just stay. oakland airport, san francisco airport to complicate matters. the lawsuit also indicates at least one airline is already started using the new airport name. >> to make online flight reservations. well, the port of oakland is already approved. the name change final approval will not come until the may 9th meeting. that means until that time. this will remain oakland international airport. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> new at 10 and measure
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challenging proposition. 47 could come before california voters in november. the coalition backing the tough on crime statewide ballot initiative has submitted more than 900,000 voter signatures supportine it. the initiative seeks to strengthen penalties for retail theft and require drug treatment for people charged with simple drug possession county elections. officials will now start the process of verifying the petition signatures. >> affordable housing site is under development in oakland. what's is complete? the building? we'll provide nearly 200 units to families with mixed income. the complex is also transit oriented. giving residents easy access to public transportation state attorney, a rob says that expanding housing sites like this one is a solution to combat what he calls a homelessness emergency all across the state. we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and
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expedited housing and by right housing that. >> require cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the solution. and so we work with them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part and if necessary, we hold them accountable in court. >> onto also heard from fruitvale residents on their housing concerns and took a hard hat tour of toasts fruitvale community space under development by the unity council. governor newsom announcing nearly 200 million dollars in funding that he vows will help local communities clear encampments and provide much needed resources to californians who are experiencing homelessness. newsom announced his administration is allocating 192 million dollars in grant funding to 17 communities. 3 of those communities in the bay area, including the city of oakland, marin county and san mateo county, 17
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communities awarded these grants will have access to the money in just the coming weeks. >> welcome to emerald high school in dublin. my name is grand isle. be your tour guide. a 24 acre gem for the dublin unified school district says almost ready to go. you have a sprawling multilevel campus. they're going to usher in their first class of students in august. and today they showed it off that 374 million dollar project is paid for by money. thanks to bond measures and the facilities are brand-new and hyatt. the student union vast boasting a full-scale commercial kitchen. we also have a big library in a spacious chip. >> dublin, high school have is a really great high school, but it is full. so when we break off or essentially going divide that school in half leaving a both schools around 2000. plus, students. >> lot of kids sit is a beautiful new school. the district has been desperate for a new high school campus
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for decades now you see from 2010 to 2020, the population in dublin is grown. 92% for school age kids. by comparison, the next highest growth from a neighboring school district. only 11%. the current and world high school freshman class is housed on the dublin high school campus and will transfer to the new campus starting next school year. >> whether time as we get to the 4 zone forecast right now, looking at a san francisco from. well, i don't know way up there. it's not the 30,000 foot view, but it's up there. i'm going to guess sutro tower as we see market street there and then downtown in the distance in the >> blue hue meteorologist kyla grogan is with us tonight. good to see you. cuyler. beautiful. what? hey, gorgeous. yeah. that is the suture tower camera. it's lovely to be here with you tonight. beautiful night out there. we do have some clouds have come in a little bit of fog as well. let's talk through what we've got to look forward to a little drizzle.
