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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  April 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. and we begin with breaking news out of the peninsula where traffic on highway one is being impacted right now because a car went over a cliff. this is on tara kron. 4 s charles clifford joins us now live from the scene with the very latest.
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>> well, right now, i'm along highway one. this is just to the south of the lantos tunnel just to the north of montara state beach. i can see behind me here traffic headed southbound stop at the moment. they're letting northbound traffic go through because of a car that went the cliff here and current efforts to try to retrieve that carl is going to take a look at some video now. this apparently happened about 1 o'clock. we're told that a single vehicle went over the edge and unfortunately, the occupant, the driver of that car is deceased. now, initially there was a coast side fire department here along with the highway patrol, mateo county sheriffs. but most of the first responders at this point have left. there's just tow trucks and mateo county sheriff here and they, again, are currently in the process of trying to bring that vehicle back up to the roadway. this has is having a big impact on traffic here on highway one as they move the tow trucks in and out and vehicles are working on this. they're stopping traffic intermittently. it's creating a backup rotating between to the north and to the south. so
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if you're on highway one south pacific hour north of montara, just keep in mind, you're probably going to get stuck in a delay for a while. i was just told by the san mateo county sheriff's office that they expect to be here for quite some time. so it's a very latest here in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 charles, thank you for that update. >> a deal has been reached for the woman who hit and killed a 4 year-old girl with her car in san francisco near oracle park. >> in order to avoid jail time. kron four's theresa just a lap in the newsroom. she's been following the story ever since that tragic accident. there are changes now that are coming in the wake of this. absolutely just in the young girl was here in town visiting with her family from south korea, that family and the drivers lives forever changed to one split second. >> the crash scene horrific first responders trying to say the 4 year-old girl's life, but sadly not possible. her father critically injured was rushed to the hospital and lived the driver of the
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mercedes was charged with vehicular manslaughter for killing the 4 year-old. now, months later, a plea deal. the driver, karen carr, tanya, in court this week write a letter expressing remorse in the letter shared with kron 4 news car, tanya said, quote, i've asked myself over and over. why couldn't it have been me not this young life and this young family. i know there is no way for me to change what has happened. but please know that i pray every night for all of you that you will somehow find the strength and be able to once again have the peace and the joy that you deserve. and that i feel i have stolen from u quote, there is. >> kind of incarceration that is going on. but he's emotional. because she's, you know, no way she sentenced to living with results of this of this horrific accident and
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that. >> and as part of the deal, car, tanya will serve community service, senate driving curriculum course. she is not allowed to drive until the completion of both san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins release a statement to kron 4 news about the plea deal saying, quote, in line with the family's wishes and their support. we reached a negotiated disposition rather than going to trial, although nothing that we can do can bring their beloved daughter and granddaughter back. i hope that the settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of this terrible tragedy last summer. immediately after the crash. the 2 right turning lanes on 4 streets on the king were changed into one lane then more recently they sfmta has now stepped in changing 200 intersections. >> throughout the city banning right hand turns on red lights in the newsroom. trista stasio
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back to you. theresa, thank you. and the 4th and king street location is one of 33 places across the city where a speed safety camera. >> will be installed yesterday. the sfmta approved the locations. they include areas with school zones, areas known for speed racing and streets that have a history of speed-related crashes. the sfmta plans to collect data by reading rear license plates for speeding cars. only the cameras will be installed by the end of the year enforcement starts next year. for more on the camera locations, you can go to our website kron 4 dot com. the sfmta is proposing new safety improvements to west portal avenue. this is coming one month after that tragic car crash that killed a family of 4 waiting at a bus stop. the agency says the project will include more dedicated and protected spaces for pedestrians. there are also plans to remove car traffic from the train tracks. the sfmta director is saying the goal is to simplify the high
