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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  April 18, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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protesters continue calling for an end to the war in gaza, one group is confronted with hate speech. and reports of yet another round of job cuts at google after the company laid off nearly 1000 workers earlier this year. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on thursday and daria and i'm james. yesterday was fantastic. weather wise and looks like we're in store for some pretty similar today. more sunshine even warmer today, yeah, repeating a lot of what we had yesterday. temperatures well into the low 80's for even more in the bay area. so for those of you in solano county, walnut creek, you're joining the 80's club today. looking outside this morning, we have clear skies. this is jose about to see a nice sunrise with crystal clear conditions overhead. not really talking much fog this morning. another pleasant start cool this morning for the morning jog.
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then this afternoon find that cool shaded space to sit down and hey, enjoy another warm one. temperatures in the 40's to 50's right now. alameda. 55 degrees. hayward, a mild 56 degrees to kick off the morning later on today. as i mentioned, back into the low 80's inland, upper 70's along the bay, right? all right, john, thank you for that off to a great start this morning. traveling on our bridges. no accidents, no hazards. there are other meteor lights are on. so that slowing you down? definitely still under 13 minutes to make that right. summit hill bridge 40 minutes, a 80 to 101. your richmond center fell bridge around 8 minutes. and let's get a look at the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minute morning ride. all right. let's begin with breaking news overnight. the oakland police department is investigating a deadly shooting. >> that involved an officer and now the shooting happened just before 9.30, last night was on 16th street. police department says the sacramento police was in oakland investigating a homicide when they asked opd to help them
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arrest a suspect. the oakland police say that suspect came from inside a home with a gun. >> and officers ended up shooting and killing that person. no officers were injured. the officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave while the investigation is ongoing. 601, on the clock and pro-palestinian demonstrators were back in south san francisco after a man. >> attack them last week. video shows the man physically and verbally assaulting members of the group called change s f kron four's. dan thorn has more. the man in that video was arrested by south san francisco police and charged with battery and hate speech. >> organizers for change ssf say facing that kind of vitriol was unfair and unacceptable because they're simply calling for peace and an end to the war in gaza. and they're rallies are not going to end until this war is over. >> all hateful messages
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targeting pro-palestinian protesters last week in south san francisco races. a 57 year-old man was caught on camera bumping hurling insults and even spitting and i don't think being anti genocide. antiwar but apparently >> educated by our messaging. change ssf and see a 15 for palestine rallied in the same spot where the incident happened wednesday evening for weeks. they've been demanding a cease-fire resolution in south city. >> out of fear of the return of any bad actors, organizers asked for children to be kept at my son does wish that he could out here with us. >> this is a very important cause along with other people like paul following last week's violence doxing. he's also been a concern for the group. >> so kron 4 was asked to not share the names of any ralliers. but the
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demonstrators are also not staying silent, waving palestinian flags and getting the attention of drivers along el camino. change. ssf says they will not be deterred from their mission by men like everywhere. there's always going to be bad actors, whatever whatever case you're advocating for. i think that this is a matter of human rights and >> i think if you're advocating against preservation of human life, you take a good look at yourself. >> these demonstrations were not supposed to be a weekly thing. but after last week's attack, the group says they felt compelled to carry on and they're planning on having another rally next week at the civic campus here in south san francisco in south san francisco. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> it's 604 and alameda county district attorney pamela price says her office is working on filing charges against the protesters. >> who blocked 8.80 on monday.
