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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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>> new at 10. what's next for the protesters arrested for taking over bay area freeways as more protesters target companies today that they say are aiding israel. a south bay district attorney's change of heart. why he says he's working on re-sentencing inmates on death row. the season is over for the
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warriors. losing to the kings. just minutes ago, we are live in sacramento. when fun time from the bay area's local news station. >> you're watching kron. 4 news. >> 10, good evening. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. boy, we sure hope for a different outcome. but the season is over tonight for the dubs. the team losing to the kings in a play-in game in sacramento. tonight, the dads they really needed to win this one to move on to the next round of playoffs. but the final score, one 18 to 94 our conference. jason dumas, they'll be joining us live from the golden one center just a little later on in the show. tonight, a protest continue today across the bay area over the ongoing war in the middle east. these demonstrators blocked entrances to a weapons manufacturer. general dynamics
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in sonoma county. the group claims that the company builds ammunition for israel. and sonny bill protesters gathered outside the google headquarters. they called on google to stop doing business with israel because according to protesters, israel is committing a genocide. they say in gaza, sunnyvale, police say about 80 people gathered outside google starting at about 10, 30 this morning. well, most of them left around lunchtime. 5 of the protesters remained and about 6.30, police eventually arrested them for trespassing. >> yesterdays protest at the tesla factory in fremont turned confrontational with police having to fire pepper pellets at demonstrators when some of them started taking
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down barriers. but from a police say they did not make any arrests. there. and take a look at this. a highway patrol releasing this video of protesters who had their arms stuck in gallons of concrete while protesting and stopping traffic on the nimitz freeway in oakland. the chp says this is part of the reason it took so long to clear those protesters from the freeway yesterday morning. so far, there is no word on any charges that those protesters could be facing. meantime, in san francisco, the district attorney says her office is releasing the protesters who are arrested after blocking the golden gate bridge card for his grant. lodes joins us now live from the newsroom with why they're being released despite being charged grand. well, san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins says prosecutors, let's have clear evidence to charge all 26 people arrested and she says they do not have that yet. >> the pro-palestinian protesters took over the iconic bridge around 8 o'clock yesterday morning. they used
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pipes, chains and locks making it really tough for law enforcement to clear the scene. the northbound and southbound lanes of the bridge were shut down for nearly 4 hours. jenkins says even though they're not charged right now, this is still very active investigation. you may recall 5 months ago, 78 out of 80 people charged in the bay bridge protest made a deal approved by the sentencing judge. each test to perform 5 hours of community service and the group collectively has to pay a little more than $4,000 in restitution to avoid criminal charges. there. jenkini says if any of those protesters were involved in yesterday's issue on the bridge, they can go after them again. we'll keep you posted. reporting in the newsroom. i'm grant lotus can pick it. back to you. all right, grant, thank you. new at 10 tonight. police are investigating after a body of a man was found washed ashore at the berkeley marina. >> they say the body was found last saturday they believe it
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belonged to a man in his 50's skaters are looking into whether or not the death is of that man is suspicious or not. >> 2 people are hurt after getting shot tonight in san francisco's hunters point neighborhood. police say it happened just before 7 o'clock tonight. plow avenue in griffith street. they say the victims were rushed to the hospital. one of them did have major injuries. the the other one with minor injuries. but anyone with information about the shootings is being asked to call san francisco police. >> san francisco sheriff's department says the lockdown at one of its jails in the city is ending tomorrow. this comes as 2 jails were locked down after a number of inmate attacks on deputies and staff members. police say the other jail in san bruno will reopen later this week after 9 members of their jail staff or assaulted by inmates. california has not executed an inmate since 2006. but right now. >> 15 people are on death row in santa clara county. but