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traffic lanes along you lois street by restricting cars from driving through the intersection. >> the print were tied people going to shop in the west portal commercial and support significant pedestrian by eliminating all of the left. for about 40% are traffic deaths are a result of drivers making left turns and not that streams. >> the agency will collect feedback on these improvements before making the changes spied this summer. the city of san francisco has now slapped the city of oakland. but the lawsuit for trying to change the oakland international airport. name last week. leaders of the port of oakland voted unanimously to move forward with renaming the airport, san francisco bay, oakland international airport. the board is set to hold a final vote on this decision next month. san francisco officials say the proposed name change would be a false
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designation of origin. city attorney david chiu says filing a lawsuit is in the public's best interest. >> we hope to have a reasonable collaborative conversation on alternative names that would work for both airports but their refusal to engage has left us with no choice. litigation is always a last resort. but unfortunately, at this point we have to bring this lawsuit. oakland's proposed name is going to create immense confusion and chaos for travelers, particularly those who do not speak english. we're very concerned about travelers are going to miss flights have mishaps, experienced economic loss. we're worried that this is kind of damage to the reputation of the travel industry in our bay area region. >> the port of oakland has issued a statement in response to the lawsuit saying that they trust travelers will understand that a major metropolitan area can have more than one airport and that, quote, the ports propose
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renaming does not infringe suppose mark sfo cannot lay claim to be geographically descriptive term. san francisco let alone claim exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. and on the peninsula. we're now learning some new details after police shut down the neighborhood right near redwood city. police were serving a search warrant for an armed robbery suspect on myrtle avenue. just east of l commuter reality north fairoaks. the suspect has been identified as jeffrey tab. ron junior. no details have been given to us about the armed robbery. but authorities say it did happen in the redwood city area within the past couple of weeks. and now the suspect has been booked on felony armed robbery and probation violation charges. the area that was shut down has now reopened. all right. we'll talk about our forecast now looking outside. hey, there's some fog coming in about to cover the city of san francisco and with us here this afternoon as gayle ong with details on what's going
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on outside. yes, the coast and the san francisco notice the change. >> you can see breezy. we have some cloud cover here along the embarcadero and we can show you on our satellite and radar. you see that activity forming as well. but other than that, we are pretty quiet, especially when you if you make your way inland. we're still in the 70's and even some 80's at this hour. here's where we're sitting at right now. 55 degrees in san francisco and 55 in half moon bay. but san jose livermore concord, santa rosa in the upper 70's at this hour. 66 degrees in oakland. here's the temperature change. we're 11 degrees down at this time yesterday in san francisco, 5 degrees down. that's because of that return of the onshore flow. this is that our that sea breeze kicks in other than our warm earns, a few places like novato but notice a slight cool down there. and here's though wind speeds right now 18 mile an hour reporting in san francisco. so that is why you may notice a little chilly and the coast. but for tonight, just look out for some cloudy skies. winds
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should be light and variable. but overnight lows down to the upper 40's and low 50's. so pretty mild day. but we will still have some nice temperatures for the rest of the week. just some rain, maybe back end of next week. back to you. all right. thanks, gayle. coming up here, officials visit affordable housing site and declare. >> a homeless emergency. they also propose some solutions. but first, we're taking a look through our archives on the anniversary of the 19 0, 6, earthquake that reshaped san francisco forever. we'll also hear from an expert who says the vast majority of san francisco buildings are still francisco buildings are still not earthquake safe. norman, bad news...