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in a statement kron 4, the da says that her office is working with the chp. >> to process all of the evidence and information. and she goes on to say, quote, while my office supports the essential right to protest, it's important to note that public safety should never be compromised in exercising the first amendment right of free speech, guaranteed under the constitution. meantime, san francisco da brooke jenkins is reaching out to anyone who may have been impacted by the pro-palestine protest on the golden gate bridge saying that anybody who was trapped on the bridge that day should contact the chp in moran. >> well, google says it has fired 28 of its employees who protested at the company's offices across the country on tuesday. one of those protests happened just outside the offices of google in sunnyvale. we have video that demonstrators are demanding the company cut ties with israel. police arrested 5 of those demonstrators, including some google employees who they
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say refused to leave a google spokesperson says physically impeding other employees work and preventing access to facilities is a clear violation, a company policies. and that's why they were let go. meantime, a new report says the company is planning more layoffs. a spokesperson for the mount view based company told reuters the layoffs are part of an effort now to cut costs. there's still no word on the number of employees that are going to be let go. but this latest round of layoffs follows job cuts made earlier this year. the company laid off about 1000 employees. >> time now 605. and today in the south bay janitors and san jose will rally. they want better working conditions this has 25,000 janitors all across the state are planning to authorize a strike. their contracts are set to expire at the end of the month. here's video from a previous rally that happened in june of last year. the union representing the janitor says that they're fighting 2 and abusive workloads that have caused injuries. they say to a 3rd of
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in the last year and they also want better wages. that rally is set for 11 o'clock this morning in front of the adobe headquarters on park avenue in san jose. it's been one month now since a family of 4 was tragically killed while waiting at a west portal bus stop in san francisco in last night. the san francisco police held a traffic safety operation staying in that area. officers were stationed on you and will streets near west portal avenue. and in 90 minutes they handed out. 22 citations and 5 warnings. the assistant police chief says that since that fatal accident that killed the entire family of 4. the community has been very vocal about wanting to see changes made to enhance traffic safety for pedestrians. and they say the police agrees agree with that and they are offering as well tips to pedestrians. let's say for the whole city has a pedestrian walking around. you just have to be really aware of your surroundings for a lot
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of reasons, you know, to prevent crime, but also in terms of traffic safety. >> really making sure you're looking both ways a few times before you cross make eye contact with drivers, putting your hands up to just be seen and be safe. >> there are and you can ,ee there was a driver that received a citation for failing to yield to pedestrian. she was very pleased with place police the way police conducted this staying. but she said that you know, understands there's a lot going on at that intersection and thinks that may be clear a cross walk or another stop sign might help in that case. >> starting today, the pacifica pier is going to be closed for 2 days. crews are going to be looking at the structure of the pier to see if it's if the pair could be fully reopened. we know the sections of it were damaged by large waves back in december. that pier partially reopened february. but then engineers determined that half appear wasn't safe for visitors. >> it's 608. and right now the city of san francisco is
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holding a ceremony to remember 118 years since the devastating 19. 0, 6 crowd. you can see the footage from the day that that fire ripped through san francisco. more than 3,000 people died more than 200,000 people were left without a home. and every year we mark the occasion, a lot of fountain and kron four's. michael thomas is live there in san francisco. >> with more on what's going on. hi, michael. with together. >> hey, good morning, everyone. i'm actually at 20th and church near dolores park at the fire hydrant a step of the way. so you can see we did have over to a lot of earlier this morning. but right now they are straying that one and only golden fire hydrant. now, earlier this morning, everything started at around probably i would say for 45 or so. and again, this marks the 118 year anniversary since the big one when san francisco experience earthquake and fire this year's wreath-laying ceremony at lot of stuff near market street to downtown. it
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was dedicated to the memory senator dianne feinstein, san francisco flores, lot the reef maker, larry, who and there were numerous differsnt individuals there in attendance when it comes to officials former mayor willie london breed is currently overseas in china. there's also fire chief mickelson police william scott and the master of ceremonies every year. bob, scarlet and you can you see here this morning, i'm alive. there are now springing up fire hydrants. so coming up in the next hour of 7 o'clock, we'll bring you some more visuals of what it looked like. lot of stuff this morning. and of hears from some of those speakers and ns who have been here all their life and say that they come to these events every year because they're very special story and joins us in that's pretty every year. thank you, michael. i know. and like. >> every year we well, it most years we've had survivors. yeah, 118 years ago, you know that they would have people
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who are 101. and yeah, we're little kids. they were to 3 years about 3 years ago. the last survivor was there. but has passed since a long time. alright, 6.10, right now and we'll be back with more in just a few minutes. a family in oakland doesn't have a home because of a lithium battery. >> that caught fire in their plus, an east bay youth baseball league is out $15,000 worth of equipment. now after thieves ransacked their storage containers will tell you what the league is doing to try keep the >> season for being canceled. and after the break, how this friendly video made by students in the south bay? well, they're hoping to stop the spread of stds. john. instead, we are looking at clear skies today. warm temperatures getting a look out that will come back. >> getting a look out there. your daytime highs. 82 for san jose oakland and that's after low to mid 70's. that's your forecast. >> and before you hit the road, you need to know how your morning commute going to
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go. we're off to a decent start this morning. checking
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(cat 1) friskies world! (cat 2) come on - let's explore! (cat 1) that's made with real salmon! (cat 2) look what i found - lil'soups! - for cats! (cat 1) there's the delicious taste of tuna we treasure! (cat 2) mmm... definitely coming back tomorrow. (vo) friskies. always more to explore.