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the coast tomorrow morning's going to be a little tricky when you wake up. so just be ready for that. if you're by the coast, patchy fog will be out there. tomorrow, though, will be another really nice day, albeit a little bit cooler than today. still above average by any standard. we're talking inland 70's yet again. and then looking ahead, we've got gorgeous week and everybody, if you don't have suggest, yeah, makes them. and we do have the really odd kind of tiny chance. a little rain next week. did she say that she did? let's look at the big picture here. i'm going to show you. we stay nice and dry as we go into our weekend. but you can see as we get into the latter part of the week, things are going to start to change a little bit. and you notice some moisture trying to make its way into california. now it will cool us down regardless of whether or not we get the rain. but it is interesting to see at this point in april, even the possibility of that. and i kind of look for that because it's like like i i allergies. you have allergies. you probably wouldn't mind a few showers kind of rolling in. unfortunately, it doesn't look like that's going impact because as you can see, allergy levels are going to be
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high over the next couple of days. so the issue guys are likely to stay with you a little bit but let me show you kind of the big pattern here as far as temperatures are concerned because obviously been warm. we've had high pressure in control. these are iso thurmes that show you the temperature variation. the blues and greens are cooler. the reds and oranges are warmer. and as you can see, we'll cool down just a little bit for a day or 2. and then by sunday, we're going to warm up back up again. but next week, this low pressure drops in. and that brings in some cooler air and knocks down these above average temperatures doesn't look like it brings us any rain. but by tuesday we'll see things cool down. so what does this mean? it means if you are santa rosa this weekend, have beautiful weather out there. so enjoy it and get outside and enjoy the mostly sunny skies that are happening. your 10 day forecast. kind of shows you the story here, though, that while we're going to stay above average the next few days, we go into thursday on monday and then by tuesday, temperatures really starting to get knocked down here. we're looking at highs just in the 60's inland. by the time
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we get to wednesday. now, if there is a chance of any showers, it's going to be probably thursday, guys. so that's when the cooldown, i think even if we do get something, it's going to be very limited and very small. but, you know, i'll take it, especially because like i said, those suffering from allergies, the kind of help. so we'll it all down. so cross my fingers. but i think we only have about a 25% chance of getting anything. all right. well, chill out with the allergies city will smell better why yanks kyla. >> on this day in 19, 0, 6, san francisco has rocked by that famous earthquake and as kron four's rob nesbitt reports. >> a lot of lessons have been learned since then when it comes to being prepared. >> the skyline of san francisco has changed in the last 118 years. since the 19 0, 6, earthquake leveled the city and cause massive fires. building codes have been updated. but when dave was good from the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods, research data on 180 of the city's tallest buildings. he found concerns there are 43
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tall buildings. >> with the same kind of foundation that the millennium tower had before. started leaning had to be the number one priority in cases like this is safety. i spoke with the president of the structural engineers association, california, and legally ammo. she says that modern building codes to a good job of saving lives in the event of an eartaquake. but that there's more room for improvement when it comes to making sure buildings are usable. after shaking 30 to 40% of our modern code confirming buildings will be unfit for occupancy following a major earthquake. >> so what that means is it's going to take months or even years to repair it so that you can go back into that particular building. they were also lessons learned during the 6.9 magnitude earthquake that struck in 1989 when entire homes were moved off their foundations retrofitting is now recommended to prevent that. we want to make sure there's adequate connectivity and bolting there. and there is a program collect brace and bolts that is available to homeowners to help assist them in making sure that their their home is safe. in in the
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major seismic events. the california earthquake authority has found that many homeowners today don't have earthquake insurance and spokesperson been dc explain why that often happens. i think it's a place where people come up when they're looking at their budget to we're dealing with the inflation way it is. i think it is a place where people think, maybe i can get away with >> skimping here, he says it's not a good idea given the fact that another large earthquake is expected along california's fault line, it's going to happen. we just don't know exactly one. dc says that when homeowners retrofit their homes and prepare them for the event of an earthquake that help save on earthquake insurance and gets them a better deal. >> i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> ladies and gentleman. welcome pandas francisco. >> heard the mayor khan officially coming to the san francisco zoo. mayor london breed. i'm making that it's an agreement made with the chinese officials in beijing
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today. this would mark the first official residency for giant pandas in the city city had temporarily hosted the animals in 1984, 1986. is part of a global tour and who doesn't love up. that's pretty big news, right? it is. and it's coming to the city. all right. we'll have to see when and how. >> but their names are, sir. ambassadors. so you know, it's all good. all right. well, that wraps up kron 4 news at 10. be sure to stick around for kron. 4 news at 11. first it's sports night live. jason
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>> left center field on the run. >> it was a great night to be a giants fan. maybe they can get bay area sports fans. something to cheer about over the next couple of months after the warriors were sent home packing early. thanks for rocking with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. we start with the warriors. of course, that lost to the kings on tuesday. it's still fresh on people's minds. there's been a lot of hot takes some rather stupid ones. but that's all part of the grieving process. steve kerr mike dunn, levy's junior, they spoke to the media today to give their takes on the season. kron. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson was there. here's her report from ch


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