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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> welcome back. taking a live look now at a calm golden gate bridge. as we've been covering all evening, a huge traffic mess put a halt to this morning's commute into the city and out of the city with protesters shutting down the golden gate bridge completely. here's a look at that. about 3 hours in authorities started making arrests. the demonstrators there were protesting the war in gaza. dozens of activists stopped their cars and blocked all southbound lanes demanding the u.s. stop arming and funding israel. more than 20 people were arrested at golden gate bridge earlier today. >> and in the east bay, there were several protests along 80 in oakland. this is video from this morning showing the scene near the embarcadero exit. he
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had 7 protesters chaining themselves to 55 gallon drums that they'd filled with concrete. it took several hours to remove the protesters and reopen the stretch of roadway. the chp arrested those 7 people. but that was not the only place in oakland where protesters were affecting the freeway just about a mile away. they also blocked all southbound lanes and the on ramp to 8.80, from 7th street. those protesters have all since dispersed. >> and we're just getting some breaking news. and there is a new protest tonight that just popped up. this one is at. >> a tesla factory in fremont kron four's jack molmud is there live. >> with the latest on this protest. jack. >> that's right, folks. we're not quite at the tesla headquarters yet. we're actually at the warm springs bart station here. this is where we heard where the protest was going to start today and through what we're
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hearing on social media was going to move from the warm springs park station here in fremont down to that tesla headquarters there. now, as you guys were saying, this is the 3rd major protests we've seen throughout the bay area today. first will be on the golden gate. then 80 near oakland and that now here at the bart station, the warm springs, bart station here in fremont now looking at social media post, people organizing this bay, we're going make their way down to the tesla headquarters. people have been gathering here at the parking lot at the warm springs, bart station for the last maybe about 45 minutes or numbering about maybe 2, 3, maybe 4 dozen people. and again, like i said, be working to make their way down to the tesla headquarters, we're going to be working to find out more information about the reasoning behind the tesla headquarters this march gets underway here. i'm looking like making some motions right now. maybe still waiting for some last-minute people to show up. but like i said, been to make their way from the warm springs bart station right here down to here in
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fremont down to the tesla headquarters where they plan to march that, like i said, we'll be looking to find more details for now. we'll send it back to you guys. >> how far are the 2 from each other's this along walker? >> it doesn't look like a long walk at all. so if you look at the and i know the sun is a bit harsh right now. but if you look at the warm springs, bart station right here, it's hard to get to the tesla headquarters because you have all the bart station tracks here that the trains run on. but there is an off-ramp. once you get the bart station there that people can walk behind through seemingly a residential neighborhood may be about it less than a half-mile. even down to the tesla headquarters actually walking above the bart station. you could see the tesla headquarters from there. so it's really not going to be that long of a walk it off. >> it seems like large group already. and they're just waiting for more folks to start that walk. is that what you're hearing? >> that's mainly what i'm again, social media notes from what we're seeing is that the planning to march from here to the headquarters, most of us
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to start around 5.30, been about 5 minutes now. so it does look like they're still waiting for some more people show up. >> what's the tried to ask them questions. are they willing to talk or they clear about what their mission is here? >> right? that's right. so we did try talking to a few people beforehand before this protest started. and so far nobody has been wanting to talk just yet, but that remains to be seen as march goes on, we end up getting to talk to some folks moving some of rationale behind protesting at headquarters. but you can see right here behind me, they're starting to do the chance, their chanting free palestine. if you could hear i will let you guys with for a quick
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>> from more. >> appreciate that is as we hear what they're chanting and jakobi sign there says no tech for genocide. as jack was saying is trying to figure out exactly >> what the purpose is there for them going towards tesla today. there big push obviously tax day. they wanted to put a stop 2 funding going to the war from the u.s. government. so >> definitely a smaller and it seems aggressive approach here today at this protest compared to the ones that were blocking all of the traffic earlier today. but obviously they're trying to make their stance as well. yeah, conventional wisdom would lead you to believe that tesla is a symbol of >> money and commerce in this country and that would be the reason why they targeted on this sort of coordinated day