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marks 118 years since the great san francisco quake that collapsed buildings. abated fires. >> and left thousands of san francisco residents dead. so now we're looking at footage from 19. 0, 6, that 7.9 magnitude earthquake could be felt from southern oregon south of los angeles, even inland as far as central nevada city hall crumbled, cable cars had to stop. historians call it one of the most significant earthquakes of all time. the quake was followed by a massive fire that would continue for 4 days. and on the anniversary of the deadly earthquake, san francisco residents are pushing city officials to make sure that buildings are prepared for the next major earthquake. is san francisco community organization is calling on supervisors to keep promises they made a year ago of keeping tall buildings earthquake safe. they say a
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vast majority of them are still not up to standard. and david osgood as part of that group urging leaders to protect city buildings. and we spoke to him during kron. 4 news at noon about what concerns the group pass about our buildings, infrastructure. >> and there's also a concern concrete buildings that are reinforced those are actually the the next building. some of the city's list to be retrofitted and legislation was supposed to be introduced a year ago to start process. but it hasn't happened. >> and city officials are reminding people the importance of earthquake preparedness safety tips are listed on the city's website including making an emergency plan to, you know, where to find loved ones. when a crisis happens anchoring down
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bookshelves and avoid standing near windows and in doorways. and the city of san francisco held a ceremony this morning to remember what happened during that devastating quake city. officials honored the day with a wreath-laying ceremony at a lot of sound in union square. there is also a moment of silence followed by sirens from a fire truck. more than 3,000 people died during that quake in more than 200,000 people were left without a home city. officials use this day to remind all of us how important it is to be prepared for an earthquake. i think what people need to know is that the things that we depend on a will not be available to us. plan for that to just think through that scenario. >> and think about how you're going to prepare your family. >> this remembrance ceremony happened at 4.45 this morning when the quake hit back then and then mayor london breed attends every year. but she was not there today because she is on and official visit
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to china and the event remembered as one of the deadliest earthquakes in u.s. history last around. 45 to 60 seconds. author matthew davenport documented the damage that happened and that quick amount of time in his book, the longest minute, the novel recognized as a new york times book review editors choice and during kron 4 news at 2 today i spoke with him about his research on why this event was so catastrophic. >> they all been warned. the fire chief dennis sullivan actually died in the earthquake. our injuries result of the earthquake had warned the city leaders for many years and they've been one for decades. they knew this was inevitable that knew that a fire could devastate the city, but they chose profit over life and safety and allow developers to get by with a weak building cause getting a exempted from a safety standards. and that was something that took decades to fix a after the fact. >> davenport told us that the
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earthquakes that the city could experience in the future. we'll never be as devastating as the one in 19. 0, 6, just based on what we've learned and how the city was built back then. taking a live look outside right now here in san francisco, breezy day in the city. we have gayle ong here to chat about our forecast today. and while today is quite lovely. but we're in a store for a little bit of some changes. are cooling down yes, a slight cool down over by the coast and inland. 80's not 70's. you see those cloudy skies out there across the bay area. >> assembly skies over by the golden gate bridge. but we have that sea breeze kicking in this hour. that is when it tends to get breezy and that will be cooling things down over by the coast. you can see some cloud development here, san francisco and the peninsula. but it's pretty comfortable still inland. temperatures still sitting at the upper 70's at last check. so 72 in hayward right now, 77 in san jose. 75 in livermore 79 in antioch. so as you make your way inland, that's when
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you will get those warm temperatures even in santa rosa as well. and nevado and then notice pretty cooler around the coast 60 degrees in san francisco. 53 down over by the beach is a half moon bay. you can see why we're down to 11 degrees and 5 degrees. this time you can even notice across the bay area. slight cool down as well. and this is why we're cooling down here because of the seabreeze here. and that will be the main impact. adding, you can see some cloudy skies once again at the golden gate bridge. so we do have some nice weather. still just won't be as warm as it was that today. and earlier this week in the 80's inland, you still be in the nice 70's and then temperatures look like a rebound by sunday. back to you. thank you, california. attorney general rob bonta oakland discussing the state's housing crisis today. he was joined by the unity council ceo in front of casa sueno, some affordable housing site under development and fruitvale. >> once complete, the building will provide nearly 200 units
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to families with mixed income complexes. also transit oriented meeting. it gives residents easy access to public transportation. bonta says expanding housing sites like this one is a solution to combat what he calls a homelessness emergency across the state. >> we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and expedited housing and by right housing that require cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the solution. and so we work with them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part and if necessary, we hold them accountable in court. >> bonta also heard from fruitvale residents on their housing concerns and took a hard hat tour of the. hunter's fruitville communities. that's a space that's under development by the unity council. so san francisco