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>> we are back. 6.14, is a time and here are 4 things to know. a man from the east bay has been charged now with the color manslaughter in connection with a hit run crash that killed a pedestrian in oakland back in 2022. prosecutors say they believe that jose perez was driving a stolen car when he hit a woman and didn't stop the call for help. san francisco police say 14 year-old has been charged now for setting this driverless car on fire in chinatown. police say crowd graffiti. the waymo car broke a window and threw fireworks into it. and that is what lit
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it on fire. well, speaking of driverless cars, a new bill brought to the state senate now looks to further regulate driverless cars. if passed, it would allow police to ticket the cars and it would let communities keep them out of areas of concern. petaluma police. they're investigating graffiti at kenilworth junior high school that threaten the school shooting. that what happened today? the department says there were no known credible threats to the school or staff and they are working with school staff right now on that investigation. >> it's 6.14, right now. and karl, the fog. >> is running for whoever's running the account. karl, the fog posted the reasons that karl should be the next mayor of san francisco. yet carl has proven his track record of reaching across the aisle. haha lab rating with people and bridges. also, karl claims to be a natural protector of
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harmful uv rays actually somebody next saying that they're not sure about voting for karl because sutro tower is actually the best communicator around. so i don't know if now sutro is going to run an opposing candidacy to carl would like have some of yeah. i was wondering if you are running today. >> behind a bus it says all it says is sweet. james. and i'm like, are you running for something? is a subliminal is james advertising sweet chains and sweep this week forecast chaves expecting the announcement. >> her looking out there, the golden gate bridge, which oftentimes is accompanied by a little karl. but not really a lot of it this morning. i think there's a lot of campaigning going high pressure. ridge built up in places, obviously been contributing to this pretty steady, warm forecast that we've been in the mid step. but there are signs that change coming up, especially into next week, cut off low will dip right into the west of us. now, what is going to
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do? well, it is going to contribute to a subtle cooldown, especially next week. today is our last day in the forecast seeing this many 80's in it. so if you've really enjoy the heat, today's the going to be this warm, it's not that be a big change is around the corner, but we're just getting a little bit more comfortable back down in the 70's tomorrow. a few clouds here and there it is going to be a partly cloudy to mostly sunny day tomorrow and saturday will also come along with some morning fog, followed by some afternoon sunshine. where are temperatures going to land today? well, as i mentioned, it's just as warm as yesterday, if not even warmer for a few spots 60's at the coastline. 70's for most of the bay shore and a fair share of low 80's for some of our inland spots, including the south bay san jose. 82 degrees today mid to upper 70's along the east bay shoreline. while danville, walnut creek conquered as well as antioch fairfield, pittsburgh, all up into the low 80's for your daytime highs. santa rosa, you'll get up to 78.
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tomorrow's temperatures will be a little bit cooler down into the mid 70's at the warmest take comfortable range as we move into the weekend. today's toasty tomorrow. just right. same on saturday. next week. we do cool down a little bit further dropping into the 60's at the warmest by tuesday and wednesday. all right, john, thank you for that. well, good in green is start this morning off as you're traveling across the bay this morning. >> the east bay all the way down to the south bay traffic is still fairly light. looks like highway for pretty much the only highway seeing start to pick up at this hour. traveling into the city, the meter lights. it was slowing down of the bay bridge. 13 minutes there. no accidents. san mateo bridge making great time. 15 minute ride. no major delays along richmond, sandra fell bridge or golden gate bridge as well. so 30 minutes in the south, they want to win. 85 to menlo park mall to 37 still making great time. so to 37 in the green. 24 minute ride. all right. james, back to you. thank you. reyna at 6.18, and oakland family wants to raise awareness about the
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signs faulty batteries. yeah. this comes after a lithium battery caught fire and has now left them without a home kron. 4 sarah stinson has more. >> suzy fetter and clark boyd described the traumatic moment when a fire started at their oakland home sunday afternoon. you're screaming for your partner about all there inside fire is just as you wouldn't believe that would knew. the couple says loud pops and smoke started coming fro% their garage. so boyd went to check it out. >> that's when like the rest of black smoke came. and boyd says he quickly saw it was his lithium battery that caught fire setter quickly called 9-1-1. but she says she was put on hold over 6 minutes. >> and i ended having to hang it so i could. >> call other people and other neighbors were around. and there are are 9, 1, as well that are then grabbed their 18 month-old baby and dog. her husband stayed behind to fight the fire. and got the garden