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this could all change now that the county's district attorney says he wants to re-sentenced those inmates to life without parole. andres jack molmud talked with the district attorney about his change of heart. >> santa clara county district attorney went public with his change of heart regarding the death penalty several weeks ago. but now we're here for faith leaders who say that they're supportive of the district attorney's decision to move on from the death penalty. and his efforts are now to move the 15 people currently on death row in santa clara county and have committed to life without parole. but over time, my thinking has. >> change. it's a new perspective on justice for a long time district attorney who spent a decade prosecuting rape and murder cases in santa clara county. jeff rosen says he no longer thinks the death penalty is justified. adding well, california hasn't executed anyone since 2006 and governor gavin newsom put a moratorium on it in 2018. santa clara county still has
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15 inmates on death row. >> racism and other kinds of biases have deeply affected our country since its founding. his goal now is to ask that all 15 of these individuals have their sentences changed from death to life without the possibility of parole and for a local faith leaders such as san jose bishop oscar cantu. this is a progressive step are we a throwaway culture? where can simply throw away >> individuals bishop can't who recently went to alabama where he met with other bishops who support getting rid of the death penalty. yes, we do want justice to be served. >> but we also don't want to play god either. my hope is that this will help too. and a lot of the litigation around the death penalty. meantime, da rosen says he's spoken with many of the victims families in related cases, some support his efforts. >> others not so much, but for rosen justices still served as best. it can with some of the
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worst criminal offenders spending the rest of their lives behind bars while at the same time. >> trying to strengthen and make our justice system more fair. and the district attorney says that it's hard to tell how easy or difficult it will be because each of these cases for the 15 people currently sitting on death row will be taken individually. so the process will take months. the district attorney tells me the first case for that first inmate on death row. it set for about 2 months from now. for now, we're in san jose. jackie moment. kron 4 news. so today we are here asking for what's right is for the board of supervisors to give us a special election in the next couple of months. >> and not have us wait until november. > leaders behind the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price showed up at the board of supervisors meeting in oakland today with enough signatures to push that recall through yesterday, the registrar of voter's validated. almost
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75,000 signatures. now that the group has the signatures, it's up to the board to set a date for the election. the recall effort, the next board of supervisors meeting is on april. 30th while opponents of da they're excited. the recall election may still never even happened. price's attorney claims it's illegal for talks with an attorney who says registrar of voters is picking and choosing which rules to follow. and if they don't abandon the recall, a lawsuit could be next. it's a writ of mandate against the county. >> asking the court to tell the county that it cannot move forward with election because it violates the county charter. >> if the board moves forward, it's likely district attorney pamela price will sue the county. well, not a bad day around the bay area today. how about tomorrow? let's check out your wake-up weather forecast. get you going in the morning. starting out with a couple of patches of fog, very similar to what we had today.
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a patchy fog early on. temperatures going to be in the upper 40's low 50's at 06:00am things getting brighter, though as we head in toward the 08:00am. you can see a little more sunshine. temperatures going pop a little bit more. 15 60's around the bay area. but by 10 o'clock. yeah, i think the sun is really going to break through that fog retreating to the coastline. skies becoming mostly sunny of a couple high clouds. but even by 10:00am some of the temperatures in the valleys. almost 70 degrees. morning weather coming up few minutes. >> as it is sad and they little girls should not. this should not happen to them. >> still ahead, a north bay community coming together after 2 teenage girls are killed in napa who police say the killers are. the search for the thief who po
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>> new at 10 detectives in san pablo say they've identified the body of a woman who was found back in september in the oakland estuary. yeah. they believe she was killed by her son in law. they say that the body belongs to cute ran. police have been looking for her and her daughter foley since they went missing in september last fuchs vo was arrested and investigators say that vo called police and told them but the women took off in a car after an argument. but police later found that car in oakland and vote was seen driving it. police say they gather more evidence and believed the man was involved in the death of both the woman, women rather and their disappearance. the body of foley has not been found.