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police say a 14 year-old is now being charged for setting this driverless car on fire. it happened in february in china town. police say that a crowd spray painted graffiti on this waymo car broke a window through fireworks inside of the car which started the fire. no one was inside and no one was hurt. but again, they have now charged a 14 year-old. >> for this. >> still ahead, higher power bills are on the horizon, but california lawmakers are doing to try block the rate hikes. >> plus, a new fast-track scam is now making the rounds. the warning from officials about what you should not be doing. if you've got a text from fast track will make sure you stay track will make sure you stay safe. stay with us. if you're happy and, you know it, clap your hands
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please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently or go to this afternoon, lawmakers in sacramento are trying to block a new fee that's expected to be on our electric bills by 2025. >> customers from our state's biggest utilities, including a southern california edison and pg and e will see a $24 charge every month and then return for that fee increase. regulators want to reduce electricity rates by 5 to cents per kilowatt hour. the california public utilities commission is expected to approve this fee next month. community groups are worrying it's going to hurt low-income residents and if approved, it would take effect late next year. after california's fast
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food minimum wage bumped up to 20 bucks an hour just 17 days ago. prices have already gone up on many fast food menus. this is according to a study that was done by a research group. the biggest increase between april first and now is from wendy's. prices are up 8%. chipotle up 7 and-a-half-percent starbucks up 7% taco bell and burger king are up 3, 2%, respectively. mcdonald's prices actually have not gone up at least not. now, according to that study, despite group saying that hikes were coming. the wage increase from 16 to $20 per hour for fast food workers will reportedly cost each mcdonald's around $250,000. a warning now to fast track customers. the agency says multiple reports have now been coming in about fast track holders receiving scam tax. the tech say that if you have a toll. but you need to pay and they give you a link.
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taxed. what you're supposed to do here is not click on that link. fast track does not request payments by text with a link to a website. so if you fallen victim to this, if you've gotten a tax click on that link, you should contact your bank immediately. walnut creek now moving forward with 8, 77 million dollar plan to redevelop the community center and that swim center at heather farm park. it's coming after voters passed and 2022 to increase the city's sales tax. the city council says the new facility will combine and aquatic park and community center. the new design will consist of and 18 lane lap pool. another family pool and children splash area. the new community center also function as an emergency space for the city. this will take nearly 2 years to bill design. work will likely begin in september of next year. the existing swim center will stay open through construction. starting
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today. the pacifica pier is going to be close. we'll tell you why. and for how long. plus, we're going to take a tour of a brand-new east bay high school. >> and we're going to sit down with an expert to talk about parkinson's
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>> starting today, the pacifica pier will be closed for 2 days. crews. we looking at that structure in order to see if the full pierre can be reopened. sections of the pier were damaged by large waves in december of the pier partially reopened in february. >> but engineers determined that half of the pier was not
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safe for visitors. >> on 4.20, hippie hill in san francisco's golden gate park usually draws thousands of cannabis fans every year. but this year sponsors had to cancel the celebration, citing a lack of cash. but there is a new effort underway to make sure that this event does not go down in smoke. kron. s charles clifford has latest now from golden gate park has details on this new funding effort. >> well, officially, this year's for 20 celebration here in golden gate park, not happening, but there are some preparations underway. you can see these barriers that reckon park has put out. and also we now know that 2 nonprofits are stepping up to provide some limited resources for the people who might be here this weekend. >> late last month, the city of san francisco's recreation and parks department announced that they were canceling before 20 celebration in golden gate park. the annual event attracted thousands of people here to the robin williams meadow and nearby hit the hill to celebrate all things marijuana related, but
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recreation and parks says the department budget cuts and a lack of sponsors for the event made the decision necessary. and even though the 4.20 celebration is canceled, there's still a good chance. a lot of people will show up anyway for that reason. the bay area based church of ambroise along with the haight ashbury merchants association have announced that they plan to provide resources for anyone who does come out on saturday. they plan to bring toilets a first aid tent with 4 medics, thousands of bottles of water and staff to help keep pass around the metal clear, even though they will be providing resources here on saturday, the church and the merchants association are actually asking people not to show up and to find other ways to observe for 20. they worry that too many people here on saturday it could strain their limited resources. i think it's great that can still go ahead. neighbors we spoke to on thursday say they're ok with people showing up on saturday. as long as they're safe and don't cause any problems. i worry about safety for the people who are attending, but it's on them really isn't that i think they applying to have some medical tents. so hopefully they can.