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of action in that regard. well, these pro-palestinian protests, happening not just here in the bay but around the country around the world in chicago, traffic to o'hare international airport has resumed after a pro-palestinian, group of protesters blocked ramps to o hare towards the domestic terminals there. some people try to make their flight. some of them got out and he's walked. chopper video shows the backup here. the protests were to demand immediate and permanent cease-fire in gaza. >> passengers traveling there to o'hare were forced to get out of their cars as grant was just saying they were walking to the airport to try and make their flights. o'hare warns travelers traffic along one 90 there to the airport may be substantially delayed, urged them to consider some alternative routes to the airport. stick with kron 4, of course, especially on a day like today on air and online for continuing coverage of the protests. you can download the free kron 4 app to get push
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alerts sent directly to your mobile device. when news breaks. >> but whether time here as we get a live look there at the san mateo bridge, beautiful night here in the bay area. sun still shining at this hour, lawrence, what's going yeah. looking good out there right now across the country. of course, the storms march through california and they had the east and this where they can start to cause a bit of trouble. in fact, we may see some severe weather breaking out as we head in toward the next couple of days. here's a look at these storms making the way one across the rockies. now you can see one further south into texas town causing some issues this evening. in fact, the watch for the possibility of some tornadoes as you make your way in abilene. the further north san angelo and sweet water, too. so places they're under current watch right now behind that. well, we've got some very cold air making its way in across the rockies right now. and you can see that storm kind of spinning around. this is the same storm that came to california's couple of days ago now bringing some cold air and guess what? they've got some a winter storm warnings
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up across parts of the rockies there much of colorado to the north of behind that. we've got winter weather advisories in the utah and out ahead of this system. well, they're going to see some very gusty winds and red flag warnings going up across the plains. so there's a lot going on across the country right now. a severe weather, real possibility as you head across u.s. tomorrow, especially in the central plains of storms, kind of rolling out of the rockies in the central plains and that's where they're going to meet up with that warm air coming out of the south and the cold air behind it really kind of a right there through a kansas, the central plains, nebraska could see some severe weather there. more tornadic activity, a real possibility by tomorrow afternoon temperatures. yeah, we're looking good as we head toward tomorrow. how about this? you're talking about 80's across the deep south. 88 degrees in dallas, 78 kansas city. then you got that cold air behind it. you're looking at. 43 might not 60 degrees warming up, though, in casper. nice weather headed out and about if you're traveling around the bay area, not bad.
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looking good at sfo. some slight delays there. do some construction but across the country so far, so slice open and clear. guys, back to you. chaos and oakland as several sideshows happened over the weekend. police say 52 citations were given. >> 21 cars were towed and 3 arrests were made. the fire. their video shows cars doing donuts at intersections and they're shooting fireworks into the air as well. 2 cars at least were set on fire. local police say the sideshows broke out at several locations. >> officers blocked the road near one of the sideshows where a car forced its way through a line of police cruisers. >> at a family run jewelry store in oakland is working to get back on their feet after a violent robbery video from last wednesday shows several guys wearing masks, armed with guns, smashing glass cases,
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ransacking, phone, jewelry. the robbers then took off when the owner's husband came out with his own gun. the owner's son says most of the stores inventory was taken. >> this robbery and you know that this past was it was probably one of the most brazen never before. we've had 8. jewels rush that the business get away cars, we worked really hard for everything we've got, but we're going to be some type times. they were able to get in it when we get back on own 2 feet. we're going to get back. we're going to get back to the community. >> folks who re has been in oakland's chinatown since the 1980's. the family says they're thankful for the outpouring of community support over the past week or so ago. fund me is raising money to help the family rebuilt the business. >> new details tonight about a deadly shooting in napa over the weekend. the victims were a 17 year-old girl and a 19 year-old woman. the shooting happened just after 8 saturday night on riverside drive.