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police in napa have arrested 3 people in connection to the killings of 2 teenage girls. police say john nicholson, junior of allay is being charged with 2 counts of murder. jessica whitton judith 8 off both of santa rosa have been charged with 18 in a felony. the arrest and charge is getting the attention of those visiting the growing memorial for the 17 19 year-old. i think it's pretty impressive that they were able to. >> you know, the shooter and then over in sonoma, you know, catch the 2 accomplices were with him. so hopefully just doesn't go on any further. >> although there have been arrests made a police are still looking for witnesses of the shooting there, looking for them to come forward >> court documents are revealing new information tonight about a former youth pastor in san jose charged with committing crimes against young women. brett franklin by master is being charged with 6 counts of lewd acts to a girl
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from the time she was 8 until she was 13. he worked as the youth group director and pastor at the river church community in san jose in a report filed by the santa clara district attorney's office youth group members claim by master groomed teenagers took showers with minors on field trips and groped girls. in a statement kron 4 by masters lawyer denies the allegations. he says, quote, well, mister by master worked at the river, he ministered on the christian ideas of health, all of these lessons for voluntary and were part of a larger curriculum that was approved by the river, including a number of parents on the board in 2019 by master left the church and began working at healing grove health center. that's a faith-based clinic in san jose. the health center has placed by master on administrative leave by master was arrested last week and booked into jail. his bail is currently senate $400,000. he said to be in court friday. >> a mail carrier with usps
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was robbed and attacked in union city over the weekend happened on region. some boulevard police are working with postal police to find the attacker even offering a reward to the public kron sarah stinson joins us now live in union city with details. sarah. >> yeah, mail carrier was robbed and assaulted at gunpoint. this happening in the middle of the afternoon here in union city. a postal key was also stolen. i spoke with a postal inspector who tells me this could result in mail being stolen from people who live in that neighborhood where the robbery took place. >> they did physically assault the letter carrier. so this is for us a very high priority investigation. another u.s. postal service mail carrier attacked on the job. >> this time the postal employee was assaulted and robbed at gunpoint in union city. it happened around 2 saturday afternoon on granada way off regions boulev%rd.
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union city police responded in say the mail carrier was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. postal police are working around the clock to identify and find the attacker. usps has put out $150,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people involved. that safety of letter carriers is our number one concern. jeff fitch is a postal inspector. he says people who live in this union city neighborhood should be on high alert if they see you know. >> 3, 4, weeks, credit card statements or bank statements where there's transaction they did not make. contact u.s. or contact union city police department because that could be the individuals rob the carrier fitch says in the last 4 years, usps has seen an uptick in mail carrier robberies. it's been all over the bay area. we hae robberies in san francisco. we've had properties here oakland. >> berkeley. that number of
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different cities. and we've also been seeing this across the country just last month. kron 4 reported on postal worker being robbed in oakland. investigators shared this photo of the suspect who they're still searching for. there's a $150,000 reward offered in this case as well. anybody has information that any of these robberies that we publicized contact us at the 24 hour number, the 877-876-2455. >> if the person or people involved in this robbery are caught and convicted, they could face up to 35 years in prison facing 2 federal felonies is stealing that postal key and assaulting a postal worker. i'm sara stinson reporting live in union city. >> back sarah. thank hearing for convicted killer scott peterson was held this morning in redwood city. peterson appeared in a san mateo county courtroom through video
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conference. this was the first of 3 hearings have been set as his new defense team tries to get him a new trial. attorneys from the la innocence project have submitted more than 1500 pages of legal documents requesting evidence and information for his case. the innocence project is also looking to retest evidence found near the peterson home around the time of his wife, laci peterson's disappearance. >> say that those materials are tested for dna and laci peterson's dna on some of those materials that to would give rise for a good basis for a motion for a new tron. >> the next hearing in the case is set for may 29th and another one on july. 15th. governor newsom in marin county today talking about criminal justice and prison reform as part today's agreement with the country of norway. the governor spent time with the norwegian delegation at san quentin