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hose from the backyard trying put the fire out. eventually firefighters arrived and put out the flames, a car inside the garage and the building. >> got heavily damaged. thankfully, no one got hurt, but the family and their 2 neighbors now without a home. it's just definitely over woman. and it's even hard process what we need to do at this time. boyd says he had a lot of flammable things in the garage. so this could have been a lot worse. we're all counting their blessings of this reflecting on the chaos of sunday. boyd wants to warn others about faulty lithium batteries. you have gotten better. do use that at all. you know, returning returning if they have a problem that, you know best to get your money back, if you do. >> take that loss taking a loss on the little gattered $100 battery. save you a going something possibly even somebody getting hurt? >> mean, i i know i get nervous if the batteries really gets really hot. one is charging the family says they bought that battery from a
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company called powder. usa are some pet dow and before it caught fire, they contacted the company about some charging issues they were having. so if you're having charging issues that might be another just signed to look for. >> well, over the last 20 years, health officials say the sexually transmitted infections have been on the rise, especially among teenagers in santa clara county. they're hoping to reverse that trend by raising awareness through viral videos created by teens. >> like guy on average home. >> well, a total of 104 students submitted entries to the santa clara county health department for its annual sti viral video contest. the goal is to raise awareness about st eyes and their treatments. >> we saw a lot of the psa is from like previous years and a lot of them are kind of are serious. and we thought that we did something with light hearted that it would be more impactful. >> well, having teen speak to other teens through videos
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like this is nothing new. the santa clara county health department has been sponsoring this sti viral video contest since 2014 and with st eyes on the upswing for the past 20 years, it's more important now than ever that the message gets out. i just i really get std song. >> a health officials in san francisco are working. they want to lower barriers to child health care. they want more kids to be able to get the help they need. the city has its wellchild fair in the portola neighborhood and that event wants to raise awareness about how to navigate the health care system. one resident came here with her 8 year-old child when she moved from the philippines and says found it helpful. she came back with the 2 other children. here >> the the make appointment to to see you. so it's more easy. easy for me because the help me to make an appointment and everything can and most of the doctor and the staff and then there's they. they help they
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helped me a lot. and there are so friendly. >> the next well, child fair is set for may 15th. 6.22. right now. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, an audit of the san jose police department will show what they found. there are a number of complaints against officers will take a closer look. and a proposed bill that could stop unwanted driverless cars from unwanted driverless cars from some neighborho
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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san francisco got more than 2 million dollars to help food insecurity. the money comes from the cow. recycle a program, a statewide initiative to combat food scarcity and that grant is going to help distribute food to nonprofits and food pantries. california attorney general rob bonta is set to hold a news conference this morning. oakland, he's going to be talking about efforts to solve california's housing crisis 9.30 this morning, it comes to sway news courtyard and he's hoping to hear some concerns from residents as well from the fruitvale transit village. and after that news conference, he will be doing a hard hat tour of kudos. fruitvale a planned cultural hub for the community, entrepreneurs and local businesses. >> 6.26 is the time in a new bill brought to the state senate. looks to further regulate driverless cars. so this bill aligns driverless vehicle restrictions with those of human driven vehicles. and that means local police could ticket the cars
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and communities could keep them out of certain areas of concern. driverless cars would also be subject to the same dmv requirements as any other vehicles. now, this bill had its first hearing yesterday. it could be more than a month, though, are more until it actually lands on the governor's desk. so we'll be tracking its movements through the legislature. we're going take a break now. 6.26. but up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a tiktok challenge spreading amongst bay area. teams now involving. >> fake but realistic-looking guns. why law enforcement says this trend could lead to a dangerous consequences.
