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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> our top story this half hour. the all-women's federal correctional institution in dublin will shut down. this follows years long abuse scandal at the prison, which
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includes the convictions and prison sentences for a former warden and chaplain kron four's philippe djegal reports about what happens next. >> and then abuse and poor living conditions have plagued federal correctional institution, dublin. now, just weeks after a u.s. district judge ordered the appointment and the special master to oversee the all-women prison in the east bay federal bureau of prisons director collect peters says the facility will be shuttered. this kind of a brat closure. >> feels like a total invasion of accountability to or by is incarcerated people. >> and at the candidates in a statement, peters says, quote, over the past several years at fci, dublthe fb o p has taken unprecedented steps and provided a tremendous amount of resources to address culture, recruitment and retention aging infrastructure and most critical employee misconduct despite these steps and resources. we have
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determined that fci, dublin is not meeting expected standards and that the best course of action is to close the facility. this decision is being made after ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of those unprecedented steps and additional resources for the inclusion in general is, of course something. i support it. >> but it needs to be accompanied releases and with community emily shapiro says instead from speaking with incarcerated people at the facility and survivors of the scandal. >> the announced closure has left inmates, family members and staff scrambling. >> shapiro has been a volunteer advocate for the california coalition for women, prisoners for 8 years and has been visiting inmates for the past 2 years. i've heard people inside. >> early yesterday morning, people were loaded onto buses and the total chaos and confusion that and pulled it was really scary for people.
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they were told they had like packed their belongings and they only have so much that they're allowed pack. so there are also told to just throw out that they can't pack. and, you know, the cost of commissaries, they expensive. and so they're deciding between like shampoo in photos of family elect peters says no employees will lose their jobs with the closure and the women currently housed there will be transferred to other facilities without providing a timeline. >> adding though, that the fb o p will try to keep them as close to the release locations as possible. peters did not elaborate when asked if the closure is permanent. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> and contra costa county congressman mark des-on-yay had this to say about the situation. the fact that we got to this point is deeply troubling. the top priorities must be the protection of the inmates and their constitutional rights, the job security of innocence staff
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and whistleblowers and supporting the local community goes on to say this closure does not right. the wrongs that occurred at the facility, which is why it is imperative that federal investigations continue. >> as the conflict in israel escalates, the san jose police department is increasing patrols at local places of worship. this will include increased patrol checks throughout the week. department says they closely monitor the situation locally to reassure the san jose community remains a safe place for everyone. antisemitic incidents have drastically increased in the united states and in northern california, according to the anti-defamation league incidents of assault, vandalism and harassment are up 140% from 2020. this is the highest level of incidents since the adl started tracking the data back in 1979, specifically anti-semitic incidents after october, 7th spiked dramatically in response to hamas attacks on israel. mark levine, the
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director of the adl says it's up to all of us to push back against hate. >> we need a whole society response to fight hate. we know there are far more allies to address this outpouring of hate and those who act to undermine american values. that's some great diverse team. rowdy and a multitude of cultures. >> the adl released this map showing anti-semitic incidents across the u.s. since october 7th. they've recorded more than 3200 incidents in the past 6 months. >> police are looking for them and you'll see here on your screen. they say he stole multiple packages off a porch in redwood city among the stolen packages. a $2000 wedding dress. but the bride was about to where this happened last thursday near adams street and madison avenue. if you recognize this guy, you're asked to contact police. 2 men have been charged after another man was killed while the pair was reportedly trying to get away from police. the contra costa county da's office says
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patrick sheckells from oakland faces 6 felony charges including murder. they also charged andrea albert ii of stockton with burglary, the da's office says last month the 2 men broke into el serino tobacco store and stole things when el serino police officers arrived. they say they chased the suspect who eventually got onto 5.80, near the bay bridge toll plaza. moments later, the truck police say shekels was driving, crashed into 2 other vehicles. leigh wiener was driving one of those other cars and he died at the scene. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters. the recount of the ballots cast in the congressional race to replace eshoo is well underway now. it's all happening because of the extraordinary tie between assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor. joe, some indian kron four's. catherine heenan is in the newsroom now with the latest on this recount. catherine? >> yeah, we talked to somebody with the santa clara county
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registrar of voters office, noel and some things have changed in recent days. for one thing, this is no longer of requests that somebody count all 150,000 plus votes by hand. the request has been changed to a machine vote that is faster and cheaper. still not cheap. >> estimated duration of this recount can last anywhere between one and 2 weeks. and we require a $12,000 deposit daily on the morning so that we can begin the yeah. each day. yeah, again, one to 2 weeks, 12,000, a day and additional fees can incur each state depending on what the requester wants examine. >> sounds like somebody has negotiated a slightly better deal because the daily cost was initially higher. the person who asked for the recount, jonathan padilla reportedly has ties to former san jose mayor sam liccardo.