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discussing the changes being made at the prison in part based on prison system. he also signed a climate partnership with norway. the climate partnership is part of a framework for collaboration between california, norway to support climate action and to help grow both nations economies. well, speaking of the climate, let's see how the climate looks outside right now at sfo. it's been a pretty nice little pattern settling and no one better to talk about the climate than our climatologist >> weather guy all around. good guy, thank you very much, guys. everybody is happy now, right? the weather's been looking good. the sun. he's been shining. the temperatures warmed up today. i think that's exactly where we're headed over the next couple days. some warmer weather settling into the bay area and a big dome of high pressure. just kind of sit in here, bringing in lots of sunshine, starting to see a little haze forming out toward the golden gate bridge in the couple patches of fog likely to form a move to the golden gate overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. but well,
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other than that, we just got a couple high clouds up above a plenty of sunshine coming your way. temperatures get cooler spots right now. it's down to 53 degrees in santa rosa. still very mild. 64 in concord. it is 62 degrees in livermore. 64 in san jose. 57 now and oakland cool off in san francisco with that sea breeze and a temperature of 56 degrees. so yeah, not a bad day around the bay area. lots of sunshine. a few high clouds drifting have from time to time. we'll see more of that as we head into the next couple days. but really some nice weather, in fact, probably going to reached the max tomorrow. they watched as temperatures begin to cool off a little bit, maybe by a degree or 2 as we head into thursday and cooler temperatures into the weekend. but now he's got a little bit of sea breeze kicking in right now. that breeze carry with it. some fog overnight tonight in the sum of the parts of the bay, of course, along the coastline, the point just a thin layer and then it's going to scoot out of town. leave behind lots of sunshine. so, yeah, here's the big story. high-pressure trying to build in that ridge building in go to bring a lots of sunshine for tomorrow. a little more of a northerly component again to
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the winds. and that means you3re not going to see a big, huge fog bank, but you'll just see some patchy fog to start your day. then a few high clouds start to cruise overhead once again. so another nice day coming our way. a little bit warmer around the bay area again for tomorrow. sneaking up maybe in the low 80's in some spots inland. that's pretty forecast models overnight tonight show a few of those high clouds kind of moving on through and a couple of patches of fog forming down below. so noontime just going outside for lunch. you're likely see a couple passing clouds up above it. really warm temperatures by lunchtime should be a beautiful day. in fact, check out some of the numbers. how about this? 80 degrees. warm sunshine in the san jose about 74. some high clouds and sun in oakland and some fog along the coastline about 69 degrees in san francisco. all right, lawrence. >> police in the south bay say they are increasing patrols places of worship and what pilots from american airlines are warning about that they say could affect safety on flights. a union representing
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american airlines pilots is warning of a surge in safety issues at the airline. the union says that includes fewer aircraft inspections and collisions between planes being tugged or towed at airports. >> we're saying that the space between air in incident is narrowing its safe. but the things that we have, the person now, the process is the discipline to trap those errors and prevent this from happening are starting to run thin. >> american airlines says it has an industry leading safety
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management system and that it's in regular contact with safety regulators. the faa would not comment on the union's allegations. elon musk is planning to charge new x users, a small fee to post on the social media site. not clear exactly how much that charge is going to be or when it will start. musk says he is charging new users to help combat ai bots and spam accounts. he says new accounts will be able to post without paying a fee after 3 months. the double in prison is closing white advocates prisoners are against the reasons why the prison reasons why the prison >> was closed.
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higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪
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>> now at 10, 30 chaos and confusion. that's what one advocate says is happening at the all-women prison in dublin. this comes after federal officials announced they were closing the prison following a years long abuse scandal. >> on relieved reports emily shapiro has been a volunteer advocate for the california coalition for women prisoners for 8 years and has been visiting inmates at federal correctional institution. dublin. >> for the past 2 years, she's concerned by the abrupt announcement, but the troubled facility is closing their way. that it's happening is a bad thing. just weeks after a u.s. district judge ordered the appointment of a special master to oversee women prison in the east bay federal bureau of prisons director collect peters says the facility will be shuttered. one plagued by rampant abuse and poor living conditions. the fact that the b o p of the 19 that the
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prison is close doesn't feel like they're admitting their culpability in harming people inside. >> i feel what's happening is there to me. i believe essentially trying silence and disappear. the people who really put a lot on the line to call out the abusive abuses effort. in a statement, peters says, quote, over the past several years at fci, dublin, the fb o p has taken unprecedented steps and provided a tremendous amount of resources. >> to address culture, recruitment and retention aging infrastructure and most critical employee misconduct. >> despite these steps and resources, we have determined that fci, dublin is not meeting expected standards and that the best course of action is to close the facility. this decision is being made after