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>> 6.29 right now and checking out the weather for you. it's going to get warmer today. it is. yeah. the sunshine was out in full force yesterday. looks like we've got more of the same today, john. yeah, few more 80's on the map today which is going to be the last time this forecast that we see them. so if you like that warm feel hopefully can get out there for a little bit. you look outside at downtown san francisco, crystal clear and take a look at this view at the sunrise from mount tam. just a beautiful start to the stay right now is the time to get out there. if you like the cooler field because it's clear and it's nice and crisp to kick things off. currently temperatures are in the 40's to 50's mild start. san jose at 58 degrees right now. alameda at 55. some 40's further up in the north bay. as for the rest of the day today, temperatures will rise pretty quickly. 70's to low 80's for your daytime highs right now. i don't think even that let traffic starting to build at the bay bridge. you see at the toll plaza.
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>> we have no accidents. no major issues. just the media are lights are on. last time we checked into it 13. drive times gone about 33 minutes there. to bridge just short of 60 to 101. the richmond sandra fell bridge is still at 13 minutes. golden gate bridge around 19 listed on those highways for you. good look at the bay area right now. you see mostly green highway 4 and then 80 as you're traveling to berkeley, things are starting to pick up just a bit for the most part. you're making some good time. all regions. back to you. thanks a lot. 6.30, right now. and we want to recap the breaking news from overnight that we're following, which was. >> oakland police involved in a deadly shooting. an officer was involved. the shooting happened around 9.30, last night on 16th street. the department says that the sacramento police department, they were in oakland investigating a homicide and asked the oakland police to help them arrest a suspect. now, opd says that suspect came from inside of a home. >> with a gun and officers shot and killed that person.
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no officers were injured. but the department says the officers involved are now on paid administrative leave as they investigate what happened. time now, 6.31 and there's a warning for you this morning about a game that's trending on social media and it could be dangerous here in the bay area. officials recently followed up on a concerned citizens reported about seeing a kid running through a neighborhood with a gun has kron four's theresa stasi reports the teenager admitted to playing a game called senior assassins. yeah. they just call that the assassin challenge. >> kron 4 news obtained the snapshots from a deputy's body worn camera of a replica gun recovered by marin county sheriffs on tuesday. a spokesperson says the deputies pulled over the team with friends after an uber driver have reported seeing what he thought was a teen running through a neighborhood holding a real weapon, according to their was something that they knew could be riskier. people could be concerned about. >> so they're trying to be smart about but running
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through residential neighborhoods and hiding behind is not really smart way to go about doing that. >> that's marin county deputy adam schumer horn. he says that the high school student told deputies he recently purchased the fagan online to participate in the senior assassins came. we're seniors teams and eliminate each other by tagging competitors with water, guns. >> although kids want to have fun that they want to do silly do things like that that many of us and that senior of her own this is something that definitely has some serious ramifications. >> last month after a teen was cited on a marine bike path with another fagan. principals at marin county high school sent out emails to parents warning them about the game. and consequences of getting caught. redwood high school doctor payne sent this out, quote, school consequences for participation in this game may include loss of privileges such as prom graduation ceremonies, athletics and
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other activities, end quote. martin county sheriff's office put on their social media site. the circumstances surrounding the teen and the realistic looking gun has a message for all. >> my hope is that parents will see this and have conversations with their be cognizant about the types items that they're leaving the house with for the purchasing in marin county, theresa kron. 4 news. >> well, several east bay school districts were on high alert yesterday after receiving a bomb threat. we first told you about here on the kron 4 morning news as breaking news. it was about 6 o'clock yesterday morning that the threat was emailed to the antioch unified school district. brentwood union, liberty union, mount diablo, unified and pittsburg unified school districts. it claimed that a bomb would go off unless russian prisoners were released from us jails. ultimately, the threat was found to be not credible. and i can if i did have increased security throughout the day, however, and we spoke to some parents who decided out of caution just to pick their kids up early.