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>> keep keep an eye on people who need it. but yeah, we'll say. >> in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> in the south bay, police have arrested 2 men and a woman connected to a kidnapping and torture case out of san jose. according to police, this kidnapping happened in february. they say a man was held against his well and assaulted at the house and million court. he was released a day later and then checked himself into a hospital. officers say that's when they learned that 3 people were responsible for this assault. and when police arrested them, they found illegal gambling machines. any marijuana for sale. all 3 people have been booked into the jail for crimes, including robbery, kidnapping and torture. a drastic growth in population for the dublin unified school district in the past 15 years has made building a new high school, a priority. and after breaking ground on emerald high school in 2020 kron, 4 such a call
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was able to go in. now that it's done and gives us a tour. >> i can't wait for this to be filled up first day of school. francis rojas is emerald high school's inaugural principal in the dublin unified school district's newest campus. the longtime educator honor to jump start a new era. we've seen a lot. her school schools open up and this is the first comprehensive high school 50 years here in alameda county. when the school opens in august, it will welcome its first students who are currently sharing a campus with dublin high school and will mitigate the academic strains placed on the community caused by a rapid gwowth in the district's population over the past decade and a half. currently, we have 350 freshman on the dublin high school campus were emerald high school students next year. we're adding about 550 to 600 more students. >> they're coming from our feeder middle schools as well as from outside the district for private schools. each year, we're going to add a
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another class of freshman about 5.50, to 600 374 million dollar project is paid for by money from barnes measures and the facilities are high the student union is vast boasting a full-scale commercial kitchen. >> the library featuring a more relaxed and casual set up then in the traditional sense, the gymnast's patients as of the locker rooms nearby, this community has needed this high school for over a decade and they put in the investment construction will continue in phases through august 2026. in dublin, philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> for your health. april is parkinson awareness month and parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after alzheimer's. kaiser permanente, neurologist doctor rima ashes with us now. she was recently in a documentary about parkinson's. we're glad that you're with us this afternoon here on kron 4. so we can learn a little bit more about this disease. can you tell us just to start what are
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the symptoms? what is parkinson's? >> parkinson's is to they considered a motor disease and neurological motor disease where one develops a traveler. you know that they developed stiffness and slowness of movement as well as disturbance. but we now know that it's much more than just a motor disease. have a lot of non uttered features, including changes in mood. insomnia changes in g i track and blatter. so it's really a i system disease. how do you know if you have? yeah, it's a difficult question because the presentation can quite varied. >> but usually in one local with a trevor asked or some stiffness slowness or change in their ability to walk as they once did before may be reduced arms weighing are changing their stride. >> and yes, video showing that trevor rest is quite a common feature of the disease. >> is there a particular group or gender that is impacted by this more than any other.
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>> well, we know that as we get older, we have a higher risk of developing parkinson's disease. but in fact, there are people with young onset disease as well, even into their 20's. but it's considered more of the older person disease mails just slightly more than females. and as you mentioned, critic common diseases. only second to alzheimer's disease. now you're see >> so if you or a loved one or one of your friends or co-workers start to notice that sort of tell tell shaking what what should you do? >> yes, so we definitely want you to come see a neurologist and if possible, see movement disorder, specialist who, you know, has extra training and in this condition and you, our hope is to provide for multi faceted a fast approach to your care. in addition to potential medications that we
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can provide ease your symptoms, we want to provide additional support system specifically physical therapy speech therapy that could be quite helpful in this disease. >> so there are some ways that people can once they know that they have and they've gotten that diagnosis, there are ways to cope with it to live with it. >> yeah, there is. community around parkinson's disease, especially in the bay area. there's just really wonderful support system that community-based as well as hospital-based that can help people with parkinson's disease. in fact, there's a walk coming up for parkinson's. is the enemy for that? because you feel that really focuses on the disease and what we can do so to make it better. >> yeah, those are those type of event to really look around. you're like, well, so many other people in my community are impacted by this and you can really learn more about resources, really feel that you're not alone in it. if if you know someone who has it other, you know what? we talked about the medications, but what can you do as like a
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friend or a daughter? a wife, a granddaughter to help the person who is suffering from this. >> we really feel that exercise is one of the most important things we can do for this condition. so we really want to encourage our patients go on that walk to really swinging their arms broadly and into really joy or our community of parkinson's disease to help. we have great classes and even boxing classes. classes for people with parkinson's. it's going to really give them that support system that they need in often family members are, you know, more than welcome to join in on those classes in those community resources. >> kaiser permanente. neurologist doctor, rima ash, thank you so much for joining this afternoon. we learned a lot about parkinson's and the way that we can help people in our community. appreciate your time. thank you so much. a live look outside here in san francisco. the breeze has started. does that mean the cooldown on the way, gayle?