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you know, he's already on the november ballot. they're not confirming that. padilla reportedly asked for the recount on behalf of evan low. lo's campaign says no way, not true. meantime, the fact that somebody and then low each got exact same number of votes, he's still considered amazing. even the people at the registrar's office. >> yeah, this is and extraordinary event yeah, they're unique we're just we're handling it day by day. yeah, it's interesting. that happened during solar eclipse. so lots of rare events happening. that's michael. >> i think that's michael having a little fun. the eclipse, not part of the official, a position of the office. san mateo county meantime confirms that workers are getting ballots ready for its recount. that is expected to begin tomorrow.
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>> mayor london breed continues her trip through china after a successful visit to southern china. she's expected to arrive in beijing later today where she will meet with local government leaders, ayr, china non airline executives. she'll then travel to shanghai to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the san francisco shanghai, sister city relationship. the mayors visit to china represents a monumental opportunity for san francisco to stimulate economic growth, expand the city's tourism and bolster diplomatic relations and cultural ties across the region. governor newsom was in marin county today signing a climate partnership with norway. the governor was joined by a norwegian delegation, including the nation's crown prince and norway's minister of trade and industry. the climate partnership is part of a framework for collaboration between california and norway to support climate action and
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to help both grow. both cup nations, economies. >> it's a point pride that we dominate the american solar week dominate in electric vehicles were dominating on battery storage. we're proud of that leadership and we want to see that we will not see that regardless of the prevailing winds. my one political comment regardless the prevailing winds nationally, california is from in advancing its environmental strategies and its environmental leadership. >> addressing criminal justice and prison reform was also part of today's agreement with norway. the governor spent time with the norwegian delegation at san quentin discussing the changes being made there at the prison and part based on norway's prison system. >> saw some pretty good rain over the weekend here. things have cleared up nicely, but now the rest of the country is getting in on yeah, they're probably jealous of us over here. lawrence, thanks. so scary night ahead for a lot of folks of the country's midsection. remember that cold
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storm? >> they came across the bay area this past weekend. well, it's migrating all the way across in the central plains now. and boy, they are getting hit hard by some stormy weather there. you can see that big area of low pressure swirling around out ahead of it. we've got some major thunderstorms now just a growing and popping up and that warm afternoon and evening air. you can see the watch boxes. those tornado watches, a possibly affecting that area. in fact, there's been numerous reports of some dangerous weather out. there are numerous reports of funnel clouds, even some tornadoes and all along that path. you're seeing these large thunderstorms developing and you get these very strong gusty winds with some of the system. so gust to 55 miles an hour. some of those thunderstorms, of course, some scary, a funnel clouds, even tornadoes. they reported one near salem that would be picked up on the doppler radar, doing some damage there as well. so very scary night ahead for them and more of that activity all the way. so this is going to continue to make its way eastward throughout the evening hours as the sunset, you can lose some of the energy for some of those storms. but likely see
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some thunderstorms continuing throughout the night tonight. a tornado watches across much of cedar rapids, davenport, dubuque, iowa city, as well as we're going to see those storms continuing the head eastward. a live forecast for tomorrow shows the areas possible severe weather again for tomorrow to get the planes fall right in that category. getting closer to chicago by tomorrow afternoon. we're seen as a big clash in air masses. you've got the cold air on the backside. you've got that high there. 39 in casper. then you get the lincoln. you're 72. so big difference in air masses there. watch out for more storms tomorrow. beautiful green had decision to build on. >> this land is being postponed this is the lows mid down those ridgeline here. it's it's between concord and pittsburgh in the east bay, the city of pittsburgh and a developer want to use the 600 or so acres here to build 1500 unit development. but organizations like save mount diablo are trying to block the
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plan saying they want another environmental review. but attorneys for the developer say they've already sent environmental consultants to the area who found their development plan would not affect plant species. officials now will decide whether to move forward with this project at their next meeting on june. 12th. >> coming up, the first group of jurors have been selected in former president trump's criminal hush money trial. what he had to say as it all what he had to say as it all moves forward. ss.