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>> he didn't only if a real, not. >> were used gear. >> i want. >> a little scared. >> well, the assistant superintendent with the liberty union high school district says that the threat was actually sent to schools all across the state. but no specific school was mentioned. >> in the north, a petaluma police are investigating graffiti that was found at kenilworth junior high. it threatened a school shooting that what happened today? the department says there were no known credible threats. they investigated and they are working with the school staff. now to make sure that things are safe for the kids. >> 3 people now facing charges in connection with the shooting deaths of 2 teenagers in napa. 22 year-old john nicholson, junior and 2 teen girls have been arrested. now for that saturday night shooting. investigators say nicholson pleaded not guilty to several charges, including murder. they say the 2 girls arrested from santa rosa were in the car with him during that shooting and could face
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charges as accomplices. in the south bay. 4 people now charged with murder after an 18 month-old baby overdosed in san jose. so among those 4 people or the baby's parents, derek radio and kelly richardson are the first in santa clara county's history to be charged with murdering their own child with drugs. this is video when they appeared in court back in november. investigators say the parents wanted or waited more than 12 hours before they called 9-1-1. to report that their daughter had died. they say the 2 additional people being charged provided a steady supply of opioids and evidence shows that all 4 defendants used drugs in the same room as the child. >> in the south bay and newly released audit of the san jose police department shows more than 360 complaints against officers in 2023. and nearly 250 of those complaints involve police misconduct in one complaint, an officer is accused of using excessive
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force during an arrest when asked by the suspect why he was being detained. the officer, according to the report, said, quote, we just decided to stop a black man for no reason, ok, end quote, a review of that incident found that the officers use of force was within police policy. but that additional training was needed to avoid bias based policing in 2 other cases, citizens complained the during a traffic stop and officer asked, quote, are there any dead babies in the car, end quote, upon further investigation. one officer said that this was an example of shock talk meant to catch a listener off guard and cause a greater likelihood of them speaking the truth. the audit recommends the department strongly discourage that type of tactic. >> in the east bay, a man has been charged with vehicular manslaughter connection with a hit and run crash that killed
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a pedestrian in oakland back in 2022, the alameda county district attorney's office says that amelia martinez, was walking on international boulevard when she was struck by that car. prosecutors say they believe that jose perez was driving a stolen vehicle when he hit the woman and didn't stop for help. perez is still are set to be arraigned next thursday. convicted, he could face up to 6 years in state prison. >> time now 6.37, and a youth baseball league is out $15,000 because thieves stole a bunch of equipment and did some vandalism. other sports complex in concord mass. and now the league season is in full swing. organizers tell kron four's philippe gaulle that the theft obviously is a crushing blow to them. >> northrup and his brother anthony's kids have grown out of the junior optimist baseball league. but both still helped run the nonprofit in concord because they care help out its kids marks serves as board president anthony is
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the facility's director and he's the one who discovered their sports complex that encompasses lt baseball and softball fields was burglarized over the weekend. we hit a roadblock saturday night. they literally snapped the padlocks. the northrop say thieves broke through the bars and locks to at least 4 of their comics boxes, which stores the heavy equipment used to maintain the field. stormy in the fall. we keep our generators and we came to large atv among the items reported stolen to the contra costa county office the sheriff were in a tv utility trailer generators, water pumps to keep feels dry. road tools and batteries were down about. >> estimate $15,000 and given our budget. that's along long way to go for a nonprofit organization already struggling with low funding. there's no doubt about it. this is a major setback. had a covid issue. so. >> we'll have a lot. i mean,
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tell you about 4 or $5,000 in our cap. online fundraiser has been established to help replace what was lost and the northrop's are grateful for that. the organization is run by all volunteers and they are committed to preventing this burglary. >> from impacting play, the kids are going to play because that's what we're here for their people. the community, i don't have kids playing jail that are donating to these children. thank you. to the criminals. you that word. you stole it from children in need. just remember that the league is working with businesses nearby to track down surveillance video that may result in any leads in concord, philippe, to go >> it's six-forty and repairs are underway at raimondi park in west oakland city leaders just approved an ordinance first reading and this ordinance would allow ballers the oakland ballers team to play at the park this season. the ballers agreed to spend
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1.6 million dollars to improve raimondi park and they plan to host 48 home games there. we've got a chance to talk to the team executives about what's next. >> that means that our our, you know, our plan for improvements to the park to the deal. fencing netting installation of a video scoreboard. you know, field improvement adding seats that that all can you know, it officially is going forward for us. a lot of it is, you know, we're taking a step forward. we're turning in chapter for baseball and open. but we also want to pay tribute to opens beautiful history with baseball. >> a final reading of the ordinance and a vote by the city council is supposed to happen on april 30th. and if it gets the go ahead, the ballers first home game is set for june 4th. >> we're going to take a break. 6.41 still ahead on the kron. 4 morning news. why some state officials say that some of california's favorite snacks may be worse for your health than you think. and after the break, late
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thompson's future with the dubs. now a major focus in the offseason as he prepares to become an unrestricted free become an unrestricted free agent this summer.