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yes, it is. that will be the weather story. a slight cool down. >> and here's a picture of the san francisco bay. you can start to see it now that marine layer starting to scoot out late this evening. but temperatures are pretty cool in san francisco. notice we're in the mid 50's here and for half moon bay as that sea breezes kicking in. but as you make your way inland, still upper 70's in san jose livermore concord and santa rosa. so still comfortable temperatures. and when we talk cooldown, you can see that sea breeze in san francisco in half moon bay at 18 9 miles an hour. and you can start to see pretty much breezy conditions at this hour and a little calm as you make your way inland. and you can start to see that cloud development right here along the peninsula and san francisco. but we are relatively quiet statewide. and like i mentioned, we will be cloudy. so you'll notice that tonight. so this is 06:00pm part, mostly cloudy skies here and that shed cloudy towards the overnight hours as well. your morning drive tomorrow. this is 06:00am you may notice some coastal drizzle and some partly cloudy skies. but by
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the afternoon, it looks like most of us will all clear with the exception of some parts of the bay coast and your evening looks pretty dry as well. and same for the weekend will start off cloudy with some coastal drizzle in the morning and then by the afternoon, we'll clear out. so we have a nice weekend on tap. we just have see the 80's, but we will be in some of the 70's of your 7 day forecast when it come back. >> coming up next here at 3 more state funding coming to help fight homelessness and dubnation still feeling tuesday night's loss to the kings. we have live report from chase as the warriors from chase as the warriors addressed end of their season. .
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gavin newsom announcing nearly 200 million dollars in funding that he vows will help local communities clear encampments and provide much needed resources to californians. >> experiencing homelessness. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives us a closer look at where the funds are going and explains why some critics argue it's just throwing more money at the problem. >> it's about people's lives. people are dying on our watch. people are dying on the streets and we all have a responsibility to better a passionate governor. gavin newsom speaking about the issue impacting communities across the state. homelessness happening on the streets has to be a top priority. and newsom says it is a priority for his administration during this virtual press conference with leaders from up and down the state newsom announced his administration is allocating
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192 million dollars in grant funding to 17 communities across california. all for programs to help clear encampments and get help to more than 3,500 people on the streets who so desperately need treatment and housing. those set to receive the funding include the counties of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino, an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result. but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assemblymember josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and
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outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansion of the california housing accountability unit to include more oversight of state homelessness, grants to cities and counties. i'm not interested in funding for your people have to and feel the progress and the change. and if they're not, our counties are turning their back, aren't participating in funding. i'm not interested. >> and the status quo. as for this latest round of investments, those on this call say the money will make a difference. i can tell you, we're poised to put this funding to work immediately services, including mental health shelter. >> outreach, permanent housing and lot more. and these are services i can tell you that are desperately desperately needed it's changing lives. >> and the community is receiving. the funding can start to use it right away. reporting at the state capitol eytan wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> the dubs licking their wounds after that season, ending loss to the kings and now all of dubnation wondering what the team is going to look like next season today, head coach steve kerr and general manager mike to leave week spoke to the media about what's next conference and wilson was there. she joins us now live from chase center. he said they spoke for about 2 hours when we talk to some curious, are they addressing klay thompson's future at all? yeah. just seen there's a big, big question mark on just about everything. and just about an hour ago here in room here, the press conference room for the warriors. we spoke to. >> i don't leave the gm. and then of course, we spoke to steve kerr, the head coach of the warriors. in a big question mark on the warriors. and with this offseason means, but not so much. a big question mark on what it is that they i'd only be actually was asked. what do you think you need after seeing this season? he said a few things. he said defensively. they got to be better. he said they absolutely need some size, not necessarily at the center