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ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of those unprecedented steps and additional resources like silent seen in dispensing blowers and >> putting an end to the bad press surrounding the prison without actually address seen the harms. colette peters says no employees will lose their jobs with the closure and the women currently house. there will be transferred to other facilities without providing a timeline. we're defining the closure as permanent. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news tonight. the san jose police department says it is increasing patrols at local places of worship. >> as the conflict between israel and hamas escalate. this comes as a new report says that antisemitic incidents have increased. i-140 1% from 2020 here in the u.s. this is video from oakland's lake merritt back in december when vandals tossed a menorah in the lake and then in march, walnut creek city council meeting, it was
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disrupted by a man's anti-semitic rant. according to the anti-defamation league, there's been a spike in incidents after the october 7th attack on israel by hamas and israel's bombing in gaza. >> we need a whole society response to fight hate. we know there are far more allies cultures. >> the human rights organization released this map and it shows what they say are anti-semitic incidents all across the u.s. since october, 7th have recorded more than 3200 incidents in the past 6 months. a state bill that would have banned homeless encampments near schools and major transit stops has failed to pass in sacramento. >> the bill also banned camping on sidewalks of shelter. space is available. >> disappointing obviously. you know, we worked very hard to make this a bipartisan bill. i think senator
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catherine blakespear also from san is taking this issue seriously. and we it just shows us that we have a lot of work to do with the committee and with the voices in opposition that, you know, in my opinion, really don't understand the goal of the bill. it's not to criminalize homelessness. >> the bill is not completely dead yet. the state senator behind the bill was granted reconsideration, which means you can resubmit the bill for approval in the public safety committee. >> east bay rapper and philanthropist mistah fab has been giving back to the community now for years. last year, though, he opened up about his struggle with anxiety that led to the creation of fog therapy. it's an open forum for a man to share their mental health stories. stands for teaching helping uniting and guiding his goal is to create a safe space for men to express themselves without feeling vulnerable or feeling judged. >> i don't want people to just
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think that this is just on the black people can come. this is open up tall man of all walks of life. our our need to be convivial was something that should be put on the forefront. that is something that as needed for a person to be happy and to be expressive and to have the temerity encouraged to want to be happy. >> case you're interested and the group meets every other wednesday in town town. oakland's california ballroom. >> a decision to build housing on this big piece of land is being postponed. it sits between the city of concord and pittsburgh. the city of pittsburgh and a developer want to use the 600 acres to build homes. but organizations such as save mount diablo are blocking the plan saying they want another environmental review. attorneys for the developer say they've already sent environmental consultancy. the area who found their development plan would not affect plant species. officials will now decide whether or not to move forward with the project in june. the oakland ballers remain hopeful as the city council passes there revitalization plan.
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>> to the next step, the team wants to invest 1.6 million dollars into monday park for their 2024 spring season. the baller say that they want the park to be a central hub for community gatherings, outdoor activities and family friendly event. the city council's final decision will take place on april. 30th and the teams first home game is set for june 4th. oakland is honoring the oakland high school girls and the oakland technical high school boys for winning the c i f state championships for basketball. today, the alameda county board of supervisors wanted to recognize their hard work with official congratulate tory proclamations. the teams won state championships back in march. that was incredible. the boys and the girls winning state championships. all right. none of the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look at san mateo bridge tonight and lourdes here to give us an idea what to look
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out for tomorrow. yeah, boy, you know what? we've got some nice weather coming tomorrow. your 10 at 10 starts to get very interesting. again, i'll show you that in a moment. but out the door right now. >> working on nice night around the bay area that fog trying to creep in along the coastline. now we're going to see more of that as we head to early tomorrow morning, looking out toward the golden gate bridge right now. you've got a couple of patches trying to form out there right now be sliding in to the golden gate bridge overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. but yeah, big change today. we saw temperatures really kind of rebound warm up as much as 10 degrees warmer in concord, 10 degrees warmer little more today and is warmer in the battle. that is the trend that we're setting right now. we're going in the right direction after a very cold weekend. these temperatures warming up running above the average around most of the bay area. 67 degrees in downtown san francisco today. 71 in oakland, 77 in san jose. a beautiful 76 degrees in livermore. warm 77 in concord and 74. nice in santa rosa. all those numbers looking good. a getting warmer by tomorrow afternoon. tonight, a few high clouds moving up above will see that patchy fog form along the coastline and