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(hamlet) it's beggin'! smoky beggin'... meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you... (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! and try new beggin' flavor stix. (hamlet) stix! >> 6.43 right now. and here are 4 things you need to know. the oakland police are investigating a deadly shooting that involved an officer that happened around 9.30 last night on 16th street. the sacramento police. we're here in oakland. they are investigating a homicide and they asked the opd to help the rest. a suspect. the
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police say that the suspect came from a came outside with a gun and officers end up shooting and killing that person. it's been one month now since a family of 4 was struck and killed at a west portal bus stop in san francisco. and officers did a staying in that area yesterday and then you just 90 minutes to hand out. 22 citations and 5 warnings for dangerous driving. google has fired 28 employees who protested outside the company's offices in sunnyvale on tuesday. a spokesperson for google says physically impending other employees work in preventing them from accessing facilities. it is a clear violation of company policies. starting today. the pacifica pier is going to be closed for 2 days while crews look at the structure of the pier and figure out if they need to be concerned if they can reopen at sections of the pier were damaged by big waves that hit
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december. >> well, no worry of any big waves right now. looks like the weather pretty calm for the foreseeable future. you might want to even like cool off in the water. i mean, that would be pretty extreme, but it's going to warm today, john, right? it's one of those dip your toes. is yeah, because i'm not going all the way. that's for sure. here's half moon bay right here. it is a little on the foggy side this morning. that fog does burn off later today. >> helping bay, you're actually going to be a touch cooler than yesterday. get you in the 60's today where he's yesterday. got up to the low 70's. a lot of the rest of us, though, are going to be just as warm if not a touch warmer, the high pressure ridge still the dominating force in this forecast looking into next week, though, this low cuts up from the jet stream and the cut off low sits right to the west of us into the middle of next week. this is going to change things up just a little bit with a gradual and subtle cooldown in the days to come. that means today is our last day of low 80's will have a few clouds here and there. but overall, a clear day than
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yesterday. tomorrow is going to be a nice, clear day as well. just generally a little bit cooler by that. i mean, upper 60's to mid 70's kind of a sweet spot for the weekend. if you really enjoyed that warm feel today is a good chance to enjoy it again. 60's to 70's in the city 60's at the coast and then 70's to low 80's elsewhere. today is the last day that we're soing to see 80's on this map. so for the south bay, if you like that low, 80 degree field again, get out there today. catch some sunshine. enjoy it. fremont and livermore, upper 70's while danville up to conquer. joining the low 80's today opened up to richmond each at 74 few spots in solano county. also hitting 80 degrees for your daytime highs. tomorrow's temperatures will cool down just a little bit. mid 70's into the weekend. a little spike in temperatures early next week before cooling into the 60's by tuesday, right? all right, john, thank you for that. second all that we can where traffic is moving, they're pretty nicely. >> off to a great start. just under 13 minutes as you're making your way all the way down to 5.80. is a traveling
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from walnut creek. they reject looks like we do have a small traffic collision right by the toll plaza already moving those vehicles to the right hand shoulder. but that's why drive times went up. so we're at 25 minutes. last time we checked in, we were still at around 19 there. keep that in mind. minor traffic collision minute ride along 101. that's not my 3 minutes up to 80 82. you still nice and light not see major delays but have a 4 year picking up already 30 minute ride. come to congress to 42 and southbound 6.80, doubling down to fremont around 19 minutes. darya. james, back to thanks. reyna 6.47. for your money after california's fast food minimum wage was bumped up to $20 an hour. >> prices have already gone up. >> at restaurants, this is according to a study just done by the. >> kellan now, ski equity research from the biggest increase between april. first in now is wendy's prices at wendy's are up 8%. she pulled. the prices are up 7 and a half
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percent. starbucks prices are up 7% and taco bell and burger king are up 3, 2%, respectively. mcdonald's prices actually didn't go up at least on this study despite franchise group saying that hikes were coming. the wage increase from 16 to $20 an hour for fast food workers. he's apparently they say can cause teach mcdonald's about $250,000. >> well, some of your favorite snacks like hot cheetos, gator aid pop arts. they could be at risk of being banned because of their ingredients. now california one of 5 states proposing laws that prohibit the use of a certain ingredient and color additive. now that in some cases helps preserve the food that we eat. but we also know that it's been linked now to health issues, too, including cancer. so advocates want the production companies to, at the very least find alternative. ingredients for these synthetic dyes, which could change up the recipe slightly. one of the