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position. and then he said, of course, that they need to be a bit better with shooting, which is no secret there. obviously, they were not as efficient beyond the arc as they've always been, which is the reason why they've been so successful in years past. now that being said, you have to talk about what that means for klay thompson. what that means for draymond green. what that means for guys like moses, moody and andrew wiggins. well, when they asked when they would like the lady was asked about klay thompson, he said that he would love for him to be here. of course, steve kerr also spoke about the fact that, you know, having them here is not just because of the legacy because their fish of players. we talk about just stiffed drey in clay. that being said, though, when when asked about draymond green, my dan levy was a little less skeptical about them needing him. he was actually pretty clear that they need draymond green on this roster. he wasn't so clear if you asked in my opinion about clay, but no one is so far because right now who plays for this team is up in the years. we saw it play out this season. take a
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listen. so might the levy is the kind of explains what it is right now that they're looking good when it comes to what they're being powered by going into the offseason. >> the premise of getting that's what we've got a look at for sure. so that will be taken into we also got to be mindful of the player who it is a major player, the skill set of the players. it's all got to fit to to be able to put the chips on the table to make a move. so those are the things we kind of look at evaluate. yeah, there's there's multiple ways to get better. and that certainly certainly one of them. >> and what he was saying was certainly one of them. he was saying going after a marquee player. when i say marquee player, obviously i'm talking about the big guys like lebron james and so on and so forth. he was asked specifically about adding one of those to the roster and that was his response. and it now when steve kerr was asked about draymond would obviously reflecting on the draymond had
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not being able to be as president because of certain suspensions or rejections throughout the season. steve kerr was actually pretty candid about the fact that draymond needs to be better. but like i said, it doesn't seem like they're ready to move away from draymond, which makes it streamline is a pivotal part of this roster. take a listen to how can it steve kerr did get when he was explaining what draymond means of the same. also what his actions made for this season. >> you if you want to embrace the fact that dream on is it's competitor who is just going to play with so much emotion and passion, which makes our team so much better. and you kind of have to accept. all right. he's going to get kicked out a few games. that's that's my approach. the other stuff. can't happen. you know, the the physical acts that will cost him his career. not only in the nba, but be on. >> and beyond. so obviously when speaking to both of them
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today, it was a lot to cover so many things when it came to play on the court and then obviously the structure of the team off of the court and how they can get the 2 of them to could they both spoke highly of cp 3. it seems that regardless of his contract situation, they are looking forward to possibly finding a way that he could be here because of the impact that he made that only on the floor of the sacrifices that he made for this team. but the impact that he made, especially on the younger guys who they're looking forward to bringing along as they continue to build out this roster and build out this team. it that cp 3 had a huge impact on his voice in on the locker room throughout the season. and then like i say, you mentioned guys like jk who found their way. i'm on the floor. and then moses moody, who they spoke about deserving, you know, more minutes. but having to find a way to get him, those men as well. also, steve kerr mentioned possibly finding a bargain player in a bargain hunt. he actually said when it comes to the draft as they did this past season with
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brandin podziemski in trace jackson-davis being that they have to keep the contract slow. they spent about 400 million dollars in player contracts this season. of course, they're looking to dwindle that especially for the simple fact that after spending all of that money on the roster, they didn't make the playoffs. they find themselves at home. it's the first round of the play-in. so they're trying iron out some things and find out how they make some moves. i suspect moves will be made. what moves though, also up in the air. but i was i would say that we may be maybe not surprised, but definitely interested in a move that the warriors make in order to beef up this roster with the steph curry who is playing still very well. and almost just about in his prime. but they have to utilize if specially for the fact that he only has 2 years left on his contract extended steve kerr for 2 years. and obviously draymond still has 2 years on. he is and they figure out what they will do about klay thompson. all of those questions still yet to be answered, but at least we've got a little bit out of