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police say when they got to the scene, they found the victims in the street. one died there. the other at the hospital officers say a black car was seen leaving the scene. anyone with information is asked to contact napa pd. >> tomorrow convicted killer scott peterson is set to be back in a redwood city courtroom. this will be the first of 3 hearings in an effort to get his conviction overturned. peterson was convicted in 2004 of the murder of his wife, laci and their unborn child. he has maintained his innocence. he's serving life in prison earlier this year. the los angeles innocence project which takes on cases is that it believes led to wrongful convictions. they took on peterson's case lawyers. there are asking a judge to approve new dna testing and that evidence is being reexamined. >> kron four's your local election headquarters and the race for congressional district 16 is being recounted
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starting today. this is a congresswoman and as shoes old seat. sam liccardo came in first. there and then lo and joe submitting and tied for second say both have 16.6% of the vote. each it could take up to 5 days for this recount to be finished. meantime, southern california senator steven bradford has launched a campaign for lieutenant governor in 2026. senator bradford has served in the senate since 2016 previously served in the assembly as well as on the gardena city council. he was also a member of california's reparations task force. senator bradford says he believes his background as a fighter within the legislature will help him in this run for lieutenant governor if elected senator bradford would be just the second black person to hold this role. california attorney general rob bonta and secretary of state shirley weber are suing the city of huntington beach over new voter id requirements approved by voters in the march
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primary. the measure allows the city to require voters to show id when voting in person starting in 2026. bonta and weber argue the measure violates state law and would make it harder for some people to vote. >> they have taken action to violate the law. state of california in a way intentional. a brazen will be subject to be accountability the action that we're taking in court today. >> in a statement, huntington beach city attorney michael gates responded with this. quote, the people of huntington beach of made their voice is clear on this issue and the people's decision on the march 5th ballot measures for election integrity is final. to that end, the city will vigorously uphold and defend the will of the people. >> coming up, an unlikely partnership in push for the bill creating more transparency for youth transparency for youth treatment facilities.
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♪♪ >> welcome back. across the country, hundreds of business and political leaders from the california state capital region are in washington, d.c., this week working to secure federal dollars and resources for backup. this is all part of the annual cap to cap conference time wallace is traveling with the delegation. has a look at some of the priorities. attendees are focused on. >> well, hello from washington, d.c., and on the second full day of cap to cap. let me tell you, it was a busy one. attendees met with members of congress and other high-profile government officials all to address key
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issues. we faced back home. >> kicking off the day with the plots. more than 420 business and political leaders from california's capital region. now in washington, d.c., for the fifty-second annual capital to capital advocacy conference also known as kept a cat. organized by the sacramento metropolitan chamber of commerce. the four-day event includes more than 170 meetings with influential government leaders all with the end goal to secure billions of dollars in federal funding for back home. this is the place to be. let's invent the future. adressing the delegation. sacramento congressmember ami bera spoke about the need for economic development during a one-on-one interview. he said that must include a push to ensure money from the 1.2 trillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure law of 2021. continues to fund local projects for bridges, roadways and green technology does federal dollars. we want to make sure we bring that back to california. bringing back to sacramento to la to san
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diego and those they think of those cities, cap to cap attorneys are asking for more federal resources to help with an issue in communities and on sidewalks like this one across the state. >> the issue of homelessness were in an urgent all need to address this issue. lisa bates is the ceo of sacramento steps forward. a nonprofit organization working to get resources to people experiencing homelessness. she's pushing members of congress to extend tax credits for low income at-risk families. >> and for tax credits to incentivize the creation of more affordable housing housing with services are instrumental able to to move people out permanently out of homelessness. in total, the conference includes 13 policy groups. each focused on a different issue from flood protection to education to food and agriculture also included the issue of public safety and specifically a plea r for help to address retail theft. >> devastating, i mean, this could literally bankrupt the