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>> a bill that would have banned homeless encampments
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from specific areas has failed within the state senate. the bill would have led to a ban on camping within 500 feet of schools, open spaces and major transit stops as well as a ban on camping on sidewalks of shelter. space is available. it would also required cities or counties to give 3 days notice before clearing an encampment. >> disappointing obviously, you know, we worked very hard to make this a bipartisan bill. i think as senator catherine blakespear also from san is taking this issue seriously. and we it just shows us that we have a lot of work to do with the committee and with the voices in opposition that, you know, in my opinion, really don't understand the goal of the bill. it's not to criminalize homelessness. michael. >> the bill is not completely dead. just yet, though state senator behind it was granted reconsideration, which means you can resubmit that bill for approval in the public safety committee. >> state senator dave cortese is introducing a bill today to
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expand data centers in silicon valley. he says the bill will help sustain the growth of silicon valley's technology sector by expanding data centers across the state. he says we do not have enough of the center's to meet the growing demand of the industry, adding that streamlining the approval process for data centers will help california's tech industry continue to grow and stay competitive. >> today, california attorney general rob bonta hosting a roundtable discussion with los angeles community leaders highlighting ongoing efforts to preventing gun violence and identifying best practices to help keep community safe. his focus was on equipping locals with the tools necessary to stop the shooting before it happens as well as implementing rules working in other cities. >> so often after a tragic, horrific mass shooting. we we hear interviews of of family members or co-workers or folks, you know, the person and they say often, you know, there's you know, this is not a total surprise to me. i saw something that was off. i saw
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something that was wrong. and if that person was empowered and have the education and awareness and had a great gun violence restraining order program san diego has maybe that could have prevented one of those tragic mass shootings. and if we can prevent those, we shut. >> no word yet on when these practices could take effect or be presented for consideration. >> the first 7 jurors for donald trump's hush money trial have been chosen. lawyers for both sides spent the day grilling the jury pool about their social media posts, political views and personal lives. the trial centers on accusations that the former president legally falsified business records as part of a hush money scheme to cover up and alleged affair with star stormy daniels strike before the 2016 presidential election. as he walked into court today. the former president once again denied the accusations
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>> that's exactly what it was. >> 11 more people still need to be selected for the jury before opening statements could begin. >> let's get you a check of the forecast now taking a live look at walnut creek there in the east bay. there's a little bit of traffic going on. >> a little backup that nice weather. if you have to sit, they can even cracked window, lawrence, because the weather, it's like san diego out there. yeah. how about that? i mean, really, really comfortable out around the bay area now is you've got a lot of sunshine. temperatures soaring the upper 70's around parts of bay area today. i think even warmer as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. so nice weather ahead. looks like over the next few days. probably going to see the peak of the heat this week will start to cool down just a little bit. but gorgeous out there. boy, look at the bridge right now. beautiful out there. the sailboats out there enjoying that beautiful weather as well. a little sea breeze to fill up those sales to go
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along with that, too. but nothing 2 strong a really looking like a nice evening outside toward the golden gate bridge. she got a nice evening out there as well. couple high clouds up above absence of that couple patches of fog kind of flirt with the golden gate bridge this afternoon. but they backed off some of that. we'll see more of that as we head throughout the night tonight, highs today topped out at 67 degrees, warming up in the san francisco. 71 in oakland, 77 in san jose. 76 degrees in livermore. 77 in concord and 74 degrees. just a beautiful day in santa rosa. tonight. should be pretty nice. couple high clouds up above that. patchy fog down below. otherwise. tomorrow you're going to see a mixture of sunshine and high clouds. but temperatures going to be a little bit warmer as high pressure is going to strengthen. and yet we're warming up to the middle of this week. then cooling down just a little bit into the weekend. but staying dry. all right. here it is. high pressure trying to build in overhead. that means we're going to be a little more of a northerly wind kicktng in. and that usually means probably a warm things up just a couple more degrees dry across the state looking good so far. it's going to stay that way to as we head toward the weekend. that's kind of a big change to see numerous storm just kind