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a today. you guys back in the studio. toss it back to you. just a little sunlight. a chase. aaron. thank you. a live look outside here at the city of san francisco towards the embarcadero. go wrong. with us now talk about going on today and usually by thursday, like what's happening over the weekend. really nice weekend on tap. not as warm as we were inland. you know, we saw the 80's in places like >> san jose and free month. so we'll be in the 70's. so still be really nice. right now. we are breezy in san francisco. we have a seabreeze that is kicking in and bringing down some temperatures. you know, to san francisco is sitting at 55 degrees, half moon bay the same. so we have that seabreeze. that's cooling things down over by the coast, but still pretty warm inland. san jose, upper 70's livermore concord and santa rosa also sitting in the upper 70's and oakland. 66 degrees right now. and you can see that sea breeze here, 18 miles an hour in san francisco, pretty breezy at this hour. and you notice the cloud development
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over by the coast here along san francisco in half moon bay. but we are quiet, though. so that's why we are still pretty comfortable temperature wise inland. but that ridge of high pressure, you know, that has been warming us up. that is starting to flatten. and then we're starting to see a trough will be digging in and this will be cooling us down, especially at the coast. and could see a chance of rain late next week. so here's the future cast model for the next few hours. this is a 06:00pm. you'll notice will see some partly cloudy skies later this evening. and that will linger into your morning. drive is the 06:00am tomorrow. now and then looks like the afternoon. we start to clear out and similar around dinner time the weekend, as the as i mentioned, looks pretty will be mostly dry and winds comfortable. temperatures in the 70's and the 60's. but we are keeping an eye on some rain. you'll notice here on the seven-day forecast come thursday and friday. but we still have nice 70's will be having for our daytime highs and then the coast will dip down to the low 60's and it
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looks like we rebound just a bit on sunday. back to you. gayle, thank you. coming up next, we will meet the newest candidate for mayor in san francisco.
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>> starting tomorrow, eastbound highway 12 in santa rosa will have full and partial closures. so caltrans cannot repave the roadway. the closure will start friday night at 8 and will end monday morning at 5. caltrans says it will alternate partial and full closures between the dutton avenue and south e street exits. they say the closures will be divided into
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day and night shifts in hopes of making this work go by faster. at night. the eastbound freeway between dutton avenue and south e street will be fully closed then during the day, one eastbound lane will be open and one lane will be closed. drivers should take alternate routes and also expected delays. acts. it's official. karl, the fog is running for mayor on max. weber has been running this account named karl. the fog. most of the reasons why karl should be the next mayor of san francisco. the post says karl has a proven track record of reaching across the aisle. plus, collaborating with people and bridges. also, karl claims to be a natural protector of harmful uv rays. and someone responded saying they weren't sure about voting for karl because sutro tower. is the best communicator around. 2 dogs are safe after san francisco. firefighters rescued them from a cliff. crews responded to fort funston just before 7 o'clock last night. they say a special
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harness has been used to get one of those dogs that took those rescue tax about an hour to bring both animals to safety. it's a beautiful spot that can always be dangerous. there. we do have gayle ong now with one final look at our forecast here. >> hello. so we have cloudy skies over at half moon bay. you'll notice a slight cool down over by the coast. starting a tomorrow. really tonight we have a sea breeze kicking in. so here's your seven-day forecast. we will be nice, though, in the 70's for daytime highs as 60's along the coast. but notice thursday, we have a chance of some rain. we are keeping an eye on that forecast, but we will remain looks like will be rebounding with a daytime highs in london for sunday. back to you to >> gayle, thank you. and thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news this afternoon. i'm justine waldman. appreciate your time. so glad you could be with us at noon 2 3 o'clock today for the latest information. you can always go to our website. kron 4 dot com have a great rest of your day and see you right back here. next time.
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