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business. >> why are businesses leaving open in san francisco? why are they leaving san diego? why are they leaving california? because other retail theft crisis, needs to be addressed. and speaking of public safety. >> as we approach the summer months, attendees are seeking additional federal resources to help with force management and fire protection. the threat of wildfires significant alice down coviello as a council member of the city of auburn, a city nestled in the foothills of the sierra nevada. she says it's crucial for the federal government to do its part in the state where it owns more than half a public forested lands. it's important that we continue to maintain that partnership that we have with the federal government to work. >> collaboratively with them to ensure these lands are resilient help make sure that we're out in front of ready to respond when emergency happens. and looking ahead to tomorrow, the delegation is expected to hear directly from steve case. he's an entrepreneur and co-founder. >> of aol reporting from washington, tom wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> thanks. 8 paris. hilton was in sacramento today advocating for a bill that would bring more accountability to youth treatment facilities in california. that bill was authored by bakersfield republican senator shannon grove. if approved youth treatment facilities licensed by the state would be required to publicly post info related to the use of restraints and seclusion rooms online. hilton has been open about her experience at similar facilities and has in the past testified before congress about it. bills currently on the senate side of the legislature and has bipartisan support. >> let's get you a check of your forecast filed time for this hour. taking a live look across san francisco while the sun is really shining, almost looks like blown out their >> we can't control the iris or else we lawrence is here with a look at the is i guess it's apropos the extended forecast. going to go. i would get out those sunglasses get
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out that not those t-shirts and shores. here we go. we're getting back some pretty weather again as high pressure going to take over. looks like we're done with the cold weather for now. we're going to really start warming up over the next couple of days. so temperatures going to be very, very nice. we see any cool weather probably right along the water's edge. you see a little bit of patchy fog there right now. nice and clear toward the golden gate bridge so far. so good looking good out there today. highs. yep. a little bit below the average 60 degrees in san francisco. 60. >> in oakland, 69 degrees in san jose. 67 right at the average in lemore. 69 in concord and 70 degrees and nice and santa rosa. we're going to warm up a lot from here now overnight tonight, starry skies, just a couple of patches of fog. then tomorrow, mostly sunny and some warm temperatures developing in the bay area. well, in the 70's in spots inland, i think we're going to watch these temperatures peak about the middle of the week with some numbers up in the 80's. how about that up there right now? not a bad evening for you in san jose at 68 degrees. 67. nice evening. and from a little cool co-signed right now, the sea breeze blowing just a bit. 59 in san
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francisco. 64 degrees in nap and 64 also in petaluma. but yeah, we're going to see the change now. high pressure just beginning to sneak in overhead as that ridge builds in. that will clear out your skies. little more of a northerly component to the wind developing in the next couple days. so we'll see some patchy fog, but at least not widespread for tomorrow. high pressure kind of slipping as that ridge builds in. we're going to warm things up around the bay area, especially away from the coastline. fact, lonely forecast looks very, very nice. yeah, we're going to send a jet stream well to the north. that's going to keep us nice and dry. couple high clouds going pass overhead from time to time throughout the week. but i'm not really some nice weather looking out over the next few days. that in mind yet we've got some good weather come our way. and it's about time as we'll see plenty of sunshine in the bay area. mid-sixties in the san francisco for tomorrow about 57 still cool on the coastline in pacifica. 69. nice in millbrae, beautiful 73 in san carlos. also on the mountain view, the south bay enjoying lots of sunshine tomorrow afternoon. well into the 70's in many spots there about 76 degrees
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in lemore. 74 in hayward, 71 degrees and landed about 72 rendon. 77 degrees in concord. so really as you make your way to the interior valleys are going to start warming up. maybe some 80's as we head in toward the following day. so here we go out of the next few days. we've got a lot of sunshine coming your way. warmer weather through mid-week that slowly cooling down just a little bit. but staying dry into the weekend. all right. thanks, lawrence. so portion of crow canyon road is going to be closed through august. >> for road work, at least during the day. the road is scheduled to be closed between 08:00am and 05:00pm for reconstruction and replacement of 3 cross culverts drivers should avoid the area during those hours. obviously, officials recommend people traveling between castro valley and san ramon. take 5.80, or 60 instead. weed week. >> it's officially kicked off in san francisco will hear in san francisco will hear from the creator himself next. .
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>> a weed week is officially underway in san francisco. the event highlights 7 licensed lounges in stores over the next 5 days until for 20 kron. 4 spoke with the creator of weed week. >> i support that people instantly certainly know is one of the only place in the world that my the entertainment
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>> mayor london breed says she expects the weeklong event to bring a big economic boost too. the city a full list of weed week offenses on our website. >> kron 4 dot com. sounds like the ping pong get there's a raffle or something. there's probably a lot like we said there's a lot of events so might want to check it out. >> that's it for kron. 4 news at 5. vicki is joining in. sure. there's lots of food. dining district perspective from yeah. yeah. take care all right. all right. here's what we're working on for 6 we're learning more about protesters who >> shut down the golden gate bridge in portions of i-80 during the morning commute and just the last 30 minutes, another protest is broken out this time in fremont. >> where demonstrators are apparently heading to the tesla plant. we'll have the very latest in a live report. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. thanks for joining us on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. after day of cease-fire protest bringing traffic to a complete stop on. >> some of the bay area's


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