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of roll over the weekend. so a good part of the year, but high pressure overhead as we get toward tomorrow. not a bad day. thursday, 2 more high clouds begin to drift on by as we get the weekend. not bad. just a couple passing clouds and week cold front but staying dry this weekend. that's something we want to see. we haven't seen much of that to get out and enjoy on the weekend the days that's for sure. temperatures tomorrow about 70 in the mission. 69 downtown san francisco, a couple patches along the coastline, keeping it cooler there inside the bay, though, beautiful 72 in sunny in burlingame. 79 in san carlos. 76 in mount, you've got 70's and 80's in the south bay tomorrow afternoon. so here we go, running up on some nice numbers as we look toward the afternoon tomorrow, probably going to be the peak of the heat. then watch this cool down by maybe a degree or 2, but not by much on thursday. so really some nice weather ahead here. cooling down a little bit more as we get to friday as we look toward this weekend, staying dry the following weekend. i can't say that. start look at the chance of you can believe some more cold showers coming our way. so let's just enjoy the stretch. while we to get into may. that's right. that
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is getting late late in the season. yeah, i mean >> if you give us a couple of weeks, you know, a little shower here and there, but you don't mind every weekend. that's that's what kind of ruins of explains. yeah. get out this weekend. well, coming up next, thought therapy oakland rapper mistah fab joined us on kron 4 e rlier today talk about how he's providing a safe space for black men to support each other. stick with
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>> i don't comedian and actor
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kevin hart has announced a new stand-up comedy tour acting my age. he's got it. big show oakland coming up. and this is going to be pretty intimate, which is not normal. he says it is night or any one of the kind of switch things up created more inclusive into environment by connecting with the audience better. the show will be at the paramount in oakland friday, october, 25th. that's going to be hard to presale tickets start being sold tomorrow. so good luck. >> meantime, east bay rapper entrepreneur and philanthropist mistah fab has been giving back to the community. of course, for years now last year he opened up about his struggle with debilitating anxiety, which is now led to the creation of fog therapy. open forum for black men to share their mental health stories. dog stands for teaching helping uniting and guiding his goal is to create a safe space for men to express themselves without
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feeling vulnerable or feeling judged. the program is open to all men. >> i don't want people to just think that this is just on the black people can come. this is open up tall man of all walks of life. our our need to be convivial was something that should be put on the forefront. that is something that as needed for a person to be happy and to be expressive and to have the temerity encouraged to want to be happy. >> clearly well attended this video here. the grouprmeets every other wednesday. you can find out more information on our website. kron 4 dot com that's always helping out every different, you know, group. he's helping young girls. while it's great to see giving away turkeys backpacks, right? name it. and i'm sure today's going to watch the worriers. is a bigger doves fan. >> he saw his jersey. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. vicki and ken are here with more. know. well, grant, here's what we're working on for kron. 4 news at 6. >> one day after the alameda county registrar confirmed
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that there weren't enough signatures to move forward with the recall of pamela price. we hear for prices campaign on what they plan to do to fight that recall. plus, the union representing pilots for american airlines is warning about a surge in safety and maintenance issues. we have details and what they are saying and how the airline is responding to that. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6.


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