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ingredients is brominated vegetable oil and that's been one that the fda has already proposed banning. it used to be in a lot of sodas and sports drinks. few contain it. now and red dye number 3, which gives foods and drinks that bright red cherry color. we spoke to a nutritionist about these proposed changes. take a listen. >> so if europe can do it, we certainly can, too. but it does take more money and it takes really this dedication to saying we're not going to allow for this low quality stuff to keep entering into our systems. >> but researchers say the diets have been linked to cancer hyperactivity and behavioral issues in some children. critics say these laws undermine the authority of the fda and confuse and it's still a lack of confidence in consumers when with companies have to follow strict guidance already. >> 6.50, right now. and let's talk warriors who are done as years, you know, for the
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season licking their wounds because that they lost to the kings. yeah. so that's what went down in sacramento. and now people are wondering what's going to happen with klay thompson because he said to be coming under strict id free agent. >> come this for sports. director jason dumas has more. >> the warriors season came to a sobering and on tuesday night, it wasn't the last that was so bad, but it was more the manner in which they lost the kings just bullied. the dove at will push them around. they looked like the tougher team. the more athletic team and obviously the better team. it made many question whether the dubs can ever win again with the big 3 as their core. that's a topic for another day. what is relevant right now is the future of klay thompson. he will be an unrestricted free agent this summer. and although both sides would like to see the partnership continue, it is never know. once folks start talking money, clay says he still dealing with the emotions of this season. but what is most important to him is winning another rain.
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>> really haven't thought about that deep in the future because i still need to process. the year we had and it was. one filled with ups and downs. ultimately we firstly and our team did everything we could to try and win as many games we possibly could. when you've been a part of winning seasons, don't really want to go away from that. would like to win again. one for the thumb will be nice. so think it's a reach. just going to take huge for other than that. i think about that. what really make you happy in the last, you know, few years, your goals. today we'll hear from warriors head coach steve kerr and general manager mike dunn leaving other news. >> the giants a's both got ones that you look at sports. >> haha. >> and in the midst of it all, a special moment for steph curry or warriors legend chris mullin presented steph with
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his team, usa he'll be number 4 for team >> you know, this is from the epic dream. >> team, a squad that mueller's on along with jordan and bird magic. they won the gold in barcelona. that was back in 1992. >> steve kerr is going to coach the olympic squad this year about that. yeah. and with all his success, it's hard to believe curry's never play in the olympics. one yeah. so many, you know, well, because he's always been in the playoffs. anything about that structure and for prioritizing his family crest and all that. now he's trying to add that gold medal. >> to his amazing list of accomplishments. that's is sure is. >> all right. also former warrior is joining a curry on team usa. its kevin durant. you can see there and lebron james and also fellow laker anthony davis. they're all going to be on team usa kawhi leonard. we'll be on as well.
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and they're joined by all the younger nba joel mb devin booker, jason tatum. the americans will enter the olympics. the favorite. to win the gold. should be. that all right. 6.53 is the time we're going. take a break. >> coming up in the next hour of the crop or morning news. google employees are laid off after their decision to protest outside company offices. more
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>> 6.56 right now and a low rider cruise is planned as a tribute to celina ken tiny, a the queen of tejano music.
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this is planned for san francisco's mission district on saturday. the late singer fashion. >> and mexican american icon. >> was murdered at the age of 23 and she would have celebrated her 53rd birthday on april. 16th, the san francisco low rider council is going to hold the cruise along mission street as a tribute to her life and legacy for more information, go to kron 4 dot com. >> well, coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news, a homicide suspect shot and killed by police in oakland will have the latest in that investigation. plus, a family in oakland is without a home now after a lithium battery catches fire in their garage will tell you why they struggle to get firefighters ri
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on the kron 4 morning news. a homicide suspect shot and killed by police in oakland. plus, as protesters continue calling for an end to the war in gaza, one group is confronted with hate speech. and reports of yet another round of job cuts at google after the company laid off nearly 1000 workers earlier this year. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> we hope you're having a good thursday so far. i'm daria and i'm james and weather-wise. it's a fantastic thursday to start. we've got clear skies. sun is up. yeah, i think we're going to continue on that trend. i john, it looks like it. today is the last day of low 80's, but that's not to say the rest of the forecast will


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