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moving inside the bay tomorrow. sunny, a few high clouds up above, but these temperatures could be a little bit warmer. some places moving in the low 80's in the warmer spots inland in the santa clara valley. and then, yeah, we're going to peak the midweek and then we start to cool down just a little bit as we head toward the weekend. right now, though, looking good long range forecast. yeah, you've got a couple high clouds drifting overhead. otherwise we've got some nice weather right wednesday and thursday. i had a weak cold front. going to be a little bit closer this weekend. that may just be enough to cool down the temperatures. just a tad in the next week. well, that's where everything begins to change the clouds move back in. oh, my goodness. here we go. talk about a late season storm. this getting near the end of the month. and we could very well be returning some rain as we headed toward late next week. so let's enjoy that sunshine while we have about 70 degrees in the region tomorrow. is the acres there. shaking their heads. they give me thumbs down right now. yeah, they do not like the forecast. sorry, guys. i just called the way see it. temperatures in the 50's a loaded ghost in some spots inside the bay. you're going to find some warmer weather numbers warming up as you work your way down the peninsula. mid 70's, in fact. yeah. even
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some 70's 80's in the south bay by tomorrow afternoon, begun to see those numbers. sunny and bright, 8 degrees in pleasanton. 79 in dublin, 77 in hayward. and 75 degrees in orinda 80 in concord i'm feeling about 80 degrees in vacaville. so really nice weather around the bay area. just a little cooler along the coastline with that patchy fog. all right. here's your 10 10 for a nice weather the next couple days. slightly cooler on thursday. that will cool down just a little bit of the weekend. then we get into late next week. here you go. next thursday and friday. yeah, there's a chance of some about that. calm down, ok? i watching. you guys to go through this a good year. i said can you believe that? yeah. i can't happen. and happens. to i've seen it happen all the way into june. very excited about that thank you, lauren. thank you, new at 10 a brentwood police. they have arrested. >> 2 men from fairfield for stealing buckets of paint. the
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theft happened at a home depot. about 6 o'clock sunday evening. police say that daniel clark and thomas hodge used a magnetic that fisa, the activate security devices before stealing the buckets of paint. officers found several more buckets of paint in the truck along with cash. 4 people are safe tonight after their boat overturned off the coast of san francisco crews. scott sent to see about 5 miles outside the golden gate bridge today. >> all 4 people were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. >> a person got caught by the tides tonight. marshall beach in san francisco. the fire department issuing a they used that helicopter there to hoist the person to safety. the call was first put in about 6 o'clock tonight. an hour later, that person was safe
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and sound. the paramedics were able to stabilize the person's condition at the beach. but we now know that earthquakes, of course, can happen anytime here in the golden state pg and e's going to be hosting earthquake awareness events all throughout the month of april. today in san ramon, they showcased an earthquake simulator. it's a trailer. i'm showing you how a 7.5 earthquake fields by shaking rapidly this month pg and e is going hosting other events offering employees and the public with the information and specific earthquake risks in their area and tips on how to protect you and your family during. rylan practicing some rescue missions today using canines, san francisco fire crews teamed up with the chp and fema. >> demonstrate how they'd
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search for victims in a big earthquake. crews say the canines are the best way to try to find people in the rubble. >> expansion to the capabilities the fire department can utilize to deliver our mission to protect the lives of the people of san francisco. and so in this way, where bring our personnel firefighter paramedic morning canning. her search, canine barney and the resources of the california highway patrol's to work together to cops, things we couldn't have done on their own. the past. >> that's burning right there. good boy that he is. this week marks 118 years since a 19 0, 6, quake rocked san francisco. hope police got an extra snack tonight for she deserves it. that's right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 10. but stay tuned for kron for news at 11. first, though, it's sports night live kron four's. kate rooney is here with a look sometimes hears yes. how about a good night? i'm not used to my nba basketball watching
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over have to find some other storylines to be interested in science. sure, baseball, but it's just, you know, nothing's going to fill that and be a we're going to take you up to sacramento warriors playing for their lives tonight. >> kron 4 sports director jason dumas joins us. >> live from golden one center with post game reaction after the and we'll check in on the other western conference action of the day. lebron and the lakers against kind of upstart pelicans. that's all coming up next on sports night
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but for better temperatures, what would you do would in trouble now? what would you do? because car 6 that were not well, can't rebuild younger where they can't. it serious trouble. >> chuck is right. this time we could be watching the end of a dynasty in real time. welcome to sports night live. i'm kate rooney. a must-win game for the warriors tonight in sacramento. and of course, we've seen their way things go their way so many times over the years. but tonight that was not meant to be. let's head to sacramento warriors fans filing into golden one center hoping for doubles win against a tough kings team. win or go home


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